For Expected to Work and Barriers to Full Employment ...

Employment and Training Services

Income Support Child Support Services

Health Benefits

For Expected to Work and Barriers to Full Employment Clients

Your Guide

This is a guide to the Alberta Works Income Support Program for Expected to Work (ETW) and Barriers to Full Employment (BFE) clients. Please keep it for future reference. It will help answer your questions about the benefits and services available to you. For detailed information about the Income Support Program for ETW and BFE go to the Alberta Works Online Policy Manual

To find an Alberta Employment and Immigration (E&I) office or Alberta Works office near you go to page 37 or go to or call 1-800-661-3753 or 780-422-4266 in Edmonton.

If you have an emergency need when E&I offices are closed, call the 24-hour Income Support Contact Centre toll-free: 1-866-644-5135, or in the Edmonton area, call 780-644-5135.

If you have an inquiry about your cheque (e.g., when it will be deposited into your account) call the cheque information line at 780-427-6942.

You can phone any Alberta government number toll-free by dialing 310-0000, then entering the number you need. TTY only dial: 1-800-232-7215. Toll-free cell phone access dial: *310 or #310.



Introduction........................................................................................................... 2 Employment andTraining Services...................................................................... 3

Job Search and Career Planning.................................................................... 3 Skills Development andTraining................................................................... 4 Income Support..................................................................................................... 7 Qualifying for Income Support...................................................................... 7 ClientTypes..................................................................................................... 9 Your Income and Income Support............................................................... 10 Your Assets and Income Support................................................................. 11 Applying for Income Support...................................................................... 12 Your Monthly Financial Benefits.................................................................. 13 Supplementary Benefits.............................................................................. 14 Earnings Exemptions for Employment Income.......................................... 18 The Client Reporting Card (CRC).................................................................. 18 Child Support Services........................................................................................ 22 More Information for Parents...................................................................... 24 Health Benefits.................................................................................................... 26 What is Covered............................................................................................ 26 Transitional Supports................................................................................... 28 When you are Overpaid or have a Debt.............................................................. 32 Your Right to Appeal............................................................................................ 34 Income Support Benefits Appeals............................................................... 34 Health Benefits Appeals............................................................................... 35 Expectations........................................................................................................ 36 WhatYou Can Expect ................................................................................... 36 What is Expected ofYou ............................................................................... 36 AlbertaWorks Offices.......................................................................................... 37 Common Abbreviations...................................................................................... 41




Alberta Works is administered by Alberta Employment and Immigration (E&I) and helps unemployed people find and keep jobs, helps employers meet their need for skilled workers and helps Albertans with low income cover their basic costs of living.

There are four different components of Alberta Works:

? Employment andTraining Services ? help to find employment, take training or plan a new career;

? Income Support ? money to help meet basic needs; ? Child Support Services ? free service to get child support agreements

or court orders; and ? Health Benefits ? supplementary health coverage.

Some of these services (such as the job search and career services) are available to all Albertans.This is a guide for Albertans who receive financial help through the Alberta Works Income Support Program for Expected to Work (ETW) and Barriers to Full Employment (BFE) clients.

The rules around who qualifies for financial help through the Income Support program and how much money a person receives are governed by the Income and Employment Supports Act and are subject to change.To view the Act, regulations and Alberta Works policies, please visit

If you have questions, please contact the 24-hour Income Support Contact Centre in Edmonton at 780-644-5135, outside of Edmonton toll-free at 1-866-644-5135.

To share your comments on this guide or to order a copy, contact:

E&I Communications In Edmonton: 780-427-5585 Toll-free across Alberta: 310-0000 and then enter 780-427-5585 E-mail:

You can get a copy of Your Guide online at


Employment andTraining Services

Employment and Training Services


At most E&I offices there are free services to help you plan your career, find work and do job searches.You will find different fairs, courses and workshops in each community. Go to to find out what is in your community.

Services to help you with your job search

AlbertaWorks offers a variety of services to help you find work.There is no charge to use these services.

You can go to one of the E&I offices listed on page 37 to check the job listings and ask about jobs and training.

Labour Market Information Centres (LMIC) The LMIC is a library of resources and career staff to help you with your career and job search. Walk into these information centres and ask for help writing your resum? and finding employers in the job banks.These centres also have books, videos and software so you can learn about different jobs, careers and job trends.

To learn more about job search services, contact one of the E&I offices listed on page 37.

Career Information Hotline Career advisors can provide you with answers to questions on work search skills, career planning, educational funding, occupational descriptions, educational options, and available resources.

Call the Career Information Hotline in Edmonton at 780-422-4266, or toll free across Alberta at 1-800-661-3753 or go to

Canada?Alberta Job Order Bank Service (JOBS) This job bank service provides a listing of available jobs.You can submit a profile of your job skills electronically and get matched with potential jobs.

Call toll free at 1-800-727-2925, or go to

Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) The ALIS website links you to information about career planning, postsecondary education and training, funding, job searching, and labour market trends.This website will help you to look up job profiles, find out salaries for different occupations and the type of schooling you need. If you do not have access to the Internet, access is available through E&I offices as well as most public libraries in the province.

The website is



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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