אופיר אקוניס לדפי חברי הכנסת - נוסח שלו לאחר עריכה לשונית

The KnessetMember of Knesset Ofir AkunisOfir Akunis was born in Tel-Aviv on 28 May 1973. He is married to Adi and father to Yehonatan and Ronnie.In 1992, Akunis joined the Likud party, and in 1996 he began working in the Information Department at Metzudat Ze'ev. In June 1996, following Benjamin Netanyahu’s victory in the elections for Prime Minister, Akunis began serving as his deputy media advisor. In March 1999, he was appointed Likud Spokesman. In 2004, Akunis was appointed media advisor to Netanyahu in the Ministry of Finance, a position he filled until 2008, when he was appointed Deputy Director of Communications and Information for the Likud. Akunis is considered an extremely active MK. He was elected to the 18th Knesset in February 2009. Between May 2009 and December 2010, Akunis headed the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee. In the framework of this committee, Akunis promoted the opening of the cellular communications market to competition by reducing connectivity fees, introducing virtual operators and new companies to the market while cancelling exit fines for customers who wished to switch to a different mobile operator. He submitted the Consumer Protection Law (Amendment – Monetary Refund for Cancellation of a Deal to Purchase a Good) 5770-2010, and initiated the Banking Bill (Customer Service) (Amendment – Interest on Credit Balance) 5773-2013 (The Reverse Interest Law).In the television sector, Akunis promoted legislation regulating the transition from franchises to licenses, and initiated the increase of channels broadcast free of charge by the "Idan+" DDT broadcasting service. He objected to the Ministry of Finance's demand to increase radio and television fees, and actually led to its decrease.Upon assuming the position of Chair of the Knesset Economic Committee, Akunis vowed to act in the spirit of Menachem Begin: “Free Economy with Social Sensitivity”. He supports the concept of decreasing direct and indirect taxes imposed on the public and believes that one of the ways to reduce prices is to abolish monopolies and duopolies, breaking up centralizations and encouraging competition in the Israeli market, also by reducing custom fees on imported products.?In 2003, he won the Menachem Begin Award for his thesis "Morals and Realism in Israeli Politics".In 2009, Akunis initiated the formation of a Likud response team, which he headed until 2013. He worked largely with the Israeli and foreign media in order to explain, present the truth and dispel lies against the State of Israel.Akunis declared on a number of occasions that he viewed the Palestinians as an obstacle to peace in the Middle East. In an interview with American media in September 2016, Akunis stated: “It is not the settlements that are the obstacle to peace in the Middle East. The Palestinians who are refusing to speak with us are the obstacles to peace”. He supports settlement throughout all parts of the country “with no disparity between the Golan, the Galilee, the Negev or Judea and Samaria”. Akunis believes that Israel has the historical and moral right to the territory under Israeli control, according to the teachings of?Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky, "It is All Mine". Prominent laws Akunis initiated and advanced:Traffic Ordinance Amendment Law (No. 92) 5769-2009 that allows parking at bus stops on weekends and days of rest.The State Flag, Emblem and Anthem Law (Amendment No. 5) 5710-2010 which requires that Israeli flags be manufactured in Israeli factories.Referendum on a Political Agreement with the Palestinian Authority Law 5710-2010.Infiltration Prevention Bill (prohibiting assistance) (temporary order) (Amendment – increasing punishment for illegal employment, hosting or transporting) 5710-2010, to prevent the employment of infiltrators and illegal aliens, as well as hosting or transporting them.Amutot (Non-Profit Organizations) Bill (Amendment – Banning Support from a Foreign State Entity) 5771-2011, to limit donations to political associations in Israel.The Expansion of Adequate Representation for Persons of the Ethiopian Community in the Civil Service (Legislative Amendments) Law 5771-2011.Consumer Protection Law (Amendment – Monetary Refund for Cancellation of a Product Purchase Transaction) 5710-2010, which requires a cash refund be paid to the consumer. The law was later incorporated into the Consumer Protection Regulations Law (Cancellation of a Transaction) 5751-2011.The Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasting) (Amendment – Prohibition on Exit Fines) 5771-2011, in which cable and satellite companies are prohibited from charging customers exit fines for disconnection from the service.Approval of free transportation in the southern segments of Highway 6.Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s OfficeIn 2013, after having been elected to a second term in the Knesset, Akunis was appointed deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Office. At his request, Akunis received the position of Chairman of the Public Council to spearhead the ‘Computer for Every Child’ project. During his term, for less than two years, he upgraded the project to a ‘Tablet for Every Child’ - 17,000 personal computers and desktops were distributed to children from disadvantaged families. “Begin had neighborhood rehabilitation – we have a 'Computer for Every Child'. We are taking real action for social justice. In action – and not just words!" he stated.Akunis served as deputy minister to liaison between the government and Knesset. In this capacity, he responded every week to the opposition’s motions of no confidence and repelled them. During Operation Protective Edge, when he spoke at the Knesset, Akunis responded to attacks from MKs from the Arab parties. After briefing the plenum on his visits to wounded IDF soldiers and families of fallen soldiers, Akunis stated: “Operation Protective Edge is the most just and moral [operation]. A clear case of self-defense against terrorist organization, a trained and armed Iranian offshoot that was created primarily over the past 10 years south of our country, whose terrorists are a group of sub-humans whose entire aim is to kill innocent civilians…”Akunis further stated: “There is no other nation like this in the world. A rare collection…a human mosaic from all four corners of the earth, from the United States, Ethiopia, the former USSR, native born Israelis, Tel-Aviv residents and kibbutz members, southern residents, new immigrants, native Israelis. This House is definitely unified in commemorating their memory.”At the end of 2014, Akunis was appointed acting Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection. During the months of his service, Akunis dealt with?the massive crude oil spill that contaminated the Ervona nature reserve in south Israel. Within a short period of time, once the spill into the Eilat Gulf had been halted with tremendous effort, he led a government decision to allocate NIS 17 million to rehabilitate the reserve and help the surrounding towns recover. He further decided that the northern segment of a beach owned by the Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Company would be made available to the public, after having been owned by the Company for 50 years.Following the elections for the 20th Knesset, Akunis was appointed minister in the government, initially without a portfolio and in charge of the Broadcasting Authority and the Second Authority for Television and Radio. At that time, he facilitated the cancellation of the Broadcast Fee and the decision to create an Israeli broadcasting corporation.In September 2015, Akunis was appointed Minister of Science, Technology and Space. During the ceremony in which he officially took up his duties, Akunis stated that the Ministry’s policies under his aegis would be based on two main pillars: one, accessibility of science and technology to all Israeli citizens. The second is establishing Israel’s international status through innovation, ground breaking research and Israeli expertise in the world. He is working to achieve this goal by promoting joint studies and signing numerous international agreements with China, Canada, the State of California, and more.Akunis is also advancing comprehensive reform in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, while emphasizing activity that the general public can become involved in: basket of science, science day, space week, government decision to finance a youth delegation to science competitions overseas and the launching of new scholarships for returning scientists. During his term, the budget of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space broke a record set in 1982. In 2018, it amounted to NIS 530 million. ................

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