""" Creator: M.Schaefer, GIS Manager, University of PortsmouthTitle: Point to point comparison over time.Purpose: Monitor change over time for uniquely identified points.Data Requirements: A list of identified points that have been measured over multiple surveys. This program will work out the distance, azimuth and change in height between every instance of a point with the same ID. Input is a csv file with no heading: year (or survey ID), id, x, y, z e.g. 2008,FEAT01,449850.6,75308.663,19.9Required modules: sys, os, csv, pandas, numpy, arcpyPython version: 2, 3 ESRI: ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS ProData output: Two shapefiles, point and line. Two csv files, one with movement between surveys and one with total movement between first and last survey."""import sysimport osimport arcpyimport csvimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport itertoolsdef proc_main(): """ Main try-except-finally block with error handling """ arcpy.AddMessage('Starting...') try: #Run actual functionality proc_run() except Exception as e: arcpy.AddMessage ('Error: {}'.format(str(e))) finally: arcpy.AddMessage ('Completed') def proc_run(): """ Main program functionality """ # Overwrite pre-existing files arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True in_file = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) proj = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # arcpy.AddMessage('Processing: {}'.format(in_file)) #file management fsplit = func_pathsplit(in_file) survey_comp = os.path.join(fsplit[0], fsplit[2] + '_InterSurveyData.csv') total_comp = os.path.join(fsplit[0], fsplit[2] + '_TotalSurveyData.csv') shpoutput = os.path.join(fsplit[0], fsplit[2] + '_MovementLine.shp') #create line shp arcpy.AddMessage('Creating: {}'.format(shpoutput)) arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(fsplit[0], fsplit[2] + '_MovementLine.shp', 'POLYLINE', '', 'DISABLED', 'ENABLED', proj) #create point shapefile from input proc_point(in_file, proj) #process movement header = ('timestamp', 'id', 'x', 'y', 'z') df = pd.read_csv(in_file, names = header, index_col = False) #process data c_o_time, c_total = func_change(df) #write output file #arcpy.AddMessage('Writing: {}'.format(survey_comp)) c_o_time.to_csv(survey_comp, index_label = 'index') c_total.to_csv(total_comp, index_label = 'index') #create line shp lines = proc_create_lines(df, shpoutput) arcpy.AddField_management(shpoutput, 'Length', 'FLOAT', 8,2) arcpy.CalculateField_management(shpoutput, 'Length', '!shape.length!', 'PYTHON') def func_pathsplit(in_file): """ Helper function, splits full paths into components Output: [dir,full filename, filename no ext, ext] 0 1 2 3 """ dir = os.path.dirname(in_file) fullfile = os.path.basename(in_file) noext = os.path.splitext(fullfile)[0] ext = os.path.splitext(fullfile)[1] return [dir, fullfile, noext, ext] def proc_point(in_file, proj): """ Take a csv file with no header and XYZ in fields 3,4,5 """ fsplit = func_pathsplit(in_file) outShp = os.path.join(fsplit[0], fsplit[2] + '_MovementPoints.shp') arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(in_file,'FIELD3','FIELD4','Lyr',proj,'FIELD5') #create point shp arcpy.AddMessage('Creating: {}'.format(outShp)) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('Lyr',outShp) def proc_create_lines(in_df, shpoutput): """ input [key: [year, id, x, y, z]] 0 1 2 3 4 """ #Check ID Datatype if in_df['id'].dtype.kind in 'i': arcpy.AddField_management(shpoutput, 'Point_ID', 'SHORT', 8) elif in_df['id'].dtype.kind in 'f': arcpy.AddField_management(shpoutput, 'Point_ID', 'DOUBLE', 8,2) else: arcpy.AddField_management(shpoutput, 'Point_ID', 'TEXT', 12) #loop through df exclude = [] for values in in_df.itertuples(): #process every point id only once if values[2] not in exclude: #for each point find all instances of that point --> df of all matching points df1 = (in_df[in_df['id'] == values[2]]).sort_values('timestamp') proc_write_line(df1, shpoutput) # exclude.append(values[2])def proc_write_line(df_coords, shpoutput): """ input coordinates of movement of one point over x years Input: df('timestamp', 'id', 'x', 'y', 'z') """ point = arcpy.Point() array = arcpy.Array() cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(shpoutput, ['Point_ID', 'SHAPE@']) for i in df_coords.itertuples(): point.X = i[3] point.Y = i[4] point.Z = i[5] array.add(point) polyline = arcpy.Polyline(array) array.removeAll() cursor.insertRow([df_coords.iloc[0][1], polyline]) del cursor def func_change(df): """ Run through df of points and calc distance between same points in different surveys Input: df('timestamp', 'id', 'x', 'y', 'z') Output: df change over surveys df change first to last survey """ l = [] l2 = [] exclude = [] #iterate through point data set for values in df.itertuples(): #process every point id only once if values[2] not in exclude: #for each point find all instances of that point --> df of all matching points df1 = (df[df['id'] == values[2]]).sort_values('timestamp') length = len(df1) index = 0 #compare every point to the subsequent timestamp while index < length - 1: l.append(itertools.chain(df1.iloc[index].values.tolist(), df1.iloc[index + 1].values.tolist())) index += 1 #compare the first to the last timestamp for total change l2.append(itertools.chain(df1.iloc[0].values.tolist(), df1.iloc[length - 1].values.tolist())) # exclude.append(values[2]) #convert to df cols = ('from_year', 'from_id', 'x1' ,'y1', 'z1', 'to_year', 'to_id', 'x2', 'y2', 'z2') df_yr_on_yr = pd.DataFrame(l, columns = cols) df_final = pd.DataFrame(l2, columns = cols) #calculate change through broadcasting df_yr_on_yr = calc_dist(df_yr_on_yr) df_final = calc_dist(df_final) return df_yr_on_yr.sort_values(['from_id', 'from_year']), df_final.sort_values(['from_id', 'from_year']) def calc_dist(df_out): """ Calculates columns for dist, delta_z and azimuth input df('from_year', 'from_id', 'x1' ,'y1', 'z1', 'to_year', 'to_id', 'x2', 'y2', 'z2') output: df('from_year', 'from_id', 'x1' ,'y1', 'z1', 'to_year', 'to_id', 'x2', 'y2', 'z2', 'dist', 'delta_z', 'azimuth') """ df_out['dist'] = np.round(np.sqrt((df_out['x1'] - df_out['x2'])**2 + (df_out['y1'] - df_out['y2'])**2),3) df_out['delta_z'] = np.round(df_out['z2'] - df_out['z1'],3) df_out['azimuth'] = np.round(np.degrees((np.arctan2((df_out['x2']-df_out['x1']), (df_out['y2']-df_out['y1'])))),0) #if azimuth is negative add it to 360 df_out['azimuth'] = df_out['azimuth'].map(lambda x: 360 + x if x < 0 else x) return df_out if __name__ == '__main__': #run main program proc_main() ................

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