
Task Four: Tobacco control and health promotionIntroduction:In this section you need to think about tobacco controls that are in place in New Zealand and how smoking cessation is promoted to enhance health.As you work through these questions you will need to be familiar with several of the Smokefree Acts of Parliament in place in New Zealand and some of the Health Promotion models currently informing our work. You can have a look at descriptions and summaries of these online or look in the NTS website training module for extra information. A good place for a lot of information is at: view: ’t copy things, but you can use them as a reference.The boxes will expand as you type in them.Your first and last name:Your email address:The date you did this assessment:1. Review the smoking statistics for New Zealand and provide information about current tobacco use as required below: (27507 1.1)Name of the reference you looked at.What tobacco use/smoker information or statistics did it have? Pretend Example:Japanese in NZE.g. The Smoking Problem of NZ born E.g. 6% of the Japanese Kiwis smokeNew Zealand nationallyPacific in New Zealand Māori in New ZealandPregnant women in New Zealand2. Look at the tobacco control legislation. Describe what each of these pieces of legislation does to improve health and restrict the use and sale of tobacco products. (27507 1.2)LegislationWhat approach does this take to restrict the use and sale of tobacco products?Smoke-free Environments Act 1990Smoke-free Environments Regulations 20073. Think about the Ottawa Charter and its purpose and strategies for health promotion. Write a sentence or two to describe each strategy in the left column. Then write a sentence of two to describe the purpose of any THREE (3) strategies in the right column. The Ottawa Charter (27507 1.3)45720027368500StrategyDescribe the purpose of this strategy on the left according to what the Ottawa Charter says:EXAMPLE:Building healthy public policyThe purpose of this strategy is ensure that all policy makers in areas not normally related to health are aware of the health consequence of their policy decisions and aim to put healthy outcomes into their policies. An example of this would be policy that allows retail outlets to trade in education settings, but bans the sale of tobacco products and sugary drinks.Create supportive environmentsStrengthen Community ActionDevelop personal skillsRe-orienting health services 4. To answer this question you need to have read through and considered some recognised models of health promotion that relate to smoking cessation. Make sure you have done that. Then think about the characteristics or the focuses of each model. Complete the table below with your findings.In the left column describe 4 characteristics or things about each model. Your description can be bullet points or short sentences. Then in the right hand column, you need write one or two sentences about what you do, while working in your workplace, that aligns with each model. You can find descriptions of the models of health here:Fonofale: Te Pae Mahutonga: TUHA-NZ (27507 1.4)ModelIn this column, next to each model, describe at least 4 characteristics of each model.In this column, describe how your workplace and the work you do aligns with each model:Fonofale Model or other Pacific model of health promotionTe Pae MahutongaTUHA - NZPlease enter the name of one other model of health. It can be a government or non-governmental model, for example Whare Tapa Wha, Whanau Ora, Te Wheke.Then complete the table below in the way you did for the other models above.In this column describe at least 4 characteristics of the model.In this column, describe how your workplace and the work you do aligns with each model:5. Review some of the reference material and information you were given in the online training resource about why quitting smoking is important. Write a few sentences to describe the evidence there is to support the benefits of stop smoking. (27507 1.5)6. After reviewing your reference material, choose one example of a Smokefree or smoking cessation health promotion initiative and describe how it works to promote health. It can be from NZ or an overseas health intiative, for example Stoptober.You will need to include a few sentences. (27507 1.6)Name of initiative.How the initiative promotes health.Please save the document using the following:FIRST NAME LAST NAME Task Four. e.g. TUI BROWN Task FourThen email the file to ................

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