SRF40206 - Velg Training

RPL Assessor Kit


Certificate IV in Fitness

Please note that this RPL Assessor Kit does not contain any prescribed pre-requisites for the units contained in this qualification.

Editable version

Skills First RPL Assessor Kits are developed by the State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) and are based on the Skills First philosophy of providing client focussed, streamlined, and flexible RPL.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) is the copyright owner of material contained within the original RPL Assessor Kit.

Permission is given to Registered Training Organisations to use, reproduce and adapt this RPL Assessor Kit for their organisation’s RPL assessment purposes, provided such use, reproduction or adaptation is for non-commercial purposes.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) disclaims any liability for any damage resulting from the use of the material (in either original or modified format) and will not be responsible for any loss, howsoever arising, from use of, or reliance on this material.

The original version of this RPL Assessor Kit is available free of charge at

If you would like any further information, please email


This RPL Assessor Kit is divided into sections to allow you to easily access only those sections you require at any given time. These sections are:

SECTION A – Assessor Information

You need to read this information before conducting an assessment. It outlines the intent and processes surrounding this RPL assessment and how it differs from assessment undertaken following formal training.

SECTION B – Candidate Information and Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate. It tells them about the assessment process as well as containing simple forms for the applicant to fill out. From the information provided by the candidate on these forms, you will be able to gain a general understanding of the skills and experience the candidate may have, as well as potential referee contacts.

SECTION C – Competency Conversation

You use this section to determine and record candidate competence via a competency conversation. In other words, these questions guide your conversation with the applicant and assist in your assessment of their competence. The notes you take about this conversation are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION D – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assess competencies through a practical demonstration of the candidate’s skills. It contains practical tasks/scenarios on the outcomes required to determine competency and a place to record your observation. The notes you take are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION E – Resources for Practical Tasks

You use this section to access required resources for performing practical tasks and scenarios.

SECTION F – Third Party Verification

You give this section to the referees to confirm the candidate’s skills and experience in this qualification/occupation. The referees may fill out the appropriate form and return to you to confirm your judgement. You may be able to complete this part of evidence gathering in person while at the workplace.

SECTION G – Assessment Tables

You use this table as a reference tool to see at a glance how units/elements of competency are assessed within the tool. All the elements and performance criteria within the competency units are cross-matched in this table with a corresponding assessment question/task/scenario. This allows you to validate the assessment process against the qualification.


Assessor Information

It is VITAL you read this information prior to commencing your RPL assessment. It provides generic information on assessment, as well as an overview of this streamlined RPL assessment process.


This RPL Assessor Kit streamlines the RPL assessment process for SRF40206 Certificate IV in Fitness by taking a practical approach to RPL and increasing the use of on-site questioning and observation. This will assist in developing a “picture of the candidate’s skills and knowledge”. This picture can then be compared with industry standards enabling a determination of whether the candidate has achieved the required outcomes.


A sound knowledge of assessment and the qualification is essential

It is important to have a good understanding of the competencies and qualification/s appropriate to the candidate’s goals.

Assessing a single unit of competency is rarely cost or time effective. Where possible, effort should be made to assess several units at the same time taking advantage of any commonality in content. This means looking at the whole picture of a particular job role as it happens in industry and assessing holistically. This saves valuable time in the assessment process.

Assessment involves judgement

This tool encourages the use of a “competency conversation” to maximise the candidate’s opportunities to demonstrate competence. This is NOT an oral exam. It is about using the two or three holistic questions provided to start a conversation with the candidate which draws out their actual individual experiences and relevant skills. In other words, it is about the assessor probing the candidate through a conversation to draw out further information on the candidate’s experience which may not be forthcoming due to nerves or confusion over technical terminology.

The tool also provides observable tasks to allow candidates to demonstrate skills.

Authentication/verification is integral to RPL assessment

It is critical information gleaned from the interview and observation be confirmed with those who can vouch for the candidate’s skill over time. Supervisors would generally perform this role. Authentication may also be done through conversation but it cannot be stressed enough that it is essential assessors take careful notes to back up and record their judgement.

Recording assessment is critical

Keep careful records of all aspects of conversations, skills demonstration or documentation viewed that support the claim of prior learning. Remember – the record is the document that makes sense of the assessment and why a particular judgment was made. Keeping detailed notes about the candidate’s response is vital, as is the rationale for judgement.

The assessment record is a legal document and must be signed, dated and stored according to requirements of the State Training Authority and the AQTF Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

Assessor summaries and other quality assurance documentation from your own Registered Training Organisation will also be required. For examples of assessment summary documentation, please see Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit:

To access further information on the principles assessment and dimensions of competency, you can visit Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit.

To access further information on the Australian Qualifications Framework, you can visit:


SRF40206 Certificate IV in Fitness *


|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |

|BSBCMN402A |Develop work priorities |( | |

|ICAITU006C |Operate computing packages |( |( |

|SRXGCSO06A |Address client needs |( | |

|SRXGCST05A |Coordinate client service activities |( | |

|SRXINU003A |Analyse participation patterns in specific markets of the leisure and |( | |

| |recreation industry | | |

|SRXINU004A |Promote compliance with laws and legal principles |( | |

|SRXOGN001A |Conduct projects |( | |

|SRXOHS002B |Implement and monitor the organisations occupational health and safety |( |( |

| |policies, procedures and programs | | |

|SRXRIK001A |Undertake risk analysis of activities |( |( |


|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |

|SRFFIT007B |Undertake relevant exercise planning and programming |( |( |

|SRFFIT008B |Utilise a broad knowledge of exercise science in exercise planning, programming|( |( |

| |and instruction | | |

|SRFFIT009B |Undertake postural appraisal of low risk clients |( |( |

|SRFFIT010B |Utilise a broad range of fitness equipment |( |( |

|SRFFIT011B |Provide exercise for fitness industry clients with special requirements |( |( |

|SRFFIT012B |Utilise an understanding of motivational psychology with fitness clients |( |( |

|SRFFIT013B |Provide information and exercise related to nutrition and body composition |( |( |

SPECIALISATION UNIT (Personal trainer)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |

|SRFPTI001B |Plan and deliver personal training |( |( |

ELECTIVE UNITS (Coaching and instruction)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |

|SRXCAI008B |Plan and prepare an individualised long term training program |( |( |

|SRXCAI009B |Conduct, monitor and adjust individualised long term training programs |( |( |

|SRXCAI010B |Evaluate, analyse and modify long term and/or high performance individualised |( |( |

| |training programs | | |

ELECTIVE UNIT (Technology)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |

|SRXTCN001A |Assist with analysis and use of emerging technology |( | |




This kit has been developed to streamline the application for recognition of prior learning.



1. Complete application

The candidate completes the application forms in SECTION B. It is important candidates provide as much information of their previous experience in the fitness industry as is available.

Documents that may be available include but are not limited to:

← any licences

← brief CV or work history

← certificates/results of assessment

← vendor training courses

← results/statement of attendance/ certificates – in house courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums, club courses e.g. first aid, officials, surf life saving, etc

← membership of relevant professional associations

← hobbies/interests/special skills outside work

← references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

← any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Candidates also need to provide contact details for one or two referees who can confirm their industry skills in context and over time.

To have skills formally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework, you must ensure the candidate’s skills meet industry standards.

2. Interview about candidate’s documentary information

Review the information provided by the candidate and arrange a time for both you and the candidate to discuss. Begin alignment of documentation and skills to the following qualification:

SRF40206 Certificate IV in Fitness

The candidate will have the opportunity to discuss and identify previous experience with you. The available documents are step one in collecting information and you will need to determine which units of competency, if any, are fully covered at this stage. You use your own or your RTO’s assessment recording forms to record this stage of the assessment.

There may be instances where the candidate has little, or no, documentary information of industry experience. This is not a barrier to gaining recognition. This will just require you to rely on the questioning, practical assessment and referee validation phases of the RPL process.

3. Questions for the Competency Conversation

The bank of questions in SECTION C is the next phase in collecting evidence for the RPL process. The questions are designed to enable you to have a “competency conversation” with the candidate to further gain evidence of their past experience. REMEMBER, the primary focus is on the candidate’s experience.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise the question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. You should read the “industry requirements” of each competency before the candidate answers the questions posed. You may also target the assessment to those aspects that present the greatest risk in the industry. Questions are aligned with the relevant unit/s of competency in SECTION G.

It is not intended every question for all competencies is asked, only those competencies the initial interview about the candidate’s documentary evidence has failed to fully address. The question bank covers most but not all units in the kit. Units without questions are covered in the practical assessment/scenario section.

4. Practical assessment tasks

It is important that you use both Steps 3 (Questioning) and 4 (Practical Assessment) in doing this assessment. The RPL process is a streamlined RPL process which does not rely solely on practical assessment but uses a combination of questioning and practical to provide evidence of candidate competence.

This is the third phase in collecting evidence. A practical skills test is then conducted by you at the candidate’s workplace or another suitable venue. Appropriate permission must be sought before entering workplaces.

This is a further opportunity for candidate to demonstrate competence. It is expected the practical assessment will comprise only those competencies the candidate is still unable to demonstrate knowledge/experience in after documentary review and questioning have been applied. These assessments contain the practical skills and application of knowledge for the qualification. A number of holistic practical assessments are included in this kit (SECTION D) to assist you with tasks suitable for observation on the job.

You decide if the response to questions and practical assessment tasks fulfils the requirements of the standard and may choose to pursue the issue further for a determination to be made. The assessment is a conversation/observation, not an exam, and you are encouraged to assist candidates to focus responses toward relevant issues.

Assessing through observation and questioning, particularly on the job, will speed up and streamline the RPL assessment process.

NOTE: Where candidate’s documentation and questions meet the assessment requirement, it is still strongly recommended the candidate undertake one practical assessment so you are confident in making a judgement of “competent”. The practical assessment selection should be negotiated between you and the candidate.

Recording sheets for candidate information, questioning and the practical assessments have been included in SECTION D. You may use other recording mechanisms provided these also keep a complete record of assessment and justification of judgement. Candidate responses, observations of skills demonstrated and documents presented as evidence must be noted in enough detail so anyone external to the process (e.g. a fellow assessor, auditor, lawyer, etc) can read the record and retrace your judgement.

5. Gap training

RPL is an assessment process designed to show areas of competence and to identify IF a candidate has gaps in skills and knowledge against a whole qualification.

Not all candidates will have skill/knowledge gaps.

If a candidate has skills gaps, a pathway to complete training in the outstanding units can be negotiated to assist the client to gain the full qualification.


Recognition of prior learning outcomes (both Granted and Not Granted) are now funded nationally and as such will be included in National AVETMISS audits. NCVER have stipulated evidence recording requirements for RPL assessments as a minimum requirement for passing an AVETMISS audit. The following “Evidence Review” proforma has been approved by NCVER as covering AVETMISS audit requirements for RPL recorded outcomes. It also gives you an opportunity to track a student’s assessment progress at a glance.

It is expected that this “Evidence Review” summary sheet (or similar) would be attached to each participant’s evidence compiled during the RPL assessment process.

(Place a tick in the appropriate evidence collection method column for each unit of competency. Place a line through those units not examined as part of this RPL assessment.)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |Documents |3rd Party |Other |

| | | | | |Report |evidence |


|BSBCMN402A |Develop work priorities | | | | | |

|ICAITU006C |Operate computing packages | | | | | |

|SRXGCSO06A |Address client needs | | | | | |

|SRXGCST05A |Coordinate client service activities | | | | | |

|SRXINU003A |Analyse participation patterns in specific markets of the leisure and| | | | | |

| |recreation industry | | | | | |

|SRXINU004A |Promote compliance with laws and legal principles | | | | | |

|SRXOGN001A |Conduct projects | | | | | |

|SRXOHS002B |Implement and monitor the organisations occupational health and | | | | | |

| |safety policies, procedures and programs | | | | | |

|SRXRIK001A |Undertake risk analysis of activities | | | | | |


|SRFFIT007B |Undertake relevant exercise planning and programming | | | | | |

|SRFFIT008B |Utilise a broad knowledge of exercise science in exercise planning, | | | | | |

| |programming and instruction | | | | | |

|SRFFIT009B |Undertake postural appraisal of low risk clients | | | | | |

|SRFFIT010B |Utilise a broad range of fitness equipment | | | | | |

|SRFFIT011B |Provide exercise for fitness industry clients with special | | | | | |

| |requirements | | | | | |

|SRFFIT012B |Utilise an understanding of motivational psychology with fitness | | | | | |

| |clients | | | | | |

|SRFFIT013B |Provide information and exercise related to nutrition and body | | | | | |

| |composition | | | | | |


|SRFPTI001B |Plan and deliver personal training | | | | | |


|SRXCAI008B |Plan and prepare an individualised long-term training program | | | | | |

|SRXCAI009B |Conduct, monitor and adjust individualised long-term training | | | | | |

| |programs | | | | | |

|SRXCAI010B |Evaluate, analyse and modify long-term and/or high performance | | | | | |

| |individualised training programs | | | | | |

|SRXTCN001A |Assist with analysis and use of emerging technology | | | | | |

Assessor’s Name:

Assessor’s Signature:



Candidate Information and Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate for them to read about the RPL process and to complete the appropriate forms.


The Certificate IV in Fitness* is the minimum qualification to work in the designated specialisation and /or specific populations within the fitness industry. At this level, fitness industry workers will work under minimal supervision and have increased responsibility.

Working in the fitness industry is very rewarding and carries important social responsibilities for the well being of people’s health and safety as well as responsibilities as an industry.

The Certificate IV in Fitness consists of 9 core units, 7 stream units, 1 specialisation and 4 electives for a total of 21 units within this assessment kit.

To gain recognition for the compulsory units of the certificate you will need to be able to demonstrate that you can currently do some or all of the following:

← communicate appropriately with clients, allied health professionals and business networks to establish and meet needs

← develop work priorities

← use computing equipment and packages

← screen clients using a variety of assessment methods

← develop and implement plans/programs for a variety of clients

← correctly and safely use a variety of fitness equipment

← follow Occupational Health and Safety policies and procedures

← utilise a variety of motivational techniques

← apply knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and nutrition and exercise.

You may also have other fitness skills that can be used to get recognition in additional units towards a Certificate IV in Fitness.

*Please note that this qualification contains a number of pre-requisite units. Please discuss these requirements with your assessor.


To have skills formally recognised in the national system, assessors must make sure you have the skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard. This means you must be involved in a careful and comprehensive process that covers the content of all unit/s or qualification/s you can be recognised for.

Assessment happens in a variety of ways. Being prepared can save you valuable time and hassle and make the recognition process stress-free for you.

Here are some tips and hints for you:

1. Be prepared to talk about your job roles and your work history. Bring a resume or jot down a few points about where you have worked, either paid or unpaid, and what you did there.

2. Bring your position description and any performance appraisals you have from any fitness industry facilities you have worked in.

3. Consider the possibilities for workplace contact. Are you in a workplace that is supporting your goals to get qualified? Would you feel comfortable to have the assessor contact your workplace or previous workplaces so your skills can be validated?

4. Think about who can confirm your skill level. Think about current or recent supervisors who have seen you work in the past 18 months and will be able to confirm your skills. The assessor will need to contact them. You may also have community contacts or even clients themselves who can vouch for your skills level.

5. Collect any certificates from in-house training or formal training you have done in the past.

6. You can speak with your training organisation about other ways you can show your skills in the fitness industry. These could be letters from employers, records of your professional development sessions, employers or clients in related industries or government agencies, acknowledgements, workplace forms (as long as they don’t show client details) or other relevant documents.


Step 1 – Provide information of your skills and experience

Complete the attached forms and provide as much information of your previous experience in the fitness industry as you can. This is your first opportunity (and not the last) to provide proof of your variety of experience in the industry. Here you can supply examples of your work history which could include:

← any licences

← brief CV or work history

← certificates/results of assessment

← vendor training courses

← results/statement of attendance/ certificates – in house courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums, club courses e.g. first aid, officials, surf life saving, etc

← membership of relevant professional associations

← hobbies/interests/special skills outside work

← references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

← any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Depending on the industry you have worked in, you may or may not have documentary evidence available. This should not deter you from seeking RPL as the Assessor will work with you during the RPL process.

You will also need to supply contact details of one or two work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry.

Step 2 – Conversation with Assessor

An assessor will review the information you have provided (usually with you) and begin to match up your skills to the units/subjects in the qualification. At this point, you will have the opportunity to discuss and identify your previous experience with the assessor who will understand your industry experience and conduct a competency conversation with you. You will be required to answer fitness industry related questions to identify your current skills.

Step 3 – Practical demonstration of your skills

The assessor will conduct a practical skills test at your workplace (if appropriate) or at another suitable venue. This, again, is an opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence. This assessment will be focussed on skills that are required in the qualification. Your assessor will identify the skills that he/she will want you to demonstrate.

Further steps

After the assessment, your assessor will give you information about the skills that have been recognised and whether you have gained the full qualification. If you do have skill gaps, these may be addressed through flexible training.

|APPLICATION – Self Assessment Questionnaire |

|SRF40206 Certificate IV in Fitness |

Candidate Name: Date Completed:

Please identify your level of experience in each competency.

|Unit Code |Unit Title |I have performed these tasks |

| | |Frequently |Sometimes |Never |


|BSBCMN402A |Develop work priorities | | | |

|ICAITU006C |Operate computing packages | | | |

|SRXGCSO06A |Address client needs | | | |

|SRXGCST05A |Coordinate client service activities | | | |

|SRXINU003A |Analyse participation patterns in specific markets of the leisure and | | | |

| |recreation industry | | | |

|SRXINU004A |Promote compliance with laws and legal principles | | | |

|SRXOGN001A |Conduct projects | | | |

|SRXOHS002B |Implement and monitor the organisations occupational health and safety | | | |

| |policies, procedures and programs | | | |

|SRXRIK001A |Undertake risk analysis of activities | | | |


|SRFFIT007B |Undertake relevant exercise planning and programming | | | |

|SRFFIT008B |Utilise a broad knowledge of exercise science in exercise planning, | | | |

| |programming and instruction | | | |

|SRFFIT009B |Undertake postural appraisal of low risk clients | | | |

|SRFFIT010B |Utilise a broad range of fitness equipment | | | |

|SRFFIT011B |Provide exercise for fitness industry clients with special requirements | | | |

|SRFFIT012B |Utilise an understanding of motivational psychology with fitness clients | | | |

|SRFFIT013B |Provide information and exercise related to nutrition and body composition| | | |


|SRFPTI001B |Plan and deliver personal training | | | |


|SRXCAI008B |Plan and prepare an individualised long-term training program | | | |

|SRXCAI009B |Conduct, monitor and adjust individualised long-term training programs | | | |

|SRXCAI010B |Evaluate, analyse and modify long-term and/or high performance | | | |

| |individualised training programs | | | |

|SRXTCN001A |Assist with analysis and use of emerging technology | | | |

Candidate Signature: Date:


Applicant Details:

|1. Occupation you are seeking recognition in | |

|2 Personal Details |

|Surname | |

|Preferred Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss) | |

|First Name/s | |

|Any other name used | |

|Home Address | |

| | |

|Postal address if different from above | |

| | |

|Telephone Numbers |Home: |Work: |

| |Mobile: |Fax: |

|Date of Birth | / / |

|Gender |MALE ( / FEMALE ( |

|Age | |

|Are you a permanent Resident of Australia |YES ( / NO ( |

|3 Current Employment |

| |YES ( / NO ( |

|Are you currently employed? | |

| |……………………………………………………… |

|If Yes, in which occupation are you currently employed? | |

| | |

|Who is your current employer? |………………………………………………………. |

|4. Armed Forces details (If Applicable) |

|Branch of Service | |

|Trade classification on discharge | |

|5. Further Training |

|Have you undertaken any training courses related to the |YES ( / NO ( |

|occupation applied for? | |

|If Yes | |

|What occupation were you trained in? | |

|Training completion Date (month, year) | |

|Country where you trained | |

|Name of course and institution (if applicable) | |

|6. Is there any further information you wish to give in| |

|support of your application | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|7. Professional Referees (relevant to work situation) |

| | |

|Name |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Position |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Organisation |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Phone Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Mobile Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Email Address |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Name |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Position |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Organisation |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Phone Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Mobile Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Email Address |…………………………………………………………………… |


|Name, Address and Phone |Period of Employment |Position Held |Full Time |Description of Major Duties |

|number of Employers |(DD/MM/YYYY) | |Part-time | |

| | | |Casual | |

| |From |To | | | |

|1. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|3. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Attach additional sheet if required

If you are including documents in your application, please provide a brief description below

|Document Description |Office Use Only – Assessor to use this section to align documents to specific |

|(e.g. resume, photos, awards etc) |units of competency and identify key questions for competency conversation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all documents are genuine.

Candidate Signature: Date


Competency Conversation

This section assists the assessor in documenting the competency conversation.

Do NOT give this section to the candidate.

Once you have assessed the candidate’s documentary information and determined which competencies you still require more information/evidence on, you use the question bank and Record of Conversation sheets in this section to document evidence of past experience. It is not intended that every question for all competencies be discussed during the conversation, only those competencies the initial documentary review has failed to fully address.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise or rephrase the suggested question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The questions are not intended to be a formal ‘script’ for the assessor to follow, but to provide guidance in exploring the range of the candidate’s skills, knowledge and experience in performing a particular task or function.

The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. In doing so, you are making a statement of fact about what you hear the candidate say during the competency conversation. Use the Comments section to provide further detail about the context of the discussion or briefly outline any examples discussed by the candidate. You may also use the Comments section to make a brief analysis of the responses or summary judgements about the quality of the candidate’s responses in relation to the requirements of the competency standard.

Remember, the notes you take about this conversation are important evidence and should be retained in the candidate’s assessment record.


Note to Assessors: Refer to “Record of Conversation” sheets

|Unit of Competency |Question |

|BSBCMN402A |1: Outline the steps that you have taken to develop work plans and objectives. Provide examples of contingencies and |

|Develop work priorities|how you have dealt with these. |

| |2: Using the above example, discuss how you have used technology within your workplace to plan and monitor your |

| |objectives. |

| |3: Discuss how you self-reflect on your work performances and how you plan and record your professional development |

| |activities. |

|ICAITU006C |4: Discuss specific workplace documents that you have produced and the software applications that you used. |

|Operate computing |5: Outline the health and safety procedures that you have followed when using computing equipment. |

|packages | |

|SRXGCSO06A |6: From your experience, how have you determined the needs of a new or existing client and how have you ensured that |

|Address client needs |you fully understood their needs? |

| |7: In the situation of a complaint, how have you dealt with the client? |

|SRXGCST05A |8: Outline the methods you have used when monitoring client services in your workplace. |

|Coordinate client |9: Discuss the importance of making adjustments to your client services as a result of this monitoring process. |

|service activities | |

|SRXINU003A |10: Discuss research you have undertaken to assist your workplace in its marketing. |

|Analyse participation |11: Discuss how you reported this research and how this has impacted on the services delivered within your workplace. |

|patterns in specific | |

|markets of the leisure | |

|and recreation industry| |

|SRXINU004A |12: Discuss how you have identified and analysed legal information that has informed your work practice. Outline the |

|Promote compliance with|research that you have undertaken to ensure that your practices remain current. |

|laws and legal |13: Discuss specific contracts that your workplace has regularly used. How have these contracts affected your work role |

|principles |and/or your organisations legal responsibilities? |

| |14: Discuss how your workplace has used systems to follow legal requirements. |

|SRXOGN001A |15: Discuss a work based project that you have completed. Discuss the resources required, the allocation of tasks, key |

|Conduct projects |milestones and objectives and the budget that you worked within. |

| |16: How have you managed workplace administration tasks when conducting a project? |

|SRXOHS002B |17: Discuss the importance of staff training in relation to OHS procedures, how you have participated in providing OHS |

|Implement and monitor |information to staff and how you have sought feedback from staff. |

|the organisation’s |18: Discuss how you have implemented and monitored occupational health and safety policies, procedures and programs |

|Occupational Health and|within your workplace. |

|Safety policies, |19: Discuss how you have implemented and monitored workplace procedures for controlling risks. |

|procedures and programs|20: Discuss how you have implemented workplace procedures for dealing with hazardous issues. |

| |21: Using the example of a workplace monitoring document such as a hazard identification form or a risk assessment form,|

| |explain the importance of monitoring and maintaining accurate OHS records. |

|SRXRIK001A |22: Provide an example of how you have identified and managed potential risks around an activity in your workplace. |

|Undertake risk analysis|Why was it important for this process to be undertaken? |

|of activities |23: Discuss how you have you implemented a ‘Risk Treatment Plan’ within your workplace. |

|SRFFIT007B |24: From your experience of planning and programming clients, discuss an exercise plan (include preparation and |

|Undertake relevant |recovery) that you have implemented and the changes that occurred (physiological/anatomical, psychological). |

|exercise planning and |25: Discuss the relationship between the type of preparation phase that is used and the type of conditioning phase used|

|programming |when planning a program. |

| |26: Discuss program evaluation, how you have explained this to a client and when program evaluation needs to occur. |

|SRFFIT008B |27: Using an example from a previous client, discuss how you developed a program for that client and how you have used |

|Utilise a broad |your knowledge of muscular skeletal anatomy to plan the program. |

|knowledge of exercise |28: Using the above client, discuss the same program and how you used your knowledge of mechanical concepts to plan the|

|science in exercise |program. |

|planning, programming |29: Using the above client, discuss the same program and how you have used your knowledge of physiology to plan the |

|and instruction |program. |

| |30: Using the above client, discuss how you assessed that client including equipment and measurements used in the |

| |assessment. |

|SRFFIT009B |31: Using an example from a previous client, discuss how you posturally assessed that client. |

|Undertake postural |32: Using a record of this client’s assessment tool, explain how the information was gathered, what the information |

|appraisal of low risk |means and how you would use this information. |

|clients |33: Discuss the outcome of this assessment. |

|SRFFIT010B |34: Discuss the difference between various forms of fitness equipment. How have you explained these differences to your|

|Utilise a broad range |clients? |

|of fitness equipment |35: Discuss the importance of appropriate demonstration when instructing a client in using fitness equipment. |

| |36: Discuss how you have incorporated non conventional exercise into a program. |

|SRFFIT011B |37: Using an example of a previous client with special requirements, discuss how you screened that client. |

|Provide exercise for |38: Using an example of a client with a pre-existing medical condition, discuss the exercises within the plan/program |

|fitness industry |that you developed. |

|clients with special |39: Discuss the process that you have used to liaise with allied health professionals when developing a plan/program for|

|requirements |a client with special requirements. |

|SRFFIT012B |40: Discuss the importance of goal setting and how it has benefited the outcome of a program. |

|Utilise an |41: Using examples of situations with clients, what factors have played a role in motivating clients and how have they |

|understanding of |either benefited or had a negative impact on the session? |

|motivational psychology|42: What techniques have you observed in other colleagues and discuss why you would/would not adapt those techniques. |

|with fitness clients | |

|SRFFIT013B |43: Discuss tests and screening that you have used to determine body composition. |

|Provide information and|44: Using an example of a previous client, discuss how you determined the nutritional profile of that client. |

|exercise related to |45: Discuss the importance of having healthy nutritional guidelines for your client and the impact it will have on the |

|nutrition and body |success of their overall exercise program. |

|composition | |

|SRFPTI001B |46: Discuss how you have worked as a personal trainer. Consider marketing, budgets and small business management |

|Plan and deliver |techniques. |

|personal training |47: Discuss the process you have used when personally training a client. |

|SRXCAI008B |48: Discuss how you have planned a long term program for a client. |

|Plan and prepare an |49: In your experience, discuss the reasons why clients may cease a long term plan? |

|individualised |50: Discuss how you have assisted a client to prepare for competition. |

|long-term training |51: Discuss the process that you or your workplace has used to select participants for a particular team activity. |

|program |52: Identify the key people that you have liaised with when preparing participants for a particular team activity. |

| |53: Consider a client who has recently retired from a particular activity. Discuss how you assisted the client to deal|

| |with retirement. |

| |54: Discuss the process that you have undertaken when planning a rehabilitation program. |

|SRXCAI009B |55: In your experience of training clients, what is your idea of a balanced lifestyle that a client should work towards|

|Conduct, monitor and |and how does it fit into a long-term program? |

|adjust individualised |56: Discuss how you have dealt with a client who was having personal or physical difficulties with a program. |

|long-term training |57: When training a client towards their competition phase, what are some strategies that you have utilised to assist |

|programs |them in achieving their goal? |

| |58: When giving feedback to a client, how have you optimised the client’s response to the feedback? |

| |59: When organising clients into a team situation, what procedures have you used? |

| |60: Consider one of your rehabilitation clients. Who did you consult with for implementation and how did that impact on|

| |the way that program was adjusted and implemented? |

|SRXCAI010B |61: How have you evaluated a client’s fitness level? |

|Evaluate, analyse and |62: What methodologies have you found most appropriate when evaluating clients plan/program? |

|modify long-term and/or|63: How have you ensured that you have obtained all of the information required in order to conduct an evaluation? |

|high performance |64: In your experience, how have you evaluated the success of a clients program? |

|individualised training|65: Consider one of your rehabilitation clients. How did you evaluate their program? |

|programs |66: Consider how you have selected participants for a team activity. How have you evaluated the success of the |

| |selection procedures? |

| |67: Discuss the methods that you use to reflect on your own practice. How have you changed your coaching/instruction |

| |style as a result of this reflection? |

| |68: When evaluating programs, with whom do you discuss outcomes and how have you changed programs as a result of this |

| |discussion? |

|SRXTCN001A |69: Discuss how you have acquired technology for your workplace. |

|Assist with analysis |70: Explain how you have implemented new technology in your workplace. |

|and use of emerging | |

|technology | |


|BSBCMN402A Develop work priorities |


Question 1: Outline the steps that you have taken to develop work plans and objectives. Provide examples of contingencies and how you have dealt with these.

Question 2: Using the above example, discuss how you have used technology within your workplace to plan and monitor your objectives.

Question 3: Discuss how you self-reflect on your work performances and how you plan and record your professional development activities.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 1 | | | |

| |Goals and targets are set | | |

| |Contingencies are planned for | | |

| |Personal learning needs are identified | | |

| |Technology is used appropriately | | |

| |Records are maintained | | |

|Outlines work role / personal and organisational goals | | | |

|Outlines policies, procedures, action plans, schedules | | | |

|Discusses outcomes | | | |

|Discusses work scheduling / managing time | | | |

|Conducts risk assessment / analysis | | | |

|Discusses awareness of scope, funding, time, other participants, clients, etc | | | |

|Question 2 | | | |

|PDA’s, Software, hardware, flowcharts, GANTT charts, Microsoft | | | |

|Outlook/Access/Excel/Project or similar | | | |

|Adapts objectives to meet goals (if required) | | | |

|Question 3 | | | |

|Follows guidelines, policies and procedures | | | |

|Self monitors work performance | | | |

|Receives feedback, identifies training needs, conducts skills audit | | | |

|Develops training plans and training schedules etc | | | |

|Completes records: work reviews, assessments, achievements | | | |


|ICAITU006C Operate computing packages |


Question 4: Discuss specific workplace documents that you have produced and the software applications that you used.

Question 5: Outline the health and safety procedures that you have followed when using computing equipment.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 4 | | | |

| |Occupational health and safety | | |

| |legislation | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

|Identifies purpose of document | | | |

|Identifies appropriate software application | | | |

|Produces document appropriate for task | | | |

|Saves and stores documents appropriately | | | |

|Discusses files and directories | | | |

|Accesses help from a variety of sources (if required) – manuals, online | | | |

|assistance, help desk | | | |

|Question 5 | | | |

|Ensures correct placement of computer, keyboard etc | | | |

|Ensures lighting and ventilation are appropriate | | | |

|Ensures seating and desk height are appropriate | | | |


|SRXGCSO06A Address client needs |


Question 6: From your experience, how have you determined the needs of a new or existing client and how have you ensured that you fully understood their needs?

Question 7: In the situation of a complaint, how have you dealt with the client?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 6 | | | |

| |Legal rights and responsibilities | | |

| |Legal waivers | | |

| |Organisational policies and procedures | | |

| |Effective communication, negotiation and| | |

| |conflict resolution | | |

| |Legislation | | |

| |Ethical behaviour | | |

| |Code of Conduct | | |

|Uses appropriate communication and language | | | |

|Awareness of body language/non verbal communication | | | |

|Listens appropriately and demonstrates empathy | | | |

|Questions appropriately | | | |

|Observes client and client behaviour | | | |

|Tests and assesses client and records results/data | | | |

|Develops an appropriate plan/program according to organisation or refers | | | |

|client as appropriate | | | |

|Ensures client understands their responsibilities – legislative and legal | | | |

|requirements, towel, water, shoes, the limits of the program | | | |

|Question 7 | | | |

|Listens to and clarifies nature of complaint | | | |

|Offers plan of action to client/ensures client is satisfied with plan | | | |

|Ensures follow up occurs | | | |

|Records all aspects of the complaint and reports as appropriate | | | |


|SRXGCST05A Coordinate client service activities |


Question 8: Outline the methods you have used when monitoring client services in your workplace.

Question 9: Discuss the importance of making adjustments to your client services as a result of this monitoring process.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 8 | | | |

| |Confidentiality | | |

| |Cross-cultural awareness | | |

| |Code of conduct/ethics followed | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Organisational policies and procedures | | |

| |Ethical standards | | |

|Uses formal methods including: | | | |

|Surveys | | | |

|One on one discussion | | | |

|Observation | | | |

|Suggestion box | | | |

|Communicates with clients and staff | | | |

|Researches client demographics | | | |

|Receives feedback (formal and informal) and shares with relevant staff | | | |

|Reviews information and takes appropriate action | | | |

|Records and reports changes to client services | | | |

|Question 9 | | | |

|Ensures high standards are maintained by the business | | | |

|Identifies client problems/issues immediately and takes remedial action | | | |

|Communicates with other staff the remedial action | | | |

|Ensures client satisfaction | | | |

|Reviews information and undertakes appropriate action | | | |

|Implements, participates and encourages other staff to participate in | | | |

|continuous improvement procedures | | | |

|Improvements in customer relations | | | |

|Improvements implemented | | | |

|Ensures business/organisational requirements are met | | | |


|SRXINU003A Analyse participation patterns in specific markets of the leisure and recreation industry |


Question 10: Discuss research you have undertaken to assist your workplace in its marketing.

Question 11: Discuss how you reported this research and how this has impacted on the services delivered within your workplace.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 10 | | | |

| |Appropriate communication | | |

| |Research skills | | |

| |Report writing | | |

| |Legislation | | |

|Types of information found including data/statistics related to the fitness, | | | |

|leisure and recreational sectors | | | |

|Researches a variety of information sources | | | |

|Analyses information to identify gaps in current service delivery | | | |

|Identifies critical information | | | |

|Question 11 | | | |

|Documents research and outcomes | | | |

|Compares current trends in fitness, leisure and recreational sectors to | | | |

|historical/future market potential | | | |

|Understands the changing the nature of the market | | | |

|Reports information to other staff, internal/external stakeholders, management| | | |

|Recommendations to management that came from research in a timely manner | | | |

|Uses results to increase organisational opportunities | | | |

|Outcomes for the organisation including changes in service delivery, marketing| | | |

|etc | | | |


|SRXININU004A Promote compliance with laws and legal principles |


Question 12: Discuss how you have identified and analysed legal information that has informed your work practice. Outline the research that you have undertaken to ensure that your practices remain current.

Question 13: Discuss specific contracts that your workplace has regularly used. How have these contracts affected your work role and/or your organisations legal responsibilities?

Question 14: Discuss how your workplace has used systems to follow legal requirements.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 12 | | | |

| |Legislation, legal waivers, legal | | |

| |responsibility and prevention of injury | | |

| |Communication | | |

| |Client confidentiality | | |

| |Organisational policies and procedures | | |

| |Workplace documentation | | |

| |Research skills | | |

|Identifies specific legal information relevant to work role – legislation, | | | |

|contracts, legal waivers | | | |

|Ensures relevance of documents to needs | | | |

|Clarifies unclear issues | | | |

|Researches information in a formal/informal manner | | | |

|Analyses information for relevance and alters practice (if applicable) | | | |

|Ensures correct procedures are followed | | | |

|Uses appropriate questioning skills/techniques | | | |

|Educates colleagues on business legal information | | | |

|Question 13 | | | |

|Outlines types of contracts and the implications of these contracts on | | | |

|clients, staff, suppliers etc | | | |

|Ensures legal compliance | | | |

|Changes to service delivery, role, actions etc | | | |

|Question 14 | | | |

|Seeks legal advice (if appropriate) | | | |

|Uses appropriate communication when discussing issues with colleagues | | | |

|Updates information and records appropriately | | | |

|Provides advice when needed | | | |

|Develops policies/procedures (if required) | | | |

|Ensures documents are readily available for colleagues | | | |

|Researches current information | | | |

|Monitors and evaluates the end product | | | |

|Implements any changes to the system | | | |

|Reviews any changes to the system | | | |

|Encourages training/upskilling when needed | | | |


|SROGN001A Conduct projects |


Question 15: Discuss a work based project that you have completed. Discuss the resources required, the allocation of tasks, key milestones and objectives and the budget that you worked within.

Question 16: How have you managed workplace administration tasks when conducting a project?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 15 | | | |

| |Organisational policies and procedures | | |

| |Legislation | | |

| |Codes of Practice | | |

| |Quality assurance | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Negotiation | | |

|Researches current market to find out demand and gaps | | | |

|Includes projects within organisational scope | | | |

|Plans project | | | |

|Uses past reports and research | | | |

|Researches resources currently available | | | |

|Ensures OHS protocols are followed | | | |

|Allocates resources to required outcomes | | | |

|Identifies key milestones, project requirements, recording dates and | | | |

|contingency plans | | | |

|Quotes obtained and presented | | | |

|Reports in easy to understand format | | | |

|Ensures project remains within budget | | | |

|Ensures all suppliers/workers paid on time | | | |

|Allows project to sit within time frames | | | |

|Fulfils part of the contract | | | |

|Researches the market to find out costs | | | |

|Question 16 | | | |

|Coordinates the project including: | | | |

|Alterations as required | | | |

|Communications flow throughout | | | |

|Project consultation and review | | | |

|Develops contingency plans | | | |

|Monitors the cost of the project | | | |

|Monitors: | | | |

|Safety | | | |

|Time | | | |

|Quality | | | |

|Resources | | | |

|Informs management and key stakeholders of progression of project | | | |

|Maintains records during review and at completion of project | | | |

|Wraps up project | | | |

|Completes review of project | | | |

|Reports outcomes to key stakeholders | | | |


|SRXOHS002B Implement and monitor the organisation’s Occupational Health and Safety policies, procedures and programs |


Question 17: Discuss the importance of staff training in relation to OHS procedures, how you have participated in providing OHS information to staff and how you have sought feedback from staff.

Question 18: Discuss how you have implemented and monitored occupational health and safety policies, procedures and programs within your workplace.

Question 19: Discuss how you have implemented and monitored workplace procedures for controlling risks.

Question 20: Discuss how you have implemented workplace procedures for dealing with hazardous issues.

Question 21: Using the example of a workplace monitoring document such as a hazard identification form or a risk assessment form, explain the importance of monitoring and maintaining accurate OHS records.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 17 | | | |

| |Occupational Health and Safety | | |

| |Legislation | | |

| |Codes of Practice | | |

| |Legal responsibilities | | |

| |Record keeping | | |

|Assists in work tasks | | | |

|Helps with a general duty of care | | | |

|Ensures safety of colleagues and clients/members | | | |

|Helps identify hazards or potential hazards | | | |

|Allows any issues to be resolved immediately eg first aid to be administered | | | |

|Meets legislation and organisational requirements | | | |

|Improves implementation of emergency procedures | | | |

|Deals with hazardous items appropriately | | | |

|Identifies need of staff training in relation to OHS | | | |

|Trains staff or provides training for staff | | | |

|Explains to staff OHS legislation and requirements | | | |

|Provides relevant information to staff through variety of sources | | | |

|Seeks feedback through surveys, questioning etc | | | |

|Question 18 | | | |

|Consults with staff and key stakeholders | | | |

|Resolves issues in a timely manner | | | |

|Develops or re-develops procedures for dealing with issues | | | |

|Question 19 | | | |

|Identifies risks | | | |

|Controls risks (using hierarchy of control) | | | |

|Ensures equipment, walkways, areas etc are risk free | | | |

|Informs staff of risks and seeks feedback from staff in relation to risk | | | |

|identification | | | |

|Monitors risk control measures | | | |

|Reports on risk and control | | | |

|Question 20 | | | |

|Inspects workplace for hazardous issues | | | |

|Identifies hazards | | | |

|Examples may include: | | | |

|Signs placed up for wet areas | | | |

|Out of order signs on faulty equipment | | | |

|Floors kept clear and uncluttered | | | |

|Chemicals handled and stored appropriately | | | |

|Equipment handled and stored appropriately | | | |

|Investigates hazards | | | |

|Implements hazard controls | | | |

|Reports on hazard and control | | | |

|Informs staff of hazard and control of hazard | | | |

|Monitors hazard control | | | |

|Reports on hazard and control | | | |

|Question 21 | | | |

|Ensures legal evidence is available if required | | | |

|Procedures can be followed leading to speedier fixing/recovery time | | | |

|Records for OHS reports | | | |

|Hazardous events can be monitored and investigated according to procedures | | | |

|Issues raised and reported have been resolved | | | |

|Data used in analysis – resource/budget allocation, high risk areas/tasks etc | | | |


|SRXRIK001A Undertake risk analysis of activities |


Question 22: Provide an example of how you have identified and managed potential risks around an activity in your workplace. Why was it important for this process to be undertaken?

Question 23: Discuss how you have you implemented a ‘Risk Treatment Plan’ within your workplace.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 22 | | | |

| |Occupational Health and Safety | | |

| |Legislation | | |

| |Legal responsibilities and risk | | |

| |management | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Research skills | | |

|Ensures an understanding of the definition of risk | | | |

|Utilises the organisations risk management plan | | | |

|Follows OHS policies | | | |

|Follows organisational policies and procedures | | | |

|Completes organisational documentation as appropriate | | | |

|Outlines sources of risk, risk evaluation, risk identification, likelihood and| | | |

|consequences | | | |

|Conducts a risk analysis on activities | | | |

|Identifies current risk controls | | | |

|Outlines risk management processes | | | |

|Conducts a risk assessment | | | |

|Treats risks using a risk treatment plan | | | |

|Enables any problems to be dealt with immediately | | | |

|Decreases chances of injury to colleagues and/or members | | | |

|Decreases chances of damage to premises/environment | | | |

|Follows equipment procedures | | | |

|Risks are prioritised and ranked | | | |

|Risks are researched and contextualised | | | |

|Risks treated appropriately | | | |

|Question 23 | | | |

|Explains a documented ‘Risk Treatment Plan’ | | | |

|Plan includes: | | | |

|Options for treatment | | | |

|Activity and location specific | | | |

|Evaluation | | | |

|Ongoing improvement | | | |

|Feedback | | | |

|Monitoring | | | |

|Outlines implementation | | | |

|Outlines storage procedures | | | |

|Updates plan as required | | | |

|Records on file for future reference, auditing, OHS issues | | | |


|SRFFIT007B Undertake relevant exercise planning and programming |


Question 24: From your experience of planning and programming clients, discuss an exercise plan (include preparation and recovery) that you have implemented and the changes that occurred (physiological/anatomical, psychological).

Question 25: Discuss the relationship between the type of preparation phase that is used and the type of conditioning phase used when planning a program.

Question 26: Discuss program evaluation, how you have explained this to a client and when program evaluation needs to occur.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 24 | | | |

| |Injury prevention | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Program planning principles | | |

| |Principles of Exercise science, Anatomy,| | |

| |Physiology, Biomechanics and Nutrition | | |

| |Duty of Care | | |

|Ensures adequate screening and assessment – considering client likes and | | | |

|dislikes, goals and objectives | | | |

|Interprets the results of initial assessment | | | |

|Writes program in clear and structured format | | | |

|Ensures program has appropriate conditioning activities | | | |

|Outlines understanding of phases and where they should be incorporated into a | | | |

|program/plan | | | |

|Changes (physiological and psychological) to body during preparation and | | | |

|recovery phases | | | |

|Understands client needs and goals | | | |

|Physiological changes could include: | | | |

|Cardiovascular changes | | | |

|Energy system utilisation | | | |

|Pulmonary changes | | | |

|Nervous system changes | | | |

|Muscular changes | | | |

|Psychological changes could include: | | | |

|Mental imaging | | | |

|Focusing | | | |

|Level of self motivation | | | |

|Development of motivational tools | | | |

|Question 25 | | | |

|Understands phases and changes to the body during each phase | | | |

|Understands how one phase prepares for another | | | |

|Understands how each person will be different in terms of their body’s | | | |

|reaction to the preparation and conditioning phase | | | |

|Awareness of psychological and physiological changes to the body during each | | | |

|phase | | | |

|Knowledge and application of four programming types | | | |

|Ensures adequate screening and assessment on the client | | | |

|Question 26 | | | |

|Understands the importance of evaluating a program and signs to look for in | | | |

|terms of progression | | | |

|Ability to recognise issues such as over training and take appropriate action | | | |

|Reviews client goals and discuss relevant changes to their body | | | |

|Implements a revised program for the client | | | |

|Awareness of signs of problems | | | |

|Ensures adequate retesting of client | | | |


|SRFFIT008B Utilise a broad knowledge of exercise science in exercise planning, programming and instruction |


Question 27: Using an example from a previous client, discuss how you developed a program for that client and how you have used your knowledge of muscular skeletal anatomy to plan the program.

Question 28: Using the above client, discuss the same program and how you used your knowledge of mechanical concepts to plan the program.

Question 29: Using the above client, discuss the same program and how you have used your knowledge of physiology to plan the program.

Question 30: Using the above client, discuss how you assessed that client including equipment and measurements used in the assessment.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 27 | | | |

| |Organisation policies and procedures | | |

| |Injury prevention | | |

| |Client safety | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Duty of care | | |

| |Client confidentiality | | |

|Discusses several major postural muscles: | | | |

|Pectoralis Minor Teres Minor | | | |

|Serratus Anterior Supraspinatus | | | |

|Intercptstals Infraspinatus | | | |

|Brachialis Internal Oblique | | | |

|Gluteus Maximus Illio Tibial Band | | | |

|Gluteus Medius Adductor Magnus | | | |

|Gluteus Minimus Adductor Brevis | | | |

|Transversus Abdominus Adductor Longus | | | |

|External Oblique Semimebranosus | | | |

|Rhomboid Major Ilacus | | | |

|Levator Scapulae Tensor Facia Latae | | | |

|Bicep Femoris Gastrocnemius | | | |

|Psoas Major Peroneus | | | |

|Semitendonosis Gracilis | | | |

|Soleus Sartorius | | | |

|Roles of the muscle eg Prime mover, antagonist, stabilizer | | | |

|References to the scapula and pelvic movements and how they may effect the | | | |

|program | | | |

|Skeletal muscle contraction | | | |

|Stabilising muscles and relationship to balance and stability | | | |

|Reference to the structure and function of joints: | | | |

|Fibrous | | | |

|Cartilaginous | | | |

|Synovial | | | |

|Discuss the following: | | | |

|Structure and mechanics of bones | | | |

|Biomechanical properties of bone | | | |

|Responses of bone to weight bearing activities | | | |

|Bone formation, growth and remodelling | | | |

|Influence of age on bones | | | |

|Boney Landmarks: | | | |

|Tuberosity Head | | | |

|Crest Facet | | | |

|Greater Trochanter Ramus | | | |

|Greater Tubercle Meatus | | | |

|Lesser Trochanter Sinus | | | |

|Epicondyle Groove | | | |

|Spine Foramen | | | |

|Discuss some of the following joints and their relation to exercise: | | | |

|Intervertebral Pubic Symphasis | | | |

|Sternoclavicular Coxal | | | |

|Sternocoastal Fibiotibular | | | |

|Acromioclavicular Femoropatellar | | | |

|Glenohumeral Ankle | | | |

|Elbow | | | |

|Main features of the nervous system and how it relates to exercise: | | | |

|Central/peripheral(afferent/efferent, | | | |

|voluntary/involuntary) | | | |

|Structure of a motor neuron | | | |

|Reflex arcs | | | |

|Movement of muscles in regard to propioception | | | |

|Types of muscle contraction, relationship between muscle force and externally | | | |

|applied loads | | | |

|Purpose of connective tissue: | | | |

|Ligaments – anterior/posterior cruciate ligaments | | | |

|Tendons – Achilles Tendon/patella tendon | | | |

|Question 28 | | | |

|Discusses the following mechanical concepts: | | | |

|Type of Levers | | | |

|Gravity | | | |

|Centre of mass | | | |

|Inertia | | | |

|Force and Momentum | | | |

|Force production of the body | | | |

|Discusses directional terms: | | | |

|Flexion Eversion | | | |

|Extension Inversion | | | |

|Abduction Plantar Flexion | | | |

|Adduction Dorsi Flexion | | | |

|Circumduction Rotation | | | |

|Rotation Supination | | | |

|Elevation Pronation | | | |

|Depression Retraction | | | |

|Protraction | | | |

|Question 29 | | | |

|Discusses cardiovascular system: | | | |

|Major characteristics of blood and functions and major components | | | |

|Structure and function of heart and its components | | | |

|Function of blood vessels | | | |

|Function of major arteries and veins | | | |

|How blood is controlled when going to muscles | | | |

|Discusses replenishment of energy systems during exercise and time frames | | | |

|involved | | | |

|Discusses energy systems: | | | |

|Adenosine Triphosphate and its breakdown | | | |

|Phosphocreatin system | | | |

|Lactate system | | | |

|Aerobic system | | | |

|Explains environmental conditions – cold, heat, training in water | | | |

|Explains hydration levels and effects on the body | | | |

|Explains metabolic products, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, water | | | |

|Response exercise has on: | | | |

|Cardiovascular system Immune system | | | |

|Heart rate Nervous system | | | |

|Blood volume Endocrine system | | | |

|Blood pressure Regulation of blood flow | | | |

|Stroke volume Respiratory system | | | |

|Cardiac output | | | |

|Question 30 | | | |

|Discusses type of fitness test carried out and functionality for client goals:| | | |

|Sub max fitness Flexibility | | | |

|Max fitness 1 RM | | | |

|Postural Power | | | |

|Equipment including: | | | |

|Step Massage Table | | | |

|Plumb line Power Rack | | | |

|Postural Board Heart Rate Monitor | | | |

|Treadmill Stationary Cycle | | | |

|Demonstrates equation needed to get a result | | | |

|Communicates result to client | | | |

|Sub max and max fitness tests = ml/kg/min | | | |

|If no heart rate monitor use other methods (perceived rate of exertion) | | | |

|Discuss with client any postural issues | | | |

|Perform 1 RM strength test correctly | | | |


|SRFFIT009B Undertake postural appraisal of low risk clients |


Question 31: Using an example from a previous client, discuss how you posturally assessed that client.

Question 32: Using a record of this client’s assessment tool, explain how the information was gathered, what the information means and how you would use this information.

Question 33: Discuss the outcome of this assessment.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 31 | | | |

| |Legal risk to company and employer | | |

| |Injury prevention | | |

| |Occupational Health and Safety | | |

| |legislation | | |

| |Duty of Care | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Skeletal anatomy | | |

| |Physiology | | |

|Communicates appropriately including: | | | |

|Providing information about purpose and safety | | | |

|Active listening | | | |

|Making client feel comfortable | | | |

|Appropriate touching | | | |

|Explains legal waiver | | | |

|Records appropriately in plan | | | |

|Discusses an awareness of muscle groups – what muscles cause what problems eg:| | | |

|muscle length; muscle balance related to postural issues | | | |

|Identifies medical issues and referral procedures | | | |

|Conducts flexibility tests appropriately | | | |

|Selects appropriate tool for testing | | | |

|Discusses tool for testing | | | |

|Static and dynamic postural test appropriately conducted | | | |

|Equipment used appropriately | | | |

|Question 32 | | | |

|Tests and uses tool appropriately | | | |

|Tests joint mobility | | | |

|Testes range of movement | | | |

|Develops a specific program, including remedial program (if appropriate) | | | |

|Uses equipment appropriately | | | |

|Refers to and liaise with other medical professionals (if appropriate) | | | |

|Question 33 | | | |

|Refers to medical and/or allied health professional if appropriate | | | |

|Develops and implements exercise program/plan – including remedial program (if| | | |

|appropriate) | | | |

|Develops and implements safety plan and contributing factors eg lifting | | | |

|techniques and warnings given as appropriate | | | |

|Demonstrates to client appropriate movement (and vice versa) | | | |

|Records appropriately in plan | | | |


|SRFFIT010B Utilise a broad range of fitness equipment |


Question 34: Discuss the difference between various forms of fitness equipment. How have you explained these differences to your clients?

Question 35: Discuss the importance of appropriate demonstration when instructing a client in using fitness equipment.

Question 36: Discuss how you have incorporated non conventional exercise into a program.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 34 | | | |

| |Organisational policies and procedures | | |

| |Injury prevention | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Legislation, legal waivers and legal | | |

| |responsibility | | |

| |Client confidentiality | | |

|Uses appropriate communication – visual and verbal | | | |

|Uses appropriate language to explain technical terms– muscles, joint action | | | |

|etc | | | |

|Sets up equipment for individual body types | | | |

|Discusses different examples of equipment: | | | |

|Cardiovascular – treadmill, bike, rower, stepper, cross-trainer | | | |

|Resistance – chest press, lat pull down, shoulder press, seated row | | | |

|Pin Weight machines | | | |

|Free Weight machines | | | |

|Discusses specific safety aspects: | | | |

|Collars used with free weights | | | |

|Machines set up for individual body types | | | |

|Speed of movement is explained | | | |

|Correct technique is explained | | | |

|Discusses client goals | | | |

|Considers age and body type of client | | | |

|Question 35 | | | |

|Demonstrates type of activity | | | |

|Considers age and body type of client | | | |

|Considers available space | | | |

|Considers other people in vicinity eg when doing exercises such as power | | | |

|cleans, snatch, box jumps etc | | | |

|Question 36 | | | |

|Examples may include: | | | |

|Multi plane movements | | | |

|Stability | | | |

|Fitballs | | | |

|Bands | | | |

|Rollers | | | |

|Medicine balls | | | |

|Understands and explains where to put the exercises within the program and | | | |

|benefits to client | | | |

|Considers amount of people in vicinity and space required to perform exercises| | | |

|Considers individual needs and goals of client | | | |

|Gives demonstration both verbally and visually | | | |

|Focuses on client whilst movement is performed | | | |


|SRFFIT011B Provide exercise for fitness industry clients with special requirements |


Question 37: Using an example of a previous client with special requirements, discuss how you screened that client.

Question 38: Using an example of a client with a pre-existing medical condition, discuss the exercises within the plan/program that you developed.

Question 39: Discuss the process that you have used to liaise with allied health professionals when developing a plan/program for a client with special requirements.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 37 | | | |

| |Injury prevention | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Legislation, legal waivers and legal | | |

| |responsibility | | |

| |Confidentiality | | |

|Provides you with information on what current physiological and psychological | | | |

|problems may exist | | | |

|Allows referral to allied health professional to diagnose any problems | | | |

|Allows correct exercises to be programmed for the condition | | | |

|Recognises various allied health professionals eg physiotherapist, osteopath, | | | |

|nutritionist etc | | | |

|Provides Medical clearance if necessary | | | |

|Uses screening form to cover all information to be gathered | | | |

|Follows instruction from allied health professional in regard to client | | | |

|treatment | | | |

|Question 38 | | | |

|Explains an understanding of exercises that client can perform and cannot do | | | |

|eg no overhead movement for client with high blood pressure | | | |

|Uses high level interpersonal skills | | | |

|Discusses an awareness of negative factors involved in cardiovascular issues | | | |

|such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart rates, asthma, pregnancy etc | | | |

|Uses information from allied health professional and incorporate into program | | | |

|Ensures a knowledge of anatomy and physiology of body and its reaction to | | | |

|exercise | | | |

|Explains program and benefits to client | | | |

|Question 39 | | | |

|Seeks and uses feedback from both client and allied health professional | | | |

|Uses ability to gauge how program is working for client | | | |

|Records feedback for future reference | | | |

|Keeps records for future reference eg work cover | | | |

|Considers different learning styles | | | |

|Considers different physical ability | | | |


|SRFFIT0012B Utilise an understanding of motivational psychology with fitness clients |


Question 40: Discuss the importance of goal setting and how it has benefited the outcome of a program.

Question 41: Using examples of situations with clients, what factors have played a role in motivating clients and how have they either benefited or had a negative impact on the session?

Question 42: What techniques have you observed in other colleagues and discuss why you would/would not adapt those techniques.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 40 | | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Client confidentiality | | |

| |Organisational policies and procedures | | |

|Gives clients clarity, focus and direction | | | |

|Monitors progress | | | |

|Improves self esteem – maintain focus and intrinsic motivation | | | |

|Explains goal setting, types of goals, time frames, reviewing goals | | | |

|Goals must be realistic and obtainable | | | |

|Explains written and oral goal setting | | | |

|Provides feedback | | | |

|Ensures privacy of client information | | | |

|Records client goals | | | |

|Question 41 | | | |

|Understands different types and applications of motivation: | | | |

|Intrinsic | | | |

|Drives self motivation | | | |

|satisfaction of completion of exercise | | | |

|Extrinsic | | | |

|Family | | | |

|Friends | | | |

|Photos | | | |

|Personal trainer | | | |

|Weather | | | |

|Music | | | |

|Discusses different communication styles – verbal, written, body language | | | |

|Awareness of voice and voice projection | | | |

|Uses arousal techniques – visual imagery, positive talk, stress management | | | |

|Discusses how arousal affects a session – if arousal is low, performance is | | | |

|low | | | |

|Considers barriers to communication – preoccupation, past history etc | | | |

|Considers other communication styles – counselling, telling, advising etc | | | |

|Question 42 | | | |

|Discusses different methods of motivating clients | | | |

|Discusses communication styles | | | |

|Outlines fitness activities and client likes/dislikes | | | |

|Considers stress/anxiety management | | | |

|Considers change environment/exercises | | | |

|Recognises that all clients are different – individualise the | | | |

|session/techniques that are used | | | |


|SRFFIT013B Provide information and exercise related to nutrition and body composition |


Question 43: Discuss tests and screening that you have used to determine body composition.

Question 44: Using an example of a previous client, discuss how you determined the nutritional profile of that client.

Question 45: Discuss the importance of having healthy nutritional guidelines for your client and the impact it will have on the success of their overall exercise program.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 43 | | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Legislation | | |

| |Legal requirements | | |

| |Cultural and lifestyle diversity | | |

| |Principles of nutrition and exercise | | |

| |science | | |

|Tests could include: | | | |

|Body Fat measurements | | | |

|Girth measurements | | | |

|Electro Impedance scales | | | |

|BMI | | | |

|Hip to waist ratio | | | |

|Recording information appropriately | | | |

|Understands of positive and negative impact of tests | | | |

|Intertester reliability and intratester reliability | | | |

|Correct administration of the tests | | | |

|Aware of normal ranges of test results | | | |

|Refers to allied health professional (if appropriate) | | | |

|Stores records for future reference | | | |

|Question 44 | | | |

|Discusses healthy eating guide (food pyramid): | | | |

|55-60% carbohydrate | | | |

|15-20% protein | | | |

|15-25% fat | | | |

|essential nutrients | | | |

|Discusses calories/macronutrients/hydration | | | |

|Outlines system for client food intake recording | | | |

|Outlines recommendations on nutritional intake | | | |

|Ensures dietician within network for referral | | | |

|Outlines functions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats | | | |

|Records information appropriately | | | |

|Communicates information to client | | | |

|Explains negative aspects of poor nutrition | | | |

|Question 45 | | | |

|Explains combining healthy eating and exercise – use of analogies if | | | |

|appropriate | | | |

|Outlines knowledge of RDI | | | |

|Works out daily expenditure from clients food diary | | | |

|Presents information in easy to follow format | | | |

|Uses alternative forms of communication - visual | | | |

|Understands needs of client | | | |

|Understands different learning styles of client | | | |

|Programs for various clients and client goals | | | |

|Communicates information to clients appropriately | | | |


|SRFPTI001B Plan and deliver personal training |


Question 46: Discuss how you have worked as a personal trainer. Consider marketing, budgets and small business management techniques.

Question 47: Discuss the process you have used when personally training a client.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 46 | | | |

| |Legislation | | |

| |Legal requirements | | |

| |Cultural and lifestyle diversity | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Budgeting skills | | |

| |Insurance | | |

| |Documentation | | |

|Understands concepts of personal training | | | |

|Defines market trying to be reached | | | |

|Tracks market to understand how business compares | | | |

|Uses variety of promotional techniques - flyers, newspaper, TV etc | | | |

|Outlines client/customer needs | | | |

|Explores potential markets and monitors current market | | | |

|Establishes and maintains relationship with fitness enterprises | | | |

|Maintains and updates appropriate documentation | | | |

|Outlines budget | | | |

|Works within budget | | | |

|Question 47 | | | |

|Explains personal training and associated concepts to client | | | |

|Discusses benefits of personal training and exercise to clients | | | |

|Outlines legislation, insurance, OH&S and environment etc to clients | | | |

|Uses appropriate methods to induct clients | | | |

|Uses appropriate methods to screen and assess clients | | | |

|Communicates with client to plan a program | | | |

|Develops a program | | | |

|Records plan | | | |

|Varies instructional techniques | | | |

|Analyses client learning styles | | | |

|Ensures adherence to safety issues | | | |

|Examines client response to different types of motivation | | | |

|Discusses motivational theories and their application to personal training | | | |

|Explores client motivation and adherence to plan | | | |

|Alters motivation techniques (if required) | | | |

|Records motivational techniques | | | |

|Reviews goals with long-term clients | | | |

|Reviews fitness assessments with long-term clients | | | |

|Refers to allied health professionals (if appropriate) | | | |

|Develops new plan/program with client (if appropriate) | | | |

|Ensures other instructors involved deliver program appropriately | | | |


|SRXCAI008B Plan and prepare an individualised long-term training program |


Question 48: Discuss how you have planned a long term program for a client.

Question 49: In your experience, discuss the reasons why clients may cease a long term plan?

Question 50: Discuss how you have assisted a client to prepare for competition.

Question 51: Discuss the process that you or your workplace has used to select participants for a particular team activity.

Question 52: Identify the key people that you have liaised with when preparing participants for a particular team activity.

Question 53: Consider a client who has recently retired from a particular activity. Discuss how you assisted the client to deal with retirement.

Question 54: Discuss the process that you have undertaken when planning a rehabilitation program.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 48 | | | |

| |Organisational policies and procedures | | |

| |Injury management | | |

| |Communication | | |

| |Legislation, legal waivers and legal | | |

| |responsibility | | |

| |Client confidentiality | | |

|Analyses client and activity | | | |

|Identifies phases within the program | | | |

|Assesses participants within the activity | | | |

|Develops goals and objectives with clients | | | |

|Outlines requirements for each session within the program | | | |

|Empowers participants | | | |

|Question 49 | | | |

|Discusses: | | | |

|Coaching/instruction style | | | |

|Time | | | |

|Boredom | | | |

|Competition/performance | | | |

|Lack of success | | | |

|Other interests | | | |

|Family | | | |

|Question 50 | | | |

|Develops a strategy and tactics and identifies the strategies and tactics of | | | |

|competition | | | |

|Identifies strengths and weaknesses of competition | | | |

|Ensures support needs are met– training facilities, equipment, finance, | | | |

|transport, coach, manager | | | |

|Outlines roles of support personnel | | | |

|Discusses barriers and how they have been addressed | | | |

|Question 51 | | | |

|Develops policies, methods and criteria for selection | | | |

|Analyses assessment and testing methods | | | |

|Identifies strategies for selection | | | |

|Evaluates procedures for those participants not selected | | | |

|Implements a program for non selected participants | | | |

|Question 52 | | | |

|Communicates with other coaches/instructors | | | |

|Identifies role of other coaches/instructors | | | |

|Participates in conflict resolution procedures (if appropriate) | | | |

|Question 53 | | | |

|Discusses grief/loss issues, loss of support | | | |

|Offers counselling or associated services | | | |

|Considers time, health, age | | | |

|Considers transfer of skills | | | |

|Discusses options of involvement at a different level | | | |

|Question 54 | | | |

|Discusses physiological response to injury and healing | | | |

|Discusses psychological response to injury and healing | | | |

|Discusses with client other issues | | | |

|Consults with Allied health and medical professionals | | | |

|Outlines goals/objectives with client | | | |


|SRXCAI009B Conduct, monitor and adjust individualised long-term training programs |


Question 55: In your experience of training clients, what is your idea of a balanced lifestyle that a client should work towards and how does it fit into a long-term program?

Question 56: Discuss how you have dealt with a client who was having personal or physical difficulties with a program.

Question 57: When training a client towards their competition phase, what are some strategies that you have utilised to assist them in achieving their goal?

Question 58: When giving feedback to a client, how have you optimised the client’s response to the feedback?

Question 59: When organising clients into a team situation, what procedures have you used?

Question 60: Consider one of your rehabilitation clients. Who did you consult with for implementation and how did that impact on the way that program was adjusted and implemented?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 55 | | | |

| |Organisational policies and procedures | | |

| |Client confidentiality | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

|Discusses a balanced lifestyle around: | | | |

|Family | | | |

|Finances | | | |

|Health | | | |

|Social maturity | | | |

|Independence | | | |

|Vocation and education | | | |

|Other interests | | | |

|Effects of unbalanced lifestyle | | | |

|Clients goals/objectives | | | |

|Monitors the long-term program | | | |

|Adjusts the long-term program as necessary | | | |

|Consults with client regarding adjustment of program | | | |

|Question 56 | | | |

|Monitors performance of client | | | |

|Adjusts level of challenge and difficulty for client | | | |

|Alternatives provided when commitment to long-term program is problematic | | | |

|Ensures client permission in stages of process | | | |

|Question 57 | | | |

|Monitors skill performance | | | |

|Adjusts sessions to meet changing skill needs | | | |

|Considers physical and psychological state of participant | | | |

|Considers tactical skills of opposition | | | |

|Provides feedback | | | |

|Ensures re-assessment and re-testing | | | |

|Ensures vigilance in relation to participant location | | | |

|Provides intervention to prevent hazards and ensure safety | | | |

|Utilises best practice principles | | | |

|Question 58 | | | |

|Ensures feedback is conducive to improving performance | | | |

|Ensures feedback is timely | | | |

|Ensures feedback reinforces morale | | | |

|Ensures criticism is offered constructively | | | |

|Discusses areas for improvement | | | |

|Question 59/60 | | | |

|Processes appropriate to sport and/or activity | | | |

|Consults coaches, allied health and other medical professionals | | | |

|Monitors program | | | |

|Provides support and use of best practice | | | |

|Coaches members of team | | | |

|Adapts program to suit client needs | | | |

|Discusses anatomy and physiology in relation to injury | | | |

|Processes appropriate to type of injury | | | |


|SRXCAI010B Evaluate, analyse and modify long-term and/or high performance individualised training programs |


Question 61: How have you evaluated a client’s fitness level?

Question 62: What methodologies have you found most appropriate when evaluating clients plan/program?

Question 63: How have you ensured that you have obtained all of the information required in order to conduct an evaluation?

Question 64: In your experience, how have you evaluated the success of a clients program?

Question 65: Consider one of your rehabilitation clients. How did you evaluate their program?

Question 66: Consider how you have selected participants for a team activity. How have you evaluated the success of the selection procedures?

Question 67: Discuss the methods that you use to reflect on your own practice. How have you changed your coaching/instruction style as a result of this reflection?

Question 68: When evaluating programs, with whom do you discuss outcomes and how have you changed programs as a result of this discussion?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 61 | | | |

| |Best practice principles | | |

| |Australian Sports Commission Coach’s | | |

| |Code of Conduct | | |

| |National guidelines | | |

| |Client confidentiality | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

|Evaluates fitness level by: | | | |

|Testing | | | |

|Question / discussion | | | |

|Observation | | | |

|Consultation | | | |

|Sport specific tests | | | |

|Screening | | | |

|Records results | | | |

|Question 62 | | | |

|Uses methodologies agreed by client | | | |

|Ensures best practice | | | |

|Records results | | | |

|Checks information for validity and reliability | | | |

|Establishes benchmarks and compares to established benchmarks | | | |

|Question 63 | | | |

|Consults with coaches/instructors | | | |

|Consults with clients | | | |

|Checks for validity and reliability of information | | | |

|Participates in negotiation | | | |

|Records information | | | |

|Uses Observation/Testing/Discussion | | | |

|Question 64 | | | |

|Measures against agreed goals | | | |

|Measures clients improvement/non improvement | | | |

|Uses clients evaluation | | | |

|Uses self evaluation | | | |

|Ensures feedback – written/verbal/observation | | | |

|Receives feedback from a variety of sources – coaches/instructors/health | | | |

|professionals | | | |

|Ensures facilities and equipment are appropriate | | | |

|Question 65 | | | |

|Supports clients recovery from injury | | | |

|Measures against agreed goals | | | |

|Receives clients evaluation | | | |

|Participates in self evaluation | | | |

|Receives feedback from support personnel | | | |

|Ensures appropriate recording of information | | | |

|Question 66 | | | |

|Evaluates notification procedures – from participants and non participants | | | |

|Evaluates management of non selected participants | | | |

|Documents and shares results of feedback with relevant personnel | | | |

|Ensures Discussion/Observation/Formal feedback procedures | | | |

|Ensures success of the team/participants | | | |

|Meets goals/objectives of all personnel | | | |

|Question 67 | | | |

|Participates in self evaluation | | | |

|Seeks feedback from relevant others | | | |

|Evaluates against goals/objectives | | | |

|Receives and acts on advice from others | | | |

|Identifies gaps in performance and coaching/instruction | | | |

|Establishes own goals/objectives | | | |

|Question 68 | | | |

|Discussion with: | | | |

|Participants | | | |

|Coaches/Instructors | | | |

|Health professionals | | | |

|Uses self evaluation | | | |

|Identifies gaps in performance and alteration of styles as a result | | | |

|Modifies programs | | | |

|Seeks clarification/agreement to modification | | | |


|SRXTCN001A Assist with analysis and use of emerging technology |


Question 69: Discuss how you have acquired technology for your workplace.

Question 70: Explain how you have implemented new technology in your workplace.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 69 | | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Research skills | | |

| |Report writing | | |

|Determines need for new technology | | | |

|Gathers information on new technology | | | |

|Uses criteria (if appropriate) to select vendors | | | |

|Documents research into new technology (budget, uses etc) | | | |

|Reports on technology to key stakeholders (include budget, timeline etc) | | | |

|Question 70 | | | |

|Develops strategic plan for implementation of technology | | | |

|Ensures key stakeholders and users are aware of implementation of technology | | | |

|Installs the new technology | | | |

|Ensures minimal disruption for the implementation of new technology | | | |

|Uses and applies the new technology | | | |

|Ensures relevant users are trained in use of technology | | | |

|Uses technology to solve problems and to improve output, service etc | | | |


Practical Tasks and

Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assist you in determining a candidate’s competency in those areas where they have not yet successfully demonstrated their skills, knowledge and prior experience. Therefore, candidates are not required to complete all tasks. You select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to context and needs of each candidate.


Candidates are not required to complete all tasks. The Assessor is to select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to the context and needs of each candidate.

|Unit of Competency |Practical Task |

|SRXGCSO06A |Task 1 |

|Address client needs |A client has entered the fitness centre that you work at. The client is interested in a 12 month membership and other |

|SRFPTI001B |services that are on offer. Take the client through the steps of starting a program: |

|Plan and deliver | |

|personal training |a) Identify client need |

|SRFFIT008B |b) Induction |

|Utilise a broad |c) Screening |

|knowledge of exercise |d) Assessment |

|science in exercise |e) Planning and programming |

|planning, programming | |

|and instruction | |

|SRFFIT007B | |

|Undertake relevant | |

|exercise planning and | |

|programming | |

|SRFPTI001B |Task 2 |

|Plan and deliver |Using the resource provided, prepare a single weeks training schedule for a client. Include days and times of all |

|personal training |sessions. Include one program out of the weeks schedule, stating the aims and goals of the program. Take a client |

| |through this program. |

|SRXOHS002B |Task 3 |

|Implement and monitor |a) Using your workplace’s hazard identification form, identify any potential hazards on the gym floor and record the |

|the organisation’s |information accordingly. |

|Occupational Health and|b) Conduct a risk analysis on a particular activity within the fitness centre. |

|Safety policies, | |

|procedures and programs| |

|SRXRIK001A | |

|Undertake risk analysis| |

|of activities | |

|SRFFIT009B |Task 4 |

|Undertake postural |Using the resources provided: |

|appraisal of low risk |a) Complete a static and dynamic postural appraisal of a client. |

|clients |b) Complete a whole body flexibility test on a client. |

|SRXCAI010B |Task 5 |

|Evaluate, analyse and |Set up and conduct two sports specific tests on a client and record relevant information on the form provided. |

|modify long-term and/or| |

|high performance | |

|individualised training| |

|programs | |

|SRFFIT013B |Task 6 |

|Provide information and|Using your own, or your organisations testing forms, take a client through a body composition analysis. Include: |

|exercise related to |a) Height and weight checks to determine BMI |

|nutrition and body |b) Girth measurements and skin folds to determine fat levels |

|composition |c) Compare to standards – factor in gender and age. |

|SRFFIT013B |Task 7 |

|Provide information and|On the resource provided, list the dietary guidelines you would offer a client who is 15kg overweight, has high Blood |

|exercise related to |Pressure, skips breakfast and consumes a lot of takeaway. |

|nutrition and body | |

|composition | |

|SRFFIT012B |Task 8 |

|Utilise an |Take a client through 2 exercises, demonstrating motivational techniques to improve their performance. |

|understanding of | |

|motivational psychology| |

|with fitness clients | |

|ICAITU006C |Task 9 |

|Operate computing |Using a computer, work through the steps of opening a file, saving a document and accessing help from a user manual, |

|packages |online or a help desk. |

|SRFFIT007B |Task 10 |

|Undertake relevant |Scenario: On the resource provided list 5 fitness tests you would perform on an advanced client who is trying to further|

|exercise planning and |their Rugby Union career within 6 months and explain why you have chosen the tests. Of these 5 tests, indicate 3 which |

|programming |you would consider important to retest your client later into the program. List some important aspects to consider with|

| |the retesting. |

|SRFFIT007B |Task 11 |

|Undertake relevant |Your clients’ training goals have changed since their original screening and they now want to focus on athletic |

|exercise planning and |sprinting, with a major meet in 3 months. List 3 specific tests that you may have to include into the new program. |

|programming |Explain how this change of sport/training style may delay peak performance at the first meet. |

|SRFFIT011B |Task 12 |

|Utilise an |Scenario: A client, identified with special requirements (muscular skeletal injury/respiratory difficulty/cardiovascular|

|understanding of |condition/diabetes etc) has been referred to your fitness centre with a medical clearance screening document and an |

|motivational psychology|exercise program designed by their health professional. On the resource provided, indicate the steps that you would |

|with fitness clients |take with the client’s information and demonstrate 2 exercises you may incorporate into the program. |

|SRXCAI008B |Task 13 |

|Plan and prepare an |Scenario: |

|individualised |a) develop a selection criteria for a team, making sure it adheres to relevant procedures, policies and relevant |

|long-term training |personnel requirements and |

|program |b) create a development program for participants not selected for the team. |

|SRXCAI009B |Task 14 |

|Conduct, monitor and |Scenario: A client has been training with you for three months and has limited results doing a low to moderate |

|adjust individualised |intensity program. Document your next step with the client and provide three higher intensity exercises that you would |

|long-term training |incorporate that will benefit the client’s goal. |

|programs | |

|SRXCAI008B |Task 15 |

|Plan and prepare an |Scenario: |

|individualised |Write a beginner’s program for a client whose screening and testing has revealed the following information: |

|long-term training |Age: 25 |

|program |Gender: Female |

| |Health: High Blood Pressure, Respiratory Disease |

| |Current Exercise: Nil |

| |Job: Sedentary |

| |Goal: Improve strength and aerobic fitness |

| |BP: 180/100 |

| |Resting Heart/R: 70 |

| |BMI: 33 |

| |Other Issues: Skips breakfast, eats takeaway; able to train 3 times per week @ 1 hour/session |

|SRFFIT010B |Task 16 |

|Evaluate, analyse and |Scenario: You are working in a fitness centre that is about to open. It is your role to assist in the purchase of |

|modify long-term and/or|equipment. |

|high performance | |

|individualised training|Discuss: |

|programs |Selection process for equipment (type of equipment/costs/availability/maintenance) |

| |How you evaluated equipment for its ‘usefulness’ |

| |Procedures for the purchase of the equipment |

| |Procedures for the maintenance of the equipment |

| | |

| |You are now required to set up the equipment. Draw a floor plan indicating: |

| |Location of equipment |

| |Location of electrical devices |

| |General OH&S issues |

| |Risk assessment/hazard identification |

| | |

| |You have to explain the use of the equipment to clients. |

| |Discuss: |

| |How you demonstrate the use of equipment |

| |Program functions of the equipment |

| |Policies and procedures in relation to use of equipment |

| |Use of free weights/hydraulic/pin loaded/air braked/electronically braked/pool based equipment demonstrated |


|Practical Tasks |




NB: The skills listed below must be verified by a competent assessor through observed demonstration either in the candidate’s workplace as part of the candidate’s normal work duty OR as part of a practical assessment/demonstration set by the assessor.

|Unit and element |Task No. |Observable behaviours in task |Industry requirements |Assessor’s comments |Indicate if |Date assessed |

|covered in task | | | | |behaviour | |

| | | | | |observed | |

|SRFPTI001B |2 |Follows basic programming principles |Health and safety considerations | | | |

|4.1, 4.2, 4.3 | |Ensures aims and goals for client are realistic and achievable |Appropriate communication | | | |

| | |Instructions to client were clear and easily understood |Legislation | | | |

| | |Considers training environment in relation to safety |Policy and procedures | | | |

| | |Delivers program professionally |Codes of conduct | | | |

| | |Considers learning style of client | | | | |

| | |Ensures exercises relevant to clients session goal | | | | |

| | |Uses verbal and visual cuing | | | | |

|SRXOHS002A |3 |Identifies hazards using the correct terminology |Legislation | | | |

|1.1, 1.3, 3.1, 7.1 | |Records information accurately and in accordance with the |Health and safety considerations | | | |

| | |organisation’s OHS recording procedures |Policy and procedures | | | |

|SRXRIK001A | |Notifies appropriate personnel |Appropriate communication – including| | | |

|2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, | |Records risks |written | | | |

|3.1, 3.2 | |Uses and stores documentation appropriately | | | | |

| | |Implements/monitors risk controls | | | | |

| | |Communicates risks to staff | | | | |

| | |Prioritises level of risks | | | | |

|SRFFIT009B |4 |a) |Legislation | | | |

|1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, | |Explains to client importance of postural appraisal |Health and safety considerations | | | |

|1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, | |Uses appropriate terminology |Policy and procedures | | | |

|2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, | |Explains procedure for screening |Codes of conduct | | | |

|3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, | |Explains role as trainer and importance of networking with allied |Appropriate communication – including| | | |

|3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, | |health professionals |written | | | |

|4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 5.1, | |Completes dynamic tests on walking, running, inline lunge and overhead | | | | |

|5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.1, | |squat | | | | |

|6.2, 6.3, 6.4 | |Completes static appraisal from feet up using plumb line | | | | |

| | |Views static posture from the back, sides and front of client and | | | | |

| | |compares to normal posture | | | | |

| | |Identifies clients ability to complete dynamic exercises looking at | | | | |

| | |symmetrical differences, muscle imbalances and correct muscle firing | | | | |

| | |through the exercises | | | | |

| | |Refers to allied health professional if appropriate | | | | |

| | |Identifies of any muscles that may need strengthening or stretching | | | | |

| | |Records of results | | | | |

| | |Explains results to client | | | | |

| | |b) | | | | |

| | |Test must include: | | | | |

| | |Length of Pectralis Major (sternal and clavicular) | | | | |

| | |Length of Latissmus Dorsi | | | | |

| | |Length of Pectoralis Minor | | | | |

| | |Thomas Test | | | | |

| | |Length of Hamstrings | | | | |

| | |Length of Internal Rotators of the Shoulder | | | | |

| | |Length of External Rotators of the Shoulder | | | | |

| | |Ober Test | | | | |

| | |Upper Abdominal Strength | | | | |

| | |Lower Abdominal Strength | | | | |

| | |Performs all tests appropriately | | | | |

| | |Demonstrates understanding of all test results | | | | |

| | |Explains results to client and why it may affect movement | | | | |

| | |Recommends allied health professional | | | | |

| | |Writes referral to allied health professional (if applicable) | | | | |

| | |Communicates with allied health professional (if applicable) | | | | |

|SRXCAI010B |5 |Ensures tests comply with client confidentiality |Legislation | | | |

|1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, | |Ensures tests conducted with client agreement |Health and safety considerations | | | |

|1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 3.1, | |Ensures test was conducted professionally |Policy and procedures | | | |

|3.2, | |Explains results to client in appropriate language |Codes of conduct | | | |

| | |Analyses results appropriately |Appropriate communication – including| | | |

| | |Records results appropriately |written | | | |

| | | |Protocols followed including | | | |

| | | |appropriate touch/invasive/non | | | |

| | | |invasive testing | | | |

|SRFFIT013B |6 |References and explains general nutrition guidelines |BMI compared against standards | | | |

|1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, | |Explains results to client |Girth measurements – tape at eye | | | |

|2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, | |Uses appropriate screening process |level, reference to anatomical | | | |

|3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, | |Refers if appropriate |landmarks for accuracy, tension of | | | |

|4.2, 4.4, 4.7 | |Records height and weight – calculates BMI |tape etc | | | |

| | |Conducts girth measurements appropriately |Skin fold callipers – direction of | | | |

| | |Uses skin fold calipers appropriately |skin fold runs, how long to wait | | | |

| | |Discusses other methods of body fat measurements and accuracy |before taking measurement, side of | | | |

| | | |body to measure, comparison to | | | |

| | | |anthropometric standards | | | |

|SRFFIT013B |7 |Discusses macronutrients |Appropriate written and verbal | | | |

|1.1, 1.2, 3.2, 4.2, | |RDI – |communication | | | |

|4.5, 4.6 | |Carbohydrates 50-60% | | | | |

| | |Protein 20-25% | | | | |

| | |Fat 50 – 70 g per day (30-50 g for fat loss) | | | | |

| | |GI and its benefits | | | | |

| | |Outlines basic plan for daily eating | | | | |

| | |Explains importance of eating regularly (blood sugar levels) | | | | |

| | |Explains high fat foods, especially saturated fats | | | | |

| | |References vitamins and minerals | | | | |

|SRFFIT012B |8 |Demonstrates a range of communication styles |Appropriate verbal and non/verbal | | | |

|1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, | |Discusses intrinsic and extrinsic motivation |communication | | | |

|3.2, 3.3 | |Discusses goal setting and importance for each exercise | | | | |

| | |Uses positive body language and verbal communication skills | | | | |

| | |Ensures own values and personality used to influence client’s session | | | | |

| | |in a positive way | | | | |

|ICAITU006C |9 |Ensures Occupational Health and Safety requirements are met |Appropriate written communication | | | |

|1.2, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, | |Navigates computer files |Policy and procedures | | | |

|2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, | |Opens file appropriately |Codes of Conduct | | | |

|3.3, 4.1 | |Saves document appropriately | | | | |

| | |Demonstrates the procedure for accessing help | | | | |

|SRFFIT007B |10 |Undertakes appropriate screening and completes relevant documentation |Health and safety considerations | | | |

|1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, | |Considers goals, likes and dislikes in relation to exercise and plan |Appropriate communication | | | |

|3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, | |Ensures tests are specific for chosen sport |Legislation | | | |

|4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, | |Informs client of rationale and when retesting will occur |Policy and procedures | | | |

|4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 | |Conducts fitness reassessment under the same conditions as original |Codes of conduct | | | |

| | |test |Appropriate communication – verbal, | | | |

| | |Explains the impact of the fitness changes in relation to the long term|non verbal, written | | | |

| | |plan | | | | |

|SRFFIT007B |11 |Ensures appropriate screening undertaken and relevant documentation |Health and safety considerations | | | |

|1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, | |completed |Appropriate communication | | | |

|3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, | |Ensures tests are specific for chosen sport |Legislation | | | |

|4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, | |Discusses change of neural pattern |Policy and procedures | | | |

|4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 | |Discusses Mesocycle, microcycle and macrocycle |Codes of conduct | | | |

| | |Uses appropriate language to ensure client understanding |Appropriate communication – verbal, | | | |

| | |Informs client of changed tests and rationale |non verbal, written | | | |

| | |Ensures confidentiality | | | | |

| | |Conducts tests in professional manner – non invasive | | | | |

|SRFFIT011B |12 |Discusses medical clearance and screening documents – identify special |Health and safety considerations | | | |

|1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, | |conditions relevant to exercise |Legislation | | | |

|2.2, 2.3, 2.5 | |Checks referral for allied health professional status and qualification|Policy and procedures | | | |

| | |Gains permission from client to contact other allied health |Codes of conduct | | | |

| | |professionals if required |Appropriate communication – verbal, | | | |

| | |Ensures confidentiality |non verbal, written | | | |

| | |Screens client and undertakes postural evaluation | | | | |

| | |Instructs client through program – begin with verbal explanation of | | | | |

| | |program | | | | |

| | |Gains feedback from client in relation to program | | | | |

| | |Demonstrates correct exercise technique and form to the client | | | | |

|SRXCAIO08B |13 a) |Ensures team selection procedures meet organisational policies and |Adherence to organisational policies | | | |

|1.2, 3.1, 3.3, 3.5, | |procedures |and procedures | | | |

|3.7, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, | |Provides feedback to successful and unsuccessful applicants |Appropriate communication including | | | |

|7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, | |Identifies and consults with relevant personnel |conflict management skills | | | |

|7.5, 7.6 | |Identifies and develops Job Descriptions/Selection criteria in | | | | |

| | |consultation with relevant others | | | | |

| | |Uses appropriate testing and assessing for participants | | | | |

| | |Develops strategies for determining individual skill levels | | | | |

| | |Uses appropriate communication including conflict management/liaison | | | | |

| | |Liaises with coaches and team managers/instructors | | | | |

|SRXCAIO08B |13 b) |Discusses strategy for determining an individual’s skills in a team |Adherence to organisational policies | | | |

|5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 7.5, | |environment |and procedures | | | |

|7.6 | |Provides feedback to individuals |Appropriate communication including | | | |

| | |Discusses process for evaluating management of participants not |conflict management skills | | | |

| | |selected | | | | |

|SRXCAI009B |14 |Re-establishes goals |Appropriate communication | | | |

|1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, | |Discusses possibilities for slow results (diet/nutrition, exercise, |Health and safety considerations | | | |

|1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.1, | |motivation) | | | | |

|2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 5.1, | |Revisits and adapts goals (if appropriate) | | | | |

|5.2, 5.3 | |Develops new plan | | | | |

| | |Exercises include some of the following methods: | | | | |

| | |Compound movements | | | | |

| | |Shorter rest periods | | | | |

| | |Vary program format | | | | |

| | |Higher intense cardiovascular work (interval training) | | | | |

|SRFFIT008B |15 |Demonstrates and discusses a knowledge of muscular skeletal anatomy, |Appropriate communication | | | |

|1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, | |forces, mechanical concepts, cardio vascular system, physiological |Health and safety considerations | | | |

|2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, | |responses, metabolic products in relation to program planning |Organisational polices and procedures| | | |

|3.4, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, | |Discusses functional appraisals and their impact on adaptations to |followed | | | |

|4.3 | |exercise | | | | |

| | |Develops appropriate program for client | | | | |

|SRFFIT010B |16 |Discusses procedures for selection, purchase and maintenance for |Health and safety considerations | | | |

|1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, | |equipment |Manufacturers guidelines | | | |

|3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, | |Selects appropriate equipment to meets needs of organisation |Recording of information | | | |

|4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, | |Develops and implements maintenance records |Appropriate communication | | | |

|5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5 | |Creates floor plan for equipment – including electrical equipment |Correct use of equipment | | | |

| | |(noting health and safety issues) |Appropriate demonstration of | | | |

| | |Demonstrates correct use of equipment |equipment | | | |

| | |Demonstrates appropriate instruction in use of equipment |Adherence to organisational policies | | | |

| | |Uses a variety of equipment demonstrated- free weights/hydraulic/air |and procedures | | | |

| | |braked/electronically braked/pool based equipment | | | | |


Resources for Practical Tasks

You use this section to access any resources required by the candidate to undertake the practical task/s or scenario/s. They are suggested resources only. You may wish to modify or use other resources for the assessment tasks.

|Practical Task 2 |




SRFFITI001B Plan and Deliver Personal Training




|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |Sunday |

|Exercise |Sets |Reps |Rest |Comments |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Practical Task 4 |




SRFFIT009B – Undertake Postural Appraisal of Low Risk Clients


Left Right Comments

Clavicular Pec ٱ ٱ

Sternal Pec ٱ ٱ

Lat, Pec Minor, ٱ ٱ

Pec Minor ٱ ٱ

Thomas test (quads/hip flexor)

1 Joint Hip Flexors ٱ ٱ

2 Joint Hip Flexors ٱ ٱ

Sartorius (ext.hip rot) ٱ ٱ

TFL (int. hip rotation) ٱ ٱ .

Lying straight hamstring – normal is 80 – 90 degrees – R____deg. L ____deg.

Inline lunge – Comments -

Over head squat - Comments -

One leg squat right left

Any other comments regarding walking, running or riding:

|Practical Task 4 – Postural alignment |


SIGNATURE:       DATE:     


| | |(circle Appropriate abnormality) |

|FEET | |Everted |Inverted |Ext. rotation |

|Comments | |L R |L R |L R |

| | |Low arch |High arch |Int. rotation |

| | |L R |L R |L R |

|KNEES | |Medially rotated |Knock knees |Hyper- extended |

|Comments: | |L R |L R |L R |

| | |Laterally rotated |Bow legs |Flexed |

| | |L R |L R |L R |

| | |Tibial Torsion |

| | |L R |

|PELVIS | |Anteriorly tilted |

|Comments: | | |

| | |Posteriorly tilted |

| | |Laterally tilted to the |

| | |Left Right |

| | |Laterally rotated to the … |

| | |Left Right |

|LUMBAR VERTCOLUMN | |Lordotic |“Flat” |

| | | | |

|Comments: | | | |

| | |Scoliosis Curve |Rotated to |

| | |L R |L R |

|THORACIC VERT COLUMN| |Kyphosis |Chest elevated |Scoliosis |

|Comments: | | | | |

| | |Flat |Chest |Rotated |

| | | |Depressed | |

|SCAPULAR | |Abducted |Adducted |

|Comments: | | | |

| | |Inward rotation |Outward rotation |

| | |Elevated |Depressed |

| | |Winged |

|SHOULDERS | |Forward |Backwards |

|Comments: | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Internally rotated |Externally rotated |

| | |L R |L R |

| | |Right Side Elevated |Left Side Elevated |

|CERVICAL VERT COLUMN| |Lordotic |Flat |

|Comments: | | | |

|HEAD | |Forward |Tilted |

|Comments: | | | |

| | | |L R |

| | |Rotated right |Rotated Left |


Third Party Verification

The preferred approach in gaining third party validation is to take the forms in this section to the candidate’s previous employers or referees to gain confirmation of the candidate’s skills against the required competencies. This would be done during a conversation or interview with these people.

It may be beneficial to make contact with the employers/referees early in the recognition process to make appointments, particularly if you have to travel some distance to visit them. This may be done on the same day as a practical assessment in the workplace if appropriate.

It is recommended that verification be obtained from one or two referees who can confirm the candidate’s industry skills in context over time.



To whom it may concern,

RE: skills in/as

(insert candidate name) (insert industry/job title)

I certify that the above named person has:

worked at for a period of years

regularly undertaken the following activities within the workplace since commencing employment with this organisation:

( Initial those skills/ competencies (below) that the candidate has or can successfully perform in the workplace

← Acted in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety legislation

← Undertaken risk analysis

← Acted in accordance with legislation, regulations and standards

← Planned and conducted personal training according to client needs

← Monitored personal training activities

← Communicated appropriately to clients, staff and other professionals

← Represented the business in an appropriate manner

← Utilised a variety of fitness equipment appropriately

← Demonstrated the safe use of a variety of fitness equipment to clients

← Undertaken postural appraisal and adequately screened clients

← Developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated training plans/programs for long-term clients

If you would like any further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on

Yours sincerely


Print Name and Position


Assessment Tables

You use these tables as a reference tool to see at a glance which units/elements of competency are within the qualification.

Question numbers refer to those found in SECTION C of this kit.

Practical assessment/scenarios numbers refer to those found in SECTION D of this kit.

It is important to note that this section is used for validation purposes only. Any mapping should be done after questions and tasks have been selected.

|Elements |Performance Criteria |Questions |Practical Tasks |

|BSBCMN402A Develop work priorities |

|1. Plan and complete own work |1.1 Workgroup plans are prepared to reflect consideration of resources, client needs and workgroup targets |1 | |

|schedule |1.2 Workgroup objectives and priorities are analysed and incorporated into personal schedules and responsibilities |1 | |

| |1.3 Factors affecting the achievement of work objectives are identified and contingencies established and incorporated into work plans |1 | |

| |1.4 Business technology is used efficiently and effectively to manage and monitor planning completion and scheduling of tasks | | |

| | |2 | |

|2. Monitor own work performance |2.1 Personal performance standards are identified and analysed through self-assessment and feedback from others on the achievement of work |3 | |

| |objectives | | |

| |2.2 Feedback on performance is actively sought from colleagues and clients and evaluated in the context of individual and group requirements |3 | |

| |2.3 Variations in the quality of service and products are routinely identified and reported in accordance with organisational requirements | | |

| | |3 | |

|3. Coordinate professional |3.1 Personal knowledge and skills are assessed against competency standards performance descriptions to determine development needs and |3 | |

|development |priorities | | |

| |3.2 Opportunities for improvement and sources of learning are researched and planned in liaison with colleagues |3 | |

| |3.3 Feedback is used to identify and develop ways to improve competence within available opportunities |3 | |

| |3.4 New skills are identified and professional development activities are accessed and completed to facilitate continuous learning and career|3 | |

| |development | | |

| |3.5 Records and documents relating to achievements and assessments are stored and maintained in accordance with organisational requirements |3 | |

|ICAITU006C Operate computing packages |

|1. Use appropriate software |1.1 Requirements of task are identified |4 | |

| |1.2 Appropriate software is selected to perform task |4 |9 |

| |1.3 Software is used to produce required outcome using a range of features and functions |4 | |

| |1.4 Documents are saved and stored in appropriate directories |4 |9 |

|2. Access, retrieve and manipulate |2.1 Software application is opened |4 |9 |

|data |2.2 Required file is accessed and is amended according to requirements |4 |9 |

| |2.3 Documents are produced to meet organisational requirements in a manner that incorporates Occupational Health and Safety practices |4 |9 |

| |2.4 File is saved in appropriate directories | | |

| |2.5 Applications are exited without loss of data |4 |9 |

| | |4 |9 |

|3. Access and use help |3.1 Online help is accessed and used to overcome basic difficulties with applications |4 |9 |

| |3.2 Manuals and training booklets are used to solve minor problems |4 |9 |

| |3.3 Request are logged with help desk if requiring further help |4 |9 |

|4. Use keyboard and equipment |4.1 Occupational Health and Safety regulations are followed for correct posture, lighting and length of time in front of computer |5 |9 |

| |4.2 Keyboarding is carried out according to organisation guidelines on speed and accuracy |5 | |

|SRXGCSO06A Address client needs |

|1. Assist client to articulate needs|1.1 Explore, understand and conform client needs |6 |1 |

| |1.2 Explain available services/products and match to client needs |6 |1 |

| |1.3 Identify the rights and responsibilities of clients and communicate effectively to the client (as appropriate) |6 |1 |

|2. Satisfy complex client needs |2.1 Explain the possibilities for meeting client needs |6 |1 |

| |2.2 Assist clients to evaluate service/product options to satisfy their needs |6, 7 |1 |

| |2.3 Determine and prioritise preferred action |7 |1 |

| |2.4 Identify potential areas of difficulty in client service delivery, and take appropriate actions in a positive manner |7 |1 |

|SRXGCST05A Coordinate client service activities |

|1. Contribute to quality client |1.1 Access, interpret, apply and monitor client service standards in the workplace in accordance with enterprise policies and procedures |9 | |

|standards |1.2 Demonstrate contributions to the development, refinement and improvement of service policies, standards and processes | | |

| | |8 | |

|2. Implement client services systems|2.1 Demonstrate encouragement of all personnel to consistently implement client service systems |8, 9 | |

| |2.2 Review client feedback in consultation with appropriate personnel and analyse to develop improved work practices |8, 9 | |

| |2.3 Identify client service problems and make adjustments to ensure continued service quality |8, 9 | |

| |2.4 Communicate adjustments to all those involved in service delivery within appropriate timeframes |8, 9 | |

| |2.5 Coordinate and manage delivery of services/products to ensure they effectively and efficiently meet agreed quality standards |8, 9 | |

|SRXINU003A Analyse participation patterns in specific markets of the leisure and recreation industry |

|1. Review and interpret the market |1.1 Common participant attributes are analysed to identify specific market segments for current leisure and recreation service delivery |10 | |

|for current leisure and recreation |1.2 Statistical analysis of market intelligence collected from relevant sources is used to evaluate market penetration of specific market | | |

|service delivery |segments |10 | |

|2. Assess the basis for existing |2.1 The major features of current leisure and recreation service delivery are identified |10, 11 | |

|levels of interest by participants |2.2 Individual influences, social influences, historical influences and lifestyle influences are assessed and their impact on participation |10, 11 | |

| |patterns estimated | | |

| |2.3 Leisure characteristics and external influences are identified and their potential to impact on participation patterns analysed |10, 11 | |

| |2.4 The scope for possible expansion of participation within specific market segments is evaluated |10, 11 | |

|3. Report outcomes on participation |3.1 Expansion opportunities are recommended with supporting rationale meeting organisational reporting requirements |10, 11 | |

|patterns analysis |3.2 Outcomes are submitted within the required timeframe |11 | |

| |3.3 Outcomes are recorded in accordance with organisational policies and procedures |11 | |

|SRXINU004A Promote compliance with laws and legal principles |

|1. Analyse the laws and legal |1.1 Sources of legal information which relate to the organisation are accurately identified |12 | |

|principles which relate to the |1.2 Interpretations of the identified laws and legal principles are analysed for the implications on products and services of the |12 | |

|organisation |organisation and individuals within the organisation |12 | |

| |1.3 Information is recorded and/or distributed | | |

|2. Analyse the implications of |2.1 Analysis examines the different types of contract utilised by the organisation and the rationale for their use |12, 13 | |

|contracts on individuals and the |2.2 Analysis further examines the implications of contracts on individuals and the organisation and ensures compliance with legal obligations|12, 13 | |

|organisation | | | |

|3. Develop workplace systems to |3.1 Need for legal advice is assessed and sought where appropriate |14 | |

|ensure compliance with legal |3.2 Information is shared with appropriate colleagues in a timely manner |14 | |

|requirements |3.3 Information updates and training are organised for colleagues and staff, where appropriate |12, 14 | |

| |3.4 Policies and procedures are developed and documented which are consistent with the identified laws and legal principles |13, 14 | |

| |3.5 Policies and procedures are communicated to all affected individuals |12, 14 | |

| |3.6 Implementation strategies are developed and documented to ensure compliance with policies and procedures |12, 14 | |

| |3.7 Implementation strategies are communicated to all affected individuals |12, 14 | |

| |3.8 Monitoring procedures are implemented which establish compliance with the identified laws and legal principles by individuals within the |12, 14 | |

| |organisation | | |

| |3.9 Aspects of operations which may infringe laws are identified and modifications are promptly developed and implemented |14 | |

|4. Evaluate the effectiveness of |4.1 Evaluation methods are developed and implemented which are appropriate to the nature of information sought |14 | |

|workplace systems |4.2 Research findings are presented in a written report according to the requirements of the organisation |14 | |

| |4.3 Recommendations are supported by research documented in the report |14 | |

| |4.4 Policies and procedures and implementation strategies are reviewed in light of documented recommendations |14 | |

|5. Update legal knowledge |5.1 Informal and formal research is used to update the legal knowledge required for business compliance |12, 14 | |

| |5.2 Updated knowledge is shared with colleagues and incorporated into workplace planning and operations |12, 14 | |

|SRXOGN001A Conduct projects |

|1. Plan and prepare for project |1.1 Identify work scope, desired outcomes and budget within own area of responsibility |15 | |

| |1.2 Required resources are identified, available, accessed and allocated for effective management and completion of project |15, 16 | |

| |1.3 Allocate tasks and resources |15, 16 | |

| |1.4 All administrative activities of project within one area of responsibility are identified, including planning of meetings and preparation|15, 16 | |

| |of minutes, papers and reports | | |

| |1.5 Occupational health and safety standards, statutory requirements, relevant codes and regulations applicable to project are identified, |15 | |

| |applied and monitored throughout the work procedure | | |

| |1.6 Identify all key milestones of the project within own area of responsibility and those impacting upon own area of responsibility |15 | |

| |including contract requirements and key recording/reporting dates for measurement of outcomes | | |

| |1.7 Link project budgets to key outcomes within projects and incorporate reporting mechanisms to ensure payments are made/received as |15 | |

| |outcomes achieved | | |

| |1.8 Identify interrelationship with other concurrent projects and/or other aspects of overall project management plan and identify relevant |15 | |

| |personnel who should be informed and consulted | | |

| |1.9 Confirm agreements with service providers within key dates |15 | |

| |1.10 Develop contingency management plans for project outcomes within own area of responsibility |15 | |

|2. Implement and administer project |2.1 Coordinate, alterations to service delivery or access in accordance with statutory, industry and organisation standards where required |16 | |

| |2.2 Coordinate supplementary functions, such as specialist or additional equipment and/or specialised personnel | | |

| |2.3 Execute communication processes to ensure adequate information flows between colleagues and all relevant personnel within project |16 | |

| |management team |16 | |

| |2.4 Regularly review and compare project progress with base line plans | | |

| |2.5 Identify deviations from plan and take actions to recover original project program through monitoring and reporting arrangements |16 | |

| |2.6 The appropriate personnel are notified and direction sought where original program requirements cannot be met |16 | |

| | | | |

| | |16 | |

|3. Coordinate project administration|3.1 Monitor costs associated with the project and approve payment of invoices if appropriate |16 | |

| |3.2 Monitor time frames for the achievement of various aspects of the project and take appropriate action to meet deadlines, as necessary |16 | |

| |3.3 Regularly review project variables in relation to safety, quality, resources, timeframe and equipment | | |

| |3.4 Keep relevant people fully informed of project progress |16 | |

| |3.5 Maintain project records in accordance with project and organisational requirements |16 | |

| | |16 | |

|4. Finalise and review project |4.1 Undertake and complete procedures for winding up a project |16 | |

|administration |4.2 Provide relevant information and measurement of outcomes in an accurate and concise format to project management team to enable |16 | |

| |evaluation of all aspects of the project activities | | |

|SRXOHS002B Implement and monitor the organisation’s Occupational Health and Safety policies, procedures and programs |

|1. Provide information to the |1.1 Relevant provisions of occupational health and safety legislation and codes of practice are accurately and clearly explained to the work |17 |3 |

|workgroup about occupational health |group | | |

|and safety and the organisation’s |1.2 Information on the organisation’s occupational health and safety policies, procedures and programs is provided in a readily accessible |17 | |

|occupational health and safety |manner and is accurately and clearly explained to the work group | | |

|policies, procedures and programs |1.3 Information about identified hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and risk control procedures is regularly provided and is |17 |3 |

| |accurately and clearly explained to the work group | | |

| |1.4 Personal, peer and staff attitudes towards occupational health and safety and risk management practices are addressed as part of |17 | |

| |information provision, in accordance with organisational policy | | |

|2. Implement and monitor |2.1 Organisational procedures for consultation over occupational health and safety issues are implemented and monitored to ensure that all |17, 18 | |

|participative arrangements for the |members of the work group have the opportunity to contribute | | |

|management of occupational health |2.2 Issues raised through consultation are dealt with and resolved promptly or referred to the appropriate personnel for resolution in |17, 18 | |

|and safety |accordance with workplace procedures for issue resolution. The outcomes of consultation over occupational health and safety issues are made | | |

| |known to the work group promptly | | |

|3. Implement and monitor the |3.1 Existing and potential hazards in the work area are identified and reported so that risk assessment and risk control can be applied |19 | |

|organisation’s procedures for | | | |

|identifying hazards and assessing | | | |

|risks | | | |

|4. Implement and monitor the |4.1 Work procedures to control risks are implemented and adherence to them by the work group is monitored in accordance with workplace |19 | |

|organisation’s procedures for |procedures | | |

|controlling risks |4.2 Existing risk control measures are monitored and results reported regularly in accordance with workplace procedures |19 | |

| |4.3 Equipment is maintained in accordance with organisation policy and occupational health and safety regulations |19 | |

| |4.4 Inadequacies in existing risk control measures are identified in accordance with the hierarchy of control and reported to designated |19 | |

| |personnel | | |

| |4.5 Inadequacies in resource allocation for implementation of risk control measures are identified and reported to designated personnel |19 | |

|5. Implement the organisation’s |5.1 Workplace procedures for dealing with hazardous events are implemented whenever necessary to ensure prompt control action is taken |20 | |

|procedures for dealing with |5.2 Hazardous events are investigated to identify their cause in accordance with investigation procedures | | |

|hazardous events |5.3 Control measures to prevent recurrence and minimise risks of hazardous events are implemented based on the hierarchy of control if within|20 | |

| |the scope of responsibilities and competencies or alternatively referred to designated personnel for inspection |20 | |

| |5.4 Hazardous goods and equipment are handled and stored in accordance with organisation’s policy and occupational health and safety | | |

| |regulations |20 | |

| |5.5 Organisation emergency policies and procedures are implemented promptly | | |

| | |20 | |

|6. Implement and monitor the |6.1 Occupational health and safety training needs are identified accurately, specifying gaps between occupational health and safety |17 | |

|organisation’s procedures for |competencies required and those held by work group members | | |

|providing occupational health and |6.2 Arrangements are made for fulfilling identified occupational health and safety training needs in both on and off-the-job training |17 | |

|safety training |programs in consultation with relevant parties | | |

|7. Implement and monitor the |7.1 Occupational health and safety records for work area are accurately and legibly completed in accordance with workplace requirements for |21 |3 |

|organisation’s procedures for |occupational health and safety records with legal requirements for the maintenance of records of occupational injury and disease | | |

|maintaining occupational health and |7.2 Aggregate information form the area’s occupational health and safety records is used to identify hazards and monitor risk control | | |

|safety records |procedures within work area according to organisational procedures and within scope of responsibilities and competencies |21 | |

|SRXRIK001A Undertake risk analysis of activities |

|1. Establish the context of the risk|1.1 Obtain the organisation’s equipment maintenance procedures and operational procedures for the activity and/or location |22 | |

|analysis |1.2 Obtain activity-specific and location-specific information and equipment history including relevant incident and failure reports |22 | |

| |1.3 Research applicable occupational health and safety and environmental standards and industry best practice guidelines |22 | |

| |1.4 Obtain applicable technical documentation |22 | |

| |1.5 Access and clarify risk evaluation criteria, as determined by the organisation’s risk management policy and plan |22 | |

|2. Identify risks associated with an|2.1 Generate a comprehensive list of sources of risks within the particular activity, including risks that are not under the control of the |22 |3 |

|activity |organisation | | |

| |2.2 Take into consideration areas of impact on the organisation |22 |3 |

| |2.3 Consider possible causes of risks, hazards and the definitions of risk |22 |3 |

| |2.4 Document sources of risk, risk identification and areas of impact in a clear and concise manner |22 |3 |

|3. Conduct risk analysis of an |3.1 Complete analysis using appropriate structured methodology (e.g. a template) in accordance with organisations’ and/or activity |22 |3 |

|activity |requirements | | |

| |3.2 For each risk, determine existing controls which have been put in place by the organisation, or by occupational health and safety |22 |3 |

| |legislation | | |

| |3.3 Identify sources of information to assist in assessing the likelihood of any given risk turning into an accident/injury/loss |22 | |

| |3.4 Identify sources of information on the consequences of particular incidents in order to determine the degree of emphasis placed on the |22 | |

| |risk | | |

| |3.5 Analyse the likelihood and consequences of particular risks, and classification of risk using suitable techniques, as determined by the |22 | |

| |organisation | | |

|4. Undertake risk assessment of an |4.1 Compare the level of risk established during the analysis process with previously established risk evaluation criteria using methodology |22 | |

|activity |as prescribed by the organisation | | |

| |4.2 Rank or prioritise risks for further action, taking account of the wider context of the risk |22 | |

| |4.3 Consider the objectives of the organisation and the extent of opportunity which could result from taking the risk |22 | |

| |4.4 Take into account, when making decisions, the wider context of the risk |22 | |

| |4.5 Accept risks that fall into the low or acceptable categories without further treatment, and monitor and periodically review to ensure |22 | |

| |they remain acceptable | | |

| |4.6 Treat risks that fall outside the low or acceptable category using a range of options |22 | |

|5. Treat risks associated with an |5.1 Identify specific risk treatment options applicable to the risk associated with the activity |23 | |

|activity |5.2 Evaluate risk treatment options in accordance with the organisation’s risk management plan, on the basis of the extent of risk reduction,|23 | |

| |the extent of benefits or opportunities created and taking into account the risk evaluation criteria previously established | | |

| |5.3 Prepare activity-specific risk treatment plan which documents how the chosen options should be implemented, identifying responsibilities,| | |

| |schedules, the expected outcome of treatments, budgeting, performance measures and the review process |23 | |

| |5.4 Implement risk treatment plans prior to and during the conduct of an activity | | |

| | |23 | |

|6. Monitor and review the risk |6.1 Document risk analysis, evaluation and treatment options, in accordance with the organisation’s procedures |22 | |

|management for an activity |6.2 Monitor risks, the effectiveness of the risk treatment plan, strategies and the management system which is set up to control the |22 | |

| |implementation in accordance with the organisation’s risk management plan to ensure changing circumstances within the activity do not alter | | |

| |risk priorities | | |

| |6.3 Repeat the risk analysis of the activity regularly to ensure the risk treatment plan remains relevant |22 | |

| |6.4 Make changes to the conduct of an activity, where required, in accordance with review recommendations |22 | |

| |6.5 Implement recommendations in accordance with the organisation’s risk audit in future risk analysis of the activity |22 | |

|SRFFIT007B Undertake relevant exercise planning and programming |

|1. Use the principles and variables |1.1 Use the principles of exercise planning to develop exercise plans for clients |24 |10, 11 |

|of programming that underlie |1.2 Use clear and structured forms when writing exercise plans and exercise programs |24 |10, 11 |

|exercise planning |1.3 Consider total training volume when developing an exercise plan and relate training volume to other program variables |24 | |

|2. Use a structured approach to |2.1 Conduct a client induction and screening before commencing to develop an exercise plan |24 |10, 11 |

|exercise planning |2.2 Use the four program phases when developing session programs and relate to the client’s specific needs |24 |10, 11 |

| |2.3 Describe the physiological and psychological benefits of the preparation and recovery phase to clients |24 | |

| |2.4 Outline the various types of conditioning appropriate for their goals and fitness levels to clients |24 | |

|3. Write plan for specific fitness |3.1 Use the programming principles of planning for specific fitness adaptations when writing fitness plans |24 |10, 11 |

|adaptations |3.2 Explain the relationship between types of conditioning desired and the type of preparation phase selected to clients |24, 25 |10, 11 |

| |3.3 Demonstrate an awareness of the client’s needs, objectives and exercise likes and dislikes when writing the plan/s |24 | |

| |3.4 Select appropriate exercises to meet the client’s needs when writing the plan/s |24 |10, 11 |

| |3.5 Design a plan format and structure that is appropriate to the client and the specific target adaptation |24 | |

| |3.6 Describe the physiological changes and anatomical changes that occur with regular participation in this specific program to clients |24 |10, 11 |

|4. Evaluate and modify existing |4.1 Recognise the general conditions that suggest a client’s plan should be evaluated |26 |10, 11 |

|exercise plans for fitness industry |4.2 Describe the process by which clients are evaluated to the client |26 |10, 11 |

|clients |4.3 Recognise the signs and symptoms of overtraining and utilise strategies for its prevention |26 |10, 11 |

| |4.4 Analyse and incorporate client’s exercise likes and dislikes into a modified exercise plan |26 |10, 11 |

| |4.5 Review client goals and incorporate changes to goals into the exercise plan |26 |10, 11 |

| |4.6 Assess clients for relevant fitness changes |26 |10, 11 |

| |4.7 Discuss changes to the long term plan with clients |26 |10, 11 |

| |4.8 Write revised programs and provide instruction to clients |26 |10, 11 |

|SRFFIT08B Utilise a broad knowledge of exercise science in exercise planning, programming and instruction |

|1. Apply a knowledge of |1.1 Apply a knowledge of skeletal anatomy to exercise planning, programming and instruction |27 |1, 15 |

|musculosketal anatomy to exercise |1.2 Apply a knowledge of the integrated monitoring and control of skeletal muscle contraction by the nervous system to exercise planning, |27 |1, 15 |

|planning, programming and |programming and instruction | | |

|instruction |1.3 Apply a knowledge of the structure, range of motion and function of muscles, muscle groups and directional terms to exercise planning, |27 |1, 15 |

| |programming and instruction | | |

|2. Apply related concepts and |2.1 Analyse and apply the forces acting on the body during exercise and basic mechanical concepts to exercise |28 |1, 15 |

|principles of mechanics to exercise |2.2 Apply concepts and principles of mechanics to exercise |28 |1, 15 |

|3. Apply related concepts of |3.1 Apply a knowledge of the structure and function of the cardio vascular system to exercise |29 |1, 15 |

|physiology to exercise |3.2 Apply a knowledge of the structure, processes and function of body energy systems involved in the storage, transport, and utilisation of |29 |1, 15 |

| |energy substrates, oxygen and metabolic products to exercise | | |

| |3.3 Apply a knowledge of the physiological responses of the human body to a single bout of physical activity to exercise |29 |1, 15 |

| |3.4 Apply a knowledge of the physiological adaptations and weight bearing of the human body to regular exercise to exercise planning, |29 |1, 15 |

| |programming and instruction | | |

| |3.5 Apply a knowledge of the physiological responses to physical activity in various environmental conditions to exercise planning, |29 |1, 15 |

| |programming and instruction | | |

|4. Use functional appraisals to |4.1 Select valid and reliable functional appraisals |30 |1, 15 |

|monitor physical adaptations to |4.2 Use fitness equipment appropriate to the exercise activity for the appraisal |30 |1, 15 |

|exercise |4.3 Measure responses to the appraisal using a variety of measurement methods |30 |1, 15 |

|SRFFIT009B Undertake postural appraisal of low risk clients |

|1. Prepare clients for postural |1.1 Undertake exercise screening of clients using recognised screening tool and refer to an appropriate medical or allied health |31, 32, 33 |4 |

|appraisal |professional, if required | | |

| |1.2 Explain the aims of postural appraisal and the procedures of the tests to the client |31, 32, 33 |4 |

| |1.3 Discuss the importance of identifying postural variances and explain to clients the relationships between posture and injury prevention |31, 32, 33 |4 |

| |1.4 Inform clients of the legal and ethical limitations of the fitness trainer and the importance of networking and referral to appropriate | | |

| |medical and allied health professionals |31 |4 |

| |1.5 Put clients at ease and display client empathy during the induction process | | |

| |1.6 Select relevant postural screening tool and screening tests appropriate to the client and prepare equipment required |31 |4 |

| | |31 |4 |

|2. Assess low risk client’s range of|2.1 Evaluate the client’s mobility at relevant joints by conducting industry standard functional range of movement tests |31, 32, 33 |4 |

|movement at relevant joints |2.2 Perform tests according to test protocols and using appropriate equipment |31, 32, 33 |4 |

| |2.3 Identify joint restrictions and refer clients to an appropriate health professional is any significant or abnormal restrictions are |31, 32, 33 |4 |

| |observed | | |

| |2.4 Record results using a standardised method and explain results to clients |31, 32, 33 |4 |

| |2.5 Apply the identified range of movement, joint restrictions or right/left differences to posture during exercise and movement |31, 32, 33 |4 |

|3. Analyse low risk client’s static |3.1 Perform a static postural appraisal of clients using an industry standard posture analysis tool and record information systematically |31, 32 |4 |

|posture |3.2 Compare the client’s posture to the ideal postural alignment in order to identify common postural variances | | |

| |3.3 Analyse the symmetrical development of muscles to identify any muscular deficits |31, 32 |4 |

| |3.4 Identify and systematically record joints, muscles and connective tissues that may require strengthening and/or stretching in |31, 32 |4 |

| |consultation with allied health professional or medical practitioner |31, 32 |4 |

| |3.5 Record results using a standardised method and explain the results to clients | | |

| |3.6 Refer clients with postural variances or concerns to an appropriate health care professional |31, 32 |4 |

| | |31, 32 |4 |

|4. Observe client’s dynamic posture |4.1 Observe the client’s dynamic posture whilst performing simple locomotive movements for muscle strength, symmetrical development, |31, 32 |4 |

|whilst performing fitness exercises |symmetrical range, coordination of movement | | |

|and activities |4.2 Observe the client’s dynamic posture performing several common fitness exercises for muscular deficits, symmetrical development, |31, 32 |4 |

| |symmetrical range, coordination of movement | | |

| |4.3 Analyse movements to determine joint movement, muscle action and role of muscle contraction |31, 32 |4 |

| |4.4 Use a system of recording information obtained from the observation of exercises |31, 32 |4 |

| |4.5 Analyse the basic movements and correct poor technique likely to cause postural variances and explain the potential for injury to clients|31, 32 |4 |

| |4.6 Refer clients with dynamic postural variances or concerns to an appropriate healthcare professional | | |

| | |31, 32, 33 |4 |

|5. Deliver suitable exercises for |5.1 Knowledge of joint movement and muscle action is applied to determine appropriate exercise prescription to correct muscle strength or |31, 32 |4 |

|clients with postural concerns with |muscle endurance deficits, joint restrictions or asymmetry | | |

|allied health professionals |5.2 Determined muscles and/or joints that need to be stretched relevant to the postural variances |31, 32 |4 |

| |5.3 Determine muscles that need to be strengthened relevant to the postural variances |31, 32 |4 |

| |5.4 Provide information about the strengthening and stretching exercises relevant to the postural concern after consultation with a suitably |31, 32, 33 |4 |

| |qualified allied health professional | | |

|6. Provide information to clients |6.1 Provide information about the common causes of poor posture to clients and explain suitable strategies to prevent injury caused by poor |32, 33 |4 |

|relating to posture |posture | | |

| |6.2 Provide behavioural strategies to address poor posture |32, 33 |4 |

| |6.3 Discuss the role of exercise, including self-observation of exercise technique in the correction of inappropriate practices |32, 33 |4 |

| |6.4 Warn clients of exercises or activities that are contraindicated or may further exacerbate any postural variance |32, 33 |4 |

|7. Work as part of an allied health |7.1 Recommend to clients that they consult with a medical or allied health professional when injury or illness is identified |31, 32, 33 | |

|team |7.2 Use appropriate documentation and terminology when communicating with health professionals |33 | |

| |7.3 Identify contraindications to exercise and make suitable referral |33 | |

| |7.4 Feedback received from medical or allied health professional is discussed with the client |33 | |

|SRFFIT010B Utilise a broad range of fitness equipment |

|1. Plan an arrangement of equipment |1.1 Develop floor plan for the arrangement of equipment within a fitness facility, taking into account the type of programs delivered in the | |16 |

|within a fitness facility |facility, occupational health and safety requirements and manufacturer’s specifications | |16 |

| |1.2 Comply with manufacturer’s, legislated and Australian Standards for the use of electrical equipment | | |

|2. Evaluate and select equipment for|2.1 Outline the procedures to select and purchase new fitness equipment for a recreational facility | |16 |

|a fitness facility |2.2 Select fitness equipment to meet facility and program needs | |16 |

|3. Develop and conduct general |3.1 Generate a list of facility equipment and the relevant service | |16 |

|maintenance procedures for a fitness|3.2 Develop a basic maintenance and cleaning roster for the facility | |16 |

|facility |3.3 Develop maintenance records that would be kept over a 12 month period | |16 |

| |3.4 Outline the procedures for the identification and repair of a faulty piece of fitness equipment | |16 |

|4. Demonstrate and instruct the use |4.1 Develop innovative cardiovascular fitness plans and exercise programs to meet a client’s specific needs |34, 35 ,46 | |

|of cardio-vascular equipment |4.2 Demonstrate the functions on the display board of cardiovascular equipment are demonstrated to clients |34, 35 |16 |

| |4.3 Utilise a variety of different program functions for specific client needs |34, 35, 46 |16 |

| |4.4 Adjust the cardiovascular equipment to suit the needs of clients |34, 35, 46 |16 |

| |4.5 Instruct the client on the use of cardiovascular equipment |34, 35 |16 |

|5. Demonstrate and instruct the use |5.1 Develop innovative free weight fitness plans and exercise programs to meet a client’s specific needs |34, 35, 46 |16 |

|of free weight equipment |5.2 Use a knowledge of the basic mechanics of action of free weight equipment to modify exercises for specific fitness outcomes or for safety|34, 35 |16 |

| |5.3 Demonstrate a variety of exercises using free weight equipment | | |

| |5.4 Analyse the training age of the client with respect to the exercises taught and adjust the technical difficulty of the exercises |34, 35 |16 |

| |accordingly |34, 35 |16 |

| |5.5 Instruct the client on the use of free weight equipment | | |

| | |34, 35 | |

|6. Demonstrate and instruct the use |6.1 Develop innovative plans and exercise programs are developed using non-traditional equipment to meet a client’s specific needs |36 | |

|of innovative exercise equipment |6.2 Use innovative exercise equipment with reference to manufacturer’s guidelines | | |

| |6.3 Use a knowledge of the basic mechanics of action of innovative exercise equipment to modify exercises for specific fitness outcomes or |36 | |

| |for safety |36 | |

| |6.4 Instruct exercises using innovative exercise equipment to clients | | |

| | |36 | |

|SRFFIT011B Provide exercise for fitness industry clients with special requirements |

|1. Screen clients for health, |1.1 Screen clients |37 |12 |

|medical or injury conditions |1.2 Recommend a referral to a medical practitioner or allied health professional to all clients who disclose health, medical or injury |37 |12 |

| |conditions | | |

| |1.3 Identify health, medical or injury conditions and work as part of a team under the supervision of allied health professionals and medical|37, 38, 39 |12 |

| |professionals | | |

|2. Apply exercise considerations and|2.1 Describe the exercises and types of exercise which are recommended for clients with identified special requirements exercising in the |38 |12 |

|guidelines to clients with |fitness industry to maintain and develop health and functional capacity to clients | | |

|identified special requirements |2.2 Deliver an exercise plan and/or programs designed by a suitably qualified allied health or medical professional for clients with |38, 39 |12 |

| |identified special requirements to clients | | |

| |2.3 Instruct clients with identified special requirements under the supervision of suitably qualified allied health professionals or medical |38, 39 |12 |

| |professionals | | |

| |2.4 Apply aerobic and resistance training guidelines to clients with identified special requirements in line with recommendations and |38, 39 | |

| |guidelines from medical and allied health professionals | | |

| |2.5 Provide advice on guidelines appropriate to exercise in the fitness industry to clients with identified special requirements in |38, 39 |12 |

| |consultation with suitably qualified allied health professionals | | |

|SRFFIT012B Utilise an understanding of motivational psychology with fitness clients |

|1. Implement motivational theory in |1.1 Define and apply arousal theories for clients as individuals and groups in fitness situations to the modification of client behaviour |40, 41 | |

|fitness activities |1.2 Outline the importance of motivation techniques such as goal setting as applied to adherence to exercise to clients | | |

| | |40, 41 |8 |

|2. Utilise motivational psychology |2.1 Observe and interview other instructors working with clients to identify the communicating styles used by different instructors and how |42 | |

| |each instructor’s communicating style affects different clients | | |

| |2.2 Use motivational skills to help clients identify barriers to adherence and set effective exercise goals when instructing clients |40, 41 |8 |

| |2.3 Identify and use aspects of client exercise behaviour as they apply to motivational practice in a fitness context to develop motivational|40, 41 | |

| |strategies for clients | | |

| |2.4 Observe various external and environmental influences and the information is used to develop motivational strategies for clients |40, 41 |8 |

|3. Demonstrate effective non verbal |3.1 Use non verbal communication techniques when instructing and dealing with clients |41 |8 |

|communication |3.2 Analyse personal non verbal communication skills in the context of a client’s response |41 |8 |

| |3.3 Define and use personal attitudes and values to positively influence client’s exercise adherence and behaviour |40, 41 |8 |

|4. Describe and demonstrate barriers|4.1 Analyse instructor client interactions for barriers to communication |41 | |

|to communication |4.2 Define and amend/eliminate barriers to communication with clients |41 | |

|5. Utilise arousal techniques to |5.1 Identify arousal levels and use arousal control techniques to improve the performance of clients during exercise sessions |40, 41 | |

|motivate clients | | | |

|SRFFIT013B Provide information and exercise related to nutrition and body composition |

|1. Explain the general principles of|1.1 Explain the general guidelines of food and nutrition to clients |44 |6 |

|nutrition and health to clients |1.2 Explain the relationship between nutrition and health to clients |44, 45 |6 |

|2. Estimate the body composition of |2.1 Screen clients |43 |6 |

|clients |2.2 Recommend a visit to a medical professional or allied health professional to the client if they report any health, nutritional or dietary|43 |6 |

| |disorder, or medical or injury concerns | | |

| |2.3 Estimate the body composition of clients using current industry body composition appraisals |43 |6 |

| |2.4 Consider the physiology of the management of body composition |43 |6 |

| |2.5 Compare body composition estimates to anthropometric standards |43 |6 |

|3. Develop and deliver an exercise |3.1 Results of the measures are explained to clients and incorporated into client’s exercise plans |44, 45 |6 |

|plan and program designed to improve|3.2 Describe nutritional requirements of the exercise plan to clients |44, 45 |6 |

|the body composition of low risk |3.3 Explain hydration needs when exercising to clients |44 |6 |

|clients |3.4 Explain the exercise plan to clients and instruct specific programs and exercises |44 |6 |

|4. Provide information about |4.1 Collect information about the client’s current dietary intake and nutritional habits using appropriate methods |43, 44, 45 |6 |

|appropriate dietary modifications to|4.2 Determine appropriate dietary modifications |44, 45 |6 |

|reduce the level of body composition|4.3 Consider and address lifestyle factors and cultural factors relevant to the client |44, 45 |6 |

|of low risk clients |4.4 Communicate proposed changes to the clients and clearly explain the reasons for the changes |44, 45 | |

| |4.5 Set realistic and appropriate dietary changes to meet clients goals |44, 45 | |

| |4.6 Recognise limitation of fitness trainer providing nutritional information provided complies with industry standards |43, 44, 45 | |

| |4.7 Refer the client to medical professional for nutritional or dietary disorder, manage nutritional requirements by suitably credentialed |43 |6 |

| |allied health professional | | |

|SRFPTI001B Plan and deliver personal training |

|1. Establish a personal training |1.1 Investigate the market for personal training services for clients with no identified health, medical or injury conditions |46 | |

|client base |1.2 Prepare and implement marketing campaign |46 | |

| |1.3 Establish business relationships with fitness enterprises |46 | |

| |1.4 Maintain records pertaining to the personal training business |46 | |

|2. Explain the concept of personal |2.1 Define the term personal training to clients |47 | |

|training to clients |2.2 Explain the role of personal training in community health promotion to clients |47 | |

| |2.3 Explain the benefits and costs of personal training compared with non-supervised exercise and group exercise activities in terms of |47 | |

| |adherence, safety, achievement of physiological health and fitness benefits and accessibility to clients | | |

|3. Prepare personal training |3.1 Induct, screen and appraise clients |47 |1 |

|exercise plans |3.2 Prepare a timetable of sessions, with draft programs including the aim and objectives of each sessions, for individual clients |47 |1 |

| |3.3 Plan suitable instructional techniques and strategies |47 |1 |

| |3.4 Plan suitable session assessment techniques |47 |1 |

| |3.5 Consider the exercise environment to ensure client safety |47 |1 |

|4. Instruct clients using the |4.1 Assess clients for prior knowledge and skill in the activity/ies |47 |1 |

|different learning styles and |4.2 Analyse clients for learning style preferences |47 | |

|instructional techniques |4.3 Instruct clients using a range of different instructional styles relevant to the client’s learning styles |47 | |

| |4.4 Supervise instructors working with clients |47 | |

| |4.5 Complete an assessment of the instruction process |47 |1 |

|5. Improve client exercise adherence|5.1 Record the short and long term responses of clients in relation to motivation to exercise |47 | |

| |5.2 Use motivational theory for individual and group training to increase performance and adherence to exercise |47 | |

| |5.3 Identify factors that affect client’s adherence to exercise and increase adherence to exercise |47 | |

| |5.4 Maintain reports on the motivational techniques used and their effectiveness with clients |47 | |

| |5.5 Recommend and implement steps that improve exercise adherence to clients |47 | |

|6. Apply motivational and teaching |6.1 Prepare and review an information brochure related to a request for information from an existing client with the client |46 | |

|skills to a long term client |6.2 Prepare and implement a goal setting review session for a client |47 | |

| |6.3 Perform a follow up fitness assessment on a client and motivate through a review of fitness changes and adaptations |47 | |

| |6.4 Recommend referral to a medical professional for all clients who disclose health, medical or injury conditions |47 | |

| |6.5 Update exercise plans for clients and prepare and deliver new exercise programs |47 | |

|SRXCAI008B Plan and prepare and individualised long-term training program |

|1. Plan a long-term program |1.1 Analyse selected activity and/or position or discipline within an activity |48 | |

| |1.2 Develop profiles for each individual, subgroup and/or group participating in the long-term program using appropriate assessment measures |48 |13 |

| |1.3 Establish fixed points of the program and identify phases within the long-term program | | |

| |1.4 Develop objectives for the long-term program, and each phase within the long-term program using a range of information and in |48 | |

| |consultation with the participants, and reflect the analysis of the activity and the participant’s profiles |48 | |

| |1.5 Design processes to develop identified aims and integrate all components of the long-term program | | |

| |1.6 Plan requirements for each session within the program |48 | |

| |1.7 Empower the participants through the long-term program |48 | |

| |1.8 Plan methods and scheduling of monitoring the long-term program prior to implementation |48 | |

| | |48 | |

|2. Apply common reasons for |2.1 Identify and apply common reasons for participation in the planning of the activity |49 | |

|participation and discontinuation in|2.2 Identify and apply common reasons for discontinuation in the planning of the activity |49 | |

|activity to planning the long-term | | | |

|program | | | |

|3. Plan for competitive/ performance|3.1 Develop a competition/performance strategy which matches the participants and/or team’s profiles |50 | |

|situations within the long-term |3.2 Identify strengths and weaknesses of the opposition in activities in which information will affect the participant’s performances |50 | |

|program |3.3 Develop participant and/or team tactics and strategies to match the competition/performance strategy and the opposition profile where |50 | |

| |that is identified | | |

| |3.4 Identify support needs for the competition/performance |50 |13 |

| |3.5 Develop job descriptions for support personnel relevant to work environment |50 |13 |

| |3.6 Match support needs with available resources |50 | |

| |3.7 Identify potential barriers to communication with participants during competition/performance and relevant rules and regulations and |50 |13 |

| |develop strategies to overcome these barriers | | |

|4. Plan rehabilitation programs |4.1 Identify the body’s physiological responses to injury and the healing processes and use in planning the activity |54 | |

| |4.2 Identify potential psychological responses to injury and use in planning the activity |54 | |

| |4.3 Develop a rehabilitation program plan/s |54 | |

|5. Assist participants to cope with |5.1 Identify issues which need consideration when preparing for retirement from activity |53 |13 |

|retirement from activity |5.2 Explain issues to participants |53 |13 |

| |5.3 Provide and/or coordinate counselling where adjustments to retirement cause difficulty |53 |13 |

|6. Liaise with other coaches/ |6.1 Establish on-going liaison between coaches/instructors where coaches/instructors work with the same participant |52 |13 |

|instructors of participants |6.2 Identify role and responsibilities of the individual coaches/instructors |52 |13 |

| |6.3 Identify and resolve potential conflicts or conflict resolution |52 |13 |

|7. Develop selection procedures |7.1 Develop selection policies, procedures and criteria |51 |13 |

| |7.2 Critique methods of testing and assessing participants |51 |13 |

| |7.3 Identify data required in relation to the context of the selection and explain the strategy |51 |13 |

| |7.4 Develop strategy for determining an individual’s skills in a team environment |51 |13 |

| |7.5 Design development program for non-selected participants |51 |13 |

| |7.6 Identify process for evaluating the management of participants not selected |51 |13 |

|SRXCAI009B Conduct, monitor and adjust individualised long-term training programs |

|1. Prepare the participant for |1.1 Identify and explain lifestyle issues associated with making a commitment to and undertaking a long-term program |55 |14 |

|involvement in a long-term training |1.2 Identify and explain components of a balanced lifestyle, and the relationship between those components |55 |14 |

|program |1.3 Establish and explain the effects of an unbalanced lifestyle through learning |55 |14 |

| |1.4 Establish the participant’s aims and priorities for undertaking a long-term program and ensure they are taken into consideration by them |55 |14 |

| |before committing to undertake a long-term program | | |

| |1.5 Discuss common reasons for discontinuation in long-term programs with the participant so that they have an understanding that there are |55 |14 |

| |justifiable and recognised reasons for exiting a long-term program ie to assist funding future self esteem programs | | |

| |1.6 Establish agreed program objectives and sport/activity specific skills | | |

| |1.7 Identify the fundamental human anatomy and physiology and the fundamental principles of biochemicals |55 |14 |

| | |55 |14 |

|2. Implement a long-term training |2.1 Implement and monitor the long-term program |56 |14 |

|program |2.2 Monitor skill performance, physical performance and participant well-being throughout the long-term program |56 |14 |

| |2.3 Adjust sessions and/or the long-term program according to the results of monitoring and accepted best practice principles of the |56 |14 |

| |sport/activity | | |

| |2.4 Inform participant and, where appropriate, consult regarding adjustments to sessions and/or long-term programs in accordance with |56 |14 |

| |accepted best practice principles of the sport/activity | | |

|3. Monitor participant during |3.1 Monitor skill performance, physical performance and participant well-being throughout the long-term program and adapt teaching methods |57 | |

|training sessions and competitions |and coaching/instructional styles as necessary | | |

| |3.2 Regulate the level of challenge and difficulty on the basis of feedback and evaluation of the progress and emotional tolerance of the |57 | |

| |individual and group | | |

| |3.3 Provide and/or coordinate counselling where commitment to a long-term program causes difficulty |57 | |

| |3.4 Ensure vigilance is paid to the whereabouts of participants at all times and the form that this attention takes and methods, resources |57 | |

| |and records used are consistent with the agreed program objectives and in accord with accepted best practice principles of the sport/activity| | |

| |3.5 Intervene to prevent hazards occurring and ensure participant safety | | |

| |3.6 Follow recognised procedures calmly, correctly and with speed in accordance with accepted best practice principles of the sport/activity |57 | |

| |in the case of emergencies |57 | |

|4. Manage competitive/ performance |4.1 Address relevant competitive/performance strategies, tactics and support needs |57 | |

|situations during the long-term |4.2 Continually monitor participants and the state of competitive/performance situation to determine factors that affect the participant’s |57 | |

|program |performance and participant goals | | |

| |4.3 Implement intervention and communication strategies according to the results of monitoring and accepted best practice principles of the |57 | |

| |sport/activity | | |

|5. Provide feedback to participants |5.1 Provide information and feedback to participants in a manner conducive to improving performance by reinforcing progress and maintaining |58 |14 |

| |morale, as well as offering constructive criticism | | |

| |5.2 Identify errors and areas for improvement in the performance of skills and draw them to the attention of the participant in a way which |58 |14 |

| |is consistent with the style of delivery | | |

| |5.3 Provide feedback at a time when it is likely to have the greatest impact and cause the least disruption |58 |14 |

|6. Implement selection procedures |6.1 Develop or revise selection procedures and policies, document them and ensure they are endorsed by relevant personnel |59, 60 | |

| |6.2 Implement endorsed selection procedures and policies |59, 60 | |

| |6.3 Communicate team selections according to documented notification procedures |59, 60 | |

| |6.4 Implement development programs for participants not selected |59, 60 | |

|7. Implement and monitor |7.1 Undertake consultation with other specialists during the development and management of rehabilitation programs |59, 60 | |

|rehabilitation programs |7.2 Monitor participant’s progress and modify in consultation with other specialists |59, 60 | |

| |7.3 Assist injured participants to return to activity in accord with accepted best practice principles of the sport/activity and in |59, 60 | |

| |consultation with other rehabilitation specialists and relevant support personnel using principles of client confidentiality | | |

|SRXCAI010B Evaluate, analyse and modify long-term and/or high performance individualised training programs |

|1. Establish benchmarks prior to or |1.1 Collect sufficient valid and reliable data to form a basis for future comparisons in order to analyse a participant’s progress |61 | |

|early in the program |1.2 Discuss with and seek agreement from the participant on testing methodologies to be used |62 | |

| |1.3 Use testing methodologies which conform with accepted best practice principles of the sport/activity |62 | |

| |1.4 Organise, resource and carry out sport specific activity tests |61 | |

| |1.5 Record information clearly and accurately and store for future use |61 | |

| |1.6 Handle information in accord with the principles of participant confidentiality |61, 62 | |

| |1.7 Discuss and establish procedural protocols regarding invasive and non-invasive testing methodologies, draping, state of undress, |61, 62 | |

| |clarification of areas to be touched and the need to clarify any variations to these as they arise during the testing process | | |

|2. Undertake formative/ ongoing |2.1 Use testing methodologies which have been established with and agreed to by the participant |62 | |

|evaluation |2.2 Apply testing methodologies systematically and analyse at appropriate times throughout the coaching/ instructing program |62 | |

| |2.3 Collect, record and correctly interpret sufficient valid and reliable data and analyse in relation to agreed program objectives |62 | |

|3. Obtain and evaluate information |3.1 Obtain information from all appropriate, competent and approved sources within the limitation of available resources |63 | |

|from other sources regarding |3.2 Check information for reliability and validity |63 | |

|participant progress |3.3 Carry out any arrangements for the collection of information within the coach’s responsibility correctly and efficiently |63 | |

| |3.4 Negotiate in a manner likely to engender good working relationships |63 | |

| |3.5 Record information clearly for future use |63 | |

| |3.6 Handle confidential information appropriately |63 | |

|4. Define participants’ progress |4.1 Collate and evaluate information from all relevant sources for validity and reliability |63, 64 | |

|towards improved and/or high |4.2 Arrange for definitions of progress to occur at specified points during the coaching/instructing program |63, 64 | |

|performance levels |4.3 Measure information against agreed performance objectives and priorities |64 | |

| |4.4 Check results for long-term program which do not correspond to predicted outcomes for possible errors |64 | |

| |4.5 Record results accurately and clearly and store for future use |64 | |

| |4.6 Identify, where appropriate, new agreed performance objectives and priorities which reflect the results of assessment and are within the |64 | |

| |participant’s potential to achieve | | |

| |4.7 Handle confidential information appropriately |64 | |

|5. Evaluate the program |5.1 Measure and compare outcomes of the program with agreed program objectives and pre-established benchmarks |64 | |

| |5.2 Obtain and discuss the participant’s evaluation of the program |64 | |

| |5.3 Evaluate the content, structure, balance and processes of the program |64 | |

| |5.4 Evaluate teaching methods and coaching/instructing styles |64 | |

| |5.5 Evaluate the contributions of support personnel and organisations involved in the activity |64 | |

| |5.6 Evaluate the suitability and safety of facilities and equipment |64 | |

| |5.7 Seek feedback from and discuss with participants and support personnel |64 | |

| |5.8 Treat the views of participants and support personnel with respect |64 | |

| |5.9 Identify program deficiencies |64 | |

| |5.10 Discuss or share results of the evaluation process with other support personnel in accord with the principles of participant |64 | |

| |confidentiality | | |

| |5.11 Maintain results of the evaluation process in accord with the principles of participant confidentiality |64 | |

|6. Evaluate rehabilitation programs |6.1 Evaluate rehabilitation programs in relation to their ability to assist participants recover from injury |65 | |

| |6.2 Discuss or share results of the evaluation process with other support personnel in accord with the principles of participant |65 | |

| |confidentiality | | |

| |6.3 Maintain results of the evaluation process in accord with the principles of participant confidentiality |65 | |

|7. Evaluate selection procedures |7.1 Evaluate notification procedures using feedback from selected and non-selected participants and forward this information to those |66 | |

| |responsible for developing notification procedures | | |

| |7.2 Evaluate the management of non-selected participants |66 | |

| |7.3 Discuss or share results of the evaluation process with other support personnel in accord with the principles of participant |66 | |

| |confidentiality | | |

| |7.4 Maintain results of the evaluation process in accord with the principles of participant confidentiality |66 | |

|8. Establish personal development |8.1 Include self-evaluation as part of the evaluation process |67 | |

|objectives through self-evaluation |8.2 Review own performance against agreed program objectives and in response to participant comments |67 | |

| |8.3 Use self-reflection tools to assist the self-evaluation process |67 | |

| |8.4 Examine the effectiveness of coaching/instructional style |67 | |

| |8.5 Identify gaps regarding the range and timing the use of various teaching methods |67 | |

| |8.6 Implement alterations to coaching/instructing style and/or teaching methods in accord with the principles of the self-evaluation process |67 | |

| |8.7 Seek advice from other support personnel regarding personal development objectives | | |

| |8.8 Establish personal development objectives |67 | |

| |8.9 Establish or revise a development plan to achieve the personal development objectives |67 | |

| | |67 | |

|9. Discuss outcomes of evaluation |9.1 Share and discuss feedback regarding the evaluation of the program and recommend future modifications with the participant and support |68 | |

|with participants and support |personnel | | |

|personnel |9.2 Seek feedback which recognises performance and achievement and encourages individuals to contribute to future successes |68 | |

| |9.3 Agree to changes to future programs based on the recommendations of the evaluation process with the participant |68 | |

|10. Make program modifications |10.1 Discuss or share results of the evaluation process with other support personnel in accord with the principles of participant |68 | |

| |confidentiality | | |

| |10.2 Discuss recommendations regarding future program modifications with the participant and relevant support personnel and seek their |68 | |

| |agreement | | |

| |10.3 Implement agreed program modifications |68 | |

|SRXTCN001A Assist with analysis and use of emerging technology |

|1. Liaise with vendors, training |1.1 Determine information sources |69 | |

|providers and industry to determine |1.2 Determine vendors as per predetermined criteria (if appropriate) |69 | |

|technology to assist the |1.3 Document information on technology according to its suitability to organisational requirements and continually update it |69 | |

|organisation | | | |

|2. Prepare and present reports as |2.1 Obtain future requirements from management and colleagues |70 | |

|required by management |2.2 Identify new technologies which can assist the organisation meet its goals |70 | |

| |2.3 Determine installation requirements |70 | |

| |2.4 Plan for strategic implementation of new technology (if appropriate) |70 | |

| |2.5 Prepare report in line with budget, time frame and organisational limitations |69 | |

| |2.6 Present reports to supervisor/management with recommendations made about the application of new technologies |69, 70 | |

|3. Apply new and advanced functions |3.1 Apply existing knowledge and techniques to explore new technology |70 | |

|of upgraded technology to solve |3.2 Assist in the implementation and use of new technology acquired by the organisation with minimum disruption to the workplace |70 | |

|organisational problems |3.3 Ensure training is undertaken to establish/maintain knowledge and skills in new technologies | | |

| |3.4 Use specialised features of upgraded technology to solve organisational problems |70 | |

| |3.5 Apply new technology knowledge and skills in the workplace |70 | |

| | |70 | |





Practical Assessment


gap training (only IF REQUIRED)

Step 1:

Analyse the application.

Identify links between any documents applicant provides and competency units.

Identify any key questions for competency conversation.

Step 5:

Identify any practical activities required to confirm competency

Observe practical activity

Step 7:

Identify areas where 3rd party verification is needed and inform candidate.

Confirm / Verify 3rd party reports

Step 3:

Conduct competency conversation

Step 2:

Record results of analysis in table at end of application

Step 4:

Complete the questioning and recording sheets during the competency conversation

Step 6:

Complete the Record of Conversation sheets during the competency conversation

Step 8:

Receive completed Third party reports

* Remember RPL assessment is an accumulative process of collecting evidence.

Complete assessment sign off & file documentation.

Issue qualification / advise of gap training as appropriate

Assessment Activity

Record keeping Activity

Rating of how short the muscle is

Tick = Normal 1 = Mild 2 = Moderate 3 = Severe


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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