Speak Fourth Marking Period Key Quotations

Speak Fourth Marking Period Key Quotations

For each of the following quotations, identify the speaker, context, and significance. In the extra space on the last sheet, add three quotes from the fourth marking period that stood out to you. Explain your quotes in the same way.


“The student council started a counterpetition. The Honor Society wrote it. It describes the psychological harm we have all suffered from this year’s lack of identity” (141).

The Wet Season

“In heaven, my grandparents frowned. I sort of wished we’d gone to church. Some of the Easter songs are pretty” (143)

Spring Break

“’The turkey bone thing you did was creepy, too. Creepy in a good way, good creepy. It’s been months and I’m still thinking about it” (145).


“I just about had a seven-year-old heart attack when my dad took a limo to the airport for the first time. I thought they had really come to take me away and I didn’t want to go” (147).

My Life As A Spy

“Lava spills out my ears. She is not any part of a pretend Rachelle-chick. I can only see third grade Rachel who liked barbecue potato chips and who braided pink embroidery thread into my hair that I wore for months until my mom made me cut it out” (150).

Thin Atmosphere

“Maya Angelou watches me, two fingers on the side of her face. It is an intelligent pose. Maya wants me to tell Rachel” (151).

Growing Pains

“Breathe life into it. Make it bend – trees are flexible, so the don’t snap. Scar it, give it a twisted branch – perfect trees don’t exist. Nothing is perfect. Flaws are interesting. Be the tree” (153).

Gag Order

“I write about the suffragettes” (154).

No Justice, No Peace

“So why does everyone make such a big hairy deal about me not talking? Maybe I don’t want to incriminate myself. Maybe I don’t like the sound of my voice. Maybe I don’t have anything to say” (157).

Advice From A Smart Mouth

“You can’t speak up for your right to be silent. That’s letting the bad guys win” (159).

The Beast Prowls

“He gives me a new piece of chalk and tells me to draw roots. You can’t grow a decent tree without roots” (160).

Oprah, Sally Jessy, Jerry, and Me

“Was I raped?” (164)

Real Spring

“Can you buy some seeds? Flower seeds?” (168)

Little Writing On The Wall

“I start another subject thread on the wall: Guys to stay away from. The first entry is the Beast himself: Andy Evans” (175).

Your Three Quotes

1. Quote:

a. Speaker

b. Context

c. Significance

2. Quote:

a. Speaker

b. Context

c. Significance

3. Quote:

a. Speaker

b. Context

c. Significance


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