Week 5Home Learning Literacy Tasks Numeracy TasksHealth and Wellbeing TasksMondaySpelling activities Open the PowerPoint and look at the new sound.Ask someone to read each of the spelling words to you.Count the sounds in each word (for example th-e-n – 3 sounds).Try and write each word without looking at the PowerPoint.Check each word before you move onto the next word.Challenge! Try and write as many words as you can think of that have the same spelling pattern as your words for this week. Basic FactsGo to the basic facts activity folder.Practise your basic fact (10 minutes daily if you can).AdditionQuick revision of addition facts. Go to Topmarks and have a go at addition questions to 10 or 20. See if you can beat your scores/improve your times. Open the Google slide presentation and choose either the addition to 10 or addition to 20 slide. Copy down the missing box questions in your jotter and try and solve them. Emotional Check-inGet active! Choose your favourite activity to get some exercise - Joe Wicks workout, GoNoodle, gymnastics rolls and stretches, walking/cycling with our family. You choose! TuesdaySpelling - spell your words out loud.Writing - Remember you can use an exclamation mark to show surprise or excitement. You put a question mark at the end of a sentence if you are asking a question. Write 2 sentences using an exclamation mark. Write 2 questions. Basic FactsGo to the basic facts activity folder.Practise your basic fact (10 minutes daily if you can).Subtraction Quick revision of subtraction facts. Go to Topmarks and have a go at subtraction games at your level. See if you can beat your scores/improve your times. Open the Google slide ‘Subtraction’ and print out or copy it down to play the subtraction game. You could also play with a partner and take turns rolling the dice to get different numbers. Emotional Check-in ArtClick on the link to the following website and have a go at any step by step drawing you choose. - Use an old newspaper or magazine to cut out letters to make your spelling words.Reading Read a fiction book and complete one of the following activities: Write down the main things that happened in the book.2. Draw your favourite character and write 3 words to describe him/her. Basic FactsGo to the basic facts activity folder.Practise your basic fact (10 minutes daily if you can).Multiplication ActivitiesWrite out the times tables you are working on and ask someone to check them then test you on them.Go to Hit the Button and practise your times tables.Make a multiplication wheel or flower picture. Open the word document to see an example. Emotional Check-inMake a diorama or small world play box (2-3 day project)Use an old shoe box or cereal box to make a mini world. You could create an underwater aquarium, farm, volcano landscape, dolls house...just use your imagination. Click on Google slides for some ideas to get you started. ThursdaySpelling and Handwriting SpellingWrite your words out in rainbow writing.Handwriting : Watch how the letters are formed, press and follow or free draw the letters on the screen. Practise writing letters in your jotter. Focus on making sure your letters are written correctly.Practise writing these sentences: ‘Quiet Please!’ said the sign in the Royal Library.We live in Inverness which is in Bonnie Scotland! Basic Facts Get someone to test you on your basic fact for this week. Remember you need to get them all correct in 1 minute. Measure (Weight) Activities for Thursday and FridayWatch the Powerpoints about scales and measuring in kg. some different sized objects. Is the largest object always the heaviest? Why or why not? Can you think of large objects that will weigh less than a smaller object? Draw pictures to show what these might be. Choose 5 objects that feel to be different weights and order them from heaviest to lightest.Find 3 objects that you think weigh about the same. Ask someone to help you weigh them. Were you correct?Play the Mostly Postie game on Topmarks. Choose the kg and ? kg game. some baking at home and help weigh out the ingredients in the recipe. Find 5 small toys e.g. small teddy, toy car, action figure. Ask someone to help you weigh them using scales. Write down the name of the toy and the weight beside. Can you then order them from lightest to heaviest? Emotional Check-inContinue with the diorama or small world play boxFriday Ask someone to test you on your spelling words. Reading - If you haven’t already ask an adult at home to create an account (it’s free!). Read a new book online, there are LOADS to choose from. If you choose Oxford Reading Tree from the ebook library ( Level 4 onwards) there are extra activities and games to go with the books. Basic FactsAsk someone to test you on your basic fact you’ve been working on this week. Measurement (Weight)Continue with the weight activities from Thursday’s list. Emotional Check-in Google MeetShare a special memory. This week in our online group meeting I’m asking children to think of a memory that is special to them. It could be funny, happy or sad. If you don’t want to talk about a memory be ready to say what you’ve most enjoyed doing this week. ................

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