Analysis of unstructured data



Analysis of unstructured data

Lecture 3 - Introduction to pandas module (continued)

Janusz Szwabiski


Iteration over data structures Sorting Working with text data Working with missing data Grouping of data Merge, join and concatenate Time series Visualization


homepage of the Pandas project: ()

In [1]: %matplotlib inline import numpy as np import pandas as pd

Iteration over data structures

behavior of basic iteration over pandas objects depends on their type Series is regarded as array-like iteration produces values DataFrame (and Panel) follows the dict-like convention of iterating over the "keys" of the objects in short, basic iteration (for i in object:) produces:

Series: values DataFrame: column labels Panel: item labels

In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame({'col1' : np.random.randn(3), 'col2' : np.random.randn(3)},

index=['a', 'b', 'c'])



In [3]: df Out[3]:



a -0.320593 -0.205749

b -1.001097 0.730810

c -1.466919 0.784842


In [4]:

for col in df: print(col)

col1 col2

Pandas offers also some additional methods supporting iteration:

iteritems() - iterate over (key, value) pairs iterrows() - iterate over the rows of a dataframe as (index,Series) pairs itertuples() - iterate over the rows as named tuples of the values (lot faster than iterrows)

In [5]: df Out[5]:



a -0.320593 -0.205749

b -1.001097 0.730810

c -1.466919 0.784842



In [6]:

for key, val in df.iteritems(): print("Key: ",key) print("Value:") print(val) print('-'*10)

Key: col1 Value: a -0.320593 b -1.001097 c -1.466919 Name: col1, dtype: float64 ---------Key: col2 Value: a -0.205749 b 0.730810 c 0.784842 Name: col2, dtype: float64 ----------


In [7]:

for ind, ser in df.iterrows(): #row becomes a Series of the name being its label print("Index: ",ind) print("Series:") print(ser) print('-'*10)

Index: a Series: col1 -0.320593 col2 -0.205749 Name: a, dtype: float64 ---------Index: b Series: col1 -1.001097 col2 0.730810 Name: b, dtype: float64 ---------Index: c Series: col1 -1.466919 col2 0.784842 Name: c, dtype: float64 ----------




In [8]:

for tup in df.itertuples(): #row becomes a tuple print("Value:") print(tup) print('-'*10)

Value: Pandas(Index='a', col1=-0.32059302248966487, col2=-0.205748503728384 82) ---------Value: Pandas(Index='b', col1=-1.0010973282656557, col2=0.7308101928498936 8) ---------Value: Pandas(Index='c', col1=-1.4669194859822687, col2=0.7848419785019650 2) ----------

Warning #1

iterating through pandas objects is generally slow in many cases it is not needed and can be avoided with one of the following approaches:

look for a vectorized solution when you have a function that cannot work on the full DataFrame/Series at once, it is better to use apply() instead of iterating over the values if you need to do iterative manipulations on the values but performance is important, consider writing the inner loop using e.g. cython or numba ( ())

Warning #2

do not modify something you are iterating over usually the iterator returns a copy and not a view, and writing to it will have no effect

In [9]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['a', 'b', 'c']})

In [10]: for index, row in df.iterrows():

row['a'] = 10



In [11]: df Out[11]:

ab 01a 12b 23c



two kinds of sorting: by index and by value since the version 0.17.0 of pandas all sorting methods return a new object by default, and do not operate in-place this behavior can be changed by passing the flag inplace=True

Sorting by index

In [12]:

df = pd.DataFrame({'col1' : np.random.randn(3), 'col2' : np.random.randn(3)}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

In [13]: df Out[13]:



a -0.617963 -0.239719

b 1.297180 0.406090

c -1.641579 0.737969

In [14]:

unsorted_df = df.reindex(index=['c', 'a', 'b'], columns=['col2', 'col1'])



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