International Price Referencing Survey in - Amazon S3

International Price Referencing Survey in

Middle-East Countries

International price referencing of pharmaceuticals has become one of the hottest health policy topics at international scientific congresses, including meetings of the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research.

We are working on several research initiatives to analyse potential consequences of international price referencing and develop solutions to improve the accessibility of medicines to patients.

In this particular research initiative we have two main objectives:

1. To collect information on how international price referencing of pharmaceuticals is applied in selected countries in the Middle East, and evaluate what the consequences are for patients in these countries.

2. To faciltate health policy research in the Middle East and to foster collaboration among individual researchers in order to improve the impact of individual research initiatives from the region at global level.

Your contribution would be very much appreciated.

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Prinicipal Investigator Senior Study Advisor


Country coordinator (name, affiliation):

List of supporters (name, affiliation):

This section asks how international price referencing of pharmaceuticals is applied in your country

1. Number of countries referenced by your country for the pricing of pharmaceuticals: ______

2. Select the countries in Middle East Region referenced by your country for the pricing of pharmaceuticals

|Bahrain | |Qatar | |

|Egypt | |Palestine | |

|Iran | |Saudi Arabia | |

|Iraq | |Syria | |

|Jordan | |Turkey | |

|Kuwait | |United Arab Emirates | |

|Lebanon | |Yemen | |

|Oman | | | |

| | | | |

Country of origin

|Country of manufacturer | |

|Other definition | |

if other definition, please specify: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Other countries that are used as a reference (if applicable)

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3. Which price(s) is (are) used for international price referencing in your country? Tick all that apply.

|ex-factory price | |ex-factory with published price discounts | |

4. When are international price referencing decisions for pharmaceuticals made in your country?

| |Y/N |Explanation (if necessary) |

|At time or regulatory approval (registration) | | |

|After regulatory approval, but before concluding pricing decisions | | |

|After regulatory approval, but before concluding reimbursement decisions | | |

|Revision of prices after previous pricing decisions (e.g. during mandatory | | |

|re-pricing, or re-registration, or registration of new indications) | | |

5. Please indicate to which of the following categories international price referencing applies to in your country.

| |Pharmacy prescription |Pharmacy OTC drugs |Hospital only drugs |

| |drugs | | |

|Innovative (patented) pharmaceuticals before initial pricing decisions | | | |

|Innovative (patented) pharmaceuticals after previous pricing decisions (i.e.| | | |

|revision of prices) | | | |

|Generic (non-patented) pharmaceuticals before initial pricing decisions | | | |

|Generic (non- patented) pharmaceuticals after previous pricing decisions | | | |

|(i.e. revision of prices) | | | |

6. if international reference pricing is also used for the revision of prices even after initial pricing decisions, please indicate the timing of revision (i.e. how often are international prices checked)

| |Y/N |Explanation (if necessary) |

|Every year | | |

|Every 2 years | | |

|Every 3 years | | |

|When ‘country of origin’ changes | | |

|Other (please specify) | | |

|Not regulated | | |

|- if not regulated, please explain (e.g. when pharmaceutical budget | |

|has deficit) | |

7. Have payers / policymakers in your country developed or/and used international pricing databases for the international price referencing of pharmaceuticals?

No _____

Yes_____ If yes, please indicate how they are used:

| |Only for pilot use |In use for pricing and |

| | |reimbursement decisions |

|Built by your payers (not shared with other countries) | | |

|Built through international collaboration without the support of international | | |

|organisations | | |

|Built through international collaboration with the support of international | | |

|organisations | | |

8. Briefly describe the rule on how the maximum/target pharmaceutical price in your country is

calculated based on pharmaceutical prices from other countries (i.e. lowest price in the basket, average price, median price, etc):

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9. Please describe other specific conditions for international price referencing of pharmaceuticals (e.g. − reimbursement in a minimum of other countries, correction for fluctuation of currency exchange rates)

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10. Is international price referencing used for any non-pharmaceutical health technologies (e.g. imaging diagnostics, laboratory diagnostics, dialysis, medical aids, medical devices, etc.)? Y/N _____

If yes, please list non-pharmaceutical medical technologies with international price referencing:

| |

This section intends to explore the consequences of international price referencing of pharmaceuticals

11. Select the countries which you are aware of referencing your country for the pricing of pharmaceuticals

I am not aware of other countries referencing pharmaceutical prices in my country:

Yes (please proceed to the next page)

No (please indicate all countries you are aware of below)

Middle East region

|Bahrain | |Qatar | |

|Egypt | |Palestine | |

|Iran | |Saudi Arabia | |

|Iraq | |Syria | |

|Jordan | |Turkey | |

|Kuwait | |United Arab Emirates | |

|Lebanon | |Yemen | |

|Oman | | | |

| | | | |

Other countries you are aware that reference your country (if applicable)

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12. In my country access of patients to some new medicines is delayed, because ...

(please tick all relevant categories)

| |Yes / No |

|Prices of new pharmaceuticals have to be available in at least … countries (please indicate how many countries) | |

|Pharmaceutical companies delay submission due to low pharmaceutical prices in my own country | |

|Regulators or payers do not approve the price of new medicines requested by pharmaceutical companies, as it is considered | |

|too high compared to other countries | |

|Regulators or payers do not approve the price of new medicines requested by pharmaceutical companies, as it is considered | |

|too high compared to other products in the same therapeutic category | |

|Regulators or payers do not approve price due to potentially significant budget impact for payers | |

|Regulators or payers do not approve price due to potentially significant budget impact for patients or their families | |

|Other (please specify): |

13. Are you aware of any cases (e.g. published or anecdotal) where your policymakers /payers complained publicly and/or officially that your country is being referenced by higher income countries, which led to disproportionately high prices for some priority pharmaceuticals in your country)? ____

If yes, please provide details:

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14. Are you aware of any cases (e.g. anecdotal evidence) where a pharmaceutical product with no real therapeutic alternative was not launched in your country because regulators/payers could not agree with the manufacturer on its? ____

If yes, please provide details:

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This section intends to explore the price variation of certain medicines, medical devices and health care services among pharmaceutical countries.

15. Please indicate prices of the below pharmaceutical products in your country

Disease area |Generic name |Brand name |Pack size (if pack size is not available, please give the pack size closest to the below reference) |manufacturer |Ex-factory price in local currency |CIF price

(Cost, Insurance and Freight), if applies |Public price in local currency (including wholesaler and pharmacy margin plus VAT, if applies) | |Hepatitis C |peginterferon alfa-2a |Pegasys |4 x 180 mcg per 0.5 mL (½ cc) single use prefilled syringes with 4 needles |Roche | | | | |Breast Cancer |trastuzumab |Herceptin |powder in a vial containing 440 mg of drug |Roche | | | | |CLL |Rituximab |Mabthera |500 mg concentrate for solution for infusion |Roche | | | | |CML |imatinib |Glivec / Gleevec |400mg |Novartis | | | | |Diabetes mellitus |sitagliptin |Januvia |30 x 100 mg tablets |Merck / MSD | | | | |Diabetes mellitus |insulin glargine |Lantus |solution for injection 100 units/mL in 10 mL vials |Sanofi | | | | |Rheumatoid Arthritis |infliximab |Remicade |100 mg iv. powder |Janssen | | | | |Colon cancer |panitumumab |Vectibix |Single-use vial

400 mg/20 mL (injection for iv. infusion) |Amgen | | | | |Multiple sclerosis |inteferon-beta 1a |Avonex |4 x single-use prefilled autoinjector pens |Biogen Idec | | | | |Erectile dysfunction |tadalafil |Cialis |4 x 20 mg tablets |Lilly | | | | |Bacterial infection |azithromycin |Zithromax |3 x 500 mg tablets |Pfizer | | | | |Anaemia |methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta |Mircera |50 micrograms/0.3ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes |Amgen | | | | |Lung cancer |gefitinib |Iressa |30 x 250 mg film-coated tablets |AstraZeneca | | | | |Acute coronary syndrome |ticagrelol |Brilinta |60 x 90 mg film-coated tablets |AstraZeneca | | | | |Phosphate binder (for use in chronic kidney disease) |Sevelamer carbonate |Renvela |180 x 800 mg filmtablet |Sanofi (Genzyme) | | | | |Iron overload in patients with beta thalassemia |deferazirox |Exjade |28 x 500mg dispersable tablets |Novartis | | | | |Schizophrenia |aripripazole |Abilify |30 x 15mg tablets |Otsuka | | | | |Relief of symptoms in multiple sclerosis |dalfampridine |Ampyra |60 x 10 mg extended release tablets |Acorda Therapeutics | | | | |Hyperuricemia in patients with severe gout |pegloticase |Krystexxa |single-use 2 mL glass vial with a Teflon® coated rubber injection stopper (8 mg of uricase protein in 1 mL volume) |Savient | | | | |

16. Please indicate prices/charges/costs of below health care services

a. in a university hospital

b. in the capital of your country

c. for average citizens with basic benefit package (i.e. with no special / priority / VIP insurance package)

Please change explanation, if necessary.

Diagnostic services (for adults) |Unit |Price / cost / charge in local currency |Cost of physician included? |Explanation |Cost of diagnostics included? |Explanation |Costs of related drugs included? |Explanation | |Non-specific abdominal ultrasound examination with image documentation |1 ultrasound scan with diagnosis | | | | | | | | |Complete blood count, automated (HGB, HCT, RBC, WBC, with platelet count) |1 test | | | | | | | | |Blood glucose (blood sugar) test |1 test | | | | | | | | |HbA1c test |1 test | | | | | | | | |Spirometry test with documentation of FEV1/FVC |1 test | | | | | | | | |Routine chest X-ray |1 x-ray | | | | | | | | |Routine electrocardiogram (ECG) 12-Leads with tracing and interpretation |1 non-urgent test | | | | | | | | |Cranial electron beam computed tomography scan (also known as ultrafast cranial CT, Cine CT) with image documentation |1 CT scan with diagnosis | | | | | | | | |

Hospital interventions |Unit |Price / cost/ charge in local currency |Cost of physician included? |Explanation |Cost of diagnostics included? |Explanation |Costs of related drugs included? |Explanation | |Cataract surgery with monofocal intraocular lens |1 surgery with lens implant | | | | | | | | |Maintenance hemodialysis for chronic patients in an outpatient dialysis facility |1 hemodialysis session | | |e.g. nephrologist | |e.g. routine labor | |e.g. erythropoietin | |Laparoscopic cholecystectomy |1 surgery | | | | | | | | |Cadaveric renal transplantation |1 surgery + initial hospitalization (excluding organ procurement) | | | | | | | | |Ankle plaster cast (lowest price option) | | | | | | | | | |Transcatheter placement of one intracoronary bare-metal stent |surgery for single stent placement (incl. cost of stent) | | | | | | | | |


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