|Programme of Action |Necessary Actions |Responsibility |Time Frame for proposed Activities |


| | | | |

| | | | |

|1. Political Will | | | |

| | | | |

|POA I.1.1. | | | |

| |Seek practical commitment of Member States through an ICFM resolution|1. General |New Draft Resolution to be presented to the 33rd ICFM. |

|Demonstrate the necessary political will in order to translate |for the implementation of all existing resolutions, decisions and |Secretariat. | |

|the anticipated new vision into concrete reality and call upon |programmes within a specified timeframe and including necessary |2. Member States. | |

|the Secretary-General to take necessary steps to submit |financial resources. | | |

|practical proposals to the Member States for consideration and | | | |

|subsequent submission to the Islamic Conference of Foreign |Secretary General or his representatives to embark on visits to | | |

|Ministers. |concerned Member States for consultation with the national political | | |

| |leadership and institutions to sensitize them on the need to sign and|Secretary General |Throughout the plan period |

| |or ratify all agreements. The same message is to be stressed to all | | |

|(2) POA I.1.2. |visiting dignitaries to the General Secretariat and in all statements| | |

| |of the Secretary General. | | |

|Urge Member States to fully | | | |

|implement the provisions of the | | | |

|OIC Charter and resolutions |Secretary General to appoint Special Representatives representing the| | |

| |three regional groups to continuously lobby and mobilize leaders and | | |

| |public opinion to win over support in favour of the OIC in Member | | |

| |States. | | |

| | | | |

| |Celebrate OIC Day in collaboration with civil society groups through |Secretary General | |

| |symposia and other activities on rotational basis in Member States in| |From March 2006 onwards |

| |order to raise awareness and commitment to OIC activities, plans and | | |

| |programmes. | | |

| | | | |

| |Identify and use credible media institutions and civil society groups| | |

| |to promote the OIC Plan of Action in Member States. |1.General Secretariat | |

| | |2. Member States | |

| | | |A new draft resolution to be presented to the 33rd ICFM |

| | | | |

| | |General Secretariat | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |From July 2006 onwards after adoption of the resolution on|

| | | |Observer Status for NGOs. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|2. Solidarity and Joint Islamic Action | | | |

| | | | |

|(3) POA I.2.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Demonstrate strong commitment and credibility in Joint Islamic |Adopt a common stand and a unified vote at all international fora. |1. New York/ |An updated draft resolution to be presented to the 33rd |

|Action by effective implementation of OIC resolutions, and to |The ICFM and Summit Troikas would serve as focal pillars in this |Geneva Office. |ICFM |

|focus on the adoption of implementable resolutions until the |regard. |2. OIC | |

|Ummah reaches its objectives. In this context, the Secretary | |Ambassador’ | |

|General should be enabled to fully play his role in following | |Group | |

|up the implementation of all OIC resolutions. | |3. Troikas. | |

| |Open new OIC regional offices. |1. General | |

|(4) POA I.2.2. | |Secretariat. |Draft resolution to be presented to the 33rd ICFM. |

| | |2. Member States. | |

|Affirm commitment to Islamic solidarity among the OIC Member | | | |

|States vis-à-vis the challenges and threats faced or | |1. General | |

|experienced by the Muslim Ummah, and request the Secretary |Activate regular coordination of all Ambassadors of OIC Member States|Secretariat. |From July 2006 onwards. |

|General to elaborate a general framework, in consultation with |in all Capitals of the world. |2. Member States. | |

|Member States, on their duties and obligations in this regard, | | | |

|including solidarity and support to Member States who are | |1. Secretary | |

|facing threats. |Troika to pay urgent visit to any Member States facing threats and to|General. | |

| |declare solidarity with it there from. |2.Troika |From January 2006 onwards. |

|(5) POA I.2.3. | | | |

| |Clearly define the operational cost and time-table for the |General Secretariat | |

|Participate and coordinate effectively in all regional and |implementation of resolutions. | | |

|international forums, in order to protect and promote the | | |From July 2006 onwards |

|collective interests of the Muslim Ummah, including UN reform, |Secretary General or his representative to pay occasional high level |Secretary General | |

|expanding the Security Council membership, and extending the |visits to concerned Member States to follow-up implementation of | | |

|necessary support to candidatures of OIC Member States to |important resolutions. | | |

|international and regional organizations. | | |From January 2006 onwards. |

| |Establish a quarterly forum of OIC Ambassadors in the Kingdom for | | |

|(6) POA I.2.4. |consultation and follow-up the progress of Joint Islamic Action. |Secretary General | |

| | | | |

|Continue to support the issue of Al-Quds Al Sharif as a central|To hold regular monthly meetings of OIC Ambassadors’ Group in New | | |

|cause of the OIC and the Muslim Ummah. |York/Geneva. |New York and | |

| | |Geneva Offices. |From January 2006 onwards |

|(7) POA I.2.5. |Work to establish a Special Fund to assist Member States affected by | | |

| |calamities and disasters. | | |

|Reaffirm previous resolutions and decisions of the OIC on Jammu| |1. General | |

|and Kashmir, Cyprus, Nagorno-Karabakh and Somalia and |Appoint special representative on Palestine, Kashmir, Cyprus and |Secretariat. |From January 2006 onwards |

|demonstrate solidarity with these Muslim peoples in their just |Nagorno-Karabakh and to compile quarterly reports on the situation in|2. Member States. | |

|causes. |those areas. | | |

| | |1. General | |

| |Send delegations to non-Member States with Muslim Minorities to |Secretariat. |Draft Resolution to be presented to the 33rd ICFM. |

| |strengthen relations and to enhance the state of the Muslim |2. Member States. | |

| |communities therein. | | |

| | |Secretary General | |

| |Adopt a unified position for reform of UN Security Council and OIC | |From March 2006 onwards |

| |representation on the expanded Council. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |From July 2006 onwards |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |From January 2006 onwards |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|(4’) POA I.2.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Affirm commitment to Islamic solidarity among the OIC Member |Reaffirm Islamic solidarity among the OIC Member States in the face |General Secretariat (The |Preparation and arrangement for the convening of the 15th |

|States vis-à-vis the challenges and threats faced or |of the challenges and threats confronting the Ummah in the 21st |Department of Dawa Affairs) |Session of the Committee for the Coordination of Joint |

|experienced by the Muslim Ummah, and request the Secretary |Century. | |Islamic Action, to be held in Cairo in the second half of |

|General to elaborate a general framework, in consultation with | | |2006 to work out a conception of the coordination |

|Member States, on their duties and obligations in this regard, | | |mechanisms and long/short term strategy, follow-up of the |

|including solidarity and support to Member States who are | | |resolutions issued by the Committee for the Coordination |

|facing threats | | |of Joint Islamic Action, study of the various aspects of |

| | | |the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah in the 21st |

| | | |century and establishing ways to address them. (Long term)|

| | | | |

| | | |Invitation are being sent to the members of the Committee |

| | | |for the Coordination of Joint Islamic Action to |

| | | |participate in the 15th Session of the Committee scheduled|

| | | |to be held in Cairo during the second half of 2006. The |

| | | |members were also requested to prepare their conceptions |

| | |General Secretariat (The |about the coordination and its mechanisms. (Short term) |

| | |Department of Dawa Affairs) | |

| | | |Convening the Sixth Meeting of the Intergovernmental |

| | | |Committee on Considering the Challenges Facing the Ummah |

| | | |in the 21st Century and Ways to Address Them. (Short term)|

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Contacts are being made with the Hashemite Jordanian |

| | | |Charity Society in Amman to host the Sixth Meeting of the |

| | |General Secretariat (The |Expert Committee scheduled to be held in the 2nd half of |

| | |Department of Dawa Affairs) |2006. (Short term)] |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |General Secretariat (The | |

| | |Department of Dawa Affairs) | |

| | | | |

|3. Islam – The Religion of Moderation and Tolerence | | | |

| | | | |

|(8) POA I.3.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Endeavour to spread the correct ideas about Islam as a religion|Disseminate genuine ideas about Islam |The Department of Dawa |Hold more symposia on Islamic culture and Dawa with a view|

|of moderation and tolerance in order to fortify Muslims against| |Affairs in cooperation with |to redressing the civilizational image of Islam in the |

|extremism and narrow-mindedness | |the other departments in |outside world, and to consolidate the concepts of |

| | |order to intensify media |inter-faith dialogue and highlight the common |

| | |action toward strengthening |denominators shared by all faiths, all in accordance with |

| | |the values of tolerance and |Para 3 of the 10 year programme. (Long term) |

| | |understanding with other | |

| | |religions and civilizations. |Contacts are being made with Mr. Shafiqurrahman Abdullah, |

| | | |President of the Islamic Cultural Centre in Australia to |

| | | |hold this symposium in the first half of 2007. (Medium |

| | | |term) |

| | | | |

| | | |Coordinating with other concerned General Secretariat |

| | | |Departments and convening joint meetings to evolve common |

| | | |ideas on how to deal with these important issues. (Long |

| | | |term) |

| | | | |

| | | |25. The Department of Dawa Affairs is providing the |

| | | |Information Department with any information it requests. |

| | | |(Long term) |

| | | | |

|(9) POA I.3.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Condemn extremism in all its forms and manifestations, as it |Condemn extremism in all its forms. |The Department of Dawa |Long term |

|contradicts Islamic and human values; and address its | |Affairs | |

|political, economic, social, and cultural root-causes, through | | | |

|development programmes and resolution of long-standing | | | |

|conflicts, which are to be faced with rationality, persuasion, | | | |

|and good counsel. | | | |

|(10) POA I.3.3. | | | |

| | | | |

|Emphasize that inter-civilizational dialogue, based on mutual |Dialogue among civilizations based on mutual respect and |The OIC General Secretariat |Organizing effective conferences, seminars on Islam |

|respect and understanding, and equality amongst people are |understanding. |(the Department of Dawa | |

|prerequisites for international peace and security, tolerance, | |Affairs) |Long term |

|peaceful co-existence, and participation in developing the | |IRCICA | |

|mechanism for that dialogue. | |ISESCO | |

| | | | |

|Encourage inter-religious dialogue and underline common values | | | |

|and denominators | | | |

| | | | |

| | |The OIC General Secretariat | |

| | |(the Department of Dawa | |

| |Organize international seminars and workshops to highlight the |Affairs) |Long term |

| |genuine image of Islam. |IRCICA | |

| | |ISESCO | |

| | | | |

|(11) POA I.3.4. | | | |

| | | | |

|Ensure the participation of the OIC and its specialized |Hold more symposia on Islamic culture and Dawa with a view to |The OIC General Secretariat |Organizing effective conferences, seminars on Islam |

|institutions, as a proactive partner in the dialogue among |redressing the civilizational image of Islam in the outside world, |(the Department of Dawa | |

|civilizations and religions, as well as in initiatives and |and to consolidate the concepts of inter-faith dialogue and highlight|Affairs) |Long term |

|efforts exerted in this regard. |the common denominators shared by all faiths, all in accordance with|IRCICA | |

| |Para 3 of the 10 year programme. |ISESCO | |

| | | | |

|(12) POA I.3.5. | | | |

| | | | |

|Utilize the different mass media in order to serve and defend |Hold more symposia on Islamic culture and Dawa with a view to |The OIC General Secretariat |Long term |

|the causes of the Muslim Ummah, promote the noble principles |redressing the civilizational image of Islam in the outside world, |(the Department of Dawa | |

|and values of Islam, and correct misconceptions about it. |and to consolidate the concepts of inter-faith dialogue and highlight|Affairs & the Department of | |

| |the common denominators shared by all faiths, all in accordance with|Information) | |

| |Para 3 of the 10 year programme |IINA | |

| | |ISBO | |

| | | | |

|(13) POA I.3.6. Strive for the teaching of Islamic education, |The OIC General Secretariat and ISESCO will cooperate the OIC Member |The OIC General Secretariat | |

|culture, civilization, and the jurisprudence and literature of |States with a view of achieving these objectives |(the Department of Dawa | |

|difference; call on Member States to cooperate amongst | |Affairs & the Department of | |

|themselves in order to develop balanced educational curricula | |Information) | |

|that promote values of tolerance, human rights, openness, and | |IRCICA | |

|understanding of other religions and cultures; reject | |ISESCO | |

|fanaticism and extremism, and establish pride in the Islamic | |Mass Media from the OIC | |

|identity | |Member States | |

| | | | |

|4. Multiplicity of Islamic Jurisprudence | | | |

| | | | |

|(14) POA I.4.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Underline the need to strengthen dialogue among Islamic |To work closely with the Islamic Fiqh Academy . |IFA |Coordination with the IFA to draft the plan of action in |

|Schools, affirm the true faith of their followers and the | | |this field within the coming six month. |

|inadmissibility of accusing them of heresy, as well as the | | | |

|inviolability of their blood, honor and property, as long as | | | |

|they believe in Allah Almighty, in the Prophet (PBUH) and in | | | |

|the other pillars of the Islamic faith, respect the pillars of | | | |

|Islam and do not deny any self-evident tenet of religion. | | | |

| | | | |

|(15) POA I.4.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Condemn the audacity of those who are not qualified in issuing |To coordinate with Islamic Fiqh Academy |IFA |Throughout the plan period |

|religious rulings (fatwa), thereby flouting the tenets and | | | |

|pillars of the religion and the well-established schools of | | | |

|jurisprudence. Consequently, compliance with the principle of | | | |

|fatwa, as approved by scholars, must be observed in line with | | | |

|the relevant provisions of the International Islamic Conference| | | |

|held in Amman in late July 2005 and in the recommendations of | | | |

|the Forum of Muslim Scholars and Intellectuals Preparatory to | | | |

|the Summit convened by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in| | | |

|Makkah Al Mukarramah from 9 to 11 September 2005 | | | |

| | | | |

|5. The Islamic Fiqh Academy | | | |

| | | | |

|(16) POA I.5.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Entrust the Secretary General to invite a group from the |The Secretary-General chaired a meeting of eminent scholars from the |Islamic Fiqh Academy, the |The new Statute of the IFA will be presented to the ICFM |

|members of the Islamic Fiqh Academy and eminent Islamic |IFA and outside on February 02, 2006. The meeting approved specific |General Secretariat and the |in Baku for consideration by Member States. |

|scholars from outside to prepare a detailed study to develop |recommendations and the group will present its final detailed study |Eminent Scholars. | |

|the IFA's work in accordance with the following objectives, for|on the development of the IFA to the next ICFM in Baku. | | |

|consideration by the ICFM: | | | |

| | | | |

|Coordinate religious ruling (fatwa) authorities in the Muslim | | | |

|world. | | | |

|Counter religious and sectarian extremism, refrain from | | | |

|accusing Islamic schools of heresy, emphasize dialogue among | | | |

|them, and strengthen balance, moderation, and tolerance. | | | |

|Refute fatwas that take Muslims away from the parameters and | | | |

|constants of their religion and its established schools | | | |

| | | | |

|6. Combating Terrorism | | | |

| | | | |

|(17) POA I.6.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Emphasize the condemnation of terrorism in all its forms, and |Hold a meeting of Committee of Thirteen Member States on Terrorism |1. General |Between March to May 2006 |

|reject any justification or rationalization for it, consider it|and forward its recommendation to the next ICFM |Secretariat. | |

|as a global phenomenon that is not connected with any religion,| |2. Member States. | |

|race, color, or country, and distinguish it from the legitimate|Member States to issue legislations to criminalize all terrorist | | |

|resistance to foreign occupation, which does not sanction the |practices, financing and support. |1. General | |

|killing of innocent civilians. | |Secretariat. |From March 2006 to Jun 2007 |

| | |2. Member States. | |

|(18) POA I.6.2. |Request the United Nations especially the CTC for cooperation and | | |

| |exchange of information. |1. General | |

|Introduce comprehensive qualitative changes to national laws | |Secretariat. | |

|and legislations in order to criminalize all terrorist | |2. New York and |From March 2006 onwards |

|practices as well as all practices to support, finance, or | |Geneva Offices. | |

|instigate terrorism. | | | |

| |Mandate OIC Group in the UN to work for the convening of an |1. General | |

|(19) POA I.6.3. |international conference or special session of the UN General |Secretariat. | |

| |Assembly to define terrorism and draw up Code of Conduct to combat |2. Member States. | |

|Affirm commitment to the OIC Convention on Combating Terrorism,|it. | | |

|participate actively in international counter-terrorism | | |From March 2006 onwards |

|efforts, and endeavor to implement the recommendations of the |Participate in sub-regional and regional efforts to counter |1. General | |

|International Conference on Combating Terrorism, held in Riyadh|terrorism. |Secretariat. | |

|in February 2005, including the establishment of an | |2. Member States. | |

|International Center for Combating Terrorism, as well as the | | | |

|recommendations of the Special Meeting of OIC Foreign Ministers| |Secretary General | |

|on Terrorism, held in Kuala Lumpur in April 2002. |Appoint a Special Coordinator at the General Secretariat on Terrorism| |From March 2006 onwards |

| |to follow-up related issues. | | |

| | |1. General | |

|(20) POA I.6.4. |Mobilize support of Member States for creation of an International |Secretariat. | |

| |Centre for Combating Terrorism. |2. Member States. | |

|Support efforts to develop an International Code of Conduct to | | |From March 2006 onwards |

|Combat Terrorism and to convene an international conference or | |1. General | |

|a special session of the UN General Assembly to reiterate the |Bring into force the OIC Convention and Combating Terrorism. |Secretariat. | |

|international consensus on establishing a comprehensive | |2. Member States. | |

|strategy to combat this dangerous phenomenon. | | | |

| | |1. General |From March 2006 onwards |

| |Request Islamic Fiqh Academy to issue a Fatwa distinguishing |Secretariat. | |

| |legitimate resistance to occupation from terrorism. |2. Fiqh Academy | |

| | | | |

| | |1. General |From March 2006 to December 2007. |

| |Promote cooperation between Member States on money laundering and |Secretariat. | |

| |financing of terrorism |2. Member States. | |

| | | | |

| | |1. General |Draft resolution to be presented to the 33rd ICFM. |

| |Promote cooperation between Member States in the exchange of |Secretariat. | |

| |information for the countering of terrorism. |2. Member States. | |

| | | | |

| |OIC to cultivate media institutions in Member States to raise |1. General |Draft resolution to be presented to the 33rd ICFM. |

| |awareness on the its of terrorism. |Secretariat. | |

| | |2. Member States. | |

| | | | |

| | | |Ministers of Information to adopt relevant resolution by |

| | | |December 2006. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |From March 2006 onwards. |

| | | | |

|(18’) POA I.6.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Introduce comprehensive qualitative changes to national laws |The General Secretariat, in coordination with all Member States and |The OIC General Secretariat (|Long term |

|and legislations in order to criminalize all terrorist |the OIC institutions concerned, is defining the ways and means of |the Legal Department) | |

|practices as well as all practices to support, finance, or |effectively addressing the threats of terrorism. A detailed programme| | |

|instigate terrorism. |for the implementation of the provisions of the Ten-Year Programme of| | |

| |Action is under consideration. | | |

| | | | |

|(19’) POA I.6.3. | | | |

| | | | |

|Affirm commitment to the OIC Convention on Combating Terrorism,|The General Secretariat is continuing to urge Member States in the |The OIC General Secretariat (|Short term |

|participate actively in international counter-terrorism |Secretary General’s Report on Legal Affairs, submitted to the Islamic|the Legal Department) | |

|efforts, and endeavor to implement the recommendations of the |Conference of Foreign Ministers in Baku, to sign and ratify the OIC | | |

|International Conference on Combating Terrorism, held in Riyadh|Convention on Combating Terrorism. | | |

|in February 2005, including the establishment of an | | | |

|International Center for Combating Terrorism, as well as the | | | |

|recommendations of the Special Meeting of OIC Foreign Ministers| | | |

|on Terrorism, held in Kuala Lumpur in April 2002. | | | |

| | | | |

|(20’) POA I.6.4. | | | |

| | | | |

|Support efforts to develop an International Code of Conduct to |Continuation of coordination and the efforts made in this respect. |The OIC General Secretariat (|Long term |

|Combat Terrorism and to convene an international conference or | |the Legal Department) | |

|a special session of the UN General Assembly to reiterate the | | | |

|international consensus on establishing a comprehensive | | | |

|strategy to combat this dangerous phenomenon | | | |

| | | | |

|7. Combating Islamophobia | | | |

| | | | |

|(21) POA I.7.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Emphasize the responsibility of the international community, |Invite member States to move at the level of regional and |The Islamic Observatory at |The General Secretariat requested the Member States to |

|including all governments, to ensure respect for all religions |international organizations to ensure respect for all religions and |the OIC General Secretariat |provide it with their studies and information on |

|and combat their defamation |combat acts disparaging them |(Dawa Affairs Department) |Islamophobia and to coordinate their positions in |

| | | |international and regional organizations on the issue. |

| | | |(Long term) |

| | | | |

|(22) POA I.7.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Affirm the need to counter Islamophobia, through the |Set up an Islamic Observatory at the OIC General Secretariat and |The Islamic Observatory at |In May 2005, the Islamic Observatory was set up at the |

|establishment of an observatory at the OIC General Secretariat |combat Islamophobia. |the OIC General Secretariat |General Secretariat; Member States have been notified of |

|to monitor all forms of Islamophobia, issue an annual report | |(Dawa Affairs Department) |its creation. |

|thereon, and ensure cooperation with the relevant Governmental | | | |

|and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in order to counter | | | |

|Islamophobia. | |The Islamic Observatory at | |

| | |the OIC General Secretariat |The Department of Dawa Affairs has initiated a specialized|

| |Issue an annual report on Islamophobia and religious intolerance. |(Dawa Affairs Department) |bulletin to monitor new developments regarding |

| | | |Islamophobia. An annual report on Islamophobia is being |

| | | |prepared. (Short term) |

| | | | |

|(23) POA I.7.3. | | | |

| | | | |

|Endeavor to have the United Nations adopt an international |Have an international resolution issued by the UN to combat |The Islamic Observatory at |H.E. the Secretary-General is making contacts to have an |

|resolution to counter Islamophobia, and call upon all States to|Islamophobia. |the OIC General Secretariat |international resolution issued by the UN to counter |

|enact laws to counter it, including deterrent punishments. | |(Dawa Affairs Department). |Islamophobia (Medium term) |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|(24) POA I.7.4. | | | |

| | | | |

|Initiate a structured and sustained dialogue in order to |Organize international seminars and workshops to highlight the |The Islamic Observatory at |Preparations are being made to hold an international |

|project the true values of Islam and empower Muslim countries |genuine image of Islam. |the OIC General Secretariat |symposium on Islamophobia in London from 2 to 5 May 2006. |

|to help in the war against extremism and terrorism. | |(Dawa Affairs Department). | |

| | | |The second symposium will be held in Washington in |

| | | |September 2006. |

| | |The Islamic Observatory at | |

| | |the OIC General Secretariat |The General Secretariat addressed letters to numerous |

| | |(Dawa Affairs Department). |Islamic institutions in Europe. America and Australia |

| | | |requesting information and studies with a view to curbing |

| | | |Islamophobia. |

| | |The Islamic Observatory at | |

| | |the OIC General Secretariat |Contacts are being made with Islamic institutions’ members|

| | |(Dawa Affairs Department). |of the Coordination Committee in order to develop an |

| | | |Islamic European Website to monitor materials published on|

| | | |Islam and Muslims and to address them in a civilized |

| | | |manner. (Short term) |

| | |The Islamic Observatory at | |

| | |the OIC General Secretariat |The Department is preparing a draft report of the |

| | |(Dawa Affairs Department). |Secretary General on Islamophobia to be submitted to the |

| | | |Islamic Commission in its 29th Session. |

| | | | |

| | | |(Short term) |

| | | | |

|8. Human Rights and Good | | | |

|Governance. | | | |

| | | | |

|POA I.8.1. |Encourage Member States to promote democratic practices through |1. General |Draft resolution to be presented to the 34th ICFM. |

| |regular conduct of elections. |Secretariat. | |

|Seriously endeavor to enlarge the scope of political | |2. Member States. | |

|participation, ensure equality, civil liberties and social | | | |

|justice and to promote transparency and accountability, and |Encourage Member States to take measures to fight corruption and |1. General |Draft resolution to be presented to the 34th ICFM. |

|eliminate corruption in the OIC Member States. |achieve accountability and transparency by establishing |Secretariat. | |

| |Anti-corruption Body. |2. Member States. | |

|(26) POA I.8.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Call upon the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers to |Establish an OIC Human Rights Body. |1. General |Draft resolution to be presented to the 34th ICFM. |

|consider the possibility of establishing an independent | |Secretariat. | |

|permanent body to promote human rights in the Member States, in| |2. Member States. | |

|accordance with the provisions of the Cairo Declaration on | | | |

|Human Rights in Islam and to also call for the elaboration of |Establish institutional relations with and support NGOs and civil |1. General |Draft resolution to be presented to the 33rd ICFM. |

|an OIC Charter for Human Rights. Introduce changes to national |society groups working in the fields of human rights and good |Secretariat. | |

|laws and regulations in order to guarantee the respect of human|governance. |2. Member States. | |

|rights in Member States. | | | |

| | | | |

|POA I.8.3. |Work to draw up Covenant on Human Rights based on the Cairo |1. General |Draft resolution to be presented to the 34th ICFM. |

| |Declaration. |Secretariat. | |

|Mandate the OIC General Secretariat to cooperate with other | |2. Member States. | |

|international and regional organizations to guarantee the | | | |

|rights of Muslim Minorities and Communities in non-OIC Member |Regular and active participation by the General Secretariat in |1. General |From January 2006 onwards. |

|States, and promote close cooperation with the Governments of |election monitoring in Member States. |Secretariat. | |

|the States hosting Muslim communities | |2. Member States. | |

| | | | |

| |Work to expeditiously adopt a common position on unconstitutional |1. General | |

| |change of government in Member States. |Secretariat. |Whenever required |

| | |2. Member States. | |

| | | | |

|(25’) POA I.8.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Seriously endeavor to enlarge the scope of political | |General Secretariat | |

|participation, ensure equality, civil liberties and social | |Member States | |

|justice and to promote transparency and accountability, and | | | |

|eliminate corruption in the OIC Member States. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|(26’) POA I.8.2. | | | |

| | |Legal Department | |

|Call upon the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers to | | | |

|consider the possibility of establishing an independent |Training seminar to be organized by the General Secretariat in | |Short term |

|permanent body to promote human rights in the Member States, in|collaboration with the Office of the High Commissioner of Human | | |

|accordance with the provisions of the Cairo Declaration on |Rights. | | |

|Human Rights in Islam and to also call for the elaboration of | | | |

|an OIC Charter for Human Rights. Introduce changes to national |Referring the prepared draft to the Islamic Fiqh Academy. | | |

|laws and regulations in order to guarantee the respect of human| | | |

|rights in Member States. |Inviting an intergovernmental group of experts to finalize the draft.| | |

| | | | |

| |Incorporating the already made steps into the Secretary General’s | | |

| |report to the ICFM in Baku. | | |

| | | | |

|9. Palestine and Occupied Arab Territories | | | |

| | | | |

|POA I.9.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Make all efforts to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian |To coordinate with the Islamic group to ensure a unified Islamic |General Secretariat, in |Coordination is done before meetings of all international|

|territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, the |support to the Palestinian cause at international forums. |addition to New York and |forums. |

|Syrian Golan and the full completion of the Israeli withdrawal | |Geneva offices | |

|from all remaining Lebanese territories, in compliance with | | | |

|Security Council Resolution 425, and extend effective support | | | |

|for the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and | | | |

|the establishment of their independent State with Al-Quds | | | |

|Al-Sharif as its capital. | | | |

| | | | |

|(29) POA I.9.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Maintain a united stand on the comprehensive resolution of the |To contact the parties of the Quartet and permanent members of UNSC |General Secretariat |After the 33rd ICFM |

|Palestinian question according to OIC resolutions, UN |and urge them to implement the Road Map, and to express the desire of| |As soon as possible |

|resolutions, including UN Security Council Resolutions 242, |the OIC to participate in efforts deployed for peace. | | |

|338, 1515 and UN General Assembly Resolution 194, the Arab | | | |

|Peace Initiative, and the Roadmap, in coordination and |To contact the members of the Ministerial Committee set up by the | | |

|consultation with the UN, the Quartet, and other stakeholders, |Sana'a Conference to complete its proceedings in Washington, the | | |

|such as to make full withdrawal as a prerequisite for |Presidency of the European Union, and the Vatican. | | |

|establishing normal relations with Israel, and for providing | | | |

|the OIC with a greater role in establishing peace. | | | |

| | | | |

|(30) POA I.9.3. | | | |

| | | | |

|Emphasize the central importance of the cause of Al-Quds for |To contact the UNESCO in order to discuss the possibility of |General Secretariat |As soon as concluding necessary consultations with |

|the Muslim Ummah, the need to establish the Palestinian rights |implementing a joint project to safeguard the Old City of Al-Quds and| |Palestine. |

|in the city, preserve its heritage as well as its Arab and |renovate its historical holy places. | |Between July and September 2006 |

|Islamic identity as a symbol of solidarity and the meeting | | |In all activities |

|point of divine religions; underline the sanctity of Al-Aqsa |To hold a workshop on the needs of Al-Quds and possible ways to | |Initial contacts were conducted. Further consultations |

|Mosque and its premises against violations and the need to |counter the judaization of the city. The workshop outcomes shall | |need to be carried out with the Palestinian Authority in |

|protect the other Islamic and Christian holy places, counter |provide the base for further multi-sectoral studies by several | |July on the sidelines of the Workshop on Jerusalem. |

|the judaization of the Holy City, and support the efforts of |experts. Papers of such studies shall be presented at a conference | |During the forthcoming meeting of H.E Secretary General |

|Al-Quds Committee under the chairmanship of His Majesty King |aims at drafting a road map for the Islamic work on Jerusalem. | |with the Foreign Minister of Morocco. |

|Mohamed VI; call for support to Baytmal Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa | | |Before the end of 2006 |

|Fund, support the steadfastness of Al-Quds population and |To effectively participate in the activities and programmes of the | | |

|institutions, and establish Al-Aqsa University in Al-Quds |United Nations, the League of Arab States, and other international | | |

|Al-Sharif. |and regional organizations on the cause of Palestine and Al-Quds | | |

| |Al-Shareef. | | |

| | | | |

| |For the Science and Technology department and the Palestine | | |

| |Department to contact the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in order to | | |

| |discuss the possibility of obtaining IDB assistance in preparing a | | |

| |feasibility study on the university in coordination with the | | |

| |Palestinian National Authority. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |To contact the Kingdom of Morocco (chairman of Al-Quds Committee) in | | |

| |order to convene a meeting of Al-Quds Committee to face the dangers | | |

| |that threaten the Holy City. | | |

| | | | |

| |To convene a conference in Europe in order to consider the dangers | | |

| |that threaten Al-Quds and how to coordinate international efforts to | | |

| |face these dangers and preserve the civilizational and historical | | |

| |character of Al-Quds Al-Shareef. | | |

| | | | |

|(31) POA I.9.4. | | | |

| | | | |

|Extend full support to the Palestinian Authority in its efforts|To reaffirm OIC support to the Palestinian demand for convening an |General Secretariat |This is an ongoing activity and it is being done in all |

|to negotiate for the inalienable Palestinian rights and extend |international conference on the peace process in the Middle East as | |statements and at all meeting of H.E Secretary General |

|necessary assistance to ensure control of all Palestinian |provided for by the Roadmap Plan; and to resume the peace process and| |with World leaders |

|territories, international crossings, reopen Gaza airport and |start final status negotiations on the issues of Al-Quds, borders, | | |

|seaport, and connect Gaza with the West Bank in order to ensure|and refugees, through meetings of H.E. the Secretary-General with | | |

|free movement of the Palestinians |international officials. | | |

| | | | |

|(32) POA I.9.5. | | | |

| | | | |

|Work together with the international community to compel Israel|To convene a symposium on settlements, the racist separation wall and|General Secretariat |Before the end of 2006 Throughout the whole year |

|to stop and dismantle its settlements in the occupied |its violation of international legitimacy and the Consultative | | |

|Palestinian territories and the occupied Syrian Golan; remove |Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), as well as ways | | |

|the racist separation Wall built inside the Palestinian |to resist settlement practices and implement the ICJ opinion. | | |

|territories, including within and around the city of Al-Quds, | | | |

|in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and the Opinion |To coordinate with the Islamic group in international forums in order| | |

|of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). |to implement the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of | | |

| |Justice and the resolution of the General Assembly on the apartheid | | |

| |Wall, and also to implement the Fourth Geneva Convention in the | | |

| |occupied Palestinian Territories, including Al-Quds. | | |

| | | | |

|Final Communiqué: Efforts should be made to regain the city of |To urge the Member States in order to urge them to support | | |

|Al-Quds, safeguard its Islamic and historical character, |Al-Quds Fund Waqf. | | |

|preserve and protect   Al-Aqsa Mosque and other sacred sites, | | | |

|counter the judaization of the Holy City, support the |To convene a symposium for experts from member states to propose the | | |

|Palestinian institutions in the city, and establish Al-Aqsa |most appropriate mechanisms for raising funds for the Al-Quds Fund. | | |

|University in the city of Al-Quds. It Conference called for | |General Secretariat | |

|support to the Waqf of Al-Quds Fund with each Muslim individual| | | |

|contributing one dollar, besides contributions by Member States| | | |

|in order to preserve the holy sites in the city of Al-Quds, | | | |

|including in particular Al-Aqsa Mosque, safeguard the sacred | | | |

|city’s cultural and historic landmarks and Arab-Islamic | | | |

|identity, and strengthen the steadfastness of its population so| | | |

|that it may regain its character as a city of coexistence and | | | |

|tolerance and the capital of the State of Palestine. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |It is a continuous process and can be done during meetings|

| | | |of H.E Secretary General with leaders of member states |

| | | | |

| | | |Summer 2006 |

| | | | |

|10. Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-conflict| | | |

|Peace Building | | | |

| | | | |

|(33) POA I.10.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Strengthen the role of the OIC in conflict prevention, |Establish Peace and Security Department at the General Secretariat to|Secretary General |As soon as possible |

|confidence-building, peacekeeping, conflict resolution and |monitor peace and security issues in Member States. | | |

|post-conflict rehabilitation in OIC Member States as well as in| | | |

|conflict situations involving Muslim communities. |Mobilize the Troikas to respond to early warnings to neutralize | | |

| |potential conflicts in Member States. |1. Secretary | |

|(34) POA I.10.2. | |General |From January 2006 onwards |

| |Regularly use by Secretary General of his Good Offices in the |2. Troika. | |

|Enhance cooperation among the OIC Member States and between the|settlement of conflicts within and between Member States. | | |

|OIC and international and regional organizations in order to | |Secretary General | |

|protect the rights and interests of the Member States in |Develop relevant human capacities and expertise on conflict and post | |From January 2006 onwards |

|conflict prevention, conflict resolution, and post-conflict |conflict peace-building at the General Secretariat. | | |

|peace-building. |Encourage Member States to effectively participate in peace keeping | | |

| |operations in Member States. |General Secretariat | |

| | | | |

| | | |From January 2006 onwards |

| |Establish institutional cooperation with regional and international |1. General | |

| |organizations for conflict resolution and post conflict peace |Secretariat. | |

| |building in the Muslim world. |2. Member States. | |

| | | |From January 2006 onwards |

| |Take active measures to enhance a confidence building among Member |General Secretariat | |

| |States through the adoption of the Code of Conduct. | | |

| | | | |

| |Take measures through negotiation, lobby and appeals to Member States| | |

| |to bring into force the OIC Statute on the International Court of | |From January 2006 onwards |

| |Justice for peaceful adjudication of disputes. |1. General | |

| | |Secretariat. | |

| |Mobilize necessary financial resources for the reconstruction of |2. Member States. | |

| |conflict affected areas. | | |

| | |1. General | |

| | |Secretariat. |Draft resolution to be presented to the 33rd ICFM. |

| | |2. Member States. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Draft resolution to be presented to the 34th ICFM. |

| | |1. General | |

| | |Secretariat. | |

| | |Member States. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |From January 2006 onwards |

| | | | |

|11. Reform of the OIC | | | |

| | | | |

|(35) POA I.11.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Reform the OIC through restructuring, and consider |Forming a committee of Eminent Persons to review the Charter, rules |General Secretariat (Legal |Short term |

|changing its name, review its Charter and activities and |and regulations of the Organization. |Department) | |

|provide it with highly qualified manpower, in such a | | | |

|manner as to promote its role, reactivate its institutions and | |General Secretariat (Legal | |

|strengthen its relations with the officially recognized NGOs in|Preparing a note of the General Secretariat on review of the OIC |Department) | |

|the OIC Member States; empower the Secretary-General to |Charter with the participation of the different departments. | |Short term |

|discharge his duties and provide him with sufficient | |General Secretariat (Legal | |

|flexibility and the resources that enable him to carry out the |Submit the report of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Review|Department) | |

|tasks assigned to him and strengthen all OIC specialized and |of the OIC Rules of Observer Status to the Senior Officials Meeting. | | |

|affiliated organs in order to allow them to play their aspired | | | |

|role, and reinforce coordination with the General Secretariat, | |General Secretariat (Legal |Medium term |

|and request it to review the activities of these organs and |Inviting an intergovernmental group of experts to consider the |Department) | |

|recommend the dissolution of those that prove to be |restructuring and reform of the Organization. | | |

|inefficient. | | | |

| | |Secretary General/ | |

| |Advisory High Panel of Eminent Persons designated to provide vision |Cabinet. | |

| |for the revised Charter. | |The Panel will meet and determine finalization of its |

| | | |vision. A Committee of Legal Experts will be constituted |

| | | |to revise draft to be presented to the Member States. |

| | | | |

| |Invite Intergovernmental Group of Experts in the light of Programme | |Secretary General reviewing the activities of OIC |

| |of Action to actively consider the proposals of the Secretary General| |Secretariat and Organs. Held meetings to propose |

| |on the reform and restructure the OIC Secretariat and other Organs. | |restructuring of the institutions in light of the |

| | | |Programme of Action |

| | | | |

|(36) POA I.11.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Establish a mechanism for the follow-up of resolutions by |The Draft Rules of Procedure for the body in charge of implementation|General Secretariat (Legal |Short term |

|creating an Executive Body, comprising the Summit and |of resolutions has been prepared and is being revised in light of the|Department) | |

|Ministerial Troikas, the OIC host country, and the General |Member States’ observations. | | |

|Secretariat. The Member States concerned should be invited to | | | |

|participate in the deliberations of these meetings |This revised draft will be submitted to the ministerial conference in|General Secretariat | |

| |Baku for adoption within the framework of the Secretary General’s |(Cabinet/Legal Department) | |

| |reports and the draft resolution on statutory matters. | |Rules of Procedure to be finalized in the ICFM |

| | | | |

| |First Meeting of the OIC Executive Committee/Troikas held to examine | | |

| |draft rules of procedure | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|(37) POA I.11.3. | | | |

| | | | |

|Mandate the Secretary-General to prepare a study to strengthen |To establish Small Committee mandated for the preparation of a |- HE the Secretary-General . |The timing of establishing the Small Committee and its |

|the role of Islamic Solidarity Fund and develop it, and submit |full-fledged study on ways and means to strengthen the role of the | |compositions is under the full discretion of HE the |

|the study to the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers. |ISF and develop it. | |secretary-General . |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |To convene an Extraordinary session for the Permanent Council of the | |The time frame for convening an Extraordinary session for|

| |ISF to consider the outcomes of the study on strengthen the role of |- The Executive Bureau of |the Permanent Council of the ISF will be decided once the |

| |the ISF and develop it that will be prepared by the above mentioned |the ISF. |Small Committee has finalized its mandates . |

| |Small Committee. | | |

| | | |If the study is not finalized by the Small Committee |

| | | |before end of April , 2006 , recommendations of the |

| | | |Extraordinary session of the Permanent Council of the ISF |

| |To refer the recommendations that will be taken by the Permanent |- The Executive Bureau of |will most likely be in the agenda of the 30th ICECS in |

| |Council of the ISF in its Extraordinary session to the forthcoming |the ISF in consultation with |year 2007. |

| |Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural, and Social Affairs (ICECS)|the Chairman of the Permanent| |

| |meeting for its approval . |Council of the ISF . |It is anticipated that ICECS’s approval will be one of the|

| | | |agenda items of either 33rd or 34th ICFM, depending on |

| | | |the accomplishment of the above |

| |To submit ICECS’s approval to the ICFM for it adoption. | | |

| | |- The Executive Bureau of the|stated activities . |

| | |ISF in collaboration with the| |

| | |Cabinet of HE the | |

| | |secretary-General. | |

| | | | |

|(38) POA I.11.4. | | | |

| | | | |

|Urge Member States to pay in full and on time their mandatory |To raise the issue during the bilateral meetings of the Secretary |The Cabinet of the Secretary |On-going activity. |

|contributions to the General Secretariat and Subsidiary Organs,|General and the leaders or representatives of the member states. |General. | |

|in accordance with relevant resolutions, in order to enable | | | |

|Member States to avail themselves of the facilities and |To contact all member states on regular basis through their | | |

|services offered by OIC subsidiary organs and specialized and |respective embassies and/or consulates general to inform them about |The respective Finance | |

|affiliated institutions. |their yearly shares of contributions towards the budgets of the |departments of the General |On-going activity. |

| |General Secretariat and its Subsidiary Organs. |Secretariat and its | |

| | |Subsidiary Organs. | |

| | | | |

| |To make direct contact by official visits to the member states to |The respective Finance | |

| |formulate and finalize a formula on how to clear the arrears. |departments of the General | |

| | |Secretariat and its | |

| | |Subsidiary Organs. | |

| | | |On-going activity. |

| |To contact the defaulting member states through their respective |The respective Finance | |

| |embassies and/or consulates general to remind them to take advantage |departments of the General | |

| |of the incentives offered by the Islamic Summit Resolution No.1/10-AF|Secretariat and its | |

| |of 2003, which provided a number of incentives to the Member States |Subsidiary Organs | |

| |with accumulated arrears. Whereby a 50% exemption is offered if the | | |

| |concerned states make payments for two consecutive years starting | | |

| |from the financial year 2003/2004, in addition to another 25% | | |

| |exemption in case the payments continue for another two consecutive | |Until the 30/06/2007. |

| |years. It is also important to note that the resolution is effective | | |

| |for four years expiring by the end of the financial year 2006/2007 | | |

| |(i.e. 30/06/2007). | | |

| | | | |

| |To start, after 01/07/2007, the implementation of the measures | | |

| |adopted by Resolution No. 6/32-AF against the concerned defaulting | | |

| |member states in a progressive and gradual manner. | | |

| | |The General Secretariat of | |

| | |the OIC. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |After 01/07/2007. |

| | | | |


|General Economy |Create a synergy between the OIC Ten-Year Programme of Action, |The OIC New York and Geneva | |

| |Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the LDC Programme of Action |Offices | |

| |for 2001-2010. In this regard; | | |

| | | | |

| |To identify similarities between the Ten-Year Programme of Action, | | |

| |MDGs and the LDC Programme of Action for 2001-2010. The duration of | | |

| |the OIC Ten-year Programme of Action coincides with the remaining | | |

| |period of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). More importantly, | | |

| |there are similarities between the targets of these 3 programmes. | | |

| | | | |

| |This will give OIC the following opportunities: | | |

| | | | |

| |To work with the UN system, in particular the UNCTAD, UNDP, FAO, IFAD| | |

| |with a view of achieving the objectives of the OIC Programme of | | |

| |Action. | | |

| |To benefit from the development funds and expertise available in the | | |

| |UN system, | | |

| |To enhance South-South cooperation, and | | |

| |To participate in the North-South cooperation mechanisms. | | |

| | | | |

| |The biannual UN-OIC coordination meetings will be activated with a | | |

| |view of achieving the above objectives. | | |

| | | | |

| |The UN agencies/Funds and Programmes would be more seriously | | |

| |forthcoming in the areas where they are handicapped in the OIC | | |

| |countries such as HIV/AIDS and women’s issues (women’s education, | | |

| |rights and health) etc. | | |

| | | | |

| |The OIC Ten-Year Programme of Action will be introduced to the major | | |

| |regional economic groupings (REGs) comprising OIC Member States like | | |

| |Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Economic Cooperation Organization | | |

| |(ECO), West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), etc. so as | | |

| |to: | | |

| | | | |

| |Increase cooperation between these organizations and the OIC. | | |

| | | | |

| |To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of OIC and these | | |

| |international and regional organizations in favour of the development| | |

| |of Member States. | | |

| | | | |

|Economic Cooperation | | | |

| | | | |

|(39) POA II.1.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Call upon the Member States to sign and ratify all existing OIC|Ensuring the implementation of PRETAS and launching the 2nd round of |Member States, COMCEC, |General Secretariat (DEA) will coordinate with the |

|trade and economic agreements, and to implement the provisions |trade negotiations under the Framework Agreement on Trade |General Secretariat (DEA) |Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation|

|of the relevant OIC Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and |Preferential System (TPSOIC). COMCEC and the OIC General Secretariat | |(COMCEC) to ensure its implementation. |

|Commercial Cooperation among OIC Member States. |will adopt appropriate measures with a view to achieving the above | | |

| |objectives. | | |

| | | | |

| |Call upon the OIC General Secretariat to mobilize the political will |General Secretariat (DEA) |At every two months, the OIC General Secretariat (DEA) |

| |to sign and ratify the PRETAS. | |will circulate letters to the Member States calling them |

| | | |to expedite the signing and ratification of PRETAS. |

| | | | |

| |Request the OIC General Secretariat, ICDT and SESRTCIC to review the |General Secretariat (DEA), |By the end of July, ICDT and SESRTCIC to review the |

| |existing agreements and statutes and report thereon to Standing |ICDT, |existing agreements and statutes and report |

| |Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) for |SESRTCIC, COMCEC. | |

| |consideration. | | |

| | |General Secretariat | |

| |Set up a committee composed of OIC General Secretariat and its |(DEA), | |

| |relevant institutions to follow up the implementation of the existing|Concerned OIC Institutions | |

| |agreements and the statutes. | | |

| | |General Secretariat | |

| |Strengthen relations between the OIC and the regional economic |(DEA) | |

| |groupings within the OIC. | | |

| | | |Continuous project |

| | |The OIC General Secretariat (| |

| |Call upon the OIC General Secretariat to mobilize the political will |the Legal Department & DEA) | |

| |to sign and ratify the PRETAS | | |

| | |The OIC General Secretariat (| |

| | |the Legal Department & DEA) |Short term |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Set up a committee composed of the OIC General Secretariat and its |The OIC General Secretariat (| |

| |relevant institutions to follow up the implementation of the existing|the Legal Department & DEA) | |

| |agreements and statutes. | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Short term |

| | | | |

| |Reaffirm the call in the Secretary General’s report on legal affairs | | |

| |submitted to the ICFM in Baku upon Member States to sign the | | |

| |agreements signed within the framework of the OIC. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Short term |

| | | | |

|(40) POA II.1.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Mandate COMCEC to promote measures to expand the scope of |To consider the possibility of establishing of a Free Trade Area on |Member States |By October 2006, ICCI, ICDT, IDB and SESRTCIC to undertake|

|intra-OIC trade, and to consider the possibility of |the basis of the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System |ICCI, |the necessary study |

|establishing a Free Trade Area between the Member States in |among the OIC Member States (TPS-OIC) and the Protocol on the |ICDT, | |

|order to achieve greater economic integration to raise it to a |Preferential Tariff scheme for TPS-OIC (PRETAS). |IDB and SESRTCIC | |

|percentage of 20% of the overall trade volume during the period| | | |

|covered by the plan, and call on the Member States to support |Recommend COMCEC to mandate ICCI, ICDT, IDB and SESRTCIC to undertake| | |

|its activities and to participate in those activities at the |the necessary study on the possibility of establishing a Free Trade | | |

|highest possible level with delegations possessing the |Area between the Member States. |COMCEC |COMCEC meeting in November 2006 |

|necessary expertise | |General Secretariat (DEA), | |

| |After a decision is taken by Standing Committee for Economic and |ICCI, | |

| |Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) and ICFM on the above-mentioned |ICDT, IDB and SESRTCIC | |

| |subject, a detailed road map will be prepared in accordance with the | | |

| |decision taken. | | |

| | |ICDT, | |

| |For promoting intra-OIC trade, ICDT, IDB and ICCI should study the |IDB, | |

| |ways and means for achieving this objective. |ICCI, | |

| | | | |

| |Additionally, ICCI will undertake the following: | | |

| | | | |

| |Establishing free trade zones in OIC Member States in consultation | | |

| |with concerned Governments of the OIC Member States. |ICCI | |

| |Establishment of free trade area among OIC Member States in |OISA | |

| |coordination with COMCEC. | | |

| |Establishing labour training recruitment companies in OIC Member | | |

| |States in order to provide qualified manpower to the economies of | | |

| |Member States. | | |

| |Establishment of investment opportunities exploration companies in | |ICCI will prepare a time table for implementation of these|

| |OIC Member States. | |items |

| |Establishment of business owners association in OIC countries as |Member States | |

| |affiliated body to ICCI. | | |

| |Establishment of an association for young businessmen as an | | |

| |affiliated body to the ICCI. | | |

| |Establishment of private companies for increasing tourist exchanges |Member States | |

| |between OIC Member States. | | |

| |Establishing Emaar International Bank as a private Bank for promoting| | |

| |trade and investment in OIC Member States and financing |Member States | |

| |infrastructures support for sustainable development of Member States.| | |

| |Working out in coordination with Member States for removal of custom| | |

| |barriers between OIC Member States through the implementation of the | | |

| |trade preferential system among OIC Member States. | | |

| |Setting up private committees to boost economic and trade cooperation|Member States | |

| |and implement OIC Ten-Year Programme of Action and the COMCEC Plan of| | |

| |Action for strengthening economic and commercial cooperation among | | |

| |OIC Member States. |Member States | |

| | | | |

| |In addition, the ICCI will present its projects to the 29th Session | | |

| |of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs, | | |

| |the Thirty-third ICFM, the Twenty-second Annual Meeting of the | | |

| |COMCEC, the Fifth Ministerial Conference of Ministers of Tourism of | | |

| |OIC Countries and the 11th Islamic Summit Conference for further | | |

| |consideration and appropriate action. | | |

| | | | |

| |Additionally, the following activities will also be promoted: | | |

| | | | |

| |Trade Fairs of Islamic Countries; | | |

| |Tourism Fairs of Islamic Countries; | | |

| |Annual Meetings of the Private Sector; | | |

| |Specialised exhibitions and supply/demand workshops on high trading | | |

| |potential products; |Member States | |

| |Business men Forums; | | |

| |Virtual Fairs; | | |

| |Business Centres for businessmen meetings; | | |

| |Permanent exhibition of the OIC countries’ products at the ICDT’s | | |

| |headquarters; | | |

| |Trade Facilitation; | | |

| |Trade Information; |ICCI | |

| |More coverage of the OIC activities at the Media of OIC Member | | |

| |States; and | | |

| |Upgrading means of transport such as ships, air, and land transport | | |

| |through cooperation between ICCI, OISA, IDB, ICDT and in coordination| | |

| |with regional and international organisations and/or institutions. | | |

| | | | |

| |To ensure effective implementation of agreements signed during OIC | | |

| |Private Sectors Meeting as well as recommendations of OIC Economic | |29th Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, |

| |Fora, (Istanbul Economic Forum, Putrajaya Economic Fora, Jeddah OIC | |Cultural and Social Affairs, 33rd ICFM, |

| |Economic forum, Turkish African Economic forum). | | |

| | | |22nd Session of the COMCEC, |

| |To encourage technical cooperation and harmonization of rules and | | |

| |regulations of OIC Member States in the domain of maritime transport.| |5th ICTM |

| | | | |

| |To encourage investments in maritime transports in the OIC Member | |11th Islamic Summit Conference |

| |States with a view to providing efficiency and making national | | |

| |maritime transport companies more competitive in the international |ICDT |Continuous activities by concerned OIC institutions |

| |market. |ICDT | |

| | |ICCI | |

| |To support Bakkah Shipping Company (BASCO) with a view of developing |ICDT & ICCI | |

| |a sound and efficient system of transportation, communication and | | |

| |commerce to start a real permanent line between OIC countries’ ports | | |

| |from Africa, Mediterranean, Red Sea, Gulf and Far East to expand the | | |

| |scope of intra-OIC trade. | | |

| | | | |

| |To invite Member States and their maritime companies to register | | |

| |their ships with the Islamic P&I (Protection and Indemnity Club) | | |

| |making insurance coverage for cargo, crew, losses and damages, in |Member States ICCI, OISA, | |

| |order allow the Club meet the level of the existing International P&I|IDB, ICDT | |

| |Club on equal footing with national ships at the member states | | |

| |seaports. |ICCI | |

| | |COMCEC | |

| | |General Secretariat (DEA) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Member States OISA | |

| | | | |

| | |Member States OISA | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |OISA | |

| | | |Private Sectors Meetings |

| | | | |

| | | |COMCEC Meetings |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Member States | |

| | | |OISA will prepare a time table for implementation of this |

| | | |item |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Member States |OISA will prepare a time table for implementation of this |

| | | |item |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Member States | |

| | | | |

|(41) POA II.1.3. | | | |

| | | | |

|Promote endeavors for institutionalized and enhanced |The OIC General Secretariat and its relevant institutions are |General Secretariat (DEA), |ICDT and IDB will make the necessary contacts with |

|cooperation between OIC and regional and international |requested to organize a meeting with regional economic groupings |IDB, |regional economic groupings to prepare a time table for |

|institutions working in the economic and commercial fields. |within the OIC in order to enhance the intra-OIC trade. |ICDT and other |implementation of this item. |

| | |relevant OIC institutions | |

| |Memoranda of understanding (MOU) will be concluded to enhance | |It will be an item on the agenda of the United Nations/OIC|

| |cooperation between related OIC institutions and regional and | |coordination meetings |

| |international institutions working in the economic and commercial | | |

| |fields. | | |

| | | | |

| |OIC institutions are encouraged to exchange information on memoranda | | |

| |of understandings signed with UN agencies and others international | | |

| |and/or regional economic groupings. | | |

| | | | |

|(42) POA II.1.4. | | | |

| | | | |

|Support OIC Member States in their efforts to accede to the |Request IDB and ICDT to follow up of the trade multilateral |Member States, |IDB and ICDT are already undertaking activities in these |

|World Trade Organization (WTO), and promote concerted positions|negotiations of the WTO in this sector and coordination of the |IDB and ICDT |fields |

|between the Member States within the WTO. |positions of Member States with a view to setting up a common | | |

| |platform of negotiations. | | |

| | | | |

| |Request Member States to make full use of existing capacities within | | |

| |the OIC (Permanent Offices in Geneva and New York) and IDB’s | | |

| |technical assistance programme on WTO related matters in this domain.|Member States, | |

| | |the OIC General Secretariat | |

| | |(Permanent Offices in Geneva | |

| | |and | |

| |Request Member States to strengthen their cooperation within the OIC |New York) | |

| |group established in the context of the WTO. | | |

| | | | |

| | |Member States, The OIC | |

| | |General Secretariat | |

| | |IDB | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|(43) POA II.1. 5. | | | |

| | | | |

|Call upon the OIC Member States to facilitate the freedom of |OIC Member States, the General Secretariat and the ICCI will |Member States |Under the sovereignty of the Member States but ICCI may |

|movement of businessmen and investors across their borders |coordinate their efforts for the implementation of this provision. |General Secretariat (DEA) |work to facilitate the free movement of businessmen and |

| | |ICCI |investors |

| | | | |

|(44) POA II.1.6. | | | |

| | | | |

|Support expanding electronic commerce among the OIC Member |An MOU will be concluded between relevant international institutions |Member States, |Continuous project |

|States and call on the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry|and OIC Secretariat and concerned UN institutions to explore |General Secretariat (DEA) | |

|to strengthen its activities in the field of data and expertise|possibilities of launching joint programmes projects for capacity |ICCI | |

|exchanges between chambers of commerce of the Member States. |building in electronic commerce. This will help reduce digital gap. | | |

| |This area has great potential for South-South cooperation. The | | |

| |cooperation possibilities among the OIC Member States will also be | | |

| |explored. | | |

| | | | |

| |The organisation of a forum to define a prospective and efficient | | |

| |strategy of the OIC for the sustainable utilisation of electronic | | |

| |commerce as means of intra-OIC trade promotion, while ensuring a | |ICCI will be requested to organize such a forum in |

| |better coordination between the different bodies of the OIC in this |General Secretariat (DEA) |cooperation with the General Secretariat (DEA) |

| |field. |ICCI | |

| | | | |

| |Continuation of the training cycles in the field of electronic | | |

| |commerce while giving priority to the private sector. | | |

| | | |Continuous project |

| |IDB, ICCI, ICDT and SESRTCIC provide to Member States whenever | | |

| |necessary, technical assistance in order to work out national |ICCI | |

| |strategies as well as required regulation for developing electronic | | |

| |commerce. | |Continuous project |

| | | | |

| | |IDB, | |

| | |ICCI, | |

| | |ICDT and SESRTCIC | |

|(45) POA II.1.7. | | | |

| | | | |

|Call upon the Member States to coordinate their environmental |COMCEC is expected to take initiatives in this domain. |Member States |By the end of 2006 |

|policies and positions in international environmental fora so | |COMCEC | |

|as to prevent any adverse effects of such policies on their |OIC institutions will coordinate their efforts with a view to | | |

|economic development |achieving objectives of the OIC Plan of Action for strengthening |COMCEC | |

| |economic and commercial cooperation among OIC Member States as well | | |

| |as the OIC 10-Year Programme of Action in this domain. | | |

| | | | |

| |Request SESRTCIC create and maintain a special database on | | |

| |environmental indicators and a roster of environmental experts in the| | |

| |OIC Member States. | | |

| | | | |

| | |SESRTCIC | |

| | | | |

|2. Supporting the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) | | | |

| | | | |

|(46) POA II.2.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Establish a special fund within the IDB in order to help |Invite IDB to continue taking necessary steps for the establishment |IDB |Undertake necessary in May 2006 |

|address and alleviate poverty, and provide job opportunities; |of poverty alleviation fund (PAF) to be submitted to the IDB Board of| | |

|and commission the IDB Board of Governors to establish this |Governors, scheduled to be held in Kuwait, in May 2006. |OIC/IDB Coordination Group | |

|special fund, including mechanisms for its financing. | | | |

| |The OIC General Secretariat will provide the necessary political | | |

| |support for this initiative. |General Secretariat (DEA) | |

| | | | |

|(47) POA II.2.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Mandate the Islamic Development Bank to coordinate with the OIC|A joint task force will be set up comprising IDB, OIC Secretariat and|OIC/IDB coordination group |OIC/IDB coordination group will follow up the matter and |

|General Secretariat in order to make the necessary contacts |WHO. The task force would need to focus, among others on the | |prepare a time table in this regard |

|with the World Health Organization and other relevant |following areas: | | |

|institutions to draw up a programme for combating diseases and | | | |

|epidemics, to be financed through the special fund that will be|Creation of virtual network of national focal points for | | |

|created within the IDB.. |information-sharing and coordinated action in the area of disease and| | |

| |pandemics; | | |

| |Undertake a study of the national health systems and how those can be| | |

| |improved through financing from the special fund for poverty | | |

| |alleviation; and | | |

| |Encouraging South-South cooperation, including exchange of expertise | | |

| |and technical cooperation, through virtual diagnostics and treatment | | |

| |centers. | | |

| |Preparation of the tri-partite agreement to define the framework of | | |

| |cooperation. | | |

| | | | |

| |The OIC/IDB coordination group will prepare terms of references for | | |

| |feasibility studies of the programme. These studies will define the | | |

| |scope of the programme, mode of financing and management, and select | | |

| |a consultant for the same. | | |

| | | | |

|(48) POA II.2.3. | | | |

| | | | |

|Commission the IDB Board of Governors to take necessary |IDB Board of Executive Directors has already approved relevant |IDB |Undertake necessary in May 2006 |

|measures for ensuring a substantial increase in the Bank’s |documents to be submitted to the Annual Board of Governors Meeting in|OIC/IDB Coordination Group | |

|authorized, subscribed, and paid-up capital, so as to enable it|Kuwait in May 2006. | | |

|to strengthen its role in providing financial support and | | | |

|technical assistance to OIC Member States, and strengthen the | | | |

|Islamic Corporation for Trade Finance recently established | | | |

|within the IDB | | | |

| | | | |

|(49) POA II.2.4. | | | |

| | | | |

|Urge the IDB to develop its mechanisms and programmes aimed at |The IDB undertake necessary action in this regard. |IDB |Undertake necessary |

|cooperation with the private sector and to consider | | | |

|streamlining and activating its decision-making process. | | | |

| | | | |

|(50) POA II.2.5. | | | |

| | | | |

|Urge the IDB and its institutions to promote investment |The IDB will undertake necessary action in these domains. |IDB |Undertake necessary |

|opportunities and intra-OIC trade, and to conduct other | | | |

|feasibility studies to provide the necessary information to | | | |

|develop and promote joint ventures | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|3. Social solidarity in the face of natural disasters | | | |

| | | | |

|(51) POA II.3.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Islam advocates solidarity with, and assistance to, all the |ICCI, IDB, Islamic Solidarity Fund (ISF), Islamic Committee for |Member States, |IDB and ISF will prepare a time table for implementation |

|needy without discrimination, which requires the Islamic States|International Crescent (ICIC) and Regional/National Relief Agencies |ICCI, IDB, ISF, ICIC and |of this item |

|to develop and adopt a clear strategy on Islamic relief action |and Organizations in OIC Member States to organize a meeting with a |Regional/National Relief | |

|and support the trend towards cooperation and coordination |view to working out a strategy on Islamic Relief Action. |Agencies, | |

|between individual relief efforts of Islamic States and Islamic| |Organizations in Member | |

|civil society institutions on the one hand, and international |ICCI will work for the establishment of international organization |States | |

|civil society institutions and organizations on the other hand.|for Zakat in coordination with OIC, IDB and ISF and in consultation | | |

| |with OIC Member States. |Member States, ICCI, | |

| | |ISF, |ICCI will prepare a time table for implementation of this |

| | |IDB |item |

| | | | |

|(52) POA II.3.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Help countries affected by these disasters to rebuild their |Invite IDB, ICCI, ISF, ICIC and relief organizations and aid agencies|IDB, ICCI, ISF, ICIC, relief |IDB and ISF will prepare a time table for implementation |

|buffer stocks. |in Member States to coordinate action in achieving this objective. |organizations and aid |of this item |

| | |agencies in Member States | |

| | | | |

|4. Supporting development and poverty alleviation in Africa | | | |

| | | | |

|(53) POA II.4.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Promote activities aimed at achieving economic and social |To create an African Members’ Group on OIC-NEPAD cooperation. The |General Secretariat (DEA) |OIC-IDB coordination group will work out a time-table in |

|development in African countries, including supporting |first step would be to bring together the Secretariats of NEPAD and |NEPAD |cooperation with the SESRTCIC and ICDT |

|industrialization, energizing trade and investment, |OIC for discussion. | | |

|transferring technology, alleviating their debt burden and | | | |

|poverty, and eradicating diseases; welcome the New Economic |Invite OIC General Secretariat, IDB, SESRTCIC and ICDT to undertake |General Secretariat (DEA), |OIC-IDB coordination group will prepare terms of reference|

|Partnership for African Development (NEPAD), adopt to this end,|the necessary studies for working out a special programme for Africa.|IDB, SESRTCIC and ICDT | |

|a special programme for the development of Africa. | | | |

| | |OIC-IDB coordination group | |

| |OIC-IDB coordination group to initiate preparation of terms of | | |

| |reference for the feasibility studies for the programme. The | |SESRTCIC will prepare a time table for implementation of |

| |feasibility studies will define scope of the programme, mode of | |this item |

| |financing, management. The IDB may finance the feasibility studies of| | |

| |the programme. | | |

| | | | |

| |The feasibility studies will be submitted to an OIC expert group and |SESRTCIC | |

| |then to OIC Member States, and ICFM for approval. | | |

| | | | |

| |Recommend SESRTCIC to work out and keep up to date a special poverty | | |

| |index for OIC Member States with particular reference to Africa. | | |

| | | | |

|(54) POA II.4.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Call upon the Member States to participate in international |Member States, international and regional institutions and |Malaysia, | |

|efforts to support programmes aimed at alleviating poverty and |organizations will be called on to support Malaysia, OIC and IDB |General Secretariat | |

|capacity-building in the Least-Developed Member States of the |initiative in this domain. |IDB | |

|OIC. | |Member States | |

| | |OIC/IDB Coordination Group | |

| | | | |

|(55) POA II.4.3 | | | |

| | | | |

|Urge donor Member States to cancel bilateral and multilateral |The OIC General Secretariat has communicated the Programme of Action |Donor Member States |The OIC General Secretariat has communicated the Programme|

|debts to low-income Member States |to all Member States for consideration. | |of Action to all Member States for consideration |

| | | | |

|(56) POA II.4.4 | | | |

| | | | |

|Urge international specialized institutions and organizations |The OIC experts level meeting for the implementation of the Brussels |Member States |To circulate to Member States UN/OIC Coordination Meeting |

|to exert greater efforts to alleviate poverty in the |Agenda for LDCs is part of the implementation process of these |General Secretariat (DEA) | |

|Least-Developed Member States and assist Muslim societies, the |propositions of the 10 year programme of action. To ensure effective | | |

|refugees and displaced in the OIC Member States, and Muslim |and speedy implementation of the recommendations which have come up | | |

|Minorities and Communities in non-OIC Member States; urge |from this experts level meeting to be held on 6-7 March 2006. The | | |

|States to contribute to the World Fund for Solidarity and |expert group meeting has adopted good recommendations in this domain.| | |

|Combating Poverty. |Recommendations will be submitted to the next Islamic Commission for | | |

| |Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs and to the Thirty Three Session| | |

| |of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Affairs to be held in Baku, | | |

| |Republic of Azerbaijan, in June 2006. | | |

| | | | |

| |To ensure coordination for achieving objectives of the Millennium | | |

| |Development goals, the Brussels agenda for LDCs and the OIC Ten Year | | |

| |Programme of Action for the poverty alleviation. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |The OIC General Secretariat | |

| | |and concerned OIC | |

| | |institutions | |

| | | | |

|5. Higher Education, Science and Technology | | | |

| | | | |

|(57) POA II.5.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Effective improve and reform educational institutions and |To start cooperation with COMSTECH, ISESCO and IUT to ensure |OIC General Secretariat (S&T)|Conference of Ministers of Higher Education - Present |

|curricula in all levels, link postgraduate studies to the |effective and active coordination. |and ISESCO |working paper to Conference of Ministers of Higher (16-18 |

|comprehensive development plans of the Islamic World. At the | | |September 2006, Kuwait) |

|same tine, priority should be given to science and technology | | | |

|and facilitating academic interaction and exchange of knowledge| |COMSTECH, ISESCO and the OIC|Creation of OIC Global Network on Education |

|among the academic institutions of Member States, and urge the |COMSTECH in conjunction with ISESCO to strengthen selected |General Secretariat (S&T) | |

|Member States to strive for quality education that promotes |universities in the field in science/engineering, objective elevating| | |

|creativity, innovation, and research and development. |at least 20 Universities within OIC Region so that they are ranked | |Throughout the 10-Year planned programme of action |

| |among top 500 universities in the world ranking | | |

| | |The OIC General Secretariat | |

| |COMSTEH in conjunction with ISESCO/IDB to identify 10 best centers |(S&T) & Member States |Meeting to establish selection criteria and setting |

| |of Excellence To strengthen them to highest standards with financial| |benchmarking |

| |support of IDB/OIC that can be used for high level training | | |

| |scientists/engineers for promoting cutting edge research in frontier | |Encourage the IDB’s M.Sc. Scholarship Programme |

| |fields of Science and Technology | | |

| | | |Meeting to establish selection criteria for awarding |

| | | |fellowship |

| | | | |

|(58) POA II.5.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Assimilate highly-qualified Muslims within the Muslim World, |COMSTECH & ISESCO to take action to bring up this important issue in |ISESCO and the OIC General |ISESCO to prepare a working paper on “Reducing |

|and develop a comprehensive strategy to utilize their expertise|a working paper during the coming 3rd Conference of Ministers of |Secretariat (S&T). |brain-drain” for presentation to the Conference of |

|and prevent brain migration phenomenon |Higher Education and Scientific Research due to be held in Kuwait | |Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research in |

| | | |Kuwait 16 – 18 September 2006 |

| |Strengthen the Inter-Islamic Networks in various fields established | | |

| |by COMSTECH, as well as the Islamic World Academies of Sciences |COMSTECH and the OIC General |ISECO to include in the Issue in the agenda for the |

| |(IWAS) and |Secretariat (S&T). |upcoming Ministerial Meeting of Higher Education and |

| | | |Scientific Research on “Reducing brain-drain” (16-18 |

| | | |September 2006). |

| |Network of Academies of Sciences in Islamic countries (NASIC) so that| | |

| |they can undertake projects in various fields of sciences and | |Throughout 10- year planned programme of action. |

| |technology with financial support of IDB/OIC. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|(59) POA II.5.3. | | | |

| | | | |

|Entrust the General Secretariat to study the creation of an OIC|COMSTECH Award: is offered every two years in its General Assembly to|COMSTECH, IDB, ISESCO, ICCI |The General Secretariat to coordinate with IDB, COMSTECH, |

|Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievements by Muslim |two prominent Muslim scientists in the disciplines such as Biology, |and General Secretariat (S&T)|ISESCO and ISF to set up a framework for the proposed |

|scientists |Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. | |award |

| | | | |

| |IDB Science & Technology Award: is offered every year to three | | |

| |prominent scientific, research institutions. | |Throughout the planned period by each mentioned Award. |

| | | | |

| |ISESCO Award: is offered every three years. | | |

| | | | |

| |ICCI Award: to be offered every year to two best technological | | |

| |innovations. | | |

| | | | |

| |To create a more prestigious and well established award granted to | | |

| |prominent Muslim scientists. A committee comprising the General | | |

| |Secretariat, IDB, ISESCO, COMSTECH and ISF is to set up the framework| | |

| |for the granting of this award. | | |

| | | | |

|(60) POA II.5.4. | | | |

| | | | |

|Call upon Islamic countries to encourage research and |The 12th General Assembly of COMSTECH Meeting of the Ministers of |IDB, COMSTECH and the General|Recommend to the OIC Member States for the establishment |

|development programmes, taking into account that the global |Science and Technology adopted the establishment of WAQF Fund of 10 | |of more centers of excellence in collaboration with |

|percentage of this activity is 2% |million US$. IDB agreed to contribute an initial amount of US$ 2 |Secretariat (S&T) |COMSTECH. |

|of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and request Member States |million to the WAQF. OIC urges member states to separately contribute| | |

|to ensure that their individual contribution is not inferior to|to bring the WAQF fund to its specified level of US$ 10 million at | | |

|half of this percentage. |the earliest. | | |

| | | | |

| |The IDB has officially invited all its member countries to include no| | |

| |less than 10% of Science and Technology related projects in the | | |

| |Programmes they submit to the IDB for financing. |The General Secretariat | |

| | |(S&T), COMSTECH and ISESCO |Call upon Member States to give fresh impetus to the |

| | | |Development of Science and Technology infrastructure |

| |Upon the recommendations of the General Secretariat , the 12th | | |

| |General Assembly Meeting of COMSTECH adopted the recommendation made |IDB and the General | |

| |in item 4 of the 10-year programme of action to set aside at least 1%|Secretariat (S&T) | |

| |of the GDP for Research and Development (R&D). | |Throughout the planned period |

| | | | |

| |Support the initiative to establish an OIC R&D Fund to be managed by | | |

| |OIC in collaboration with COMSTECH requiring OIC member countries to | | |

| |set aside 0.02% of GNP, rising to 0.1% of GNP over a ten year period| | |

| |within the framework of vision 1441 as approved by the Tenth Islamic |The General Secretariat ( S &| |

| |summit conference in Putrajaya, Malaysia. |T ) and Task Force for Vision| |

| | |1441 for S & T |The Task Force for the implementation of Vision 1441 for |

| | | |S & T will ensure synergy between the activities for the |

| | | |Vision 1441 for S & T and the activities for the OIC |

| | | |10-year Programme of Action. |

| | | | |

|(61) POA II.5.5. | | | |

| | | | |

|Take advantage of the important results of the World Summit on |ISESCO in conjunction with COMSTECH will undertake action to invite |ISESCO, COMSTEH and General |General Secretariat (S&T) to invite and encourage the |

|Information Society, held in Tunis, in which all Muslim States |the OIC member states to take advantage of the important results of |Secretariat (S&T) |Member States to take advantage of the important results |

|actively participated with a view to close the digital gap |the Tunisia World Summit on Information Society held in Tunis. | |of the Tunisia World Summit. |

|between the developed and developing States and request the | | | |

|General Secretariat to follow up these results in order to |SESRTCIC with the cooperation of the General Secretariat to publish | | |

|build the capacities of Member States to adhere to the |rosters of Muslim experts. and directories of universities and | |Throughout the Planned Period of 10-Year of action. |

|information society which, in turn, will sustain development in|research institutions in the OIC Member States with a view to | | |

|Muslim States. |encouraging and facilitating the full utilization of the human | | |

| |resources and institutional capacities available to the OIC | | |

| |communities. | | |

| | | | |

| |SESRTCIC with the cooperation of the General Secretariat to create a | | |

| |special database of the main indicators on education and education – | | |

| |related fields in the Member States. | | |

| | |SESRTCIC, General Secretariat| |

| |SESRTCIC with the cooperation of the General Secretariat to undertake|(S&T) | |

| |studies on the state of literacy, education services and employment | | |

| |of university graduates in the OIC Member States with a view to | | |

| |identifying the problems and shortcomings and exploring the possible | | |

| |areas of intra-OIC cooperation | | |

| | |SESRTCIC, General Secretariat| |

| | |(S&T) | |

| | | | |

|(62) POA II.5.6. | | | |

| | | | |

|Encourage public and private national research institutions to |The General secretariat brings up to the kind attention of the OIC |General Secretariat (S&T) |Throughout the planned period of the 10-year of action |

|invest in technology capacity-building, in areas of advanced |member states the importance of their public and private national | | |

|technologies, such as the acquisition of nuclear technology for|research institutions and urges them to invest in technology | | |

|peaceful uses. |capacity-building by any means possible, specifically by the | |General Secretariat(S&T) with the close cooperation of the|

| |establishment and extension of Venture Capital Fund in their | |IDB encourage for holding annually the“ Symposia on |

| |countries . | |investing in Technology”. |

| | | | |

| |The IDB has launched a cycle of “symposia on investing in | | |

| |Technology”, these gatherings are arranged on regional and annual | | |

| |basis, starting with the MENA Region, with a view to bring together | | |

| |Investors, Business Communities, Inventors and Promoters of Science | | |

| |and Technology joint venture. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|(63) POA II.5.7 | | | |

| | | | |

|Review the performance of the OIC-affiliated universities so as|To strengthen efforts underway for the financial and the educational |Member States, ISF and |Throughout the planned period |

|to improve their effectiveness and efficiency, and call for |quality of these institutions. |Charitable Institutions | |

|participation in the two Waqfs (Endowments) dedicated to the | | | |

|two universities in Niger and Uganda, and provide support to |To continue efforts with Member states, ISF and Charitable | | |

|the International Islamic University in Malaysia |Institutions and philanthropists to obtain financial assistance and | | |

| |support to the Universities. | | |

| | | | |

| |To coordinate with ISESCO, the Federation of Universities of the | | |

| |Islamic World (FUIW) and ISF on their activities to support the |ICCI, ISESCO, COMSTECH and | |

| |Universities. |IDB/OIC/ | |

| | |Member States | |

| |To create a regular mechanism to coordinate with Universities, Niger | | |

| |and Uganda. | | |

| | | | |

| |To teach Islamic Economy, Islamic Banking and insurance through ICCI.| | |

| | | | |

| |Initiate specific projects in the fields of Science and engineering | | |

| |of economic and strategic importance by COMSTECH in conjunction with | | |

| |ISESCO and with financial support from IDB/OIC/ Member States, | | |

| |including such fields as agricultural, health biotechnologies, | | |

| |information technology, material sciences, pharmaceuticals, energy, | | |

| |communications etc. with special emphasis on such strategically | | |

| |important areas as satellite technology, industrial design, | | |

| |manufacturing engineering, artificial intelligence, etc. and with | | |

| |programmes to link the research activities with industrial/ | | |

| |commercial production | | |

| | | | |

|(64) POA II.5.8 | | | |

| | | | |

|Call upon the Member States to extend enhanced support to the |The OIC General Secretariat will continue taking action and urges |The General Secretariat (S&T)|Throughout the planned period |

|Islamic University of Technology in Bangladesh in order to |Member States to meet their mandatory contributions |& Member States | |

|enable it to contribute more towards capacity building of the | | | |

|OIC Member States through human resources development | | | |

| | | | |

|(65) POA II.5.9. | | | |

| | | | |

|Urge the IDB to further enhance its programme of scholarships |IDB in conjunction with the COMSTECH, ISESCO and the 1441 task force |The General Secretariat (S&T)|The General Secretariat is to encourage Member States to |

|for outstanding students and Hi-Tech specializations aimed at |should undertake the necessary action |and IDB |implement the POA and to support the cooperation between |

|developing the scientific, technical, and research capabilities| | |the COMSTECH and IDB for the Promotion of Science and |

|of scientists and researchers in the Member States | | |Technology |

| | | | |

| | | |Throughout the planned period. |

| | | | |

|6. Rights of Women, Youth, Children, and the Family in the | | | |

|Muslim World | | | |

| | | | |

|(66) POA II.6.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Strengthen laws aimed at enhancing the advancement of women in |To work closely with Member States to consolidate laws aimed at |OIC General Secretariat, |To hold the First OIC Conference on Women by November, |

|Muslim societies in economic, cultural, social, and political |women’s empowerment/promotion. The 1st Islamic Conference on Woman |Member States, Government of |2006. |

|fields, in accordance with Islamic values of justice and |which will be hosted by Turkey this year will provide an excellent |Turkey and OIC, UN relevant | |

|equality; and aimed also at protecting women from all forms of |opportunity to coordinate with Member States in this regard. |institutions. | |

|violence and discrimination and adhering to the provisions of | | | |

|the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of |There is also a need to work with OIC institutions such as the | | |

|Discrimination against Women, in line with the Islamic values |Islamic Fiqh Academy. There also a need to work with the UN | | |

|of justice and equality. |specialized institutions on women, such as the United Nations | | |

| |Development Fund for Women (UNEFEM), Commission on the Status of | | |

| |Women and United Nations International Research and Training | | |

| |Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), UNDP, UNICEF , | | |

| |Commission on Human Rights. | | |

| | | | |

|(67) POA II.6.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Give special attention to women’s education and female literacy|To invite ISESCO as a specialized organization to implement these |Member States and ISESCO |Throughout planned period |

| |recommendations in coordination with the Member States and to make | | |

| |regular progress report to the General Secretariat in this regard. | | |

| | | | |

| |To work closely with the OIC Ambassadorial group in UNESCO to | | |

| |guarantee the support of UNESCO to Member States programmes in this | | |

| |regard. |General Secretariat, ISESCO | |

| | |and |Throughout the planned period |

| |SESRTCIC with the cooperation of the General Secretariat to develop a|OIC Group in UNESCO | |

| |statistical database on women, youth , children and family in the OIC| |One year |

| |Member States to provide the decision makers with accurate and timely|General Secretariat and | |

| |information that would enlighten them on the appropriate actions to |SESRTCIC | |

| |be taken for the promotion and protection of those vulnerable | | |

| |segments of the society. | | |

| | | | |

| |SESRTCIC with the cooperation of the General Secretariat to undertake| | |

| |research studies on women’s rights in the OIC Member States with | | |

| |particular emphasis on education , employment and participation in | | |

| |the social political life | | |

| | | | |

| |To identify similarities between the Summit recommendations on |General Secretariat and | |

| |education and the millennium development goals and to work closely |SESRTCIC | |

| |with Member States to achieve those goals. | | |

| | | | |

| |To follow with relevant OIC institutions such as the Islamic Fiqh | |Two years |

| |Academy all the international documents adopted at the level of the | | |

| |UN on the family. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|(68) POA II.6.3 | | | |

| | | | |

|Expedite developing “The Covenant on the Rights of Women in |To seek organizing a conference in cooperation with relevant Islamic |Legal Department |Short term |

|Islam”, in accordance with Resolution No. 60/27-P and the Cairo|and UN institutions on the issue. | | |

|Declaration on Human Rights in Islam. | | | |

| |To arrange a training Seminar by ISESCO in collaboration of High |Legal Department | |

| |Commissioner’s Office of Human Rights. | |Short term |

| | | | |

| |To carry out consultations with the Islamic Fiqh Academy. |Legal Department | |

| | | | |

| |To convene a meeting of intergovernmental experts to draft the | |Short term |

| |Covenant. |Legal Department | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Short term |

| | | | |

|(69) POA II.6.4. | | | |

| | | | |

|Strive to provide free and quality basic education for all |To invite ISESCO as a specialized institutions to implement these |ISESCO and General |Throughout planned period |

|children |recommendations in coordination with the Member States and to make |Secretariat | |

| |regular progress report to the General Secretariat in this regard. | | |

| | | | |

| |To work closely with the OIC Ambassadorial group in UNESCO to | | |

| |guarantee the support of UNESCO to Member States programmes in this | | |

| |regard. |General Secretariat and | |

| | |ISESCO |Throughout planned period |

| |To identify similarities between the Summit recommendations on | | |

| |education and the millennium development goals and to work closely | | |

| |with Member States to achieve those goals. |General Secretariat and | |

| | |ISESCO | |

| | | | |

|(70) POA II.6.5. | | | |

| | | | |

|Strengthen laws aimed at preserving the rights of children, |To identify similarities between the Summit recommendations on |General Secretariat |Already started |

|enjoying the highest possible health levels, taking effective |children and the millennium development goals in this regard. | | |

|measures in order to eradicate poliomyelitis and protect them | | | |

|from all forms of violence and exploitation. |To work with Member States to achieve this goal. | | |

| | | | |

| |To coordinate with UNICEF, ISESCO on the effective implementation of | | |

| |the Rabat Declaration on Children in the Islamic World. |General Secretariat, UNESCO | |

| | |and UNICEF |Throughout the planned period. |

| |To continue the contacts with Member States to extend financial | | |

| |assistance for the international initiative to eradicate polio. | |To adopt a resolution by the next ICFM and the next |

| | | |Summit. |

| |To continue also the follow-up with WHO all its efforts to eradicate | | |

| |polio in the Member States. |General Secretariat | |

| | | | |

| |Convening a meeting with the competent bodies in the Islamic |General Secretariat |Throughout the planned period |

| |Development Bank to implement the recommendation concerning the | | |

| |elaboration of a programme to combat diseases and epidemics within | | |

| |the framework of a special fund to be established at the Islamic | |September, 2006 |

| |Development Bank | | |

| | | | |

| |To convene a meeting of affected countries on the sidelines of OIC | | |

| |Health Ministers Meeting which will take place in September, 2006 in | | |

| |Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. | | |

| | | | |

|(71) POA II.6.6. | | | |

| | | | |

|Encourage the Member States to sign and ratify the OIC Covenant|To continue calling on Member States to sign and ratify the Covenant |General Secretariat |Throughout the planned period |

|on the Rights of the Child in Islam, the United Nations | |(Legal Department) | |

|Declaration on the Rights of the Child in Islam, the UN | | |Short term |

|Convention on the Rights of the Child and its annexed Optional| | | |

|Protocols, and the Convention on the Elimination of All | | | |

|Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol| | | |

|with regard to the Girl Child. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|(72) POA II.6.7 | | | |

| | | | |

|Call upon all Member States to support and promote youth |To follow-up with Member States the effective implementation of the |General Secretariat, ICYF, |Throughout the planned period |

|programmes and youth forums. |recommendations of the first conference of Ministers of Youth and |Islamic Sports Federation | |

| |Sport. |Union, ICCI, ISF and ISESCO | |

| | | | |

| |To call upon Member States to enhance cooperation in the youth field.| | |

| | | | |

| |To coordinate with the Muslim Youth Forum in all issues concerning | | |

| |youth in the Member States. | | |

| | | | |

| |To work also with the UN system, ISESCO and Islamic Conference Youth | | |

| |Forum (ICYF), Islamic Sports Federation Union, ICCI and ISF on all | | |

| |regional and international activities aimed at promoting the status | | |

| |of youth in the society. | | |

| | | | |

|(73) POA II.6.8. | | | |

| | | | |

|Call upon the OIC to contribute towards projecting Islam as a |To work out strategies in the First OIC Conference on Women to be |General Secretariat, Member |By December, 2006 |

|religion that guarantees full protection of women's rights and |held in Turkey |States and Islamic Fiqh | |

|encourages their participation in all walks of life. | |Academy | |

| | | | |

|(74) POA II.6.9. | | | |

| | | | |

|Accord necessary attention to the family as the principal |To study the issue at the First Islamic Conference on Women. |General Secretariat and |By December, 2006 |

|nucleus of the Muslim society, exert all possible efforts, at | |Member States. | |

|all levels, to face up to the contemporary social challenges |To work with Member States and relevant OIC institutions to organize | | |

|confronting the Muslim family and affecting its cohesion, on |seminars, symposiums on the challenges facing Muslim family. | | |

|the basis of Islamic values. | | | |

| | | | |

|(75) POA II.6.10. | | | |

| | | | |

|Establish a Division responsible for Family Affairs within the |Benefiting from other Organizations’ experiences, such as the United |General Secretariat |Short term |

|framework of the General Secretariat’s restructuring |Nations, African Union and the Arab League. |(Legal Department) | |

| | | | |

|7. Cultural and Information Exchange among Members States | | | |

| | | | |

|(76) POA II.7.1. | | | |

| | | | |

|Call upon TV channels and the mass media to deal with |General Secretariat is in the process of preparing a detailed report |ISESCO and IRCICA |Throughout planned period |

|international mass media effectively in order to enable the |to evaluate the current situation of IINA, and ISBO and to strengthen| | |

|Muslim world to express its perspective on international |the existing information Department at the OIC General Secretariat. | | |

|developments. Call on the mass media in Member States, | | | |

|including satellite channels, to agree on a Code of Ethics that|ISESCO and IRCICA to coordinate and cooperate in the general field of| | |

|caters for diversity and pluralism and safeguards the Ummah's |cultural exchange among the OIC Member States. The two institutions |IRCICA | |

|values and interests. Mandate the Secretary-General to prepare |should come up with schemes that would improve further the image of | |Throughout planned period |

|a report to evaluate the current situation of IINA, ISBO, and |Islam | | |

|the OIC Information Department; consider ways and means to | | | |

|activate the role and mechanisms of the media within the |Request IRCICA to continue translating the cultural books into | | |

|framework of the OIC System; and submit proposals, in this |different languages of Member States and to organize cultural forums | | |

|regard, to the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers for |in this regard and participate in regional and international relevant| | |

|consideration. Accord attention to Arabic as the language of |activities | | |

|Qur'an, develop programmes for translation between the | | | |

|languages of the Muslim Ummah, and implement programs of | | | |

|cultural exchanges among the OIC Member States, including | | | |

|Observer States. | | | |

| | | | |

|(77) POA II.7.2. | | | |

| | | | |

|Strengthen COMIAC in order to give more care to information and|Work with the Government of Senegal to convene in due course the |General Secretariat |To convene the 8th Session as soon as possible |

|cultural issues in Member States. In this context, the Member |Eighth Session of COMIAC | | |

|States should voluntarily support digital solidarity and allow | | | |

|the OIC to actively participate in the efforts to reduce the | | | |

|digital gap. | | | |

Harmonized Table of Framework for the Implementation of the10-year POA 20060429


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