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Junior Doctor’s Handbook : PDSA Cycle 1-9525210185To improve the transition period for new junior doctors to NHS Tayside through creation of a Junior Doctor’s Handbook to provide information and practical advice on day to day life as a junior doctor, and to implement this by August 2015.To survey junior doctors prior to the implementation of the handbook to establish what information they wished they had known prior to starting work and what information they would like to see included in a handbook. 00To improve the transition period for new junior doctors to NHS Tayside through creation of a Junior Doctor’s Handbook to provide information and practical advice on day to day life as a junior doctor, and to implement this by August 2015.To survey junior doctors prior to the implementation of the handbook to establish what information they wished they had known prior to starting work and what information they would like to see included in a handbook. Aim: What are you trying to accomplish?0207645To send a questionnaire to Foundation Year 1 (FY1) doctors prior to the launch of the Junior Doctor’s Handbook to assess what information they wished they had known prior to starting work, and also what information they would like to see included in a handbook.00To send a questionnaire to Foundation Year 1 (FY1) doctors prior to the launch of the Junior Doctor’s Handbook to assess what information they wished they had known prior to starting work, and also what information they would like to see included in a handbook.Plan: What will your test be?0200660Information and practicalities specific to working as a junior doctor in NHS Tayside will be highlighted as information that is essential to be included in a handbook.Those completing the survey will agree that a Junior Doctor’s Handbook would be an invaluable resource for them and for new doctors arriving to NHS Tayside.00Information and practicalities specific to working as a junior doctor in NHS Tayside will be highlighted as information that is essential to be included in a handbook.Those completing the survey will agree that a Junior Doctor’s Handbook would be an invaluable resource for them and for new doctors arriving to NHS Tayside.Prediction: What do you think will happen as a result of your test?0187960All Foundation Year 1 doctors who started working in NHS Tayside from August 2014 were invited to partake in an online questionnaire regarding how prepared they felt on starting work, which areas they felt unprepared with and what information they would have liked to know prior to starting work.97% of those surveyed felt that a handbook would have been useful for starting work. Participants felt they were unprepared in utilizing computer programmes, performing administrative tasks, handing over information and making referrals.Numerous suggestions for information to be included in the handbook were given.00All Foundation Year 1 doctors who started working in NHS Tayside from August 2014 were invited to partake in an online questionnaire regarding how prepared they felt on starting work, which areas they felt unprepared with and what information they would have liked to know prior to starting work.97% of those surveyed felt that a handbook would have been useful for starting work. Participants felt they were unprepared in utilizing computer programmes, performing administrative tasks, handing over information and making referrals.Numerous suggestions for information to be included in the handbook were given.Do: What happened when you carried out your test?0215900Our results were in keeping with what was predicted in that nearly all of those surveyed felt that a handbook containing key information topics relating to their new job would be essential to have prior to starting work as new doctors. Improving induction to NHS Tayside in the form of a Junior Doctor’s Handbook would therefore improve patient safety. 00Our results were in keeping with what was predicted in that nearly all of those surveyed felt that a handbook containing key information topics relating to their new job would be essential to have prior to starting work as new doctors. Improving induction to NHS Tayside in the form of a Junior Doctor’s Handbook would therefore improve patient safety. Study: How did the results of your test compare with predictions?-8890198755We aimed to create and develop an easily accessible, sustainable and reliable Junior Doctor’s Handbook as online resource through an external website server “”. We then aimed to gain feedback from a focus group of junior doctors and from other medical colleagues regarding the handbook before launching the finalised site in August 2015 for the arrival of new junior doctors. 00We aimed to create and develop an easily accessible, sustainable and reliable Junior Doctor’s Handbook as online resource through an external website server “”. We then aimed to gain feedback from a focus group of junior doctors and from other medical colleagues regarding the handbook before launching the finalised site in August 2015 for the arrival of new junior doctors. Act: How will you change your previous test in light of what you have learned?Junior Doctor’s Handbook : PDSA Cycle 2-9525208280To gain feedback from both junior and senior doctors regarding the introduction of the Junior Doctor’s Handbook on external website host regarding its content, usability, accessibility and layout. 00To gain feedback from both junior and senior doctors regarding the introduction of the Junior Doctor’s Handbook on external website host regarding its content, usability, accessibility and layout. Aim: What are you trying to accomplish?0213995To hold a junior doctor focus group for feedback with 6 Foundation Year 1 doctors from the August 2014 intake.To send an email with the website link to relevant clinicians, staff involved in the induction week teaching and relevant senior clinicians in each specialty asking for feedback on the site. 00To hold a junior doctor focus group for feedback with 6 Foundation Year 1 doctors from the August 2014 intake.To send an email with the website link to relevant clinicians, staff involved in the induction week teaching and relevant senior clinicians in each specialty asking for feedback on the site. Plan: What will your test be?0203835We hoped that doctors would find this an invaluable resource containing useful information relevant to starting work and to working in NHS Tayside. Given that it had been designed by fellow junior doctors with the aim of creating a sustainable and accessible centralized hub of information specific for new doctors, we hoped this would be reflected in the feedback.00We hoped that doctors would find this an invaluable resource containing useful information relevant to starting work and to working in NHS Tayside. Given that it had been designed by fellow junior doctors with the aim of creating a sustainable and accessible centralized hub of information specific for new doctors, we hoped this would be reflected in the feedback.Prediction: What do you think will happen as a result of your test?0187960Numerous clinicians provided feedback on the site, and feedback was gained from the FY focus group.Their responses were extremely positive, and they all stated that the handbook would have been an invaluable resource to have prior to starting work. Criticism came with its usability and accessibility on NHS computers. 00Numerous clinicians provided feedback on the site, and feedback was gained from the FY focus group.Their responses were extremely positive, and they all stated that the handbook would have been an invaluable resource to have prior to starting work. Criticism came with its usability and accessibility on NHS computers. Do: What happened when you carried out your test?0212725The feedback was again in keeping with our predictions however demonstrated that the Junior Doctor’s Handbook had been more successful than we had anticipated. Feedback regarding its content was highly complementary. Numerous suggestions from junior doctors and from senior clinicians were advised. Feedback regarding its usability on NHS computers is not something we had initially anticipated as a problem, however highlighted that the external website host “” was incompatible with NHS Tayside’s intranet.00The feedback was again in keeping with our predictions however demonstrated that the Junior Doctor’s Handbook had been more successful than we had anticipated. Feedback regarding its content was highly complementary. Numerous suggestions from junior doctors and from senior clinicians were advised. Feedback regarding its usability on NHS computers is not something we had initially anticipated as a problem, however highlighted that the external website host “” was incompatible with NHS Tayside’s intranet.Study: How did the results of your test compare with predictions?-9525196215Our positive feedback highlighted a need for our intervention to be implemented and also highlighted a number of suggestions to improve its content prior to its launch in August 2015.Feedback also demonstrated the need to incorporate the Junior Doctor’s Handbook content into NHS Tayside’s own website as the site was difficult to access in its current format using NHS Tayside internet, and there was also no access to guidelines using the external website host. 00Our positive feedback highlighted a need for our intervention to be implemented and also highlighted a number of suggestions to improve its content prior to its launch in August 2015.Feedback also demonstrated the need to incorporate the Junior Doctor’s Handbook content into NHS Tayside’s own website as the site was difficult to access in its current format using NHS Tayside internet, and there was also no access to guidelines using the external website host. Act: How will you change your previous test in light of what you have learned?Junior Doctor’s Handbook : PDSA Cycle 3-9525208280To assess how our intervention in the form of the Junior Doctor’s Handbook has eased the transition period for new junior doctors arriving to NHS Tayside, to gain feedback on the site after its incorporation into the NHS Tayside site on user satisfaction, site layout, accessibility, sustainability and usability. 00To assess how our intervention in the form of the Junior Doctor’s Handbook has eased the transition period for new junior doctors arriving to NHS Tayside, to gain feedback on the site after its incorporation into the NHS Tayside site on user satisfaction, site layout, accessibility, sustainability and usability. Aim: What are you trying to accomplish?0210185To launch the Junior Doctor’s Handbook during the induction periods for new junior doctors in August 2015 in NHS Tayside and to deliver a teaching session on its use to the Foundation Year doctors.To send a survey to new FY1’s to assess what impact the Junior Doctor’s Handbook has had on their transition to starting work in NHS Tayside. 00To launch the Junior Doctor’s Handbook during the induction periods for new junior doctors in August 2015 in NHS Tayside and to deliver a teaching session on its use to the Foundation Year doctors.To send a survey to new FY1’s to assess what impact the Junior Doctor’s Handbook has had on their transition to starting work in NHS Tayside. Plan: What will your test be?Prediction: What do you think will happen as a result of your test?-254033020Our predictions were similar to previous, the aim was that the Junior Doctor’s Handbook would be an invaluable resource for junior doctors starting work in NHS Tayside, allowing them to focus time on patient care rather than spending timeWe also predicted that in its new format, being incorporated to the NHS Tayside website that it would be more accessible than previous. 00Our predictions were similar to previous, the aim was that the Junior Doctor’s Handbook would be an invaluable resource for junior doctors starting work in NHS Tayside, allowing them to focus time on patient care rather than spending timeWe also predicted that in its new format, being incorporated to the NHS Tayside website that it would be more accessible than previous. 0184150All new FY1 doctors from the August 2015 intake were invited to participate in an online survey asking for their feedback on the Junior Doctor’s Handbook including how the handbook had benefitted them, what they found useful, and what was not useful. This also offered feedback on areas for expansion on the site. The response was highly complementary, with 96% of FY1’s stating the handbook was beneficial to them starting on the ward. Again numerous suggestions for improvements were given. The handbook was praised on its accessibility from NHS computers however feedback was given regarding having available in non-Wi-Fi areas. We also collected usage data that demonstrated that the site had been accessed 1055 times during August 2015. 00All new FY1 doctors from the August 2015 intake were invited to participate in an online survey asking for their feedback on the Junior Doctor’s Handbook including how the handbook had benefitted them, what they found useful, and what was not useful. This also offered feedback on areas for expansion on the site. The response was highly complementary, with 96% of FY1’s stating the handbook was beneficial to them starting on the ward. Again numerous suggestions for improvements were given. The handbook was praised on its accessibility from NHS computers however feedback was given regarding having available in non-Wi-Fi areas. We also collected usage data that demonstrated that the site had been accessed 1055 times during August 2015. Do: What happened when you carried out your test?0215265Our results were in line with our predictions, with the majority of doctors stating that the Junior Doctor’s Handbook was beneficial. Most were using the handbook on a weekly basis (minimum), and stated they would continue to do so. The content, layout and accessibility was praised, however most stated accessibility was challenging from a smartphone.The Junior Doctor’s Handbook has improved the efficiency of junior doctors, is beneficial, and allows them to spend time focusing on patient care rather than intricacies of the job.00Our results were in line with our predictions, with the majority of doctors stating that the Junior Doctor’s Handbook was beneficial. Most were using the handbook on a weekly basis (minimum), and stated they would continue to do so. The content, layout and accessibility was praised, however most stated accessibility was challenging from a smartphone.The Junior Doctor’s Handbook has improved the efficiency of junior doctors, is beneficial, and allows them to spend time focusing on patient care rather than intricacies of the job.Study: How did the results of your test compare with predictions?-9525198755Feedback on the Junior Doctor’s Handbook demonstrates that it has been a highly successful intervention. There is vast scope for it to be expanded within and out with NHS Tayside. Our future aim is to see the Junior Doctor’s Handbook becoming specialty specific, to be developed into an accessible app for smartphones, and also to see its role within our trust expanded. 00Feedback on the Junior Doctor’s Handbook demonstrates that it has been a highly successful intervention. There is vast scope for it to be expanded within and out with NHS Tayside. Our future aim is to see the Junior Doctor’s Handbook becoming specialty specific, to be developed into an accessible app for smartphones, and also to see its role within our trust expanded. Act: How will you change your previous test in light of what you have learned? ................

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