KENDAL COLLEGEINTERGRATED THERAPIESVTCT BEAUTY THERAPY NVQ LEVEL 3CARRY OUT MASSAGE USING PRE-BLENDED OILSUNIT B24WORKBOOK:Student name: Sardana Sanderson Date handed in: 03 /02/2015.Amendments:Tutor comments:Signature: Date completedCARRY OUT MASSAGE USING PRE-BLENDED AROMATHERAPY OILSThis unit is about the skills involved in preparing clients for and delivering massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils. The ability to adapt the use of pre-blended oils and massage techniques to suit individual client needs is a crucial requirement.To carry out this unit you will need to maintain effective health, safety and hygiene throughout your work. You will also need to maintain your personal appearance and good communication with the client.OUTCOMESMaintain safe and effective methods of working when providing massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oilsConsult, plan and prepare for treatments with clientsMassage the body using pre-blended aromatherapy oilsProvide aftercare advice PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (NOS)Maintain safe and effective methods of working when carrying out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oilsConsult, plan and prepare for treatments with clientsMassage the body using pre-blended aromatherapy oilsProvide aftercare adviceASSESSMENT4 different clients on 4 separate occasions, 2 of which must be full body and face treatments. UNDERPINNING KNOWLEDGEOrganisational and legal requirementsHow to work safely and effectively when carrying out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oilsClient consultationPreparation for treatmentAnatomy and physiologyContra-indications and contra-actionsPre-blended aromatherapy oilsTreatment specific knowledgeAftercare advice for clients INTRODUCTIONWhat is the definition of aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is a healing and cosmetic treatment. It uses essential oils and aromatic fragrances to improve and boost health both in the body and mind. The application of essential oils in a massage ensures a full support in health. The treatment works on the autonomic nervous system, the nervous system and the central nervous system. It changes and affects the energy fields of the body. When undergoing stress the body limits efficiency in the immune system and aromatherapy is an effective antidote to initiate and preserve the balance between the nervous system and organs of the body. What could be some of the long term benefits of essential oil treatment? Each blend of oils can have a different effect on the body but the common long term effects are the following:Stimulates and soothes the nervous systemPromotes healthy cell growthRelives pains and acheRelaxes and soothes aching musclesThe mind is refreshed and concentration is improvedRelives headachesAntiseptic effectAnti inflammatory effectUplifting and balancing effectAnti-viral propertiesImproves the immune systemExplain briefly the procedure for client preparation for an aromatherapy treatment: Prepare the work area.Greet the client. Explain the procedure, benefits, time and cost of the treatment. Perform a full verbal, visual and tactile consultation. Allow the client to ask any questions. Inform the client what clothing should be removed including jewellery and glasses. Afterwards leave the client to prepare for treatment in privacy.Ensure that the client is positioned correctly and covered appropriately with towels.Choose the pre-blended oils, inform the client which oil you are using and why.Ask if they have dislikes or allergies to any of the essential oil.Measure out of the chosen blend and wash your hands.Visually check for any contra-indications.Sanitise the skin and remove any make up as needed.Begin the aromatherapy massage making sure that the client feels comfortable and that discretion is provided at all times.At the end of the treatment provide home care advice for the client.Ask the client if they have any questions that you may be able to answer.Offer to help the client in getting off the massage couch.Leave the client to dress privately.Talk in a quite gentle tone especially when in training environment, as conversation can easily be overheard. A full body aromatherapy massage including head and face will take one hour and 15 minute.Explain the importance of the service time for an aromatherapy massage treatment: Time is an important factor since each treatment is calculated for the correct price in a way that is profitable. It’s vital to finish a treatment in the agreed time because the client may have other plans as well as keeping the salon organised. A salon should have an effective time schedule to stick to. The client needs to agree on the time of the treatment and change it if needed. How can RSI affect the therapist?RSI is a strain injury and since an aromatherapy massage involves a lot of physical movement it can lead to RSI repetitive strain injury. This can turn into serious back injury, aches and pains. It is vital that the therapist keeps a good posture when performing the treatment. If the therapist has the wrong posture, it will affect them in the following ways:Pain and aches Difficulty in performing treatmentTire easilyEasily irritated Massage will be less effectiveAnother important thing to remember is to stretch and mobilize your hands and wrists with exercises before the massage to avoid repetitive strain injuries. It would also help to improve the quality of the massage. The muscles of the back, shoulders and arms should also be stretched to prevent muscle damage. Why is it important to maintain the correct standing posture during massage? The correct standing posture ensures that the therapist avoids strain and fatigue while performing a massage. A bad posture could cause the therapist a back injury and leave them unable to work a full day due to discomfort. The correct stance is to stand with one foot in front of the other and move the body weight forwards and backwards through the ball and heel of the foot with the massage. Stride standing facing the couch with back upright and knees slightly bent. Why is it important to encourage clients to ask questions and record their responses? Asking and recording questions will let the therapist see the results of the treatment and help to understand what works best. The therapist can change and improve techniques in the treatment according to the client’s feedback and in doing so provide the best treatment possible. The therapist should inform the client on the treatment and make note of any contra-action that takes place. Any possible contra indications need to be noted too. At the end of the massage the therapists is responsible for reviewing the effectiveness in the massage and evaluate the results. Collecting feedback can be visual, verbal, written on a record card, a questionnaire or a comments box. When performing a visual check-up on any potential contra actions for example erythema the therapist should be aware of any patches since this will affect the treatment. Based on the results the therapist can change the application technique if needed. The therapist should ask themselves these questions while observing their client:Are the muscles softer and relaxed?Is the skin softer and smootherDid the client appear relaxed during the treatment?Did the client’s breathing appear deep and relaxedDid the client keep still through the treatment or did they constantly fidget?Questions you could ask the client can range from:How does it feel?Did you manage to fall asleep?Did/Do you find any part of the massage uncomfortable?How does/did the pressure feel?Do you feel that we need to adapt the massage in any way for you next treatment?Were you able to relax mentally?What is the importance of a medical liaison? A medical liaison is an important way of getting information about the client’s medical history. Knowing these details will allow the therapist to work with the client’s needs and change treatments if needed to. Important medical information is any operation details, muscular or skeletal problems, digestive problems, circulation, gynaecological problems, nervous problem, immune problem, and allergies (asthma, hay fever, epilepsy, diabetes etc.). Other information to consider is whether the client smokes, undergoing medical treatment, on medication or drugs.How and when does the therapist visually assess the physical characteristics in the range? The therapist checks on physical characteristics during consultation. A postural analysis for example is performed through visual checks, when the client is stood up it provides the therapist with posterior, anterior and lateral views. To check the posture the therapist will need to look at certain points in the back the scapular should not protrude on either or both sides, the spine should be straight with no signs of scoliosis and the hip should be level. The knees and ankles should be level with no swelling. When viewing the client from the side the chin should not lean forward, no hump at the top of the back, the abdominal muscles are not protruding and weak, the pelvis is not tilted and the feet should be flat. Looking from the front the therapist should notice if the shoulders curve inwards which is a sign of bad posture and check the waist, hips and knee levels. When the client is sat down the level of the spine and shoulders should also be checked.Describe three possible postural conditions: Scoliosis – Is a condition in which the spine is formed in a rotational lateral curve rather than straight and faces either the right or left. This fault causes changes in the muscular, ligaments, bones and joints which may lead to further faults such as:A difference in leg lengths A shoulder higher than the otherUneven scapulaePelvic tiltKyphosis – Is when parts of the spine curve outward often with round shoulders and tightness of the pectoral muscles. It is most common in is females who are uncomfortable about their large bust, office workers, drivers, carriers of heavy bags and people who are embarrassed about their height. Lordosis – Is known as a hollow back in which the spin is curved inward in the lumbar region. It is associated with the pelvis titling forward and is common in mothers who hold their children on the side of the hip as well people who carry heavy bags on one side or people who stand in a way which does not distribute their body weight evenly. How do you select the massage medium for different skin types? By observing the skin of the client the therapist can determine which cream or oil will have the best effect on the skin. If the client has dry skin using creams and oils with a firmer technique with more pressure should stimulate the sebaceous glands and aid desquamation. In the case of oily skin the application should be softer since pressure will cause more sebum to be secreted and could cause pustular conditions. Certain areas might need to be left alone and purified talc is thought to be the best massage medium. If the skin lacks in elasticity some movements should not be performed like wringing and rolling. Massage oil is the most suited massage medium. Types of massage mediums include:Oil – is a popular medium in body massages since it gives the most slip. The extracts in oils are commonly vegetable, plants or mineral based. If the client is particularly hair more oil will have to be used.Cream – has a moderate amount of slip and is suits dry skin because of its rich consistency. Emulsion – is oil and water based and absorbs into the skin easily. It needs to be applied thoroughly.Gel – is a water based product most suited to normal and oily skins. It doesn’t feel greasy and is very light in consistency and formulation.Powder – is used for deep massages it has less slip than other massage mediums. It is best used on greasy skin and or on a client with a perspiration problem. What areas are generally cleansed before treatment? Areas like feet can be cleaned with a foot sanitizer and the back if the client has excessive sweating and can shower using rose water, witch hazel or antiseptic. Also surgical spirit to clean over the client’s feet, trolley, couch etc.What are the main physical effects of aromatherapy massage on the body systems?Muscular: In the muscles the aromatherapy massage relaxes tension by clearing out waste and toxins. It improves the flow of nutrients and oxygen into the muscles toning them in the process. The massage has a warming effect on the muscles which is useful in avoiding muscle injury. The cells of the muscle increase in division and it improves their condition. Muscles that are short and tense can be relaxed and stretched. The essential oils used in the massage detoxify the muscles through clearing waste. Certain oils increase the blood flow to the muscles which creates flexibility and reduces the chance of an injury. Eucalyptus and marjoram helps in relaxation of tense muscle fibres and tendons.Skeletal: An aromatherapy massage increases the blood flow and brings through nutrients and minerals to the bones. Massaging the joints works as a lubricating effect as the synovial fluid is stimulated allowing for easier movement and flexibility. The essential oils with inflammatory properties lower inflammation around joints and some oils help to guide the relaxation in the ligaments. Lymphatic: The massage helps to remove waste and toxins through stimulating the flow of the lymph fluid. It also aids the drainage of lymph fluid to the lymph nodes that filter bacteria and stops infection. As well as treating oedema draining away tissue fluid from a certain area and help with the absorption of digestive fats via the lacteals. Essential oils improve circulation in the lymphatic and tissue fluid, stopping oedema taking place. Stimulating the lymphatic system removes wastes materials and some oils fight of infection and improve the immune system. Respiratory:The massage increases circulation to the bronchioles of the lungs. As well as improving the elasticity in the lungs and the gaseous exchange process. The essential oil assists in the control of the respiratory system and to also break down the mucous, some oils have a decongestant effect. Digestive:The digestives enzymes are improved and stimulated. Digestion is improved and so is the waste elimination in the intestines. Some types of essential oils have a laxative effect. What are the main psychological benefits of aromatherapy massage? The essential oils with rosemary, eucalyptus and black pepper increases circulation and stimulate the cardiovascular system. Oil with camphor increases the body temperature and camomile helps to lower it. Lavender can lower the heart rate and increased by camphor.A majority of oils have antibacterial effects.Digestion is aided by coriander, ginger, peppermint, nutmeg and myrrh. Pine, camphor, clove, lemon, have antiseptic properties. Peppermint has an analgesic effect.Juniper, sandalwood, fennels, rosemary all have diuretic properties.List 3 conditions that would prevent an aromatherapy treatment: Deep vein thrombosis – A condition that forms in a blood clot in the deep veins commonly located in the leg. Symptoms include warmth, redness, pain and swelling in the leg. There is a discomfort in walking and standing. Massage is not advised as it the movements can cause the blood clot to dislodge, travel and block the vital organs like the heart or lungs which could can be fatal. Impetigo – Is a contagious inflammatory infection. Symptoms are red, itchy patches or spots that lead to blisters leaking serum and form honey coloured crusts. Tinea – Commonly known as ringworm it is a fungal infection. The symptoms appear as small red pimples that turn into flat scaly ring like lesions which heal from the centre outwards.Scabies – Are small itch bites that burrow into the epidermis to lay their eggs. Symptoms are redness, itching and swelling. Dirt often enters the site, which results in greyish lines forming in the skin.List 3 conditions that would restrict an aromatherapy treatment:Pregnancy – It’s best not to use essential oils in the first five months of pregnancy. Even in the late stage only the safest oils should be applied. If the client is pregnant they should be lying on their back or side and not on their stomach. If the therapist needs to massage the back the client should be in a seated position or on their side. In pregnant clients oils like cedar wood, clary sage, eucalyptus, fennel, juniper, pine, rosemary, hyssop, peppermint, yarrow, ajowan, angelica, basil, bay laurel, celery seeds, buchu, calamintha, citronella, cumin, marjoran, mugwort, myrrh, orgena and thyme should be avoided. Diabetes – Since clients with diabetes tend to loose the sensitivity in their skin and develop a slower healing process they must have a doctor’s permission for the treatment. The clients can suffer from bleeding in the blood vessels and bruising and the treatment can cause damage to the blood sugar balance when it causes the body to heat up and perspire. It can also cause the client to go into a coma if the blood sugar level rises or drops. The therapist should be told about the condition in the consultation.Epilepsy - A disorder brought on by changes in the discharge of electrical impulses across the brain causing attention lapses for short amount of times. In serious cases seizures can come unexpectedly and result in unconsciousness. A client with epilepsy who’s undergoing medication to control the condition can receive the massage with a doctor’s note. The therapist should be informed of this in the consultation. How is a skin sensitivity test carried out? A sensitivity test needs to be performed between 24 to 48 hours before the aromatherapy treatment. The test in the form of a patch will help to figure out if the client can have the treatment without complications. It is usually tested on the crook of the elbow. The therapist needs to make sure the skin is clear and to then apply the pre-blended essential oil to the area. A client should be informed to not take a bath or a heat treatment in the following 24 to 48 hours. After the test the client should tell the salon about any irritation like redness, itching, swelling or hives. If there any contra-actions the treatment should not be carried out. If there are no reactions it is safe to carry out. The client will not always be allergic since hormonal influences can change the body’s sensitivity to products. The therapist should tell the client that although they are allergic to the product now they can re-test in a few months’ times. You should then offer the client a treatment with an alternative product, or test for another product.What reactions may occur as a result of using pre-blended aromatherapy oils? Since the essential oils are strong in potency they should only be used when diluted and mixed with carrier oil in specific proportions. The essential oils should be used once and not in doubles doses because it can make the client feel nauseous and some types are very toxic. Consideration when blending:Only appropriate oils should be used for the clientEssential oils that work together are the ones that should be used and since some inhibit each otherBlend together a top, middle, and base note oils as they work together synergisticallyBase notes last longer so they can be used in smaller portionsTop notes evaporate quickly so need to be used in slightly higher quantitiesBe sure that the client likes the aroma of the oilsLook at pant families and the chemical constituentsChoose the carrier oil for its effectiveness, lack of smell, penetrative qualities or priceMix carrier oil when required, for example wheat germ oil is rarely used alone because of it’s richness but added to another oil will help to preserve it because of its anti-oxidant quality.How are pre-blended oils stored and why?In a cool and dry place in a dark glass bottle.In an airtight container, out of direct sunshine.They are inflammable so will catch the fire easily. It must be handled carefully when using oils in a burner.In an unreachable place for children.An average shelf life of essential oils is six months to two years. Therapeutic effects of oils diminish with over the years. When open to the air the oxygen combining with some of the constituents of the oil will cause it to oxidize and deteriorate. The ready mixed essential oils should not be stored in carrier oil as the essential oils have much longer shelf life when they are stored in the original state. When using the oil for aromatherapy massage, mix an exact amount needed for the treatment. What is volatility and why is it important?Essential oils are all volatile meaning they each have different rates of evaporation some in top, middle or base note. Top notes – Are sharp with a strong immediate aroma. The rate of evaporation is quick 1 -14. They are able to absorb into the skin quickly and effectively lasting for around 10 hours in the body. Their source is citrus, plants and herbs. Top notes are the thinnest of the oils and have an uplifting effect. Middle notes – Have an aroma that is not immediately noticed with a flowery scent. The evaporation rate is quite quick 15-60. It is able to absorb into the skin quickly and last for 24 hrs in the body. The source is flower and herbs. These are balanced oils that affect the organs and are slightly sedative. Base note – The aroma is stronger, spicy, woody and floral. The rate of evaporation is slow and absorbs into the skin very slowly. It can last up to five days and their source is from woods, resins and flowers. The oils are relaxing both for the body and mind and some types are sedative and have an aphrodisiac effect. It is the thickest of the oils.What is the purpose of using pre-blended aromatherapy oils?When essential oils are blended together it is called a synergy. The combination of the oils and the chemistry between them create a larger sum than individual oils. The purpose of this is to enhance the qualities and effects of the oils and create a more powerful and successful product. A therapist is not qualified to blend their own oils but needs to have knowledge on different kinds to select appropriately for a client. To be able to blend oils it takes skill learned through documenting effect of the oils through practice. The following factors should be taken into consideration when blending:Compatibility of essential oilsNote properties off essential oilsTherapeutic effect requiredChoice of carrier oilCompatibility of carrier and essential oilsThe aroma producedClient needs and likes of the essential oils Commonly three essential are blended together to produce into a carrier oil in two percent blends of one of essential oils to every 2 mls of carrier oil. In facial oil it is usually a once percent blend. The best result in pre blended oils is to use top, middle and baser notes since it creates pleasant aromas as well as immediate and long term effect on the client. Summarise the types of pre-blended aromatherapy massage oils available and their purpose. Depending on the blend of oils chosen they can have different effects on the body:Take approximately around 6-10 seconds to penetrate into the dermis.Stimulate or soothe the nervous systemPromote healthy cell growthRelive pain and achesSoothes aching muscle.Refresh the mind and increase concentration Relieve headachesHave an antiseptic in effectCan be anti-inflammatory in effectUplifting effectBalancing effectCould have anti-viral propertiesStimulates the body’s immune systemHave a sedative effect Examples:Anxiety – For anxiety the best oils to use are lavender, clary sage, jasmine and marigold. The therapist would use 12 drops of oil in 4fl oz (100ml). It is massaged into the solar plexus the area around the ribs in an anti-clockwise direction. The effect of the massage is very relaxing. Depression – Oils like clary sage, marjoram, camomile, sandalwood, lavender and ylang-ylang are the oils best suited. The therapist would use 12 drops to 4fl oz (100ml) of carrier oil for the massage. A good and effective blend for is lavender, clary sage and camomile.Pain/muscle tension – The most effective oils are eucalyptus, juniper, black pepper, lavender and rosemary. The therapist would work on the back, neck and shoulders. A massage is the best way to treat pain in the muscles. Fatigue/excessive tiredness – In this case lavender, neroli, juniper, rosemary and geranium are the oils to use. The therapist would add 6 drops to 2fl oz (50ml) of carrier oil. The solar plexus is the focus area in the massage; it uplifts and boosts energy levels. How do you adapt your choice of oils to suit individual clients? The therapist should ask the client about their needs and what they are looking for in the outcome of the treatment. If they are suffering from pain and aches or fatigue different oils should be used for these different conditions to suit the client’s requirement. Explain the limitations of using pre-blended oils and when to refer clients to a clinical Aroma therapist and why? Pre blended oils cannot be personalised for clients and the therapist cannot determine the ingredients. It does not benefit clients who need specialised treatment and needs. A fully qualified aroma therapist should be referred to those clients who have conditions that may be affected by pre-blended oils since they are specialised to create individual blends.Advantages of pre blended oils:The product carries a brand name that is familiar to your client.Big companies with recognisable brands advertise their products for free. Allowing free advertisement for the treatment. There is a bigger range of products to pick from.There is no need to spend extra time for blending and measuring if needed.Disadvantages of pre blended oils:The therapist cannot choose the ingredients in the oils. The oils cannot be changed to suit the clients need.It doesn’t benefit the client if he/she has a condition and individual needs.It costs higher when not placing minimum orders. Although essential oils are safe to use if applied correctly with a very low level of risk, it is still important to deal with pre blended oils with care and responsibility. Essential oils have high concentration in substance so should be handled carefully. Toxic oils - Some oils are classed as dangerous and if used for too long, with a higher than normal concentration and or with a higher dose can result in poisoning, damage to the liver and or kidneys, headaches, minor skin eruptions, lethargy and nausea. The oils listed below are dangerous because of their high toxic concentration and should not be used:AniseedArnicaBitter AlmondCamphor BrownCamphor YellowHorseradishJaborandi leafMugwortPennyroyalRueSavorySassafrasTansyThujaWintergreenWormseedWormwoodPhotoxic oils – Photoxic oil when brought together with ultra-violet rays can create a photochemical reaction “photoxicity”. This results in an increase in pigmentation, skin burning or blistering. Photoxic reactions are typically caused by essential oils with grapefruit, lemon and lime. To avoid the danger of such a reaction it’s best to use distilled citrus oils that are non-phototoxic and to not expose the client to UV if used by using sunscreen to reduce the risk. Irritants – Histamine is produced when mast cells react with the essential oil, it can result in itchiness and irritation. This can be caused by localised inflammation of skin or mucous membranes. How serious this reaction gets depends on the amount of oil used. Known irritants include cinnamon, clove bud, clove leaf, clove stem, red thyme, rue, wild thyme and wintergreen are all known irritants. Sensitisers – Is an allergic reaction caused by an essential oil, the symptoms include hives, erythema, irritation, swelling, itching and if serious blisters can develop. It occurs when an essential oil penetrates the skin and results in the mast cells to release histamine, this causes an allergic reaction to take place. The client could become allergic at any time, it does not have to be the first time they come across it intolerance can build up anytime. Sensitisation does not happen because of a higher level in dosage and is instead a random occurrence. The oils listed below are sensitisers:Bitter orangeCinnamonGingerLemonLemongrassLimeMelissaPeppermintIf the client shows any sensitivity than a patch test should be carried out beforehand. Things that can affect the safe use of essential oils include:-Clients who have a previous history with toxicity, photosensitivity, sensitivity or irritation- The way in which the oil is applied- The concentration and or dilution in the oil- Frequency of applicationHow would you recognise erythema? And what causes it. Erythema is a condition in which the skin reddens because of the dilation of the blood vessels. It takes place during a massage due to the increase in blood flow. Excessive erythema can indicate skin intolerance- a contra-action.List the three classifications of massage movements used in aromatherapy and their effects:Effleurage movements need to be slow, smooth and rhythmical. The hands should follow in the direction of the blood flow and lymphatic and return without breaking contact with the skin. Both the hands should move together. The pressure can change from light to moderate but it must be increased in each stroke to help aid lymphatic drainage. The surface of the palm, fingers and thumbs should remain in contact during the massage. The hands should perform the strokes in smooth rhythmical movements with an even pressure. These massage movements improve general circulation and relaxes the sensory nerve endings. The oil should set into the skin. The whole palmar surface of the hand, fingers and thumbs should remain in contact. This stroke is smooth, rhythmical and applied with an even pressure. Effects: Improves general circulation. Allow oils sink into skin. Soothes the sensory nerve endings lead to relaxation.Stroking movements should be in slow rhythms moving in any direction. The hands should be pressing lightly and can be moving separate to each other or both be used together. These movements soothe the superficial nerve endings in the skin reliving tension and aid in relaxation and stimulate the tissues. Friction is created by rubbing the hands backwards and forward on an area. The result is very stimulating and warming it helps in circulation. Petrissage movements need to be performed in a way that lifts or presses the soft tissue away or towards the bone underneath. Kneading is the most popular technique and is performed with the palmar surface, fingers, thumbs or the ulnar border (the little finger on the side of the hand). During application the pressure should be applied and released in the tissues in circular motions. These movements strengthen muscle fibre; remove waste products and eases fatigue. Explain how support and cushioning would be used during the treatment. The cushioning should be placed in a way that supports the arms during the massage and the cushioning needs to be in a comfortable position for the client. How do you adapt the treatment for male or female clients? Both male and female client should be treated in a polite and equal manner showing them respect and care. For male treatment:One towel should be placed across the chest and another folded into a double layer over the lower abdomen and then a final towel lengthways over the legs. Strokes should usually be larger with higher pressure. The muscle bulk in men tends to be larger compared to in women. The muscles are firmer, with less fat in the tissue and the skin is tougher and thicker, normally quite hairy. The femoral triangle should be avoided and the therapist should only work up to a few inches above the knee. Both the abdomen and buttock areas should also be avoided in the case of a female therapist massaging a male client. The amount of hair on the client in the area of treatment can affect the choice of the product. The therapist should always be aware of personal space and to avoid leaning over unnecessarily. The therapist should act in a professional manner and not make any suggestive comments or innuendos.How would you evaluate a treatment? A treatment is evaluated based on the client’s feedback including their physical and emotional needs. These are listed examples of types of treatment to suit different clients and how they should be carried out. Relaxation – Is a type of massage best suited for the client who is nervous, suffering from insomnia or has too much energy. To perform a relaxing massage it should be adapted in the following way:The tone in the voice needs to be calm and positive. It should be relaxing and unhurried. The atmosphere should be set with the suitable temperature, relaxing music, with the lights dimmed in a way that maintain privacy for the client.The therapist should encourage the client to not talk and instead relax or sleep to get the full effects of the treatment. The client should be encouraged to practice deep breathing. Effleurage and stroking techniques need to increase throughout the treatment.Individual areas with tension should be focused on.Every movement needs to be paced slowly. The massage should be changed to work against the meridian flow.The oils compatible with relaxing treatment are: chamomile, clary sage, geranium, lavender, marjoram, neroli, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang.An evaluation of this treatment would rely on how relaxed the client felt afterwards and whether they felt it was fully effective. Uplifting – Is used for clients who are lethargic, lack motivation and do not have enough energy. For an uplifting treatment should be changed in the following way:The massage should be applied in deeper and firmer movements. Movements of effleurage and stroking should be reduced. Movements of petrissage, pressure and stroking need to be increased. The massage needs to be applied in a faster and invigorating manner than normal. The essential oils with uplifting properties are: eucalyptus, grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree.An evaluation of this treatment would be on how much more energetic and awake the client felt after receiving the massage and whether they felt it worked successfully. Sense of wellbeing – The therapist should spend time with the client to talk about their lifestyle and diet. In the talk the therapist can inform the client on the philosophy of holistic therapies, the benefits of abdominal breathing and balance the meridians. These therapies can aid the client in any extra stress or low levels of energy they may be suffering from. To aid the sense of wellbeing the massage should:Include all of the movements combined together – Swedish massage movements.These following essential oils would be beneficial: chamomile, clary sage, geranium, lavender, nerroli, rose and ylang ylang.Evaluating this treatment would be based on the feedback of the client and whether they feel like the talk was useful and how well the massage worked for them. What is a contra-action? A contra-action is a negative side effect of a treatment. This can take place due to an allergy reaction or any other irritation. Contra-action of an Aromatherapy massage are commonly; excessive erythema, allergic reaction, bruising, headaches, dizziness or nausea and fainting. Excessive erythema happens when the circulation is stimulated as an effect of the treatment. It is caused by the temperature rise that causes the capillaries to dilate which brings the blood closer to the skin’s surface. Other allergic reactions like erythema are brought on with irritation and or hives that take a few days to disappear. The erythema is caused through a histamine reaction that takes place when the body tries to protect itself. In the case that the client develops a allergic reaction the therapist should quickly and effectively remove the product from the skin with a cool water or damp cotton wool.Give three examples of post treatment restrictions:Toxicity – Is a level of poising. Some oils are highly toxic so there must a great care in using essential oils. Oils that are known for being toxic should be avoided and it is vital that the correct dilution is used so that it is not build up in the body. The effects of the toxicity in the oils will change in different clients depending on their age and size. Oils like aniseed and hyssop are thought to damage the nervous system when used for too long. Sensitization – Is an allergic reaction in the skin when it becomes intolerant to essential oil. This can take place without reason or over a long period of time. The symptoms include itching, rash, wheezing, blotches on the skin, coughing, sneezing or shortage of breath. To avoid this allergic reaction the therapist will need to perform a patch test and apply the oil leaving it for 24 - 48 hours. Irritation – Takes place when certain oils are applied in a too high dose or too often. This often affects and irritates the skin or mucous membrane; it causes the area treated to be inflamed. The dosage needs to be carefully measured and protective gloves must be worn. When decanting essential oils it should be done in a ventilated room. If any of the oil comes into contact with the skin it must be washed of quickly. What can be some of the beneficial effects of improving lifestyle?Changing lifestyles for the better by eating healthy and doing regular exercises can benefit both the body and mind. Exercise improves energy levels and stamina. It’s been known to tone and get rid of cellulite, as well as being relaxing and helpful for people with circulatory problems. If a client begins to exercise he or she can avoid the following complications:Gaining weightIncreasing fat massLow energy levels and stamina (unfit)Becoming lethargicSuffering from cardio-vascular and or joint problems (long term)Lack of mobilityIf the client does not exercise the treatment can be less effective. In terms of eating overconsumption can badly affect the skin and body conditions. Processed foods are typically the main cause of cellulite and fluid retention. A healthy diet should work with the metabolism and steady insulin levels and will improve the overall performance of the body. If the client is a smoker and is willing to quit it would be best for the client to do so.How can healthy eating and exercise improve the effectiveness of the treatment?Diet and exercise combined together show the best results, it improves health and reduces risk of heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. Blood pressure is lowered and being active increases the metabolic rate and burns up the reduced calorie intake leading to weight loss. It is known to make you feel happier and increase self esteem. Eating healthy by consuming less fat, less sugar and more of fibre can be planned for the client to follow. All these benefits increase the response the client has to the treatment and brings out the best results. For the client to receive the best advice on diet and exercise the therapist should find out about their eating habits, life style and family history. What aftercare could you advise for your client?-The client should be able to relax and if it is possible to not drive-Do not take a bath or shower for eight hours-Drink plenty of water or herbal tea-Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours-Do not eat straight away-Do not use a sunbed or go sunbathing for 24 hours-Recommend using essential oils use at home-Advise clients about different method of application available for them- Instruct clients in their use, measure in drops, don’t use undiluted on the skin and do not take internally.Used literature: - Julie Sadler – Aromatherapy, NVQ Level 3 Beauty Therapy student book (Aromatherapy) - MOODLE, Susan Cressy - Beauty therapy NVQ Levels 1, 2, 3 & Lorraine Nordmann - Beauty Therapy 3rd edition the official guide to level 3. ................

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