NYULMC - Enterprise Architecture Tool

Enterprise Architecture Planning ToolRequest for Information DATE \* MERGEFORMAT 2/26/2015Table of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 1.Purpose PAGEREF _Toc285982006 \h 22.Response Instructions PAGEREF _Toc285982007 \h 23.Background PAGEREF _Toc285982008 \h 34.Objectives and Strategic Drivers PAGEREF _Toc285982009 \h pany Information Request PAGEREF _Toc285982010 \h 66.Product Information Request PAGEREF _Toc285982011 \h 7Product Portfolio & Roadmap PAGEREF _Toc285982012 \h 7General Questions PAGEREF _Toc285982013 \h 7Functionality PAGEREF _Toc285982014 \h 7Architecture Frameworks, Languages and Metamodels PAGEREF _Toc285982015 \h 8User Experience and Collaboration PAGEREF _Toc285982016 \h 8Technology Platform PAGEREF _Toc285982017 \h 8Cost Estimates PAGEREF _Toc285982018 \h 87.Pilot PAGEREF _Toc285982019 \h 10Goal PAGEREF _Toc285982020 \h 10Participation in Pilot Phase PAGEREF _Toc285982021 \h 10Purpose This is a Request for Information (RFI) only and does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, that New York University Langone Medical Center (NYULMC) will take procurement action in this matter. Further, NYULMC will not be responsible for any cost incurred in furnishing the information requested. Any follow-on procurement strategy will be based on the results of the information provided and available funding. Response InstructionsUnauthorized contact regarding this RFI with employees of the Hospital other than the designated Hospital contact or their designee may result in disqualification from this process.All questions regarding interpretation or specifications must be submitted in writing to ITSourcing@ only. Under no circumstances shall vendor contact any employee of NYULMC. Any dialogue initiated by the bidder not addressed to contact above will result in an immediate disqualification.Any oral communications shall be considered unofficial and non-binding with regard to this RFI.The Hospital reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, the appropriate and adequate responses to written comments, questions, and requests for clarification. The Hospital’s official responses and other official communications pursuant to this RFI shall constitute an amendment of this RFI. Only the Hospital’s official, written responses and communications shall be considered binding with regard to this RFI.Any oral communications shall be considered unofficial and non-binding with regard to this RFI. Proposals must be submitted to ITSourcing@ no later than 12PM on March 12, 2015. A proposal must respond to the written RFI and any RFI exhibits, attachments, or amendments. A late proposal may not be accepted, and a proposer's failure to submit a proposal before the deadline may cause the proposal to be disqualified.NondiscriminationNo person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, be discriminated against in the admission or access to, or be discriminated against in treatment or activities on the grounds of disability, age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or any other classification protected by federal or State Constitutional or statutory law; nor shall they be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the performance of contracts with the Hospital.BackgroundNYU Langone Medical Center, a world-class patient-centered integrated academic medical center, is one of the nation’s premier centers for excellence in health care, biomedical research, and medical education. NYU Langone comprises three hospitals—Tisch Hospital, a 705-bed acute-care tertiary facility; Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, the first rehabilitation hospital in the world with 174 beds and extensive outpatient rehabilitation programs; and the 190-bed Hospital for Joint Diseases, one of only five hospitals in the world dedicated to orthopedics and rheumatology—plus the NYU School of Medicine, one of the nation’s preeminent academic institutions which includes the Smilow Research Center, the Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, and the Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. Campus transformation and other M&A activities over the next few years will add additional capacity to the enterprise as well.NYULMC is committed to making world-class contributions that place service to human health at the center of an academic culture devoted to excellence in research, patient care, and education.Objectives and Strategic DriversOver the last three years, NYUMC defined an Enterprise Architecture program in the IT organization (MCIT). The program has been focusing on different areas of architecture and technology management as well as definition of standards and roadmaps. The program has implemented a number of processes and internal tools that have been used by the technical team. Most of these processes and mechanisms have been manual, following standard ad-hoc templates, governance processes and reporting. These activities have also been aligned with other related technology planning and operations processes of the organization, including project portfolio and IT service management (ITIL based). Because of the manual nature of the existing processes and the use of ad-hoc templates there are significant opportunities to further standardize the technology planning and delivery mechanisms. We seek to improve the architecture practice by deploying appropriate tools and technology for articulate technology strategies, simplifying the creation of architectural documentation and tighter control of standards and governance. This capability will become critical as programs with increasing complexity are implemented by the institution. The use cases that we have identified include:Solution ArchitectureCapability for solution architects and engineering to articulate the system architecture of a specific technical solution in a standard way. The tool would allow these users to document different views of the solution (business, information, technology etc.), to document alternatives and to manage the lifecycle of these designs. The resulting designs would be stored in a repository and its components could be re-used for different projects. The tool could provide standard templates aligned with an architecture framework. Strategy PlanningAbility to articulate and report on the strategic direction of a technical and/or business domain, describing capabilities, roadmaps and technology portfolios. This use case would be applicable to enterprise business architects, business partners and finance executives. Standards ManagementAimed at technology planners (architects and engineers), this function is to use a tool as a repository for standards lifecycle management.Application PortfolioThis is the ability for technical planners, domain architects and finance team to make decisions regarding the application portfolio, such as opportunities for rationalization and performing ROI on specific investments.Architecture Practice GovernanceAs part of the solution lifecycle, the architecture team reviews and makes decisions regarding technology approaches and is aligned with the project portfolio process. An enterprise architecture tool could help manage and document this decision process.ReportingAbility to provide reports (ad-hoc or standard) regarding the architecture function processes (see above use cases), including metrics of appropriate KPI’s.This RFI is aimed at identifying partners and a technology toolkit to address the above use cases and explore additional capabilities that might be available in the tools. Our next step is to gather information from potential vendors to better understand the solutions that are available in the market, assess their suitability to address NYULMC’s requirements, and launch a pilot project that will eventually inform an enterprise-wide pany Information RequestPlease respond to the following questions – please be concise and as specific as possible.Provide a brief company profile. If private, please include funding, number of employees, biggest customer wins, and customer wins in the healthcare sectorProvide information regarding any specific healthcare industry awards and/or third party endorsements your organization has received.Provide 3 referencesFacility NameContact NameContact TitleContact PhoneContact E-mailDoes your company offer professional services or partner with other service providers to support solution deployment? The vendor will provide one point of contact from which all service requests will be dispatched.Describe your service and support options including phone, web support, proactive support, reporting, etc.If reseller is providing the first line of customer support, please indicate the number of support engineers that are certified with the SGW system. How is the vendor involved in problem solving?Briefly describe your near and longer term product vision and roadmapPlease describe any other high-value applications that are emerging in the healthcare space for which you have developed and deployed a solution.Provide your training curriculumWhen in-house labor is required, the vendor will provide in-house labor or contract with the Original Equipment Manufacturer or a suitable 3rd party that is mutually agreed upon by both parties. Please include onsite response times.Vendor acknowledges that because of the nature of a Hospital business, some restrictions may be placed on vendor’s work schedule, and vendor may need to complete some portions of any service it is to provide after the Hospital normal operating hours.Hospital policies. Vendor shall ensure that its personnel comply with all Hospital policies while performing any service on site, including policies relating to smoking, security, parking, use of radio equipment and mobile devices, access to any network, security, clothing and dress.Vendor Registration Requirements. Vendor acknowledges that Hospital may have vendor registration policies and procedures and that vendor’s personnel will be required to comply with all such registration requirements.Services Warranty. Vendor warrants that it will perform all services in a professional manner consistent with high standards of industry practice. If any service fails to accomplish its intended purpose, vendor shall re-perform the service until it accomplishes its intended purpose. Please detail length of warranty from time of purchase.HIPAA Compliance. Vendor acknowledges and agrees that it is a “Business Associate” and every Hospital entity is a “Covered Entity” as such terms are defined under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and rules and regulations promulgated there under (“HIPAA”), and each party shall comply with comprehensive privacy and security policies and procedures related to individually identifiable health information. Vendor shall be bound by the obligations of a Business Associate.After the termination of this contract, all Inventory and Equipment Maintenance records will become the property of the Hospital.The vendor shall observe all safety precautions throughout the performance of this contract and shall assume full responsibility and liability for compliance with all applicable regulations pertaining to the health and safety of personnel during the execution of work and shall hold the Hospital harmless for any action on its part or that of its employees that results in illness, injury or death.Any work subcontracted by the vendor shall require the prior written approval of the subcontractor by the Hospital. Use of subcontractors must be clearly explained in the proposal and major subcontractors must be identified by name. The prime contractor shall be wholly responsible for the entire performance, whether or not subcontractors are used.Vendor will provide an organizational chart and job descriptions for any service technicians to be assigned to Hospital upon Hospital request.The Hospital will have access to any hospital maintenance databases from the vendor. Product Information RequestFor each section, provide an overview of how your solution addresses the specific area and briefly respond to the questions in each section.Product Portfolio & RoadmapWhat’s your vision of Enterprise Architecture and how your product fits into that vision?Do you have an end-to-end Enterprise Architecture solution? What is the portfolio of products (or modules for a core product) that you offer in this space?Please provide your product roadmap for the next 12 to 24 monthsWhat sets your offering apart from other enterprise architecture tool players in the industry?What is your company presence in the United States and support model for clients in this country?General QuestionsDescribe typical deployment scenarios and use cases for your tool(s). What’s your best practice for institutions in the healthcare space?Provide customer testimony or success stories of the deployment of your tool in the healthcare industry. Describe implementation challenges you have encountered deploying the tool in healthcare institutions (technical, process or organization related) and the approach you took to mitigate them. Describe the product, modules and functionality. Is your product a monolithic system or has core and add-on modules.Does the system have a repository for architecture artifacts?Does your product follow a SaaS model, customer hosted or a client device (e.g. workstation) product?In addition to the tool or system, what are the training options and curricula available as part of the offering?What is the support model offered as part of the tool?Does the tool/system have extensive documentation?Is there a user community or special interest group available?FunctionalityDescribe the flexibility of the tool and ability to customize is models and objects to a specific environment.Describe the full scope of functionality of the tool and modules. Including enterprise portfolio (application, services), business strategy, solution architecture patterns, financial planningDoes the system functionality overlaps with other frameworks, standards and best practices, including SOA, ITSM (ITIL), BPM/BPA.Describe the modeling capabilities of the system and whether the tool includes mechanism like workflow engines as part of the deployment.Does the system support scenario analysis and/or simulation?What are the integration approaches supported to interface the tool and processes with external systems, such as project portfolio, ITSM systems (CMDB), or other source systems.What are the repository and portfolio management capabilities of the system, including:Application portfoliosCapabilities, process and service portfoliosTechnology (i.e. infrastructure) portfolios and roadmapsRequirementsOther portfolios (e.g. project)Does the tool provide automation of part of the architecture or strategy planning process?Describe the governance capabilities of the tool to manage the above portfolios.How does the tool allow for financial planning and tracking of technology investmentsDescribe the reporting options for the tool or its modules.Standard reportsCustom and/or ad-hoc reportsCustomization optionsArchitecture Frameworks, Languages and Meta-modelsDescribe your tool support of architecture frameworks, languages and standards such as TOGAF and ArchiMate.Does the tool provides support of the full architecture lifecycle of a project (e.g. Architecture Development Method – ADM)What are the architecture viewpoints that are supported by the tool (business, information, technology etc.)?What are the analytical tools or mechanisms available as part of the system?Does the tool have built-in templates from above frameworks that can be used and tailored for each institution?Does the tool have a healthcare meta-model that can be leveraged and/or applied to NYULMC? User Experience and CollaborationDoes the tool support different user types or profiles? E.g. power-user (enterprise architects, solution architects), business analysts, executives etc.Describe the scope of functionality and control available to each of the user types or roles.Describe the Graphical User Interface of the toolDescribe the designer capabilities availableWhat are the collaboration capabilities of the system? Is the system focused on single user or aimed at workgroup and collaborative work?Can some or all of the functionality of the tool be accessed or used via mobile devicesTechnology PlatformDescribe the technology platform requirements for your tool if it is hosted and/or installed in client machines.Hardware and software requirementsRequired middleware or other vendor softwareIs the tool aimed at multiplatform environments (e.g. Windows, OS-X, Linux, J2EE)Describe the technology platform for the repositoryWhat the system requirements for automation and/or workflow engines (if included)How does the system integrate or interact with other systems such as portfolio management and/or IT service management, such as CMDB.Describe the user authentication mechanism for the system. Can the system and platform integrate with Active Directory? Cost EstimatesProvide budgeting prices and pricing model for a small configuration for your tool, based on the use cases and information provided. This information will not be used for product selection, but rather to identify the appropriate sourcing process to be followed.For the small case assume up to 15 power-users (architects or business planners) and 5 business stakeholders or executives (for reporting)Provide estimates for the different configuration options that you offer (i.e. internally hosted or SaaS)Cover your licensing model – yearly or subscription based? One time cost?Pilot GoalThe goal of the pilot project is to identify potential vendor partner candidates for selection and deployment in FY2014-2015. The pilot will help NYUMC confirm responses to questions in above sections and provide NYULMC architects, executives and planners an opportunity to have a deeper understanding of your solutions.The detailed pilot configuration should address the following use cases, to be determined based on RFI responses: Articulating an architecture solution for a project – addressing available architecture views and framework templates as appropriate. Standards definition and managementApplication portfolio managementArchitecture governanceHow can the tool integrate with project portfolio and operation systemsReporting capabilitiesPlease provide a recommended pilot setup for the above scenarios indicating whether the Pilot can be supported via a SaaS (cloud based) model or whether it requires in-house supporting infrastructure.Participation in Pilot PhaseIn order for your response to this RFI to be given further consideration, you must state in writing as part of your response that:Your willingless to participate and support a pilot phase project at your own costYou understand that pilot use-case scenarios will be selected based on responses to this RFI;Your ability to provide a test system setup and proposal for the pilot phase project within two (2) weeks after notification to continue in the vendor selection process;You acknowledge that you may not be the sole vendor to participate in the pilot phase project; andYou acknowledge that responding to this RFI and participation in the pilot phase project does not serve as an indication that NYULMC will take further procurement action in this matter. ................

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