Roy Davids Collection - Baldwin's


formed by Paul Niggl

The collection of medals offered for sale represents the majority of the pieces from the collection formed by Paul Niggl and which formed the basis of his book, Musiker Medaillen, Darmstadt, 1965, to which reference has been made throughout the text. Following Niggl's death the collection remained intact until offered for sale as a single lot by Spink & Son [14 July 1998, lot 403]. Since then some pieces have been removed and sold, but essentially the collection is as it was published in 1965. In Musiker Medaillen the medals are in a simple alphabetical list and for those who merited a number of medals, the selection is alphabetical by the artist. However to arrange the collection sensibly for auction the medals have been sorted country by country, then alphabetical, and then by date. A quick glance at the illustrations will demonstrate the strength of the collection and beauty of some of the pieces offered. The cataloguers know of no other collection of such size and range and the sale offers a unique opportunity to collectors.


1 Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), composer, Silver Medal, by N Gatteaux [1800], adapted as a Prize Medal, 1826, bewigged bust left, rev within oak and olive wreath, 1ER PRIX DE MUSIQUE / VOCALE …, 56.5mm, suspension rings at top (cf Ni 863-64), the recipient’s name crudely erased, otherwise extremely fine and rare; another, Copper, 1800, for the “Hommage” at the Theatre des Arts, rev legend in two lines around central lyre, 55mm (Ni 863), extremely fine, some stains on reverse. (2) £80-120

2 Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), uniface Bronze Medal, in the style of Leonhard Posch, bust right, hair tied in queue, JOSEPH HAYDN engraved behind, 61.5mm (Ni 903); Series Numismatica, by E Gatteaux, MONACHII [Munich] edge, 41mm (Ni 865); and variety of reverse (Ni 866); small medals (2), Silver, 1832, by Stuckhardt, 31mm (Ni 894), and iron, 1809, by C Voigt, 28.5mm (Ni 898); and a bronzed electrotype copy of G Steinbock’s gold medal, 67mm (Ni 891). All very fine but some spotting to last. (6) £80-120

The style of the first is similar to the many Berlin iron medals made by Posch.

3 Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Centenary of Death, uniface oval Bronze Plaquette, 1909, by H Mauer, bust left, 106mm x 83mm (Ni 882); rectangular Bronze Plaquettes (4), by L C Lauer, 55mm x 37mm (Ni 875), Silvered Bronze Medal, by Lauer, 50mm (Ni 874), by Rudolf Mayer and Franz Wilhelm, 51mm x 39mm (Ni 883), by F Stiasny, 66mm x 60mm (Ni 893); Bi-centenary of Birth, by Josef Tautenhayn, 1932, 50mm x 50mm (Ni 895); Bronze Medals (4), 1909, Centenary of Death (2), by R Marschall, rev music in sunrise, 54mm (Ni 881); by E Torff, rev wreath, 60mm (Ni 896); by Johann Schwerdtner, 43mm (Ni 890); medalet by Lauer and commemorative 2-Schillings (2), 1932. Mostly extremely fine. (13) £120-150

4 Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Centenary of Death, Bronze Medal, 1909, by Maximilian Dasio [Munich], head left, rev Orpheus holding lyre, 75mm (Ni 860); Centenary of Death, Bronze Medal, 1909, by Karl Goetz, bust three-quarters right, rev musical score within floral wreath, 64mm (Ni 867; Kienast 31). Extremely fine or nearly so. (2) £100-150

5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), child prodigy, prolific and influential composer and performer, Silver Medal [1791], by Guillemard and [reverse] F Stuckgart, bust right, rev draped female figure with lyre, cherub beside her, 37mm (Ni 1373); smaller Medals (4), 1796, Silver (2), Copper and Berlin Iron, by C Voigt, head left, rev lyre, 28mm (Ni 1453). Iron very fine, others extremely fine or nearly so. (5) £80-120

6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), Medals (2), Silver and White Metal, 1796, by J van Baerend, laureate head right, rev Apollo, a lion at his side, plays lyre, AVDITVS SAXIS INTELLECTVSQ FERAR SENSIBVS, 47mm (Ni 1350). Nearly extremely fine, silver toned, rare. (2) £120-150

7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), small circular Plaquette, Berlin Iron, perhaps by Leonhard Posch, head right, 88mm; thin oval Brass Plaquette, head right, 72mm x 62mm, attachment indentations (Ni 1466). Second very fine, the first better and rare. (2) £60-80

8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), Mozart Festival, Wartburg, 1925, a pair of Medals, Silver and Bronze, by Karl Goetz, bust left, rev cherubs play instruments in castle courtyard, 36mm and 70mm (Ni 1369; Kienast 323). Extremely fine. (2) £60-80

9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), child prodigy, prolific and influential composer and performer, uniface rectangular Bronze Plaquette, by Ede Telcs, bust right, name below, 142mm x 124mm (Ni 1447); uniface circular Bronze Plaquette, bust right, within high rim, 165mm (Ni 1458). Both very fine. (2) £60-80

10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), uniface Bronze Plaquettes (2), 1903, by Mayer & Wilhelm, 51mm x 39mm (Ni 1419), by F Stiasny, bust right, in high relief, 66mm x 54mm (Ni 1438); another, larger, c.1850s, the “Bois Durci” head, 107mm (Ni 1463). All extremely fine, small piercing to second. (3) £70-90

11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), uniface Bronze Medal, by F Stiasny, bust right, in detailed relief, line of music from “Don Juan”, 90mm (Ni 1437); Plaquettes (3), by Lauer, bust left, 55mm x 37mm (Ni 1399), by Ede Telcs (2, with and without border), bust right, 56mm x 49mm (Ni 1445); and a modern Silver Medal, Galerie Welz, Salzburg, 1956, 47mm, in case. Extremely fine. (5) £60-80

12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), Medals (2), 1896, Silver and Copper, by Anton Scharff, for the Vienna Mozart Festival, bust right, rev cherubs playing instruments in the clouds, 57mm (Ni 1431); others in Silver (5), by Sebald Drentwett, 1906, bust three-quarters left, 40.5mm (Ni 1364), by Lauer, bust left, rev Mozart’s birthplace, Salzburg, 50mm (Ni 1398), by R Mayer, 28mm (Ni 1418); Plaquettes (2), by Mayer & Wilhelm, 1903, 1906, 50mm x 39mm (Ni 1419, 1420); together with, Medals (2), Silver and Bronze, by A Hartig, 36mm (Ni 1376); commemorative 2-Schillings (2), 1931 and 25-Schillings (3), 1956. Extremely fine or virtually so. (12) £100-150

13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), a good group of Bronze Portrait Medals (9), by Fülöp O Beck, 69mm (Ni 1351), by Lauer (3), 50mm (Ni 1397, 1400, 1401), by Rudolf Mayer, 60mm (Ni 1418), by Josef Tautenhayn (2), 50mm (Ni 1439, 1444), by E Torff (2), 60mm (Ni 1450, 1451); and an octagonal Bronze Plaquette, by E Rettenmaier, 65mm x 65mm (Ni 1429). Extremely fine. (10) £80-120

14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), Silver Medals (2), 1856, by Carl Radnitzky, bust right, rev cherub with lyre, 48mm (Ni 1425), by R Mayer, bust right, rev two cherubs, 40mm (Ni 1418); Zinc Medal, 1856, by T Reitsamer, 38mm (Ni 1427); and a Silver Medalet, 25mm. Zinc good fine, the silver better. (4) £70-90

15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759-1791), Card Box Medal, by Dieter & Co, with linked photographic roundels; together with miscellaneous badges, medals, medalets, plaquettes, etc (20) (including Ni 1354, 1355, 1372, 1402, 1410, 1411, 1427, 1465, 1473, 1474, 1475, 1476). Mostly very fine. (21) £60-80

16 Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828), composer, Silver and Copper Medals, 1888, for the 25th Anniversary of the Männergesangverein Schubert-Bund, Vienna, by Johann Schwerdtner, bust left, rev lyre within wreath, 46mm (Ni 1829); Schubert-Denkmal, Copper Medal, 1872, by Joseph Tautenhayn, bare head right, rev figures of Music float heaven-ward, 63mm (Ni 1837). All extremely fine. (3) £60-80

17 Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828), centenary of death, Bronze Medal, 1928, by Karl Goetz, bust three-quarters right, rev infant genii hold torch, 60mm (Ni 1793; Keinast 417); similar but smaller medals, Silver and Bronze, 36mm. Extremely fine or virtually so. (3) £80-120

18 Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828), Schubert-Bund, Jubilee, 1863-1913, Bronze Plaquette, by J Beyer, bust left, 100mm x 70mm (Ni 1787); smaller Bronze Plaquette, by F Stiasny, bust right, 65mm x 57mm (Ni 1836); Plaquette, iron (?), signed PL, bust three-quarters right, 91mm x 71mm (Ni -); Silvered plaquette, by Lauer, bust right, 55mm x 37mm (Ni 1808); other Bronze Plaquettes (2), by Mayer & Wilhelm, 70mm x 50mm (Ni 1813) and 1911, by R Neuberger, 65mm x 50mm (Ni 1818). Extremely fine or nearly so. (6) £80-120

19 Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828), Bronze Plaquette, by Mayer & Wilhelm, 70mm x 50mm (Ni 1813); others in bronze (8), small plaquettes (3), unsigned, 50mm x 38.5mm (Ni -), by A Weinberger (2), 1928, a cherub quartet, Schubert above, 50mm x 40mm (Ni 1846), a variation, 58mm x 54mm (Ni 1847), both rounded tops, and a medal, 35mm (Ni 1849), by J Tautenhayn (2), uniface octagonal medal, 1928, 50.5mm (Ni 1838), and 40mm (Ni 1840), by E H Hanisch-Concée, 30mm (Ni 1796); and a modern medal, by G Simon, 68mm. All extremely fine. (9) £80-120

20 Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828), Oval Bronze Plaquette [1916], by F Stiasny, facing bust at bottom with conjoined busts of three female singers, the Drei-mädchenköpfe, to left, 75mm x 91mm (Ni 1835); Deutsche Sängerbundesfest, Bronze Medal, 1928, by Karl Perl, 90mm (Ni 1819), both extremely fine, the first a rather beautiful plaquette with the Schubert bust in high relief. (2) £80-120

21 Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828), uniface Bronze Medal, by Anton Scharff, bust right, 50mm (Ni 1827); others (6), by Rudolf Mayer (2), 60mm and 51mm (Ni 1815), by Lauer, 50mm (Ni 1809), silvered; by F Lugerth, 59mm and 34mm (Ni 1812), silvered, somewhat similar, 60mm (Ni -); octagonal, by J Tautenhayn, 50.5mm (Ni 1838). Extremely fine. (7) £80-120

22 Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828), Silver Medal, 1928, by T Isnenghi, 55mm (Ni 1804); others (5), by Rudolf Mayer (3), revs two maidens, 40mm, 34mm, and 28.5mm (Ni 1815); by Karl Roth, revs torch and legend, 36mm (Ni 1824); and commemorative 2-Schillings (3), 1928 (Ni 1795). Extremely fine or nearly so, some uneven toning. (9) £100-150

23 Johann Strauss, the elder (1804-1849), romantic composer, and Josef Franz Lanner (1801-1843), composer and violinist, pair of small medals, Silver and Bronze, [1904] by J Weigl, the two, side by side, 30mm (Ni 1042); shaped Bronze Plaquette, by R Neuberger, busts side by side, 53mm x 76mm (Ni 1907); Strauss, alone, shaped rectangular Silvered-bronze Plaquette, by L Duschek, in the art-nouveau style, bust full-face, name and olive branch below, 130mm x 80mm (Ni 1940), very fine; with miniature strikings in Silver, of Professor Rudolf Mayer’s medals of Johann Strauss, the younger, 20mm, 13mm and 9mm (Ni 1951), extremely fine unless stated. (6) £100-150

The waltzes of Strauss and Lanner set the foundations for the Strauss dynasty.

24 Jenny Lutzer (1816-1877), virtuoso soprano, Copper Medal, c.1845, by Resek, head right, hair tied up, rev musical emblems, 45mm (Ni 1221). Extremely fine. £40-60

25 Sigismund Thalberg (1812-1871), composer and virtuoso pianist, large uniface Bronze Portrait plaque, 1842, by Benerecht, bare head right, in high relief, signed below, “Propriété de l’auteur - Benerecht”, name behind, 180mm (Ni 2007). Extremely fine. £150-200

At his birth in Pâquis (Geneva), Sigismund Thalberg was recorded as the child of a Joseph Thalberg and a Fortunè Stein, but his nationality was Austrian. He is always believed to be the illegitimate son of Prince Franz Josef Johann Dietrichstein and Baroness von Wetzlar. A long-time resident of Naples, he is commemorated there with a statue.

26 Anton Bruckner (1824-1896), composer, Silver Tribute Medal, 1934, by Karl Goetz, head left, rev Walhalla, 36mm (Ni 423; Kienast 495); small Silver Medal, undated, by Anton Grath, bust left, rev naked muse, seated, 33mm (Ni 424); uniface Bronze plaquettes (2), both bust left, by F Stiasny, 66mm x 57mm (Ni 437) and by Josef Tautenhayn jnr, 67mm x 46mm (Ni 438); Bronze Medals (3), all head or bust left, by A Hartig, 1924, rev Apollo, 60mm; uniface, by Franz Xaver Pawlik, 50mm (Ni 432); by Josef Tautenhayn jnr, 1924, rev St Florian, 40mm (Ni 440). Extremely fine. (7) £120-150

27 Johann Strauss, the younger (1825-1899), composer known especially for his waltzes, a pair of medals, Silver and Copper, 1894, by Anton Scharff, 50th anniversary of the Künstler-Jubiläums, bust right, rev musical instruments (and bat) placed before ballroom scene, 59mm (Ni 1954); the same event, Bronze Medal, by H Jauner, whiskered bust left, 56mm (Ni 1945); Bronze Medal, 1925, by Josef Tautenhayn jnr, head right, rev landscape, 40mm (Ni 1960). Extremely fine. (4) £80-120

The jubilee festivities commenced on October 13th at the Theatre an der Wien, with the première of Strauss' new operetta of Jabuka (das Apfelfest). Strauss received 47 curtain-calls.

28 Johann Strauss, the younger (1825-1899), uniface Bronze Portrait Medal, unsigned, bust right wearing jacket and bow-tie, his name behind in Art Nouveau style, 91mm (Ni 1958). Extremely fine. £150-250

The portrait and style is very similar to Anton Scharff’s medal of 1894 (Ni 1954), and Scharff could well have been the medallist.

29 Johann Strauss, the younger (1825-1899), a group of Medals, by Rudolf Mayer, all bust right, rev musical cherubs, Silver (3), 40mm, 34mm and 29mm and Copper, 60mm (Ni 1950); small Bronze Plaquette, by Mayer & Wilhelm, bust in hat, almost full-face, 55mm x 37mm; and a smaller medal by Lauer, 27mm. Extremely fine. (6) £80-100

30 Joseph Strauss (1827-1870), composer brother of Johann, Bronze Plaquette, by F Kounitzky, bust three-quarters right, 90mm x 55mm (Ni 1965). Softly sculpted, extremely fine. £50-70

31 Theodor Leschetizky (1830-1915), Austrian pianist and legendary piano teacher, Silver Medals (2), 1905, by Alfred Rothberger, 22.5mm, suspension loop; 1910, by Hugo Tagland, 35mm (Ni 1068, 1069); Eduard Kremser (1838-1914), Bronze Plaquette, 1908, by R Bachmann, bust right, 55mm x 55mm; Bronze Medals (2), by R Bachmann, bust right, 59mm; by Anton Grath, facing bust, 45.5mm (Ni 1018, 1017, 1019); Edmund Guschelbauer (1839-1912), folksinger and Coupletdichter, Bronze Medal, 1903, by Hans Schaefer, bust right in top hat, 44mm (Ni 780); Johann Baptiste Gänsbacher (1778-1844), composer of church music, Copper Medal, by J Christlbauer, 40mm; and White Metal Memorial Medal, 39mm (Ni 668, 669); Robert Fuchs (1847-1927), composer, Bronze Plaquette, 1907, by J Benk, bust right within woodland setting with two fairies, 61mm x 85mm (Ni 660), a handsome piece; Hans Forster (1848-1891), choir master, non-portrait memorial Bronze plaquette, by L Hujer, girl with lyre, 76mm x 50mm (Ni 650); Joseph Fischhof (1850-1932), cellist, a pair of oval uniface Silver Medals, aged 47 [1897], by F X Pawlik, bust three-quarters right, 53mm x 41mm and 31mm x 24mm (Ni 639, 640), and with his wife, Marianne, 34mm (Ni 642). Extremely fine or nearly so. (11) £80-120

32 Josef Labor (1842-1924), pianist, organist and composer, large uniface circular Bronze plaquette, 1924, by Richard Placht, bust left, 201mm (Ni 1033), very fine, the patina spotted; Ignaz Brüll (November 7, 1846 - September 17, 1907), pianist and composer, uniface rectangular Bronze Portrait Plaquette, by C Waschmann, bearded bust right, name below, 207mm x 138mm (Ni 445), very fine, but rust marks in top left corner. (2) £70-90

Labor, who had been blinded by smallpox at the age of three, was an influential music teacher and a friend of some key figures in music and the arts in Vienna. When the pianist Paul Wittgenstein lost his right arm in World War I, it was Labor who was the first to be asked to write a piece for the left hand.

33 Felix Josef von Mottl (1856-1911), conductor, uniface Bronze Plaquette, 1911, by Karl Goetz, bust left, legend left and right and name below truncation, 97mm x 86mm (Kienast 32). Good very fine, rare. £60-80

Mottl died in a Munich hospital on 2 July 1911, having suffered a heart attack on 21 June whilst conducting his 100th performance of Tristan in Munich.

34 Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), Bohemian-Austrian composer and conductor, Medals (4), by J von Toon Dupuis, Mahler Festival, Amsterdam, 1920, Silver and Copper, head left, rev bust of Willem Mengelberg, the Director, right, 65mm; and smaller Bronze, 26mm, for wearing; 1954, Orchestral tour of America, Bronze, 50mm (Ni 1227, 1229); Bronze Medals (2), by Alfred Rothberger, bust left, rev olive branch in clouds, 51mm (Ni 1236); Bronze plaquettes (2), by Th Isnenghi, bust left, 60mm x 52mm; by F Stiasny, bust right, 65mm x 56mm (Ni 1238). Extremely fine. (8) £80-120

35 Anton Barthlmé (1867-1943), cellist, military musician and teacher, uniface circular Bronze Plaquette, aged 35, 1893, by Ludwig Hujer, bespectacled bust right, 160mm, numbered 11 on the reverse (Ni 88); and the smaller medal, 55mm. Nearly extremely fine and extremely fine. (2) £50-70

An early work by the medallist Ludwig Hujer (1872-1968)

36 The Udel Quartet, Bronze Plaquette, [1904], by F Kounitzky, the Quartet in evening dress stand, holding scores, Albert Schafer (b. 1866), Karl Udel (1844-1927), cellist and folk singer, Ernst Grinzenberger (b. 1866) and Carl Musch (b. 1863), 116mm x 180mm (Ni 2031); another smaller, 1901, by Alkexander Leiser, the quartet, two-by-two facing inwards, 35mm x 55mm. Extremely fine and first very rare. (2) £100-150

The Quartet, which was founded in Vienna in 1880 and seems to have changed players over the years, played folk music and was also influenced by early American jazz.

37 Joseph Nentwich (1851-1903), composer, Silver Plaquette, by F X Pawlik, 38mm x 26.5mm (Ni 1506); with a group of Bronze Plaquettes, Ignaz Brull (1846-1907), pianist and composer, 1902, by C Waschmann, 65mm x 42mm (Ni 445); Alfred Grünfeld (1852-1924), pianist and composer,1902, by J Tautenhayn jnr, 71mm x 51mm (Ni 771); 1910, by Florian Josephu-Drouot, Grünfeld facing right, plays piano, 50mm x 45mm (Ni 768); and Bronze Medal, 1922, by Joseph Prinz, 64mm (Ni 769); Theodor Reichmann (1849-1903), baritone with the Vienna Opera (2, one silvered), by C Waschmann, facing bust rev name and dates, 82mm x 53mm (Ni 1670); Hans Richter (1843-1916), conductor, by J Kassin, 75mm x 45mm (Ni 1680); Ferdinand Loewe (1865-1925), conductor, 65mm x 50mm (Ni 1202); Karl Liebleitner (1858-1933), folk song researcher, Bronze Medal, by Josef Prinz, 50mm (Ni 1076); Charles [Karl Rudolf] Weinberger (1861-1939), composer, 50mm x 38mm (Ni 2307); Franz Schneiderhan (1863-?1938), violinist and conductor, by J Tautenhayn jnr, 59.5mm x 45mm (Ni 1782). Mostly extremely fine. (13) £100-150

Records (and Niggl) show Theodor Reichmann’s date of birth as 1849, not 1850 as on the plaquettes.

Karl Liebleitner, member of the "Deutscher Volkgesangverein" (Folk Song Union), Vienna and from 1892 its choirmaster.

38 Josef Hellmesberger (1828-1893), violinist and conductor, by H Jauner, 56mm (Ni 910); other Bronze or Copper Medals (10), Richard Franz Joseph Heuberger (1850-1914), composer, 51mm (Ni 917); Wilhelm Kienzl (1857-1941), composer, 1927, by A R Weinberger, 50mm (Ni 993); Hans Richter (1843-1916), by H W Page, 54mm (Ni 1681); Franz Shalk (1865-1931), by J Tautenhayn (2), 50mm (Ni 1768); Heinrich Schenker (1868-1935), by A Rothberger, 60mm (Ni 1770); Adrian François Serevais (1807-1877), 65mm (Ni 1882); Max von Weinzierl (1841-1898), 45mm (Ni 2311); Medalets (3), of Thomas Koschat (2, one silver), and Servais; Hans Pfitzner (1869-1949), Silver Medal, 31mm (Ni 1600); Adolf Prosniz (1829-1917), Zinc Medal, 63mm (Ni 1619). Mostly extremely fine. (15) £100-150

39 Medals by Arnold Hartig (1878-1972), Austrian Medalist, a series of uniface Bronze Medals and Plaquettes of musicians, comprising, Bach (2), 76mm and 39mm (Ni 49); Beethoven, Plaquettes (2), facing head, 85mm x 85mm, 75mm and 40mm (Ni 144, 146) and Medals (2), 1927, 76mm and 39mm (Ni 145); Brahms (2), 76mm and 55mm (Ni 392); Haydn (2), 76mm and 39mm (Ni 870); Lilli Lehman (1848-1929), opera singer, bust left, rev legend, 70mm (Ni 1061); Mozart (2), 75mm and 55mm (Ni 1377); Schubert, 1928, 76mm (2) and 40mm (Ni 1797), and oval Plaquette, 51mm x 80mm (Ni 1799); Wagner, 76mm (Ni 2168). Extremely fine. (17) £180-220

During her career, Lilli Lehman is said to have sung approximately 170 roles.

40 The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, 50th Anniversary, 1910, Bronze Plaquette, 1910, by Ludwig Hujer, diaphanous girl plays harp, ‘Vienna’ stands close behind her, rev St Stephen’s Cathedral, legend, 100mm x 67mm; “St Cecilia”, Plaquette, signed Weinberger, 102mm x 78mm; together with a selection of medals, medallions and medalets of musical interest (18), including French silver jetons (2), Louis XVI and Louis XVIII, and miniatures (4). Many extremely fine. (20) £80-100


41 François van Campenhout (1779-1848), violinist and composer, famous for 'La Brabançonne', the Belgian National Anthem, Copper Medal, 1846, by Veyrat, head right, rev legend, 50mm (Ni 455); Peter Leonard Leopold Benoit (1834-1901) composer and teacher, responsible for the modern revival of Flemish music, a group of Medals (8), Copper (unless stated), by Floris de Cujper, Alfred Mauquoy (5), Louis Dupuis, Silver, J von Gerard (Ni 311, 313, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320); Tribute Medal, Silvered-bronze, bust of Wilhelm III of the Netherlands (Ni 331); Leopold II, Tribute Medal to Famous Belgians, Copper, by C Jéhotte, head right, rev five medallic busts, 60mm; and a medal of Toussaint Radoux, by Geerts, 55mm. Very fine and better. (12) £80-120

42 Eugène Ysaÿe (1858-1931) violinist, composer and conductor, irregular rectangular sculptural Bronze Plaquette, 1894, by Alexandre-Louis-Marie Charpentier, bust right, YSAIE above, dated 31 Avril 1894 and signed by shoulder, approx 167mm x 137mm (Ni 2338). As made. £120-150

Elder brother of the pianist and composer Théo Ysaÿe (1865-1918).

43 François Josef Fetis (1784-1871), music theorist, historian, and composer, Copper Medal, 1858, by L Wiener, 60mm (Ni 631); Michel Nihoul (1790-1865), composer (2), non-portrait, 36.5mm (Ni 1516); Maurice Kufferath (1852-1919), music historian, and Karl Kasimir Kurpinsky (1785-1857), Polish composer, Bronze Plaquette 1900, conjoined busts, 75mm x 54mm (Ni 1029); Albert Grisar (1808-1869), composer of comic operas, Bronze Medal, 1908, by von Baetes, 65mm (Ni 764); Etienne Joseph Soubre (1813-1871), Copper Medal, by J Danse, 50mm (Ni 917); Edouard Bauwens (b.1831), music professor, small Silver Medal, 1903, by Dillens, 28mm; François Auguste Gevaert (1828-1908), composer and teacher, Bronze Plaquette, 1908, by C Samuel, bust right, rev [after Paul de Vigne], diaphanous figure of music, 64mm x 47mm; and a non-portrait Copper Medal, 1875, by Lemaire, 60mm (Ni 687, 686); Ernst van Dyke (1861-1923), Tenor, a pair of Plaquettes, Silver and Bronze, 1912, by G Devreese, bust left, 51mm x 73mm (Ni 590); Clothilde Kleeberg (1866-1909), pianist, Silver Plaquette, by C Samuel, bust left, rev legend, 65mm x 52mm (Ni 994); Eugène Ysaye (1858-1931), violinist and composer, Bronze Medal, by L Dupont, 67mm (Ni 2339); and medalets (2) of Servais and Ysaye. Mostly extremely fine. (15) £150-200


44 Friedrich [Bedrich] Smetana (1824-1884), composer, Bronze Plaquette, by B Vlcek [Prague], bust left, name below, 184mm x 110mm (Ni 1911); another, by O Spaniel, bust right, name below, rev floral display, 76mm x 57mm (Ni 1909); various complimentary Bronze Medals (5), by Kounitzky, Odehnal, Pichl, and Zuska, 45-64mm (Ni 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1912). Extremely fine or virtually so. (7) £80-120

Best-known for "The Moldau" from the symphonic cycle Ma Vlast “My Country”

45 Karel Kovarovic (1862-1920), composer and conductor, Bronze Medal, 1912, by Josef Seinost, bust left, rev conducting, 52mm (Ni 1014); Vítezslav Novák (1870-1949), composer and pedagogue, Bronze Medal, 1930, by Josef Seinost, bust left, 70mm (Ni 1530); Jan Kubelik (1880-1940), violinist and composer, Silvered-bronze Plaquette,1910, by Heinrich Kautsch, bust right with olive branch, rev an Orpheus-like Kubelik plays to the animals, 89mm x 66mm; another smaller, 71mm x 62mm; and uniface strike of the smaller obverse, 71mm x 62mm (Ni 1025,1026). Extremely fine. (5) £70-90


46 Jean-Baptiste de Lully (1632-1687), Italian born composer of operas, small Medals (4), by Jean Dassier, Silver (2) and Copper; another, Copper, variety of reverse legend, 28mm (Ni 1216, 1217; Eisler I, 119, 49 a, b). Extremely fine or nearly so. (4) £40-60

Lully, composer working at the Court of Louis XIV, was granted French citizenship in 1661.

47 Medals by Simon Cure (4), Jean-Baptiste de Lully (1632-1687), Italian born composer of operas, cast Bronze Medal, 1718, bust almost full-face hair over shoulders, rev in a pastoral scene a violinist plays to the animals, 56mm (Ni 1219 - unattributed); Philippe Quinault (1635-1688), dramatist and librettist, cast Bronze Medal, 1718, laureate bust right, rev phoenix atop a lyre with emblems of music, 58mm (Ni -; BM Acq 1983-87, 14/2); Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre (1665-1729), harpsichordist and composer, bust right, rev the composer seated at her harpsichord, 53mm (Ni 964); Alexandre Lainez (1650-1710), poet, bust right, rev three wreaths, 53mm. Last originally gilt, very fine and better. (4) £200-250

Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre, a child prodigy who became the most prolific and accomplished female composer of the French Baroque, rewarded by the patronage of King Louis XIV.

48 Medals by Simon Cure (4), Michel-Richard de Lelande (1657-1726), chorister and Court composer, Gilt-bronze Medal, 1726, bust right, rev winged figures with instruments before palace façade, 55mm (Ni 1039); Marin Marais (1656-1728), composer and viola player, Gilt-bronze Medal, bust left, rev wreathed winged figure amidst musical instruments, 53mm (Ni 1248); André Campra (1660-1744) composer and conductor, bust left, rev Fame atop a pile of musical instruments and emblems, 53mm (Ni 457); André Cardinal Destouches [des Touches] (1672-1749), Gilt-bronze Medal, 1722, bust left hair tied behind in queue, rev Apollo and cherub, 53mm (Ni - ). All very fine. (4) £200-250

Lelande was Superintendent of the Royal Chamber Music in the service of Louis XIV.

Between 1679 and 1725 Marais was “Ordinaire de la Chamber du roy pour la viole”, a title reflected on on the medal’s obverse.

André Campra, best known for operas, began and ended his career with sacred music.

Destouches had an interesting career, a four year Jesuit mission to Siam and army service including the siege of Namur. In 1713 appointed inspector general of the Académie Royale de Musique, and later replaced Lelande as superintendent of the Royal Chamber Music. Examples of the first two medals were offered in Baldwin’s Auction 46 (lot 2384).

49 Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764), composer of the Baroque era, uniface Gilt-bronze Portrait Medal, unsigned and undated, bust left, rev engraved with his name in script, 59.5mm (Ni 1652). Almost certainly contemporary, somewhat stained, but the medal extremely fine with a superb portrait. £70-90

50 Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764), Portrait Medals, Copper, by E Gatteaux, 1816; and Silver, for the 1866 Dijon festival, 36mm, suspension loop (Ni 1643); Bronze, by Aleth Guzmann, 58mm (Ni 1695); Copper, by Arman, 41mm (Ni 1635); the Rameau statue, Silver “Jury” Medal and Copper Medals (3, one gilt), 50mm, three with suspension loops (Ni 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640), another, 56mm (Ni 1647). Very fine and better. (9) £80-120

51 Jean Le Rond d’Alembert (1717-1785), Copper Memorial Medal, 1785, by Nicolas Gatteaux, bust left, name above, rev within wreath, A L’IMMORTALITE, 59mm (Ni 17); Bernhard G E Lacépède (1756-1825), naturalist and composer, portrait and non-portrait Copper Medals, by Peuvrier, 41.5mm (Ni 1034, 1035); Henriette Clementine Meric-Lalande (1798-1867), opera singer, Italian Copper Medal, 1828, by Putinati, diademed head left, rev legend, 43.5mm (Ni 1037). Nearly extremely fine. (4) £80-120

d'Alembert, mathematician, mechanician, physicist and philosopher, with Diderot joint editor of the Encyclopédie. d'Alembert published the wave equation to which he gave his name. Lacépède was the ichthyologist who first named the White Grunt, a fact that, whilst obscure, seems to be more memorable than his music.

52 André Ernest Modeste Grétry (1741-1813), composer, a good group of Bronze Portrait Medals (12), by C Caqué, for the “Series Numismatica” (2), 41mm and 47mm; by Louis Dupont, 1930, 50mm; by E Gatteaux, 30mm; by Gayrard, cliché - 52mm, and 41mm, and pewter ‘squeeze’, 45mm; by C Jéhotte, 51mm; by Simon, 47mm; by Veyrat, 41mm; unsigned, 30mm; and a Bronzed Electrotype Plaquette, 106mm x 88mm (Ni 745, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 758). Very fine and better. (13) £80-120

53 Claude Joseph Rouget de l’Isle (1760-1836), composer (who in 1792 wrote the Marseillaise, the French national anthem), uniface Bronze plaque, 1833, by David d’Angers (Pierre-Jean David), bare head right, signed below, facsimile signature behind, 147mm (Ni 1725). An excellent sharp and contemporary cast. £200-250

The story is published of David rushing to the sickbed of the impoverished Rouget, to model and subsequently carve a marble bust that was then sold by lottery with the proceeds being given to Rouget.

54 Claude Joseph Rouget de l’Isle (1760-1836), Copper Medal, 1833, by Rogat, head right, rev music and word of the Marseillaise, 51mm (Ni 1727); Modern Medals (2), Bronze, by A Borrel, bust right, rev the Marseillaise, 58mm (Ni 1724); Silver, 1915, on the transfer of his ashes to Les Invalides, 28mm (Ni 1729). Extremely fine or nearly so. (3) £40-60

55 François Adrien Boieldieu (1775-1834), composer, mainly of operas, Silver Medal, 1826, by Barre, head left, rev shield of Rouen, 46mm (Ni 362); others similar (2), Bronze; Bronze Medals (2), by Lagrange, 50mm (Ni 365, 366); other medalets (5) (Ni 363, 364, 369, 370, 372). Mostly extremely fine. (10) £60-80

56 Leon François Marmontel (1723-1799), poet and author, “Galérie Metalique” Copper Medal, by Petit, 41mm (Ni 1257); Pierre Jean de Béranger (1780-1857), songwriter, White Metal Medal, by Montagny, 36mm (Ni 325), and Brass Medalet (Ni 321); François Antoine Habeneck (1781-1849), violinist and conductor, Silver Prize Medal of the Societe des Conserts, Conservatoire de Musique, by Borrel, awarded in 1898 to Hugo Heermann, head left, rev inscription in wreath, 50mm (Ni 784), extremely fine; another, Copper, issued 1857, to “E Archainbaud, Societaire”, 50mm; Jean-Baptiste-Louis de Gresset (1709-1777), poet and dramatist, Copper Medal, 1851, by E Rogat, bust right, rev the Gresset statue, 61mm, suspension loop and ring (Ni 744); Bernhard G.E. Lacépède, very fine. (6) £70-90

Habeneck best remembered for his career at the Paris Opera.

Hugo Heermann (1844-1935), a German violinist who had the distinction to have been the first to have played Brahms' Violin Concerto in Paris, New York and Australia.

57 Guilleaume Louis Wilhelm (1781-1842), composer, large uniface cast Bronze Portrait Plaquette, 1842, left, by David d'Angers (Pierre-Jean David,1788-1856), bare head left facsimile signature behind, “G Wilhelm”, signed and dated below, 190mm (Ni 2314, dated 1848 in error). Good very fine. £150-200

58 Hughes Felicité Robert de Lamennais [Frédéric de La Mennais, L’Abbé de Lamennais] (1782-1854), priest, philosophical and political writer author of L'imitation du Christ, uniface bronze plaquette, 1831, by David d'Angers (Pierre-Jean David, 1788-1856), bare head right facsimile, signature behind, 138mm (Ni -). An old cast, a strong sculptural relief, very fine. £120-150

Brother of Jean-Marie-Robert de Lamennais (1780-1860), the founders of the Brothers of Christian Instruction (or “De la Mennais Brothers”), a group with the principal purpose of educating the youth of Brittany.

59 Auguste Mathieu Panseron (1795-1859), tenor and composer of romances, operas, singing methods, uniface circular Bronze Portrait Plaquette, unsigned and undated, bare head left, AUGUSTE PANSERON, 142mm (Ni 1570). Extremely fine and well executed. £60-80

The only recorded medallic portrait of the sitter.

60 Nicolas Étienne Henri Méhul (1763-1817), opera composer, non-portrait centenary Copper Medal, 1863, by C Caque, bust of Napoleon III, 45mm (Ni 1287); Adolphe Nourrit (1802-1839), tenor, Copper Tribute Medal, 1845, by Mercier, bare head left, rev legend in five lines, 60mm (Ni 1529); Emile Joseph Maurice Chevé (1804-1864), teacher who gave his name to the Chevé System, Copper Medal, 1850, by Matagrin, bust right, rev legend in eight lines, 54mm (Ni 472); Francis Planté (1839-1934), pianist and one of the first recording artists, non-portrait Copper Medal, 1882, by Würden, 50mm (Ni 1606). Extremely fine, edge nick to first. (4) £50-80

It is said that it was Nourrit’s singing of the tenor role in the duet "Amour sacré de la patrie" in the opera La Muette de Portici in Brussels, that was the spark that led to the "opera riot" and the subsequent Belgian Revolution. Chopin played at Nourrit’s funeral, following his suicide in Naples.

61 Louis Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), romantic composer, large uniface Bronze Medal, 189[-], by W Trojanowski, bust three-quarters left, 100mm (Ni 344). Extremely fine. £80-120

The medal is signed and dated in a monogram, the last numeral is, however, illegible.

62 Louis Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), Centenary, Silver Plaquette, 1903, by G Dupré, bust three-quarters left, score on stand, rev semi-draped figure kneels before his bust, 67mm x 48mm (Ni 334); others (3) in Bronze; Bronze Medal, 1903, by Ovid Yencesse, bust three-quarters left, rev lyre, 53mm (Ni 346); Silver and Bronze Medals, 1903, by E Mouchon, for the Monaco Centenary Concerts, bust of Prince Albert left, rev Berlioz right, 50mm (Ni 342); and a modern medal, by Bouret, 67mm (Ni 332). Extremely fine or nearly so. (7) £120-150

Fryderyk Franciszek [Frédéric François] Chopin (1810-1849), see POLAND

63 Charles-François Gounod (1818-1893), composer, large uniface Bronze Medal, by Ringel d’Illzach, 1885, bust right wearing soft cat, 137mm, suspension loop (Ni 732). Good very fine and a well sculpted portrait. £60-80

64 Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), cellist, Silver Medal, 1880, by Ponscarme, head left, 45mm (Ni 1533); Camille Pleyel (1758-1855), Bronze Medal, by E A Oudiné, 50.5mm (Ni 1607); Charles-François Gounod (1818-1893), large Bronze Medal, by J C Chaplain, bearded bust left, rev a seated girl, romantically dressed at chuch organ, 100mm (Ni 732); others, more recent (2), by F Focht and A Lavrillier, 68mm (Ni 734, 735); Henri Vieuxtemps (1820-1881), violinist and composer, Silver and Bronze, 1912, by J Lorrain, 27mm (Ni 2127). Extremely fine. (7) £80-120

65 Adolphe Charles Adam (1803-1856), composer and critic, uniface Iron Medal, unsigned, head left, facsimile signature below, 100mm (Ni 9); smaller Bronze Medals (2), by Caqué, 46mm (Ni 7, 8); César Auguste Franck (1822-1890), Belgian born composer and organist, Bronze Plaquette, by Jacob J van Goor, bust three-quarters right, 111mm x 75mm (Ni 653); blackened Bronze Medal, by R Lamourdedieu, 67mm (Ni 654); Pierre Monteux (1875-1964), orchestra conductor, died an American citizen, Bronze Plaquette, by C Devreese, 70mm x 46mm. First very fine, the others extremely fine. (4) £80-120

66 Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet (1842-1912), opera composer, Bronze Medals (3), by Tony Szirmaï, head left, 51mm; 1914, rev bust of Prince Albert of Monaco, 62mm; 1924, Festival at St Etienne, 51mm; (Ni 1279, 1286, 1281); Plaquettes (3), by Marcel Renard, 77mm x 63mm; by Tony Szirmaï (2), head left, 60mm x 60mm, and circular, 99mm (Ni 1276, 1278, 1280); uniface Bronze Medal, by F Focht, 68mm (Ni 1275); Charles Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), composer and pianist, uniface Bronze Medal, 1914, by Tony Szirmaï, bust right, 101mm (Ni 1749); smaller Bronze Medal, Centenary of Birth 1935, by P Lenoir, 58mm (Ni 1748). Extremely fine. (9) £100-150

The second piece a limited edition of 50 specimens

67 Gustav Charpentier (1860-1956), composer, Bronze Plaquette, by Friedrich Kounitzky, bust turned almost full-face, wearing loose cravat, 110mm x 80mm, produced by the electrotype process (Ni 465). Nearly extremely fine, but surface dull. £50-80

The image is seemingly taken from a photograph (cf Anne S Faulkner, What We Hear in Music, Victor Talking Machine Co., 1913)

68 Claude Debussy (1862-1918), composer, uniface Bronze Medal, 1907, by Beetz-Charpentier, head left, 58mm (Ni 534); Bronze Plaquete, by Pierre Turin, on his monument, bust left, rev legend, 60mm x 42mm (Ni 538); Marcel Dupré (1886-1971), organ virtuoso and composer, Bronze Medal, by J H Coëffin, 68mm (Ni 580); Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924), romantic composer, Bronze Medal, by R Lamourdedieu, bust right, rev Penelope at her loom, 68mm (Ni 625); Louis Gaston Ganne (1856-1928), composer and conductor, large uniface Bronze Medal, by Toni Szirmai, 100mm (Ni 677); A Auguste Pasdeloup, circular Bronze Plaquette, 1867, by Emil de Rosa, small head right, wide rim around, 120mm (Ni 1573, listed as the French conductor Jules Etienne Pasdeloup, 1819-1887); Francis Poulenc (1899-1963), composer, Bronze Medal, by A Fenosa, 68mm (Ni 1616); Ginette Neveu (1919-1949), violin virtuoso, Bronze Medal, by Claude Fraisse, 68mm (Ni 1509). Extremely fine or nearly so. (8) £80-120

69 Peter Abelard (1079-1142), ‘Galerie Metalique’ Copper Medal, 41mm (Ni 1); other Series Medals (6), Jean Lerond de Alembert (1717-1785), restrike; Gerard Audran (1640-1703); Marc Antoine Desaugiers (1722-1827); Charles Simon Favart (1710-1792); Jean Jacques Barthélemy (1716-1795); Nicolas d’Alayrac (1753-1809), all 41mm (Ni 16, -, 87, 530, 548, 628); other Medals (8), Jean Jacques Barthélemy, 41.5mm (Ni 86); Henri Montan Berton (1767-1844), composer, 41mm (Ni 351); Josephine Fodor-Mainville (1789-1870), soprano (2), 42mm and 43mm (Ni 645, 646); Niccolo Isouard (1775-1818), composer, 42mm (Ni 959); Jean Francois Le Sueur (1760-1837), composer (2, Ni 1070, 1072), first a cliché, 48mm and 41mm. Very fine to extremely fine. (15) £80-120

70 Daniel François Esprit Auber (1782-1871), composer, Copper Medals (2), by F Vernon, common obverse, 50.5mm (Ni 32, 34); Pierre Jean de Béranger (1780-1857), songwriter, by Bauchery after David d’Angers, 51mm (Ni 322); Vincent d’Indy (1851-1931), organist and choirmaster, Bronze Medal, by C Grouzat, 58mm, and Bronze plaquette, bust right, 56mm x 47mm (Ni 955, 956); Maurice Ravel (1875-1937), composer, Bronze Medal, 1930, by Beetz-Carpentier, 50mm (Ni 1654); Aimé Paris (1798-1866), professor of music, Copper Medal, by Matagrin, 55mm (Ni 1572); François Humbert Prume (1816-1849), violin virtuoso, Copper Medal, by C Jéhotte, 50mm (Ni 1620); Françoise Anatole Laurent de Rillé (1828-1915), composer, Copper Medal, 51mm (Ni 1686); Albert Charles Roussel (1869-1937), Bronze Medal, by F M Dammann, 68mm (Ni 1730); Henri Vieuxtemps (1820-1881), Bronze Plaquette, 1905, by F Kounitzky, 73mm x 42mm and Bronze Medal, 1912, by J Lorrain, 65mm (Ni 2126, 2127); Guilleaume Louis Wilhelm (1781-1842), composer and teacher, Copper Medals (3), by Petit, 61mm (Ni 2316); Georges-Martin Witkowsky (1867-1945), composer, Bronze Medal, 63mm (Ni 2321). Very fine and better, many extremely fine. (16) £200-250

For Viextemps, see also lot 64

71 Camille Pleyel (1788-1855), piano virtuoso and piano manufacturer, 51mm, Silver Medal, 1861, by Oudiné, 50.5mm (Ni 1607); other Silver Medals (3), Louis Etienne Ernest Reyer (1825-1909), composer, 41mm (Ni 1677); Ambroise Thomas (1811-1996), composer, non-portrait, 26mm (Ni 2011); Jane Vieu (1871-1955), composer, uniface, by F Lernar 49mm (Ni 2124). Extremely fine. (4) £80-100

72 Medallic Portrait Plaquettes (2), in “Bois Durci”, Georg Friedrich Haendel [Handel] (1685-1759); Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868), both head to right, name above, signed with wing, 111mm and 113mm, first with suspension ring. Good very fine. (2) £80-100

Bois Durci is a ‘plastic’ material, patented in Paris in 1855, by Lepage. It is made from finely ground wood (probably either ebony or rose wood) 'flour' mixed with a binder, either egg or blood albumen or gelatine. Whilst neither sitter is French the two ‘medals’ are sold together because of their common French manufacture. For further medals of Handel see lots 136-142, and Rossini, lots 168-169.


73 Nicolaus Schlifer, musician, cast Bronze Portrait Medal, by Giovanni Boldu (fl 1454, died before 1477), bust left, +NICOLAVS SCHIFER. GERMANVS VIR MODESTVS ALTER Q ORPPEHEZS, rev Orpheus stands with lyre, M CCCC LVII OPVS IOANIS BOLDV PICTORIS, 76mm (Ni 1773; Hill, Corpus, 418; Kress 140; Pollard, 2007, 161). A well patinated old cast, very fine and extremely rare. £300-500

74 Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672), composer and organist, pair of Medals, 1935, the 350th anniversary of his birth, by Karl Goetz, Silver and Bronze, bust three-quarters right, rev organ pipes, 36mm (Ni 1857; Kienast 504). Extremely fine. (2) £70-90

Schütz wrote what is thought to be the first German opera, Dafne, performed at Torgau in 1627

75 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), composer and organist, uniface Bronze Portrait plaquette, 1906, by Dr Daniel Greiner, full-facing bewigged bust, 77mm x 73mm (Ni 47); large and heavy Bronze Plaquette, 158mm; Bronze Medal, 1934, by Annette Landry, facing bust, rev “Le Concerto”, 67mm (Ni 54); Bi-centenary of death, Silver Medal, 1950, unsigned, facing bust, rev organ, 60mm (Ni 79); and medal for the Wiener Singakademie, 1908, 50mm (Ni 76); others by Evermann, 60mm and Lauer (2), 50mm and 27mm (Ni 43, 56, 57), extremely fine; and a Lauer plaquette, 56mm x 37mm (Ni 55), very fine. (9) £80-120

76 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Silver Medal, 1880, by Oscar Bergmann, 42mm (Ni 39); small uniface Bronze Plaquette, by Ede Telcs, bust left, 56mm x 45mm; and Mayer & Wilhelm, 50mm x 38mm (Ni 61); Bronze Medals (6), by Coudray-Lindauer, 50mm (Ni 40); by Maarten Pauw, 60mm (Ni 64); F Stiasny (3), uniface, bust right, 90mm and 65mm (Ni 66); by E Torff, bust right, rev wreath, 60mm (Ni 69); and medal for the Wiener Singakademie, 1908, 50mm (Ni 76). Extremely fine. (10) £80-120

77 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Bach Festival, Wartburg, Medals (3), 1924, by Karl Goetz, Silver and Bronze, bewigged bust right, rev crucifix before the Wartburg organ, the castle beyond, silver, 37mm, bronze (2), 74.5mm (Ni 44). Extremely fine. (3) £100-150

The Wartburg Festival seems to have first been held in 1817 and still continues today.

78 Christoph Willibald Ritter von Gluck (1714-1787), composer and one time Kapellmeister at the Habsburg Court, uniface struck Bronze Portrait Medal, undated, by Muller, head left, GLUCK below, the blank reverse has been engraved “Christoph v, Componist / geb. 14 Febr. 1712” (sic), 95mm (Ni 706); bi-centenary of his birth, uniface Bronze Medal, by F Weber, facing bust, 79mm (Ni 712). Extremely fine, both darkly patinated. (2) £80-120

His birth date is correctly recorded by Niggl as the 2nd July 1714.

79 Christoph Willibald Ritter von Gluck (1714-1787), small Silver Medals (2), by Lauer, 27mm (Ni 704); by C Voigt, 1710, bust left, 28.5mm (Ni 710), this similar (2) in Berlin Iron and brass; Copper Medals (3), by Gayrard (2), 1818, 41mm and 32mm (Ni 698, 699); by Lauer, 50mm (2, one silvered, Ni 703), and Plaquette, 55mm x 37mm (Ni 702); Johann Simon Mayr (1765-1845), opera composer, Copper Medal, 1841, by L Cossa, 52mm (Ni 1283). Very fine and better. (10) £40-60

80 Christoph Willibald Ritter von Gluck (1714-1787), Silver Coin, by C Voigt:- Bavaria, Maximilian II (1848-1864), Commemorative Double-Thaler, 1848, king’s head right, rev statue of Gluck, edge reads VEREINSMUNZE VII EINE F MARK, 40mm (Ni 709; KM448.1). Good very fine, minor scuff and scratches, toned. £200-250

See also lot 180

Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759) was born in Germany but settled in England in 1712, becoming a British citizen in 1727. He died at his house in London. For this reason the Handel medals are to be found under Great Britain.

81 Martin Gerbert [von Hornau] (1720-1793), theologian, historian and writer on music, Silver Medal, 1783, by A Guillemard, in ecclesiastical cap and cloak, rev bird’s eye view of the Benedictine Abbey of St Blaise, 41mm (Ni 684); Giovanni Battista Martini (1706-1784), known as Padre Martini, Italian musician, Copper Medal, 1784, by P Tadolini, bust left in ecclesiastical cap and cloak, rev Fame flies over landscape, 52mm (Ni 1262). Extremely fine. (2) £80-100

82 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), small uniface rectangular Bronze Plaquettes (2), by F Stiasny, a brooding full-face, crowned with laurel wreath, name to left, lines of music right, 54mm x 64mm (Ni 248), an iconic image, another, more traditional brooding bust left, 65mm x 53mm; Bronze Medal and uniface Plaquette, by Erzsébet [Elizabeth] von Esseo, 1920, facing bust, rev Christ at organ playing to choir of angels, 84mm and 114mm x 86mm (Ni 129, 130). Extremely fine. (4) £150-200

83 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), by F Stiasny, uniface Bronze Plaquette, half-length figure left, 91mm x 73mm (Ni 249); uniface Bronze Medal, bust left, 89mm (Ni 252); Bronze plaquette, by Stephan Schwartz, Beethoven faces the figures of Haydn and Mozart, 90mm x 69mm (Ni 244); darkened Bronze plaquette, unsigned, bust right, 128mm x 78mm; smaller Bronze Plaquette, by A Morel, centenary of death, bust left, 79mm x 63mm (Ni 216); and a Bronze Medal, by Eduard Rettenmaier, head right, 68mm (Ni 235). Extremely fine or nearly so. (6) £100-150

84 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Death, 1827, a pair of Medals, Silver and Bronze, by J Lang, 1827, bust left, rev mourning angel with lowered torch, stands by sarcophagus, 43mm; uniface trial strikings of the medal for the Philharmonic Society of London, founded 1813, White Metal, by Leonard Charles Wyon, [1853], 46mm (Ni 266). First extremely fine, others nearly so. (4) £100-150

85 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), circular Bronzed Memorial Plaquette, made by the electrotype process, unsigned and undated, bust right, 200mm, suspension loop (Ni 274). Extremely fine and sharp in detail. £60-80

86 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), a pair of Medals, Silver and Copper, 1870, by Carl Radnitzki, Beethoven Festival, Vienna, 1870, head right, rev arms, 57mm (Ni 225). Extremely fine, silver choice. (2) £60-80

87 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), A group of Medals (8), mostly Copper, by Hugues Bovy, 1868, bust three-quarters left, rev legend in wreath, 61mm (Ni 120); Memorial, by E Gatteaux, head left, rev lyre, 50mm (Ni 137); Beethoven Statue, Vienna (2, Copper and Pewter), 1880, by Anton Scharff, statue/legend and wreath, 63mm (Ni 240); by Wurbel, Memorial, uniface, perhaps a trial striking, angel stands behind the seated Beethoven, 74mm (Ni 270), this virtually mint state; by Rudolf Mayer, 1888, bust left/legend, 39mm; an obverse cliché; another, white metal, 1885 (Ni. 190), except as stated, very fine and better. (8) £100-150

88 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), circular Bronze Portrait Plaquette, by Muller, head left, signed on truncation, rev stamped with short legend giving birth date, etc., 96mm, on thin flan with suspension loop (Ni 217), good very fine; Pair of Medals, Silver and Bronze, by Rudolf Mayer, bust left, rev standing Muse with trumpet and lyre, 60mm (Ni 200b); smaller silver examples, 40.5mm and 29mm (2), these extremely fine. (6) £120-150

89 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), the youthful Beethoven, a circular iron Portrait Plaquette, signed, bare head right, a line of notes in field, 155mm (Ni 278); other circular Portrait Plaquettes (3), Bronze, all bust left, unsigned, 163mm (Ni 279); unsigned, 138mm (Ni -); by Rudolf Mayer, 128mm. (Ni 200a) The last a softer and more sculpted portrait from the period 1900-1914, all very fine or better. (4) £180-220

90 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), a rectangular Bronze Plaquette [1920], by Ede Telcs, bust left, head leaning forward, 180mm x 150mm (Ni 258); another, considerably smaller, 57mm x 47mm, good very fine, in a softly sculpted style. (2) £80-100

91 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), a square Bronze Plaquette, signed FJU [?] in monogram, standing, brooding, figure in long coat, hands clasped in front, above a muse floats in clouds, holding hands with two naked boys, whilst to right, a devil’s head, 168mm square (Ni -). Very fine. £50-70

92 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Pewter Plaquette, 1909, by Gyula Muranyi, in three panels, centre - bust left, left - a couple embrace, right - mother father and child, 54mm x 133mm (Ni 218), stained, very fine; Bronze (3), by Henri Dropsy, bust left, rev winged Victory, 50mm x 50mm (Ni 283); by G W Witte, facing bust with palm fonds, 97.5mm x 70mm; another, unsigned, in the form of a facing laureate death-mask, 70mm x 54mm, last two extremely fine. (4) £80-100

93 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Bronze Plaquettes (7), 1927, bust left, by A Morel, 79mm x 63mm (Ni 216); by Abel Lafleur, bust almost full-face/palm fond, 73mm x 49mm (Ni 166); by Heinrich Jauner, 25th Männergesangvereins “Beethoven”, Vienna, 1899, bust ¾-left/phoenix leaps over musical emblems, 59mm x 47mm (Ni 162); by Chr Lauer, bust right, 55mm x 37mm (Ni 169); 1920, struck by Mayer & Wilhelm (2), bust right in oval, 69mm x 50mm (Ni 204); and a smaller variety, 49mm x 39mm (Ni 203). Mostly extremely fine. (7) £120-150

94 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), Arts Festival, a pair of double-Portrait Medals, Silver and Bronze, by Karl Goetz, 1926, conjoined busts left, Beethoven at front, rev cherub plays harp, 35mm and 74mm (Ni 141); Beethoven, centenary of death, a pair of Tribute Medals, in Silver and Bronze, facing bust, rev flaming heart before other symbols, MISSA SOLEMNIS, 35mm and 74mm (Ni 172; Kienast 397). All extremely fine. (4) £200-250

95 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), uniface Medallic Portraits (3), Bronze, all busts almost full-face, by Pierre Turin, in high relief, 130mm (Ni 262); by K Retzlaff, 1915, low relief, 98mm (Ni 236); by R Xavier, 95mm (Ni 271); Bronze Medal of Caspar von Zumbusch (1830-1915), sculptor of several Beethoven monuments, by Briethut, 56mm. Very fine and better. (4) £80-120

96 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), small Silver Medal, 1917, by Henry W Page [London], head left, rev lyre, 29mm (Ni 221); Bronze Portrait Medal, the 150th Anniversary of his Birth, 1920, by K Reiber, bust left, rev figure gazes at the stars, sun and moon to either side, edge stamped G. POELLATH and SCHROBENHAUSEN, 93mm (Ni 237), an unusually modern design, extremely fine; Bronze Portrait Medal, by Edouard Rettenmaier, bare head right, rev Hercules [?] lifts boulder, 67mm, similar edge stamps (Ni 235); Centenary of Death, uniface Bronze Medal, 1927, by Auguste Coutin, bust three-quarters right, 67mm (Ni 217); by Alfred Rothberger, base metal, undated, bust three-quarters left, rev storm at sea, 69mm (Ni 238b), little actual wear but surface poor, otherwise all very fine or better. (5) £100-150

The first somewhat in the style of a classical Greek coin.

97 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Bronze Portrait Medals (6), by Else Fürst, bust left/legend, 54mm (2) (Ni 135); by E Torff, Awes Münze, Berlin, bust left/wreath, 60mm (Ni 259); also E Torff, bust left/musical score, 60mm (Ni 260); by F Hummel, uniface, head right, 70mm (Ni 161); by Bruno Eyermann, 1952, plated, head right/globe, 60mm (Ni 131); others (7), including by Bescher and lauer; Notgeldmünze, etc (7), one silver, 22mm, muled with obverse of a Brazil 500-Reis of Peter II, 1888, milled edge (Ni 184; cf KM 480). Mostly extremely fine. (20) £150-200

98 Ludwig [Louis] Spohr (1784-1859), composer, violinist and conductor, Silver Medal, by Carl Pfeuffer, bust three-quarters left, rev legend within and around wreath, 51mm (Ni 1925); similar medals in Copper (2). Silver toned, nearly extremely fine. (3) £60-80

99 Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber (1786-1826), composer, conductor musician and critic, uniface rectangular Bronze Plaquette, by Josef Einberger, bust three-quarters left within leafed frame, name in Gothic letters below, 173mm x 120mm (Ni 2291); others (3), smaller, by Lauer, 55mm x 37mm (Ni 2295); Mayer & Wilhelm (2), bust three-quarters right, 50mm x 38mm, 70mm x 50mm (Ni 2299, 2300); and a Bronze Medal, by Lauer, 50mm (Ni 2296). Very fine or better. (5) £80-120

100 Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber (1786-1826), a pair of Medals, Silver and Bronze, 1825, by C R Krüger, head left, rev Orpheus on the dolphin, 39mm (Ni 2294); Bronze Medal, 1927, by Karl Goetz, bust three-quarters right, rev open-air performance at Wartburg, 71mm (Ni 2292; Kienast 396); minor pieces (2) (Ni 2297, 2301). Extremely fine. (4) £70-90

101 Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864), Jewish German-born composer of operas and exponent of Grand Opera, uniface Bronze Medal, by Müller, youthful head right, 94mm (Ni 1331); small Bronze Plaquette, by Mayer & Wilhelm, bust three-quarters right, 50.5mm x 39mm, first with matt surface with light ‘sandy’ bronze patina; Carl Otto Ehrenfried Nicolai (1810-1849), composer, conductor and founder of the Vienna Philharmonic, Bronze Medal, 1910, by R Plachte, bust three-quarters right, 70mm (Ni 1512), extremely fine. (3) £70-90

Meyerbeer worked mostly in Paris, his success much diminished by the time of his death following a continued criticism from Wagner.

102 Albert Gustav Lortzing (1803-1851), composer, actor and singer, uniface Portrait Plaquette, signed AG [Anton Garth?] in monogram (for Anton Werner, Berlin), bust left, his name in large letters, 154mm (Ni 1212); and a heavy Iron Medal, 1951, by Bruno Evermann, 98mm (Ni 1203), Good very fine and very fine. (2) £50-70

103 Albert Gustav Lortzing (1803-1851), Bronze Plaquettes (2), by Friedrich Kounitzky, 82mm x 55mm; and Mayer & Wilhelm, 51mm x 39mm (Ni 1205, 1210); Bronze Medals (2), signed AG [Anton Garth?], similar to plaque in previous lot, 60mm (Ni 1211). Extremely fine. (4) £50-70

104 Felix Mendelssohn (Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, 1809-1847), composer, pianist and conductor, Silver Medal, 1833, for the Düsseldorf Music Festival, by C Pfeuffer and Loos, 42mm (Ni 1301); Copper Medal, 1841, for the performance of Antigone in Berlin-Potsdam, head of Sophecles right, rev muse of ancient music, small medallic heads of Mendelssohn and Ludwig Tieck to left and right, 64mm (Ni 1303); Portrait Medals (5), 1822, Copper, by Veyrat, 41mm (Ni 1288); by Lauer, Silver and Bronze, 50mm, silvered 27mm (Ni 1297, 1298); 1883, White Metal, by H Weckwerth, 39mm; Bronze Plaquettes (2), by Lauer, 55mm x 37mm (Ni 1296); by Mayer & Wilhelm, 50.5mm x 39mm (Ni 1300). Extremely fine or almost so. (9) £80-120

Johann Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853). “Sophocles's Antigone was performed at the Prussian Court Theatre with staging by Ludwig Tieck and music by Felix Mendelssohn. Commissioned by King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, this production aimed to re-create aspects of Greek tragedy by, among other things, using J. J. Donner's 1839 metrical translation and having an all-male chorus sing the odes”.

105 Lorenz Christof Mizler (1711-1778), mathematician, philosopher, and composer, non-portrait White Metal Medal, 44mm (Ni 1340); Henriette [Gertrude Walpurgis] Sonntag (1806-1854), operatic soprano, cast Bronze Medal, facing bust in operatic costume, within wide border, 38mm, suspension ring (Ni 1916), delightful and unusual; Gustav Hollænder (1855-1915), violinist, Director of the Stern Conservatory, Berlin, Silver Medal, bust right, 42.5mm (Ni 927); other Medals (11), Copper unless stated, Ludwig Christoph Erk (1807-1883), teacher, publisher of Folk Music, 50mm (Ni 600), silvered; Karl Friedrich Christian Fasch (1736-1800), composer and chorister, 1891, by Lothar Krüger, bust right, 50mm (Ni 624); Adolf von Henselt (1814-1889), composer, by Lothar Krüger, head right, 40mm (Ni 911); Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778-1837), by Peuvrier, 41mm (2) (Ni 947), one silvered; Siegfried Ochs (1858-1929), founder and conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Choir, 1882, by P Philippe, 50mm (Ni 1531); Josef Pommer (1845-1918), by R Neuberger, 45mm (Ni 1608); Eugen Francis Charles d'Albert (1864-1932), pianist and composer, Zinc Medal, 62mm (Ni 14), very fine, though stained; Hans Sachs (1494-1576), ‘meistersinger’, poet and playwright, 1894, by Lauer (2), 45mm, silvered, and Silver, 31mm (Ni -); and White Metal Medal of Julius von Bernuth and Franz Schmidt, 39mm (Ni 347). Very fine to extremely fine. (14) £120-150

106 Wilhelm Furtwängler (1886-1954), Bronze Plaquette, 1926, by J Tautenhayn, 60mm x 43mm (Ni 667); other Bronze Plaquettes (5), David Popper (1843-1913), cellist, 1906, by Ede Telcs, 50mm x 38.5mm (Ni 1615); Bernhard Scholz (1835-1916), conductor and composer, by Karl Dautert, 67mm x 52mm (Ni 1784); Friedrich Silcher (1789-1860), composer, poet and teacher, 50mm x 39mm (Ni 1897); Emil Wipperich (1854-1917), principal horn in the Vienna Philharmonic, 70mm x 36mm (Ni 2320); Karl Friedrich Zelter (1758-1832), composer, conductor and teacher (2), 1909, 81mm x 58mm; Ernst II Augustus Charles John Leopold Alexander Edward, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1818-1893), Copper Medal, by L C Lauer, bust left, rev arms and emblems, 50mm (Ni 1745); Bronze Medals (4), Joseph Joachim (1831-1907), 1900, by Selke-Photosculptur-Gesellschaft, Berlin, 63mm (Ni 972); Max Reger (1873-1916), 1916, by Felix Pfeifer, 59mm (Ni 1663); Julius (Christian) Stockhausen (1826-1906), baritone, Bronze Medal, 1901, by Joseph Kowarzik, bust right, rev figures aside a musical Sphynx, 70mm (Ni 1933); Bruno Walter (1876-1962), 1960, by B Evermann, 87mm (Ni 2287). Very fine and better. (11) £150-200

Ernst II was an amateur composer, however his opera Diana von Solange was poorly received at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City in 1890.

107 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), composer, conductor and music theorist, large uniface circular Bronze Plaquette, by L Zoellner, bust three-quarters right, 157mm (Ni 2265); larger Iron Plaquette, by Anton Grath, bust left, 167mm (Ni 2164); smaller bronze Plaquettes (2), by Emil Weigand, head left, 95mm (Ni 2254) and by J Wysocki (2), 100mm (Ni 2261). Rust marks on second, otherwise very fine and better. (5) £120-150

108 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), uniface rectangular Bronze Plaquette, signed in monogram, bust left in cloth cap, name below, rev stamp of the Koninklijke-Begeer, G V Voorschoten, 179mm x 150mm (Ni -); uniface circular Bronze Plaquette, by E Torff, bust left, 163mm (Ni 2248). Both good very fine. (2) £70-90

109 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Silvered Electrotype Plaquette, undated, by Franz Xaver Pawlik, bust left in medallic roundel, a naked Siren to the right reaches up to play a harp, 126mm x 91mm (Ni 2222); together with the smaller Bronze Plaquette, 60mm x 45mm. First very fine, second better. (2) £80-120

A wonderfully secessionist ‘Art Nouveau’ image.

110 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Portrait Medals (6), Silver (5), 72mm, 40mm, 34mm, 29mm and 12.5mm (this uniface) and Bronze (72mm), [1902], by Rudolf Mayer, bust left wearing cloth beret, rev the Valkyreis with captives, ride away (Ni 2213); Bronze Medal, [1904], by Paul Sturm (also numbered OP[VS] LVIII), head right, three Rhine Maidens, 77mm (Ni 2245). Very fine and better. (7) £100-150

111 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Silver Medals (7), by Anton Scharff (3), [1876], for the Bayreuth Festival, head right, rev three musical muses, 53.5mm (Ni 2227); smaller [1882], head right within raised border, rev scene from Parsifal, 37.5mm (Ni 2232); and smaller variety, 29mm (Ni 2233); Berlin Festival, 1898, bust left, rev musical emblems, 50mm (Ni -); Smaller Medals, by Lauer (2), both 27mm (Ni 2182, 2204), and R Mayer, 9mm (Ni 2214). Very fine to extremely fine. (8) £80-120

112 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Silver Plaquettes (2), by Lauer, bust right, 60mm x 40mm (Ni 2193); by Mayer and Wilhelm [1903], bust left, 51mm x 39mm (Ni 2216); Silver Medals (3), undated, by Anton Grath, bust left, rev two curving olive trees, 60mm (Ni 2164); 1913, by Max Olofs, head right, rev a layered fountain, 30mm (Ni 2219); 1933, by Fritz Hornlein, head left, rev olive spray, 38mm (Ni 2170); by E Torff, rev musical score, 29mm (Ni 2247 - not recorded this diameter). Extremely fine or nearly so. (5) £70-90

The reverse of the third in the Art Nouveau style.

113 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Bronze Plaquette, 1913, by E Torff, bust left in roundel, music score below, rev the Holy Grail within vaulted church, 90mm x 64mm (Ni 2249); others (2), by F Stiasny, bust right, rev of one fitted with stand and inscribed for performances at the Bayreuth Festival on the 4th and 8th August, 1912, 65mm x 58mm (Ni 2242); and uniface Bronze Medal, also Stiasny, bust left, 90mm (Ni 2243); smaller Plaquettes (2), by Mayer and Wilhelm, 50mm x 39mm (Ni 2217), and [1904] by O Yencesse, 42mm x 55mm; Parsifal performed in Brussels, Bronze Medal, 1914, by G Devreese, Parsifal stands with grail, rev dancing maidens, 75mm (Ni 2152). Very fine and better. (7) £100-150

114 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Bronze Medal, 1913, by Karl Goetz, bust three-quarters left wearing cloth cap, rev the emblems of Parsifal, 81mm (Ni 2158; Kienast 30); Bronze Plaquette, by Heinrich Kautsch, bust left in roundel, 70mm x 45mm (Ni 2177); small Plaquette, 1909, by Stolzer (for Mayer and Wilhelm), bust three-quarters right in roundel, 51mm x 38mm; others (3), by Stiasny, Mayer and Wilhelm, and Yencesse, as in the previous lot. Mostly extremely fine. (6) £120-150

115 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Bronze Medal, 1913, by Karl Goetz, similar to previous lot, bust three-quarters left wearing cloth cap, rev the emblems of Parsifal, 81mm (Ni 2158; Kienast 30); the Wartburg Festival, 1913, Silver Medals (3), by Karl Goetz, bust three-quarters left, rev the castle (Ni 2159; Kienast 320); Wagner and Ludwig II, king of Bavaria, busts side by side, rev the Neuschwanstein Castle (Ni 2160; Kienast 488); 50th Anniversary of death, 1933, head left, maiden holds skull (Ni 2161; Kienast 482); and a striking in bronze of Ni 2160, all 46mm; uniface Bronze Plaquette, by Franz Xaver Pawlik, medallic bust left, to right a naked female playing a harp placed above her, 126mm x 91mm (Ni 2221). Extremely fine. (5) £100-150

The plaquette in the Secessionist / Art Nouveau style

116 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Copper Medal, undated, by Leopold Wiener, head right, rev a group of figures from Wagner’s operas gathered around a bridge marked BAYREUTH, 71mm (Ni 2259); The Walhalla, 1859, by Jacques Wiener, exterior and interior views, 59mm (Eidlitz 104/626); the first performance of “Der Ring des Nibelungen” in French, at the Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, Brussels, Copper Medal, 1903, by P Braecke, a Valkyrie to left, head and shoulders, rev decorative legend, 59mm. This a superb ‘Art Nouveau’ medal, all extremely fine or nearly so. (3) £120-150

117 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), a good group of Copper/Bronze Medals (12), by Lauer, 50mm; by Drentwett, 41mm, thick and thin flan, and in Pewter; by Anton Scharff and Semper, 36mm; smaller (8). Very fine and better. (12) £80-120

118 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), a good group of White and Base-metal Medals (18), including Leopold Wiener’s Medal, 71mm (Ni 2259); others include a squeeze or trail and a medal of the Walhalla. Generally very fine. (18) £80-100

119 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Bronze Medals (3), [1913], by Wilhelm Götze, bust left within raised border, rev Orpheus standing naked, 83mm (Ni 2163); 1913, by M Schlofhorst, bust left, rev legend, music and signature, 82mm (Ni 2234), 1933, by Hermann Wernstein, bust three-quarters left, rev legend in four lines, 79mm (Ni 2258). Second very fine, other two better. (3) £70-90

120 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), a pair of Medals, Silver and Bronze, 1913, by Rudolf Bosselt, head left, rev Jakobs Kampf and the Angel, 65mm (Ni 2145); Bronze Medal, by E Torff, rev music score, 60mm (Ni 2247); other bronze medals (7, one silvered), by Lauer and others. Mostly extremely fine. (10) £80-120

121 Julius Stern (1820-1883), 75th anniversary of the Sternschen Konservatorium, Berlin, Bronze Plaquettes (2), 1925, by R Bauroth, busts of the four principals, in high relief, 79mm x 58mm (Ni 1932), extremely fine; Max Reger [Johann Baptist Joseph Maximilian Reger] (1875-1916), composer, organist and pianist, Bronze Memorial Medal, 1916, by Felix Pfeifer, head right, rev modern Herculean figure with rock, 60mm (Ni 1663); Bronze Plaquettes (2), by Karl Dautert, Hugo Becker (1864-1941), cellist, bust left, 90mm x 65mm (Ni 109); Ludwig Rottenberg (1864-1932), pianist and conductor, Bronze Plaquette, bust right, 95mm x 72mm (Ni 1723), these extremely fine; Harry Son (1880-?1940), cellist (with the Budapest String Quarter, Pewter Plaquette, 88mm x 61mm (Ni 1915), surface corrosion, fine. (5) £80-100

The other portraits on the first two are Jenny Meyer (1834-1894); Gustav Hollander (1855-1915); Alexander von Fielitz (1860-1930); Son and his wife are believed to have perished under the Nazi regime.

122 Bernhard Cossmann (1822-1910), cellist, a pair of small square Bronze Memorial Plaquettes, by Carl Dautert, bearded bust right, in circular medallion, sunk into squared border, 66mm x 66mm (Ni 522); Carl Heinrich Carsten Reinecke (1824-1910), composer, conductor and pianist, uniface Bronze Medal, 1900, by Paul Sturm, bust right, young female muses to either side, line of music in exergue, 132mm (Ni 1673) As made, good very fine. (3) £80-120

123 Hans Guido Freiherr von Bülow (1830-1894), conductor, pianist and composer, residency in Hamburg, 1886-1893, and death, a pair of Medals, 1894, Silver and Bronze, by Anton Scharff, bust left, rev legend in and around oak and olive branches, 58mm (Ni 447), extremely fine, the silver toned; “Dem Apostel Beethoven’s / Hans von Bvelow, Silvered-bronze, three angels play music, 87mm (Ni 448), very fine. (3) £70-90

One of the more famous conductors of the 19th century who championed Brahms, Tchaikovsky and Wagner.

124 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), composer, 60th Birthday celebrations, Medals (3), 1893, Silver and Bronze (2), by Anton Scharff, bearded bust right, rev legend in and around oak and olive branches, 58mm (Ni 405); Death, 1897, Silver, by Anton Scharff, similar obverse, rev legend (Ni 407); Silver and Bronze Medals undated, by Rudolf Mayer, bust three-quarters right, differing reverse, 60mm (Ni 401); Bronze Medal, undated, by E Torff, bearded bust left, rev wreath, 60mm (Ni 412); small uniface Bronze Plaquete, by Mayer and Wilhelm, bust in roundel, 51mm x 39mm (Ni 402). Extremely fine or nearly so. (8) £80-120

In the 1860s Brahms settled in Vienna.

125 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), uniface grey base metal circular Plaquette, bearded bust right, his name a line of his music to right, 175mm (Ni 410), a sensitive portrait, very fine; oval base metal portrait, unsigned, bust left, 117mm x 86mm, suspension loop, very fine. (2) £60-80

The first seemingly a working galvano (or similar) for Stiasny’s smaller struck medal.

126 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), uniface circular Bronze Plaquettes (2), both bearded bust left, by Felix Pfeifer, 122mm (Ni 403); and unsigned, 150mm (Ni 417); another, by Friedrich Kounitzky, full-face, 85mm (Ni 394); Rectangular Bronze Plaquette, by F Stiasny, bust right, in high relief, 66mm x 57mm (Ni 411). All handsome pieces, very fine. (4) £100-150

127 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), Pair of Medals, Silver and Bronze, by Karl Goetz, bust three-quarters right, rev entwined trees and shields of arms, 36mm (Ni 391; Kienast 487); uniface Bronze Memorial Medal, 1893, by F Stiasny, bust right, 90mm (Ni 409). Extremely fine. (2) £50-80

128 Eugen Gustav Gottfried Hildach (1849-1924), baritone, uniface rectangular Bronze Portrait Plaquette, unsigned and undated, bust right, name below, 172mm x 137mm (Ni 918); Carl Adolph Schuricht (1880-1967), conductor, uniface rectangular Bronze Plaquette, by Karl Dauter, c.1930s, bare head right, 135mm x 110mm (Ni 1874). Good very fine. (2) £40-60

The style of the lettering of the first suggests a memorial plaquette, a strong, sculptural piece with an excellent likeness in old age.

129 Heinrich XXIV Fürst Reuss zu Köstritz (1855-1910), composer, Copper Medal, 1902, by Paul Sturm, bust left, rev naked Rhine Maidens, 98mm (Ni 1675). Good very fine. £40-60

130 Emil George Conrad von Sauer (1862-1942), pianist and composer, Silvered-bronze Plaquette, 1906, by Heinrich Kautsch [Paris], bust left - to the right of plaquette, rev olive branches before radiant star over landscape, 89mm x 99mm; with a smaller example, Bronze, 63mm x 69mm (Ni 1761). Good very fine. (2) £80-120

131 Alexander Friedrich, Landgraf von Hessen (1863-1945), Composer, uniface Bronze Plaquette, 1902, by Heinrich Kautsch, he sits playing at a piano on which a Muse leans, her arm around his shoulder, 100mm x 63mm. Extremely fine. £60-80

Whilst his portrait is rather static, the Muse is wonderfully ‘Art Nouveau’.

132 Richard Strauss (1864-1949), composer and conductor, circular Bronze Portrait Plaquette [1905], by Wilhelm Frass, bust three-quartrers right, eyes cast downward, 136mm, mounted on wooden plaque (Ni 1969), a sensitive and softly sculpted portrait; and a small Bronze Plaquette, by Mayer & Wilhelm, 50mm x 37mm (Ni 1975), both extremely fine. (2) £120-150

Strauss was appointed President of the Reichsmusikkammer in 1933, and although he composed the “Olympische Hymne” for the 1936 Olympics he had lost his position by the time the Games opened.

133 Otto Ferdinand Günther (1822-1897), Director of the Leipzig Conservatory, Copper Medal, 1887, by L C Lauer, 40mm (Ni 773); Max von Schillings (1868-1933), conductor (Berlin State Opera, 1919-25), composer and theatre director, Copper Medal, undated, by Paul Sturm, head right, rev figure in flames, 68mm (Ni 1772); Robert Alexander Schumann (1810-1856), composer, Bronze Plaquette, by Mayer & Wilhelm, 51mm x 38mm (Ni 1868); Silvered-bronze Medal, by Lauer, 50mm (Ni 1865); Clara Josephine Wieck Schumann (1819-1896), pianist, uniface Bronze medal, by Friedrich Kounitzky, conjoined heads left, 87mm (Ni 1859); Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921), composer [Hänsel und Gretel, c.1891), Bronze Medal, by E Torff, facing bust, 60mm (Ni 949); Wilhelm Lamping (1880-?), violoncellist, Bronze Medal, by L Eisel, 65mm (Ni 1040); Schott Music Publishers, Mainz, 150th anniversary, Bronze Medal, 1920, modernistic style, 78mm (Ni 1786); Hermann Abendroth (1885-1956), conductor, Bronze Medal, by Bruno Evermann, 85mm (Ni 2). Extremely fine. (8) £80-120

Clara Schumann was a distinguished pianist of the Romantic era, as well as a composer, being known as "the high priestess of music". Schott Music was founded by Bernhard Schott (1748-1809) in 1770.

134 Siegfried Wagner (1869-1930), composer of operas, conductor, from 1908, Artistic Director of the Bayreuth Festival, uniface Bronze plaquette, 1900, by Franz Kounitzky, bust right with somewhat foppish quif of hair, 180mm x 110mm (Ni 2284, as Friedrich Kounitzky). Very fine, lettering in the Art Nouveau style. £60-80

Wagner, son of Richard Wagner and grandson of Franz Liszt.


135 Sir Michael Mercator, electrotype copies of two self-Portrait Medals, 1539, the one to resemble lead, with bust left in flat cap, 46mm; the second smaller, resembling silver, bare head right, 32mm, mid 19th century (MI 43/34, 35; Ni 1314, 1315). Much as made, the first from a pierced medal. (2) £80-120

Quality copies taken from the British Museum specimens

136 Georg Friedrich Handel [Händel - Haendel - Hendel] (1685-1759), Centenary of his Birth, Silver Medal, unsigned, bust left, rev within wreath, SUB AUSP G.III, 32mm (Ni 813; BHM 259, R2; D&W 133/250-51). Good very fine, deeply toned. £150-200

Struck for a five-day Music Festival which commenced in London on 26 May 1784, and which was attended by King George III and Queen Charlotte.

137 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), circular patinated Bronze Plaquette, unsigned and undated, bare head right, HAENDEL above, 122mm (Ni 814). Surface stained and marked, very fine, rare. £40-60

138 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), The Handel Concerts at the Crystal Palace, all medals by John Pinches, with portrait bust left, small Copper Medals (2), 1857, “H. Child, Performer” and “T. F. Travers, Performer”, 41.5mm (Ni 801); Copper Medal, 1859, “Miss H. Withall, Performer”, 51mm (Ni 804); Pair of Medals, Copper and White Metal, similar bust to the 1857 medal, rev seated muse plays lyre, 42mm (Ni 800; BHM 2598, R3; D&W 134/257), Very fine and better. (5) £100-150

The latter two medals may have been intended as an award. Brown (BHM) records it only in white metal.

139 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), The Sacred Harmonic Society, the 50th and last season of Handel Concerts, an important Presentation Medal, named to Sir Michael [Andrew Angus] Costa (1808-1884), the Conductor, Silver Medal, 1882, by John Pinches, the Handel statue, rev musical emblems within wreath, named on edge, 51mm (Ni 802; BHM 3137, recorded only in copper). Extremely fine and excessively rare. £150-200

Costa was an Italian conductor and composer, born in Naples. He settled in London in 1830, became a naturalized Englishman and received a knighthood in 1869. He was conductor of the Philharmonic Society from 1846 to 1854, of the Sacred Harmonic Society from 1848, and of the Birmingham Triennial Music Festival from 1849. He conducted at the Bradford (1853) and Handel Festivals (1857-1880), as also the Leeds Festivals (1874-1880). The last season of the Handel Concerts was held at the St James’s Hall, Regent Street. The Handel statue, which is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, is by Louis François Roubiliac, and dated 1738.

140 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), small Silver and Copper Memorial Medals, by C Voigt for Loos, bare head left, 28mm (Ni 808); Series Numismatica, Copper Medal, 1823, by Wolff, 41mm (Ni 811), another, White Metal, signed Smith, 42mm (Ni 803); small Bronze Plaquette, by Mayer and Wilhelm, 50mm x 38mm (Ni 798); others (3), by Kuse, Bronze, 42mm, by Lauer (3), Silvered-bronze, 50mm and 27mm, Bronze, 27mm (Ni 791, 793, 794); William Henry West Betty, “The Young Roscius” (1791-1874), Shakespearian actor, Copper Medal, 1804, by T Webb, 42mm (BHM 558). Extremely fine or nearly so. (10) £80-100

141 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), 250th Anniversary of his Birth, Bronze Medals (2), 1935, by Karl Goetz, bust left, rev Christ, his arms raised, stands before loft of organ pipes, 91mm and 36mm (Ni 787; Kienast 502). Extremely fine. (2) £150-200

142 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), the series of Handel Tokens, with bust or head of Handel, from the series of Kempson’s buildings in Coventry (12), Bablake Hospital, Cathedral, Cook Street, Coventry Cross, Free School, St John’s Church, St Mary Hall, Mill Lane Gate, Spon Gate, Trinity Church, White Friars Gate, White Friars (Ni 818, 820-822, 826, 830-836 ); “Not Local” issues Ni 837-38 (3), “…Decay’d Widows …”, Ni 840 (2), “Dodd’s Cheap Shop”, varieties. Mostly extremely fine or nearly so. (17) £150-200

143 Johann Baptist Cramer (1771-1858), pianist, music publisher and piano maker, Copper Medal, 1845, by Benjamin Wyon, head left, rev muse of music, names around, etc, 58mm (Ni 525; BHM 2205). Extremely fine. £40-60

144 [Sir] Edward William Elgar (1857-1934), Silvered-bronze Portrait Plaquette, 1907, by Percival M Hedley, bust left, 92mm x 65mm (NI 593), with companion small Bronze Medal, 1904, 23.5mm (Ni 592b). Much as made, extremely fine. (2) £70-90

145 Percival M Hedley, a group of Portrait Plaquettes of Musicians, Theodor Leschetizky (1830-1915), Austrian pianist and legendary piano teacher, Silvered, 1902, bust right, 96mm x 105mm; Charles Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), French composer and pianist, 1893, facing bust, 115mm x 77mm; Eugen Francis Charles d'Albert (1864-1932), pianist and composer, 1904, d’Albert seated at piano, playing, 240mm x 120mm (Ni 13); Mikhail Saulovich 'Mischa' Elman (1891-1967), Ukrainian-born violinist, 1908, head right, playing, 95mm x 105mm (Ni 594). Much as made, very fine and better. (5) £150-200

The Percival Hedlay plaquettes are sold here for continuity with the plaquette of Elgar in the previous lot. Two share a curious ‘inverted’ design in that the image ‘hangs’ with a curved base and a ‘base-line’ top. D’Albert considered himself German although born in Glasgow to an English mother and a French Italian father. He was five times married. The rarity of Percival Hedley’s works has led to him being very much underestimated as a medallist.


146 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), massive Bronze Medal, 1840, by Antoine Bovy, bare head right, in high relief and struck on a slightly concave flan, rev legend date of birth, etc, 107mm (Ni 1105), very fine and with a number of small knocks and bruises, very rare; together with a uniface striking in Bronze of the obverse, 108mm, small piercing at top (Ni 1104), good very fine. (2) £150-200

147 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), large circular uniface Bronze Plaquette, by J Maihöfer, bust right, name in field, 194mm (Ni 1144); another, Berlin Iron, mark of Eisengiesserie Gleiwitz, unsigned, similar bust, 114mm, suspension loop (Ni 1197); rectangular Bronze Plaque, similar central medallion, olive leaves above, name and dates below right, 189mm x 136mm (Ni 1196). Good very fine. (3) £80-120

148 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), octagonal uniface Bronze Medal, by J Wysocki, large head to left, name in top left angle, 105mm x 100mm (Ni 1193); small plaquette, Art-Deco in style, unsigned, head left, rev naked violinist by fountain, MVSICA INFINITA, 64mm x 60mm, edge stamped “C Poellatn” and “Schrobenn” (Ni -); Bronze Medal, by E Torff, 60mm. First two much as made, extremely fine. (3) £80-100

149 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), uniface Bronze Medal [1912], by F Stiasny, bust left, 88mm (Ni 1173), a well sculpted bust, extremely fine; Centenary 1911, uniface plaquette, by L Beran, bust left within oval, 80mm x 49mm (Ni 1099); 50th Anniversary of the Hungarian Academy of Music, Bronze Medal, 1925, by Fülüp O Beck, conjoined busts of Liszt and Gyula Erkel and Géza von Michalovic, rev Apollo plays to animals, 75mm; smaller Medals (7) (including Ni 1140, 1141, 1158, 1192); Hungary, 2-Pengo coins, 1936 (2) (Ni 1100). Extremely fine or nearly so. (11) £80-120

150 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), Silver Plaquette, Mayer & Wilhelm, 51mm x 39mm, and uniface Bronze variety (Ni 1146, 1145); other Bronze Plaquettes (3), by Jenö Mester, 53mm x 43mm (Ni 1152); by R Neuberger, 60.5mm x 53mm (Ni 1154); by F Stiasny, 1912, bust left, in high relief, 67mm x 55mm (Ni 1174). Extremely fine, the last a highly sculptural piece. (5) £80-120

151 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), earlier Copper Medals (3), by A Bovy, 26mm (Ni 1108); Conrad Lange, 1846, 48mm (Ni 1134); by C Radnitzky, 1875, 51mm (Ni 1157); with other Medals by Anton Grath, 60mm (Ni 1120); by Lauer, 50mm (Ni 1136); by Rudolf Mayer (3), rev naked winged Genius, 60mm, 40mm and 29mm (Ni 1147); by Schultze, 64mm (Ni 1172). Extremely fine or nearly so. (9) £80-120

152 Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner, the Warburg Festival, Bronze Medal, 1928, by Karl Goetz, busts vis-à-vis, rev figures of Ludwig, Landgrave of Thuringia and Saint Elisabeth, 65mm (Ni 1119; Kienast 404); List, Centenary, Silver Medal, 1911, by Karl Goetz, bust right, rev crucifix, 36mm (Ni 1118; Kienast 29). Extremely fine. (2) £80-120

The reverse of the first a reference to Wagner’s Tannhäuser and Liszt’s Legend of the Holy Elizabeth

153 Joseph Joachim (1831-1907), influential violinist, composer and teacher, a group of Plaquettes and Medals, Bronze Plaquettes (2), 1902, by Friedrich Kounitzky, half-length bust, playing, 64mm x 95mm; by Mayer & Wilhelm, 50.5mm x 39mm; silvered Plaquette, by W Midgley, 63mm x 48mm, a handsome portrait; Bronze Medals (2), by E Torff, 60mm (Ni 967, 968, 969, 974). Very fine and better. (5) £70-90

154 Carl Goldmark (1850-1915), composer, Bronze Plaquettes (3), 1914, by S Ehrentheil, bust right, 88mm x 96mm; circular, 1930, by Felicitas Koranyi, bust right, 110mm; 1910, by Lajos Lukatsy, bust left, 90mm x 56mm (Ni 718, 719, 720). Good very fine. (3) £60-80

155 Rafael Joseffy (1853-1915), pianist and composer, Bronze Plaquette, 1911, by V D Brenner [New York], half-length bust three-quarters left, rev hand on keyboard, FROM HIS FRIENDS IN NEW YORK, 64mm x 42mm (Ni 977). Extremely fine. £40-60

156 Carl Goldmark (1830-1915), opera composer, Silver and Bronze Medals (2), 1890, by Anton Scharff, bust right, rev legend, 57mm (Ni 722); Artúr Nikisch (1855-1922), conductor, uniface rectangular Bronze Plaquette, by M Lewy, bust three-quarters left, name below, 146mm x 81mm (Ni 1520); Bronze Medal, by Bruno Evermann, 85mm (Ni 1517), another, by Frau Dr Geibel, 64mm (cf Ni 1518, a plaquette); Jenö Hubay (1858-1937) and Livia von Kuzmik, 40mm (Ni 938); Franz Lehar (1870-1948), opera composer, Plaquette, 1907, by Hans Schaefer, 50mm x 30mm; and Medal, by Josef Tautenhayn, 37mm (Ni 1057, 1059); Ernst von Dohnanyi (1877-1960), Bronze Medal, by Jozsef Remenyi, 65mm (Ni 555); Albert Siklós, born Albert Schönwald (1878-1942), cellist and composer, Bronze Medal, 1925, by Fülöp Ö. Beck, head right, rev a sextet playing, 68mm (Ni 1890); Bela Bartók (1881-1945), composer, pianist and ethnomusicologist, Bronze Medal, by Andras Beck, head left, 73mm (Ni 90); uniface cast Bronze Medal, undated, by Ilse Kühner, bare head right, name in bold letters around, 135mm (Ni 99). Very fine or better. (12) £120-150

Nikisch who performed mainly in Germany, was considered an outstanding interpreter of the music of Brückner, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven and Liszt. Bartok died in New York, having fled Hungary in 1940.

Fülöp Ö. Beck (1873-1945), was a prolific sculptor and this medal is indeed sculptural in its design.


157 Pietro Giovanni Luigi Palestrina (1525-1594), composer, Silver [1880] and Copper Medals (2), by N Cerbara, 41mm (Ni 1562, 1561); by Lothar Krüger, 1842, 40mm (Ni 1564); Giuditta Pasta (1798-1865), opera singer, Silver Medal, 1829, by Vittorio Nesti, bust left, 44mm (Ni 1577), and a gilt cliché of the obverse, 43.5mm; Copper Medals (2), 1829, unsigned, bust left, 34mm (Ni 1580, 1581); Copper Tribute Medals (2), 1829, unsigned, 42mm (Ni 1582), and by Putinati,1830, 46.5mm (Ni 1578); other Copper Medals (3), Giovanni Battista Viotti (1753-1824), composer, violinist and opera manager, 1824, by Peuvrier, head left, 41mm (Ni 2128); Giambattista Pergolesi (1710-1736), composer, violinist and organist, by A Resealdani, 37mm (Ni 1591); Nicola Piccini (1728-1800), composer, 1825, by Caqué, and another adapted as a Prize “Solfège M Sichel 1881”, 41mm (Ni 1602, 1603); Ferdinado Paer (171771-1839, composer, by Donadio, 41mm (Ni 1552). Very fine to extremely fine. (15) £180-220

158 Vincento Costaguti (1612-1660), Cardinal [1643], author on matters musical and patron, Copper Medal, 1747, by Otto Hamerani, bust right, rev panoramic view of the Palazzo Anzio, his Cardinal’s arms below, 42mm (Ni 523). Good very fine. £80-100

159 Francesco Scipione, Marchese di Maffei (1675-1755), Silver Medal, by Jean-Antoine Dassier, bust right, rev bust right, hair long, wearing loose coat and cravat, rev the façade and prospect of the theatre and Academia Philarmonica at Verona, MUSEI VERONENSIS CONDITORI - ACADEMIA PHILARMONICA, 54mm (Ni p.140; Eisler 11; Voltolina 1534). Good very fine, light tooling to field on both sides, toned. £150-200

160 Faustina Bordoni (1697-1781), mezzo-soprano, a pair of Florentine cast Bronze Medals, in the baroque style, by Joseph Broccetti, 1723, common obverse, bust to right pearl cord fastens dress, revs 1) Polymnia seated on a pile of musical trophies, VNA AVIA IN TERRIES, 84mm; 2) Bordoni as a Siren, sings to Ulysses, who stand on his ship, QVIS TAM FERREVS VT TENEAT SE, 85mm (Ni 379, 380), the surface of both lacking patination and dull, very fine; Bernardo Pasquini (1637-1710), organist and composer, cast Bronze Medal, unsigned, bust right, rev Pasquini leans on a clavichord, 56mm (Ni 1574), very fine. (3) £150-200

Bordoni is famously remembered for her very public row in 1726, with her rival Madam Cozzini, on stage of the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London, and with Caroline, Princess of Wales, in the audience.

161 Pietro Antonio Domenico Trapassi, known as Metastasio (1698-1782), writer and poet, Death, Silver Medal, 1782, by I N Wirt, bust right, rev emblems of music and literature, 42mm; Memorial, Copper Medal, 1805, by Tomasso Mercandetti, bust left as classical scholar, rev Apollo and Muse with lyre, DOCVIT MAGNA LOQVI, 67mm (Ni p.151); Giovanni Battista [Giambattista] Pergolesi (1710-1736), composer, violinist and organist, Copper Medal, 1806, by Tomasso Mercandetti, bust right in buttoned coat, rev lyre on monument, 67mm (Ni 1589). Extremely fine. (3) £80-120

162 Anna Davia [D’Avia] Bernucci (1743-1810), singer and actress from Belluno, a pair of Portrait Medals, 1792, Silver and Copper, by A Cino (?), bust left, rev emblems of music within wreath, 37mm (Ni 532; Volt 1746; Seren III, 170). Both very fine and rare, the silver especially so. (2) £200-300

Whilst the medal commemorates her performance of Vendetta di Nino at Leghorn [Livorno], Anna Davia is best remembered for her time in Russia, under contract to Catherine the Great and where she was painted by Dmitry Levitzky. Although married she conducted affairs with the Russian aristocracy. It was her relationship with Count Aleksandr Andreevic Bezborodko, who showered her with money, favours and jewellery, to the value of some 500,000-Roubles, that caused Catherine II to evict her from Russia with just 24 hours notice. Her career continued in Italy till 1803 and she is believed to have died in poverty in 1810.

163 Giovanni Ansono (1744-1825), celebrated Roman tenor, Bronze Tribute Medal of the City of Livorno, 1792, Roman School, bust right with curled hair, mantle around his shoulders, rev VIRTVTI …, within wreath, 55mm (Ni 28; Molinar 138; Clifford 291). An exceptionally fine cast of of a medal normally found in poor condition, extremely fine. £150-200

164 Luigi Ludovico Marchesi (1754-1829), castrato singer, set of three Medals, in Silver, Copper and White Metal, 1785, by A Guillemard, bust right, rev lyre and wreath on plinth, 43mm; and Silver Medal, 1791, by G Hameani, bust left, rev legend in wreath, 31.5mm; Luigi Cherubini [Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobio Salvatore Cherubini] (1760-1842), composer (working mostly in France), Copper Medals (3) and cliché, by Donadio, Oudiné, Préd’homme, and Gayrard, 32-53mm (Ni 468-471); Bartolemeo Christofori (1655-1731), Copper Medal, 1876, by P Cavoti 56mm (Ni 526). Extremely fine. (9) £100-150

In May 1805, Marchesi famously declined to sing before Napoleon, when he entered Milan.

165 Alessandro Marcello (1684-1750), nobleman, dilettante and composer, Copper Medal, 1710, bust left with flowing wig, rev a flourishing rose bush, MISCENTVR IN VNVM, 54mm (Ni 1249); Gaspare Luigi Pacifico Spontini (1774-1851), opera composer and conductor, uniface Bronze Medal, by Müller, bust left, name behind, the reverse ‘incised’ G. Opernkomponist / pr G M Dir geb 1778, 94mm (Ni 1924). Better than very fine. (2) £80-100

Alessandro Marcello, elder brother of the better known Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739), composer, writer, advocate, magistrate, and teacher.

166 OPERA SINGERS: Maria Magdalena Morelli (b. 1740), called [in Florentine Arcadian circles], “La Corilla Olympica”, Copper Medal, 1779, by I Z Weber, laureate bust right, rev legend, 36mm (Ni 1345); Giuseppa Grassini (1775-1850), non-portrait Copper Medal, 1816, 44mm (Ni 742); Adelaide Malanotte (1785-1832), singer, Copper Memorial Medal, 1821, by Putinati, 34mm (Ni 1240); Luigi Lablache (1794-1858), Franco-Italian bass, Copper Medal, 1825, by I E Boehm, 42mm (Ni 1032); Carlotta Marchionni (1796-1861), Italian actress and singer, Bronze-gilt Medal, 1821, by Putinati, 34mm and Copper Medal, 1822, by Bonon, 42.5mm (Ni 1253, 1252); Maria Malibran (1808-1836), Spanish mezzo-soprano, non-portrait Copper Medal, 1832, 42.5mm (Ni 1243). Very fine and better. (8) £100-150

167 Giuseppe Marco Maria Felice Blangini (1781-1841), composer and teacher, by Leveque, 50mm (Ni 357); others in Copper (except as stated), Carlo Angeloni (1854-1901), composer and teacher, Copper Medal, by L Giorgi, head right, 40mm (Ni 27); Luigia Boccabadati (1800-1850), soprano, 1835, by G Zapperelli, her head right, 45mm (Ni 359); Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848), composer of “bel canto” opera (3), by C Caqué, head left, 46mm (Ni 560); by A Pojachi, rev Johann Simon Mayr (1763-1845), German-born composer, 52mm (Ni 565); by P Thermignon, 66mm (Ni 566); Domenico Mustafa (1829-1912), Director of the Sistine Chapel Choir and teacher, by Johnson, 45mm (2, Silver and Copper) (Ni 1488); Adelaide Comelli-Rubini (1796-1874) and Giovanni Batista Rubini (1795-1854), both singers, he a tenor, by Putinati, conjoined busts right, 45.5mm; Italo Campanini (1846-1896), tenor, non-portrait Copper Medal, 50mm (Ni 454); Ruggerio Leoncavallo (1858-1919), opera composer, Plaquette, 1902, by F Kounitzky, 57mm x 38mm (Ni 1064); with Paisiello and Toscanini, 35mm (Ni 1560, 2019). Very fine to extremely fine. (12) £100-150

168 Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868), composer, uniface circular Bronze Plaquette, after the ‘Bois Durci’ Medal, bare head right, fine detail to hair, name above, 107mm, integral suspension loop (Ni 1720); Copper Portrait Medal, 1866, by Hugues Bovy, bust left, rev date of birth, 60.5mm (Ni 1694); Bronze Plaquette, 1902, by Friedrich Kounitzky, bust right, name, lyre and arrow piercing apple below in the Art Nouveau style, 76mm x 49mm (Ni 1707). Extremely fine or nearly so. (3) £70-90

Rossini wrote 39 operas including The Barber of Seville and William Tell.

The third medallist is possibly Franz Kounitzky (1880-1928), not Friedrich (as in Niggl).

169 Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868), Gilt-copper Medal, undated, by Vittorio Nesti, on the award of the French legion d’Honneur, 43mm (Ni 1711); Silvered-bronze Tribute Medal, 1869, by A Pieroni, for the city of Pesaro, 45mm (Ni 1714); “La Sabat Mater del Rossini …”, Copper Medal, 1842, by A Fabris, Christ and children, 51mm (Ni 1698); Base Metal Medals (2), 1842, 1843, by Piccioli, 67.5mm and 64mm (Ni 1712, 1713); Copper Medals (3), by Luigi Gori, 36mm (Ni 1700); by F Vagnetti, bare head right, 51mm (Ni 1715); unsigned and undated, bust left, rev OTELLO / LA GAZA …, 41mm (Ni 1721); and Brass Miniatures (2). Mostly very fine to extremely fine, but third with somewhat corroded surface. (10) £80-120

A Presentation Medal to Giuseppe Verdi

170 Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868), The Centenary Concert, Milan, 1892, PRESENTATION GILT-BRONZE MEDAL TO Giuseppe Verdi, by Johnson, bare head right; Copper Commemorative Medal, for the event, similar obverse, 35mm (Ni 1705, 1702). Extremely fine. (2) £80-120

171 Vincenzo Salvatore Carmelo Francesco Bellini (1801-1835), Sicilian born operatic composer, uniface Bronze Plaquette, 1902, by Friedrich Kounitzky, half-length bust, head turned almost full-face, 97mm x 56mm (Ni 298); a pair of Copper Tribute Medals, 1876, by F Speranza, bare head left, reverses with differing legends, 55mm (Ni 302, 303). First extremely fine, others nearly extremely fine. (3) £80-100

172 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), Copper Medal, 1889, by F Speranza, bust left, rev legend in nine lines, 69mm (Ni 2105); Bronze Plaquette, by F Stiasny, bearded bust three-quarters left, wearing hat, shown in old age, 65mm x 49mm (Ni 2106); small Bronze Memorial Medal, by A Strada, bust left, rev Musica stands before Opera House, 47mm (Ni 2107); Double portrait Bronze Tribute Medal of Verdi and Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945), 1902, by H Kounitzky, busts either side three-quarters right, each with figure of Victory to left, 82mm (Ni 1268). Extremely fine. (4) £80-120

Mascagni, composer, most famous for the Cavalleria rusticana [1890], who became musical director of La Scala in 1929.

173 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), small Bronze Plaquette, by F Stiasny, bearded bust three-quarters left, wearing hat, shown in old age, 65mm x 49mm (Ni 2106); three, by Donzelli, Centenary, similar three-quarters left bust, Memorial, 1901, rev legend, 27mm (Ni 2074); Centenary of the Milan Conservatory, 1908, Silvered Metal, rev Musica, 50mm (Ni 2054); Centenary of Birth, Pewter Plaquette with arched top, 1913, rev medallic portraits of Donizetti, Rossini and Bellini, 56mm x 47mm (Ni 2056); another Memorial, Bronze, by Donzelli, unsigned, similar but larger bust, 50mm (Ni 2073). Very fine and better. (5) £80-120

174 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), uniface Bronze Plaquette [1913], by E Torff, bust three-quarters left, 150mm (Ni 2109); silvered Bronze Plaquette, by A Gori, bust three-quarters left in hat, 185mm x 138mm (Ni 2063); circular Bronze Plaquette, unsigned, hated bust right on stippled background, 127mm (Ni 2113). All very fine. (3) £70-90

175 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), a group of Medals by Lodovico Pogliachi, for Stefano Johnson, all bust left, commemorating his death and various events, all with similar bust left, Bronze unless otherwise stated:- 27mm, with loop (Ni 2083); 50mm (Ni 2084); 50mm, gilt (Ni 2085); 50mm, gilt (Ni 2086); 3rd Anniversary of Death, 1904, silver, numbered “8” on edge, 38mm (Ni 2087); Apollo reverse, 56mm (Ni 2090); 54mm and 38mm (Ni 2091); Centenary of Birth, Silvered-bronze, 52mm; 28mm, gilt, with loop (Ni 2092); 38mm (Ni 2093); 38mm, with loop (Ni 2094); 28mm, gilt with loop (Ni 2095); 28mm, gilt with loop (Ni 2099). All extremely fine. (14) £200-250

176 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), centenary of his Birth, Bronze Medal, 1913, by E Torff, bust three-quarters left, rev scene from Rigaletto, 60mm (Ni 2109); earlier medals (2), Copper and White Metal, 1850, by Frener bust three-quarters right, rev cherub, seated at the feet of a Muse, inscribes music, 55mm (Ni 2060); Copper, 1901, by Soroni, 56mm (Ni 2104), these extremely fine; others (13), various metals (Ni 2042, 2045, 2046, 2050, 2068, 2077, this a medallic Scudo, 2081, 2082, 2096, 2097, 2115, 2117, 2118). 2115 with surface corrosion, fine, others very fine and better. (17) £150-200

177 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), Gilt-bronze Presentation Medal to Ettore Ximenes (1855-1926) Italian sculptor, by S Johnson, Milan, Verdi surrounded by diaphanous musicians and choristers, rev legend, 70mm (Ni 2098), matt surface, extremely fine; with a silver and enamel badge for the Centenary, 1913 (Ni 2116), very fine. (2) £80-120

The City of Parma commissioned a huge monument to celebrate the centenary of Verdi’s birth. Construction began in 1913 and it was inaugurated on 22nd February 1920 in the Piazzale della Stazione. The project was by the architect Lamberto Cusani, who proposed a classic triumphal arch joining the two arms of a semicircular arcade, with each pillar supporting the base of twenty-eight statues envisioned by the Palermo sculptor Ettore Ximenes, personifying figures in Verdi's operas. It was damaged by Allied bombing in World War II and later dismantled and the nine surviving statues were set up in the "Arena del Sole" Cinema in Roccabianca.

178 Arturo Toscanini (1867-1957), conductor, Silvered-bronze Medal, by Affer, 59mm (2) (Ni 2015); from the “Series Numismatica”, Domenico Cimbarosa (1749-1801), by Barre, 41mm (Ni 514); Antonia Maria Gasparo Sacchini (1734-1786), composer, by E Rogat (3), varieties (2), bust right, 41mm (Ni 1740, 1741); Amilcare Ponchielli (1834-1886), (2), by Baroni, 76mm (Ni 1610), by Farè, 67mm; Giuseppi Gallignani (1851-1923), composer, Silvered-bronze Medals (2), by Donzelli, 50mm (Ni 674); Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), by Bremaecker, bust left, 70mm (Ni 1621), and Plaquette, by Ede Telcs, 53mm x 35mm (Ni 1625); non-portrait medals of Giulio Ricordi (1840-1912), of the Casa Ricordi, classical music publishing company, founded in 1808, 50mm (Ni 1683); and Lauro Rossi (1810-1885), composer, 1875, 51mm (Ni 1693); Small Medalets (2) of Guido Aretinus (995-1050), 26mm (Ni 776), and Stradivarius (1644-1737), 32mm (Ni 1935). Mostly extremely fine. (16) £100-150


179 Orlando di Lasso (1532 [possibly 1530]-1594), Franco-Flemish composer, a good group of Medals (8), in Silver (2), by Paul Fisch and Lauer (Ni 1045, 1047); and Copper (6), by Paul Fisch, Jouvenel, Lauer, Simon, Veyrat and Leopold Wiener, 30-59mm (1045, 1046, 1047, 1049, 1050, 1052), extremely fine or nearly so; together with Arnoldo di Ponte (1480-1554), Choirmaster to the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I, an electrotype copy of a silver medal by Bruck [or Brugg], bust right in cap, 38mm, much as made. (9) £80-120

Orlando di Lasso - also known as Orlande de Lassus, Orlandus Lassus, Roland de Lassus, or Roland Delattre

180 Orlando di Lasso (1532 [possibly 1530]-1594), Silver Coin, by C Voigt:- Bavaria, Maximilian II (1848-1864), Commemorative Double-Thaler, 1849, king’s head right, rev statue of di Lasso, edge reads VEREINSMUNZE VII EIN F MARK, 41mm (Ni 1051; KM455.1). Nearly extremely fine. £200-250

see also lot 80

181 Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621), composer and organist, oval Bronze Plaquette, by J van Goor, bust three-quarters right, 130mm x 113mm (Ni 1996); together with a miniature, 26mm x 22mm. Extremely fine, though small stain below bust on larger. (2) £30-50

182 Richard Hol (1825-1904), composer, conductor, organist and teacher, Bronze Plaquette, probably a memorial, c.1904, unsigned, bearded bust left, name in exergue, 108mm x 73mm (Ni 926); other Bronze Plaquettes, Dr Johan Wagenaar (1862-1941), composer and organist, signed GV in monogram, bust right, 110mm x 74mm (Ni 2132); Aaltje Noordewier-Reddingius (1868-1949), soprano and teacher, 1921, by Ede Telcs, her bust right, named in exergue, 108mm x 76mm (Ni 1526, size incorrectly recorded), this softly sculpted; Johann Adam Alsbach (1873-1961), non-portrait Bronze Medal, 1941, 82mm (Ni 21). Extremely fine. (4) £80-120

Wagenaar, who had studied under Richard Hol was to succeed him as the Cathedral organist at Utrecht.

183 Johannes Messchaert (1857-1922), baritone, large Bronze Plaquette, 1930, by J C Kerkmeyer (and G Scholten, Hoorn), bust left, signed on truncation, name below, 258mm x 185mm (Ni 1318); Jef Denyn (1862-1941) Belgian carillon player, Bronze Plaquette, 1912, for the Mechelen Festival, by D Tuerlinck, bust left, 167mm x 116mm (Ni 545). Very fine. (2) £70-90

Messchaert was co-founder of the 'Amsterdamsche Conservatorium', before moving to Germany. He was a frequent collaborator with pianist Julius Röntgen and one of Europe’s most sought-after singers of Lieder and oratorio. He became professor at the Berlin ‘Hochschule für Musik’. Denyn founded the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen; Willems, ‘Father’ of the Flemish Movement.

184 Jef Denyn (1862-1941) Belgian carillon player, Bronze Plaquette, 1922, for the Mechelen Festival, by D Tuerlinck, bust left, rev woman looks out at belfry, 53mm x 54mm (Ni 546); Gottfried Preyer (1807-1901), conductor and composer, Plaquettes (2), Silver and Bronze, by H Jauner, bust right, 62.5mm x 45mm (Ni 1617); Medals, Bronze unless stated, Alphons J M Diepenbrock (1862-1921), composer, by E Mazota, head left, 75mm (Ni 551); Christian Huyghens (1629-1695), ‘Series Numismatica’ Medal, by Henriennet, 41mm (Ni 952); Johann Wagenaar (1862-1941), large medal, signed GV, head right, 96mm, and smaller varieties (2), Silver and Bronze, 29mm (Ni 2131); Jan Frans Willems (1793-1846), writer, by Lemaire, head left, 50mm (Ni 2317); Willem Mengelberg (1871-1951), conductor, Silvered-bronze, 1935, by M Fleur, 60mm (Ni 1310); W Putnam and M Verklelj, church organists at Oudewater, a pair of medals, 1864, by J P M Menger, each shown playing, 48mm (Ni 1629, 2120); Louis Zimmermann (1873-1954), 1940, by M P J Fleur, bust three-quarters right, 61mm (Ni 2347). Very fine and better. (143) £100-150


185 Fryderyk Franciszek [Frédéric Francois] Chopin (1810-1849), composer and pianist, a Tribute Bronze Plaquette, by Jan Wysocki, Chopin stands, surrounded by the draped Muses of music, 113mm x 73mm (Ni 511); Bronze Plaquette, by Fix Masseau, bust right, 71mm x 50mm (Ni 501); Bronze Medals (2), by Waclaw Szymanowski, head turned right, rev Chopin sits under tree, 50mm (Ni 506); by E Torff, bust right, 60mm (Ni 507); and a Silver ‘fob’ medal, by Alfred Rotheberger, 23mm. Extremely fine or nearly so. (5) £80-100

186 Fryderyk Franciszek [Frédéric Francois] Chopin (1810-1849), uniface Bronze Medal, by Anton Grath, bust three-quarters right, 59mm (Ni 484); by Robert Coutin, bust right, rev eagle over map outline, 68mm (Ni 479), others (3) (Ni 490, 493, 494), and Plaquettes (2), by E Beet, 1907 [1910], conjoined heads of I and C Pleyel, A Wolff and C Lyon, all over Chopin, rev diaphonous muse with harp, 70mm x 61mm; and smaller, by Aumiller, 40mm x 27mm (Ni 475). Extremely fine or nearly so. (8) £80-100

The first very much in the Secessionist style

187 Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941), pianist, composer, diplomat and politician, uniface Bronze Plaquette [1901], by C Waschmann, bust left, with characteristic flowing hair, name below, 156mm x 121mm (Ni 1549); smaller variety, Silver [maker’s mark JC], 67mm x 51.5mm; Bronze Plaquette, 1924, by Charpentier, 66mm x 53mm (Ni 1544); larger uniface patinated Bronze Medal, 1953, by R Xavier, head three-quarters right, 90mm (Ni 1550); Small Medal, 1913, conjoined busts with Camille Saint-Saens, 24mm (Ni 1551); Leopold Godowsky (1870-1938), Polish-American pianist, Bronze Plaquette, 1912, by Schwerdtner, 81mm x 57mm (Ni 714). Extremely fine or nearly so, but some small scuff marks to first. (6) £80-120

Paderewski, third Prime Minister of Poland, 1919.


Anna Davia [D’Avia] Bernucci (1743-1810), see Italy

188 Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804-1857), composer, Copper Medal, by A Aleksieff, bust left, rev statue, 51mm (Ni 696); Anton Grigorevich Rubinstein (1829-1894), pianist, composer and conductor, Silver Medal, 1894, by A Griliches, 25mm, suspension loop (Ni 1733); Copper Medal, 1889, by Vagenine, bust left, rev lyre in wreath, 77mm (Ni 1736); Bronze Plaquette, 1904, by Mayer & Wilhelm, 51mm x 39mm (Ni 1735); Feodor Ivanovich Schalyapin (1873-1938), opera singer, Bronze Plaquette, by Jan Simonoff, half-length figure, head facing, 91mm x 63mm (Ni 1767); Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971), composer, Bronze Medal, 1955, by Renée Vautier, head three-quarters left, rev lyre-bird before music score, 67mm (Ni 1992). Extremely fine. (6) £80-100

Glinka - “the father of Russian classical music”. Between 1910-1920 Stravinsky lived in Switzerland, then moved to France from where, in 1939, he moved on again to the USA to escape the German invasion. He lived in America until his death, returning only once to Russia in 1962. He is buried in Venice.

189 Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), composer, Silver Presentation Medal of the “Société Musicale de la Trompette fondé l’Ecole Polyteche en 1861”, by C Degeorge 1884, and dedicated in a tablet “AU MAITRE TCHAIKOWSKI SOUVENIR DU 16 MARS 1888 / E. LEMOINE”, a winged muse floats in the sky playing a lyre, rev a symmetrical display of musical emblems supporting the tabled with, in the exergue, military trophies, 50mm (Ni 2023; BDM I, 543). Extremely fine and lightly toned. £1500-2000

Charles Jean Marie Degeorge (1837-1888), medallist, born Lyon.

190 Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), uniface Bronze Plaquette, by Jan Simonoff, half-length bust (perhaps as seated at piano), to right, 90mm x 62mm (Ni 2028). Extremely fine. £50-80

Mikhail Saulovich 'Mischa' Elman (1891-1967), see lot 145


191 Antonio Carlos Gomez (1839-1936), Brazilian composer, Bronze Plaquette, by P F Berthoud, bust left, rev legend, above lyre and masks, 74mm x 54mm (Ni 723); and smaller medals (3) (Ni 726, 727, 728); Artur Napoleào (1843-1925), Brazilian composer, non-portrait Medals (3), Silver (2) and Bronze, 35mm, 40mm (Ni 1497, 1498, 1499); Carlos Mesquita (1864-1953), Brazilian composer, non portrait Copper Medals (2); and Maria Mesquita, Silver Medal, 40mm and 31mm (Ni 1320, 1321, 1323); Maurice Dengremont (1866-1893), Brazilian violinist, non-portrait Medal, 31mm (Ni 544); Aquiles Rossi-Ghelli, Chilean composer, Copper Medal, 1869, by Juan Bainville, bust three-quarters right, rev musical emblems, 59mm (Ni 1691); Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947), Venezuelan composer, Bronze Medal, 68mm (Ni 849). Very fine and better. (13) £80-100


192 Francisco Asenjo Barbieri (1823-1894), opera composer, non-portrait Medal, legend both sides, 42mm (Ni 84); Pablo de Sarasate (1844-1908), violin virtuoso, Bronze Plaquette, 1905, by Friedrich Kounitzky, bust, turned facing, holding bow, 85mm x 79mm (Ni 1755); Medalets (2) (Ni 1756, 1757); Ricardo Vines (1876-1943), pianist, shaped rectangular Bronze Plaquette, by Charpentier-Beetz, bust left, a fine sculptural image, 63.5mm x 55mm (Ni -). Very fine and better. (5) £50-80

193 Pablo Cassals (1876-1973), Catalan cellist, Bronze Plaquette, by Jules Muranyi, half-length figure to right, playing, 71mm x 51.5mm (Ni 460), softly sculpted; and a modern medal of Bach, 1950, rev bust of Cassals, 59mm (Ni 63). Extremely fine. (2) £50-80


194 Per Frigel (1750-1842), composer, Secretary to the Music Academy, Copper Medal, 1841, by M Frumerie, bust right, rev legend, 41mm (Ni 659); Bernard Henrik Crusell (1775-1858), clarinettist and composer, Copper Medal, by C C Mellgren, 41mm (Ni 528); Erik Gabriel von Rosén (1775-1886), organist, Copper Medal, 1861, by J Ericsson, head right, rev legend, 41mm (Ni 1687); Erik Gustav Geljier (1783-1847), composer, Copper medal, C M Mellgreen, head right, 41mm (Ni 680); Johann Mazer (1790-1847), amateur chamber musician, Copper Medal, signed PL, 32mm (Ni 1285); Christine Nillson (1843-1921), singer, Bronze Medals (2), by E Lindberg, 50mm (Ni 1523); Norway, Edvard Hagerup Grieg (1843-1907), composer and pianist, modern French Medal, by A Dahl, c.1960’s, 68mm (Ni 761). Very fine and better. (8) £80-100

195 Jenny [Johanna Maria] Lind (1820-1887), opera singer known as “The Swedish Nightingale", large Copper Medal, 1848, by P H Lundgren and C C Quanström, bust left, rev figures at monument, border of musical emblems, 78mm (Ni 1085), nearly extremely fine; another, Silvered White Metal, 1846, by Allen & Moore, facing bust, 55mm (Ni 1086); smaller Copper variety, 22mm (Ni 1091); medalets (6), very fine. (9) £60-80

196 Jenny [Johanna Maria] Lind (1820-1887), Medals (2), by Carl Radnitzky, White Metal, 1850, head left, legend (in English), SUCH A SACRED … DELIGHT … [Milton], 40mm (Ni 1088); Copper, 1857, head left, rev legend below swan emblem, 45mm (Ni 1087). Extremely fine. (2) £40-60


197 Johann Jakob Spreng (1699-1768), Poet, White Metal Memorial Medal, by Samson, bust right, rev lyre against altar, 42mm (Ni 1926), very fine; Leonhard Paul Euler (1707-1783), mathmetician and physicist, Silver Medal, by Abramson, head left, rev emblems of mathmatics and science, RADI DESCRIBIT ORBEM, 42mm (Ni 618); Edouard Pierre Wolfe (1809-1882), Geneva Conservatory, presentation Copper Medal of the “Cercle des Artistes”, 1872, city arms, rev legend, 48mm (Ni 2335); Dr Karl Attenhoffer (1837-1914), Silver Medal, by G Hantz, 37mm, extremely fine. (3) £70-90

Euler was interested in the application of mathematical ideas in music and in 1739 he published Tentamen Novae Theoriae Musicae, in the hope of incorporating musical theory as part of mathematics. The project was described as “too mathematical for musicians and too musical for mathematicians”.

198 Joseph Bovet (1879-1951), composer and choral conductor, by A Claraz, 69mm (Ni 387); Alfred Denise Cortot (1877-1962), pianist and conductor, oval cast Bronze Plaquette, 1927, by Beetz-Charpentier, bare head right, 69mm x 62mm (Ni 519); Gustave Doret (1866-1943), composer, by Peka, for Galli, 50mm (Ni 572); Henri Gagnebin (1886-1977), Belgian-born composer, uniface Bronze Medal, 1946, by Max Weber, 53mm (Ni 672); Arthur Honegger (1892-1955), composer, Bronze Tribute Medal, undated, by Anna Bass, head left, rev face of Antigone and notes below, 68mm (Ni 928). Second extremely fine, others nearly so. (5) £80-100

Cortot worked in France, founding the École Normale de Musique de Paris in 1919, but later he seemingly supported the German occupation for which he was punished. Honegger was a railway enthusiast and this was demonstrated in his "mouvement symphonique" Pacific 231, a depiction of a steam locomotive. Honegger’s portrait was depicted on the 1996 Swiss 20-Franc note.

199 Ignaz Heim (1818-1880), choral composer, Copper Medal, by B Jackle, bust three-quarters right, 48.5mm (Ni 907); other Copper Medals, Johann Bernhard Kaupert (1786-1863), choral director and composer, by Lander, head left, 43mm; Hans Georg Naegeli (1773-1836), composer and arranger, by Sebald and Drentwett, head left, 41mm (Ni 1492), others (3), Copper, 35mm, White metal, 41mm, Brass, 28mm (Ni 1497, 1493, 1494); Sigismund Thalberg (1812-1871), piano virtuoso and composer (2), by Faria and Lüster bust and head left, 60mm (Ni 2008, 2009), and by O Steinböck, head right, 56mm (Ni 2010); Felix von Weingartner (1865-1942), Dalmatian born conductor, died in Winterthur, uniface, by Stephan Schwartz, 76mm (Ni 2309). Extremely fine or nearly so. (10) £80-120


Other Properties

200 Jacobite, Arrival of the Young Pretender Expected 1745, Silver Medal, probably by Thomas Pingo, bust of Prince Charles right, rev Britannia standing at the shore awaiting the arrival of a fleet, AMOR ET SPES (MI II 600/251). Minor light marks, toned, good very fine. £250-300

201 Simons de Passe Counters (8), depicting British monarchs, Edward III, Henry I, Henry II, Henry III, Henry VI, Mary (2), Charles I. Fair to very fine. (8) £80-100

202 George IV, Geroge Prince Regent, Chronology of the Sovereigns of England, Copper Box Medal, 47mm, containing black and white line drawing portraits of the Sovereigns. Very fine. £150-200

203 The Duke of Wellington’s Continental Victories, Box Medal, Copper 47mm, containing a complete set of the 14 paper disks inscribed with the names and dates of Wellington’s victories, uniformed bust of the Duke of Wellington left, rev inscription in wreath, BY HIS CONSUMATE SKILL… (BHM 885). Some disks still attached by silk, extremely fine. £180-220

204 Sport, Fencing, Henry Arthur Colmore-Dunn (1859-1896), Bronze Medal, 1896, unsigned, bust left, rev legend within wreath, FORTIS VIR SAPIENSQVE …, 76mm. Extremely fine. £70-90

Colmore-Dunn was a member of the London Fencing Club and the author of a number of standard works on Fencing. On the medal he is depicted wearing his high collared fencing jacket. He was, however, an all-round sportsman, an exhibitioner at New College, Oxford, where he stroked of the college eight and, in 1880, performed in Frank [Sir Francis Robert] Benson’s production of Agamemnon in Greek, playing Ægisthus in this first production of Aeschylus for 2000 years (Benson played Orestes and, in a nicely Oedipal piece of casting, his wife was Clytemnestra. Further biographical details sold with the lot. The medal is unsigned but in previous listings Sir George Frampton has been suggested as the medallist.

205 George V, official large Silver Jubilee Medal, 1935, by Percy Metcalfe, 57mm, in case of issue; small silver official Coronation Medals (2), 1902, 1937, in envelope and box respectively. Virtually as struck. (3) £30-50



206 Antoine Masson (1636-1700), sculptor, engraver (mainly portraits), Engraver to the King and member of the Royal Academy, uniface cast Bronze Portrait Medal, 1689, by Thomas Bernard, bust right with flowing hair, 56mm. Light patination, very fine and small piercing at top, rare. £80-120

ex Charles Avery collection, Morton & Eden auction, 21 May 2003

207 France, Gustav Delory (1857-1925), politician and [1896], the fist Socialist Mayor of Lille, a large circular memorial Bronze Medallic Wall-plaque, 1926, by Ch Caby, bust left, name and dates around, 355mm. As made. £40-60

Not suitable for Postage / Shipping. Buyer must make arrangements for collection.


208 Klaus Lankheit (1913-1992), Professor and Doctor, scholar, art historian and numismatist, collector of Baroque Medals, patinated Bronze Medal on his 70th birthday, 1983, by H Baumstark, bust three-quarters right, rev legend in 18 lines listing his publications, 68mm (cf Peus 368, 3509). Very fine. £40-80

only 22 specimens struck

Lanheit’s own specimen, ex Charles Avery collection, Morton & Eden auction, 21 May 2003 (lot 801)

209 Bavarian Silver Box Thaler 1914-1916, bust of Ludwig III left, rev arms of Bavaria, the medal containing colour illustrations on card roundals commemorating events and German personalities in the First World War, 52mm, in original mauve card box of issue. Box Thaler, roundals and card box in mint state. £120-150

210 Bavarian Silver Box Thaler 1914-1916, bust of Ludwig III left, rev arms of Bavaria, the medal containing colour illustrations on card roundals commemorating events and German personalities in the First World War, 52mm, in original beige card box of issue and issue certificate no.38849. Some staining on the Box Thaler, otherwise all parts mint state. £120-150

211 Box Coins, Twopence 1797, Penny 1806, together with medallic sweet box with portrait of Prince Albert. Fair to fine. (3) £40-60


212 1914-15 STAR (7699 Sjt:W. V. Payne. S.Gds.) officially impressed. A few scratches to reverse, otherwise extremely fine. £20-40

bought Baldwin’s, July 1939

213 ARMY LONG SERVICE AND GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL, 1830-1831, 1st type with steel clip and small ring suspension (*James . . . . . ell. Scots Fusilier . . . .1833.*) officially impressed. Some edge bruising, overall wear and significant marks to reverse, good fine. £200-300

214 World War I, Campaigns against France, Russia, England, Japan and the USA, cliché-type Bronze Plaquette, by M&W, dated 1914, but on account of the legend c.1917, an infantry charge, 53mm x 67mm. Very fine. £30-50

Military Headdress Badges and other Insignia

215 CANADIAN REGIMENT (CEF), brass die-stamped General Service Badge, maple leaf with central crown, ‘Canada’ named below, with original brass loop fasteners and pin; small Canadian collar badge of similar design with original loop fasteners. Very fine. (2) £20-30

216 BLACK WATCH (THE 42nd ROYAL HIGHLANDERS), white metal die-stamped glengarry badge, c1887-1901, star with thistle sprays surrounding central section bearing crowned insignia ‘The Royal Highlanders’ above and ‘Black Watch’ below, St Andrew facing holding his cross, regimental motto around, sphinx below, original copper loop fasteners and pin, good very fine; HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY, small headdress badge pre 1889, star, bugle and elephant below, extremely fine; LOTHIAN AND BORDER HORSE, three small insignia, extremely fine. (5) £40-60

217 ARGYLL AND SUTHERLAND HIGHLANDERS, white metal die-stamped glengarry badge, large thistle sprays with crowned insignia of the Argylls’ boar’s head left and lion sejant erect left, original copper loop fasteners; THE BORDER REGIMENT, small white metal die-stamped glengarry badge, crowned star with laurel wreath set in the background, two soldered copper loop fasteners; a smaller white metal die-stamped collar badge of similar design, although without star and crown, with two loop fasteners, very fine; SCOTS GUARDS, gilt brass die-stamped pouch badge, thistle style star with central circular emblem with thistle, four loop fasteners on reverse, and a small collar badge. Good very fine. (5) £60-80

218 NORFOLK REGIMENT, two white metal and bronze die-stamped cap badges, laureate border with Britannia seated left with trident and shield holding olive branch with bronze banner below ‘The Norfolk Regt’, original copper loop fasteners on both; DUKE OF WELLINGTON’S REGIMENT (WEST RIDING), white medal and bronze die stamped cap badge, lion rampant bearing flag with crown and regimental motto beneath, ‘The West Riding’ in copper banner below, with original copper loop fasteners; SOUTH LANCASHIRE REGIMENT (THE PRINCE OF WALES’ VOLUNTEERS), white metal and bronze die-stamped cap badge, bronze encircling wreath and banner ‘South Lancashire’ above and ‘Prince of Wales’s Vols’ below, bearing central white metal insignia of three plumes and bronze crown, with regimental motto and sphinx with ‘Egypt’ beneath, two soldered loop fasteners. Very fine. (4) £40-60

219 Diestamped headdress badges (4), GORDON HIGHLANDERS, white metal, SCOTTISH RIFLES (THE CAMERONIANS), silver, SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS (2), white metal. Extremely fine. (4) £60-80

220 GRENADIER GUARDS, brass valise badges (2), crowned Garter with VR monogram within. About extremely fine, rare. (2) £60-80

221 ROYAL FLYING CORPS, brass cap badge and button, about very fine; other small insignia (9), including YORK & LANCASTER REGIMENT, EAST SURREY REGIMENT, DEVONSHIRE REGIMENT, SOMERSETSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY, generally very fine. (11) £70-90



224 Collar dogs and other small insignia (13), various regiments including 1ST KING’S DRAGOON GUARDS, ROYAL WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT and THE ROYAL WEST SURREY REGIMENT. Very fine or better. (13) £60-80


A small collection of coins and medals related to Bristol

225 Edward IV (1461-1470), Groat, Light coinage, Bristol Mint, mm rose, B on breast, quatrefoils by neck, reads VILLA BRISTOLI (S 2004). Good fine. £100-150

226 Charles I, Shilling, 1646, Bridgnorth-on-Severn (?), Late Declaration type, mm plumelet over BR on obverse only, crowned bust right, plume before, value behind, rev declaration in three lines, scrolls above surmounted by plume, plumlets to either side, reads EXVGAT (SCBI Brooker 1129 [same dies]; Morr A-3 var; N 2521; S 3040). Good very fine and very rare. £600-800

At the time of purchase, the late owner believed the coin to be from the Bristol Mint

227 Charles I, Sixpence, 1646, Bridgnorth-on-Severn (?), Declaration type, mm B (on obverse only), plume before bust, rev scroll above declaration (S 3041). Nearly very fine and very rare. £400-600

At the time of purchase, the late owner believed the coin to be from the Bristol Mint

228 William III, Halfcrown, Bristol Mint, 1697, first bust, B below bust, edge reads NONO (S 3488). Very fine. £300-500

229 William III, Sixpence, Bristol Mint, 1697, first bust, B below bust (S 3528). Nearly extremely fine. £120-180

230 Bristol, 17th Century Tokens (7), Farthings (7), ‘Arms of Bristol’ (5), undated, 1652, 1660, 1662, 1670 (W 11, 12, 17, 18, 20), Thomas Ricraft, Wine Street, Bristol (W 23); John Samm, Clifton (W 69); with Painswick (nr Stroud), Simon Roberts (W 145). This and Ricraft fair, others fine to very fine. (8) £70-90

231 Bristol, 19th Century Silver Tokens (10), Shillings (5) and Sixpences (5). Very fine and better. (10) £80-100

232 Bristol, 18th Century Token Halfpennies (4); 19th Century, Pennies (3), Halfpennies (2). Several very fine. (8) £50-80

233 Bristol, Tokens, Tickets and Passes (78), 19th-20th century, a varied selection, all with Bristol connections. Generally fine and very fine, a useful group. (78) £150-250

234 Bristol, Bristol School of Art, founded 1853, Copper Prize Medal, by J S & A B Wyon, awarded 1905-1906 (Stanley Cecil Eades, 1st Prize (Evening) for Art), City arms, rev legend, 51mm, in fitted Wyon case of issue. A handsome medal, extremely fine. £40-60

235 Bristol, Bristol Photographic Club, Exhibition, 1912, Copper Medal, by Restell (G T Cossens, Technical), City arms and unicorn supporters, 64mm, in fitted case of issue; Bristol Royal Infirmary, Charities Collection, Silver Medals (2), 1905, 1907 (both Arthur Hilbert), differing types, 35mm, with ribbon suspenders etc, in cases of issue. All extremely fine. (3) £50-80

236 Bristol, Edward VII, Coronation 1902, G E L Gardner Mayor, Silver Medal, by Fenwick, conjoined busts left, rev ornate arms and unicorn supporters, 51mm, in case of issue; Commemorative 1902 medallic Coronation tin for Clivedon, 61mm, containing (non-Bristol) White Metal Coronation Medal; Bristol Humane Society, White Metal Medal, 1898, 45mm; George V, Visit to Bristol Infirmary, Gilt Medal, 1912, 35mm, in case of issue; Joseph Fry, 200th Anniversary, Bronze Medal, 1928, and “Success in Art”, Bronze Medal (Margaret C Free), view of an interior in oil colours, 51mm. Generally extremely fine. (7) £70-90

237 Bristol, White Metal Medallions, The Launching of the SS Great Britain, 1843 (2), by E Avern, Prince Albert/Starboard view, 45mm (BHM -), fine and very rare; by J Davis, conjoined busts Victoria & Albert/Starboard view, 44mm, in case of issue (BHM 2116), extremely fine; Opening of the Clifton Suspension Bridge, 1864, by J Moore, 46mm, unsigned, 42mm (BHM 2825, 2827), both good very fine; smaller, 38mm (BHM 2826), pierced, fine; Viscount Palmerston, Opening the Industrial Fair, 1865, Copper Medal, 45mm (BHM 2840), extremely fine; Intercity [Railway], London to Bristol, 1841-1991, Royal Mint Gilt Medal, 63mm; SS Great Britain, Royal Mint Silver Medal, 1970, 38mm, these two in cases of issue; other Bristol related medallions, etc (12), these generally very fine. (20) £150-200

238 Bristol, Education Committee, Pair of Medals, Silver and Bronze; other Silver Medals and Badges (11), Westbury Cricket Club, 1888; Knowle, Cage Birds, 1891; Tramways and Carriage Co, 1901, Loyalty Medal; Music Festival, 1925, 1931 (2, second gilt); Bishops Road Players, 1944; Eisteddfod, various (3); Restoration of St Mary’s, Redcliffe, 1933; Bristol 600, 1973. Last mint state, others very fine and better. (13) £60-80


239 Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Penny, Hammer Cross type, Norwich, Wulfsige, WVLF[pic]I: ON: NORPIC (S 1182; N 828), very fine, though mint town poorly struck; earlier Copper Styca, Aethelred II (S 868), fine. (2) £100-150

240 William I (1066-1087), PAXS type, Winchester, Lifinc, LIFINC ON PINCI (S 1257; N 848); with a Canterbury Penny of Edward I. Very fine. (2) £150-200

241 Henry VIII, Groat, second coinage, mm arrow (1526-1532), profile crowned bust right (S 2337E); York, Halfgroat, mm key, Archbishop Lee, L-E beside shield (S 2348); Posthumous coinage, Groat, Tower, mm grapple / lis (S2403), good fine. (3) £200-300

242 Elizabeth I, Milled coinage, Sixpence, 1562, tall narrow bust with plain dress, large rose behind, mintmark star (S 2594; N 2025/1). Polished, good very fine. £250-300

243 Charles I, Halfcrown, mm portcullis (1633-1634), type 2c (S 2769), flatness in centre good fine; York, Shilling, EBOR below crowned oval shield (S 2873), pierced through crown and punchmark on beard. (2) £60-80

244 Charles I, Farthing, Richmond 3c, mm Harp/Billet (S 3191), Rose Farthing, mm Mullet on both sides (S 3204). Extremely fine and very fine respectively. (2) £30-40

245 Commonwealth, Shilling, 1653, mm sun (S 3217). Very fine. £100-150

246 Charles II, Crown, 1666, second draped bust, edge XVIII (S 3355). Very fine. £300-400

247 Charles II, Shilling, 1668, second bust (S 3375); James II, Shilling, 1685 (S 3410). Fine and fair. (2) £60-80

248 Charles II, Sixpence, 1681 (S 3382); Threepence, 1679 (S 3384). First very fine, second perhaps better. (2) £150-200

249 Charles II, Farthings (4), 1672, 1673, 1674, possibly 4 over 6, 1679, cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3394). Generally fine. (4) £100-150

250 Charles II, Farthing, 1675, cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3394). Toned, a bold very fine. £150-200

251 William and Mary, Halfcrown, 1689 PRIMO (S 3434); George II, Halfcrown, 1745, 5/3, LIMA (S 3695). Good fine. (2) £60-80

252 William and Mary, Sixpence, 1693 (S3348); Fourpence, 1689, G below bust (S 3439); William III, Fourpence, 1699 (S 3549); George I, Twopence, 1726 (S 3657); George II, Sixpences (3), 1728, 1757, 1758/7 (S 3707, 3711); Penny, 1740 (S 3715A). Very fine and better. (8) £150-200

253 William and Mary, Halfpenny, 1694, conjoined busts right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3452). Weakly struck, toned, very fine. £60-80

254 William and Mary, Farthing, 1694 (S 3453); William III, Farthings (3), 1695, 1699, 1700, rev BRIT(NNI( (S 3557, 3558). Generally fine or better. (4) £100-150

255 William III, Sixpence, 1696, first bust (S 3520). Nearly extremely fine. £100-150

256 William III, Shilling, 1696 (S 3497). Some weakness in striking, nearly extremely fine. £100-150

257 Anne, Crown, Post Union, 1713, third bust, rev roses and plumes, edge DVODECIMO (S 3603). Minor scratches below bust, very fine. £300-500

258 Anne, Halfcrown, Post Union, 1708, bust left, rev plain in angles, edge SEPTIMO (S 3604). Edge nick by crown over French shield, very fine. £150-200

259 Anne to George II, Shillings (5), 1705, 1707 E*, 1741, roses, 1743, roses, 1821. George II very fine, others fine. (5) £30-50

260 George I, Halfpennies (2), 1717, 1717, no obverse stops, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3659). Both fine. (2) £80-100

261 George I, Farthing, 1717, cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3661). Fine and rare. £120-150

262 George I, Farthings (4), 1719, 1721, 1722, 1724, cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3662). Generally fine or better. (4) £100-150

263 George I, Farthing, 1720, cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3662). A bold very fine. £60-80

264 George I, Farthing, 1723, cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3662). A pleasing very fine. £80-100

265 George I, Farthings (8), 1730, 1731, 1733, 1734, 1735 (2), 1736, 1739, cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3720). Fair to about very fine. (8) £100-150

266 George II, Halfpenny, 1753, old laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3719). Spot on reverse rim, toned, well struck, extremely fine. £80-120

267 George II, Farthing, 1737, small date, cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3720). A pleasing very fine. £60-80

268 George II, Farthing, 1741, old cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3721). Good very fine. £60-80

269 George II, Farthings (5), 1744, 1746, 1749, 1750, 1754, 4 over 0 (S 3721, 3722). Generally fine to near very fine. (5) £60-100

270 George II, Farthing, 1754, old cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3722). Good very fine. £60-80

271 George III, Guinea, 1775, fourth head, rev crowned garnished arms (S 3728). Very fine. £100-150

272 George III, Third-Guinea, 1810 (S 3740). Extremely fine. £80-100

273 George III, Maundy Set, 1792, “Wire Money” issue (S 3763); Shilling, 1787, no stops at date, Sixpence, 1787, hearts (S 3745, 3749). Extremely fine. (6) £150-200

274 George III, Bank of England, Dollar, 1804, laureate bust right, rev Britannia within crowned oval (S 3768; ESC 144). Nearly extremely fine. £150-200

275 George III, Bank Tokens (2), Three-Shillings, 1812 and Eighteenpence, 1813, both laureate head (S 3770, 3772). Extremely fine or nearly so. (2) £120-150

276 George III, Halfcrown, 1817, “bull neck” (S 3788); Shilling, 1816 (S 3790); George IV, Shilling, 1825, bare head (S 3812). Extremely fine or virtually so, last with light tone. (3) £100-150

277 George III, Twopence, 1797, laureate and draped bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date below (S 3776). Rim bruise on reverse, very fine. £60-80

278 George III, Penny, 1797, laureate and draped bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date below (S 3777). A pleasing extremely fine with lustre. £150-200

279 George III, Halfpenny, 1774 (S 3774), Silvered Halfpenny 1799 (S 3778); Victoria, Halfpenny, 1853 (S 3949). Very fine to about extremely fine, first with some porosity. (3) £60-80

280 George III, Halfpennies (2), 1799, laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left, ship with 5 incuse gunports (S 3778). Both good very fine. (2) £50-60

281 George III, Farthings (5), 1771, 1773, 1773, with no stop on reverse, 1774, 1775, cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3775). Good fine to very fine. (5) £60-80

282 George III, Farthing, 1799, cuirassed bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left (S 3779). About extremely fine, with a little lustre. £50-60

283 George III, Farthing 1806, K on shoulder (S 3782). Pleasing extremely fine with lustre. £70-90

284 George III, Farthing, 1806, K on shoulder (S 3782); Victoria, Half-Farthing, 1844 (S 3951). Both extremely fine with lustre. (2) £60-80

285 George III, Farthing, 1807, cuirassed bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left (S 3782). Good extremely fine. £60-80

286 George IV, Farthings (5), 1821, 1822, 1823 (2), 1824, draped bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3822). Generally very fine or better. (5) £100-150

287 George IV, Farthing, 1826, draped bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3822). Good extremely fine with lustre, rare. £60-80

288 George IV, Farthings (3), 1826, 1827, 1830, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right (S 3825). Very fine or better. (3) £60-80

289 George IV, Farthing, 1828, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right (S 3825). Pleasing extremely fine with lustre. £60-80

290 George IV, Farthing, 1829, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right (S 3825). Extremely fine with lustre. £60-80

291 William IV, Halfcrown, 1834, bare head right, rev crowned shield of arms over mantle (S.3834; ESC.662). Good very fine. £80-120

292 William IV, Shilling, 1836; Britannia Groat, 1837 (S 3835, 3787); Victoria, Shilling, 1864, die 13; Britannia Groat, 1843; Three-Halfpence, 1843 (S 3905, 3913, 3915). Extremely fine or virtually so. (5) £100-150

293 William IV, Farthings (5), 1831, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right (S 3848). Generally very fine to extremely fine. (5) £180-220

294 William IV, Third-Farthing, 1835, bare head right, date below, rev Britannia seated right (S 3850). Toned, about extremely fine. £60-80

295 Victoria (1837-1901), Jubilee Coinage, 1887, Sovereign and Half-Sovereign, Crown, Double-florin, Arabic 1, Halfcrown, Florin, Shillings (2); Threepence; Britannia Groat, 1888. Extremely fine or nearly so. (10) £200-250

296 Victoria, Old head, Half-Sovereign, 1897, very fine; Halfcrown, 1898, Florin and Threepence, 1901, Shilling, 1893, except as stated, extremely fine. (5) £70-90

297 Victoria, Halfcrown, 1841, young head left with two plain fillets in hair, plain truncation, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (Davies 564; ESC 674 R3; S 3888). The lightest of scuff-marks, extremely fine, or virtually so, very rare. £1000-1500

298 Victoria, “Godless” Florin, 1849 and “Gothic” Florin, 1857 (S 3890, 3891). First extremely fine, second virtually so. (2) £80-120

299 Victoria, Proof Groat, 1839, young head left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue, edge plain (ESC 1933; S 3913). Attractively toned, pratically as struck. £100-120

300 Victoria, Penny, 1861, dies 6+G, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3954). Extremely fine. £50-70

301 Victoria, Penny, 1871, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3954). A bold fine, rare date. £40-60

302 Victoria, Penny, 1887, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3954). Good extremely fine with much lustre. £50-70

303 Victoria, Pennies (3), 1897, 1899, 1901, old bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3961). Extremely fine to uncirculated, with lustre, last with surface marks. (3) £40-60

304 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1860, beaded border, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 258; S 3956). Extremely fine. £50-70

305 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1860, toothed border, 4 berries, 15 leaves, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, round top to lighthouse, date in exergue (Fr 267; S 3956). About extremely fine. £50-70

306 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1861, 4 berries, 15 leaves, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 277; S 3956). About extremely fine. £50-70

307 Victoria, Halfpennies (2), 1861 LCW, 1862, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 276, 289; S 3956). First very fine, the second nearly extremely fine. (2) £50-70

308 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1862, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue. Unrecorded with F.D: in obverse legend (cf Fr 289; S 3956). About extremely fine. £50-70

309 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1863, large 3, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 292; S 3956). Extremely fine. £60-80

310 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1864, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 295; S 3956). Extremely fine. £80-100

311 Victoria, Halfpennies (2), 1865/3, 1866, laureate head left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 297, 298; S 3956). First good fine, the second extremely fine. (2) £80-100

312 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1865/3, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 297; S 3956). About extremely fine. £250-300

313 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1867, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 300; S 3956). Almost extremely fine. £50-60

314 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1868, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 303; S 3956). Extremely fine. £60-80

315 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1869, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 306; S 3956). Very fine. £60-80

316 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1870, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 307; S 3956). Extremely fine. £60-80

317 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1871, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 308; S 3956). Very fine. £50-60

318 Victoria, Halfpennies (2), 1872, 1873, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 309, 311; S 3956). Extremely fine. (2) £80-100

319 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1874, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 317, dies 9+K; S 3956). Extremely fine. £80-100

320 Victoria, Halfpennies (5), 1874 H, 1875 H, 1876 H, 1881 H, 1882 H, Heaton mint, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 318, 323, 325, 344, 347; S 3957). Generally extremely fine. (5) £200-250

321 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1875, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 321; S 3956). Extremely fine. £50-60

322 Victoria, Halfpennies (2), 1877, 1878, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 332, 335; S 3956). Very fine to extremely fine. (2) £60-80

323 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1879, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 338, dies 14+O; S 3956). Extremely fine or better. £80-100

324 Victoria, Halfpennies (2), 1880, 1881, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 340, 342; S 3956). Almost extremely fine. (2) £60-80

325 Victoria, Halfpennies (2), 1883, 1884, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 349, 352; S 3956). Extremely fine. (2) £60-80

326 Victoria, Halfpennies (2), 1885, 1886, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 354, 356; S 3956). Extremely fine. (2) £80-100

327 Victoria, Halfpennies (2), 1887, 1888, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 358, 359; S 3956). Extremely fine. (2) £60-80

328 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1889, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 360; S 3956). Extremely fine. £60-80

329 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1889/8, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 361; S 3956). Very fine. £40-60

330 Victoria, Halfpennies (2), 1890, 1891, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 362, 364; S 3956). Extremely fine. (2) £60-80

331 Victoria, Halfpennies (2), 1892, 1893, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 366, 368; S 3956). About extremely fine. (2) £60-80

332 Victoria, Halfpenny, 1894, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 369; S 3956). Extremely fine. £50-60

333 Victoria, Halfpennies (7), 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, old veiled bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3962). Extremely fine. (7) £80-120

334 Victoria, Farthing, 1838, young head left, rev Britannia seated right (S 3950). Extremely fine with lustre. £40-60

335 Victoria, Farthings (6), 1839, with broken trident, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, young head left, rev Britannia seated right (S 3950). Generally very fine, first bold fine. (6) £60-80

336 Victoria, Farthing, 1844, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right (Peck 1565; S 3950). Toned, bold very fine with some light surface marks. £100-150

337 Victoria, Farthings (8), 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, incuse WW, young head left, rev Britannia seated right (S 3950). Generally about very fine to good very fine. (8) £80-100

338 Victoria, Farthing, 1849, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right (Peck 1570; S 3950). Lightly toned with light surface marks, good fine, a very rare date. £40-60

339 Victoria, Farthings (8), 1853, 1854, 1855 (2), one incuse WW, one raised WW, 1856, incuse WW, 1857, 1858, 1859, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right (S 3950). First very fine with good lustrous appearance, the others generally about very fine or better. (8) £60-80

340 Victoria, Farthing, 1860 BB, laureate bust left, five berries in wreath, rev Britannia seated right, beaded border (Fr 496; S 3958). Obverse die flaws at 4 and 11 o’clock, weakly struck, uncirculated with virtually full lustre. £60-80

341 Victoria, Farthing, 1860 TB, laureate bust left, five berries in wreath, rev Britannia seated right, toothed border (Fr 499; S 3958). Near full lustre, uncirculated. £50-60

342 Victoria, Farthing, 1861, laureate bust left, five berries in wreath, rev Britannia seated right, toothed border (Fr 503; S 3958). Toned with much lustre, good extremely fine. £40-60

343 Victoria, Farthings (5), 1861, dies 2+B, 1862, 1863, 1864, without serif, 1865, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 502, 507, 511, 512; S 3958). The first fine, the second lustrous good very fine, the others generally toned very fine.(5) £40-60

344 Victoria, Farthings (2), 1865/2, 1866, laureate bust left, five berries in wreath, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 513, 514; S 3958). First nearly extremely fine, unevenly toned with some lustre, the second lustrous about extremely fine. (2) £50-70

345 Victoria, Farthing, 1867, laureate bust left, five berries in wreath, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 516; S 3958). Lustrous, pleasing extremely fine. £50-60

346 Victoria, Farthing, 1868, laureate bust left, five berries in wreath, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 519; S 3958). Some ghosting on obverse, full lustre, uncirculated. £50-60

347 Victoria, Farthings (2), 1869, 1872, laureate bust left, five berries in wreath, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 522, 523; S 3958). First toned, extremely fine with minor dig on neck, the second lightly toned, about extremely fine with visible lustre. (2) £50-70

348 Victoria, Farthing, 1873, laureate bust left, five berries in wreath, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 524; S 3958). Reverse struck 5-10% off-centre, obverse only slightly, otherwise full lustre, good extremely fine. £40-60

349 Victoria, Farthings (5), 1874, dies 4+C H, 1875, dies 5+C H, 1876, ordinary H, 1881, dies 7 + E H, 1882, dies 7+F H, various laureate busts types left, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 525, 532, 534, 543, 549; S 3959). The third good very fine, the others extremely fine to uncirculated, with considerable lustre. (5) £80-100

350 Victoria, Farthing, 1874 H, dies 4 + C, laureate bust left, sideways G over both Gs in legend, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 527; S 3959). Toned, good fine and very rare. £80-100

351 Victoria, Farthings (8), 1875, small date, 1875, large date, 1878, 1879, ordinary 9, 1880, dies 5+D, 1881, dies 7+C, 1883, 1884, various laureate busts types left, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 529, 531, 536, 538, 541, 546, 551, 553; S 3958). The first and fifth good fine, the others good very fine to extremely fine. (8) £80-100

352 Victoria, Farthings (3), 1884, 1886, 1893, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3958). Generally extremely fine. £40-60

353 Victoria, Farthings (6), 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1890, 1891, various laureate busts types left, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 555, 557, 559, 560, 562, 564; S 3958). The first a lustrous good very fine, the others good very fine to extremely fine. (6) £80-100

354 Victoria, Farthings (4), 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 566, 568, 569, 570; S 3958). First very fine, the last good fine, the others good very fine. (4) £100-150

355 Victoria, Farthings (9), 1895, 1896, 1897, 1897, higher tide level, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1901, bright, old veiled bust left, rev Britannia seated right (Fr 571, 572, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579; S 3963, 3964). The first three lustrous, the third about very fine with surface marks, the remainder very fine to about extremely fine, the last an unrecorded bright finish variety. (9) £60-80

356 Edward VII, Coronation 1902, Specimen Set of Coins, comprising Gold Sovereign and Half-Sovereign, Silver Crown to Sixpence, and Maundy Set, in Royal Mint case of issue. Good extremely fine, silver with matt surface, this with some light toning. (11) £300-500

357 Edward VII, Halfcrowns (2), 1903, 1906 (S 3980), very fine and fine; Shilling and Sixpence, 1910 (S 3982, 3983), extremely fine. (4) £120-150

The collector notes of the latter “The only Edw 2/6d to be obtained from change, 1965”.

358 Edward VII, Silver Threepences (8), 1902-1910 (S 3984), 1904 extremely fine; George V, Silver Threepences (18), 1911-1919; later types from 1920 (9), unless stated, very fine and better; Victorian (4), fair. (31) £65-80

359 Edward VII, Pennies (3), 1902, 1904, 1910, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3990). Extremely fine to uncirculated, last with light surface marks. (3) £60-80

360 Edward VII, Halfpenny, 1902, low tide, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 380; S 3991 A). Extremely fine. £80-100

361 Edward VII, Halfpennies (9), 1902 to 1910, bare head right, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3991). Extremely fine. (9) £120-150

362 George V, Specimen Set of Coins, 1927, comprising Silver Crown to Threepence, in Royal Mint case of issue. Extremely fine and toned. (6) £100-150

363 George V, Crown, 1935; Florins (3), 1914, 1933, 1935; Shillings (14), 1911-1935, not inclusive; George VI, Shillings (6), 1911 and 1917 extremely fine; Modern Crowns (5 – one silver); Florins (12), Victoria, George VI (4 – 3 silver); Elizabeth II (7), very fine and better; (40) £80-120

364 George V, Halfpennies (15), 1911 to 1925, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 4056). Extremely fine or better. (15) £200-250

365 George V, Halfpenny, 1913 (S 4056), Pennies (6), 1911, 1912, 1920, 1926, 1928, 1935 (S 4051, 4055). Generally extremely fine to uncirculated with lustre. (7) £80-120

366 George V, Halfpennies (12), 1928 to 1936, small bare head left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 4058). Extremely fine to uncirculated. (12) £150-200

367 George V to Elizabeth II, a date collection of Halfcrowns: George V, first coinage, 1911-1919 (S 4011), second coinage, 1920, shallow portrait, 1921-1926, third coinage, 1926, 1927; fourth coinage, 1928-1936; George VI, 1937-1946, cupro-nickel, 1947-1951; Elizabeth II, 1953-1967. 1925, 1930, both good very fine, others extremely fine or virtually so. (57) £300-500

368 George VI, Pennies (7), 1939, 1944 (2), 1945, 1949, 1950, 1951, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right (S 4114, 4117). Generally good extremely fine to uncirculated, some with lustre. £40-60

369 George VI, Halfpennies (16), 1937 to 1952, bare head left, rev ship sailing left, date below (S 4115, S.4118). Uncirculated. (16) £50-60

370 George VI to Elizabeth II, date collection of nickel-brass Threepences (34), 1937-1945, 1948, 1950, 1952 (S 4112-13); 1953 (2), 1954-1967 (S 4152-4153), some duplicates of later dates. Virtually mint state. (34) £80-120

371 George VI to Elizabeth II, date collection of nickel-brass Threepences (45), some duplicates; Elizabeth II, Shillings (39), 1953-1966, some duplicates. Threepences generally very fine, later better, shillings mostly extremely fine. (lot) £30-50

372 British Silver Coins, pre-1947, a quantity, approx 2.9kg; together with a small group of base metal forgeries, mostly in poor condition; with Bronze coinage, Victoria to Elizabeth II, in ‘coin tubes’. (lot) £60-80

not suitable for postage / shipping – buyer to arrange collection.

373 Modern currency and pre-decimal coins, a selection of varied denominations, from Two-Pound coins to One Pence; Pennies and Halfpennies; Jersey Pennies, 1960, etc. Varied state, but newer issues mostly in mint condition. (lot) £30-50

not suitable for postage / shipping – buyer to arrange collection.


374 Tokens, Birmingham Workhouse, Halfcrown, 1788 (D&H 1); Anglesey, Penny, 1788; 18th Century Halfpenny Tokens (7); Bath related (2); 19th century (2); Australasian (3). Generally very fine, several Halfpennies better, three with original redness. (16) £100-150

375 Tokens, Reading, Wiloughby & Sons, Silver Tokens (2), Two-Shillings, 1812; Shilling, 1811. Good very fine and fine. (2) £40-60

376 George III, Calendar Medal, 1795, James Davies; Engraved ‘sweetheart’ Penny, 1832, pin-pricked letters; Swansea & Neath Horticultural Society, Prize Medal, Copper, 1834; coin box from 1826 Farthing; weight; White Metal medals (5), George III-Victoria; Bronze medals (2), Canada and Norway. Very fine and better. (11) £70-90

377 Coronations and Jubilees, Official Medals (5), 1897, Bronze; 1902, large Silver; 1911, Bronze; 1935, large and small Silver, all cased; unofficial medals, Victoria, Jubilee 1887 (2, copper and white metal), 37.5mm, in cases of issue; and white metal medals, Coronation, 61mm; Marriage, 54mm. Last two very fine, others extremely fine or better. (9) £60-80

378 The RMS Queen Mary, Maiden Voyage, Bronze Medal, 1936, by Gilbert Bayes [struck at the Royal Mint], ship steams to right, dolphins in bow-wave, rev New York skyline through the Bargate, Southampton, 70mm, in case of issue (BHM 4282). Extremely fine. £60-80

379 Music, Sir Henry Wood, Centenary 1969, Silver Medal, by Paul Vincze, bust left, rev Sir Henry instructs two children, 57mm; The Summerscales Prize Medal, awarded 1910 (Frank Mercer), 41mm, both in cases of issue. Both extremely fine, first with matt surface. (2) £40-60

380 Music, medals of Mozart (2), Berlin iron, 1756, 30mm; Bronze, by Hartig, 76mm; Verdi, Bach, Handel, 1857, Crystal Palace; and the Holborn Restaurant; together with a miscellaneous selection of medals, medalets, etc (23). Generally very fine. (29) £80-120

381 Victoria, enamelled Jubilee Halfcrown, the armorial reverse with six colours on pale blue; William III, ½-Guinea weight, and (with Mary) medalet; miscellaneous medalets, toy money, etc (54). Generally very fine and better. (55) £50-80


382 James II, “Gunmoney” coinage, Crown, 1690, legend commences to left of head (S 4578; DF 366). Very fine. £80-120

383 George I, Wood’s Coinage, Halfpennies (2), 1722, first type, laureate bust right, rev Hibernia with harp to left (S 4600; DF 504); second type, harp right (DF 507; S4601). Very fine. (2) £150-250

384 George I, Wood’s Coinage, Halfpennies (2), one with altered or over-date 2/3 (DF 510, 513; S 4601). Very fine. (2) £100-150

385 George I, Wood’s Coinage, Halfpenny, 1724, rev continuous legend and stop after date (DF 520; S 4601). Good very fine, rare. £100-150

386 George I, Wood’s Coinage, Farthing, 1723, second type, legend reads D:G: (DF 524; S 4603). Extremely fine. £100-150

387 George I, Wood’s Coinage, Farthing, 1723, third type, legend reads DEI. GRATIA (DF 524; S 4604). Extremely fine. £100-150

388 George I, Wood’s Coinage, Farthing, 1724, third type, legend reads DEI. GRATIA (DF 528; S 4604); George II, Farthing, 1744 (DF 561; S 4609); George III, “Voce Populi” Coinage, Halfpenny, 1760, type 6, square head (DF 571). First fine, others very fine or nearly so. (3) £80-120

389 George III, Halfpennies (2), London, 1781, type C or 3 (DF 587; S 4614); Soho, 1805 (DF 596; S 4621); George IV, Penny, 1822 (DF 629; S 4623). Fist and last very fine, second extremely fine with much mint redness. (3) £80-120

390 George III, Bank of Ireland coinage, 1804-1813, Tenpence, 1813, laureate and draped bust right, rev inscription (DF 625; S 6618). Extremely fine. £80-120

391 Shilling and Farthing, 1930; Halfpenny, 1928, extremely fine and bronze with original brightness; Halfcrown, 1939, smaller (3), very fine or nearly so. (7) £60-80


392 Australia, George V, Penny, 1912, traces of red, extremely fine; Halfpenny, 1919, very fine. (2) £40-60

393 Australia, George VI to Elizabeth II, minor silver (7); New Zealand, Crown, 1849, Centennial Halfcrown, 1940, others (5); South Africa, Crowns (2), 1952, 1954; others (12); and Kruger, Halfcrown, 1897. Mostly extremely fine. (29) £50-80

394 Austria, Gold medallic reproduction of the 1642 Ducat, 1963, 6.97g; another, silver. Mint state. (2) £80-120

395 Austrian Netherlands, Insurrection, 2-Liards, 1790; Francis II, Liard, 1792 (KM 45, 56); sundry better-grade European copper (6), with Jersey (4) and Isle of Man (8). Latter fine and very fine, but others generally extremely fine, some with original redness. (20) £80-120

396 Canada, Victoria to Edward VII, 25-Cents, 1900, 10-Cents, 1894, 5-Cents (2), 1902, 1907; Cents (2), 1902, 1919; with Dollar, 1939, other silver (2); Copper (7), including George IV, Nova Scotia Penny. Named coins very fine and better. (16) £60-80

397 Costa Rica, lion counterstamps on George III Shilling and (bent) Victorian Sixpence; Haiti, Boyer, 50-Cents, An 25; Anchor Money, 1/8- and 1/16-Dollar, 1822 (KM 2, 1); British Guiana, Four-Pence, 1894 (KM 26). Last extremely fine, others fine and very fine. (6) £80-120

398 France, Napoleon, Emperor, 5-Francs, 1807 L, Bayonne, bare head right, rev value in wreath (KM 155a. 23). Good very fine, toned. £80-120

399 France, Napoleon, Emperor, Franc, 1806 A, Paris, bare head right, rev value in wreath (KM 153.16). Extremely fine. £80-120

400 Germany, Württemberg, Wilhelm I, Jubilee 1841, Gulden (KM 183); Prussia, Defeat of Napoleon, 3-Marks, 1913 (KM 133); small Silver (3); German East Africa, Rupie, 1910 J; ¼-Rupie, 1906 A; Bavaria, Maximilian III Joseph, Thaler, 1765 (KM 35a). Last very fine, others better and first two good extremely fine. (8) £120-150

401 Greece, President John Capodistrias (1827-1831), 10-Lepta, 1828, Aegina mint, Phoenix and cross, rev value inside wreath, no stop at end of legend (Divo 3; KM 2; Spink 5, 12), good extremely fine and rare, particularly in this condition; Ionian Islands, Lepton, 1862 (KM 24), extremely fine. (2) £400-500

402 Hawaii, Kalakaua, Currency Set 1883, all with head right, comprising, Dollar (Akahi Dala), rev crowned arms in mantle; Half-Dollar (Hapula), Quarter-Dollar (Hapaha), revs crowned arms; 10-Cents / Dime (Umi Keneta), rev value in wreath (KM 7, 6, 5, 3). Second and last very fine, Dollar and Quarter both better. (4) £200-300

403 Hong Kong, Edward VII, 50-Cents, 1902 (KM 15; Pr 13); Trade Dollar, 1902 B (KM T5; Pr 12). Extremely fine. (2) £100-150

404 Hong Kong, Victoria, 5-Cents, 1900 H (KM 5; Pr 149); Bronze Cent, 1900, (KM 4.3; Pr 178). extremely fine, latter with much original redness.; other minor Colonial and Commonwealth (6), extremely fine. (8) £80-120

405 India, Rupees (3), 1840, 1907, 1911, smaller silver (6, one Ceylon), bronze, etc (6, one Ceylon); Southern Rhodesia, Crown, 1953; Halfcrown, 1932; other minor coins, Africa (5, various), Borneo, Gibraltar, 1810 (2), Guernsey (2), Jamaica (6), Palastine Mandate (2), Sarawak (2). Many extremely fine, some virtually mint state. (37) £80-120

406 Italy, Milan, Henry II (1014-1024), as Emperor, Denaro Scodellato, very fine; Knights of Malta, Alof de Wignacourt (1601-1622), Tari, 1619; late Byzantine Trachy; other silver (2); and European Jetons (5). Mostly very fine. (12) £60-80

407 Italy, Venice, Republic, 5-Lire, 1848, lion of St Mark, rev value in wreath, edge reads DIO BENEDITE L’ITALIA (Dav 207; Pag 178; KM 186). Bright and nearly extremely fine. £200-300

408 Japan, Mutsuhito, Yen, Meiji 22, 1889 (KM A25.2); Coppers (2); small group of world coins, silver (5); Australia, Proof Set, 1966; others (13) and Singapore currency set. Mostly as issued or extremely fine. (lot) £65-80

409 Liberia, Pattern Cent, 1866, large size head, rev tree (K 15; KM Pn12), extremely fine but handled; Barbados, Penny, 1788, Negro's head, rev pineapple (KM Tn4); Bermuda, Penny, 1793; other Copper (2), except as stated, fine to very fine. (5) £80-120

410 Lichtenstein, Prince John II (1858-1929), 5-, and 2-Kronen, 1915, head left, rev shield of arms (KM 4, 3). Extremely fine. (2) £50-80

411 Russia, Catherine II, the Great (1762-1796), 5-Kopecks, 1793 EM (KM 59.3). Good very fine. £40-60

412 Spain, Isabella II, 20-Reales, 1858, Madrid mint (KM 609.2); Alphonso XIII, 5-Pesetas, 1897 (KM 707); sundry others, silver (1), copper and bronze (6). Generally very fine. (9) £50-80

413 Straits Settlements, Victoria, 50-Cents, 1888 (KM 13; Pr 15). Nearly extremely fine. £120-150

414 USA, Colonial, St Patrick Farthing, c.1682; George I, Rosa Americana Twopence, 1723; and a Washington Cent. First fair, others fine. (3) £70-90

415 USA, Large Cent, 1837, medium letters; Bronze Cent, 1862; 2-Cents, 1870; nickel 3-Cents, 1865. Nearly extremely fine. (4) £70-90

416 Modern World Coins, mostly 20th Century, a few earlier, Austria (7), Baltic States (9, one crown-size), Belgium (6), Canada (11), China (8), including Dollars (3), France (9), Germany (11), Ireland (4), Netherlands (4, one crown-size), Greece (6), Italy (5), Jersey (3), Norway, 2-Kroner, 1906 (KM 263), Portugal (4), Russia, Spain (6), Switzerland (7), USA (4), including Dollars (2), 1899, 1923, others (3). Many uncirculated. (lot) £50-80


Other Properties

417 Early Anglo-Saxon, Eanred (c.830), Styca, early issue in copper, rev Eaduini (S 862). Very fine. £50-70

418 Edward III (1327-1377), Groat, London, appears to read Nondon (S 1570), good fine; Edward I to III, Pennies (3), London (2), Canterbury. Generally fine, the second plugged. (4) £100-120

419 Henry VI (1422-1461), Groat, rosette-mascle issue, 1430-1431, Calais (S 1859). Nearly very fine. £80-100

420 Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Threepence, fifth issue, 1578 (S 2573), Penny, mm rose, third and fourth issue 1561-1577 (S 2570); Charles I (1625-1649), Halfgroat, mm tun, 1636-1638 (S 2831). Generally fine or better. (3) £80-100

421 James I (1603-1625), Farthings (2), type 2, mm trefoil and type 3c, mm double rose (S 2676, 2679); Charles I (1625-1649), Farthings (4), Royal Farthings (2), type 1c, mm cross pattée fourchée and type 3c, mm woolpack/portcullis (S 3183, 3190), Rose Farthings (2), type 2, mm crescent (S 3206, 3205). Generally fine, some better. (6) £60-80

422 Charles II (1660-1685), Crowns (3), 1670, V.SECUNDO, 1672, V.QVARTO, 1679, T.PRIMO (S 3357, 3358, 3359); William III (1694-1702), Crowns (2), 1695 SEPTIMO (S 3470). Fair or better. (5) £120-150

423 Charles II, Crown, 1676, third draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, interlinked Cs in angles, V.OCTAVO on edge (ESC 51; S 3358). About very fine, reverse better, lightly toned. £100-150

424 Charles II, Copper Farthings (2), 1673, 1675, cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3394). Fine to very fine. (2) £60-80

425 James II (1685-1688), Crown, 1686, first draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields, SECVNDO on edge (ESC 76; S 3406). Bold very fine with old cabinet tone, lightly speckled on obverse. £100-150

426 James II, Crown, 1688, second draped bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields, QVARTO on edge (ESC 80; S 3407). Good fine with blundered edge, lightly toned. £60-80

427 William and Mary, Halfpennies (2), 1694, BRIT(NNI( (S 3452); William III, Halfpennies (3), 1697, 1699, 1699 with BRIT(NNI( (S 3554, 3555); George I, Halfpenny 1724 (S 3660); George II, Halfpennies (12), 1733 (2), 1738, 1739, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1747, 1748 (3), 1750 (S 3717, 3718, 3719); George III, Halfpennies (6), 1775, 1775 contemporary forgery, 1799, 1806 (2), 1807 (S 3774, 3778, 3780); George IV, Halfpennies, 1826 (S 3824); Victoria, Halfpennies, 1853 (S 3949). Fine to very fine. (26) £300-400

428 William and Mary, Copper Farthings (2), 1694 (S 3453); William III, Copper Farthing, 1699 (S 3557); George I, Copper Farthings (3), 1719, 1723, 1724 (S 3662); George II, Copper Farthings (5), 1736, 1744, 1746, 1754 (2) (S 3720, 3721, 3722); George III, Copper Farthings (2), 1773, 1775 (S 3775). Toned, fine to very fine. (13) £150-200

429 William III (1694-1702), Crown (2), 1696, first draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, first harp, OCTAVO on edge (ESC 89; S 3470); Anne (1702-1714), Vigo Crown, 1703, draped bust left, VIGO beneath bust, rev crowned cruciform shields (ESC 99; S 3576). First two good fine and very fine, the last about fine with a filed edge, ex-mount. (3) £150-200

430 William III, Shilling, Bristol, 1696 (S 3498); Anne, Shilling, 1710 (S 3614); George I, Shilling, 1723 (S 3647). Generally very fine. (3) £120-150

431 William III, Sixpences (3), 1696 (2), first bust, early harp type, 1697, third bust type (S 3520, 3538); George II (1727-1760), Sixpences (2), 1746, LIMA below bust, rev GEORGIVS, 1758, old bust left, rev angles plain (S 3710A, 3711); George III (1760-1820), Sixpence, 1787 (S 3748). Generally nearly very fine or better. (6) £100-150

432 Anne (1702-1714), Shilling, 1711, fourth draped bust (S 3618); George III (1760-1820), Shillings (2), 1787, semée of hearts, 1816, re-coinage (S 3746, 3790); George IV (1820-1830), Shilling, 1824, second reverse type (S 3811); Victoria (1837-1901), Shilling, 1853, second head (S 3904). First good fine, the others very fine or better, the penultimate cleaned. (5) £150-200

433 George II, Shilling, 1741, young head left (S 3701); Shilling 1747, old head (S 3702). Both very fine. (2) £80-120

434 George III (1760-1820), Dollar, 1804, laureate and draped bust right, rev Britannia seated left, upright K to left of shield (S 3768; ESC 144). Cleaned, a bold fine. £60-80

435 George III, Dollar, 1804, laureate and draped bust right, top leaf to left side of E, rev Britannia seated with upright K to left of shield (S 3768; ESC 144); Three-Shillings (3), first bust type (2), 1811, 1812, large head type, 1812 (S 3769); Eighteenpence (2), second head, 1814, 1815 (S 3772). First cleaned, nearly very fine with scratch across cheek, the others generally fine to very fine. (6) £200-300

436 George III, Crown, 1818, laureate head right, rev St George and dragon within garter, LIX edge (ESC 214; S 3787). Toned, a few light digs, good very fine. £80-100

437 George III, Crown, 1819, laureate head right, rev St George and dragon within garter, LIX edge (ESC 216; S 3787). Toned, surface marks, good very fine. £100-150

438 George III, Halfcrown, 1818, laureate head right, date below, rev quartered shield with an escutcheon of the Arms of Hanover, within crowned Order of the Garter (S 3789). Nearly extremely fine. £150-200

439 George III, Three-Shillings, 1815, laureate large head right, rev denomination and date within wreath (ESC 423; S 3770). Good nearly extremely fine. £50-60

440 George III, Sixpence, 1816 (S 3791); George IV (1820-1830), Sixpences (2), 1826, 1829 (S 3814, 3815); Victoria (1937-1901), Sixpences (4), young head, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1883 (S 3908, 3912). First good very fine, the others generally nearly very fine or better. (7) £120-150

441 George III, Twopences (2), 1797, laureate and draped bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date below (Peck 1077; S 3776). First toned, about very fine, the second good fine. (2) £40-60

442 George III, Twopences (2), 1797, laureate and draped bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date below (Peck 1077; S 3776). First about very fine, with a dark gunmetal tone, the second good fine. (2) £40-60

443 George III, Penny, 1797, second issue, Soho Mint, laureate and draped bust right, ten leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated left, date below (Peck 1132; S 3777). Toned, with noticeable areas of remaining lustre and die cud around rim, a bold very fine. £60-80

444 George III, Copper Penny (3), 1797, 1806, 1807 (S 3777, 3780); George IV, Copper Penny (3), 1826 (S 3823); William IV, Copper Penny (4), 1831 (3), 1834 (S 3845); Victoria, Copper Penny, 1854 (S 3948). Fine to very fine, a few better. (11) £120-150

445 George III, Penny (2), 1806, 1807, fourth issue, Soho Mint, short haired laureate bust right, no incuse hair curl, rev Britannia seated left, date below (Peck 1342, 1344; S 3780). First toned, very fine, the second lightly toned, good very fine. (2) £70-90

446 George III, Halfpenny, 1806, small laureate and draped bust right, date below, rev Britannia seated left (S 3781). Weakly struck, almost extremely fine with some lustre. £40-60

447 George III, Copper Farthings (4), 1799, 1806 (2), 1807 (S 3779, 3782); George IV, Copper Farthings (3), 1827, 1829, 1830 (S 3825); William IV, Copper Farthings (3), 1831, 1834 (2) (S 3848). Fine to good very fine. (10) £80-120

448 George IV (1820-1830), Crown, 1822, laureate head left, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue, TERTIO edge (ESC 252; S 3805). Good very fine, lightly toned with some scratches to fields. £200-300

449 George IV, Shilling, 1824, laureate head left, rev crowned shield in garter (S 3811); Shilling, 1829, bare head left, rev lion on crown (S 3812). Very fine, first cleaned. (2) £80-100

450 George IV, Halfpenny, 1826, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated left (S 3824). Toned, extremely fine. £40-60

451 George IV, Halfpenny, 1827 (S 3824); William IV, Halfpenny, 1837 (S 3836); Victoria, Halfpennies (2), young head type, 1853, 1854 (S 3949). First very fine, second good very fine, the others extremely fine with a little lustre.(4) £80-120

452 George IV, Farthing 1822 (S 3822); William IV, Farthing, 1837 (S 3848); Victoria, Farthing 1850 (S 3950). Very fine to extremely fine, last with considerable lustre. (3) £80-100

453 George IV, Half-Farthing, 1830 (S 3826), Third-Farthing, 1827 (S 3827); William IV, Half-Farthing, 1837 (S 3849); Victoria, Half-Farthing, 1843 (S 3951), Third-Farthing, 1881 (S 3960), Quarter-Farthing, 1853 (S 3953), Toy Coin, “one penny model”; Edward VII, Third-Farthing 1902 (S 3993), Toy Coin “coronation model half-farthing”; George V, Third-Farthing 1913 (S 4062). Fine to very fine. (10) £80-120

454 William IV (1830-1837), Sixpence, 1834, bare head right, rev crowned value within wreath, date below. Early strike, prooflike, extremely fine. £200-250

455 William IV, Three-Halfpence (3), 1834 (2), 1835 (S 3839); Victoria, Three-Halfpence (2), 1839, 1843 (S 3915). Generally very fine to nearly very fine. (5) £100-150

456 Victoria (1837-1901), Crown, 1844, young head left, rev crowned shield within wreath, VIII edge with stars (ESC 280; S 3882); Crown, 1887, Jubilee head left, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue (ESC 296; S 3921). First good fine, the second very fine. (2) £100-150

457 Victoria, Crown, 1844, young head left, rev crowned shield within wreath, VIII edge with cinquefoils (ESC 281; S 3882). About very fine, with obverse scratches. £50-60

458 Victoria, Crowns (4), Jubilee and Old head types, 1887, 1889, 1893 LVII, 1898 LXII (S 3291, 3937); George V (1910-1936), Jubilee Crowns (5), 1935 (S 4048); George VI (1936-1952), Crowns (3), various types, 1937 (2), 1951 from proof set (S 4078, 4111). First polished very fine, third fine, fourth about very fine, the others good very fine or better, last virtually as struck. (12) £100-150

459 Victoria, Crowns (2), 1890, Jubilee head left, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue (ESC 300; S 3921). Both good very fine, one cleaned with associated surface marks, the other toned. (2) £80-100

460 Victoria, Crown, 1891, Jubilee head left, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue (ESC 301; S 3921). Cleaned, good very fine with scratch on reverse field. £50-60

461 Victoria, Crown, 1893, Old head left, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue, LVI edge (ESC 303; S 3937). Once cleaned, now lightly toned, good very fine. £50-60

462 Victoria, Crown, 1894, Old head left, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue, LVII edge (ESC 306; S 3937). Once cleaned, very fine, reverse better. £60-80

463 Victoria, Crown, 1894, Old head left, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue, LVIII edge (ESC 307; S 3937). Lightly polished, otherwise good very fine. £50-60

464 Victoria, Crown, 1896, Old head left, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue, LIX edge (ESC 310; S 3937). Toned, light rim bruise, very fine. £50-60

465 Victoria, Crown, 1897, Old head left, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue, LX edge (ESC 312; S 3937). About extremely fine, with some bagmarks on obverse. £100-150

466 Victoria, Double-Florins (2), 1887, Arabic 1, Jubilee bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields with sceptres in angles (ESC 395; S 3922). Both attractively toned, extremely fine, with a few hairlines or bagmarks. (2) £60-80

467 Victoria, Double-Florins (5), 1887, Roman I (3), Arabic 1 (1) and 1889, Jubilee bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields (S 3923). First cleaned, good very fine, the others extremely fine or better. (5) £100-150

468 Victoria, Double-Florin, 1888, Jubilee bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields with sceptres in angles (ESC 397; S 3922). About extremely fine, lightly cleaned, a few scuffs in obverse fields, with some underlying brilliance. £50-80

469 Victoria, Halfcrown, 1878, young head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (S 3889). Some scratches, a bold very fine, reverse better. £80-120

470 Victoria, Halfcrown, 1883, young head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (S 3889). Cleaned, good very fine. £80-120

471 Victoria, Halfcrown, 1886, young head left, date below, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within wreath (S 3889). A bold very fine. £80-120

472 Victoria, Halfcrown, 1887, Jubilee bust left, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within garter (S 3924). Good extremely fine. £40-60

473 Victoria, Halfcrown, 1889, Jubilee bust left, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within garter (S 3924). Scratch in field, a pleasing extremely fine. £50-70

474 Victoria, Halfcrown, 1891, Jubilee bust left, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within garter (S 3924). Extremely fine. £60-80

475 Victoria, Halfcrown, 1893, old veiled bust left, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within garter (S 3938). Toned, pleasing extremely fine. £40-60

476 Victoria, Halfcrown, 1897, old veiled bust left, rev crowned quartered shield of arms within garter (S 3938). Toned, good extremely fine. £60-80

477 Victoria, Florins (2), 1852, 1853, Gothic type bust left, rev crowned cruciform shields, emblems in angles (S 3891); Edward VII, Florin, 1902 (S 3981); George V, Florin, 1918 (S 4012). Generally very fine to extremely fine. (4) £120-150

478 Victoria, Groats (3), 1839, 1840, 1854, young head left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3913). Generally very fine, the second with a scratch on cheek. (3) £40-60

479 Victoria, Threepence, 1843, type A1, young head left, rev crowned mark of value within wreath (S 3914). Good very fine. £50-60

480 Victoria, Threepence, 1856, type A1, young head left, rev crowned mark of value within wreath (S 3914). Extremely fine. £60-80

481 Victoria, Threepence, 1867, type A2, young head left, rev crowned mark of value within wreath (S 3914a). Good very fine. £50-60

482 Victoria, Threepences (4), 1871, 1873, 1875, 1884, type A4, young head left, rev crowned mark of value within wreath (S 3914c). Very fine to extremely fine. (4) £100-150

483 Victoria, Threepences (3), 1880, 1883, 1885, type A5, third bust, older features, rev crowned mark of value within wreath (S 3914d). Good very fine to extremely fine. (3) £80-100

484 Victoria, Threepence, 1888 (S 3931); George V, Threepence (19), 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914 (2), 1915, 1916 (2), 1917 (2), 1918 (2), 1919 (2), 1920 (3), 1921, 1922 (S 4018). Very fine to extremely fine, some better. (20) £60-80

485 Victoria, Threepences (4), 1894, 1895 (2), 1897, old veiled bust left, rev crowned mark of value within wreath (S 3931). Generally extremely fine to uncirculated. (4) £50-60

486 Victoria, Penny, 1844, young head left, date below rev Britannia seated right, ornamental trident (possibly Peck 1488, note ii; S 3948). Prooflike extremely fine. £50-60

487 Victoria, Penny, 1854, young head left, date below rev Britannia seated right, ornamental trident (Peck 1507; S 3948). Toned and pleasing extremely fine. £50-60

488 Victoria, Penny, 1855, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right, plain trident (Peck 1509; S 3948). Toned, nearly extremely fine. £40-60

489 Victoria, Penny, 1858, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right, no WW on truncation (Peck 1518; S 3948). About extremely fine, with hints of lustre. £40-60

490 Victoria, Bronze Pennies (6), 1883, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1893, 1900 (S 3954, 3961). Very fine to extremely fine, some with lustre. (6) £150-200

491 Victoria, Bronze Pennies (8), 1896, 1897, 1899, 1900 (2), 1901 (3), old veiled bust (S 3961); Copper Medallion, 1897, Diamond Jubilee. Very fine to extremely fine. (9) £60-80

492 Victoria, Halfpennies (12), young head type (7), 1861, LCW incuse, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1891 (2), 1893 (S 3596); old veiled bust type (5), 1896 (2), 1897, 1901 (2) (S 3962). 1861 and 1878 nearly very fine, the others generally extremely fine or better, with a good deal of mint lustre. (12) £200-250

493 Victoria, Farthings (9), young head type, 1840, 1848 (2), 1853, incuse WW, 1855, raised WW, 1856, 1860, beaded border, 1875 H, with older features, 1887 (S 3950, 3958, 3959). Generally very fine to extremely fine, a few better with some lustre. (9) £100-150

494 Edward VII (1901-1910), Crown, 1902, bare head right, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue (ESC 361; S 3978). Pleasing nearly extremely fine, with some light obverse scratches. £80-120

495 Edward VII, Crown, 1902, bare head right, rev St George and dragon, date in exergue (ESC 361; S 3978). Good very fine, lightly toned. £60-80

496 Edward VII, Halfcrown, 1902, bare head right, rev crowned quartered shield of arms (S 3980). Nearly extremely fine. £40-60

497 Edward VII, Halfcrown, 1902, bare head right, rev crowned quartered shield of arms (S 3980). Bagmarks, extremely fine. £40-60

498 Edward VII, Shilling, 1909, bare head right, rev lion on crown (S 3982); Threepence 1902, bare head right, rev crowned mark of value within wreath (S 3984). Both good very fine. (2) £30-40

499 Edward VII, Pennies (7), 1902, high tide, 1904, 1905, dies 1 & C, 1906, 1908 (2), 1909, dies 2 & D (Fr 157, 159, 161, 162, 166, 168; S 3990). Generally good very fine to extremely fine with some lustre, a couple better. (7) £80-100

500 Edward VII, Halfpennies (2), 1905, 1909 (S 3991); George V (1910-1936), Halfpennies (6), bare and small head types, 1912, 1920 (2), 1921, 1924, 1936 (S 4056, 4058). Lustrous, generally extremely fine or better. (8) £100-150

501 George V (1910-1936), Halfcrowns (20), 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1923, 1924, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1931 (2), 1932, 1933, 1934, 1936 (S 4011, 4021, 4032, 4037); George VI (1936-1952), Halfcrowns (10), 1937-1946, 1951 Proof (S 4080, 4106); Elizabeth II (1952-present), Proof Halfcrown, 1953 (S 4137). Generally nearly very fine to extremely fine. (31) £150-180

502 George V, Halfcrowns (2), 1920, 1921, bare head left, rev crowned quartered shield (S 4021a). Good very fine and extremely fine respectively. (2) £40-60

503 George V, Halfcrown, 1922, bare head left, rev crowned quartered shield (S 4021a). Extremely fine. £30-40

504 George V, Halfcrown, 1924, bare head left, rev crowned quartered shield (S 4021a). Good extremely fine. £50-60

505 George V (1910-1936), Pennies (14), bare and small head types, 1911, 1912, 1913, dies 2 & B, 1917, 1919, 1920 (2), dies 2 & B, 1921, dies 3 &B, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1935 (2), 1936 (S 4051, 4055). Generally extremely fine or better, with plenty of mint lustre. (14) £150-200

506 George V, Penny, 1912 H, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 4052). Extremely fine, some lustre. £80-100

507 Elizabeth II (1952- ), Proof Gold 2002 Set, £5 to Penny, without Maundy or case, total weight 141.9g. Mint state. (9) £2500-3000

508 Elizabeth II, Proof Gold Currency Issues 2008, £1 (2), both reverse types, 10p (2), both reverse types, 5p (2), both reverse types, 2p (2), both reverse types, 1p (2), both reverse types, total weight 119.06g. Proof uncirculated. (10) £2000-2500

509 Elizabeth II, Gold Sovereign, 1974. As struck. £80-100


510 Scotland, James II (1437-1460), Groat, Edinburgh, third fleur-de-lis issue (S 5225). Good fine. £120-150

511 Scotland, James VI (1567-1625), Quarter Thistle Merk, 1602 (S 5499); Charles I (1625-1649), Twentypence, type IV (S 5589); East of Stirling Coinage, Turner, ‘Scottish’ crown type, mm flower-rosette (S 5602A); Turner, LACESSIT legend (S 5602A). First nearly very fine, the others fine to nearly very fine. (4) £80-100

512 Ireland, Charles II, Halfpenny 1682, rev no stops (S 6575); James II, large Halfcrown (2), Nov:1689 and OCT:1689, large Shilling, Feb:1689 (S 6579G, 6579E, 6581K); George II, Halfpenny 1742 (S 6606); George III, Tenpence Token 1813, Halfpenny (5), 1769, 1781 (2), 1805 (2), Farthing 1806 (S 6618, 6612, 6614, 6621, 6622); George IV, Penny 1823, Halfpenny (2), 1822, 1823 (S 6623, 6624). Fine to very fine. (15) £200-250

513 Irish Free State and Eire, Halfcrown (6), 1928 (2), 1930, 1933, 1939, 1941, rev horse standing (S 6625, 6633); Florin (3), 1928, 1939, 1942, rev salmon (S 6626, 6634); Shilling (5), 1928, 1939, 1940 ,1941, rev bull (S 6627, 6635). Fine to good very fine, a few better. (14) £60-80

514 Guernsey, Copper and Bronze coinage, obv arms of Guernsey, rev value and date, 8-Doubles (6), 1834 (2), 1914, 1918, 1920, 1938 (S 7200, 7214a, 7218), 4-Doubles (9), 1830, 1858, 1914 (2), 1918, 1920 (2), 1945, 1949 (S 7201, 7204, 7215a, 7218), 2-Doubles (11), 1889, 1899 (2), 1903 (2), 1908, 1911, 1914, 1918, 1920, 1929 (S 7208, 7212, 7216, 7216a), 1-Double (9), 1868, 1885, 1889, 1893, 1899, 1903, 1911 (2), 1933 (S 7209, 7213, 7217). Almost very fine to extremely fine, some better with lustre. (35) £150-200

515 Jersey, Copper coinage, 1/13-Shilling, 1841, 1/26-Shilling (4), 1844, 1851, 1858, 1861, 1/52-Shilling, 1841, obv young head of Victoria, date below, rev arms of Jersey (S 7001, 7002, 7003). Almost very fine to extremely fine, the first prooflike. (6) £150-180

516 Jersey, Elizabeth II, Gold and Silver Proof Set 1972, Queen’s silver wedding, comprising 22ct gold £50, £25, £20, £10, £5, silver proof coins (4), total weight of the gold 51.05g, in case of issue with certificate. As issued. (9) £600-700

517 Isle of Man, James Stanley, Halfpenny (2), 1709, 1733, Penny (4), 1733 (3), 1758 (S 7402, 7409, 7410, 7411; George III, Penny (3), 1786, 1798, 1813 (S 7413, 7415), Halfpenny (4), 1786 (2), 1798, 1813 (S 7414, 7416); Victoria, Penny 1839, Halfpenny 1839, Farthing 1839 (S 7417, 7418, 7419); Tokens, Office Douglas Penny 1811; Office Douglas Halfpenny 1811; Bank Halfpenny 1811; Halfpenny Token 1831. Fine to almost extremely fine, the Victorian better. (20) £200-300

518 George V, Half-Sovereign, 1925 SA; Austria, Franz Joseph, Ducat, 1863 (KM2264); German East Africa, Rupie, 1910 J, minors (2); miscellaneous world coins (83), including Crowns (11). Varied state, many very fine, some better. (99) £60-80

519 Elizabeth II, Proof Crowns (8), Jubilee 1977 (5), Royal Wedding, 1981 (3); Currency Sets (4); modern Crowns, Churchill (22); Jubilee (7); Jersey (4); New Zealand, Proof Sets (3). All much as issued. (lot) £70-90

520 Miscellaneous British Silver (44), mostly small denominations, including, Crown 1935, Proof Halfcrown, 1950, impaired; and George II Sixpence with Crown counterstamp, worn and pierced; South American minor Silver (16), mostly pierced; British and World Copper and Bronze (84), fair and fine. (lot) £70-90

521 Miscellaneous Tokens, Anne, Silver Token; Anne, cast copy of a 1714 Farthing; Copper Theatre Pass, PAYABLE AT THE PANTHEON 1802; Victoria, Copper Model Crown Token; Victoria, Copper Medal, 60th regnal year; Engraved 1853 Farthing with portrait of Victoria made to resemble Prince Albert. The first two good fine, a varied group. (6) £50-80

522 British Trade Dollars (11), 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1902, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1929, 1930, Britannia standing, rev oriental design on cross (KM T5). Generally very fine. (11) £200-250


523 Danubian Celts (3rd - 2nd Century BC), Tetradrachm, laureate head of Zeus right, rev horse left, decorative motifs in field, 12.33g (Forrer 284 var). About very fine. £150-180

524 Calabria, Tarentum (4th Century BC), Drachm, helemted head of Athena left, rev [TAP], owl standing on thunderbolt, wings spread, ΣΩΣ in right field, 3.21g (SNG Cop 960). Some light pitting, very fine. £120-150

ex Early American History Auctions, 10 November 2007, lot 1201

525 Lucania, Metapontum (c.280 BC), Stater, head of Demeter right, crowned with barley wreath, rev [Μ]ΕΤΑ, ear of barley with leaf to right, plough on right, M[AX] above leaf, 7.60g (SNG Cop 1227; SNG ANS 470). Minor porosity, about very fine. £120-150

526 Bruttium, The Brettii (c.216-214 BC), Attic Standard Drachm, Second Punic War issue, veiled head of Hera Lakinia right, wearing polos, sceptre over shoulder, bucranium behind, rev ΒΡΕΤΤΙΩΝ, Zeus standing left, right foot on ionic capital, holding sceptre, crab to left, 4.30g (SNG ANS 481; HN Italy 1969; Pozzi 266). Some old light scratches beneath dark patina, good very fine. £200-250

527 Bruttium, Rhegium (c.350-270 BC), AE 20mm, lion’s mask facing, rev ΡΗΓΙΝΩΝ, laureate head of Apollo right, dolphin behind, 6.82g (SNG Cop.1949). Dark patina, well-centred, very fine/about very fine. £100-150

528 Sicily, Messana (c.480-461 BC), Tetradrachm, biga of mules driven right by charioteer, laurel-leaf in exergue, rev ΜΕΣΣΕΝΙΟΝ, hare right, 17.07g (SNG Cop 389-390). Some porosity, nearly very fine, rare. £500-600

ex CNG Sale, 22 May 2002, lot 551

529 Sicily, Syracuse (c.485-165 BC), Tetradrachm, quadriga driven by charioteer right, Nike above, rev head of Arethusa right, four dolphins around (cf SNG Cop 629). Some corrosion to surfaces, otherwise well-centred, good fine. £300-350

530 The Tauric Chersonese, Cimmerian Bosporus, Pantikapaeum (c.310-304 BC), AE 20mm, head of youthful Pan left, snub-nosed and with ear of ass, wearing ivy wreath, rev Π−“−Ν, lion’s head left, dolphin below, 7.23g (MacDonald 70; SNG BM 883-9). Dark patina, nearly extremely fine. £100-150

ex Jean Elsen 65, 17 March 2001, lot 347

ex CNG Electronic Auction 157, lot 33

531 Thrace, Abdera (c.450-400 BC), Persic Drachm, magistrate Filaios, griffin seated left, AB behind, rev ΕΠΙΦΙΛ“−ΙΟ, Hermes walking right, wearing chiton and petasos, astragalos to right, 2.80g (SNG Cop 337; May 428). Toned, about very fine. £200-250

532 Thrace, Apollonia Pontika (c.450-400 BC), Drachm, anchor, crayfish to left and A to right, rev facing head of Gorgon, 3.27g (SNG Cop 454; Weber 2672). Toned, well-struck, good very fine. £100-150

533 Thrace, Istros, Milesian Colony (c.400-350 BC), Drachm, two young male heads facing, side by side, one upright, the other inverted, rev ΙΣΤΡΙΗ, sea-eagle standing left on dolphin, attacking it with beak, H to right, 5.32g (SNG Stancomb 141; SNG Cop 196). Very fine. £100-150

534 Thrace, Maroneia (146-45 BC), Tetradrachm, head of young Dionysos right, wearing ivy wreath, rev ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ Μ“ΡΩΝΙΤΩΝ, Dionysos standing front, holding grapes, two spears and cloak, monograms to left and right, 16.25g (SNG Cop 637). Broad flan, a few light pits, very fine. £80-100

535 Thrace, Mesembria (c.450-350 BC), Diobol, crested Corinthian helmet facing, rev M-E-T-A in four quarters of a wheel surrounded by border of radiating lines, 1.25g (SNG Cop 653). Toned, very fine. £50-80

536 Thracian Islands, Thasos (after c.146 BC), Tetradrachm, head of young Dionysos right, wearing ivy wreath, rev ΗΡ“ΚΛΕΟΥΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ Θ“ΣΙΩΝ, Herakles standing left with club and lion’s skin, monogram in left field, 16.69g (SNG Cop 1040). Some surface marks, nearly very fine. £80-100

537 Kingdom of Thrace, Lysimachos (323-281 BC), Tetradrachm, Amphipolis, 288/7-282/1 BC, deified head of Alexander the Great right, rev ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ, Athena seated left, holding Nike, monograms to left and in exergue, 14.72g (Thompson 209). Slight porosity, about very fine/very fine. £400-500

538 Scythian Kingdom, Akro[sandros?] (c.180-150 BC), AE 23mm, jugate heads of Dioscouroi right, wearing wreathed caps, countermark of forepart of lion left, rev Β“ΣΙΛΕΩΣ / “ΚΡΟ / ΕΥ, jugate horse heads right, 7.69g (HN p.289; SNG Stancomb 317; SNG BM -; SNG Cop -). Extremely rare, dark patina, very fine/about very fine. £100-150

539 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BC), Tetradrachm, Amphipolis, c.315-294, head of young Herakles right, wearing lion's skin, rev “ΛΕΞ“ΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus enthroned left, holding eagle and sceptre, Λ and torch on left. kantharos below throne, 17.15g (Price 468-469). A few pits, about very fine. £200-250

540 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BC), Tetradrachm, Aspendos, c.204/3, head of young Herakles right, wearing lion's skin, rev “ΛΕΞ“ΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus enthroned left, holding eagle and sceptre, “Σ and Θ on left, 16.63g (Price 2889). Broad flan, a few marks, about very fine. £150-180

541 Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BC), Drachm, Kolophon, c.301-297, head of young Herakles right, wearing lion's skin, rev “ΛΕΞ“ΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus enthroned left, holding eagle and sceptre, lion’s head left and crescent on left, pentagram below throne, 4.14g (Price 2334). Good very fine. £100-150

542 Kingdom of Macedon, Antigonos Gonatas (277-239 BC), Tetradrachm, Macedonian shield with head of Pan left at centre, pedum behind, rev ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ, Athena Alkis left, holding shield and brandishing spear, Macedonian helmet on left, monogram on right, 16.74g (SNG Cop 1199; Gaebler 3, pl.XXXIV, 3). Slight porosity, toned, about very fine. £350-400

543 Macedonia under the Romans (158-150 BC), Tetradrachm, Macedonian shield with diademed bust of Artemis right at centre, quiver over shoulder, rev Μ“ΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ / ΠΡΩΤΗΣ, club right, all within oak-wreath, 16.92g (SNG Cop 1310-1315). About very fine. £120-150

544 Thessaly, Larissa (c.400-344 BC), Drachm, three-quarters facing head of Nymph Larissa, rev Λ“ΡΙ Σ/“ΙΩΝ, horse feeding right, 6.00g (Herman pl.V,5). Light porosity, about very fine. £150-200

545 Thessaly, Thessalian League (2nd - 1st Century BC), Double Victoriatus, head of Zeus right, crowned with oak, rev ΘΕΣΣ“−ΛΩΝ, ΔΙΟ−ΚΛ[ΗΣ] / ΝΙ, Athena Itonia advancing right, brandishing spear and holding shield, 6.16g (SNG Cop 278). Large flan, good very fine. £100-150

546 Acarnania, Anactorium (c.350-300 BC), Pegasos flying left, AN monogram below, rev head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet, tripod within wreath behind, 8.39g (SNG Cop 290). Dark patina, reverse slightly double-struck, very fine. £150-200

ex Early American History Auctions, 10 November 2007, lot 1174

547 Acarnania, Leukas (c.386-307 BC), Stater, Pegasos flying right, Λ below, rev head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet, Λ and kyrikeion behind, 8.55g (SNG Cop 347-350 var). Very fine / good very fine. £200-250

ex CNG Electronic Auction 155, lot 45

548 Boeotia, Federal Coinage (c.395-340 BC), Hemidrachm, Boeotian shield, rev BO-I, kantharos, club above, ivy-leaf to right, 2.60g (Head p.55, BMC 35). Toned, about very fine. £100-150

549 Euboea, Euboean League (c.394-369 BC), Drachm, head of nymph Euboea right, rev E-YB, head and neck of bull right, 4.31g (SNG Cop 477). About very fine. £120-150

550 Attica, Athens (c.454-415 BC), Tetradrachm, head of Athena right, her helmet adorned with three olive-leaves and floral scroll, rev ΑΘΕ, owl standing right, head facing, olive-spray and small crescent behind; all within incuse square, 17.09g (SNG Cop 31ff; Starr, pl.XII, 1-8). Scratch on cheek, very fine. £350-400

551 Attica, Athens (c.186-86 BC), New Style Tetradrachm, helmeted head of Athena right, rev “−ΘΕ, owl standing facing on over-turned amphora, ΠΟΛΕ−ΜΩΝ / “ΛΚΕ−ΤΗΣ / “ΠΟΛ/ΛΟΔΩΡΟΣ, tripod to left, ME below, 16.22g (SNG Cop 250-257 var). Toned, nearly very fine. £150-200

552 Attica, Athens (c.186-86 BC), New Style Tetradrachm, helmeted head of Athena right, rev “−ΘΕ, owl standing facing on over-turned amphora, ΝΙΚΟ−ΓΕ/ΝΗΣ / “...“Λ ... ΙΜ“... ΧΟΣ, 16.90g (SNG Cop 250-257 var). A little softly struck on reverse, about very fine. £200-250

553 Corinth (c.386-307 BC), Stater, Pegasos flying left, koppa below, rev head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet, Δ and ivy wreath behind, 8.42g (Ravel 1003). Toned, very fine. £150-180

ex Jean Elsen, Sale 91, lot 74

554 Peloponnese, Sikyon (c.330-280 BC), Stater, ΣΙ, Chimera moving left on ground line, rev dove flying left, 2.85g (BMC 118). Graffiti on obverse, toned, very fine. £150-180

555 Paphlagonia, Sinope (c.400-370 BC), Drachm, head of nymph left, wearing earring and necklace, hair in sakkos, rev ΣΙΝΩ, sea eagle on dolphin left, magistrate’s name A[…] to upper right, 5.03g (SNG BM Black Sea 1484; SNG Cop 277-279). Very fine/good very fine. £100-150

556 Mysia, Pergamum (95-92 BC), Cistophoros, Cista mystica with half-open lid, from which a serpent emerges, all within ivy oak, rev ΠΕΡ in monogram, two coiled serpents, bow-case ornamented with aplustre between them, AM above, 12.41g (SNG Cop 417; Kleiner 3). Lightly toned, very fine. £100-150

557 Mysia, Pergamum (c.310-284 BC), Diobol, head of young Herakles right, wearing lion’s skin, rev [ΠΕ]ΡΓ“Μ[ΟΥ], Palladium, 1.20g (SNG Cop 317-322). Lightly toned, about very fine. £50-80

558 Ionia, Ephesus (c.258-202 BC), Drachm, magistrate Demophon, Ε−Φ, bee with straight wings, rev ΔΗΜΟΦ[ΩΝ], stag standing right before palm tree, 3.88g (SNG Cop 283-298; BMC 96 didrachm). About very fine/good fine. £120-150

ex CNG Electronic Auction 156, lot 54

559 Carian Islands, Rhodes (c.188-84 BC), Drachm, magistrate Agemachos, radiate head of Helios right, rev Ρ−Ο, rose with bud to right, “ΓΕΜ“ΧΟΣ above, apulstre on left; within incuse square, 2.89g (SNG Finland 624). Toned, very fine. £150-180

560 Pamphylia, Aspendos (c.380-325 BC), Stater, two naked wrestlers grappling, TN (in retrograde) between, rev ΕΣΤFΕΔΙΙΥΣ, slinger, wearing short chiton, standing and discharging sling to right, triskeles to right, 10.76g (SNG Cop 237-246; BMC 41 var). Well-centered, toned, about very fine. £150-180

561 Pamphylia, Aspendos (c.380-325 BC), Stater, two naked wrestlers grappling, ΠO between, rev ΕΣΤFΕΔΙΙΥΣ, slinger, wearing short chiton, standing and discharging sling to right, forepart of horse and caduceus to right, 10.11g (cf SNG Cop 245-246; BMC 41 var). Porosity, nearly very fine. £100-150

562 Kingdom of Cappadocia, Ariarates IV Eusebes (220-163 BC), Drachm, diademed head of Ariarates right, rev Β“ΣΙΛΕΩΣ “ΡΙ“Ρ“ΘΟΥ ΕΥΣΕΒΟΥΣ, Athena standing left, holding Nike, spear and shield, Δ in right field, Tand monogram in left field, regnal year ΓΛ = 33 = 187/6 BC in exergue, 4.17g (SNG Cop 133). About very fine. £70-90

563 Syria, Seleucia Pieria (1st Century BC), Tetradrachm, veiled and turreted head of Tyche right, fillet border, rev Λ“ΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ / ΙΕΡ“Σ Κ“Ι / “ΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, Zeus enthroned left, holding Nike and sceptre, monogram below, letters Λ, Ι, Μ in left field, KA in exergue, all within wreath, 14.75g (SNG Cop 318 var; ANSMN 28, 18a). Toned, slight porosity, about very fine. £100-150

564 Kingdom of Syria, Antiochos II Theos (261-246 BC), Tetradrachm, Seleuicia on Tigris, diademed head of Antiochos right, rev Β“ΣΙΛΕΩΣ “ΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ, naked Apollo seated left on ompalos, holding arrow and bow, monograms in left and right fields, 16.10g (Houghton 963, Newell ESM 189). Good fine to nearly very fine. £150-180

565 Kingdom of Syria, Antiochos VII Euergetes (138-129 BC), Tetradrachm, Tyre, diademed and draped bust right, rev Β“ΣΙΛΕΩΣ−“ΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ, eagle standing left on prow, palm branch at shoulder, “ΣΥ in monogram and date IOP = 136/5 BC to right, APE in monogram and club surmounted by monogram of Tyre to left, 15.51g (SNG Cop 334). Some light porosity, very fine. £100-150

566 Kingdom of Syria, Alexander II Zabinas (128-123 BC), Drachm, Antioch mint, diademed head of Alexander right, rev Β“ΣΙΛΕΩΣ / “ΛΕΞ“ΝΔΡΟΥ, double cornucopia bound with filet, monogram HP and letter Δ to left, 4.15g (SNG Cop 363; SMA 342). Toned, very fine. £70-90

567 Kingdom of Syria, Antiochos X (94/93 B.C.), Tetradrachm, Antioch, diademed head of Antiochos right, rev BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY EΣEBOYΣ ΦIΛOΠATOPOΣ, Zeus enthroned left, holding Nike and sceptre, monogram to left, within laurel-wreath border (SNG Spaer 2788). Toned, very fine. £60-80

568 Phoenicia, Arados (2nd Century BC), Drachm, bee, AP in monogram to left and RE to right, rev “Ρ“ΔΙΩΝ, stag standing right in front of palm tree, 4.09g (SNG Cop 32). Good very fine. £100-150

569 Phoenicia, Sidon (4th Century BC), Tetrashekel, corroded surfaces, fair; Miscellaneous Greek silver issues, including Indo-Greek and Persis, fine and better. (10) £100-150

570 Kingdom of Baktria, Eukratides I (c.171-145 BC), Drachm, 4.27g, bust right, rev Dioscuri (SNG ANS 442), deposit still adhering to obverse, very fine; together with a retrograde seal-type impression in steatite of the reverse design (Dioskuri) of a Tetradrachm of Eukratides I, uncertain age (140.72g), a tactile and very interesting object. (2) £100-150

571 Kingdom of Baktria, Menander (c.165-130 BC), bilingual Drachm, Β“ΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ / ΜΕΝ“ΝΔΡΟΥ, bust of king right, rev kharosthi legend, Athena Alkidemos standing left, holding shield and thunderbolt, monogram to right, 2.38g (Mitch 1771-2); square AE units (2), bust of king right / Herakles seated left, 10.11g; elephant/club, 4.75g. All very fine. (3) £150-200

572 Kingdom of Baktria, Agathokleia and Strato I (c.135-125 BC), Drachm, diademed bust of Queen Agathokleia right, rev diademed king walking right, holding spear, bow and arrow (SNG ANS 981; Mitch type 303). Some porosity, cleaned, fine, rare. £70-90

573 Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy I Soter (323-283 BC), Tetradrachm, Alexandria, 305-283 BC, diademed bust of Ptolemy I right, wearing aegis, rev ΠΤΟΛΕΜ“ΙΟΥ Β“ΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing left on thunderbolt, P and monogram to left, 14.14g (SNG Cop 66 var). Toned, very fine. £100-150

574 Caligula (AD 37-41), As, AD 37-38, bare head left, rev VESTA S-C, Vesta, veiled, seated left, holding patera and sceptre (RIC 38), very fine; Septimius Severus (AD 193-211), Denarius, rev Fortuna, about extremely fine; later Roman AE (2) and Provincial AE (3), these fair to fine. (7) £80-120

575 Titus (AD 79-81), Denarii (3), revs Ceres seated left (RIC 22); quadriga with corn-ears (RIC 25); tripod with fillets, dolphin above (RIC 129). Fine to good fine. (3) £120-160

576 Trajan (AD 98-117), Denarii (3), revs Victory (RIC 60); Pax (RIC 126); Mars (RIC 340). Good fine to very fine. (3) £100-150

577 Trajan (AD 98-117), Tetradrachm, Tyre, Phoenicia, year 15 = AD 111, AYTOKP KAIC NEP T[PAIANOC CEB ΓE]PM ΔAK, laureate head right, rev ΔHMAPX EΞ IE YΠATE, eagle standing facing on club, head left, wings spread (Prieur 1504). Obverse slightly off-centre, lightly toned, very fine. £60-80

578 Hadrian (AD 117-138), Denarii (2), revs Victory (RIC 182); Liberalitas (RIC 363); with Sabina (wife of Hadrian), Denarius, rev Venus (RIC 396). Fine to good fine. (3) £100-150

579 Severus Alexander (AD 222-235), Denarius, AD 232, IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev SPES PVBLICA, Spes walking left, holding flower and raising skirt (RIC 254; RSC 546; RCV 7927). Sharp extremely fine. £60-80

580A group of 2nd and 3rd Century Denarii (18), comprising issues of Septimius Severus (5), Julia Domna (6), Caracalla (1), Geta (1), Elagabalus (1), Severus Alexander (7). Mostly good fine. (21) £500-600

581A group of 3rd Century Denarii (12), comprising issues of Elagabalus (4), Julia Maesa (1), Julia Mamaea (2), Severus Alexander (5). Mostly good fine. (12) £300-350

582 Gallienus (AD 253-268), AE 28mm, Ionia, Ephesus, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev Artemis advancing right, holding bow and arrow, hound runs beside her (BMC 377 var). Dark green patina, good very fine. £60-80

583 Postumus (AD 259-268), Antoninianus, rev Pax, much silvering, about extremely fine; Probus (AD 276-282), Antoninianus, bust left, wearing imperial mantle and holding eagle-tipped sceptre, rev ADVENTVS PROBI AVG, emperor on horseback, about extremely fine; Severus Alexander, Nicaea, Bithynia, AE, rev three standards; Judaea, Pontius Pilate, AE Prutah. Fine and better. (4) £100-150

584 Probus (AD 276-282), Antoninianus, Siscia, IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right, rev REST-ITVT O-RBIS / * / XXIQ, female figure standing right, presenting wreath to emperor, wearing military attire, holding sceptre and globe, 3.48g (RIC V/2, 95, 731; C 509). Dark brown patina, about extremely fine. £60-80

585 Diocletian (AD 284-305), Antoninianus, Tripolis, before AD 295, IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev IOVI CO-NSERVATOR-I AVG / TR / XXI, Victory standing right, palm branch over left shoulder, presenting wreath to emperor standing left, holding sceptre and globe, 4.01g (RIC V/2, 257, 329; C 276). Scarce, dark patina, extremely fine. £80-100

586 Galeria Valeria (wife of Galerius, d. AD 315), Follis, 6.76 g, Alexandria, c.308-310, GAL VALERIA AVG, diademed and draped bust right, rev VENERI V-ICTRICI, Venus, wearing long dress, standing left, holding apple and raising drapery over shoulder, with mint-mark K-Γ / P / Ale, 6.76g (RIC VI, 679, 110). Brown patina, extremely fine. £150-200

587 Constantine I (AD 307-337), Follis, London, c. AD 310-12, CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev ADVENTCS AVG, Prince riding left, raising right hand and holding spear, seated captive to left, star in right field, PLN in exergue (RIC 133). Dark green patina, a little softly struck on reverse, otherwise about extremely fine, scarce. £60-80

588 Miscellaneous Roman AE Coins (7), some Provincial, including an As of Nero (AD 54-68), rev façade of the Temple of Janus. Fair to good fine. (7) £50-70

589 Byzantine, Latin Rulers in Constantinople (1204-1261), billon Trachea (approx. 120), small module (mainly Sear 2044). Fair to fine. (lot) £30-40



590 Bent-bar Satamanas (4), silver (3) and billon (M 4069, 4070, 4075). Very good to good fine. (4) £50-80

591 Kingdom of Kalinda, Silver ½-Karshapana, 1.47g, elephant to left, triskeles and dots, and taurine in square; Magadha, period of evolution, Karshapana (GH 188); another Karshapana (GH 48). First good very fine and scarce, the others very fine. (3) £60-80

592 Indo-Scythian, Azilises (c.57-35 BC), Silver Tetradrachm, obv king on horseback, rev Zeus standing with oblique sceptre (M 2259). Very fine. £30-50

593 Kushan, Kanishka II (c.250-260 AD), Gold Stater, 7.76g, obv kind standing, trident in left hand, right hand pointing to altar, trident above, rev Siva and bull (M 3503). Good very fine, some double striking on reverse. £300-400

594 Kushan Kingdom, miscellaneous AE, including issues of, Vima Kadphises, Huvishka and Vasu Deva I. Fair to fine. (15) £50-70

595 Collection of Ancient Coins in album (approx 93), including silver Punchmarked Karshapanas (48), bronze Kushan Coins (18), and various other issues, all identified with tickets. Fine to very fine. (lot) £150-200

596 Collection of Ancient Coins in album (approx 87), including silver Punchmarked Karshapanas (48), mostly Mauryan, Gupta and other Drachms, and various copper coins, all identified with tickets. Fine to very fine. (lot) £200-300


597 Vijayanagar, Harihara II (1377-1404 AD), Gold ½-Pagodas (3), Umamahesvara type (2) and Lakshmi-Narayana type (M 877, 879). Very fine to good very fine. (3) £70-90

598 Vijayanagar, Devaraya I (1377-1404 AD), Gold Pagodas (5), Umamahesvara type (3) (M 897) and Garuda standing (2). Very fine to good very fine. (5) £100-150

599 Vijayanagar, Krishna Devaraya (1505-1529 AD), Gold Pagodas (2), ½-Pagodas (3), Balakrishna type (M 898, 899). Good very fine. (5) £100-150

600 Achyutaraya (1530-1542 AD), ½-Pagodas (4), Gandabherunda types, two with double-headed eagle flying upward, carrying off two elephants (M 908) and two in profile. Very fine to extremely fine. (4) £100-150

601 Nayaks of Chitaldurg, Gold Pagodas (5), Balakrishna type, derivatives of the issue of Krishna Devaraya of Vijayanagar (M 938, 939). Very fine to good very fine. (5) £100-150

602 An assortment of Jitals and other medieval coins (approx 55), various issuers including Shahis of Kabuls, Sultans of Dehli, Dehli Rajas, including silver bull and horseman type with Arabic ‘adl. Fine to very fine. (lot) £50-80


603 Sultans of Bengal, Silver Tankas and Rupees (7), Ghiyath al-Din Bahadur, Khitta Lakhnauti 723, Sikandar bin Ilyas Firuzabad (2), one dated 784, ‘Ala al-Din Husain, “victory” type, Fathabad, Nasir al-Din Nusrat, Fathabad, 925, Ghiyath al-Din Jalal, 969, Daud Shah Kararani, 981? (G&G B108, 192, 199, 725, 810, 972, 982); Sultans of Malwa, ½-Tanka, Ghiyath Shah, 890, Timurid Tanka, Timur, citing Mahmud. Good fine to good very fine. (9) £60-80

604 Sultans of Bengal, Silver Tankas (12), Ghiyath al-Din Balban (2), Rukn al-Din Kaikaus (5), Fakhr al-Din Mubarak, Sunargaon 745 (2), ‘Ala al-Din ‘Ali (3) (G&G B78, 89, 136, 141). Mostly very fine. (12) £120-160

605 Sultans of Dehli, Qutb al-din Mubarak, square Silver Tanka, Hadrat Dar al-Khilafa, AH 719 (G&G D261), rectangular Billon 12-Gani, AH (7)19 (G&G D270). Good very fine and scarce. (2) £60-80

606 MSultans of Dehli, Muhammad bin Tughluq (AH 725-752; 1325-1351 AD), Gold Tanka, no mint or date, in the name of the caliph al-Hakim II, 11.04g (G&G D441 var). Very fine, light traces of mounting on edge. £100-150

607 Sultans of Dehli, Muhammad bin Tughluq, Gold Tanka, 11.1g, in the name of the caliph al-Hakim II (G&G D444). Very fine but with some surface defects. £100-150

608 Sultans of Dehli, Sher Shah (AH 945-952; 1538-1545 AD), Rupees (10), Kalpi, Sharifabad 948, 951, Shergarh 948, Shergarh Bakkar 950, Jahanpanah 948, 949, mintless types 947, 949, 950 (G&G D784, 797, 798, 802, 804, 809, 812, 826, 827); Islam Shah (AH 952-960; 1545-1552 AD), Rupee, mintless type, AH 954 (G&G D982); Muhammad ‘Adil (AH 960-964; 1552-1556 AD), Rupees (2), Narnol, AH 961, mintless type with date mostly off flan (G&G D1100, D1105). Mostly very fine, some with deposit and some scarce. (13) £100-50

609 Sultans of Malwa, Square ½-Tankas (20), Ghiyath Shah (4), Nasir Shah (3), Mahmud Shah II (13), some with clear dates (G&G M76, 110, 156). Fine to very fine. (20) £60-80

610 An assortment of Indian coins contained in an album (approx 80), mostly Sultans of Dehli coins, various rulers, including silver Tankas (14), Suri Tankas or Rupees (14), billon Jitals and Tankas (46), Copper coins (8), and other Islamic coins. Varied condition, mostly fine to very fine. A good starter collection. (lot) £200-300


611 Akbar (AH 963-1014; 1556-1605 AD), Rupees (11) and ½-Rupees (4): Agra 985, 986, Ahmadabad 984, 993, 995, Berar Ilahi 45 Ardibihisht, Ilahi 4x Tir (with small bird), Fathpur 987, Kabul ½ rupee Ilahi 48 Azar, Lahore Ilahi 4x Mihr, ½-Rupee Ilahi 46 Azar, Tatta Ilahi 44 Mihr, mintless type Ilahi 32 or 3, square Rupee and ½-Rupee, mint off flan, and a Mahmudi of Baglana in the name of Akbar (KM 80.1, 80.2A, 82.1, 93.6, 82.2, 66.2, 93.11, 66.3, 88.7, 91.1, 72.1). Generally very fine. (16) £100-150

612 Akbar, Set of Square Rupees (12), mintless type, with all 12 Ilahi months: Ilahi 35 Shahrewar, Di, Amardad, Mihr, Aban, Ilahi 37 Khurdad, Bahman, Ilahi 38 Isfandarmuz, Farwardin, Ilahi 41 Azar, Ilahi 42 Tir, Ardibihisht (KM 90.1). Very fine to extremely fine. (12) £200-300

613 Akbar, Square ½-Rupee, mintless type, Ilahi 35; Square ¼-Rupee, Urdu Zafar Qarin “alif”; Round ¼-Rupee, Lahore Ilahi 4x, Mihr (KM 63.1, 55.2, 58.2). Very fine, the ¼-Rupees scarce. (3) £80-100

614 Jahangir (AH 1014-1037; 1605-1627 AD), Heavy Rupee, “Jahangiri”, Ahmadabad, AH 1016, year 2 (KM 152.1); Rupee, Allahabad, believed to have been struck by Jahangir when governor in rebellion against his father, Akbar (KM 97.1). Both extremely fine. (2) £60-80

615 Jahangir, Heavy Rupees (Sawai) (3), Ahmadabad, inayat legend, 1018, year 5 (2), year 6 (KM 158.3). Good very fine. (3) £150-200

616 Jahangir, Rupee, Kabul, year 9, “Mihr” type (KM 149.12); ½-Rupees (2), Qandahar (KM 135.2), mint off flan, AH 1016, probably Elichpur. Good fine to very fine, scarce to very scarce. (3) £80-100

617 Jahangir, Rupees (2), with the name of Nur Jahan, Lahore AH 1034, year 20, Patna AH 1037, year 22 (KM 168.4, 168.5). First good very fine, the second very fine, scarce. (2) £60-80

618 Jahangir, Rupees (12), Ahmadabad 1025, 1030 year 15, Burhanpur, Dehli 1022 year 8 Aban, Lahore year 11 Farwardin, year 12, 1029 year 15, 1030 year 16 (2), 1037 year 22, Qandahar 1027 year 12, year 16 (KM 1492, 1494, 145.5, 145.6, 142.2, 145.11, 149.14, 149.15, 149.16). Very fine to good very fine. (12) £100-150

619 Jahangir, Rupees (29), Ahmadabad (7), Lahore (15), Qandahar (6) and one other, various types. Very good to very fine. (29) £100-120

620 Shah Jahan I (AH 1037-1068; 1628-1658 AD), Rupees (12) and a ½-Rupee, Akbarabad, Bhakkar, Burhanpur, Multan, Qandahar, Patna, Surat, Tatta, and mint off-flan, various types; Aurangzeb, Rupees (12), Ajmir (2), Bareily, Bijapur, Burhanpur, Golkonda, Lahore, Sahrind, Surat (3), Tatta. Fine to extremely fine. (25) £100-150

621 Shah Jahan I, Rupee, Balda Ujjain (KM 222.15); ½-Rupee, early type, mintname uncertain and only partially visible, year 1039; Shahrukhis (2) struck by the Janid ruler at Balkh, in the name of the Mughal emperor, 4.19g and 4.22g. Fine to very fine, all scarce. (4) £70-90

622 Murad Bakhsh (AH 1068; 1658 AD), Rupee, Ahmadabad; Rupee and ½-Rupee, Surat, first with clear date 1068 (KM 272.1, 272.3, 270.1). Very fine and scarce. (3) £100-150

623 Murad Bakhsh, Rupee, Surat, 1068 ahd, linear obverse type (KM 271.1). Good fine and rare. £100-150

624 MAurangzeb (AH 1068-1118; 1658-1707 AD), Mohur, Aurangabad, AH 1082, year 15, 10.93g. Very fine, light traces of mounting on edge. £100-150

625 Aurangzeb, Rupees (6), including Golkonda, Itawa, Surat, one not clear; Farrukhsiyar, Rupees (4), Akbarabad (2), Itawa, Tatta; Muhammad Shah, Rupees (9), Akhtarnagar, Awadh, Gwalior (2), Itawa, Kora, Lahore, Shahjahanabad (2), Surat (“luft allah” type), ½-Rupee, mint off-flan. Very fine to good very fine. (20) £100-150

626 Aurangzeb, Rupees (3), Kabul, year 17, non-couplet type with mintname at top; Khambayat, year 1 (ahad), mintname at top (2); Surat, year 1 (ahad); Jahandar, Rupee, Mustaqir al-Mulk Akbarabad, AH 1124 ahd (KM -, 300.95; 364.3). Good fine to very fine, the first with trace of mount, all scarce. (4) £70-90

627 Shah Alam I (AH 1119-1124; 1707-1712 AD), Rupee, Murshidabad, in his pre-accession name of Mu’azzam, year 1 (ahd) (KM 344.2). Fine and very rare. £150-250

628 Shah Alam I, Rupee, Mustaqir al-Khilafa Akbarabad, AH 1119 ahd, Alamgir thani legend (KM 346.1). About very fine and rare. £80-100

629 Shah Alam I, Rupee, Khambayat, AH 1119 ahd, rev jalus zafar manus legend (KM -). About very fine and very scarce. £60-80

630 Jahandar (AH 1124-1125; 1712-1713 AD), Rupee, Lahore (KM 363.17); Rafi‘ al-Darjat, Rupee, Itawa, 1131 ahd (KM 405.8). Good very fine and scarce. (2) £60-80

631 Shah Jahan II (AH 1131; 1719 AD), Rupees (3), ‘Azimabad 1131 ahd, Lahore 1131 ahd, Shahjahanabad (11)31 ahd (KM 415.5, 415.16, 415.23). Very fine and scarce. (3) £120-150

632 Muhammad Shah (AH 1131-1161; 1719-1748 AD), Rupees (3), Kankurti, Peshawar AH 1145, year 14, Surat, year 1 (ahd) lutf allah type (KM 436.35, 436.50, 434.4). Very fine, scarce to very scarce. (3) £70-90

633 Muhammad Shah, Pagodas (2), Imtiyazgadh (KM 439C.1); Alamgir II, Pagodas (4), Imtiyazgadh (KM 468.1). Good very fine. (6) £350-450

634 Ahmad Shah Bahadur (AH 1161-1167; 1748-1754 AD), Rupees (4), Gwalior, year 5, Lahore, year 2, Shahabad Qanauj, 1162, year 2 and year 5, probably of Murshidabad (KM 446.24, 446.13, 446.34, 446.15). Very fine to extremely fine, the Shahabad Rupee, rare. (4) £80-100

635 ‘Alamgir II (AH 1167-1173; 1754-1759 AD), Rupees (5), Mahindrapur, year 3, Muradabad, 1172 year 6, Najibabad, year 3, Shahjahanabad, year 2, khallada allah mulkahu wa saltanahu visible at top of obverse, (Surat) year 2 (KM 460.33, 460.34, 460.35, 456.1, 460.19). Very fine to good very fine, the Mahindrapur coin with a miscellany of shrof marks, some scarce. (5) £80-100

636 Shah ‘Alam II (AH 1174-1221; 1759-1806 AD), Rupees (5), ‘Azimabad, 1175, year 2, Hathras, year 30, Saharanpur, 1219, year 46, Shahjahanabad, 1179, year 7, 1186, year 13 (KM 592, 640, 693, 709); Shah Jahan III, Rupee, Ahmadabad, struck by the Marathas (KM 474.5); Muhammad Akbar II, Rupee, Shahjahanabad, 1222 or 3, year 2 (KM 777), other Rupees (2), ½-Rupee, Coppers coins (4). Rupees mostly very fine to extremely fine, some scarce. (14) £100-150

637 Gold Fanams (10), Balapur, in the names of Jahandar, Muhammad Shah (7) and Alamgir (2). Very fine to good very fine, scarce to rare. (10) £200-300

638 An assortment of Copper Coins (approx 60), mainly Sultans of Malwa and Akbar. Varied condition, viewing recommended. (lot) £100-150

639 An assortment of Rupees (45), comprising Jahangir (5), Shah Jahan I (14), Shah Alam I (2), Farrukhsiyar (4), Aurangzeb (11), Muhammad Shah (9), various mints. Mostly very fine. (45) £300-400

Independent Kingdoms

640 Durrani, Zaman Shah (AH 1207-1216; 1793-1801 AD), Rupee, Peshawar, AH 1216, year 9 (KM 713); Base metal imitation of a Bahawalpur Rupee, Shuja’ al-Mulk. Very fine. (2) £30-40

641 Marathas, Rupees (6), Bagalkot (M&W T2, T3), Rupees (3), Athni (M&W T1, T2), Ravishnagar Sagar, Rupee, year 55 (M&W T3a); Bhonsla, Rupee, Katak. Mostly very fine. (11) £100-120

642 Marathas, Rupee (6), Athni, Sarkar Torgal, Azamnagar Gokak, Saharanpur AH (121)6 year 43, 1217 year 44, 1219 year 46 (M&W T1t, T1v, T1y, later date, probably post-Maratha). Very fine to extremely fine. (6) £80-100

643 Marathas, Rupees (13), Ahmadabad, with ram, Bagalkot (2), Gokulgahr year 32, Jhansi, year 20, Nipani, Panipat, Poone (3), Srinagar (3); Copper Paisa (3), Satara; Sind, Rupees (2), Bhakkar, in the name of Mahmud Shah Durrani, one with lion and hare, struck during British occupation, the other AH (12)67 (KM C11, 12); Rupees (6), Wanparti AH 1235 (c.80), Mewar (KM C32), Gwalior, Ujjain year 36 (KM 218), Alwar 1891, Jaintiapur, Garhwal timasha AH 1188 (KM C20); other Silver Coins (5) and Copper Coins (10). Fine to very fine, a few better. (39) £100-150

644 Mysore, Tipu Sultan (1782-1799 AD), Rupees (2), Patan, AM 1217, year 7 (KM 126); Mughal Rupees and ½-Rupees, various rulers (9). Mysore Rupees very fine to good very fine, the others fine to very fine. (11) £60-80

645 Mysore, Tipu Sultan, Rupees (2), Patan, AM 1216 year 6, 1218 year 8, ½-Rupee, 1218 (KM 126, 125); Paisas (12), Farrukhi AM 1217, Kalikut AH 1200 (2), Nagar AM 122x, 1227, Patan ND (2), AM 1222, 1224, 1225, two others with unclear dates (KM 53, 73, 103.11, 103.9, 122.9, 123.4, 123.5, 123.6, 123.7, 123.8, 123.9); ½-Paisas (2), Patan and Faiz Hisar. Fine to very fine, the Rupees and ½-Rupee darkly toned. (17) £60-80

646 Tripura, Jaya Manikya (SE 1495-1499; 1573-1577 AD), Silver Tanka, SE 1495 citing Sri Subhadra Maha Devi (RB 151; KM 85); Yaso Manikya (second reign SE 1522-1540; 1600-1618 AD), Silver Tanka, SE 1522, Krishna playing flute with two gopis (RB 195; KM 109). Very fine and scarce. (2) £200-250

647 Tripura, Amar Manikya (SE 1499-1508; 1577-1586 AD), Silver Tanka, SE 1499, lion to left (RB152; KM 90); Rajadhara Manikya (SE 1508-1521; 1586-1599 AD), Silver Tanka, SE 1508, lion to left (RB 180; KM 79). Very fine and good fine. (2) £60-80

648 Tripura, Vira Vikrama Kishore Manikya (TE 1333-1357; 1909-1923 AD), Portrait Rupees (2), TE 1337 (RB 302; KM 406). Very fine. (2) £60-80

649 Tripura, Yaso Manikya, Silver Tanka, SE 1522, Krishna playing flute between two gopis (RB 200; KM 109). About extremely fine. £100-150

Sikh Empire

650 Sikhs, Rupees (15), Amritsar, VS 1867, 1876, 1877, 1884/99, 1885/94, 1885/97 (5), 1885/98, 1885/99 (3) (Herrli 01.07.04, 01.21.04, 01.11.04; KM 20.1, 21.2, 22.2, 22.1, 22.4, 22,5, 22.6). Very fine. (15) £60-80

651 Sikhs, Rupees (8), Amritsar, various types and dates; Lahore, Rupee, VS 1852 (KM 64). Fine to very fine. (9) £70-80

652 Sikhs, Rupee, Anandghar, VS 1841 ahd, full mintname (Herrli 02.02.04; KM 30). Good very fine, flan defect on reverse, scarce. £100-150

653 Sikhs, Rupee, Derajat, struck in the name of the Durrani Mahmud Shah by the local nawab under Sikh suzerainty, year 1237 (Herrli 07.01.04); Rupee, Sikh legends, VS 189x (Herrli 07.06.04; KM 120.2), “Billishahi” Copper coin, AH 1249, lion on one side and “raij” on the other. Very fine. (3) £60-80

654 Sikhs, Rupees (4), Lahore, VS 1830, 1861, 1871, 1873 (Herrli 08.03.04, 08.06.04; KM 65, 66.1). Good fine to very fine, first with trace of mount, the last possibly plated. (4) £80-100

655 Sikhs, Rupee, Peshawar, VS 1894 (Herrli 13.02.04; KM 98.2); Copper coins (11), various types and a pseudo-Sikh Token (Herrli 04.20.11). Rupee very fine and scarce, the coppers fine to very fine. (13) £100-150

656 Sikhs, Copper coins (32), mainly Amritsar type. Very good to fine. (32) £100-150

657 Sikhs, Copper coins (35), mainly Amritsar types. Very good to fine. (35) £100-150

Princely States

658 Assam, Gadadhara Simha, Rupee, Rudra Simha, Rupee, SE 1618, Shiva Simha, Rupees (3) SE 1653, 1657 year 21, 1661, Pramatta Simha, Rupee, SE 1673, Rajesvara Simha, Rupee, SE 1675, Nagari legends, Lakshmi Simha, ½-Rupee, Gaurinatha Simha, Rupee, SE 1705, ½-Rupee, year 7 (KM 33, 40, 73, 91, 112, 122, 145, 178, 205, 215). Very fine to good very fine. (10) £60-80

659 Assam, Shiva Simha (SE 1637-1666; 1715-1744 AD), Square Rupee, Persian script, Gargaon, SE 1651, year 15 (KM 75); Rajesvara Simha (SE 1673-1691; 1751-1769 AD), Octagonal Rupee, Persian script, Rangpur, SE 1685 (KM 156). Very fine and scarce. (2) £100-120

660 Baroda, Khande Rao (AH 1273-1287; 1856-1879 AD), Rupee, AH 1287, machine-struck (KM Y14.1); Bharatpur, Portrait Rupee, in the names of Jaswant Singh and Queen Victoria, Bharatpur mint, VS 1910, 1858 AD (KM 157). Very fine and scarce, the first a little weakly struck in the centre as usual. (2) £100-150

661 Baroda, Sayaji Rao III (VS 1932-1995; 1875-1938 AD), Portrait Rupees (5), VS 1948 (2), 1949, 1953, 1955 (KM 36, 36a); Bikanir, Rupees (4), portrait of Queen Victoria, 1892 (2), 1897 (2) (KM 72). Very fine to good extremely fine. (9) £100-150

662 Bharatpur, Mahindrapur mint, Rupees (2), in the name of Alamgir II, AH 1171 year 5, in the name of Shah Jahan III, AH (11)73 ahd (KM 27, 29). Very fine, the first scarce, especially with full date, the second very scarce. (2) £100-120

663 Bindraban, Portrait Rupee, Queen Victoria, 1859? (KM 18), ¼-Rupee, in the name of Shah ‘Alam II, year 44 (KM 8a); Islamabad Mathura, Rupee, the name of Shah ‘Alam II, AH 119x, year 23 (KM 40.1). Good fine to good very fine. (3) £60-80

664 Cooch Bihar, Nara Narayan (SE 1477-1509; 1555-1587 AD), Silver Tankas (5), SE 1477 (KM 34, 35 var, 36); Lakshmi Narayan (SE 1509-1549; 1587-1627 AD), Silver Tankas (3), SE 1509, one with year CB98 (KM 44, 45); Arakan, Rupee, Bodawpaya, BE 1146 (KM 29), Bhutanese coins (3). Very fine. (12) £80-100

665 Hyderabad, Mir Mahbub Ali Khan II (AH 1285-1329; 1868-1911 AD), Gold Ashrafi AH 1300, ½-Ashrafi 1314, ¼-Ashrafi AH 1319, 1/8-Ashrafi AH 1309 (KM Y19-22). Extremely fine to good extremely fine, one test mark on the Ashrafi. (4) £300-400

666 Indore, ½-Rupees (30), various dates where visible (KM 43, 73). Very fine. (30) £150-200

667 Jaipur, Nazarana Paisa (10), in the names of George V and Man Singh II, 1926 year 5, 1927 year 6, years 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; in the names of George VI and Man Singh II, years 22, 23 (Y B15, 17). Very fine. (10) £100-120

668 Jaipur, Nazarana Paisas (16), in the names of George V and Man Singh II, years 5, 10 (2), 13, 14; in the names of George VI and Man Singh II, years 21 (3), 22, 23, 24, 25 (4), 26 (Y B15, 17). Mostly very fine. (16) £150-200

669 Jaipur, Nazarana Paisa, in the names of Edward VIII and Man Singh II, 193x year 15 (Y A16). Very fine and scarce. One of the few issues in the name of Edward VIII. £80-100

670 Jodhpur, Gold ½-Mohur, in the names of George V and Umaid Singh, “shri” next to jhar mintmark (KM 128). Very fine and scarce. £100-150

671 Kotah, Nazarana Rupee, in the name of Bahadur Shah II, year 7 (KM 32a). Extremely fine. £80-100

672 Nabha, Bharpur Singh (VS 1903-1920; 1846-1863 AD), Rupee, VS 1907 (1850 AD), Sikh legends (KM Y1.1). Very fine and scarce. £80-100

673 Nabha, Hira Singh, Rupee, Sikh legends, date off-flan (KM Y2). Very fine and scarce. £60-80

674 Patiala, Rajindar Singh, Rupees (10), VS (19)42, (19)48 (2), and without date (7). Very fine. (10) £60-80

675 Patiala, Karm Singh (AH 1229-1261; 1813-1845 AD), Gold Mohur, VS (18)98 (KM C35). Extremely fine and rare. £300-400

676 Rajkot, Dharmendra Singhji (1930-1948 AD), Gold Restrike of medallic issue of 1945, 5.8g (KM Y1). Extremely fine with slight spotting on one side. £50-80

677 Travancore, Gold ½-Pagoda, 1.3g, struck between 1870 and 1931 (KM M10). Extremely fine and scarce. £60-80

678 A collection of Indian State coins in an album (approx 80), all identified wth tickets, including Banswara, 1/8-Rupee, Bhopal, Rupee, Bawalpur, copper, Gwalior, coppers (7), Indore, Rupee, coppers (3), Jaipur, coppers (2), Mewar, ½-Rupee, coppers (2), Mysore, Rupee, ¼-Rupee, coppers (6), Nawanagar, silver (2), coppers (5), Orchha, Rupees (2), Partabgarh, Rupee, ½- and 1/8-Rupee, coppers (2), Porbandar, silver (2), Rajkot, silver, Radhanpur, Rupee and copper, Ratlam, coppers (4), Sailana, coppers (2), Ravishnagar Sagar, Rupee, Tonk, Rupee, copper, Travancore, silver (8), coppers (9), other coins (7). Fine to good very fine. (lot) £150-250

679 A collection of Indian State coins in an album (approx 90), all identified wth tickets, including Hyderabad, Rupees (4), ½-, ¼- and 1/8-Rupee, Indore, Rupees (9), ½-Rupee (2), coppers (4), Jaipur, Rupee, Nazrana Rupees (2), ¼- and 1/8-Rupee, Nazrana Paisa, coppers (2), Jaisalmir, Rupees (3), Jaora, coppers (2), Jhabua, copper, Jhalawar, Rupee, Jodhpur, Rupees (2), copper, Kuchawan, Rupee, Junagadh, Koris (2), copper, Kalat, copper, Karauli, Rupees (3), Kashmir, Rupees (4), copper, Kishangarh, Rupee, Kotah, Rupees (2), Kutch, silver (21), various denominations and coppers (4), Ladakh, Ja’u (2), Mewar, Rupees (4), other silver (5). Fine to extremely fine. (lot) £300-400

680 India State coins (approx 85) housed in an album, including Alwar, Rupees (3), Awadh, Rupees (9), copper (1), Bahawalpur, Rupee, copper (3), Bajranggahr, Rupee, Banswara, Rupee, ½-Rupee, Baroda, Rupees (6), ½-Rupees (6), ¼-Rupees (2), 1/8-Rupee, Bharatpur, Rupees (3), Bhonslas, Rupee, Bikanir, Rupees (5), Bhopal, Rupees (2), 1/8-Rupee, coppers (2), Bundi, Rupees (4), ½-Rupee, Cannanore, 1/5-Rupee (2), Chamba, copper, Chhatarpur, Rupee, Chhota Udaipur, copper, Datia, Rupee, Dewas JB, copper, Dhar, copper, Gwalior, Rupees (6), ½-Rupee, copper (2), Hyderabad (2 rupees, 5 others), Maler Kotla (2 rupees), Patiala (rupee), Tonk (copper). Fine to extremely fine. (lot) £200-300

East India Company and British India

681 Bengal Presidency, Rupees (4), Murshidabad, in the name of Shah ‘Alam II, 1178/5, 1182/9, 1184/11, 1185/11; ¼-Rupee, year 19, 1/16-Rupee, year 11 (KM 84, 82, A80). Very fine. (6) £200-300

682 Bombay Presidency, ½-Anna AH 1195 (KM 126), 1½-Pice 1791 (KM 195), Pice (2), 1791, 1794 (KM 193), ½-Anna, Pice and ½-Pice 1804 (KM 204-206), ¼-Anna 1830 (KM 231.1); Bengal Presidency, ½-Anna (KM 59); Madras Presidency, 1/48-Rupee, 1/96-Rupee (2), 1797 (KM 397-398), 10-Cash (2), 20-Cash 1803 (KM 319, 321), 10-Cash 1808 (KM 319), 4-Pice 1824 (KM 430), Pie 1825 (KM 438), 1/8-Rupee, Arkot type (KM 424), 1- and 2-Fanam, 1808 issue (KM 349-350); Uniform Coinage, ½-Anna (2), 1835 (KM 447.1), ¼-Anna (3), 1835 (KM 446.1), ½-Anna, 1845 (KM 447.1), ¼-Anna (3), 1858 (KM 463.1, 463.2), ½-Pice 1853 (KM 464); Bikanir, Queen Victoria, Portrait Rupee 1897 (KM 72), ¼-Anna (2), 1895 (KM 21), ½-Pice 1894 (KM 70); Alwar, Queen Victoria, Portrait Rupees (2) 1880, 1891 (KM 45-6). Mostly very fine, some better. (37) £50-80

683 Madras Presidency, Gold Pagodas (4), “three swami” type with full-length figures, “three swami” type with half standing figures, and “star” types (2) (Pr 3a, Pr 3b, 9; KM 289, 303, 304) Gold Fanams (9). Very fine to extremely fine. (13) £200-300

684 Madras Presidency, Proof 5-Cash, 1803 (KM 361). Nice proof condition, few minimal scuff marks on the reverse. £50-80

685 East India Company, Rupee, Shahjahanabad, AH 1220, year 48, floral borders (KM 714). Very fine, small area of weak strike at edge or perhaps mount removed, scarce. £40-60

686 East India Company, Uniform Coinage, William IV, Rupees (4), 1835 (KM 450.1, 450.3, 450.4), ½-Rupee (2), 1835 (KM 449.1, 449.3), ¼-Rupees (4), 1835 (KM 448.1, 448.2); Queen Victoria, Rupees (4), 1840 (KM 457, 458), ½-Rupees (3), 1840 (KM 455, 456), ¼-Rupee, 1840 (KM 453), 2-Annas (5), 1841 (KM459, 460). Very good to extremely fine. (23) £50-80

687 ¼-Rupees (86), 1840, 1919C, 1936B (24), 1936C (53), 1939B (2), 1939C, 1940B (2), 1943C (2); Bombay Presidency, 1/5-Rupees (2). Mostly extremely fine or better. (88) £400-500

688 ¼-Rupees (50), 1919C. Good extremely fine or better. (50) £120-160

689 British India, Queen Victoria, Rupees (18), 1862 (2) (KM 473.1), 1876C (KM 473.2), 1877B, 1878C, 1880C, 1880B, 1885B, 1887B, 1888B, 1889B, 1890B, 1892B, 1893B, 1898B, 1900C, 1901C (2). Mostly very fine to extremely fine. (18) £50-80

690 British India, Queen Victoria, ½-Rupees (12), 1862 (KM 472), 1874B (2), 1875C, 1881B, 1884C, 1889B, 1892B, 1892C, 1894C, 1897B, 1899B (KM 491). Fine to extremely fine. (12) £40-60

691 British India, Queen Victoria, ¼-Rupees (19), 1862 (2), 1875, 1876, 1878, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1886, 1887 (2), 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892 (2), 1896, 1898 (KM 470, 490); 2-Annas (8), 1862, 1878, 1882, 1883, 1889 (2), 1890, 1891 (KM 469, 488); ½-Anna (2) 1862, 1877, ¼-Anna (10) 1862, 1874, 1878, 1880, 1883, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1897, 1/12-Anna (6), 1882, 1885, 1889, 1894, 1895, 1897 (KM 467, 468, 483, 486, 487); Edward VII, Rupees (6), 1903C, 1904B, 1905, 1906, 1906B, 1907 (KM 508), ½-Rupees (2), 1907B, 1910C (KM 507), ¼-Rupees (2) 1903, 1906, 2-Annas, 1903 (KM 505-6); ½-Anna, 1903, ½-Pice (2), 1903, 1910 (KM 501, 499); George V, 2-Annas, 1917 (KM 515), ¼-Annas (5), 1912, 1913, 1918, 1920, 1933 (KM 512), ½-Pice (4), 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924 (KM 510), 1/12-Anna (8), 1912, 1913, 1917, 1920, 1923, 1924, 1928, 1931 (KM 509); George VI, ½-Pice, 1939 (KM 528). Fine to extremely fine, many of the copper coins with lustre. (73) £100-120

692 British India, George V, Rupees (15), 1911C, 1912B, 1912C, 1913B, 1913C, 1914B (2), 1916B, 1916C, 1917B, 1918B, 1918C, 1919B, 1919C, 1920C (KM 524); ½-Rupees (8), 1912, 1913, 1917B, 1918B, 1919, 1921, 1924, 1936 (KM 522); 8-Annas, 1919 (KM 520), ¼-Rupees (3), 1914, 1918, 1936 (KM 518), 4-Annas, 1919 (KM 519), 2-Annas (4), 1918, 1924, 1927, 1929, 1934 (KM 516); George VI, Rupees (4), 1938 (2), 1942, 1944 (KM 557), ¼-Anna (2), 1938, 1939, 1/12-Anna (2), 1939, 1942 (KM 527); Anna, ½-Anna, 1954 (KM 567, 568). Mostly very fine to extremely fine, some better, the copper coins with lustre, the 1954 coins prooflike. (42) £80-100

693 Collection of East India Company and British India coins housed in an album (approx 85), all identified wth tickets, including Bengal Presidency, Rupees (6), ½-Rupees (3), Copper coins (12); Bombay Presidency, Rupees (3), other silver coins (7), Copper coins (6); Madras Presidency, Rupees (2), other silver coins (4), Copper coins (7); British India (including William IV), Rupees (7), other silver coins (12), copper and base metal coins (20). Fine to extremely fine. (lot) £200-300


694 Rupees (17), Mughal, States and East India Company; Aurangzeb, ½-Rupees (2), Surat; Kutch, Kori; Mahmud of Ghazni, Dirhems (2), Mahmudpur (Lahore) mint Fine to very fine. (22) £100-120

695 Portuguese India, John V, Goa, Rupia 1750 (KM 112). Staining to obverse, extremely fine. £180-220

696 An assortment Indian copper coins, mostly Southern India (approx 95), contained in an album, each identified with ticket, a few silver coins included. Mainly fine to very fine. (lot) £150-250

697 An assortment of Indian coins (approx 90), housed in an album, including Portuguese India, French India, Dutch East Indies, Ceylon, Tibet, Nepal and modern India. Varied states, fine to prooflike. (lot) £200-300

Indian Banknotes

698 A nice group of Indian Hundi Notes and Bills (60), a variety of types including Shiwaji Balkrishanrao Chawsalkar Shop and Bajooru Ramakristiah Pullooru Malliah (Gold Merchant). Mostly in excellent condition, includes some scarce items, viewing recommended. (60) £250-350

699 A large assortment of Indian Hundi Notes and Bills (approx 180), a variety including Sadasukh Jankidas Banker and stamps from Berar. Less well preserved than the previous lot but nonetheless in very good condition, another useful group. (lot) £300-500


700 Assorted Sasanian Drachms (14), including two with additional outer circle in reverse margin. Fine to very fine, the latter two rare. (14) £100-120

701 Umayyad, temp ‘Abd al-Malik, Dirham, Jayy 79h, 2.50g (Klat 253.b). Traces of mounting, otherwise very fine, scarce. £100-150

702 Umayyad, temp al-Walid I (86-96h), Dirham, al-Taymara 93h (Klat 209); Hotaki Afghan, Mahmud Shah (1135-1137h), Rupi, type A, Qandahar, no date visible (A 2714). First slightly clipped, otherwise very fine, second very fine, both rare. (2) £80-100

703 Umayyad, temp al-Walid I, Dirham, Jayy 91h, 2.83g (Klat 259). Some light scratches on reverse, otherwise good very fine, very rare. £100-150

704 Umayyad, Dirhams (27), Dimashq 85h, Manadhir 97h, Wasit 85h, 92h, 93h, 94h, 95h (7), 96h (13), 126h; together with Arab-Sasanian Drachms (4). Varied state. (31) £100-120

705 Abbasid, al-Mahdi, Dirham, Qasr al-Salam 167h (Lowick 1473; A 215.1); al-Hadi, Dirham, al-Haruniya 170h, with the name of the governor Yazid b. Mazyad (Lowick 877; A 217). The first very fine and rare, the second with some corrosion on edge and two indentations on obverse otherwise good fine, extremely rare. (2) £50-80

706 Abbasid, al-Rashid, Dirhams (2), al-Rayy 179h, in the name of the heir al-Amin, citing Muhammad b. Yahya and Ja’far (Lowick 2010; A 219.9), Madinat Zaranj 192h, citing ‘Ali al-Qawsi (Lowick 2462; A 219.5). First about very fine and scarce, the second with edge crack otherwise very fine, very rare. (2) £50-80

707 Abbasid, al-Rashid, Dirham, al-Haruniya 171h, raja above reverse legend, 2.71g (Lowick 894; A 219.5). Very fine and extremely rare. £80-100

708 Abbasid, al-Mu’tamid, Dirhams (3), Arrajan 274h, with the names of the heir al-Muwaffaq and the second heir Ahmad b. al-Muwaffaq (A 240.7), Isbahan 261h, with the name of the heir Ja’far (A 240.1), Fars 273h, with the name of the second heir Ahmad b. al-Muwaffaq (Miles RIC 293 var; A 240 var). About very fine or better, all rare. (3) £80-100

709 Abbasid, al-Mu´tadid, Dirham, Nisibin 284h, 3.24g. About very fine. £50-80

710 Abbasid, al-Mu’tadid, Dirham, Surra man Ra’a 279h (Copenhagen 543; A 242); al-Muktafi, Dirhams (4), Isbahan 292h, 294h, Tustar min al-Ahwaz 293h (A 244.1), al-Muhammadiya 291h, with the name of the vizier Wali al-dawla (Miles Rayy -; A 244.2). About very fine or better, all rare. (5) £100-150

711 Abbasid, al-Muqtadir, Dirhams (3), Arrajan 301h, Suq al-Ahwaz 306h, 311h (A 246.2). The last slightly bent, otherwise all very fine and rare. (3) £80-100

712 Banijurid, Dirhams (17), all Taliqan 284h. Fine to very fine, most with some weakness. (17) £60-80

713 Tahirid, Talha b. Tahir (207-213h), Dirham, Abarshahr 211h, 2.91g (Lowick 2088 [this coin]; A 1393). Struck with a broken obverse die, about very fine and extremely rare. £100-150

believed to be the only recorded example of this date

714 Tahirid, Talha b. Tahir, Dirhams (3), Samarqand 208h, 209h, 210h (Lowick 2704, 2711, 2715 var; A 1393). First two very fine and scarce, the third with corroded surfaces, about very fine and very rare. (3) £100-150

715 Khujistanid, Ahmad b. ‘Abd Allah (fl.261-268h), Dirhams (3), Nishapur 268h (A 1396). Fine to very fine, one pierced, another double-struck. (3) £40-60

716 Saffarid, Ya’qub b. al-Layth, Dirhams (5), al-Ahwaz, date unclear, al-Banjhir 260h, Fars 264h (2), another, mint and date unclear (A 1401). Fine to very fine, all weak in parts. (5) £30-50

717 Ghaznavid, Gold Dinars (7), Ghazna 431h, 432h, 436h, 449h, Herat 403h, 405h, 424h. Very fine, one bent. (7) £200-250

718 Ghaznavid, Gold Dinars (18), Ghazna 431h (3), 444h, Herat 403h, 411h, mints and/or dates unclear (12). Fine to very fine, most weak in parts, a few bent. (18) £400-500

719 Ghaznavid, Gold Dinars (11), mints and/or dates unclear. Mostly very fine with some weakness, two cracked. (11) £200-250

720 Great Seljuq, Pale Gold Dinars (16), Marw 453h, mints and/or dates unclear (15). Fine to very fine, most weak in parts, a few bent. (16) £400-500

721 Great Seljuq, Pale Gold Dinars (10), mints and/or dates unclear. Fine to very fine with some weakness, one pierced, another chipped. (10) £200-250

722 Seljuq, Urtukid, Zengis (11th - 13th Century), mixed group of pictorial AE (Mitch pp.170-192). Fine to good fine. (12) £60-80

723 Amirs of Nishapur, Toghanshah (567-581h), Dinar, mint and date unclear, citing the caliph al-Mustadi, 1.64g (A 1708). Margins mostly flat, obverse struck off-centre, otherwise very fine, very rare. £60-80

724 Amirs of Nishapur, Toghanshah, Dinar, mint and date not visible, with the name of the heir Sanjar, also citing the caliph al-Nasir, 1.56g (A 1708). Margins flat, otherwise very fine, very rare. £60-80

725 Ildegizid, Uzbek b. Muhammad (607-622h), Æ Dirham, mint unclear, 612h, 16.53g (A 1903). Very fine, rare. £40-60

726 Ghorid, Mu’izz al-din Muhammad b. Sam (567-602h), Gold Dinar, mint (Ghazna) and date not visible, 8.54g (A 1762). Wavy flan, margins mostly flat, otherwise very fine. £100-120

727 Qajar, Fath ‘Ali Shah (1212-1250h), ½-Toman, type R (coronation issue), Dar al-Marz Rasht, no date visible, 3.04g (Rabino -; A 2858). Flat in parts, otherwise very fine, extremely rare. £100-150

728 Islamic Dinars (14), Ghaznavid (1), Great Seljuq (7), Ghorid (2), Khwarizmshahs (3), Great Mongol (1), most with partial mints and dates. Fine to very fine, most weak in parts, one plugged, a few others bent. (14) £400-500

729 Islamic Dinars (9), Ghaznavid (2), Great Seljuq (6), Khwarizmshahs. Fine to very fine, most with some weakness. (9) £200-250

730 Islamic Gold Coins (7), Saffarid Fractional Dinars (2), Safavid ¼-Mithqal, Mughal ¼-Ashrafis (2), Badakhshan type, together with the centre portion cut out of a Great Seljuq Dinar, and a contemporary imitation of an Ottoman 2-Altin of Mahmud II. Fine to good very fine, one ex-mount, the last two pierced. (7) £120-150

731 Islamic Dirhams (45), Abbasid (28), Umayyad of Spain, Banijurid, Saffarid (13), Buwayhid, Qarakhanid; together with other silver coins (5). Varied state, a few pierced or chipped. (50) £150-200



732 Leopold II (1747-1792), 10-Sols 1790 (KM 46). Toned, extremely fine. £60-80


733 Peacock Rupees (15), CS 1214 (KM 10). Very fine to extremely fine. (15) £150-200


734 Elizabeth II, Centenary of the Confederation, Proof Set of Coins, 1967, Gold 20-Dollars – Bronze Cent, in case and box of issue. The silver spotted and toned otherwise mint state. (7) £150-200

735 Prince Edward Island, “Ships, Colonies & Commerce”, ship tokens (12), US flag (2), Union flag (10); non-ship (4); ‘Columbia’ and smaller tokens (12); provincial (6). Generally fine to very fine. (34) £50-80


736 96-Stivers 1808 (KM 79). Very fine but with trace of mount or corrosion. £60-80

737 48-Stivers 1808, 24-Stivers (2), 1808, 1809 (KM 77, 76). First fine, the others very fine to good very fine. (3) £100-150

738 1/12-Rixdollar 1813, 1/24-Rixdollar 1815, 1/48-Rixdollar 1812 (KM 65, 64, 63), 1/48-Rixdollar, 1/96-Rixdollar, 1/192-Rixdollar, 1802 (KM 73-5); 2-Stivers (2), Stiver (2), ½-Stiver (2), 1815 (KM 80-82). Mostly fine to very fine. (12) £60-80

739 Rixdollar (3), 1821 (KM 84); Fanam Token (4), undated, with and without dot (KM 83). Good fine to very fine. (7) £50-80


740 A Collection of Ancient Chinese Cash Coins (139), c.206 BC – AD 1908, all identified and mounted on card, some duplication. A useful and interesting lot, mixed grades. (lot) £50-80


741 Republic, Gold 10-Pesos, 1916 (F 3). Light bag marks, extremely fine. £120-150

742 Republic, Gold 5-Pesos (2), 1915, 1916 (F 4). Extremely fine, in NGC holders graded MS62 and MS63. (2) £120-150

743 Republic, Pesos (6), 1915 (3), 1932, 1933, 1934; minors (5); 50th Anniversary of Republic 1952, 40-Centavos (2), 20-, and 10-Centavos, all in holders; Jose Marti, Centenial Coinage 1953, Peso, 50-, 25-Centavos, Centavos (2), all in holders; additional Peso; other minor (2), very fine and better, several additional coins slabbed; earlier 2-Reales, 1833 Seville, with ‘lattice’ countermark (KM 6), fine. (24) £140-160

744 Republic, Proof 10-Centavos, 1916, ‘Star’ coinage (KM 12). Extremely fine, light tone. £150-200


745 George V, Florin 1920 (KM 17), together with a British Indian coin. Light bag marks, good very fine. (2) £150-180

746 George VI, Error 10-Cents, 1941 (KM 26.1) and 5-Cents 1941I (KM 25.1), central holes unpunched. Extremely fine. (2) £100-120


747 1-Millieme 1948 (KM 364). About extremely fine. £20-30

The reverse die set at 9 o’clock. Apparently an unknown variety.


748 2-Markkaa (2), 1865, 1870; together with other minor silver (9) and copper (39) coins. First fine, second good very fine, the others in mixed grades, many extremely fine, some scarce dates. (50) £250-300


749 Crete, Prince George H C (1898-1906), 5-Drachma (3), 2-Drachma and 1-Drachma (5), with other modern coin from Greece (19) and the Balcans (10). Mostly fine to very fine, some scarce. (39) £200-250

750 Miscellaneous 19th and 20th Century Greek coins (approx 100). Mixed grades. (lot). £20-30


751 Commemorative Proof 200-Zlotych, 1974, 30th anniversary of the Polish People’s Republic (KM Y79). Mint state. £20-30


752 Catherine II, the Great (1762-1796), Rouble 1767 АШ, St Petersburg mint; Alexander III, Coronation Rouble 1883; Nicholas II, Rouble (2), 1797, 1799. The last about extremely fine, others mostly about very fine. (4) £150-200

753 Paul I (1796-1801), Rouble, 1801, Poltina, 1800; Copper coins (6). First two mounted at 12 o’clock but very fine, the others generally fine. (8) £100-150

754 Nicholas II, assorted lot of Silver issues, including Roubles (9), various dates, and some CCCP nickel coins. Fine an better. (48) £100-120

755 Imperial silver coins (7), copper (5, including 5-Kopeks, 1791, 1793); others (7); Ancient Rome, Denarii (2), other minors (10, including 7 in holders). Varied state, viewing recommended. (31) £70-90

756 Assorted 18th and early 19th Century minor coins (37), including Polupoltinniks (2), 1756 MБ, 1765 EI. These fine and very fine, the others in mixed grades, a few holed, viewing recommended. (37) £150-200

757 Assorted lot of early Copper issues (26), all pre-1750. Varied state, an interesting group. (26) £150-200

758 Assorted 18th Century Copper coins (26), post-1850, including a Siberian 10-Kopecks. Mixed grades, the 10-Kopecks very fine. (26) £150-200

759 Mixed Lot, mostly 19th Century Copper and Bronze issues (63). Varied condition. (63) £100-150


760 Morgan Dollars (4), 1878 S (2), 1883 S, 1903; other US (49), mostly modern minors, but includes ½-Dollar, 1876 CC and ½-Dime, 1863, these fine, many encapsulated or in holders, the most recent as struck, others very fine and better; incomplete Whitman folders, currency coins (6); world banknotes, varied state. (lot) £70-100

761 Proof and Mint Sets (13); Morgan Dollar, 1844 CC; large [90mm] Silver-gilt medallic “20-Dollars, 1933”; Bahamas, Proof Set, 1974, 5-Dollars - Cent. Coin extremely fine but spotted, others as issued. (lot) £70-100

762 Proof Set, 1960; packaged new issues (9); with quantity of US and World coinage, including Dollar / Crown-size and smaller, many of the smaller silver; $2 notes (8). Varied state. (lot) £80-120


763 Caracas, ¼-Reals (2), 1817, small date, 1818; 19th Century minor coins (9); later (4); 5-Bolivares (2), 1924, 1936; Gold 10-Bolivares, 1930 (KM 31); Panama, 50-Centesimos, 1904; Balbao, 1931 (KM 5, 13); other South American 19th-20th Century, Brazil (1), Colombia (3), Honduras (1), Panama (6), Paraguay (2). Very fine and better. (33) £60-80


764 Isles du Vent, 12-Sols, 1732 H (2); Danish West Indies (4); Curacao, Reaal 1821 (KM 26.1); Jamaica, Pennies (2), 1903-1905; ½-Penny, 1869; Farthings (2), 1890, 1893, Jamaica extremely fine, others varied state; modern proof and uncirculated issues (11), as issued. (lot) £100-150

765 Modern Proof Sets (10), Bahamas, 1972; Barbados, 1973, 1974; British Virgin Islands, 1974; Jamaica, 1973, 1974; Trinidad and Tobago, 1973, 1974; also Cook Islands, 1975; New Zealand, 1967; UK, Sovereign, 1906; Crown ‘set’. Extremely fine, though some cases damaged and some coins discoloured. (lot) £180-220


766 Sweden, Denmark and Norway, an assortment of coins (approx 79), including some interesting early Swedish from Johan III (1568-1592) onwards, and later Scandinavian silver and bronze. Varied grades, a useful group. (lot) £250-300

767 USA, 1-Cents (3), 1805, 1822, 1845; fine to very fine; Burma, mounted gold coins (3), fair. (6) £20-40



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