Are You suprised

Curriculum Vita

|Name: |Fathieh Abdullah Abu - Moghli. RN, Ph.D. |

|Nationality: |Jordanian |

|Position: |Professor and Dean |

|Business Address: |Faculty of Nursing (FON) |

| |The University of Jordan (JU) |

| |Amman – Jordan |

| |Tel. 00962/ 6/ 5355000 – 23111 |

| |Fax. 00962/ 6/ 5300244 (FON) |

| |Email: |

| | |

Educational Qualifications:

|1991. Ph.D. |Nursing Service Administration. Alexandria University, Egypt. |

|1982. M.Sc |Nursing Administration (Education). Alexandria University, Egypt. |

|1979. B.Sc. |The University of Jordan. Amman. |

Academic and Professional Positions Held:

|2016- present |Professor- School of Nursing |

|2013-2016 |Dean-Faculty of Nursing |

|2013-2015 |The President of the Administrative Board for the University Nursery and Kindergarten. |

|2009-2011 |Vice dean-Faculty of Nursing |

|2007- 2009 |Head of the Clinical Nursing Department. Faculty of Nursing (FON) |

|2005- 2007 |Director of the Studies Department. Center of Consultation (COC)-The University of Jordan |

|2007-present |Associate Professor (FON) and Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences (FRS) |

|2005-2007 |Assistant Professor (FON) and (FRS); joint appointment. |

|1991-2007 |Assistant Professor (FON) |

|1995-1996 |Head of the Clinical Nursing Department. (FON) |

|1994-1995 |Director of the Nursing Service Department. Jordan University Hospital / Vice Dean FON |

|1991-1994 |Head of the clinical Nursing Department. |

Research Interests

Health care Management, Service administration, Educational administration, Personnel management (development, evaluation, satisfaction..), Quality improvement of health service and education, curriculum development, AIDS management and prevention, Women’s issues.

Research and Publications:

1. HalaA.Bawadi, ZaidM.Al-Hamdan, ManarNabolsi1, FathiehAbu-Moghli1, ArwaZumot, AndrewWalsh. (2019). Jordanian Nursing Student and Instructor Perceptions of the Clinical Learning Environmen. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 16(1). DOI: 10.1515/ijnes-2018-0037

2. Al‐Faouri I, Al‐Dmour A, Al-Ali N, AbuALRub R, and Abu Moghli F. Effect of Health Care Accreditation Council survey site visit on perceived stress level among Jordanian healthcare providers. Nurs Forum. 2018;1–8.

3. Enaam Al-Ananbeh , Fathieh Abu-Moghli & Inaam Khalaf. (2018). Perception and experiences of nurses regarding patients involvement in health care decisions: an integrative review International Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences (IJANS)ISSN (E): 2319-4022 Vol. 7, Issue 2, Feb - Mar 2018; 99 - 110

4. Inaam A Khalaf, Fathieh Abdullah Abu-Moghli, Susan A Larocco, Dua Al-Maharma. (2017).Jordanian Nurses' Perception and Interventions Related to Promoting Smoking Cessation. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2017;1–11

5. Laila AL-Daken, Ahmad Rayan, Hana Abu- Snieneh, Ghadeer Al-Dweik, Maysoun Atoum, Atif katib, Fathieh Abu Mogli. Policy Development: Family Presence during Resuscitation Procedure. International Journal of Nursing and Health Science. Vol. 4, No. 2, 2017, pp. 22-30.

6. Fathieh Abu Moghli, Suhair Al Habeesh , Lubna Abu Shikha. (2017). Perception of HIV/AIDS Education at the Community Level in Jordan. Iran J Public Health, Vol. 46, No.3, Mar 2017, pp.301-307.

7. Sun, C., Dohrn, J., Oweis, A., Huijer, H. A.-S., Abu-Moghli, F., Dawani, H., Ghazi, C. and Larson, E. (2017), Delphi Survey of Clinical Nursing and Midwifery Research Priorities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. doi:10.1111/jnu.12280

8. Manar M. Nabolsi, Fathieh A. Abu-Moghl , Inaam A.Khalaf . 2014. Evaluating a New Doctoral Nursing Program: A Jordanian Case Study. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 08/2014; 141:210–220. 

9. Inaam Khalaf, Fathieh Abu-Moghli. 2014. Quality culture in institutions of higher education in Jordan. British Council-Jordan. Unpublished study.

10. Rabia Allari1 and Fathieh Abu-Moghl. 2013. Predictors of Moral Distress among Jordanian Critical Care Nurses.International Journal of Nursing Science 3(2): 45-50

11. Rabia Allari1 and Fathieh Abu-Moghl. 2013. Moral Distress among Jordanian Critical Care Nurse and their Perception of Hospital Ethical Climate. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 13 (5), 144-56

12. Manar Nabolsi, Arwa Zumot, Lina Wardamc, Fathieh Abu-Moghli.2012. The experience of Jordanian nursing students in their clinical practice. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46;5849-5857

13. Suhair Husni Al-Ghabeesh, Fathieh Abu-Moghli, Mahvash Salsali and Mohammad Saleh. 2012. Exploring sources of knowledge utilized in practice among Jordanian registered nurses. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18(4):1-6

14. Fathieh Abu-Moghli, Inaam Khalaf, Sato Tokiko, Imoto Atsuko, Manar M. Nabolsi and Bassam A. Sl-Sharairi. 2012. Reproductive and Non-reproductive Health Situation of women aged 15 years and above in Southern Jordan. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 18(5), 217-224

15. Audrey J. Berman, Shirlee Snyder, Barbara Kozier, Glenora Erb, Maysoon S. Abdalrahim, Fathieh Abu Moghli, Mohammad Saleh. (2011). Fundamentals of Nursing (Arab World Editions): Concepts, process and practice. Pearson Education Inc.(Book)

16. Fathieh Abu-Moghli, Inaam Khalaf, Manar Nabolsi and Wafika Abd rahim. 2010. Islamic religious leaders' knowledge and attitudes towards AIDS and their perception of people living with HIV/ AIDS: A qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 24(4). 655-662

17. Inaam Khalaf, Fathieh Abu-Moghli and Erika F.2010.Youth-friendly reproductive health services in Jordan from the perspective of the youth: a descriptive qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 24(2):321-31

18. Abu-Moghli, F, Khalaf, I, Barghoti, F. 2010. The influence of a health education program on healthy life styles and practices among university students. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 16: 35–42

19. Khalaf I, Abu-Moghli F, Callister L, Mahadeen A, Kaawa K, Zomot A.2009. Jordanian Health Care Providers’ Perceptions of Postpartum Health Care. International Nursing Review 56, 442–449

20. Abu-Moghli, F, Alnewashi, Q. (2008). Y-PEER: Strengthening and Expanding Capacity for Delivery of High Quality Peer Education Systems in Arab States, Eastern Europe and Central Asia-Egypt project. UNFPA

21. Khalaf, I., Abu-Moghli, F. (2008). Reproductive Health Needs Survey; Integrating Health and Empowerment of Women in the South Region Project. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), MOH and HPC.

22. Khalaf, I., Abu-Moghli, F, Callister, L, Rasheed, R. (2008). Jordanian Women's’ Experiences with the Use of Traditional Family Planning. Health Care for Women International, 29(5).

23. Khalaf, I., Abu-Moghli, F, Mahadeen, A, Callister, L, Al-Hadidi, M. (2007). Jordanian Women’s Perceptions of Postpartum Health Care. International Nursing Review 54(3): 288-294

24. Tanash, S. Smadi, Y. Quteishat, M. Rawabdeh, I. Abu-Moghli, F. (2007).Perception of education at community level in Jordan. Project conducted for the UN-Jordan.

25. Abu-Moghli, F. Khalaf, I. (2006). A cultural approach to HIV / AIDS prevention and care. UNESCO

26. Abu-Moghli, F. (2006). Jordanian nurses' perception of their role regarding child maltreatment. Dirasat, Medical and Biological Sciences, 32(2):1-15

27. Al-Azzam, A, Abu-Moghli, F. (2006). Public Poll within the Framework of the Early Warning System. Project conducted for the UNDP.

28. Khalaf, I. Abu-Moghli, F. & Wardam, L. (2006). The impact of selected demographic variables on the knowledge, attitudes and practices of Jordanian nurses regarding child abuse. Mu'tah Journal for Research and Studies, 21( 3 )

29. Abu-Moghli, F. Khalaf, I. Mahadeen, A. (2005). Knowledge of policy-makers regarding reproductive health, gender issues and social development. Higher Population Council. Dirasat Sukanieh issue: 11.

30. Abu-Moghli, F, Khuri, T. (2005).Cultural Sensitivities towards Implementing HIV/AIDS Programs in Jordan. UNESCO.

31. Abu-Moghli, F. Khalaf, I. Halabi, J. & Wardam, L. (2005). Jordanian baccalaureate nursing students' perception of their learning styles. International Nursing Review, 52.

32. Barghoti, F, Abu-Moghli, F & Khalaf, I. (2005). Patients' satisfaction with health care services provided at the Family Medicine Clinic at Jordan University Hospital. Dirasat, Medical and Biological Sciences, 32(2):2-17

33. Abu-Moghli, F. Khalaf, I. Jordanian nurses' attitudes towards planning nursing care as part of their professional role. (2002). Dirasat, Medical and Biological Sciences, 29(1,2)

34. Suleiman, W & Abu-Moghli, F. (1999). Leadership styles of nurse administrators in Jordanian hospitals. Dirasat, Medical and Biological Sciences, 26(1, 2).

35. Harmina, M, Moustafa, N and Abu-Moghli, F. (1990). The effect of an inservice education program on nurses' knowledge and application of the nursing process at Jordan University Hospital. The Bulletin of the High Institute of Public Health, XX(4); 851-9

36. Abu-Moghli, F. (1991). Evaluation of the nursing process applied at Jordan University Hospital. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis.

37. Abu-Mogli, F. (1982). Students' satisfaction with their learning experiences. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis.

Supervised theses/dissertations:

1. The impact of shared governance on Jordanian nurses’ perception of professional governance, empowerment, and organizational commitment. Anwar Ahmad Al Rifai (PhD)

2. Effect of Educational Program on transformational Leadership knowledge and Behaviors among Jordanian Nurse Managers. Majeda Afeef (PhD)

3. Evaluation of the effect of internship program on the newly graduated nurses' clinical competence at military hospitals. Hazem Fanash (PhD)

4. Evaluation of the effect of internship program on the newly graduated nurses' clinical competence at military hospitals. Abdullah Ah-Habahbeh (PhD)

5. The quality of life of Jordanian nurses from their perspectives a comperative study between ICU & non ICU nurses. Khalil Gubbar (MSc)

6. The Influence of Jordanian Nurses' Perceived Work Environment and Nurses' Job Satisfaction on The Quality of Nursing Care. Rola Mudallal (PhD)

7. Exploring Sources of Knowledge Utilized in practice and Predictors of Research Utilization Among Jordanian Registered Nurses. Suhair Al-Ghabeesh (PhD0

8. Moral distress among Jordanian critical care nurses and their perception of hospital ethical climate. Rabea Alari (PhD)

9. Perceived level of Confidence to perform clinical nurse specialists (CNS) core competencies among master prepared Jordanian nurses. Ossama Zaggot (MSc)

10. The healthcare professionals and hospital managers' perceptions of patient safety culture in Jordanian hospitals. (Hussein Kattoa. (PhD)

Papers presented in national and international conferences

| | |

|2015 (May. 21) |Quality Training Experiences for Nursing Students. Philadelphia University |

|2015 (May 5) |Academic perspective on the role of academia in meeting the needs and challenges in nursing workforce in Jordan. |

| |Al- Isra University |

|2015 (April 22-23) |Towards Quality Nursing Education; the Jordanian Experience |

| |The 5th International Nursing Conference. JNC |

|2015 (March 17) |Quality Standards for Nursing Education Programs. JNC |

|2015 (Jan. 16) |The Clinical Nurse Specialist; Contribution to health care. Jeddah. KSA |

|2015 (Jan. 17) |Nursing Leadership: Issues and Challenges. Jeddah. KSA |

|2014 (Dec. 16-17) |Innovation in Nursing education and Practice. Applied Science Private University |

|2014 (Oct. 27) |Nursing: Issues and Challenges. The 1st international conference. Jordan University Hospital |

|2013 (Oct. 28) |Institutionalization of Quality Management in Higher Education in Jordan. British Council conference. Jordan |

|2013 (April 24) |The Situation of Nursing Education in Jordan: Challenges and Opportunities. JNC |

|2007 (Nov. 29) |Child maltreatment: nurses perception and interventions. Alexandria University |

|2007 (Nov. 29) |Healthy life Styles: University students’ knowledge and practices. Alexandria University |

|2006 (Jan. 4) |Knowledge, attitudes and practices of decision Jordanian makers regarding population, reproductive health and |

| |gender issues. Higher Population Council |

| | |

| | |


|2018 |Developing certifying exams for the Nurse managers-JNC |

|2010-2017 |Developing exams for nurses applying for nursing positions. Civil Service Berue |

|2010-present |Consultant for the Palestinian Ministry of Health and evaluator of nursing BSC and MsC programs in Palestine (2 |

| |programs in Gaza and 5 in the West Bank) |

|2011-2015 |Developed the Quality Assurance Standards for Nursing Programs through the Jordanian Higher Education Accreditation |

| |Commission ( |

| |HEAC) |

|2015 |Evaluating the BSc nursing program. Al-Aqsa University. Palestine |

|2014 |Evaluating the BSc program-Al-Azhar University- Gaza |

|2013 |Evaluating the master program in critical care. Hebron University |

|2013 |Prepared the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Jordan as a Dean to accredit the specializations of the Master. |

| |Accreditation was gained for the three specializations in 2013. |

|2013 |Conducted a study for the British Council/ Jordan entitled “The Study of Internal Quality Management Practices (IQM) |

| |in Jordanian Universities” |

|2013 |Conducting, on behalf of the British Council, a study on Quality culture in institutions of higher education in Jordan|

|2012 |A member in the committee to develop the Bachelor Degree Curriculum for the Department of Paramedics for Prince |

| |Hussein bin Abdullah II Academy of Civil Protection. |

|2010-present |Member in several editorial boards of International Professional Periodicals |

|2011 |Developing the strategic plan for the nursing profession in Jordan. The Jordanian Nursing Council. |

|2010-present |Consultation and evaluation of several undergraduate and graduate nursing education programs in Arab countries. |

|2009-present |Membership of several Academic Accreditation Groups (examples: The Hashemite University, Faculty of |

| |nursing-Philadelphia University, Faculty of Nursing- University of Applied Sciences…) |

|2009-2010 |Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II Academy of Civil Protection -Department of Paramedics -Bachelor Degree- Curriculum |

| |development |

|2008-2010 |National AIDS Program / MOH |

|2009 |A member in the committee to develop the Bachelor Degree Curriculum for the Department of Paramedics for Prince |

| |Hussein bin Abdullah II Academy of Civil Protection. |

|2009 |Jordan with the Jordanian Population Council and the Policy Project (USAID). |

|2008 |MOH and (Family Health International (FHI). Survey of Risk Behavior in Populations Potentially at Risk |

| |of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Jordan-Project |

|2007 |A member in the task force for developing the national reproductive health strategy. MOH |

|2007 |A member in the task force for developing the national Elderly strategy for Jordan - the Jordanian National Council |

| |for the Family Affairs and the Ministry of Health |

|2006-2007 |Developing curricula for Nursing, Rehabilitation Sciences and Health Care Management Bachelor of Science degree |

| |curricula for Amran University-Yemen. |

|2006-2012 |The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) |

|2008 (August 27-29) |UNFPA- Y-Peer program evaluation- Egypt project |

|2005-2007 |UNESCO-Focusing Resources on Effective School Health Initiative |

| |(FRESH). Jordan's' representative. |

|2004-2006 |Developing Jordanian Nursing Bylaws. Jordanian Nursing Council. |

|2006 |Renovation of the National Museum. Pico Art International Pte. Ltd. (PICO) |

|2002-2007 |Promotion campaigns Committee for the JNC. |

|2004 |The National Council for Family Affairs. Developing standards for providing professional care for families and |

| |children. |

|2004 |A consultant with the PHCI project to produce and validate the accuracy of the procedure manual in reproductive |

| |health. |

|2004 |A member in a committee to develop the curriculum for health education and communication skills for the Ministry of |

| |Education |

|2001-2004 |Quality improvement consultant. Consultant for the Primary Health Care Initiatives (PHCI) project for strengthening |

| |the nursing supervisory system at the Ministry of Health (MOH). |

|2000-2002 |Developing standards for nursing education (UOJ) |

|2001-2002 |Worked as a Consultant with PHCI QA Team to Produce and Validate the Technical Accuracy of the RH Standards and |

| |Prepare Quality Assurance Coordinators and MCH Supervisors at the MOH in the Use Of Reproductive Health Standards and |

| |Checklists |

| |For Training and Supervising Health Center Staff. |

|1998-2000 |Participated in Evaluating and Revising Two Books about Nursing Care for Secondary Students at the Ministry of |

| |Education |

|2000-2001 |Consultant for the primary Health Care Initiatives (PHCI) Project for developing Associate Degree Nursing Curriculum |

|1999 |Consultant for Integrating Reproductive Health Concepts in the Curricula of Nursing Faculties Colleges and |

| |Institutions in Jordan. Ministry of Health/ UNFPA. |

|1994 |Baghdad University. Consultant for the baccalaureate, master and doctoral Programs. |

|1993(May17-22) |Oman. Omani Ministry of Health. Diploma programs and continuing education. |

|1992 |Proposal for developing Al-amal Cancer Center |

|1991 |Islamic Hospital. Nursing Process and Record keeping. |

Scientific and Professional Activities

1) Workshops conducted:

|20`14 (March 11) |Evaluating the PhD Nursing Program. Faculty of Nursing |

|2012 (March 25-April 5) |Jordanian Nursing Council. Developing management and leadership skills for nurses at middle management |

| |levels. |

|2010 (Feb ) |Developing nursing curricula and constructing examinations. |

|2009 (April 4) |Nursing in Jordan: Past, present and future. JNC and Jordan Hospital |

|2008-2009 |Several 2-3 day workshops on biological and behavioral surveillance for HIV/ AIDS among high risk |

| |groups. |

|1995-2008 |Problem-Solving for better health. Program. Dryfus Health Foundation and Center for Educational |

| |Development. Organizer and facilitator. (Six workshops each year) |

|2006 (Feb. 2-6) |The role of women in educating about AIDS. UNESCO-Tunisia |

|2005 |Legislative issues influencing nursing. A two-day workshop for Iraqi nurses. Jordanian Nursing Council. |

|2004 |Several workshops on "TOT" programs for improving life styles, political development, gender issues. |

|2004 (Sep 4 four-day workshops) |Gender issues, political development, reproductive health and healthy life styles. Community Service |

| |Office in collaboration with the Center of Consultation. Jordan |

|2003 (July 23-24) |Strengthening the nursing supervisory system at the Ministry of Health (MOH). |

|2003 (July 30-Aug.5) |Management and leadership role of the nursing supervisors in |

| |Implementing the nursing and preventive services standards of care. |

|2003 (June (27-28) |Healthy life styles. Community Service Office in collaboration with the Center of Consultation. Jordan |

|2003 (June 23) |Political development. Community Service Office in collaboration with the Center of Consultation. Jordan|

| 2002 (Aug.16-21) |Role of nursing supervisors in implementing the MOH standards at the health centers. |

|2001 (Sep. 23 /2000-April 8 2001) |Critical care nursing course (6months duration) |

|2000(Sep.18–Oct 2) |Management and leadership in Nursing. |

|2000 (July 3-Oct 3) |Cardio thoracic intensive care nursing. |

|2000 (Sep 18 –Oct 2) |Quality assurance in health (continuing education course) |

|2000(May3 April 26) |Developing the Jordanian standards of nursing education.14 workshops of 6 hrs each. |

|1998 (Sep 12-18) |Nursing management. Amman Surgical Hospital. Jordan |

|1998(Feb2-Aug 5) |Management of nursing services. Jordanian Nurses and Midwives Council. |

|1996(Apr.8-June14) |Determining a standard job description for staff nurses. Project group member. University of Science |

| |and Technology (JUST). |

|1997(May 21-June18) |Managing a center for developing health personnel. Course: Center for Educational Development /JU. |

|1996-1997 |Developing the baccalaureate nursing Curriculum. Several workshops. JU |

|1996(20-22 Dec) |The art of nursing management. Training Program. Student Council - JU. |

|1995-1996 |Developing Nursing Standards. FON. Project group member and session leader. |

|1996(June 15-20) |Nursing Management Course. Faculty of Economics and Trading and International Development Bank. |

| |(Organizer and lecturer). |

|1996(Apr11-14) |Problem-Solving for better health. India. Dryfus Health Foundation and Center for Educational |

| |Development. Organizer and facilitator). |

|1995(Dec.9-21) |Strategies for leaching and learning course. WHO and CED. |

|1995 (May 22) |The 1st Scientific day; Educating nurses and midwives. Nurses and Midwives Council. Jordan |

|1994 |Health education and communication skills- Community medicine program of 18 hrs duration. |

|1994 |Managing nursing units and clinical education. 20 hrs course. WHO and CED (lecturer). |

|1993-1994 |Developing the Jordanian code of nursing ethics. Member of a project group. FON. |

|1992 (Sep 16-Nov18) |Management and leadership in nursing. Course for supervisors at the Islamic Hospital. Center for |

| |Professional Consultations. |

|1992(Sep 1-14) |The Nursing process. CE program for nurse supervisors at Jordan University Hospital. |

|1990 |The nursing process. Three 2- week continuing education programs for staff nurses at JUH (As part of |

| |doctoral study). |

2) Continuing Education Workshops Attended:

|2018 (Oct. 25) |Blended Learning and ICT integration in Higher Education- Accreditation and Quality Assurance |

| |Center-UJ |

|2018 (Oct. 23-23) |Collaborative approach-Share-net and Higher population council |

|2018 (Sep. 5) |Research priority and policy- JUST |

|2018 (Aug. 13-14) |Situation analysis of harmonized reproductive health registry- The Eastern Mediterranean Public |

| |Health Network (EMPHNET) |

|2018 (April 23-24) |Collaborative approach- Share-net and Higher population council |

|2018 (Feb. 20-21) |Policy priorities in Reproductive Health- Share-Net |

|2018 (Feb. 8) |The behavioral economic approach to reproductive health-Higher population Council |

|2017 (Dec.10-11) |Collaborative Approach in reproductive Health-Share-Net &HPC |

|2015 (Dec. 16) |Nursing Research Priorities in Jordan. JNC |

|2015 (Sep. 17) |The Entrepreneurial University Stakeholder Seminar. British Council |

|2014 (Nov. 11th ) |Building a reviewer capacity. British Council and HEAC |

|2014 (February 24-26) |Leadership and Internationalising Arab Universities. The Association of Arab Universities with |

| |the support of Tempus, the British Council and The Leadership Foundation for Higher Education |

|2014 (Feb. 10-14) |USAID Jordan Competitiveness Program’s Innovation Accelerator Workshop. USAID Jordan |

|2013 (Dec. 11) |Quality Assurance and Certification Workshop organized by British council in cooperation with |

| |the Higher Education Accreditation Council (HEAC). |

|2009 (January 18) |Continuing education for RNs and APNs. Medscape |

|2008 (October 28-29) |Leadership in Higher Education; managing stimulating and quality assuring research in Jordanian |

| |universities. United Nations University, UNESCO, Education Accreditation Commission-Jordan |

|2007 (Nov.26-28) |Regional Workshop on the Preparedness for Disasters and Emergencies-WHO and Jordanian Nursing |

| |Council |

|2007 |The use of Blackboard in education (e-learning) |

|2005 (April 25th) |Jordan's Information Point Kickoff. Higher Council for Science and Technology. |

|2005 ( March 13-15) |Including AIDs education at university curricula. MOH and the Global Fund to fight AIDs, |

| |Tuberculosis, and Malaria. |

|2005(Jan. 4-5) |Developing the national strategy for AIDs for the upcoming 5 year. The MOH, WHO, UN-AIDs Project|

| |and International Organization for Family Health |

|2004 |Research priorities in Jordan (two workshops). The Jordanian Nursing Council (JNC). |

|2004 |Mentorship in Nursing Research. (JNC) |

|2004 |Utilization of nursing research. (JNC) |

|2003 (August 16) |Political development Forum. Ministry of Political Development and Ministry of Education. Jordan|

|1998(June 7-18) |Health Care ethics. University of Applied Sciences. |

|1998(June 1-5) |Theories of counseling. FON |

|1997(March 11-13) |Decision- Making for accident prevention. Training program. MOH and WHO.(Participant and Session|

| |leader). |

|1997(Feb 24-27) |Communication for better health. Workshop. Dryfus Health Foundation. |

|1996 (Nov.16-18) |Decision makers' role in preventing traffic road accidents. MOH. Jordan |

|1996(Nov3-Dec.29) |Developing Arabic Language skills. Training Program for faculty members. University of Jordan |

| |(JU) |

|1994 |Arabic language basic skills. 7- Day Course. Jordan JU |

|1993-1994 |Utilizing the problem- solving approach in writing textbooks. Three 10 - day workshops. Ministry|

| |of Education. |

|1993 |Data processing and analysis. Seven - day course. Faculty of Educational Sciences. |

|1991(Apr 12-23) |Data processing. CE program. Faculty of educational sciences. |

3) Conferences:

|2000-present |Chairperson of conference sessions in many international |

| |conferences conducted at the University of Jordan, Jordanian University of Science and |

| |Technology (JUST), |

| |Royal Medical Services, Higher Population Council (HPC) |

| |Higher Council of Youth/and Al-Zaytoonah University, Philadelphia University, Al Isra |

| |University and Egyptian and Saudi universities |

|2015 (Jan. 20-22) |First International Nursing Conference: Nursing Toward Holistic Approach. King Abdullah |

| |Medical City,Holy Mekka. KSA |

|2015 (May 21) |Quality Clinical Training in Nursing Schools. Philadelphia University |

|2015 (May 5) |Nursing Workforce in Jordan: Trends and Challenges in Supply and Education. Isra |

| |University |

|2015 (April 27-29) |The 7th International Nursing Conference; Nursing Excellence Beyond Borders. King Faisal |

| |Specialist Hospital and Research Center. Jeddah |

|2015 (Jan. 20-22) |The 1st International Conference King Abdullah Medical City. Jeddah |

|2014 (Dec. 16-17) |Toward Innovation in Nursing Practice. Applied Science Private University. Presenter |

|2014 (Nov. 4-7) |7th International Conference of the Royal Medical Services and 4rt ICMM Pan Arab Regional |

| |Working Group Congress On Military Medicine. RMS |

|2013 (April 23-24) |Fourth International Nursing Conference: “The Tipping Point: Creative Solutions to Health |

| |and Nursing Challenges”. Presenter: “Challenges facing nursing education”. |

|2013 |Participated in Going Global 2013, Global Education -knowledge based economies for 21st |

| |century nations: The |

| |conference for leaders of international education hosted by the British Council. |

|2011 (April 19-20) |The international Nursing Forum:“Global Partnership in Nursing”. The University of Jordan;|

| |Faculty of Nursing. Moderator and presenter. |

|2010 (April 27-28) |The 3rd International Nursing Conference:' The heart of the matter: Relevance of Nursing |

| |Responsiveness". Jordanian Nursing Council |

|2009 (April 7) |Dissemination of nursing research findings: a call for better utilization. Faculty of |

| |Nursing.(participant) |

|2009 |Keynote Speaker for the Nursing Session in Albalqaa third |

| |Medical Conference/ Presenter |

|2008 (April 23-24) |The Second International Nursing Conference: The less travelled road. Organizer and |

| |presenter |

|2007 (March 26-27) |The 3rd National Population Forum on "Population and Demographic Gift". Higher Population |

| |Council in cooperation with UNFPA, Department of Statistics. Amman-Jordan |

|2007 (Dec.17) |Health Promotion through Scientific Research-The Bedwins' Health Promotion Project as a |

| |Model-Philadelphia University-Jordan-Presenter |

|2007 (Dec.2-4) |6th Jordanian Quality Conference-Quality in health care and education-Jordan Society for |

| |Quality (JSQ)-Dead Sea-Presenter |

| | |

|2007 (Nov.20-22) |The 9th International Scientific Nursing Conference-The 2nd Scientific Association of Arab|

| |Nursing Faculties Conference-Accreditation and Nursing –Alexandria-Egypt- Presenter |

|2007(Aug 15-17) |Al-Balqa Second Medical Conference-Al-Hussein Salt Hospital- Presenter |

|2007 (July2-4) |The fifth Arab Conference on consultation and training. The Arab Organization for |

| |Management Development; of Arab Countries and Center of Consultation-University of |

| |Jordan-Presenter |

|2006(June.11-14) |Global Women’s Action Network for Children Conference: Mobilizing for Action. The National|

| |Council for Family Affairs & Children’s Defense Fund (Participant). |

|2006 (August 13-17) |The 5th Arab Forum on Consultation and Training. The Arab Organization for Management |

| |Development. Cairo. Egypt. |

|2005 (Dec.6-8) |The first international conference: Towards Advancing |

| |Nursing. KSA-Riyadh. (Presenter) |

|2004(Feb 23 25) |The First Arab ISPCAN Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. (Presenter) |

|2001 (Sep 25-27) |The 5th International Nursing Conference "Nursing in the 3rd Millennium).The University of|

| |Jordan. (Coordinator and Presenter) |

|1999 (July 27-29) |The 4rth International Nursing Conference: Nursing entering the 21st century. UJ. |

| |Moderator and coordinator. Jordan |

|1997 (May 12) |The 2nd Scientific Day "Towards Better quality Nursing Care". Jordanian Nurses and |

| |Midwives Council. Jordan |

|1997(Nov18-19) |The 3rd international nursing conference; toward the year 2000. FON/JU (Moderator). |

|1997 (October) |The Fifth International Middle East Nursing Conference, Mobilizing for Excellence in |

| |Nursing Toward the Year 2000: A Global Perspective for Nursing”Irbid, Jordan |

|1996(May7-8) |The 4rth international nursing conference in the Middle East: Nursing excellence in the |

| |90’5. JUST University. Irbid. (Participant). |

|6/1995 | “Palliative Care and Pain Relief” World Health Organization Amman, Jordan |

|1995(Oct11-12) |The 2nd international nursing conference. Nursing; Present and Future. FON /JU. |

| |(Moderator). |

|1994(Apr 24-25) |The 3rd international nursing conference in the Middle East: |

| |Nursing in the 1990’s. JUST university. Irbid. |

|1994 (May 15-17) |The 4th scientific conference for the faculty of nursing/ University of Baghdad |

| |(Presenter). |

|5/1994 |“The Scientific Care: Facts and Figures” The Jordanian Nurses and Midwives |

| |Association Amman, Jordan |

|1993(Sep13-14) |The 1st international nursing conference: Bridging the gap between research, practice and |

| |theory in nursing. The University of Jordan Amman, Jordan |

|1992 (July 27-29) |The 4rth international nursing conference; Nursing: entering the 21st century. The |

| |University of Jordan Amman, Jordan. (Moderator). |

|1992(Apr 27-28) |The 2nd international nursing conference in the Middle East; the challenge of change for |

| |nursing in the 90’5. JUST university. Irbid. |

|2/1991 | The Responsibility for Health Education. The University of Jordan Amman, Jordan |

|5/1991 |The Annual Scientific Day. The University of Jordan Amman, Jordan |

4) Symposia and one-day workshops:

| | |

| | |

|2014 (Dec. 22) |1st Deans of Health Sciences Schools Symposium On Integrating Reproductive Health Concepts in the |

| |Curricula |

|2014 (Aug. 14) |Youth situation, Education outcomes; vision and opportunities. Symposium. Business Development |

| |Center |

|2012 (Oct. 1) |Jordanian-Swedish graduate students symposium |

|2012 (Dec. 29) |Advanced Nursing Practice in Jordan; the present and the future (presenter|

| |and coordinator) |

|2011 (Dec. 6) |Professional and biomedical ethics. Jordan Society for Professional Ethics. |

|2010 (Oct. 11) |Evaluation of mental health services in Jordan. The Higher Council for Science and Technology. |

|2009 (April 7) |Dissemination of nursing research findings: A call for better utilization. Scientific day. FON/UJ |

| |in collaboration with University of Gothenburg/Sweden |

|2008 (August 5th) |Nursing Ethics and legal issues. Al-Balqa' Applied University |

|2003 (June 23) |Curriculum planning. FON. UJ. (Coordinator and Presenter. |

|2002 (May 22) |Building Democracy. Community Service Office/UJ in cooperation with JUST, British Council and |

| |European Commission. Jordan |

|2002 (June 20) |Scientific Forum on Early Childhood "Care and Warmth). Ministry of Health. Jordan (Speaker and |

| |Coordinator) |

|2000 (Oct 24) |Quality Assurance in nursing. Speaker |

|2000 (Aug 24) |Legislation affecting nursing practice (organizer and speaker). |

|1998(May 26) |Communication today and tomorrow. Workshop. FON. (Participant). |

|1998 |Reproductive health. Symposium |

|1998 |Effect of continuing education on the performance of nursing personnel. |

| |Symposium) Nurses and Midwives Association. (Moderator). |

|1997(Apr 17) |Smoking: Religious and health perspectives. Symposi / (Organizer and moderator). |

|1997(May 12) |The second scientific day for the Nurses and Midwives Association. (Organizer and moderator). |

|1996(Apr 21) |Toward a better future for children with special needs. Symposium (Participant). |

|1996 (Jan 1st ) |Continuing education and its influence on the improvement of the quality of nursing care. |

| |Symposium. Nurses and Midwives Council. Speaker |

| | |

|1995(May22) |The first scientific day for the Nurses and Midwives Association. (Moderator). |

|1994(May 31) |Islam and family planning. Symposium. (Participant). |

|1994(Apr 21) |Strategies of teaching nursing courses. Workshop. (Organizer and facilitator). |

|1994(APR 16) |Strategies for clinical instruction. Workshop. (Facilitator). |

|1994 |Job descriptions between the theory and application. Symposium (Speaker). |

|1994 |Nursing; obligations and rights. Nurses and Midwives Association. Symposium. (Speaker) |

| |Job description for nurses between theory and practice. Students' council. The University of |

| |Jordan. Presenter |

|1993 |Nursing; the past and present. TV Symposium (speaker) |

|1993 |The first gathering for nurse leaders. (Moderator and speaker). |

|1992 (May 11) |The 7th scientific day for the FON/UJ. Presenter; Evaluation of the nursing process applied at JUH|

5) Other Workshops:

• Writing educational objectives. CE program for teachers at the ministry of education. ( organizer and lecturer)

• Teaching strategies. CE program for teachers at the Ministry of Education. (Organizer and lecturer).

• Conceptual learning in the health professions. CE program for nurse

• Conceptual learning in the health professions. CE workshop. CED (organizer and facilitator).

• Management and leadership in nursing. CE program for nurse supervisors and directors of nursing. CED (organizer and lecturer).

• Constructing examination questions for medical students. CED. (Participant).

• Developing curricula for the health professions. CE program. CED. (Participant).

• Geriatric care. Workshop. FON (participant).

• The nursing process. Workshop .FON. (Participant).

• Ward management. Workshop. FON. (Participant).

• Primary health care. WHO and Ministry of Health. Workshop. (Participant)

• Integrating primary health care into nursing curricula. Workshop WHO and Ministry of Health (participant)

Professional societies and Committee Membership:

|2014-present |A member in the Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Honor Society of Nursing |

|2000-present |The Higher Education committee-Faculty of Nursing (Shifting between chairing and membership) |

|2007-present |PhD qualifying Examination Committee, Faculty of Nursing, Jordan University(Shifting between |

| |chairing and membership) |

|2013-present |University of Jordan Hospital board–The University of Jordan\ Member |

|2013-present |Administrative Board of University of Jordan school\Member. |

|2013-present |A member in the National Center for Diabetes, Endocrinology & |

| |Genetics Board. |

|1980-present |Jordanian Nurses and Midwives Council-Member |

|2006-present |Chair person of the Nursing Specialization Committee in the |

| |Jordanian Nursing Council |

|2013-present |Chair person Faculty of Nursing council\member |

|1992-2005 |Member Faculty of Nursing council\member |

|2008-2012 |Member Faculty of Nursing council\member |

|2011-2015 |A member in the Jordanian Nurses Council Board |

|2002-2004 | |

|2014-2015 |Committee for developing the quality standards for nursing |

| |programs in Jordan (Higher Education Accreditation commission) |

|2010-present |The Jordanian Higher Education Accreditation Commission Accreditation committees (several |

| |committees for accrediting universities and the nursing programs) |

|2013-present |Faculty of Nursing administrative board |

|1992-2005 | |

|2008-2012 | |

Other committees

1. At the faculty of Nursing:

|Member School Council |

|Quality improvement committee |

|The comprehensive clinical nursing committee-Faculty of Nursing member |

|Chairperson. Graduate Education Committee |

|Member. Graduate Education Committee |

|Chairperson. Scientific Research Committee. |

|Member. International Conferences Committee |

|Chairperson. Students Investigation Committee (FON). |

|Member. Faculty council |

|Chair- person. Curriculum and Evaluation Committee. |

|Member. Scientific Research Committee. |

|Chairperson. Equipment and laboratory Committee. |

|A member and a chairperson in the Master Comprehensive Examination Committee. |

|Chair School Council |

2. At the university Campus and the community

| |

|Nursing Programs Evaluation Committee – Higher Education Accreditation Commission (HEAC) |

|Research Funds Sectoral Committee –Ministry of Higher Education |

|Steering Committee Share Net (HPC) |

|Deans Council |

|Executive committee. Jordanian Nursing Council |

|The Committee for Revising the Jordanian Nursing Code of Ethics at the Jordanian Nursing Council |

|The committee on redesigning job descriptions |

|The Editorial Board for Dirasat/ the Medical and Biological Sciences, Published by the Deanship of Academic Research, |

|University of Jordan. |

|A reviewer for the Journal of Nursing Practice. |

|The Phonetic and research Studies center Board- University of Jordan\ member. |

|Member in the Center of Consultation council/the University of Jordan |

|Member. HIV/AIDS executive surveillance committee-MOH |

|The Editorial Board for Dirasat/ the Medical and Biological Sciences, Published by the Deanship of Academic Research, The |

|University of Jordan |

|Board member of the Jordanian Nursing Council (JNC). 2002-2006 |

|Editorial board member. Jordan Health Digest; A bulletin issued by Center for Educational Development (UJ) in Collaboration |

|with the Dreyfus Health Foundation. |

|Chairperson. Nursing legislative committee. JNC. |

|Member. The first international conference for training. Center for Consultation, Technical Services, and Studies. UJ. |

|Member. National certifying exam committee. JNC. |

|Member. Clinical Ladder committee. JNC. |

|Member. Investigation committee. Deanship of Students' Affairs. |

|Member. Nurses and Midwives Council. |

|Member. Scientific Committee. Nurses and Midwives Association. |

|Member Faculty Evaluation Committee. Office for developing faculty members. University of Jordan. |

|Member. Academic/Professional Committee. Jordan University Hospital. (JUH) |

|Member. Administrative Committee. JUH. |

|Chairperson. Nursing Administrative Committee. JUH. |

|Chairperson. Social Committee. JUH. |

|Member. Nursery Administrative Board. JUH. |

|Member of the OR. Committee. JUH. |

|Member. Consultation Committee. Nurses and Midwives Association. |

|Member. Committee for Developing a Jordanian Nursing Board. Ministry of Health. |

|Member. Committee for developing a nursing directorate within the organization structure of the MOH. |

|Member. Joint University Royal Medical Services Committee for developing a two-on–two program. |

|Member. Al-Husien Cancer Center staffing Committee. |

|Member. Nursing Personnel Development Committee. Ministry of Health. |

|Member. Infection Control Committee. JUH. |

|Member. Quality Assurance Committee. JUH. |

|Member. Continuing Education Committee. JUH. |

|Member. Graduate Studies for Health Personal Committee. UJ. |

|The Committee to Establish the Accreditation Criteria to Accredit |

|The Associate Nursing Program at the Ministry of Higher Education-Jordan/ Member. |

Teaching Experience:

Courses taught include:

• Quality in Health Care Institutions (PhD Program)

• Interdisciplinary Shared Governance (PhD program)

• Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health (PhD Program)

• Advanced Nursing role (Master program).

• Critical care nursing; roles and ethics (Master program).

• Advanced Management and Leadership(Master program)

• Management and leadership for Rehabilitation Sciences

• Research methods (Rehabilitation Sciences)

• Shared Governance (PhD level)

• Quality Assurance in health care (MSc Jordan University of Science and Technology)

• Nursing service Administration ( theory)

• Nursing service Administration (practicum)

• Management and leadership in Nursing

• Research methods in nursing.

• Nursing history, trends, and issues.

• History of nursing.

• Nursing in our lives ( university elective)

• Community health nursing ( theory and practice)

• Directed project (Master program).

• Clinical nursing education performance (Master program).

Additional Activities:

• Production of two educational films about first aid with the cooperation of the Center for Educational Technology. The University of Jordan.

• Production of an educational package for first aid.

• Co- author and co- editor of the nursing textbooks for the 11th grade. Ministry of Education.


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