Project SEARCH Roles - VCU

Roles & Responsibilities


All partners have a shared accountability to reach the goal of employment for each Project SEARCH intern!

Project SEARCH Student Intern:

• Participates in travel training to the Project SEARCH program

• Participates in career exploration and discovers areas of interest

• Follows Rules and Regulations at host business including employee code of conduct

• Interviews for internships

• Attends job orientation and training as scheduled with immediate supervisor

• Attends daily classroom instruction and strives for perfect attendance

• Calls in if absent or late to teacher and internship manager

• Dresses appropriately, wearing uniform if required for internships

• Maintains proper hygiene and grooming

• Works with mentor, supervisor, teacher and job coach to successfully complete internship

• Makes adjustments to each internship and from intern to employee role

• Communicates with all team members any work related issues

• Learns and practices employability skills

• Knows key contact people and uses information to help solve problems when issues arise

• Utilizes natural resources and supports

• Actively participates in job search towards paid employment

• Communicates with family regarding progress in Project SEARCH program

• Develops personal leadership skills including leading employment planning meetings

Employee (once intern is hired!):

• Adheres to personnel policies

• Follows daily/weekly schedule according to job position

• Abides by department and job standards

• Communicates with manager regarding all work related concerns

• Continues to learn new skills and advance in the job and career

• Works with the Follow Along support services


• Provides leadership to the on-site Project SEARCH program

• Recruits new student interns for the program including:

▪ Marketing to local schools and agencies including Information sessions for families, host business, schools and agencies

▪ Customize application to meet local needs

▪ Determines recruitment timeline

▪ Determines selection committee; prepares rubric information

▪ Holds selection process with team

▪ Sends letters to all applicants

▪ Recognizes that student recruitment is an ongoing commitment

• Coordinates eligibility for local and state agencies to provide a seamless system of support before, during and at the conclusion of the Project SEARCH program utilizing a person centered approach to meet individual needs (includes Vocational Rehabilitation and other long term supports)

• Develops IEP and transition goals for new students and creates “career plan” based on individual preferences and skills

• Coordinates and/or provides travel training when public transportation is available

• Works with interns and parents to arrange alternate transportation to the Project SEARCH program if public transport is not available

• Assesses student skills and gather baseline data

• Participates in basic job coach training (Systematic Instruction, Lean and other appropriate training) and continual staff development

• Provides basic information about social security benefits, work related expenses and Ticket-to-Work program

• Attends host business orientation to insure intern understanding and learning

• Plans and provides daily classroom instruction in employability skills

• Reports to host business and coaches when late or absent

• Models appropriate workplace behavior

• Works with business liaison and department managers to develop internship sites, write job descriptions and plan for necessary job modifications

• Works with managers and co-workers to educate on disability awareness

• Trains students in interview process for internship sites and competitive positions

• Communicates with parents on a regular basis

• Coordinates employment planning meetings to discuss progress toward the work goal

• Visits student interns and give feedback to all team members

• Performs job coach duties when needed (especially at the beginning of internship rotations)

• Meets daily with job coaches to discuss intern progress

• Meets regularly with business liaison, managers and peer mentors to discuss intern strengths and challenges

• Plans and implements Project SEARCH Advisory Committee meetings on a quarterly basis for strategic planning and continuous improvement

• Participates in Business Advisory Councils to increase networking and career opportunities (industry focused - made up of community employers)

• Works with business to plan Project SEARCH events such as orientation, information nights/Open house and graduation

• Works with other team members to provide internal and external marketing for business and community such as “Lunch and Learn” events, newsletter articles, website information, tours, community presentations, etc.

• Coordinates internal career development with business liaison and team

• Completes necessary evaluations, reports and other documentation

• Develops portfolio for each student that documents each work site, skills acquired, evaluations, letters of recommendations, etc.

• Works with outside job developer to secure competitive employment in the community

• Collects and reports data to Project SEARCH and other partners

Job Coach (through Community Rehabilitation Partner and/or School):

• Performs travel training with interns when utilizing public transportation

• Participates in basic job coach training (Systematic Instruction, Lean and other appropriate training) and continual staff development

• Knows about social security benefits, work related expenses and Ticket-to-Work program

• Reports to instructor when late or absent

• Works with instructor to assess student skills and gather baseline data

• Works with business liaison, department managers, instructor and fellow job coaches to develop internship sites, write job descriptions, task lists, job analysis and plan for necessary modifications for the internships and competitive jobs

• Works with managers and co-workers to educate on disability awareness

• Reinforces employability skills and assists intern to understand and interpret work culture

• Assists in training intern in interview process (unique to each host business) in order for interns to gain both internships and competitive positions

• Learns the internship duties and make any modifications (label cabinets, simplifies written instructions, etc.) necessary to the successful completion of the job

• Attends job orientation with the intern and clarifies information with the intern as necessary

• Teaches the essential tasks/duties/core skills of the job to the intern

o Each job coach is assigned several students and will provide individual support depending on each intern and job task needs

o Because the goal is independence, the job coach builds natural supports and reduces the amount of time spent with each intern as core skills are developed

• Teaches safe practices according to the work environment

• Models appropriate workplace behavior

• Works with manager to determine new skills as intern gains competencies and confidence

• Meets with the manager and peer mentor regularly to discuss issues and solve problems

• Assesses student progress and give feedback to intern and team members

• Completes necessary evaluations, reports and other documentation

• Provides new internship ideas to team

• Investigates alternative methods of long term support such as Ticket-To-Work or PASS Plans for those interns not eligible for long term support

Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

• Participates on the selection committee for new students

• Receives referrals and determines eligibility

• Provides input to the team for the intern career goal

• Develops Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) with each intern

• Negotiates with Community Rehabilitation Partner (vendor) to develop fee schedule and program design

• Authorizes job coaching and job development services for each intern

• Assists with job adaptations when appropriate

• Participates in employment planning meetings

• Coordinates other supports and services as necessary to reach career goal

• Assists in the identification of long-term retention through community provider when appropriate

Business Liaison:

• Coordinates classroom training space, furniture and equipment

• Supports and participates in the student selection process

• Works with instructor and job coach to develop internship sites, job descriptions and job modifications

• Facilitates the on-boarding process for instructor and job coach

• Arranges for and assists with detailed job orientation and training to the intern

• Helps to identify a department mentor at each intern site

• Assists with interview process for student interns before their internships

• Assists with disability awareness and educational presentations to the internship departments

• Hosts events to promote and market the program within the host business and in the community: student orientation, Information Night, graduation, etc.

• Reinforces workplace rules for student interns

• Assists with problem solving student issues and other program development issues

• Serves on the Project SEARCH Advisory Committee (serve as chair during year 1)

• Markets Project SEARCH to the host organization and in the community

• Interacts with Project SEARCH staff and student interns on an ongoing basis

• Works with departments within the organization such as Public Relations, Communication, Diversity and Human Resources to promote the program, increase the opportunity for employment and interpret protocols.

• Assists with the evaluation/feedback instrument for the interns

• Initiates Business Advisory Council to increase networking and career opportunities (industry focused - made up of community employers)

• Participates in continuous improvement of Project SEARCH

• Hosts tours of Project SEARCH

• Addresses union issues when appropriate

Department Manager and/or Supervisor:

• Volunteers as host internship site

• Identifies tasks and core skills for internship; works with team to develop job description for intern

• Assigns peer mentor for student intern

• Interviews incoming students for internships

• Determines job orientation and training for the student

• Provides supervision to the intern (possibly shared with peer mentor)

• Works with the peer mentor, job coach and instructor to address areas of additional skill development

• Communicates with all members of the team

• Gives department evaluation and/or exit interview at the conclusion of internship

• Advocates for hiring in open positions when appropriate

• Writes letters of recommendation for interns when appropriate

Co-Worker / Peer Mentor:

• A co-worker who works the in same department as the intern and provides on-the-job support:

o Provides welcoming environment for intern

o Develops rapport with intern, instructor and job coach

o Answers questions

o Makes introductions to other co workers

o Assists with orientation/mandatory education on safety, etc.

o Assists with problem solving

o Teaches about work culture

o Facilitates natural support

o Notifies manager and job coach of any concerns and issues

• Serves as the point of contact for instructor and job coach for evaluation and feedback regarding progress and acquisition of core skills

• Suggests new skills as student masters essential functions/core skills

• Writes letter of recommendation for student intern when appropriate

• Advocates for hiring in open positions when appropriate

Administrator (School):

• Hires Project SEARCH instructor (and para-professional if appropriate)

• Provides overall support for HS Transition Program: discipline with students, field trips, curriculum, supplies, etc.

• Assists with intern recruitment and selection

• Supports for IEP development and compliance with IDEA 2004

• Provides administrative support for: attendance, grades (if applicable), lesson plans, staff development for instructors, etc.

• Ensures that Project SEARCH interns have school liability insurance

• Participates in the monthly meeting to discuss students’ issues, progress, etc. (when needed)

• Develops marketing materials for program

• Participates in Advisory Committee

• Assists with problem solving and continuous improvement of program

• Assists with data collection and reporting

Family Member

• Supports of intern working competitively in the community

• Supports of intern using public transportation when available; assists with travel training

• Assists the intern with perfect attendance and other appropriate employability skills

• Participates in employment planning meetings to discuss student issues, progress, etc.

• Assists in defining and working toward the Career Plan / Job Goal

• Addresses any issues and concerns regarding student progress by working with intern at home

• Follows through on eligibility with appropriate community and adult service agencies

• Communicates with instructor, job coaches and/or VR Counselor only regarding any concerns – does not communicate directly with any host business personnel

• Assists with transportation to program and job if necessary

• Collaborates with other team members for overall intern transition process

• Promotes intern growth and personal development

Family Liaison(s) (Current or Alumni Family Member)

• Makes community presentations regarding Project SEARCH for program awareness and to create employment opportunities

• Interviews prospective family members in spring during student interviews and give information about Project SEARCH

• Creates annual calendar with other team members and ensure that all families have information

• Coordinate Family Information sessions with other team members (from PPP templates)

• Work with instructor to ensure that links are made with SSA office for each family for Benefits Analysis, understanding of available programs, group trainings, etc.

• Outreach to current and/or prospective families for awareness, resource guidance, training, networking and overall assistance

• Establish a list of potential community employers and share with appropriate team members

• Represent families on Project SEARCH Advisory Team

Job Developer (often through the Community Rehabilitation Partner)

• Attends employment planning meetings to know interns’ strengths, interests and challenges

• Explores jobs at external businesses for interns not employed at host site

• Works with intern and all team members (Instructor, VR, parent) to locate competitive employment based on individual strengths and skills

• Keeps all team members informed of potential jobs

• Performs job analysis and job match

• Coordinates transportation and/or travel training to job site

• Coordinates job coaching with VR

• Solves problems as the arise in the workplace

• Produces necessary reports and data for VR Counselor and other team members

Follow Along (Long Term Service Provider)

• Confirms eligibility for long term support

• Identifies alternative resources for those not eligible for support

• Provides retention services to employee once hired

• Communicates with manager at business and other team members for issues and problem solving

• Monitors work performance; document progress and issues

• Trains new skills and/or retrain as necessary using systematic instruction

• Insures completion of mandatory training and health requirements

• Facilitates job changes and career advancement

• Facilitates crisis intervention

• Facilitates socialization and overall integration

• Provides training for employees and manager/co-worker

• Communicates with families or care providers

• Assesses employee satisfaction

• Links employee to other support service agencies or supports as necessary

• Produces necessary reports and data collection for Project SEARCH team members

The ultimate goal of Project SEARCH is competitive employment for each student intern. To achieve this goal students participate in internship experiences that simulate a real work environment within the host business. This includes interviewing for the internship positions, participation in the initial job orientation and training, shadowing other employees, taking normal breaks, eating lunch with peers, clocking in and out, wearing the correct uniform, working with a supervisor and being evaluated on acquisition of skills, performance, pace and productivity. The role of the instructor is to provide classroom training on these job skills and all other areas of intern and program development. The role of the job coach is to assist the employee in being successful in these tasks with as much independence as possible. In general, workers with disabilities do best when instructions are clear and precise. Detailed training along with written instructions, picture checklists, mentoring and creating work aids will all be factors in a successful experience. The roles of all members of the team are “cogs in the wheel” of a successful placement.[pic]


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