MONDAY, MARCH 07, 2016

6:00 P.M.


Mayor Pro Tem Walker called a regular meeting of the Ennis City Commission to order on Monday, March 07, 2016 at 6:05 p.m. in the City Commission Chamber of Ennis Municipal Building, 115 W. Brown Street, Ennis Texas 75119.


The Invocation was given by Commissioner Brian Holley.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tem Walker.


Mayor Pro Tem Walker asked the City Secretary to call the roll to determine the presence of a quorum. City Secretary Angie Wade called the rolled with a quorum present to wit:

Russell Thomas Mayor ABSENT

Matt Walker Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 6

Jeremie Salik Commission Member, Ward 1 ABSENT

Marco Hernandez Commission Member, Ward 2

Ken Hackney Commission Member, Ward 3

Lola Searcy Commission Member, Ward 4 ABSENT

Brian Holley Commission Member, Ward 5

The following Staff members were present when the meeting was called to order:

City Manager R. Scott Dixon

City Secretary Angie Wade

City Attorney Richard Wilson

Chief of Police John Erisman

Fire Chief Jeff Aycock

ED Director Marty Nelson

Police Captain David Anthony

Public Works Director Robert Bolen

Finance Director Joel Welch

Chief Building Official Mark Richardson

Building Inspector Troy Foreman

Human Resources Diane Kellenberger


City Manager Scott Dixon presented information to the Commission regarding Departmental Activities and concerns. Included were street rejuvenation; software options; mold remediation; wastewater treatment plant options; trash service; ambulance services; and the SAFER grant.

Fire Chief Jeff Aycock gave a presentation regarding the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating for the City of Ennis and the varying factors that affect the rating.

Updates were also provided regarding various Economic Development projects.


No speakers


Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the Consent Agenda Items to be considered into the record.

1C. Approval of the City Commission Workshop Minutes of February 15, 2016.

2C. Approval of the City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of February 15, 2016.

Commissioner Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hackney, to approve the Consent Agenda. Mayor Pro Tem Walker called for a vote, the vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.


First Reading

3. Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a Resolution approving a Historic Preservation Grant, Type B Economic Development project and Performance Agreement with Katjon Ventures, LLC in an amount of $15,273.61 to make improvements to the building and property at 120 N. Dallas.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item and opened a Public Hearing. Information regarding the item was provided by City Manager Dixon. No citizens spoke. Mayor Pro Tem Walker closed the Public Hearing.

4. Conduct a second Public Hearing and first Ordinance reading to consider the annexation of a 22.465 acre tract of land situated in the William A. Park Survey, Abstract No. 871, Ellis County, Texas and being part of a called 32.4316 acre tract of land (Tract One) described in deed to III Cardinals, LP, as recorded in Volume 2325, Page 2178, Deed Records Ellis County, Texas, said 22.465 acre tract being more particularly described as Christian Rd. Ennis, Texas. Case 16.01.03

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item and opened a Public Hearing. No citizens spoke. Mayor Pro Tem Walker closed the Public Hearing.

5. Conduct a Public Hearing and first Ordinance reading to discuss and consider amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ennis, Texas from an “R-7” Single Family District, “D” Duplex District, and “T” Transitional District to “R-5” Single Family District for a 32.449 acre tract of land situated in the William A. Park Survey, abstract no. 871, Ellis County Texas, described in deed to III Cardinals LP, more particularly described as Christian Rd. Ennis, Texas. Requested by Cardinals LP. P&Z Case 16.01.04

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item and opened a Public Hearing. No citizens spoke. Mayor Pro Tem Walker closed the Public Hearing.

Second Reading

6. Consider approval of an Ordinance adopting the Downtown Master Plan.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. City Manager Dixon provided information regarding the next steps towards implementation. Commissioner Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Holley, to approve an Ordinance adopting the Downtown Master Plan. A vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.

7. Consider approval of an Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ennis, Texas from “R-10” Residential District to “HC” Heavy Commercial District for a tract or parcel of land, situated in the City of Ennis, Ellis County, Texas, and being part of the James Jackson Survey Abstract No. 578, and being a portion of a called 3.499 acre Tract 1 as conveyed to MB Morse Investments, LLC by deed recorded in Instrument Number 2015-14383 of the Official Public Records of Ellis County, Texas, said (1.998 Acres) acre tract being also known as 1004 S. I-45 Ennis Texas. P&Z Case 15.12.05.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. Commissioner Hackney made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Holley, to approve an Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance from “R-10” to “HC” for a tract of land at 1004 S. I-45, Ennis, TX. A vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.

8. Consider approval of an Ordinance approving Project Schirm USA and authorizing the EDC president to enter into an Economic Development Agreement and Certificate of Resolution authorizing the sale of a certain parcel of land located on Oak Grove Road to Schirm USA in an amount of $74,540.00 for the purpose of constructing a new building and expanding operations.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. Commissioner Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Holley, to approve an Ordinance approving Project Schirm USA and authorizing the EDC president to enter into an Economic Development Agreement and Certificate of Resolution authorizing the sale of a parcel of land on Oak Grove Road to Schirm USA in an amount of $74,540.00. A vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.


9. Review and consider action on the City of Ennis Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the period ending September 30, 2015.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. Tracey Wood, with Yeldell, Wilson & Co., P.C., presented the fiscal year 2015 audit of the City’s financial records to the Commission. Commissioner Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Holley, to accept the audit as presented for fiscal year 2015. A vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.

10. Consider approval of a Resolution authorizing a Crime Control Prevention District Budget Adjustment for FY16.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. Commissioner Hackney made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Holley, to approve a Resolution authorizing a Crime Control Prevention District Budget Adjustment for FY16. A vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.

11. Consider approval of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute InterLocal Agreements with Local Governments and Agencies of the State created within the auspices of Title 7, Chapter 791, Texas Local Government Code.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. Commissioner Hackney made a motion, seconded by Commission Holley, to approve a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Interlocal Agreements with Local Governments and Agencies of the State in Accordance with Title 7, Chapter 791 of the Texas Local Government Code. A vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.

12. Consider approval of a Public Facilities Use Application submitted by Damascus Road Fellowship Church for the purpose of Baptism.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. Commissioner Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Hackney, to approve a Public Facilities Use Application submitted by Damascus Road Fellowship Church for the purpose of a Baptism. A vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.

13. Consider approval of a Public Facilities Use Application submitted by Rotary Club of Ennis for the Polka Fest Walk/Run.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. Commissioner Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Holley, to approve a Public Facilities Use Application submitted by Rotary Club for the Polka Fest Walk/Run. A vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.

14. Consider approval of a Public Facilities Use Application submitted by Ennis FFA for the Farm Fresh Dinner and Dance.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. Students from the Ennis ISD FFA program were in attendance to provide information regarding the Farm Fresh Dinner and Dance. Commissioner Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Holley, to approve a Public Facilities Use Application submitted by Ennis FFA for the Farm Fresh Dinner and Dance. A vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.

15. Consider approval of a Community Involvement Credit for City of Ennis property taxes paid by Ennis Regional Medical Center for 2015.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. Commissioner Hackney made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Holley, to approve a Community Involvement Credit for the City of Ennis property taxes paid by Ennis Regional Medical Center for 2015. A vote was cast, 4 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.

16. Consider approval of a Resolution authorizing the City of Ennis to apply for funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency under the FY16 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Program.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker read the item. Information was provided to Commission regarding grant stipulations, including a one year requirement to maintain staffing after the two year grant period. Commissioner Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hackney, to approve a Resolution authorizing the City of Ennis to apply for funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency under the FY16 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Program.


No items for Executive Session

16. Action necessary as a result of the Executive Session.


17. Requests from City Commission and Round Table.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker called on the Commissioners to speak:

Commissioner Hernandez – no comment.

Commissioner Hackney thanked staff for the format change in the Commission Meetings.

Commissioner Holley thanked the citizens for attending; and expressed his appreciation for in-depth information provided to the Commission by City Manager Dixon.

Mayor Pro Tem Walker thanked staff for their dedication and hard work.


With no other business before the Commission, Mayor Pro Tem Walker declared the meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.


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