Knot a Problem


10 minutes


This object lesson helps children understand that it’s not the outside that is most important; it’s the inside. God looks at their heart and sees the best in them.


• Several uncut fruits that are ugly on the outside. (Some fruits that would work would be: ugli fruit, rambuttan, dragon fruit, passion fruit, jackfruit, durian.)

• Several of the same fruits cut for you to taste

• Enough pieces of the cut fruits for all the kids to have a piece

• If you can’t find a fruit ugly enough, feel free to use the slide show I prepared for this lesson. (It’s on the Lesson and Material Downloads page.) It has my daughter trying a piece of rambuttan, a fruit common in south and southeast Asia. (It’s quite tasty and makes a nice piece of perishable jewelry, as you’ll see in the slideshow.)


• Cut up fruit – have pieces available for you and pieces available for all the kids.

• Practice script.


Use the following script (or modify to suit your needs):

• (Hold up one of the ugly fruits and say…) ”Anyone interested in eating something like this?”

• “Looks pretty nasty, doesn’t it?”

• “Okay, so it’s not the prettiest fruit out there, but have you ever tasted it?” (Eat a piece.)

• “Mmmmmm…. That’s really sweet!”

• “I bet some of you would like a piece, huh?” (Have someone pass out fruit pieces.)

• “Now, how can something that’s so good on the inside be so ugly on the outside?”

• “I think there is a lesson for us here.”

• “Just because something – or someone – isn’t beautiful on the outside doesn’t mean they can’t be wonderful on the inside.”

• “It’s hard to see inside someone, isn’t it?”

• “But you know who can always see the wonderful things inside us?” (Listen for responses.)

• “Right, Jesus!”

• “He sees the best in you!”

• “So even if some people have told you that you are an ‘ugly fruit,’ remember that Jesus can always see what’s good inside of you!”

• “It’s ‘Rhyme Time! Here’s our rhyme for today’s lesson:” (Post this on a poster or project it using an overhead or LCD projector, and have the kids repeat it after you several times to reinforce the lesson.)

He loves me like I am today

And sees what others cannot see.

While others only see my faults,

Jesus sees the best in me!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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