
Complaint ?Info ?Comments ?

I ?joined ?It ?Works ?and ?immediately ?started ?using ?the ?products ?on ?myself. ?I ?used ?the ?wraps ?and ?gel ?as ?

directed ?without ?results. ?I ?then ?started ?asking ?questions ?on ?their ?facebook ?page ?to ?get ?insight. ?I ?followed ?

suggestions ?given ?and ?still ?had ?no ?success ?with ?the ?product. ?I ?continued ?seeking ?advice ?and ?emailed ?

their ?'product ?coach' ?as ?directed ?by ?the ?site. ?I ?never ?got ?a ?response. ?I ?found ?that ?I ?have ?been ?blocked ?

from ?the ?facebook ?site ?and ?am ?no ?longer ?to ?comment ?or ?post ?on ?their ?wall. ?This ?product ?does ?not ?work ?

and ?they ?do ?not ?provide ?support ?as ?suggested. ?They ?remove ?all ?negative ?feedback ?on ?their ?facebook ?

wall ?to ?show ?only ?positive ?reviews ?and ?apparently, ?they ?block ?people ?from ?having ?access ?to ?their ?

facebook ?wall ?if ?they ?are ?posting ?comments ?stating ?the ?product ?doesnt ?work. ?The ?customer ?service ?is ?

non ?existant ?and ?the ?product ?is ?a ?scam. ?I ?paid ?$114.89 ?on ?3/12 ?to ?join ?the ?program ?and ?then ?$49.23 ?on ?

3/15 ?on ?more ?product. ?When ?I ?wasnt ?getting ?results ?I ?started ?questioning ?and ?looking ?for ?answers. ?I ?

tried ?cancelling ?my ?membership ?but ?couldnt ?find ?it ?anywhere ?on ?the ?site. ?So ?I ?was ?charged ?again ?on ?

4/12 ?for ?$100.05 ?and ?again ?for ?$20. ?Im ?not ?sure ?what ?the ?$20 ?was ?for ?because ?I ?certainly ?didnt ?

authorize ?it. ?I ?was ?finally ?able ?to ?get ?the ?customer ?service ?number ?and ?was ?able ?to ?cancel ?my ?

membership ?today. ?My ?member ?number ?was ?(b)(6). ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?am ?seeking ?a ?full ?refund ?

of ?$284.17. ?' ?

I ?purchased ?an ?It ?Works! ?wrap ?from ?a ?distributor ?(b)(6) ?who ?sent ?me ?a ?fake ?tracking ?number ?and ?

stopped ?replying ?to ?my ?emails. ?I ?contacted ?It ?Works! ?for ?a ?refund, ?but ?they ?stated ?that ?since ?I ?paid ?for ?

my ?purchase ?via ?PayPal ?that ?they ?were ?not ?liable ?and ?I'd ?have ?to ?work ?it ?out ?with ?the ?distributor ?who ?is ?

not ?returning ?my ?communication. ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?want ?a ?full ?refund ?of ?my ?$22. ?' ?

After ?numerous ?issues ?with ?someone ?returning ?calls ?on ?product ?information ?I ?had ?decided ?Oct ?1 ?st ?I ?did ?

not ?want ?the ?It ?Works ?program. ?I ?had ?not ?received ?my ?first ?auto ?ship ?yet ?and ?tried ?to ?call ?to ?cancel ?my ?

order. ?I ?left ?several ?messages ?with ?no ?return ?call. ?On ?Nov ?7th ?I ?finally ?after ?several ?calls ?to ?the ?company ?

contacted ?my ?distributor ? ?(b)(6) ?and ?told ?her ?whats ?been ?happening ?and ?did ?not ?want ?the ?product ?and ?

she ?said ?she ?would ?take ?care ?of ?it. ?I ?had ?auto ?ship ?taken ?out ?for ?Oct, ?and ?now ?Nov ?with ?web ?services ?

which ?I ?had ?not ?agreed ?upon. ?It ?is ?all ?a ?scam ?and ?gimmick. ?They ?promised ?me ?and ?another ?gal ?all ?false ?

information ?and ?never ?did ?what ?they ?said ?they ?were ?going ?to ?do. ?I ?am ?unable ?to ?cancel ?and ?they ?

continue ?to ?deduct ?from ?my ?business ?account. ?i ?have ?called ?and ?email ?several ?times ?with ?no ?response ?

from ?the ?company. ?I ?am ?not ?sure ?what ?to ?do ?because ?they ?continue ?to ?charge ?me ?and ?I ?can ?not ?reach ?

anyone ?in ?person ?to ?cancel. ?I ?finally ?today ?Dec ?5th ?at ?3:30pm ?got ?a ?hold ?of ?an ?actual ?person ?and ?she ?

hung ?up ?on ?me. ?Her ?name ?is ?Edie. ?SAo ?now ?what ?do ?I ?do? ?I ?feel ?as ?though ?I ?am ?at ?their ?mercy. ?-?-?-? ?

Additional ?Comments: ?I ?would ?really ?like ?them ?to ?just ?stop ?billing ?me, ?but ?I ?am ?extremely ?upset ?they ?

have ?been ?charging ?me ?20.00 ?for ?web ?services ?that ?I ?do ?not ?and ?did ?not ?know ?about. ?Also ?they ?said ?

originally ?it ?was ?99.00 ?month. ?I ?have ?the ?bill ?and ?it ?is ?no ?way ?99.00 ?mth. ?Its ?140.00 ?mth. ?I ?can ?not ?afford ?

this ?and ?it ?has ?actually ?caused ?problems ?for ?my ?new ?small ?business ?account!' ?

For ?a ?very ?short ?while ?I ?was ?signed ?up ?to ?be ?a ?distributor ?for ?It ?Works ?Marketing ?(Global) ?products. ?The ?

main ?product ?is ?a ?body ?wrap, ?which ?for ?me, ?didn't ?work. ?I ?resigned ?my ?distributorship ?and ?severed ?ties ?

with ?the ?company, ?and ?am ?now ?attempting ?to ?recover ?my ?costs ?by ?selling ?remaining ?stock ?on ?eBay. ?It ?

Works ?has ?completely ?barred ?my ?efforts, ?citing ?former ?distributorship ?as ?the ?reason ?why ?they ?have ?had ?

eBay ?pull ?my ?product ?listings ?off. ?They ?say ?that ?their ?products ?cannot ?be ?sold ?on ?eBay. ?They ?are ?

attempting ?to ?keep ?me ?tied ?to ?a ?contract ?that ?I ?am ?no ?longer ?bound ?to ?honor. ?This ?is ?illegal. ?Not ?only ?

that, ?but ?stopping ?sale ?of ?their ?product ?on ?eBay ?by ?a ?non-?distributor ?contravenes ?Fair ?Trade ?Act ?

statutes. ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?would ?like ?It ?Works ?Marketing ?to ?refund ?me ?the ?purchase ?price ?of ?

my ?remaining ?stock, ?which ?I ?will ?return. ?They ?have ?already ?refused ?to ?to ?this.' ?

My ?first ?order ?was ?over ?$300 ?and ?was ?setup ?on ?autoship. ?I ?was ?told ?that ?after ?the ?first ?autoship ?it ?would ?

be ?cancelled. ?However, ?it ?was ?not.I ?tried ?to ?cancel ?or ?adjust ?my ?autoship. ?I ?called ?customer ?service ?she ?

said ?it ?was ?too ?late ?to ?change ?the ?2nd ?autoship. ?That ?I ?could ?return ?it ?and ?be ?charged ?a ?restocking ?fee, ?

shipping ?fee, ?and ?a ?$50 ?cancel ?fee. ?I ?does ?not ?state ?on ?their ?website ?anything ?about ?these ?fees ?or ?

charges;? ?except, ?for ?the ?shipping. ?The ?girl ?from ?customer ?service ?was ?very ?rude ?and ?keep ?sucking ?and ?

chewing ?on ?candy ?or ?something. ?I ?asked ?to ?speak ?to ?her ?supervisor ?and ?after ?being ?on ?hold ?for ?several ?

minutes ?she ?told ?me, ?'he ?asked ?me ?to ?put ?you ?to ?his ?voicemail'. ?At ?that ?point ?I ?had ?already ?been ?on ?the ?

phone ?with ?them ?for ?45 ?minutes. ?I ?had ?to ?wait ?15 ?minutes ?before ?I ?could ?even ?talk ?to ?her. ?The ?other ?30 ?

minutes ?I ?was ?on ?the ?phone ?with ?her ?and ?waiting ?to ?talk ?to ?her ?supervisor. ?I ?left ?a ?message ?for ?him ?to ?

return ?my ?call, ?his ?vm ?said ?he ?would ?reutrn ?calls ?within ?48 ?hours. ?That ?time ?has ?passed ?and ?I ?still ?have ?

not ?heard ?from ?them. ?I ?also ?was ?not ?happy ?with ?their ?products ?and ?I ?feel ?they ?do ?not ?work ?for ?me. ?-?-?-? ?

Additional ?Comments: ?I ?wish ?to ?cancel ?the ?autoship ?with ?no ?charge ?and ?to ?be ?able ?to ?return ?the ?2nd ?

autoship ?for ?a ?full ?refund. ?I ?feel ?I ?was ?misled ?on ?the ?information ?concerning ?the ?autoship ?and ?their ?return ?

poilcy.' ?

I ?was ?told ?by ?a ?customer ?service ?rep ?to ?return ?the ?product ?and ?they ?would ?issue ?me ?a ?refund ?minus ?a ?

10% ?restocking ?fee. ? ?I ?sent ?two ?boxes ?of ?product ?back ?with ?a ?delivery ?confirmation ?and ?they ?have ?

received ?the ?boxes. ? ?I ?have ?not ?heard ?back ?from ?them ?after ?5 ?emails ?to ?the ?same ?customer ?service ?rep ?

and ?two ?phone ?calls. ? ?I ?received ?an ?email ?that ?$51.50 ?was ?loaded ?on ?a ?card ?for ?me ?to ?access. ? ?I ?do ?not ?

have ?a ?card ?that ?is ?loadable ?from ?this ?company ?and ?the ?refund ?amount ?should ?have ?been ?$211.00. ? ?I ?

am ?irritated ?by ?the ?lack ?of ?communication ?after ?the ?stuff ?was ?shipped ?back. ? ?Until ?that ?point ?I ?had ?

received ?correspondence ?right ?away, ?now ?I ?get ?nothing. ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?would ?like ?the ?full ?

amount ?of ?$211.00 ?put ?back ?on ?my ?debit ?card ?that ?was ?used ?when ?the ?purchases ?were ?made. ? ?Not ?on ?a ?

card ?that ?I ?do ?not ?even ?have. ? ?' ?

Acct ?# ?(b)(6) ?I ?sent ?2 ?emails ?to ?It ?Works ?to ?cancel ?my ?autoship ?for ?merchandise ?they ?have ?ignored ?my ?

emails. ?I ?have ?called ?several ?times ?and ?their ?automated ?system ?does ?not ?allow ?you ?to ?leave ?a ?message. ?

I ?waited ?on ?hold ?for ?30 ?minutes ?1 ?time ?to ?speak ?with ?a ?rep ?when ?it ?was ?my ?turn ?no ?one ?came ?on ?the ?line ?

and ?I ?was ?cut ?off. ?I ?called ?back ?several ?times ?and ?could ?never ?get ?a ?person ?on ?the ?phone. ?I ?believe ?this ?

company ?is ?a ?scam, ?they ?refuse ?to ?cancel ?your ?shipments ?for ?their ?products ?that ?don't ?work ?and ?

continue ?to ?charge ?people ?because ?no ?one ?can ?get ?them ?on ?the ?phone. ?They ?sent ?me ?a ?shipment ?on ?

Dec ?31, ?2011, ?I ?have ?not ?received ?it ?yet ?but ?I ?would ?like ?to ?return ?it ?unopened ?and ?get ?a ?refund. ?I ?also ?

want ?my ?autoshipments ?cancelled. ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?am ?seeking ?a ?refund ?for ?my ?Dec ?31, ?

2011 ?shipment ?and ?also ?want ?my ?auto ?ship ?cancelled.' ?

I ?enrolled ?as ?a ?dist. ?with ?this ?co. ?in ?9/11. ?I ?enrolled ?in ?auto ?shipments. ? ?I ?received ?2 ?shipments ?in ?error ?

instead ?of ?one ?in ?10/11. ? ?After ?about ?a ?month, ?I ?emailed ?cust. ?svc ?to ?find ?out ?the ?requirements ?for ?

returning ?product ?and ?getting ?a ?refund. ? ?I ?was ?told ?I ?could ?return ?the ?unopened ?product ?and ?receive ?a ?

refund ?minus ?shipping. ? ?I ?mailed ?the ?product ?back ?on ?11/30/11 ?and ?they ?received ?in ?on ?12/3/11. ? ?I ?made ?

multiple ?attempts ?to ?contact ?the ?company ?by ?email ?and ?phone ?regarding ?my ?refund. ? ?They ?did ?not ?return ?

my ?messages. ? ?Finally ?on ?12/19/11, ?I ?spoke ?to ?a ?rep ?named ?Nathan ?who ?informed ?me ?that ?I ?could ?not ?

receive ?a ?refund ?because ?I ?did ?not ?return ?it ?within ?30 ?days. ? ?I ?explained ?I ?was ?not ?told ?this ?when ?I ?asked ?

about ?the ?return ?policy ?and ?also ?explained ?that ?I ?received ?a ?double ?shipment. ? ?He ?said ?he ?could ?

authorize ?one ?refund ?since ?it ?was ?a ?double ?shipment, ?but ?he ?could ?not ?authorize ?the ?other. ? ?I ?asked ?why ?

they ?had ?not ?contacted ?me ?since ?they ?had ?the ?product ?and ?did ?not ?plan ?to ?refund ?my ?money. ? ?He ?said ?

usually ?an ?email ?is ?sent. ? ?I ?asked ?if ?there ?was ?anyone ?else ?who ?could ?authorize ?the ?other ?refund, ?he ?

said ?there ?was ?not. ? ?I ?asked ?if ?they ?planned ?to ?return ?my ?product ?since ?they ?were ?not ?going ?to ?refund ?my ?

money, ?he ?said ?he ?would ?put ?in ?a ?ticket ?requesting ?the ?refund ?and ?return ?and ?that ?both ?should ?be ?

processed ?within ?around ?48 ?hours...with ?no ?promise ?of ?when ?I ?will ?see ?my ?money ?or ?my ?product. ? ?My ?

dist. ?# ?is ?(b)(6). ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?would ?like ?to ?be ?refunded ?for ?both ?orders.' ?

SEE ?ON-?LINE ?ATTACHMENT ?FOR ?CONSUMER ?COMPLAINT ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?stop ?sending ?

and ?bill ?for ?unordered ?products.' ?

On ?December ?20th, ?2011, ?I ?spoke ?with ?It ?Works ?Customer ?Service ?and ?told ?them ?I ?was ?needing ?to ?

return ?my ?December ?Auto-?ship ?order. ? ?I ?followed ?their ?instructions ?and ?sent ?the ?unopened ?package ?to ?

the ?address ?in ?GA ?that ?they ?gave ?me. ? ?I ?also ?paid ?to ?have ?the ?package ?tracked. ? ?The ?customer ?service ?

representative ?indicated ?that ?upon ?receipt ?of ?the ?package, ?I ?would ?immediately ?be ?issued ?a ?full ?credit ?to ?

my ?card ?and ?that ?the ?charges ?would ?show ?in ?my ?bank ?account ?in ?7-?10 ?days.Per ?the ?USPS ?tracking ?

number, ?It ?Works ?received ?the ?package ?on ?December ?22nd.On ?December ?29th, ?I ?called ?It ?Works ?to ?find ?

out ?why ?I ?had ?not ?been ?issued ?a ?credit. ? ?It ?took ?2 ?hours ?to ?get ?through ?on ?their ?phone ?lines ?and ?speak ?to ?

a ?customer ?service ?person. ? ?I ?was ?told ?by ?customer ?service ?that ?they ?had ?lost ?my ?package ?because ?the ?

company ?had ?recently ?closed ?a ?shipping ?location ?in ?Michigan ?and ?combined ?shipping ?locations. ? ?I ?was ?

told ?that ?they ?would ?call ?me ?when ?they ?found ?my ?package.As ?of ?January ?3rd, ?I ?have ?not ?heard ?from ?the ?

company ?and ?have ?not ?been ?credited ?for ?my ?returned ?product. ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?want ?my ?

refund ?credited ?to ?my ?card ?immediately.' ?

was ?not ?informed ?of ?a ?$50 ?fee ?for ?canceling ?the ?supposed ?contract ?early. ? ?I ?was ?not ?aware ?that ?I ?had ?

signed ?a ?contract ?and ?they ?continued ?to ?send ?products ?auto ?ship. ? ?I ?called ?to ?cancel ?the ?auto ?shipping ?

and ?was ?informed ?I ?had ?to ?pay ?a ?$50 ?fee ?to ?get ?out ?of ?it. ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?REFUND ?OF ?THE ?

BOGUS ?$50 ?FEE. ? ?No ?where ?on ?their ?website ?or ?paper ?I ?signed ?does ?it ?have ?a ?cancelation ?fee. ? ?This ?is ?

a ?scam. ? ?They ?should ?not ?be ?allowed ?to ?'write ?contracts' ?for ?products ?like ?this. ? ?I ?am ?returning ?an ?

unoppened ?case ?of ?product ?and ?demanded ?a ?FULL ?reimbursemnt ?for ?this ?scam ?product. ? ?How ?dare ?you ?

people.' ?

I ?was ?signed ?up ?for ?an ?auto-?ship ?program ?for ?three ?months, ?with ?the ?ability ?to ?change ?the ?product ?

whenever ?needed. ?I ?requested ?to ?change ?my ?product ?after ?the ?first ?month ?-? ?the ?difference ?in ?cost ?of ?

products ?was ?approximately ?$40 ?-? ?$50. ?The ?customer ?service ?agent ?did ?not ?record ?my ?changes ?and ?

proceeded ?to ?ship ?me ?the ?wrong ?product, ?charging ?my ?bank ?account ?$70 ?dollars. ?I ?spent ?45 ?minutes ?on ?

the ?phone ?trying ?to ?explain ?my ?issue ?and ?get ?the ?product ?I ?wanted. ?I ?was ?able ?to ?ship ?back ?the ?incorrect ?

product ?and ?obtain ?the ?product ?necessary. ?A ?month ?later ?I ?did ?not ?receive ?my ?refund, ?so ?I ?spent ?another ?

50 ?minutes ?on ?the ?phone ?attempting ?to ?obtain ?my ?refund. ?They ?explained ?it ?had ?slipped ?past ?them. ?After ?

spending ?well ?over ?an ?hour ?and ?a ?half ?trying ?to ?resolve ?my ?issues ?I ?explained ?I ?did ?not ?want ?to ?recieve ?

another ?shipment ?and ?I ?was ?also ?not ?going ?to ?pay ?the ?$50 ?cancellation ?fee. ?The ?CSR ?said ?I ?would ?have ?

to ?speak ?to ?a ?manager. ?I ?left ?a ?manager ?a ?voicemail ?on ?December ?23rd ?which ?stated ?I ?would ?receive ?a ?

response ?in ?48 ?hrs. ?By ?the ?next ?week ?I ?had ?not ?received ?a ?response, ?but ?called ?two ?additional ?times ?

(12/27 ?and ?12/28) ?and ?left ?voicemails ?on ?the ?main ?customer ?service ?line. ?I ?did ?not ?receive ?a ?response, ?

but ?an ?email ?stating ?the ?third ?autoship ?was ?complete ?on ?12/29. ?It ?Works! ?sent ?me ?product ?when ?I ?

specifically ?stated ?I ?did ?not ?want ?anything ?additional ?sent ?and ?that ?I ?was ?not ?paying ?for ?additional ?

product. ?This ?was ?removed ?from ?my ?bank ?account ?without ?my ?permission. ?I ?have ?attempted ?to ?email ?

and ?call ?the ?organization ?for ?the ?past ?2 ?days ?with ?no ?resolution ?or ?even ?a ?response. ?I ?do ?not ?have ?the ?

account ?number, ?because ?the ?number ?printed ?on ?my ?receipt ?was ?invalid ?-? ?they ?have ?only ?been ?able ?to ?

look ?up ?my ?account ?via ?my ?phone ?number ? ?(b)(6). ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?want ?to ?return ?the ?product ?

they ?shipped ?on ?12/29, ?refund ?to ?include ?shipping ?costs. ?I ?also ?want ?to ?cancel ?the ?autoship ?with ?no ?$50 ?

cancellation ?fee ?due ?to ?the ?inordinate ?amount ?of ?time ?I ?have ?had ?to ?utilize ?to ?deal ?with ?this ?organizations ?

inefficiencies. ?' ?

I ?am ?a ?distributor ?with ?It ?Works ?Global. ? ?I ?was ?set ?up ?for ?an ?auto ?ship ?with ?the ?company ?which ?is ?

required ?to ?for ?the ?first ?month. ? ?On ?11-?28-?11 ?my ?auto ?ship ?for ?Quick ?Pick ?1: ?1 ?Box ?Ultimate ?

Applicators(4), ?1 ?Def ?Gel ?and ?1 ?Fat ?Fighter ?Subtotal= ?$105.00, ?tax ?= ?$6.84, ?Shipping ?$ ?8.95 ?for ?a ?total ?

of ?$120.79.Then ?on ?11-?29-?11 ?a ?second ?auto ?came ?out ?for ?the ?same ?purchase. ? ?This ?was ?during ?a ?time ?

when ?the ?company ?was ?launching ?a ?new ?website ?and ?over ?a ?holiday. ?As ?soon ?as ?I ?saw ?the ?error ?I ?

emailed ?twice, ?left ?two ?messages ?and ?filled ?out ?two ?etickets ?from ?my ?business ?website. ? ?I ?never ?

received ?a ?return ?call ? ? ? ?or ?email. ? ?It ?took ?them ?until ?December ?3 ?to ?respond ?when ?stated ?that ?they ?

cancelled ?the ?second ?auto ?ship. ? ?I ?received ?the ?two ?boxes ?and ?mailed ?one ?back ?on ?Deecmeber ?13, ?

2011. ? ? ?I ?sent ?it ?Priority ?mail ?and ?insured ?it. ? ?I ?have ?tried ?to ?contact ?the ?company ?via ?phone ?and ?eticket. ?

They ?stated ?through ?eticket ?that ?they ?would ?see ?if ?they ?received ?the ?return ?and ?that ?a ?full ?return ?would ?

be ?issued ?upon ?receipt. ? ?After ?waiting ?a ?few ?more ?days, ?I ?sent ?another ?eticket ?and ?they ?just ?put ?resolved ?

on ?it ?with ?no ?information ?or ?notes. ? ?I ?got ?a ?print ?out ?from ?the ?post ?office ?today ?stating ?that ?IT ?WORKS ?

received ?my ?return ?package ?on ?December ?15, ?2011. ? ?Another ?auto ?ship ?came ?out ?after ?I ?clearly ?

cancelled ?it ?on ?December ?28, ?2011. ? ?I ?again ?notified ?the ?company ?through ?eticket ?immediately ?and ?

asked ?them ?not ?to ?ship ?the ?package ?and ?credit ?the ?account. ? ?They ?still ?sent ?the ?package. ?I ?have ?tried ?

several ?times ?to ?call ?all ?of ?the ?numbers ?they ?have ?listed ?for ?distributers ?and ?loyal ?customers. ? ?Sometime ?

the ?number ?has ?a ?fast ?busy ?signal ? ?other ?time ?there ?is ?an ?automated ?system ?that ?says ?some ?one ?will ?be ?

with ?you ?in ?a ?certain ?amount ?of ?minutes ?then ?when ?you ?are ?supposed ?to ?be ?directed ?to ?a ?representative ?

it ?the ?line ?goes ?dead. ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?would ?like ?a ?full ?refund ?including ?shipping ?and ?tax. ? ?I ?

notified ?the ?company ?before ?both ?auto ?ships ?were ?shipped ?to ?me. ? ?' ?

I ?am ?currently ?a ?distributor ?for ?It ?Works ?Global. ?I ?have ?made ?several ?unsuccessful ?attempts ?to ?reach ?

customer ?service ?about ?cancelling ?my ?autoship ?with ?the ?company. ?In ?December ?of ?2011 ?I ?followed ?the ?

companies ?procedure ?to ?submit ?a ?ticket ?to ?have ?my ?autoship ?stopped ?approximately ?two ?weeks ?before ?

the ?date ?of ?my ?auto ?ship. ?On ?December ?16, ?2011 ?$100.06 ?was ?taken ?out ?of ?my ?bank ?account ?and ?the ?

shipment ?of ?order ?# ?(b)(6) ?was ?sent. ?I ?called ?customer ?service ?several ?times, ?and ?when ?I ?finally ?reached ?

someone ?I ?was ?told ?that ?my ?ticket ?had ?been ?over ?looked ?and ?that ?I ?needed ?to ?send ?the ?package ?back ?

un-?opened ?and ?I ?would ?recieve ?a ?full ?refund ?and ?that ?my ?autoship ?would ?be ?cancelled. ?I ?recieved ?the ?

package ?on ?December ?19, ?2011 ?and ?took ?it ?back ?to ?my ?post ?office ?where ?the ?package ?was ?scanned ?

and ?sent ?o ?be ?returned ?to ?sender ?on ?December ?21, ?2011. ?I ?have ?called ?customer ?service ?several ?times ?

since ?this ?date ?and ?still ?have ?not ?recieved ?my ?refund. ?I ?have ?also ?been ?told ?that ?the ?company ?has ?not ?

recieved ?my ?package, ?although ?both ?times ?I ?have ?contacted ?my ?post ?office ?I ?was ?told ?it ?has ?been ?

recieved. ?I ?have ?kept ?track ?of ?my ?conformation ?number ?of ? ?(b)(6) ?from ?the ?post ?office ?as ?well ?as ?my ?

account ?on ?the ?It ?Works ?esuite. ?On ?January ?6, ?2012 ?I ?was ?told ?by ?customer ?service ?that ?'the ?post ?office ?

does ?not ?always ?send ?the ?returned ?packages ?back ?and ?that ?the ?company ?does ?not ?always ?recieve ?

them.' ?I ?then ?contacted ?my ?local ?post ?office, ?where ?I ?was ?told ?again ?that ?the ?package ?had ?been ?retunred ?

and ?was ?given ?exact ?dates ?and ?times ?with ?my ?conformation ?number. ?I ?am ?very ?upset ?with ?the ?way ?the ?

company ?has ?handled ?this ?issue ?and ?the ?amount ?of ?time ?it ?has ?taken, ?yet ?the ?issue ?still ?has ?not ?been ?

resolved. ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?want ?to ?recieve ?a ?full ?refund ?of ?my ?$100.06 ?from ?the ?company ?and ?

to ?have ?all ?of ?my ?information ?removed ?from ?the ?company. ?I ?do ?not ?wish ?to ?continue ?business ?with ?It ?

Works, ?and ?I ?do ?not ?want ?my ?account ?to ?be ?charged ?again ?without ?my ?permission. ?I ?have ?had ?many ?

issues ?just ?trying ?to ?contact ?the ?company ?for ?questions ?or ?concerns, ?and ?each ?time ?I ?do ?get ?through ?I ?

am ?on ?hold ?for ?at ?least ?20 ?minutes ?before ?I ?am ?sent ?to ?a ?voicemail. ?I ?have ?left ?voicemails ?and ?never ?

recieved ?a ?call ?back ?for ?information ?reguarding ?my ?issue.' ?

I ?have ?had ?NUMEROUS ?issues ?with ?this ?company. ?They ?have ?neglected ?all ?my ?emails ?and ?voicemails ?

to ?cancel ?an ?autoship ?and ?continue ?to ?bill ?me ?every ?month. ?I ?have ?called ?them ?nearly ?5-?10 ?times ?a ?week ?

for ?the ?past ?5 ?months. ?I ?either ?get ?a ?busy ?signal, ?or ?directed ?to ?voicemail ?after ?being ?placed ?on ?hold ?for ?

several ?minutes. ?This ?is ?extremely ?upsetting ?and ?unprofessional. ?These ?people ?have ?NO ?business ?

dealing ?with ?peoples ?money. ?It ?is ?literally ?impossible ?to ?get ?in ?touch ?with ?a ?live ?person. ?They ?have ?

double ?billed ?me ?as ?well. ?I ?would ?receive ?TWO ?autoships ?from ?them ?a ?month ?and ?then ?they ?cancelled ?

one ?in ?December ?but ?not ?the ?other. ?ONLY ?because ?they ?had ?received ?a ?voicemail ?and ?even ?followed ?

up ?with ?an ?email ?saying ?my ?autoship ?WAS ?cancelled ?in ?November. ?It ?wasn't. ?I ?am ?still ?getting ?these ?

products ?and ?cannot ?get ?them ?to ?stop! ?My ?first ?attempt ?to ?cancell ?my ?autoship ?was ?in ?August ?2011. ?

Here ?is ?a ?statement ?with ?order ?numbers ?and ?dates:Order ?Number ? ?Order ?Date ? ?Tracking ?Number ? ?

Grand ?Total ? ?(b)(6) ?1/1/2012 ?1:32:19 ?AM ?(b)(6) ?$46.60 ? ?(b)(6) ?12/1/2011 ?3:51:37 ?AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$46.60 ? ?

(b)(6)11/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ?(b)(6) ?$46.27 ? ?(b)(6) ?11/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$52.78 ? ?(b)(6) ?10/1/2011 ?

1:00:00 ?AM ?(b)(6) ?$52.78 ? ?(b)(6) ?10/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$121.79 ?(b)(6)9/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ? ?

(b)(6) ?$121.79 ? ?(b)(6) ?9/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ?(b)(6) ?$52.78 ?(b)(6) ?8/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ?(b)(6) ?$48.18 ?

(b)(6) ?8/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$103.35 ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?Order ?Number ? ?Order ?Date ? ?

Tracking ?Number ? ?Grand ?Total ? ?(b)(6) ?1/1/2012 ?1:32:19 ?AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$46.60 ?(b)(6) ?12/1/2011 ?3:51:37 ?AM ?

(b)(6) ?$46.60 ?(b)(6) ?11/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$46.27 ?(b)(6) ?11/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ?(b)(6) ?$52.78 ?

(b)(6) ?10/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$52.78 ? ?(b)(6) ?10/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$121.79 ? ?(b)(6) ?

9/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ?(b)(6) ?$121.79 ?(b)(6) ?9/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$52.78 ?(b)(6) ?8/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?

AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$48.18 ?(b)(6) ?8/1/2011 ?1:00:00 ?AM ? ?(b)(6) ?$103.35 ?I ?would ?like ?a ?settlement ?of ?$692.90. ?The ?

exact ?amount ?billed ?to ?me ?since ?I ?CAUGHT ?the ?double ?billing ?and ?STARTED ?calling ?them. ?I ?COULD ?

ask ?for ?more ?being ?that ?I ?should ?have ?seen ?the ?double ?billing ?sooner... ?BUT ?this ?is ?when ?communication ?

on ?MY ?end ?started. ?' ?

I ?have ?cancelled ?this ?product ?several ?times ?but ?it ?is ?still ?being ?billed ?to ?me ?and ?still ?coming ?in ?the ?mail. ?-?-?

-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?i ?want ?the ?charges ?refunded ?and ?for ?them ?to ?stop ?billing ?me ?in ?the ?future ?and ?

sending ?me ?this ?product ?that ?doesnt ?work.' ?

Also ?contacting ?BBB. ?I ?have ?all ?this ?documented ?in ?emails. ?I ?signed ?up ?for ?a ?3 ?month ?membership ?and ?

canceled ?it ?one ?month ?short ?on ?121311 ?via ?email ?to ?customer ?service ?(Laura), ?knowing ?there ?would ?be ?

a ?$50 ?penalty. ?I ?canceled ?because ?the ?product ?does ?not ?work. ? ?I ?emailed ?It ?Works! ?Global ?(Laura) ?and ?

advised ?them ?not ?to ?ship ?Decembers ?shipment. ?Several ?emails ?exchanged ?and ?Laura ?wrote ?that ?she ?

could ?not ?cancel ?it ?in ?time ?because ?I ?never ?gave ?my ?credit ?card ?to ?charge ?$50, ?but ?she ?never ?asked ?me ?

for ?it. ?They ?have ?it ?on ?file ?because ?they ?charge ?me ?every ?month, ?so ?why ?do ?they ?need ?it? ? ?Despite ?my ?

request ?to ?cancel, ?they ?shipped ?the ?product ?anyway ?and ?charged ?me ?($134.72) ?and ?I ?refused ?the ?

shipment ?and ?had ?it ?returned ?to ?them. ?I ?disputed ?this ?with ?my ?bank, ?too. ? ?Now, ?2 ?months ?later, ?the ?

product ?was ?returned ?and ?I ?have ?not ?been ?refunded. ? ?Today, ?Laura ?wrote ?to ?me ?that ?refused ?orders ?are ?

not ?tracked ?and ?they ?never ?received ?my ?items ?so ?I ?am ?not ?due ?a ?refund. ? ?Lets ?not ?forget ?that ?I ?canceled ?

my ?order ?to ?begin ?with ?so ?it ?NEVER ?should ?have ?been ?shipped. ? ?As ?far ?as ?them ?not ?tracking ?

returnedrefused ?orders, ?that ?is ?not ?the ?truth. ? ?I ?called ?FedEx ?and ?the ?company ?HAD ?signed ?for ?the ?

refused ?order ?on ?122711 ?by ?G ?Levenbaum, ?though ?Laura ?claimed ?they ?had ?not ?received ?it. ? ?All ?I ?want ?is ?

a ?refund. ? ?This ?company ?clearly ?has ?some ?deceptive ?trade ?practices. ? ?I ?have ?put ?many ?hours ?into ?this ?

and ?keep ?getting ?the ?run ?around. ? ?I ?am ?turning ?to ?the ?FTC ?to ?investigate ?their ?business ?practices ?as ?the ?

consumers ?are ?getting ?ripped ?off. ? ?If ?you ?will ?look ?at ?their ?Better ?Business ?Rating ?their ?grade ?is ?a ?D-?. ? ?

Will ?you ?please ?help ?investigate ?this ?company? ? ?I ?have ?all ?the ?email ?strings ?as ?back ?up. ? ?In ?closing ?I ?

want ?to ?add ?that ?at ?one ?point ?I ?emailed ?the ?Director ?of ?Customer ?Service ?and ?CEO, ?using ?the ?same ?

naming ?convention ?as ?Lauras. ? ?Both ?emails ?bounced ?back ?so ?its ?clear ?they ?are ?hiding ?from ?the ?

consumers ?whom ?they ?are ?ripping ?off. ? ?UPD ?2.13.12: ?Consumer ?wants ?to ?retract ?her ?complaint-?the ?

issue ?has ?been ?resolved. ?tiacobucci ?

The ?products ?made ?me ?physically ?ill. ?I ?had ?to ?go ?see ?a ?doctor ?to ?get ?everything ?figured ?out;? ?the ?

'Regular' ?pills ?actually ?messed ?up ?my ?kidney ?function. ?I ?was ?in ?agony. ?Now ?I'm ?trying ?to ?get ?off ?their ?

'Loyal ?Customer' ?program ?and ?get ?my ?money ?back, ?but ?no ?such ?luck. ?Avoid ?them! ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?

Comments: ?I ?expect ?my ?money ?back ?and ?I ?expect ?to ?cancel ?my ?loyal ?customer ?account ?without ?getting ?

charged ?a ?$50 ?cancellation ?fee. ?Heck, ?I ?expect ?them ?to ?pay ?for ?my ?doctor's ?visit ?($45 ?copay) ?and ?the ?

day ?I ?missed ?from ?work ?because ?I ?was ?in ?so ?much ?pain ?($96). ?I ?think ?it's ?the ?LEAST ?they ?could ?do.' ?

I ?am ?a ?distributor ?for ?ItWorks ?Global ?which ?sells ?several ?products ?to ?help ?lose ?inches ?and ?stay ?healthier. ?

Their ?process ?is ?that ?you ?have ?to ?sign ?up ?for ?three ?(3) ?months ?of ?autoship ?in ?order ?to ?obtain ?Loyal ?

Customer ?pricing. ?The ?issue ?is ?that ?you ?MUST ?cancel ?your ?auto ?ship ?via ?the ?phone ?line, ?although ?the ?

phone ?system ?is ?so ?inadequate ?that ?it ?takes ?20 ?minutes ?to ?get ?through ?only ?to ?then ?(when ?you ?are ?the ?

next ?caller ?in ?line) ?that ?you ?MUST ?leave ?a ?voicemail ?because ?their ?system ?is ?so ?overwelmed ?with ?calls. ?

YOu ?leave ?a ?vm ?and ?then ?nothing. ?No ?phone ?call, ?e-?mail ?etc. ?My ?client ?then ?contacted ?me ?for ?

assistance. ?I ?tried ?to ?contact ?the ?company ?via ?phone ?as ?requested ?to ?find ?the ?same ?terrible ?customer ?

service ?(no ?customer ?service). ?I ?placed ?a ?'ticket' ?for ?my ?customer ?to ?try ?to ?resolve ?the ?issue. ?My ?ticket ?

was ?then ?'resolved ?and ?closed' ?without ?any ?conversation ?or ?contact ?with ?myself ?or ?my ?customer. ?My ?

customer ?still ?received ?her ?auto ?ship ?(product). ?When ?I ?contacted ?the ?company ?again ?with ?another ?ticket ?

to ?be ?resolved. ?I ?was ?told ?that ?they ?would ?recognize ?the ?original ?ticket ?number ?or ?vm ?from ?my ?customer ?

as ?there ?was ?NO ?DOCUMENTATION ?of ?the ?request. ?That ?is ?an ?untrue ?statement ?because ?they ?have ?

the ?orignal ?ticket ?with ?the ?date ?on ?it ?(which ?they ?closed ?in ?error). ?I ?think ?they ?are ?tricking ?people ?into ?

doing ?the ?three ?month ?auto ?ship/then ?making ?it ?impossible ?to ?cancel ?their ?autoship ?via ?their ?phone ?

system(as ?per ?their ?rules). ?Unbelievable ?and ?I ?can't ?believe ?that ?they ?are ?getting ?away ?with ?this. ?It ?has ?

been ?this ?chaotic ?and ?unprofessional ?since ?i ?started ?with ?them ?in ?May ?of ?last ?year. ?Thank ?you! ?-?-?-? ?

Additional ?Comments: ?I ?would ?like ?for ?the ?company ?to ?refund ?my ?client ?with ?the ?autoshipment ?that ?she ?

received ?by ?mistake. ?I ?would ?like ?her ?credit ?card ?to ?be ?refunded. ?My ?loyal ?customer's ?name ?is: ?(b)(6). ?

My ?name ?is ?(b)(6).' ?

I ?saw ?online ?at ? ?this ?company ?advertised ?$25 ?for ?a ?4 ?pack ?body ?contouring ?applicators. ?I ?

had ?some ?people ?buy ?me ?5 ?packages. ?The ?deal ?was ?to ?include ?free ?shipping. ?You ?had ?to ?email ? ?to ?redeem ?your ?purchase. ?I ?emailed ?on ?December ?16, ?2011 ?to ?redeem ?my ?

vouchers ?and ?no ?reply ?was ?given ?to ?me. ?I ?then ?emailed ?again ?on ?January ?10, ?2012 ?and ?got ?a ?response. ?

The ?representative ?Briann ?Kallan ?said ?I ?had ?to ?pay ?for ?shipping. ?I ?told ?him ?the ?deal ?was ?to ?include ?

shipping ?which ?states ?on ?the ?voucher. ?He ?said ?I ?should ?of ?got ?an ?email ?saying ?that ?is ?not ?true ?and ?only ?if ?

you ?live ?local ?in ?Edmonton, ?Alberta. ?I ?said ?I ?never ?got ?an ?email ?but ?he ?can ?ship ?it ?to ?my ?sister ?in ?

Edmonton. ?I ?then ?gave ?him ?her ?address ?and ?he ?said ?he ?would ?ship ?the ?parcel ?tomorrow. ?That ?was ?on ?

January ?12, ?2012. ?There ?is ?no ?parcel ?and ?I ?have ?emailed ?him ?3 ?times ?asking ?for ?a ?tracking ?number ?as ?it ?

should ?only ?take ?2 ?-? ?3 ?business ?days. ?I ?have ?not ?heard ?back ?from ?him ?and ?there ?is ?still ?no ?parcel. ?It ?is ?

now ?3 ?weeks ?later. ?I ?tried ?emailing ?the ?website ?company ?directly ?but ?I ?get ?an ?automated ?reply ?to ?call. ?

The ?only ?numbers ?they ?give ?is ?if ?you ?are ?a ?loyal ?customer ?or ?a ?representative. ?There ?website ?is ?not ?

working ?for ?contact ?us ?as ?the ?page ?keeps ?on ?closing. ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?I ?would ?like ?to ?get ?the ?5 ?

packages ?that ?I ?paid ?without ?having ?to ?pay ?for ?shipping ?which ?was ?suppose ?to ?be ?in ?their ?advertisement ?

during ?the ?deal ?on ?dealfind.' ?

This ?is ?the ?second ?time ?I ?have ?had ?a ?problem ?with ?It ?Works ?improperly ?charging ?my ?account. ?In ?the ?

process ?of ?redeeming ?a ?perks ?point ?account ?that ?I ?was ?told ?by ?two ?representatives ?from ?the ?company ?

that ?the ?available ?product ?credit ?was ?280. ?I ?was ?told ?that ?the ?only ?charge ?was ?going ?to ?be ?a ?shipping ?

charge ?for ?13 ?and ?some ?change. ?But ?now ?I ?find ?out ?shipping ?should ?not ?apply. ?I ?just ?received ?a ?package ?

missing ?two ?boxes ?of ?wraps ?from ?the ?packing ?list ?in ?the ?box ?AND ?my ?card ?was ?charged ?95.22 ?which ?

made ?my ?account ?go ?over ?and ?I ?was ?charged ?another ?30 ?from ?the ?bank. ?I ?want ?my ?money ?back ?and ?the ?

overage ?charge ?my ?back ?charged ?me ?because ?I ?NEVER ?authorized ?95.22 ?and ?after ?trying ?to ?call ?the ?

company ?the ?phone ?number ?disconnects ?after ?waiting ?on ?hold ?and ?redirects ?to ?the ?website. ?I ?am ?

appalled ?that ?a ?company ?that ?claims ?Christian ?values ?can ?treat ?their ?customers/distributors ?like ?they ?do. ?

The ?id ?number ?for ?the ?perk ?point ?account ?was ? ?(b)(6) ?my ?distributor ?id ?is ?(b)(6) ?-?-?-? ?Additional ?Comments: ?

95.22 ?plus ?the ?30 ?fee ?from ?my ?bank ?that ?was ?incurred ?because ?of ?their ?actions. ?I ?never ?received ?two ?of ?

the ?boxes ?of ?wraps ?I ?was ?charged ?for ?so ?I ?should ?not ?have ?to ?pay ?for ?those. ?I ?see ?that ?I ?should ?not ?have ?

been ?charged ?for ?shipping ?perk ?points ?awards ?anyways ?so ?I ?expect ?a ?full ?refund.' ?


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