|E S P P Al G. Manning, Founder 970-462-4065 |

|EEE S PPPPP esplab@ |

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|E S P PO Box 2883 |

|EEEEE SSSS P DuRAngo, CO 81302-2883 |

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|Sami MERLYN Rose, president A Service of Spiritual Science Full Moon June 4, 2012 |

|Copyright: ESP Lab® All Rights Reserved 6-04-12 |


|by Sami Rose and Al Manning |

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|Today is the day of the FULL MOON! My how time flies!! And each one of us gets to cope with the experience of the day, the night and each moment-- as we move through the |

|changes of time. A number of factors shape each moment… and since we are each unique (like everyone else) our personal take of reality and our experience of it, is |

|different for each one of us. |

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|Sometimes, when I consider the Celestial Weather-- the influences of the planets and stars on our daily life experience-- I think of the energies they represent as a |

|tapestry. By this I mean each influence is like a thread woven into a greater cloth. Like today… |

|FULL MOON-- brings everything to a head 5:12 am |

|LUNAR ECLIPSE-- makes folks feel disconnected; primal man is challenged 5:12 am |

|MOON square Mars-- temper tantrums and road rage, accidents, fist-a-cuffs 8:22 am |

|MOON opposing Venus-- Heart break, heart ache, domestic challenge 9:02 am |

|VENUS square Mars-- fight between the perfect lovers, battle of opposites 6:29 pm |

|MOON opposing Mercury-- restless, excitable minds with communication challenges 11:08 pm |

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|And did I mention, Venus is still Retrograde? LOL |

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|I would count today as a day of caution!! Of course, each one of us will process this series of INFLUENCEs differently. I also note that the great psychic Edgar Cayce, |

|the "sleeping prophet" would consider astrology relevant, but "subservient to the will of man!" |

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|With today's overview of the Cosmic Weather, today could be considered a day of challenge… with a lunar eclipse during the fullness of the moon, etc, etc. No matter what |

|is going on in your personal movie… we have to make the most of it, persevere, push forward with a positive attitude… and live our days and our nights fully. At least that|

|is the option I choose, as I believe, the positive attitude is the winning attitude and since our thoughts shape our personal realities it is good for us to have good |

|thoughts!! |

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|And without some challenges to overcome it is easy to stagnate. So let's celebrate the challenges as our personal opportunities for growth and positive evolution. After |

|all, this is one major reason we incarnate in the first place is to evolve through growth to the next level. As our founder and friend Al Manning put it: |

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|"We all encounter at least an occasional bump in the road - that's a good time for a strong accentuate the positive thank you thoughtform. Let's do it with a picture of |

|your/our ongoing Spirit Party with Ishtar and Bast doing a duet of You gotta accentuate the positive. When we were younger it was fun to tease the next line - you gotta |

|spread joy up to the maximum - the tease was joy who?? Anyhow any time you hit a seemingly serious bump in your life road, this picture will present itself to your mind's |

|eye along with the delightful old song. Enjoy & let it help you get enough perspective to find the good in it. Like the little kid with the pitchfork shoveling manure. |

|"With all this horse manure there must be a pony in here somewhere." Keep your positive sense of humor; keep going forward and you'll keep winning." |

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