Name of Organization“Title of Educational Activity”Date of educational activityEVALUATIONThe planning committee would like your opinion and comments on this educational activity. This will assist in planning future activities. Please exchange your completed evaluation form for a certificate of completion at the end of the activity. Remove all red instructional text before using!MEASUREMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: (These are examples of common measures for learning outcomes. If there are more than 2 outcomes, copy and paste additional lines)As a result of this activity, I have an increased knowledge about (insert a learning outcome here and modify the sentence to be grammatically correct): ? Yes ? NoIf NO, please explain: As a result of this activity, I have an increased confidence in my ability to (insert a learning outcome here and modify the sentence to be grammatically correct): ? Yes ? NoIf NO, please explain: As a result of this activity, please share at least one action you will take to change your professional practice/ performance: WHEN INCLUDING SMALL GROUP ACTIVITIESDo you feel that the small group activity was an effective way to practice using the material presented?? Yes ? NoIf NO, why not? WHEN UTILIZING AN IN-ACTIVITY POSTTESTI attest that I answered at least 4 of the 5 posttest questions correctly when graded by my neighbor ? Yes ? NoIf NO, why do you think you were unable to achieve a passing score? Measurement of learning outcomes and additional elements is required, but planning committees may choose to include other optional questions such as those below:QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION: (if multiple presenters, evaluate the following for each speaker/presenter individually)Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Presenter #1 Name, Credentials (replace with actual)ExcellentGoodFairPoorKnowledge of subjectOrganization and clarity of contentEffectiveness of teaching methodsThis presentation was free from commercial bias.? Yes ? NoIf no, please explain:Comments:QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION:Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Presenter #2 Name, Credentials (replace with actual)ExcellentGoodFairPoorKnowledge of subjectOrganization and clarity of contentEffectiveness of teaching methodsThis presentation was free from commercial bias.? Yes ? NoIf no, please explain:Comments:What suggestions do you have for improving this activity?What suggestions do you have for future activities that would improve your nursing practice or professional development?General comments about the program:2903220717867500 ................

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