Its or it’s - K5 Learning

Its or it's

Grade 4 Punctuation Worksheet

Circle the correct word.

"its" shows possession. "it's" replaces it is.

1. ( Its / It's ) so fun to watch a dog chase its tail. 2. The monkey at the zoo had ( its / it's ) cage cleaned while we were

there. 3. When we left, the house had ( its / it's ) lights still on. 4. He thinks ( its / it's ) his fault that we lost the game. 5. My friend, Thomas, wants the team to move ( its / it's ) party to

Saturday night. 6. Can the turtle find ( its / it's ) way back to its/it's home? 7. The giraffe? ( Its / It's ) body was taller than my house. 8. I love your new shirt. ( Its / It's ) design is very colorful. 9. ( Its / It's ) always a good idea to eat a healthy breakfast before

school. 10. Do you see the baby and ( its / it's ) mom walking in the park? 11. Our old car is dead. ( Its / It's ) engine stopped running yesterday. 12. ( Its / It's ) impossible for a bird to fly without its/it's wings.

Reading & Math for K-5


Its or it's

Grade 4 Punctuation Worksheet


1. ( Its / It's ) so fun to watch a dog chase its tail. 2. The monkey at the zoo had ( its / it's ) cage cleaned while we were

there. 3. When we left, the house had ( its / it's ) lights still on. 4. He thinks ( its / it's ) his fault that we lost the game. 5. My friend, Thomas, wants the team to move ( its / it's ) party to

Saturday night. 6. Can the turtle find ( its / it's ) way back to its/it's home? 7. The giraffe? ( Its / It's ) body was taller than my house. 8. I love your new shirt. ( Its / It's ) design is very colorful. 9. ( Its / It's ) always a good idea to eat a healthy breakfast before

school. 10. Do you see the baby and ( its / it's ) mom walking in the park? 11. Our old car is dead. ( Its / It's ) engine stopped running yesterday. 12. ( Its / It's ) impossible for a bird to fly without its/it's wings.

Reading & Math for K-5



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