The Universe is…

The Universe is….. Name: _______________________

All matter, including earth, galaxies, and intergalactic space.

Big Bang: An idea about how the universe could have formed.

The Big Bang Theory says that the universe was originally a_______________________________. An _________________occurred and all matter is moving outward from the center and is still moving outward and _______________________ today. Evidence for the Big Bang Theory:

___________________________- Expansion of the Universe

_____________________________- energy that is given off by all objects in space. The energy could be left over from the Big Bang.

___________________- old objects at the edge of the universe.

Doppler Effect

The Doppler Effect is the apparent change in wavelength of ___________ or ___________when an object is moving towards or away from you.

How the Doppler Effect Works: If a train comes towards you, its sound waves get compressed and get _____________. (You hear a higher pitch.)

If it moves _____________ from you, the wavelength_____________, and you hear a lower pitch.

The Doppler Effect also applies to light:

If an object in space is moving ______________us, its wavelength______________, and the light shifts towards the ___________end of the color spectrum.

If an object is moving ______________from us, its wavelength________________, and the light shifts towards the ______________ end of the color spectrum.

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What the Doppler Effect shows us…Matter in the universe has a RED SHIFT, which shows it is moving away from us. Therefore, it appears that the universe is expanding. The Big Bang could have caused this expansion.

What do Quasars indicate….

If the Big Bang really happened, the oldest objects should be at the ___________ of the universe.

__________________ are very old objects that give off large amounts of energy located at the edge of the Universe.


After the Big Bang, ____________________attracted objects to each other, and they clumped together to form GALAXIES.

There are three types of Galaxies: ________________, _________________, _________________.


Spiral Galaxies

Have spiral shapes. Contain _____________________________between stars.

Elliptical Galaxies

Shaped like a________________.

________________________: Very little dust and gas.

Irregular Galaxies

Have no specific shape. Contain some dust and gas.

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What type of Galaxy do we live in? _________________________

Hubble Telescope

Hubble telescope a telescope that _________________the earth outside our atmosphere.

It provides us with many of the ____________________we have of space.

It is an especially useful telescope because it does not have to view things through our ________________.

*Use a search engine on a computer to find and view some amazing Hubble pictures.


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