
English Adventure




Area of Foreign Languages



I. Objectives

• Introduce the characters of the course.

• Talk about meeting new people (friends, teachers...).

• Talk about subjects they like and dislike and say what things they are good at.

• Listen to, read and understand the recordings of the unit.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Greet and introduce oneself. Present the vocabulary of each lesson commenting on it and answering questions.

• Review the numbers 1 to 20 and fill in the letters missing in the names of the numbers given.

• Listen to and read the recording and the text to identify the characters in the photo and answer questions about it.

• Answer questions referring to age and talk about their summer holidays, about friends they have made, etc. Afterwards, listen to and understand the second chant.

• Respond to questions about the place where different classroom objects are found.

• Point first to the part of the text corresponding to what is heard in the recording and afterwards, act out the dialogue in groups.

• Identify in pairs or groups of three the object carried by the character in their rucksack and afterwards, describe what they themselves are carrying. Write the complete sentence about what they are carrying.

• Identify the objects which are carried in the character’s rucksack and complete the crossword.

• Listen to the recording and draw each object in the corresponding place.

• Discuss in pairs the sentences referring to the text and decide which are true and which are false.

• Classify a series of words given according to whether they are months, days of the week, subjects or others.

• Listen to and read the recording, understanding it and afterwards, making sentences about it.

• Ask questions and answer them in pairs based on words given in the exercise.

2. Reading and writing

• Complete the sentences given, draw themselves and write sentences about oneself.

• Complete a table about the characters and their pets based on what is heard in a recording.

• Read the dialogue of the story.

• Describe what is carried in the school bag.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Twins; tennis racket; wardrobe; basket

­ Receptive language

• Summer camp.

• It’s good to hear you.

• Let’s all meet again.

• How old is he/she?

• What’s his/her name?

• My/His/Her name is (...).

• Has he/she got a brother/sister?

• Where does he/she live?

• (It) was.

• Sorry!

• Is it behind/in/on/under the table/door?

• Yes it is/No it isn’t.

• Furniture, routines, animals and food.

• Open Day.

• Welcome.

• I like playing (the drums/English).

• He/She likes (playing guitar).

• She’s good at (singing).

• Days of the week, months of the year, subjects.

• I’ve/She’s got a (...).

• He/She hasn’t got a (...)?

• I have/No I haven’t.

• Where/What does he sleep/eat?

• He sleeps (...)/eats (...).

• Armchair, sock, shoe.

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Participate actively in activities proposed in class.

• Show interest in English and the characters of the course.

• Respect classmates in pair work and group activities.

• Act in an organised and ordered manner when carrying out activities.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Work on socialising especially through pair work and group activities.

- Teach them to work in an organised manner, listening to the teacher and classmates, respecting turn taking conventions.

• Environmental education:

- Help them to be conscious of the care and respect which must be shown towards pets.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: introductions

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: talking about a classmate

← Autonomy and personal initiative: Identify what is learnt in each unit by using an assessment file.

IV. Assessment

← Remember revision vocabulary.

← Ask and answer questions using the verb “have got” correctly.

← Understand the recordings and the texts of the unit.

← Learn new vocabulary.


I. Objectives

• Talk about methods of transport.

• Talk about where they live and describe daily routines.

• Understand and enjoy a story in English.

• Follow a map.

• Understand English texts about real events and do a project.

• Do self assessment.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Revise vocabulary about transport and possessive sentences, asking and answering questions.

• Listen to and understand the recording in order to answer questions asked about it afterwards and choose the correct sentence about what will happen.

• Act out the dialogue in groups and make sentences about the methods of transport used.

• Ask and answer questions in pairs about the place where the characters live, what is nearby etc. Afterwards, do the same about them themselves.

• Order the drawings based on what is heard in a recording and afterwards complete sentences from it without listening to or reading the text.

• Using short answers, express if they agree or not with a series of sentences given in the exercise.

• Complete a series of sentences related to the story of the unit.

• Follow on the map the directions heard in the recording and in pairs, make similar dialogues to those heard in the lesson.

• Find in the recording the sentences related to each drawing and afterwards, in pairs, use the expressions given to ask questions about the map.

• Make a tourist route for their own city, showing it to the class.

2. Reading and writing

• Write in a table the means of transport used by the children to get to school, asking questions about them and answering them.

• Write sentences indicating directions on a map given in the exercise and imagine the end of the story.

• Write directions in order to move about the school.

• Answer questions asked about the drawing of the exercise and then complete a series of sentences about it.

• Look on Internet for more information about London in order to extend that of the lesson and show it to the class.

• Read about daily routines.

• Write about where one lives.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• By (bus); on (foot); airport; bus stop; Underground; turn right/left; go straight; across/up; bridge; quicksand; stepping stones; excuse me, where’s (...), please?; amber; day; night; traffic light; double-decker bus; open-top bus

­ Receptive language

­ Present Simple.

• Near/in (...).

• (...)’s (shirt).

• Can.

• House.

• School.

• Present Continuous (future).

• Wet paint.

• Methods of transport.

• Family.

• Newspaper.

• Corner shop.

• Imperatives.

• So short.

• The top.

• Directions y prepositions.

• Tourist.

• All the way.

• Non-stop traffic.

• Huge.

• A lot of space inside.

• Explore.

• Ford engine.

• Normal.

• Route.

• Special.

• Piccadilly Circus.

• Oxford Street.

• Marble Arch.

• Hyde Park.

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Show curiosity about the ways of getting around a city.

• Show curiosity and interest in getting to know a little more about London.

• Participate actively in the activities proposed in class.

• Show interest in others’ explanations and curiosity towards the information received.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Motivate them in order to increase their interest in getting to know other countries and cities.

- Work on socialising, especially through pair work and group activities, teaching them to value others.

- Road Safety Education:

- Work on different ways of moving around the city and the world.

- Help them to get to know different parts of the city which may be useful to them.

II. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: transport, directions

← Data processing and digital competence: looking for more information about the unit on Internet.

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: talking about the family

← Cultural and artistic competence: doing a project about London or the city where they live and reading a story in English

← Autonomy and personal initiative: Identify what is learnt in each unit using a self assessment form

IV. Assessment

• Make affirmative and negative imperative sentences.

• Learn the vocabulary of the unit.

• Hold conversations about methods of transport, the place where they live in the city and daily routines.

• Describe directions correctly by following a map or the city itself.

• Learn and sing the song of the unit and enjoy it.


I. Objectives

• Learn the names of different countries and talk about what they want to be when they grow up.

• Talk about where people come from, where they live and their profession.

• Practise the language of the unit by singing a song.

• Understand a text about real events and do the project of the unit.

• Do self assessment.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Revise the vocabulary they know about professions and come into contact with the sentences of the future made with the Present Simple.

• Comment on the drawing and the text of the unit to check understanding. Afterwards, complete the dialogue in groups, each one acting out a character.

• Circle the professions which can be found in the school and make true sentences about a pilot.

• Learn to ask about professions in English and find out which each character has, based on what is heard in a recording.

• Make questions about the characters using “but”.

• Match each question to the appropriate answer and afterwards, practise the dialogues in pairs.

• Choose the words related to a specific profession.

• Make sentences to describe different professions which their classmate has to guess.

• Learn, sing and act out the chant of the unit.

• Divide the class into three groups so that each one sings a verse of the song and then answer a series of questions without looking at it.

2. Reading and writing

• Complete a series of sentences adding the appropriate profession.

• Match the names of a series of countries to their situation on the map and afterwards, order a series of words in order to make sentences.

• Correct a series of sentences based on the text they have read but without looking at it.

• Match each drawing to the paragraph which describes the profession it shows.

• Write about the character of the song and colour in their drawing to show it afterwards to the rest of the class.

• Mark a series of sentences as true or false, based on information obtained from the text of the lesson.

• Look for information on Internet about the Red Cross and find out what this organisation does in their country. Afterwards, show their projects to the rest of the class.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• I want; he/she wants to be a (...); cleaner; cook; dancer; dentist; photographer; pilot; reporter; singer; secretary; train driver; Brazil; China; film; uniform; the world; he/she’s from (...); what does he/she do?; he/she’s a (...); Ecuador; Spain; Italy; England; Great Britain; France; old languages; rocks; soil; study; mechanic; geologist; kitchen; an office; wonderful; American; Brazilian; Chinese; English; French; Italian; Spanish; guitar; night; paper; phone; shower; window; ambulance driver; flag; Red Cross; town; vet; village

­ Receptive language

- Never mind.

• Smile.

• Neighbours.

• City museum.

• Collection.

• Name.

• Real.

• Suddenly

• Team.

• Be careful.

• Yes, of course.

• Hospital.

• Night.

• People.

• School.

• Spanish.

• Travel.

• Weekends.

• Present Simple 3ª persona singular.

• Where’s he from?

• All alone.

• Lonely.

• Mystery.

• Crisis.

• Emergency.

• Organization.

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Show curiosity about getting to know people from other places.

• Participate actively in the activities in class.

• Show initiative and interest when participating in different types of oral communication.

• Show interest and make an effort to improve own linguistic production.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Teach pupils to work in an organised manner, listening to the teacher and classmates, respecting turn taking conventions.

- Help them to show curiosity towards getting to know people from other countries and to respect them.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: jobs, nationalities

← Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: traffic lights

← Data processing and digital competence: looking for more information about the unit on Internet.

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: working in pairs

← Cultural and artistic competence: drawing, colouring and reading a story in English

← Autonomy and personal initiative: : Identify what is learnt in each unit using a self assessment form

IV. Assessment

• Identify vocabulary about countries and professions.

• Hold appropriate conversations about the topics.

• Be capable of finding the countries studied on the map.

• Pronounce the /w/ sound correctly.

• Match each country to its inhabitants.


I. Objectives

• Make sentences about the near future.

• Understand and enjoy a story in English.

• Learn and sing songs.

• Understand a text about real events and do the project of the unit.

• Do self assessment

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Revise the vocabulary known about sports and come into contact with how to make sentences using “going to” for expressing future.

• Read the text of the unit and afterwards act out the scene in groups.

• Make sentences expressing what the characters seen in a series of drawings are going or not going to do or the actions in a plan.

• Learn and sing the songs of the unit.

• Mark a series of sentences as true or false according to what they think the characters in the lesson are going to do.

• Make sentences using “be going to” and including a series of given expressions.

• Comment on the drawing of the story of the unit before reading it, listen to it and understand it and comment on it again afterwards. Act it out in groups.

• Mark a series of sentences as true or false and afterwards circle the correct word from a group of them.

• Make dialogues with a classmate similar to the example, using the words shown in the drawings of the lesson.

• Describe the clothes worn by the characters of the unit.

• Deduce which of the two cases belongs to the character of the unit and identify the items of clothing contained in each one. Try to remember the clothes they contain afterwards and draw them in the two empty cases.

• Decide which objects the character will take on a trip based on what is heard in a recording and afterwards, make sentences to express it.

• Write two sentences about what they are going to do the following Saturday in their English.

• Point to the countries on a map of England and comment on the photos of the lesson.

• Talk about the traditions of their country using photos they have brought.

2. Reading and writing

• Look for more information on Internet about Scotland and the Highland Games and plan a celebration of the typical things from your surroundings. Afterwards, present the projects to the rest of the class.

• Complete a series of words and use them afterwards to solve a crossword.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Sentences with “going to”; cup; champion; match; score; team; win; do press-ups; climb ropes; golf; jog; lift weights; what about (...)?; let’s (...); art gallery; balloons; have fun; invite; invitations; make soup; sunglasses; dead; fight; forget; good luck; grow; hide; save; winner; dress; jacket; jeans; jumper; shirt; T-shirt; top; tracksuit; trainers; high; hungry; come; cry; do homework; get on (...); pack; play games; goodbye; stay; take; watch the match; sleeping bag; suitcase; torches; walking shoes; event; festival; Scotland; Scottish; traditional

­ Receptive language

- Celebrate.

• Game.

• Have a shower.

• Anyway.

• The next Olympics.

• Drink.

• Food.

• Newspapers.

• Party.

• Food and drink.

• Battle.

• Safe.

• Shoes.

• What are you going to do?

• Bags.

• Bus.

• Camera.

• Present.

• Sweets.

• Trip.

• A place far away.

• Let’s have (...).

• Castles.

• Lakes.

• Mountains.

• Rivers.

• Bagpipes

• Costume.

• Highland Games.

• Kilt.

• Military Tattoo.

• Traditional parade

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Understand and put into practise sportsmanship in competitions.

• Show initiative and interest in participating in different types of oral communication.

• Show interest in others’ explanations and curiosity towards the information received.

• Show respect and curiosity about the traditions of other countries.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Make them understand that the most important thing about a competition is not to win but to participate.

- Instil in them curiosity and respect for the traditions and festivities of other countries.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: intentions

← Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: a festival in Scotland

← Data processing and digital competence: looking for more information about the unit on Internet.

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: reading aloud, making plans

← Learning-to-learn competence: pronunciation

← Autonomy and personal initiative: Identify what is learnt in each unit using a self assessment form

IV. Assessment

• Make sentences correctly using “be going to” to express future.

• Use “Let’s (...) and “What about (...)?” correctly to make suggestions.

• Pronounce the /ai/ sound correctly.

• Enjoy the story and songs of the unit.


I. Objectives

• Practise reading and listening skills.

• Get to know places in the world.

• Understand texts based on real events.

• Sing the chant of the unit.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Order a series of letters to make words.

• Present the vocabulary about the topic of the unit.

• Listen to and read the texts of the unit and comment on them afterwards to ensure they are understood.

• Match each sentence to one of the three types of beaches described in the texts.

• Guess words referring to elements of the poster which begin with a certain letter.

• Order a series of sentences based on the chant listened to in a recording.

2. Reading and writing

• Match each drawing to the appropriate sentence.

• Circle the words that appear in the drawing.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Amusements; beach; candy floss; coral reef; crab; deckchair; sand; souvenirs; surfing; tourist

­ Receptive language

- Christmas.

• Cold.

• Fish.

• Hat.

• Horse.

• Hot.

• Ice cream.

• Long.

• Popcorn.

• Sea.

• Shops.

• Sun.

• Swim.

• Turkey.

• Warm.

• Beautiful

• Dangerous.

• Famous.

• Exotic.

• High chair.

• Piers.

• Rocks.

• Special.

• Wild

• .

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Show interest in the others’ explanations and curiosity towards information received.

• Participate actively in activities and games carried out in class.

• Shoe interest in getting to know other places and in practising unusual activities.

• Show a positive attitude towards caring for the environment.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Teach the pupils to work in an organised manner, listening to the teacher and classmates, respecting turn taking conventions.

- Encourage the pupils to participate in classroom games and activities showing respect towards and collaborating with others.

- Reinforce them positively when they do things well in order to raise their self esteem.

• Environmental education:

- Help them to get to know other places and to be conscious that if we do not look after the environment we will not be able to enjoy places like those described in the texts.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: Learning the vocabulary about beaches.

← Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Differentiating between the beaches in England, Australia and the United States.

IV. Assessment

• Identify the vocabulary about beaches.

• Differentiate between the three types of beaches described in the unit.

• Understand what is heard and read.

• Know other places in the world.


I. Objectives

• Talk about food, the most typical food of different countries and about their own diet.

• Understand and give orders.

• Understand and enjoy a story in English.

• Sing the song of the unit and talk about routines.

• Understand a text about real events and do the project of the unit.

• Do self assessment.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Revise the vocabulary they know about food and the verbs we will use most in the unit.

• Listen to and read the text of the unit, in order to act it out afterwards in groups. Suggest typical dishes of different countries.

• Decide which ingredients of the paella we need to keep in the refrigerator and what makes the rice yellow.

• Find on a recording a series of words and comment on it afterwards to ensure it is understood.

• Compare the items of food which are found more in Spain with those that are found most in the English diet. Ask if the diet is healthy.

• Make sentences about what the characters have or don’t have for breakfast, based on what they see in a table and explain afterwards what they themselves have for breakfast.

• Listen to the story of the unit and comment on it afterwards to ensure it is understood. Imagine and express how it continues using English as much as possible.

• Reply orally to the questions made using complete sentences and afterwards, write some of them on the board.

• Match each sentence to the corresponding drawing.

• Understand the text of a kitchen recipe and suggest ingredients to add to the salad. Afterwards, simulate how to make a salad without looking at the recipe.

• Colour in the drawings of food, following the instructions heard in a recording.

• Listen to the song of the unit, sing it in groups and mime it. Then order the drawings which refer to it.

2. Reading and writing

• Make sentences choosing the appropriate word from each column.

• Listen to and read the texts in order to answer the questions about them. Look on Internet for more information about ice cream and conduct a small survey in class to find out what the most popular flavour is.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Imperatives; mussels; oil; prawns; pepper; rice; red pepper; salt; vinegar; box fridge; jug; pan; spoon; cereal; cheese; eggs; fruit; milk; tea; toast; yoghurt; healthy; bug; first; later; llama; menu; next; palace; pie; restaurant; then; waitress; wife; add; cut; dish; mix; spoonfuls; strips; finally; black olives; boiled eggs; cooked potatoes; fizzy drink; mayonnaise; onion; peas; tomato; vegetables; across; diagonally; square; never mind; alarm clock; butter; clean your teeth; plum; relax for a time; biscuits; flavour; lettuce.

­ Receptive language

- Behind/in/on.

- Chicken.

- Scissors.

• Water.

• Paella.

• Present Simple.

• A lot of.

• Breakfast.

• Someone.

• Fly.

• Spider.

• Special meal of the day.

• Call the waitress on the table.

• I’ve got an idea.

• Count the ticks.

• Go round three times.

• Put a counter on start.

• Score card.

• Throw the dice.

• A criss-cross pattern.

• A treat.

• Bedroom.

• Kitchen.

• Eat/sleep well.

• Early.

• Keep fit.

• Stretch.

• Vegetarian.

• Summer.

• Winter.

• Chocolate.

• Ice.

• Lemon.

• Strawberry.

• Adults.

• A long time.

• Calcium.

• Dessert.

• Idea.

• Metal bowl.

• Protein.

• Vitamin B2

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Show interest in following a healthy diet, being conscious of how important it is for health.

• Participate in activities in class.

• Show interest in others’ explanations and curiosity towards information received.

• Show interest in cooking in general.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Help them to be confident and not to be afraid to speak in English in front of all the class.

- Teach them to listen to and wait their turn when expressing their opinion.

- Teach them traditions of other countries.

• Health education:

- Explain to them the importance that following a healthy diet has for health and the benefits for the person.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: imperatives, food, routines

← Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: healthy eating

← Data processing and digital competence: looking for more information about the unit on Internet

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: analysing a healthy diet

← Cultural and artistic competence: Acting out a song and reading a story in English

← Learning-to-learn competence: a recipe, pronunciation

← Autonomy and personal initiative: Identify what is learnt in each unit using a self assessment form

IV. Assessment

• Make affirmative and negative imperative sentences correctly.

• Use “first”, “next”, “then” and “finally” correctly.

• Pronounce /(/ the sound correctly.

• Understand the importance of following a healthy diet.


I. Objectives

• Describe how a place was in the past.

• Talk about past events and about the weather.

• Understand and enjoy a story in English.

• Learn and sing the song of the unit.

• Understand a text about real events and do the project of the unit.

• Do self assessment.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Revise the vocabulary known about animals and learn the past form of the verb “to be”.

• Comment on the drawing of the unit, listen to the text, comment on it and read it afterwards.

• Make sentences in the past using the elements provided in the exercise.

• Find the animals included in a recording.

• Listen to a recording and match each sentence to the corresponding drawing. Form groups in order to repeat each part of the recording.

• Answer a series of questions orally in order to write the answers afterwards.

• Listen to and read the story of the unit, commenting on it and afterwards, acting it out in groups.

• Choose the correct sentence from a series of sentences according to the story of the unit and afterwards, mark the sentences true or false according to the story.

• Mark a series of sentence true or false, based on the story heard and read. Afterwards, look in the text for sentences written in the past.

• Point in a group of words to those heard in the recording.

• Listen to, learn and sing in groups the song of the unit.

• Make sentences choosing a word from each column.

• Listen to, read and understand the text about real events and answer the questions about it.

2. Reading and writing

• Look for more information on the Internet about the “Eden Project” and make a list of things that are changing in their city. Afterwards, show the projects to the rest of the class.

Point to the verbs in the past in a text and complete a series of sentences with the past forms of the verb “to be”

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• There was/were; pets’ corner; playground; pond; see-saw; slide; swings; (that) wasn’t; do you remember (...)?; in 2001; hot; cold; rain; wind; a drought; a freeze; a flood; a hurricane; cloudy; dry; sunny; wet; windy; on/in/into; fireball; island; lake; the sea; the valley; crash into; destroy; jump in/into; stand next to; sorry; Past Simple of “to be” and of the regular verbs; alive; ash; erupt; thunderbolts; lucky; noise; scared; storm; strange; terrible; volcano; AD; August 24th; boats; fun; goat; horrid; hungry; the oceans; pelican; plants; sailor; sail; build; change (v); conserve; the Eden Project; empty (v); greenhouse; machines; medicine; plants.

­ Receptive language

- Present Continuo.

• Plural Nouns...

• Park.

• Shopping.

• Pets.

• Remember?

• What a same!

• Cities.

• Forest.

• Horses.

• Internet cafes.

• Shops.

• Days of the week...

• Seasons.

• Everything is changing.

• Adjectives.

• Dinosaur.

• Lemur.

• Life (is good).

• Watch out.

• Ever again.

• Diary.

• Italy.

• Naples.

• Eggs.

• The land.

• Rat.

• The sky.

• Tortoise.

• Lonesome.

• A future.

• A past.

• Long ago.

• More and more.

• The last of my family.

• Live our lives the way they were before?

• Dates.

• Planet.

• An enormous hole.

• Impossible to work

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Accept that errors are part of the learning process.

• Show curiosity about the phenomenons of nature.

• Show curiosity about and interest in things that happened in the past.

• Participate actively in the activities proposed in class.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Work on socialising, especially through pair work and group activities.

- Teach them to respect the norms governing linguistic exchange, listening to others, respecting turn taking conventions.

• Environmental education:

- Help them to be conscious about the care and respect that must be shown towards nature in order to look after the planet as much as possible.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: weather

← Mathematical competence: numbers in tens, dates, sums

← Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: climatic phenomenons

← Data processing and digital competence: looking on Internet for more information about the unit

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: writing a diary

← Cultural and artistic competence: reading a story in English and playing the role of the characters in the book

← Autonomy and personal initiative: Identify what is learnt in each unit using a self assessment form

IV. Assessment

← Identify numbers and do simple sums in English.

← Differentiate between the use of sentences in the present and in the past.

← Build sentences using the Past Simple correctly.

← Read dates in English correctly.

← Pronounce the /(/ sound correctly.


I. Objectives

• Use the Past Simple in every type of sentences and with irregular verbs.

• Talk about a sequence of events in the past.

• Understand and enjoy a story in English.

• Enjoy and sing the song of the unit.

• Understand an English text about real events.

• Do self assessment.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Comment on the drawing of the unit, listen to and read the text and mark on it the irregular verbs in the Past Simple. Afterwards, act out the dialogue in groups.

• Correct a series of negative sentences in Past Simple noticing that they are formed by “didn’t + verb in the infinitive.”

• Mark a series of sentences as true or false based on the text of the lesson.

• Answer a series of questions based on what is heard in a recording.

• Choose the correct part of a series of sentences, based on a recording and match them to the corresponding drawings.

• Answer a series of questions in the past using short or long replies, as indicated in each exercise.

• Mark on the drawing the objects which do not correspond to the period and form corresponding negative sentences.

• Comment on the drawing of the story, listen to it, read it and afterwards, act it out in groups.

• Imagine things that there could be in the treasure chest and draw them.

• Deduce the story of the character from the clues of the exercise and afterwards, choose the sentence to imagine the end of the story. Write the story afterwards.

• Order the questions and match them to the corresponding answers. Afterwards, practise them orally in pairs.

• Listen to the song of the unit and afterwards, sing it in groups.

2. Reading and writing

• Take the verbs from the song and write the present and past forms of each one on pieces of paper. Place them face down and play the pair game trying to match the present form to its corresponding past.

• Write affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in the past form.

• Write a composition in the past and afterwards, read them in groups, so that each one is read by a classmate.

• Read and understand the text about real events and answer questions about it.

• Make a collage with photos related to wheels and look on Internet for more information about inventions.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Past Simple; who invented (...)?; flew; sailed; aeroplane; they had (...); yes, they did/no, they didn’t; engine; kite; passenger; pilot; propeller; radio; wings; first; fast food restaurant; why?; because; castle; melt; paper; plasticize; wax; wood; make (something) from (...); too (near the sun); back; seat; appear; a hole; inventor; middle; piece; round; tyre; wheel; windmill

• Receptive language

• France.

• Spain.

• Erupt.

• Rain.

• Volcano.

• Mobile phone.

• Sports centre.

• Tennis racket.

• Icarus.

• Brothers.

• Hours.

• Seconds.

• Dates.

• So (...).

• Changed the world.

• Flight.

• Mirror.

• A long time ago.

• Explosion.

• Suddenly

• Steal.

• Wh-questions

• Each.

• By

• Bike

• Train

• Invent.

• River.

• Beach.

• Clock.

• Dinosaur

• East.

• Engine.

• Farmer.

• Mountain

• Worker.

• Around (you).

• Carts.

• Clever.

• Collage.

• Mesopotamia.

• More than 5000 years ago.

• Pull.

• Solid

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Show curiosity and interest towards inventors and inventions.

• Show interest in others’ explanations and curiosity towards information received.

• Participate with initiative and interest in the activities proposed in class.

• Listen to others in dialogues and group discussions, respecting the social norms and conventions governing linguistic exchange.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Encourage pupils to participate in the games and activities in class showing respect towards and collaborating with others.

- Get them interested in knowing things about history, inventions and their importance for the progress of human life.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: questions and past simple.

← Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: materials.

← Data processing and digital competence: looking for more information about the unit on Internet

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: working in groups

← Cultural and artistic competence: reading a story in English and acting it out

← Learning-to-learn competence: pronunciation

← Autonomy and personal initiative: Identify what is learnt in each unit using a self assessment form

IV. Assessment

← Make all types of sentence in the past correctly.

← Learn the past form of some irregular verbs.

← Pronounce correctly the /d(/ sound differentiating it from /d/.

← Learn about inventions and inventors.


I. Objectives

• Practise listening and reading comprehension skills.

• Increase their knowledge about the world outside their environment.

• Play a game.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Solve a riddle to find the word defining the topic of the unit.

• Comment on the photos of the unit in order to present the vocabulary.

• Listen to, read and understand the text of the unit.

2. Reading and writing

• Mark a series of sentences about the text true or false.

• Order the words of a series of sentences about the topic of the unit.

• Circle the words that appear in the text of the unit.

• Make different words in English with the letters that form“horseshoes”

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Beautiful; Canada; trainer; Greece; heavy; horseshoes; move; parade; Pegasus; police; rodeo; shire horse; train; trainer; wise

­ Receptive language

- Big.

• Body.

• Country.

• Leg.

• Lucky.

• Magic.

• Pull.

• Strong.

• Wings.

• Carry.

• Dangerous.

• Early men.

• From one place to another.

• Help.

• Important.

• Interesting.

• In the past.

• Travel

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Participate in the activities proposed.

• Show initiative to express oneself in English.

• Show interest in getting to know other places and in practising unusual activities.

• Show a positive attitude towards caring for the environment.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Teach the pupils to work in an organised manner, listening to the teacher and classmates, respecting turn taking conventions.

- Help them to have curiosity towards knowing things about other countries.

• Environmental education:

- Help them to be conscious of the care and respect that must be shown towards animals.

III. Basic competences

← Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Getting to know a little about horses and their history.

IV. Assessment

← Understand the text of the unit.

← Know what horses are used for in different countries, and know a little about their history.

← Differentiate between a shire horse and a normal one.

← Know Pegasus’s.


I. Objectives

• Talk about prices using comparatives and superlatives.

• Describe people.

• Understand and enjoy a story in English.

• Listen to and sing the song of the unit.

• Understand a text in English about real events and do the project of the unit.

• Do self assessment.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Revise what they remember about the characters of the unit and comment on the photo.

• Listen to the text, read it and answer a series of questions to ensure it is understood.

• Make comparative and superlative sentences about a series of objects drawn and marked with the price.

• Put prices on the guitars, make superlative sentences about them and express their opinion about prices.

• Hold dialogues with classmates about the characters of the unit, based on the questions in the exercise.

• Answer a series of questions about musical instruments based on what is heard in a recording.

• Draw two characters based on how the teacher describes them.

• Match each adjective or expression to its opposite.

• Listen, read and act out the story of the unit in groups.

2. Reading and writing

• Find in the text of the unit the comparative and superlative of each adjective proposed.

• Fill in a questionnaire about customs and afterwards, compare them to those of their classmate by making sentences.

• Listen to and sing the song of the unit, looking in it afterwards for verbs in the past.

• Answer a series of questions written in the superlative form and afterwards, build the corresponding comparative sentence.

• Write the corresponding prices based on what is heard in a recording.

• Present a musical using a song from the course and look for more information about New York and Broadway on Internet.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Cheapest; more expensive; smallest; biggest; good; better; best; slowest; fastest; good looking; ugly; long; straight; curly; dark; fair; glasses; flute; piano; bad; worse; worst; coffee; loud; belongs to; drum; violin; pop; rock; classical; guitarist; relax; dance; study; suitcase; beautiful; explore; prize; Broadway; compose; front; musical; show (n); theatre

­ Receptive language

­ How much?

• CD.

• Guitar.

• Ticket.

• T-shirt.

• Present Continuo.

• XL (Extra Large).

• Adjectives to describe appearances.

• Past Simple.

• Can (v).

• Break.

• Window.

• Hawaii.

• Maybe.

• Outside.

• Youth Festival.

• Plural nouns.

• Which?

• Monument.

• Mountain.

• Ocean.

• River.

• Oklahoma.

• The Sound of Music.

• The ground floor.

• Put on (a musical).

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Show curiosity and respect towards the theatre and musicals.

• Learn to recognise errors and understand that they form part of the learning process.

• Participate actively in the games and activities proposed in class.

• Listen to and respect others in dialogues and conversations.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Encourage the pupils to participate in the games and activities in class, showing respect towards and collaborating with others.

- Reinforce them positively when they do things well in order to raise their self esteem.

- Motivate them so that they are curious about knowing things about other countries.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: superlatives and comparatives

← Mathematical competence: prices

← Data processing and digital competence: looking for more information about the unit on Internet

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: talking about prices

← Cultural and artistic competence: singing

IV. Assessment

• Use the comparatives and superlatives correctly.

• Pronounce the /(/ sound correctly.

• Revise and use the Present and Past Simple tenses correctly.

• Revise adjectives and learn some new ones.

• Know things about other places.


I. Objectives

• Talk about holidays and make plans.

• Understand and enjoy a story in English.

• Follow a process or a sequence of events.

• Sing and enjoy the song of the unit.

• Understand a text in English about real events and do the project of the unit.

• Do self assessment.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Comment on the drawing of the unit, listen to and read the text, acting it out afterwards in groups. Then answer a series of questions about it.

• Explain what the characters in the drawings are going to do using “be going to”.

• Match each sound to the corresponding drawing.

• Match each answer to the corresponding question.

• Give directions and mark routes on a map.

• Comment on the drawing of the story, listen to it and read it, imagining afterwards how it continues. Act out the story in groups.

• Find a series of food items in a recording and draw them afterwards.

• Talk about what they know about the Egyptians using English as much as possible.

• Listen to the song of the unit and sing it afterwards in groups. Then answer a series of questions about it.

• Ask and answer questions about each of the topics presented in the exercise. Afterwards, make a poster in groups about these topics, drawing them and colouring them in.

2. Reading and writing

• Match the sentences to the school or to the holidays as corresponds and afterwards suggest other sentences about each of the topics.

• Match each word to the corresponding drawing in order to learn the vocabulary of the unit.

• Order a series of letters to form the words of the vocabulary.

• Match each sentence to the appropriate drawing and afterwards answer the question about them.

• Mark a series of sentences true or false. Afterwards, order the true sentences

• Listen to and read the text of the unit to answer questions about it.

• Look for more information on Internet about Marco Polo and famous travellers from their country.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Dive off rocks; excited; a hike; miss the bus; souvenirs; try different food; oh, no!; oh, good!; diving mask; hiking boots; money belt; suntan; writing postcards; get rich; bowl; camel; fried; jar; liquid; lump; pour; press; separate; Egypt; Egyptian; pyramid; travellers; explore; explorer

­ Receptive language

­ Going to.

­ Imperatives.

­ Art.

­ Camera.

­ Cheese.

­ Climb a mountain.

­ Keep a diary.

­ Maths.

­ Say.

­ Smile.

­ Sunglasses.

­ Visit monuments.

­ On holiday.

­ In school.

­ Past Simple.

­ Beach.

­ Bridge.

­ Cap.

­ Restaurant.

­ Torch.

­ Turn right.

­ Transports and ways of transport.

­ Days of the week

­ Classroom objects

­ Present

­ Simple.

­ Need.

­ Flat (n).

­ Flower shop.

­ Job.

­ Pack your bag.

­ Treasure.

­ Crew.

­ Gift.

­ (...) just wanted.

­ First.

­ Next.

­ Then.

­ Finally.

­ Journey.

­ Move.

­ Neck.

­ Up/down.

­ Food.

­ Enjoy.

­ Impossible.

­ Man in the moon.

­ Recipe.

­ Satellite dish.

­ Superlatives.

­ Activities and sports.

­ Places in the city.

­ Professions.

­ Countries.

­ Items of clothing.

­ West

­ North.

­ South.

­ East.

­ West.

­ Discover.

­ High speed.

­ The past.

­ Traveller.

­ Comparatives.

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Show curiosity about travelling and knowing other places and cultures.

• Participate actively in the activities proposed.

• Act in an organised and ordered manner when carrying out activities.

• Respect classmates in dialogues and conversations as well as in turn taking conventions.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Teach them to socialise with classmates and to accept certain social norms which are necessary in order to make this socialising possible.

- Teach them to be understanding about the errors of classmates.


III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: expressing intentions

← Mathematical competence: revising dates

← Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: compass directions

← Data processing and digital competence: looking for more information about the unit on Internet

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: talking about plans and the future

← Cultural and artistic competence: reading a story in English

← Learning-to-learn competence: following a process

← Autonomy and personal initiative: Identifying what is learnt in each unit using a self assessment form

IV. Assessment

← Revise and use the tenses learnt during the course correctly.

← Identify the vocabulary learnt during the course.

← Revise the main notions of the course.

← Understand both the reading and the listening texts.


I. Objectives

• Practise listening and reading comprehension skills.

• Extend knowledge about the world outside one’s surroundings.

• Hold conversations in English with classmates.

• Illustrate a series of words.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Mark on a map the countries of the British Isles.

• Match each card to the corresponding country.

• Listen, read and understand the text of the unit in order to answer the questions about it afterwards.

2. Reading and writing

• Write questions and answers about the text themselves.

• Form small groups and choose a postcard in order to write sentences on it.

• Illustrate each word through a drawing and then exchange the book with a classmate so that they can match each word to the corresponding drawing.

• Find on a recording a series of words given in the exercise.

• Answer a series of questions discussing the answers amongst all the class.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Build; castle; dolls; because; earth; important; king; palace; queen; stone; tower; visitors; wood

­ Receptive language

• Places marked on the map.

• Flag.

• Add.

• Army.

• Building.

• Electricity.

• Lift (n).

• Water.

• William the Conqueror

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Enjoy being interested in real stories.

• Act by listening to and respecting others in dialogues and conversations.

• Show interest in the others’ explanations and curiosity towards information received.

• Participate actively in the activities and games carried out in class.

• Show respect for the monuments of the past.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Teach them to value and to look after the heritage left by our ancestors.

- Respect classmates in group and pair work activities.

- Motivate them in order to increase their interest in other countries and cultures.

III. Basic competences

← Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: finding the British Isles on the map.

← Cultural and artistic competence: getting to know Windsor Castle

IV. Assessment

• Find the places on the map we ask them to correctly.

• Know the history of Windsor Castle and its present use.

• Understand the text of the unit.

• Hold conversations with classmates correctly.

Festivals - CHRISTMAS

I. Objectives

• Practise English through Christmas activities.

• Sing and enjoy the song of the unit.

• Make a Christmas card.

• Compare the way they celebrate Christmas with that of classmates.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Order a series of letters to form words.

• Present the vocabulary from the unit.

• Listen to and sing the song of the unit.

• Match each postcard to a verse of the song.

• Make their own Christmas card. Afterwards, match it to the verse of the song which is best.

• Identify the words represented by the drawings and afterwards, find them in a word search.

• Match the gifts to each character and write sentences about them.

• Bring to class typical Christmas food and show it to the pupils.

• Guess the key word of each drawing and read the text about them.

• Present new vocabulary through drawings. Listen to a recording, get the words of vocabulary from them, repeat them afterwards and match them to each character.

• Answer a series of questions about the unit.

2. Reading and writing

• Make sentences with a series of words that we have written on the board.

• Order a series of sentences based on what is heard in a recording.

• Mark sentences true or false about them and their family and write them afterwards.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Angel; bell; candle; joy; kitten; peace; scarf; star; stocking; bookmark; bracelet; breadcrumbs; chimney; coconut; cream cheese; delicious; doll; fridge; mix; roll; snowball; umbrella; yum

­ Receptive language

- Aunty.

• Bird.

• Card.

• Chocolates.

• Christmas.

• Cousin.

• Grandma

• King.

• Present (n).

• Santa Claus.

• Sing.

• Scissors.

• Tree.

• Uncle.

• Dad.

• Celebrate.

• Father Christmas.

• Mum.

• Sing carols.

• Teacher.

• Befana.

• The Three Kings.

• Tradition

• Witch.

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Show a positive attitude towards Christmas.

• Show curiosity and respect towards the typical Christmas characters.

• Participate in the games and activities proposed.

• Act respectfully in conversations and dialogues held with others.

• Enjoy and respect own art work and that of others.

• Look after materials used in art work.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Teach pupils to socialise with classmates showing respect towards, helping and collaborating with them.

- Teach them to respect the norms governing linguistic exchange, listening to others, respecting turn taking conventions…

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: learning Christmas vocabulary.

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: Christmas in Great Britain.

IV. Assessment

• Identify Christmas vocabulary.

• Understand the listening and reading texts.

• Hold appropriate conversations in English with classmates.


I. Objectives

• Practise English through Saint Valentine’s Day activities.

• Get to know a little about the history of Saint Valentine.

• Make a card following instructions in English.

• Listen to read and understand the recordings and texts proposed.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Complete a series of names of countries with the missing vowels.

• Talk about Saint Valentine’s Day in order to introduce the topic of the unit.

• Read the text of the unit and join the two parts of each sentence based on it.

• Identify a series of words of vocabulary through the drawings that represent them.

• Order a series of sentences based on what is heard in a recording.

• Revise the vocabulary about breakfast.

• Draw a series of words from the vocabulary on the board.

• Make a mobile Saint Valentine’s Day card following instructions given in the exercise.

2. Reading and writing

• Write a Saint Valentine’s Day card.

• Read the text of the exercise trying to guess the meaning of new words and answering questions about it.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Helpful; kind; Italy; message; rose; Saint Valentine; violet; heart; shape

­ Receptive language

- Beautiful.

• Celebration.

• People.

• Pot.

• Smile.

• Wonderful.

• 300 BC.

• Feast day.

• Goddess of marriage.

• Idea.

• Juno.

• Roman.

• Breakfast.

• Cheese.

• Delicious.

• Flag.

• Friend.

• Mountain.

• Neighbour.

• Star.

• Toast.

• Valentine.

• Attach.

• Between.

• Cut.

• Felt tip pens.

• Flap (n).

• Fold.

• Glue.

• Grill.

• Lines.

• Mobile card.

• Out.

• Piece.

• Point A.

• Scissors.

• Short.

• Thread.

• Trace.

• Until.

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Participate actively in the activities proposed in class.

• Show a positive attitude towards Saint Valentine’s Day.

• Show interest and initiative when participating in different types of oral communication, group discussions, dialogues, stories, explanations, games...

• Show interest and make an effort to improve own linguistic production.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Encourage and congratulate them on their achievements in order to raise their self esteem.

- Help them to be confident and not to be afraid of speaking in English in front of all the class.

- Value friendship as something they should look for and look after always.

- Help them to realise that the least important thing about a gift is its material value.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: learning vocabulary about Saint Valentine’s Day and revising vocabulary related to breakfasts.

← Interpersonal, social and civic competence: Saint Valentine in Great Britain.

IV. Assessment

• Identify Saint Valentine’s Day vocabulary.

• Revise and identify the vocabulary related to breakfasts.

• Make a card correctly following instructions in English.

• Listen to, read and understand the recordings and the texts proposed.

Festivals – EARTH DAY

I. Objectives

• Practise English through Earth Day activities.

• Sing and enjoy the song of the unit.

• Learn things they can do to look after the planet.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

• Order a series of letters to form words.

• Talk about Earth Day in order to introduce the topic of the unit and present new vocabulary.

• Listen to, read and sing the song of the unit.

• Match each question to its appropriate answer.

• Match each drawing to the appropriate word and afterwards, find the words in a recording.

• Listen to the recording again, repeat the sentences they remember from it and afterwards, write them on the board.

• Complete a series of sentences about Earth Day.

• Write “EARTH DAY” on the board to obtain other words in English with combinations of these letters.

• Get ideas from the pupils about what they can do to look after the planet.

• Match each sentence to the corresponding drawing.

• Circle the people in the drawing that are celebrating Earth Day.

• Answer a question with a series of valid answers.

2. Reading and writing

• Make sentences about what the characters do, based on what is found in a table provided in the exercise.

3. Language learning through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures

• Clean the water; Earth Day; plant more trees; recycle; save our planet; bin; build bird houses; a cake stall; cup; glass; bottle; organise a nature walk; pick up rubbish; turn off the lights; throw; wash

­ Receptive language

- Celebrate.

• Help

• Let’s.

• Please save.

• Join.

• By bike.

• Planet.

• Plant.

• Trees.

• Save.

• Want to.

• Earth-friendly

3.2. Reflection on language learning

• Show interest in looking after the planet.

• Participate actively in the games and activities proposed in the unit.

• Feel proud of their work and value that of classmates.

• Enjoy group games.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Moral and civic education for peace:

- Work on socialising through group activities, teaching them to respect and to listen. We teach them to know how to ask for help and to give it when others need it.

• Environmental education:

- We instil in them respect for nature and we encourage them and suggest activities to them and customs they can acquire in order to look after the planet we live on.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: learning the vocabulary of the unit.

← Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: the earth

IV. Assessment

• Identify the vocabulary of the unit.

• Understand the reading and listening texts of the unit.

• Find certain words in a recording.

• Learn actions they can carry out in order to look after the Earth.[pic]


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