Islamic Empire and Religion Review Sheet and Study Guide

Islamic Empire and Religion Review Sheet and Study Guide

1. Define the following words:

a. Islam:________________________________________________________________________________

b. Muslim:______________________________________________________________________________

c. Allah:________________________________________________________________________________

d. Arabic:_______________________________________________________________________________

e. Qur’an:______________________________________________________________________________

f. Five Pillars:___________________________________________________________________________

2. Explain the Five Pillars so that each could be easily understood in full sentences.

a. 1st Pillar – ___________________________________________________________________________

b. 2nd Pillar – ___________________________________________________________________________

c. 3rd Pillar – ___________________________________________________________________________

d. 4th Pillar – ___________________________________________________________________________

e. 5th Pillar – ___________________________________________________________________________

3. What are the two holiest cities of the Islamic religion, where can they be found and why?

4. What is a Bedouin and what type of lifestyle did they lead? Why were they important to the Islamic Empire?

5. What happened in 632? What differences did the Sunni and Shia have when they split?

6. Who were the Sufi and what did they devote their lives to?

7. Name 3 similarities and 2 differences between Islam compared to the religions of Christianity and Judaism.

|Similarities |Differences |

|1. | |

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|2. | |

|3. | |

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8. How were people separated socially in Islamic society?

Upper class: ___________________________________________________________________________

Second Class: ___________________________________________________________________________

Third Class: ___________________________________________________________________________

Lowest Class: ___________________________________________________________________________

9. What is calligraphy and why was it used?

10. What was the trip taken by Muhammad called? Where does he go and why?

11. Who were the 4 “rightly guided” caliphs that follow Muhammad, what did they contribute to Islam and what happened to them?

12. The groups that ruled the Islamic empire following the fall of the caliphs are below. How did they contribute to the Muslim empire and where did they move the Capital of the empire and why?

Umayyad –


13. What is the significance of the Dome of the Rock? Its location? What other religions are important to this city?

14. What things could you find in the Islamic House of Wisdom? Where was it built? What did it preserve for the world?

15. Name the three continents that the Islamic empire stretched to. What is significant about the battle of tours?


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