Immune System – 22

Immune System – 21

Nonspecific Body Defenses

1. Indicate the sites of activity or the secretions of the nonspecific defenses by inserting the correct letter in the answer blanks.

a. mucus d. sebaceous g. saliva j. lysozyme

b. skin e. stomach h. lacrimal fluid

c. digestive f. mucosae i. vaginal secretions

_____1. _____2. Lysozyme is found in these body secretions.

_____3. _____4. _____5. Fluids with an acid pH are found in the following places.

_____6. _____7. Sebum is a product of the _6_ glands and acts at the surface of the _7_.

_____8. Mucus is produced by mucus-secreting glands found in the respiratory and _8_ system mucosae.

2. Match the terms in Column B with the descriptions in Column A concerning events of the inflammatory response.

Column A Column B

_____1. Accounts for redness and heat in an inflamed area a. increased blood flow to an area

b. neutrophils

_____2. Inflammatory chemical released by injured cells c. inflammatory


_____3. Promote release of WBCs from the bone marrow d. macrophages

e. edema

_____4. Results from accumulation of fluid leaked from f. histamine

the bloodstream

_____5. Phagocytic offspring of monocytes

_____6. First phagocytes to migrate into the injured area

Specific Defenses

3. Using the key choices, select the term that correctly completes each statement. Insert the appropriate letter in the answer blanks.

a. macrophages d. lymph nodes g. blood

b. cellular immunity e. T cells h. humoral immunity

c. lymph f. antigen(s) i. B cells

_____1. Immunity is resistance to disease resulting from the presence of foreign substances or _1_ in the body. When this resistance is provided by

_____2. antibodies released to body fluids, the immunity is called _2_. When living cells provide the protection, the immunity is referred to as _3_. The major

_____3. actors in the immune response are two lymphocyte populations, the _4_ and the _5_. Phagocytic cells that act as accessory cells in the immune response

_____4. are the _6_. Because pathogens are likely to use both _7_ and _8_ as a means of getting around the body, _9_ and other lymphatic tissues (which

_____5. house the immune cells) are in an excellent position to detect their presence.





4. Determine whether each of the following situations provides, or is an example of, active or passive immunity. If passive, insert a P in the blank; if active, insert an A in the blank.

_____1. “Borrowed” immunity

_____2. Antibodies migrate through a pregnant woman’s placenta into the vascular system

of her fetus

_____3. A student nurse receives an injection of gamma globulin (containing antibodies to

the hepatitis virus) after she has been exposed to viral hepatitis

_____4. Immunologic memory is provided

_____5. An individual suffers through chicken pox

_____6. An individual receives Sabin polio vaccine

5. A schematic of the life cycle of the lymphocytes involved in immunity is shown in Figure 21-1. First, select different colors for the areas listed below and use them to color the coding circles and the corresponding regions in the figure.

Area where immature lymphocytes arise

Area seeded by immunocompetent B and T cells

Area where T cells become immunocompetent

Area where the antigen challenge and clonal selection are likely to occur

Area where B cells become immunocompetent

Figure 21-1

6. There are several important differences between primary and secondary immune response(s). If the following statements best describe a primary response, insert a P in the blank; if a secondary response, insert an S in the blank.

_____1. Immunological memory is established

_____2. A lag period of several days occurs before antibodies specific to the antigen

appear in the bloodstream

_____3. The initial response to an antigen; gearing-up stage

_____4. The second, third, and subsequent responses to the same antigen

_____5. Antibody levels increase rapidly and remain high for an extended period

Cell-Mediated Immune Response

7. Several populations of T cells exist. Match the terms in Column B to the descriptions in Column A. Place the correct letter response in the answer blanks.

_____1. Binds with B cells and releases chemicals that activate a. killer T cell

B cells, T cells, and macrophages

b. suppressor T

_____2. Activated by recognizing both its antigen and a self- cell

protein presented on the surface of a macrophage c. helper T cell

_____3. Turns off the immune response when the “enemy” has

been routed

_____4. Directly attacks and lyses cellular pathogens

8. Complete the following description of the activiation and activity of complement by writing the letters in the answer blanks.

a. opsonization d. inactivated g. lysis

b. water e. holes/lesions

c. proteins f. activated

_____1. Complement is a system of plasma _1_ that circulate in the blood in an inactive form. Complement is _2_ when it becomes attached to the surface of

_____ 2. foreign cells (bacteria, fungi, RBCs). One result of this complement fixation is that _3_ appear in the membrane of the foreign cell. This allows _4_ to rush

_____ 3. in, which causes _5_ of the foreign cell. Some of the chemicals released during complement fixation enhance phagocytosis. This is called _6_.

_____ 4. Others amplify the inflammatory response.

_____ 5.

_____ 6.

Developmental Aspects of the Immune System

9. Complete the following statements concerning the development and operation of the immune system during the life span by inserting your answers in the answer blanks.

a. thyroxine d. reproductive g. birth (or shortly thereafter)

b. thymosin e. liver. h. nervous

c. thymus f. depressed i. lymphatic organs

_____ 1. The earliest lymphocyte stem cells that can be identified appear during the first month of development in the fetal _1_. Shortly thereafter, bone marrow

_____ 2. becomes the lymphocyte origin site; but after birth, lymphocyte proliferation occurs in the _2_. The _3_ is the first lymphoid organ to appear, and the

_____ 3. development of the other lymphoid organs is believed to be controlled by the thymic hormone _4_. The development of immunocompetence has usually

_____ 4. been accomplished by _5_.

_____ 5. Individuals under severe stress exhibit a _6_ immune response, an indication that the _7_ system plays a role in immunity.

_____ 6.

_____ 7.

Homeostatic Imbalances of Immunity

10. Using the key choices, identify the type of immunity disorder described. Insert the appropriate letter in the answer blank.

a. immunodeficiency b. allergy c. autoimmune disease

_____1. AIDS and SCID

_____2. The immune system mounts an extraordinarily vigorous response to an otherwise

harmless antigen

_____3. A hypersensitivity reaction

_____4. Occurs when the production or activity of immune cells or complement is abnormal

_____5. The body’s own immune system produces the disorder; a breakdown of self-tolerance

_____6. Affected individuals are unable to combat infections that would present no problem for normally healthy people

_____7. Multiple sclerosis and rheumatic fever

_____8. Hay fever and contact dermatitis

_____9. Typical symptoms of the acute response are tearing, a runny nose, and itching skin


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