2014 Calvin Bibliography

2014 Calvin Bibliography

Compiled by Paul W. Fields, Ryan Noppen, and Matthew Estel

I. Calvin's Life and Times A. Biography B. Cultural Context--Intellectual History C. Cultural Context--Social History D. Friends E. Polemical Relationships

II. Calvin's Works A. Works and Selections B. Criticism and Interpretation

III. Calvin's Theology A. Overview B. Revelation 1. Exegesis and Hermeneutics 2. Scripture C. Doctrine of God 1. Creation 2. Knowledge of God 3. Providence 4. Trinity D. Doctrine of Christ E. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit F. Doctrine of Humanity 1. Covenant 2. Ethics 3. Faith 4. Grace 5. Image of God 6. Law 7. Life after Death 8. Sin 9. Will G. Doctrine of Salvation 1. Assurance 2. Atonement


3. Faith 4. Justification 5. Predestination 6. Union with Christ H. Doctrine of the Christian Life 1. Overview 2. Angels 3. Piety 4. Prayer I. Ecclesiology 1. Overview 2. Discipline 3. Instruction 4. Missions 5. Polity J. Worship 1. Overview 2. Images 3. Music 4. Preaching 5. Sacraments

IV. Calvin and Social-Ethical Issues

V. Calvin and Economic and Political Issues

VI. Calvinism A. Theological Influence 1. Christ 2. Christian Life 3. Ecclesiology 4. Missions 5. Predestination B. Cultural Influence 1. Overview 2. Arts 3. Cultural Context??Intellectual History 4. Education 5. Literature C. Social, Economic, and Political Influence D. International Influence


1. Bohemia 2. England 3. France 4. Germany 5. Netherlands 6. South Africa 7. United States E. Critique

VII. Book Reviews

I. Calvin's Life and Times

A. Biography

Berg?se, Daniel. "Jean Calvin (1509-1564)." In L'Actualit? de Jean Calvin: 1509-2009, edited by Christian Adj?mian, et al., 13?28. Lausanne: Editions L'Age d'Homme, 2009.

Ehmann, Johannes. "Johannes Calvin (1509-1564)." In Reformationen am Oberrhein: Wahrnehmungen von Luther und Calvin in der Region, edited by Ulrich A. Wien. 13?25. Speyer: Verlagshaus Speyer GmbH, 2011.

Lane, Anthony N. S. "Calvin, John." In The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine. Vol. 2, edited by Karla Pollmann, et al., 739?43. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Lienhard, Marc. "Calvins Aufenthalt in Stra?burg (1538-1541)." In Reformationen am Oberrhein: Wahrnehmungen von Luther und Calvin in der Region, edited by Ulrich A. Wien. 27?37. Speyer: Verlagshaus Speyer GmbH, 2011.

Matos, Alderi Souza de. "500 anos de Jo?o Calvino: pensamentos sobre sua vida e contribui??es." Revista Caminhando 14, no. 2 (2009): 171?79.

Ribault, Jean-Yves. "Calvin ? Bourges, un ?tat des lieux." In Calvin: Naissance d'une pens?e, edited by Jacques Varet. 49?54. Tours: Presses universitaires Fran?ois-Rabelais de Tours, 2012.

Vincent, Gilbert. "Guizot, lecteur de Calvin, critique du concept de souverainet?." In Jean Calvin et Thomas Hobbes: Naissance de la modernit? politique, edited by Olivier Abel, PierreFran?ois Moreau, and Dominique Weber. 293?323. Geneva: Labor et Fides, 2013.


B. Cultural Context--Intellectual History

Abel, Olivier. "Calvin selon Hobbes et selon Milton." In Jean Calvin et Thomas Hobbes: Naissance de la modernit? politique, edited by Olivier Abel, Pierre-Fran?ois Moreau, and Dominique Weber. 277?92. Geneva: Labor et Fides, 2013.

Adj?mian, Christian, et al., eds. L'Actualit? de Jean Calvin: 1509-2009. Lausanne: Editions L'Age d'Homme, 2009.

Belt, Henk van den, ed. Restoration Through Redemption: John Calvin Revisited. Leiden: Brill, 2013.

Berthoud, Jean-Marc. "Humanit? de Jean Calvin." In L'Actualit? de Jean Calvin: 1509-2009, edited by Christian Adj?mian, et al., 29?71. Lausanne: Editions L'Age d'Homme, 2009.

Cottret, Bernard. "Calvin ?tait-il calviniste?" Bulletin du Centre Protestant d'Etudes 7 (2009): 5? 19.

Helmer, Christine. "United And Divided: Luther and Calvin in Modern Protestant Theology." In Calvin and Luther: The Continuing Relationship, edited by R. Ward Holder. 202?18. G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013.

Higman, Francis. "Structurer la phrase, Structurer la pens?e." In Calvin: Naissance d'une pens?e, edited by Jacques Varet. 147?56. Tours: Presses universitaires Fran?ois-Rabelais de Tours, 2012.

Krumenacker, Yves. "Jean Calvin ?tudiant ? Orl?ans et ? Bourges." In Calvin: Naissance d'une pens?e, edited by Jacques Varet. 23?36. Tours: Presses universitaires Fran?ois-Rabelais de Tours, 2012.

Leppin, Volker. "Duns Scot chez les r?formateurs (Luther, Zwingli, Calvin)." In La r?ception de Duns Scot, edited by Mechthild Dreyer, ?douard Mehl, and Matthias Vollet. 93?101. M?nster: Aschedorff Verlag, 2013.

Meijering, Eginhard. "Calvijn." In Van Irenaeus tot Barth: Klassieke gestalten van christelijk geloven en denken. 175?91. Kampen: Uitgeverij Kok, 2008.

Neele, A. C. "Research in Theology in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Limitations." Acta Theologica 31, no. 2 (2011): 190?200.

Opitz, Peter, ed. The Myth of the Reformation. G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013.

Palmer, Damian J. "Learning from 'Eminent Pagans': Calvin and the 'Secular Authors'." Uniting Church Studies 17, no. 1 (2011): 59?67.

Pearson, Clive. "The Framing of John Calvin as a Public Theologian." Uniting Church Studies


17, no. 1 (2011): 1?13.

Sallmann, Martin, Mois?s Mayordomo, and Hans Rudolf Lavater-Briner, eds. Johannes Calvin 1509-2009: W?rdigung aus Berner Perspektive. Z?rich: Theologischer Verlag Z?rich, 2012.

Salvadori, Stefania. "Die neue Calvin-Literatur anl?sslich des Calvin-Jubil?umsjahres 2009. Ein Forschungsbericht." Historisches Jahrbuch 133 (2013): 407?25.

Sawyer, Frank. "John Calvin 1509-1564: The World as the Theatrum Dei." In Philosophical Perspectives from the Renaissance to Postmodernism. Vol. 2. 109?25. S?rospatak: Hern?d, 2013.

C. Cultural Context--Social History

Bergounioux, Gabriel. "Calvin et la langue fran?aise: Introduction." In Calvin: Naissance d'une pens?e, edited by Jacques Varet. 109?12. Tours: Presses universitaires Fran?ois-Rabelais de Tours, 2012.

Demonet, Marie-Luce. "Dolet, Calvin, langage int?rieur et traduction." In Calvin: Naissance d'une pens?e, edited by Jacques Varet. 135?46. Tours: Presses universitaires Fran?oisRabelais de Tours, 2012.

Dermange, Francois. "Calvin et l'iconoclasme: Une mise ? l'?preuve des rapports du politique et du religieux." In Calvin: Naissance d'une pens?e, edited by Jacques Varet. 77?90. Tours: Presses universitaires Fran?ois-Rabelais de Tours, 2012.

Engammare, Max. Soixante-Trois: La peur da la grande ann?e climact?rique ? la Renaissance. Geneva: Droz, 2013.

Huchon-Rieu, Mireille. "Aspects du 'fran?ais courtisan' de Calvin." In Calvin: Naissance d'une pens?e, edited by Jacques Varet. 113?22. Tours: Presses universitaires Fran?ois-Rabelais de Tours, 2012.

Millet, Olivier. "Calvin en 'beau langage' ? l'?ge classique: Les traductions de l'Institution de la religion chr?tienne par Jean de La Brune (1693) et Charles Icad (1696-1710)." In Religion et litt?rature ? la Renaissance: M?langes en l'honneur de Franco Giacone, edited by Fran?ois Roudaut. 309?25. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2012.

------. "Calvin orateur, auteur, ?crivain." In Calvin: Naissance d'une pens?e, edited by Jacques Varet. 123?34. Tours: Presses universitaires Fran?ois-Rabelais de Tours, 2012.

Park, Gon-taik. "A Study on Calvin's Early Letters According to East-Asian Way of Thinking." [In Korean]. Presbyterian Theological Quarterly 80, no. 3 (2013): 153?81.


Schmidt, Heinrich R. "Die reformierten Kirchen in Europa." In Johannes Calvin 1509-2009: W?rdigung aus Berner Perspektive, edited by Martin Sallmann, Mois?s Mayordomo, and Hans Rudolf Lavater. 25?51. Z?rich: Theologischer Verlag Z?rich, 2012.

Watt, Isabella M., and Jeffrey R. Watt, eds. Registres du consistoire de Gen?ve au temps de Calvin. Vol. 8 (25 mars 1553 - 1er f?vrier 1554). Geneva: Droz, 2014.

Watt, Jeffrey R. "Calvin's Geneva Confronts Magic and Witchcraft: The Evidence from the Consistory." Journal of Early Modern History 17 (2013): 215?44. doi: 10.1163/15700658-2342366.

D. Friends

Arnold, Matthieu. "Martin Luther et Jean Calvin." Positions Luth?riennes 60, no. 2 (2012): 139? 56.

Beza, Theodore. Correspondance de Th?odore de B?ze. Vol. 38 (1597). Edited by Hippolyte Aubert, et al. Geneva: Droz, 2014.

------. Correspondance de Theodore de Beze. Vol. 37 (1596). Edited by Hippolyte Aubert, et al. Geneva: Droz, 2013.

Campi, Emidio. Shifting Patterns of Reformed Tradition. G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014.

Carr, Simonetta. Ren?e of France. Faverdale North: EP Books, 2013.

Gilmont, Jean-Fran?ois. Insupportable mais fascinant: Jean Calvin, ses amis, ses ennemis et les autres. Turnhout: Brepols, 2012.

Graessl?, Isabelle. "Calvin und die Frauen - die Frauen Calvins ... zwischen Irritation und Bewunderung." In Johannes Calvin 1509-2009: W?rdigung aus Berner Perspektive, edited by Martin Sallmann, Mois?s Mayordomo, and Hans Rudolf Lavater. 139?56. Z?rich: Theologischer Verlag Z?rich, 2012.

Holder, R. Ward, ed. Calvin and Luther: The Continuing Relationship. G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013.

Lawson, Steven J. "John Knox: The Trumpet Blast of Scotland (4): Genevan Pastor (1556-59)." Banner of Truth 608 (2014): 13?22.

Leiner, Martin. "Melanchthon und Calvin - Ein Vergleich." In Calvinismus in den Auseinandersetzungen des fr?hen konfessionellen Zeitalters, edited by Herman J. Selderhuis, Martin Leiner, and Volker Leppin. 34?49. G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013.


Pot, Olivier, ed. Simon Goulart: un pasteur aux int?r?ts vastes comme le monde. Geneva: Droz, 2013.

Webb, Val. "Calvin, Ferrara and the Women in the Wings." Uniting Church Studies 17, no. 1 (2011): 45?57.

Wilhelmi, Thomas. "Martin Bucer, ein Mann des Ausgleichs und der Verst?ndigung." In Reformationen am Oberrhein: Wahrnehmungen von Luther und Calvin in der Region, edited by Ulrich A. Wien. 81?87. Speyer: Verlagshaus Speyer GmbH, 2011.

E. Polemical Relationships

Baumann, Maurice. "Calvin und Castellio: Eine theologische Kontroverse anl?sslich der Hinrichtung von Michel Servet." In Johannes Calvin 1509-2009: W?rdigung aus Berner Perspektive, edited by Martin Sallmann, Mois?s Mayordomo, and Hans Rudolf Lavater. 121?37. Z?rich: Theologischer Verlag Z?rich, 2012.

Berg?se, Daniel. "Calvin et Servet: la l?gende et la r?alit?." In L'Actualit? de Jean Calvin: 15092009, edited by Christian Adj?mian, et al., 111?28. Lausanne: Editions L'Age d'Homme, 2009.

Daubigny, Louise. "Calvin et les Libertins spirituels." In Calvin: Naissance d'une pens?e, edited by Jacques Varet. 59?66. Tours: Presses universitaires Fran?ois-Rabelais de Tours, 2012.

Ingalls, Jason T. "The Saving Humanity of Christ: John Calvin's Critique of Andreas Osiander." Th.M Thesis, Wycliffe College and the University of Toronto, 2011.

Lavater, Hans Rudolf. "Calvin und die T?ufer - Zur Entstehung der Bri?ve Instruction 1544." In Johannes Calvin 1509-2009: W?rdigung aus Berner Perspektive, edited by Martin Sallmann, Mois?s Mayordomo, and Hans Rudolf Lavater. 53?120. Z?rich: Theologischer Verlag Z?rich, 2012.

Leppin, Volker. "Der calvinische Antichrist: Zur konfessionellen Auseinandersetzung bei Samuel Huber." In Calvinismus in den Auseinandersetzungen des fr?hen konfessionellen Zeitalters, edited by Herman J. Selderhuis, Martin Leiner, and Volker Leppin. 9?19. G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013.

Sparn, Walter. "Die fundamentaltheologische Fixierung des Anticalvinismus im deutschen Luthertum." In Calvinismus in den Auseinandersetzungen des fr?hen konfessionellen Zeitalters, edited by Herman J. Selderhuis, Martin Leiner, and Volker Leppin. 127?50. G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013.

Thorsen, Don. Calvin vs Wesley: Bringing Belief in Line with Practice. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2013.


Yarnell, Malcolm B. "Les baptistes sont-ils calvinistes ou non-calvinistes?" Th?ologie ?vang?lique 12, no. 3 (2013): 1?26.

Zuliani, Federico. "I libertini di Giovanni Calvino: Ricezione e utilizzo polemico di un termine neotestamentario." Archiv f?r Reformationsgeschichte 104 (2013): 211?44.

II. Calvin's Works

A. Works and Selections

()? (Yuehan Jia'erwen = Calvin, Jean). (Jidu jiao yao yi = Institutes of the Christian Religion). 3 vols . Edited by (Yaocheng Qian). (Beijing): (San lian shu dian), 2010.

Kalwin, Jan. O zwierzchnoci wieckiej, porzdne, wedlug sznuru Pisma witego opisanie. Zaraz o poytkach i powinnociach urzdu jej. Z laciskiego na polskie wiernie przetlumaczone. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 2009.

B. Criticism and Interpretation

Campos, Heber Carlos de, Jr. "Johannes Piscator's (1546-1625) Interpretation of Calvin's Institutes." In Church and School in Early Modern Protestantism: Studies in Honor of Richard A. Muller on the Maturation of a Theological Tradition, edited by Jordan J. Ballor, David S. Sytsma, and Jason Zuidema. 271?82. Leiden: Brill, 2013.

Hesselink, I. John. "The Distinctive Nature of Calvin's Institutes and Certain Motifs in His Theology." Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif 52, no. 3 (2011): 384?92.

Venema, Cornelis P. "The Duplex Gratia Dei and the Organization of Calvin's Institutes: Ordo Docendi or Ordo Salutis?" In Church and School in Early Modern Protestantism: Studies in Honor of Richard A. Muller on the Maturation of a Theological Tradition, edited by Jordan J. Ballor, David S. Sytsma, and Jason Zuidema. 123?34. Leiden: Brill, 2013.

Wells, Paul. "Remaking Calvin's Institutes in Modern French." The Banner of Truth, no. 606 (2014): 7?11.

III. Calvin's Theology

A. Overview



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