
Accueil des participants


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8h45-10h10 8h45-9h15

Session 1 - Microsporidioses et Parasitoses digestives Mod?rateurs : Gilles GARGALA et Philippe POIRIER

Les microsporodies, pathog?nes atypiques minimalistes caract?ris?s par un processus d'invasion unique. Fr?d?ric DELBAC


Communications orales non invit?es Th?me 1

Damien COSTA Focusing on waterborne and foodborne cryptosporidiosis outbreaks that have occurred in France in recent years (2017-2020).

Damien Costa, Romy Razakandrainibe, Gilles Gargala, Louise Basmaciyan, St?phane Valot, Fr?d?ric Dalle, Loic Favennec

Julie TOTTEY Do human digestive physicochemical parameters contribute to children higher susceptibility to cryptosporidiosis ?

Julie Tottey, Lucie Etienne-Mesmin, Sandrine Chalan?on, Guillaume Sall?, Christelle Blavignac, S?bastien O. Leclercq, Fabrice Laurent, St?phanie Blanquet-Diot, Sonia Lacroix-Lamand?

Lionel ZENNER What are the risk factors for recurrent giardiasis in dogs ?

Lionel Zenner, Pierre-Olivier Gonin, Emmanuelle Gilot-Fromont, Marine Hugonnard

Sophie HARTUIS High-plex detection of protozoa, helminths and microsporidia using the Novodiag? Stool parasites assay: a prospective study.

Sophie Hartuis, Rose-Anne Lavergne, Celine Nourrisson, Jaco Verweij, Guillaume Desoubeaux, Florian Lussac-Sorton, Jean-Philippe Lemoine, Estelle Cateau, Fakhri Jeddi, Philippe Poirier, Patrice Le Pape, Morio Florent

Nicolas ARGY Comparative study of NOVODIAG? (Mobidiag?) and ALLPLEX? GI helminths (Seegene?) for gastro-intestinal helminths diagnosis.

C?lie Malaure, Soraya Sakhi, Marie-Th?r?se Ruf, Alicia Moreno, Djamel Haouchine, Christine Bonnal, Sandrine Houz?, Nicolas Argy


Pause caf?, visites des posters et des stands


Session 1 suite - Microsporidioses et Parasitoses digestives Mod?rateurs : Herv? PELLOUX et St?phane RANQUE


Les nouveaux pathog?nes ? ? Dientamoeba fragilis et Blastocystis sp. Philippe POIRIER


Giardia intestinalis, de l'homme ? l'animal et vice & versa. Bruno POLACK


Communications orales non invit?es Th?me libre

Sandrine HOUZ? Nosocomial malaria: about three cases in France.

Sandrine Houz?, V?ronique Sarrasin, Romain Copp?e, Anais Chosidow, Christelle Hamon, Nathalie Diguio, Sebastien Gette, Blandine Benet, Laurie Renaudin, Hana Talabani Boizot, Jean Marc Dauchot, Hocine Saal, Raya Harich, Marc Thellier, Harold Noel

Lucie PALOQUE Mutation in Plasmodium falciparum BTB/POZ domain of K13 protein confers artemisinin resistance.

Lucie Paloque, Romain Copp?e, Barbara Stokes, Nina F. Gn?dig, Karamoko Niar?, Jean-Michel Augereau, David A. Fidock, J?r?me Clain, Fran?oise Benoit-Vical

Ibrahim BIN SA'ID Plasmodium Knowlesi as A Threat of Malaria Elimination by 2030 in Indonesia.

Ibrahim bin Sa'id, Guillaume Bonnot, Yobouet Ines Kouakou, Roukayatou Omorou, Adeline Lavoignat, Anne-Lise Bienvenu, St?phane Picot

Cl?ment BLOT Macrophage response to L. infantum is negatively modulated through the ROS- and prostaglandin E2-mediated activation of Nrf2.

Cl?ment Blot, Etienne Meunier, H?l?ne Authier, Kimberley Coulson, Godefroy Jacquemin, Lise Lef?vre, Agn?s Coste

Abdou Malik Assessment of the human risk exposure to Echinococcus multilocularis in urban vegetable DA SILVA gardens used for growing fresh produces.

Abdou Malik da Silva, Sandra Courquet, Vincent Scalabrino, Laurence Million, Jenny Knapp

Doudou SOW Identification of Schistosoma haematobium group species and their intermediate hosts using innovative tools in Senegal.

Doudou Sow ,Fatima Zohra Hamlili, Papa Mouhamadou Gaye , Fatou Thiam, Maureen Laroche, Adama Zan Diarra, Cheikh Binetou Fall, Babacar Faye, Coralie L'Ollivier, St?phane Ranque, Souleymane Doucour?, Cheikh Sokhna, Philippe Parola

Caroline MAHINC Molecular approach to the epidemiology of urinary schistosomiasis in France.

Marie-Laure Gillardie, Caroline Mahinc, Oussama Babba, Maureen Duthel, Claire de Bengy, Pierre Flori

Emilie BOUHSIRA 3D microscopy in insects: new insights for improved understanding of vectors of veterinary and zoonotic importance.

Emilie Bouhsira, Laetitia Pieruccioni, Guillaume Barbarray, Pierre-Louis Huyart, C?line Bleuart, Emmanuel Li?nard, Michel Franc, Jean-Michel Lagarde, Pascale Bernes-Lasserre, Renaud Morin, Louis Casteilla, Corinne Barreau, Isabelle Raymond-Letron

Maxime RATES Risk assessment associated with ticks in the region of Lyon: Results of acarological monitoring carried out in 3 public parks.

Maxime Rates, Laure Mathews-Martin, Manon Nam?che, Gwena?l Vourc'h, Sabrina Gasser, Isabelle Lebert, Val?rie Poux, S?verine Barry, S?verine Bord, Jeremy Jachacz, Karine Chalvet-Monfray, Gilles Bourdoiseau, Sophie Pamies, Diana Sep?lveda, Sandrine Chambon-Rouvier, Magalie Ren?-Martellet


Pause d?jeuner, visites stands et posters


Session 2 - Toxoplasmose : quoi de neuf en 2021 ? Mod?rateurs : Christelle POMARES et Lionel ZENNER


Un panorama sous l'angle One Heath : Emmanuelle GILOT FROMONT / Isabelle VILLENA


Communications orales non invit?es Th?me 2

Salma BERROUCH Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in chicken in the region of Marrakesh - Safi.

Laila Hoummadi, Salma Berrouch, Denis Limonne, Pierre Flori, Redouane Moutaj, Jamaleddine Hafid

Pascal BOIREAU Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in selected animal species in Europe: a systematic review.

Filip D?mek, Arno Swart, Helga Waap, Marieke Opsteegh, Pikka Jokelainen, Delphine Le Roux, Gunita Deksne, Huifang Deng, Gereon Schares, Anna Lund?n, Gema ?lvarez-Garc?a, Martha Betson, Rebecca Davidson, Adriana Gy?rke, Sanne Stokman, Daniela Antolov?, Zuzana Hurn?kov?, Henk Wisselink, Jacek Sroka, Siv Klevar, Rob van Spronsen, Radu Blaga, Pascal Boireau

Damien DUPONT Impact of chronic toxoplasmosis on the sleep wake cycle.

Damien Dupont, Hideo Akaoka, Jian-Sheng Lin, Martine Wallon

Micka?l RIOU New ethical diagnostic tool for immunological monitoring of toxoplasmosis in sheep.

Micka?l Riou, C?line Ducournau, Emmanuelle Chapey, Anne Pinard, Dany Legu?r?, David Gauthier, Fran?ois Peyron, Isabelle Dimier-Poisson

Christelle POMARES Serological screening for infections in pregnant women: Forewarned is forearmed.

Kevin Legueult, Juliette Jaubert, Lo?c Simon, Alexandra Musso, Sandra Maccagnan, J?rome Delotte, Christelle Pomares

Fran?ois KIEFFER Prevention of congenital toxoplasmosis in France using prenatal screening: A decisionanalytic economic model.

Larry Sawers, Martine Wallon, Laurent Mandelbrot, Isabelle Villena, Eileen Stillwaggon, Fran?ois Kieffer

Pauline CANTIN A mucosal vaccine against toxoplasmosis for captive wildlife.

Pauline Cantin, Nathalie Moir?, C?line Ducournau, Didier Betbeder, Isabelle Dimier-Poisson


Pause caf?, visites des posters et des stands


Session 3 - Nouvelles approches diagnostiques et th?rapeutiques. Mod?rateurs : Marie-Pierre BRENIER-PINCHART, Philippe LAWTON et Renaud PIARROUX


Changing trends in Malaria diagnosis and treatment. St?phane PICOT

17h00-17h25 17h25-17h55

P?nuries et ruptures de stock de m?dicaments : les pr?parations hospitali?res sont-elles des alternatives pertinentes ? Samira FILALI

Nouvelles th?rapeutiques, nouvelles cibles. Fr?d?ric BEUGNET Veterinary Parasitology Discovery in Animal Health ? overview and ISOXAZOLINE example.


Communications orales non invit?es Th?me 3

Yvon STERKERS Metagenomics approaches for molecular identification of pathogens in human samples.

Slavica Stanojcic, Bridlin Barkmann, Manon Tauzin, Tizaanuo Hien, Christophe Ravel, Yvon Sterkers

C?cile ANGEBAULT First diagnosis of fatal disseminated Anncaliia algerae myositis (in an immunocompromised patient) through shotgun metagenomics.

C?cile Angebault, Marie P?an de Ponfilly-Sotier, Philippe Poirier, Nad?ge Wesner, Fran?oise Foulet, Bertrand Arnulf, Marie-No?lle Peraldi Gardin, Pascal Richette, Sarah Leonard Louis, Maud Salmona, Marc Polivka, Christophe Rodriguez, Yves Allenbach, Fran?oise Botterel

Gr?goire PASQUIER Good performance of a convolutional neural network in the recognition of Plasmodium species on blood smears.

Gr?goire Pasquier, Yvon Sterkers

C?cile NABET MALDI-TOF as a new proteomic tool for the characterization of medically relevant arthropods.

C?cile Nabet, Agathe Chavy, Aur?lien Chaline, Anne-C?cile Normand, Martine Piarroux, Benoit de Thoisy, Magalie Demar, Jean-Fran?ois Franetich, Olivier Silvie, Xavier Tannier, Renaud Piarroux

Fr?d?ric FR?ZARD Novel liposomal formulations of amphotericin B for treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis.

Guilherme Ramos, Virg?nia Vallejos, Gabriel Borges, Gisele Coelho, Ricardo Fujiwara, Lucas Ferreira, Pierre Chaminade, Philippe Loiseau, Fr?d?ric Fr?zard


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