
The Complete Solution For Your Compliance Needs

Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders Guide

For more information, call 1-800-745-9970


-- A --

Academies, Riding * Accountants Accountants (CPAs) - exempt from Sections 3-12, Orders 1-13, 15 and 16

Accounting firms Actors, professional - ONLY Sections 1, 2, 4, 10 and 20 of Orders 11 and 12 are applicable; exempt from

all other provisions of Orders 11 and 12) Advertising agencies Advertising films, production of * Agents Agricultural commodities, packing and processing Aircraft and aircraft parts, manufacturing Airlines Ambulance service Amusement parks Animal care services (no overnight shelter or feeding) Animal care services (with overnight shelter or feeding) Apartment houses Apiary Apparel products, manufacturing Applying chemicals (on-site agriculture) * Appraisers Architects - exempt from Sections 3-12, Orders 1-13, 15 and 16 Architectural offices Armored car services * Artists Assembly (any manufacturing) Associations, business (homeowners, retailers associations, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) Athletic agents Athletic fields * Attendants Attendants, personal ? Exempt from Order 15 Attorney offices Attorneys - exempt from Sections 3-12, Orders 1-13, 15 and 16 Auctioneers * Audio -visual technicians Automobile manufacturing Auto wrecking (non-retail)

IWC Order

10 4 4 -

4 12 4 8 or 13 1 9 9 10 4 5 5 8 or 13 1 14 4 4 9 4 1 4 4 10 4 4 7 4 1 1

-- B --

Baby formulas (except canned fruit, etc., see Order 3)


Baby sitters (under 18 years, sitting for child of employer in employer's home) Exempt from Order 15


Bakeries (non-retail)


Bakeries, retail (no tables for customers)


Bakeries, with tables for patrons' use






* Named and related occupations are covered by occupational order only when they are not covered by an industry order. The type of business determines the industry code.

Exempt occupations must meet the criteria stated in Section 1, Applicability and/or Section 2, Definitions, of the applicable IWC Order. Also see Notes following Order 8 (page 20), Order 13 (page 25), and Order 14 (page 25)



The Complete Solution For Your Compliance Needs

Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders Guide

For more information, call 1-800-745-9970

Banquet service Barber shops Bars Batch Plant Laborer (mining) Bath parlors Beauty shops Bee hives Beet sugar mills Billiard parlors * Billposters Bingo parlors, games Blaster (mining) Blueprinting Boarding and care homes for the aged or infirm Boarding houses Boating, golf, tennis, etc. clubs (see also Order 5) Boat rental Boats, charter fishing Boats, commercial fishing, office and support personnel Boats, commercial fishing, on-site activities Boats, commercial passenger fishing (crew member) Boats, cruise, ferry Body building gymnasium, facility Book and magazine publishers * Bookkeepers Bottling soft drinks Bowling alleys Box lunch service Breweries Bricklayer/tender (construction) Broadcasting and taping (sound or video) Broadcasting, radio or TV Building materials, retail or wholesale Bull gang mucker (mining) * Bundlers Bureaus, casting, motion picture industry Business associations (homeowners, retailers associations, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) Business services Bus lines Buses, tour

5 2 5 16 2 2 14 8 10 4 10 16 1 5 5 10 9 10 4 10 and 14 10 9 2 1 4 1 10 5 1 16 11 11 7 16 4 12 4 4 9 9

-- C --

Cabletender (mining)


Cable TV service and installation




Call offices (for laundry/dry cleaning pickup)


* Call out operators


Camps, day


Camps, organized


Candy (food processing)


Cane sugar refining (of purchased raw sugar or syrup)


* Named and related occupations are covered by occupational order only when they are not covered by an industry order. The type of business determines the industry code.

Exempt occupations must meet the criteria stated in Section 1, Applicability and/or Section 2, Definitions, of the applicable IWC Order. Also see Notes following Order 8 (page 20), Order 13 (page 25), and Order 14 (page 25)



The Complete Solution For Your Compliance Needs

Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders Guide

For more information, call 1-800-745-9970

Canned pet food Canned soup, stews, hash, etc. Canning, fish, fruit, meat, poultry, rabbit, vegetables * Canvassers Card rooms Car loading Carnivals Carnival (traveling) operators (full-time) ONLY Sections 1, 2, 4, 10 and 20 of Order 10 are applicable; exempt from all other provisions of Order 10. Carpenter (construction) Carpet cleaning service, including in -home Carpet installers (construction) Car rentals * Carriers Car washes (when not in retail business) * Cashiers Casinos Casting bureaus (motion picture industry) Catering service Cement (ready mix) Cement masons (construction) Cemeteries Ceramics Certified public accountants - exempt from Sections 3-12, Orders 1-13, 15 and 16 Changehouseman (mining) Charitable agencies (non-profit) Charter fishing boats * Checkers Checkrooms Chemical applications (on-site agriculture) Chemical grout operator (mining) Cherry picker operator (mining) Chicken debeaking Child care institutions Child nurseries Choker setters (logging) Chuck tender (mining) Churches Citrus and deciduous fruit packing Citrus by-products (food proces sing) * Cleaners and porters Cleaning of facilities, grounds, commercial units, living units * Clerks Clubs (golf, etc.) operating public eating facilities Clubs: golf, tennis, boating, etc. (also see Order 5) Clubs offering rental of living, business or commercial quarters Clubs preparing and serving food, solid or liquid, consumed on premises Coal Worker (mining) Coating lumber products Cocktail lounges Collection agencies

3 3 3 4 10 9 10 10

16 6 16 9 4 9 4 10 12 5 1 16 5 1 16 4 10 4 4 14 16 16 14 5 5 16 16 4 8 or 13 1 4 5 4 5 10 5 5 16 1 5 4

* Named and related occupations are covered by occupational order only when they are not covered by an industry order. The type of business determines the industry code.

Exempt occupations must meet the criteria stated in Section 1, Applicability and/or Section 2, Definitions, of the applicable IWC Order. Also see Notes following Order 8 (page 20), Order 13 (page 25), and Order 14 (page 25)



The Complete Solution For Your Compliance Needs

Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders Guide

For more information, call 1-800-745-9970

* Collectors Colleges, private, no boarding or lodging Colleges, private, with boarding or lodging Commercial fishing boats, office and support personnel Commercial fishing boats, on-site activities Commercial passenger fishing boats (crew member) Commercial motion picture production Commercial photography (except in motion picture industry, see Order 12) Commodity agents and brokers Commodity rentals Communication equipment manufacturing Communication firms

* Communication technicians * Compilers * Computer operators, programmers

Concrete (ready-mix) Construction, office and support personnel Construction, on-site activities Contractors, office and support personnel Contractors, on-site activities Convalescent hospitals Cook houses in lumber camps (if part of lumber company operation) Cook houses in lumber camps (if separate employer) Cook traveling with farm workers Cooperatives (farmers') for warehousing, grading, packing, etc. * Copy holders Copy making service * Copy readers * Copy writers Cotton gins Cotton seed oil (food processing) Courier service Credit agencies Credit unions Crop dusting, office and support personnel Crop dusting, on-site activities Cruise boats

4 4 5 4 10 and 14 10 12 4 7 7 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 16 4 16 5 16 5 5 8 4 1 4 4 8 or 13 1 9 4 4 4 14 9

-- D -Dairies (no processing except cooling) Dairies (which process milk commercially) Dairies (which process own products on the farm) Dance halls Dance schools, studios Day camps Day care centers (no board or lodging) Day care centers (with board or lodging) Deciduous and citrus fruit packing Dehydrated soups and mixes (food processing) * Demonstrators Dental laboratories

14 8 13 10 4 5 4 5 8 or 13 1 4 1

* Named and related occupations are covered by occupational order only when they are not covered by an industry order. The type of business determines the industry code.

Exempt occupations must meet the criteria stated in Section 1, Applicability and/or Section 2, Definitions, of the applicable IWC Order. Also see Notes following Order 8 (page 20), Order 13 (page 25), and Order 14 (page 25)



The Complete Solution For Your Compliance Needs

Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders Guide

For more information, call 1-800-745-9970

Dental offices * Dental technicians and technologists Dentists - exempt from Sections 3-12, Orders 1-13, 15 and 16

Derrickman (Derrick person) (drilling) Detective agencies, protective and investigative Developing, printing or editing of film (except motion picture industry, see Order 12) Development of grounds Diaper service (if laundered elsewhere) Diaper service (if laundering included) Direct mail advertising and service * Display representatives * Dispatchers Distribution of motion pictures to theaters or television Doctors/medical offices - exempt from Sections 3-12, Orders 1-13, 15 and 16 Doctors offices Donut shops (no tables for patrons' use) Donut shops (with tables for patrons' use) * Drafters Drapery cle aning service, including in -home Dredge operator (mining) Dried fruit processing Driller (drilling and mining) Drinking places * Drivers (vehicle) Drug stores Dry cleaning (including self-serve) Drying fruits or vegetables Drywall installer / finisher (construction) Dude or guest ranch Dump person (mining) Dumps/landfill Dyeing plants

4 4 16 4 1 5 7 6 4 4 4 12 4 7 5 4 6 16 8 or 13 16 5 4 7 6 8 or 13 16 10 16 4 6

-- E -Eating places * Editors Education motion pictures, production and distribution Eggs Electrician (construction) Electronic productions, manufacturing * Elevator operators Employment agencies Engineering firms Engineers - exempt from Sections 3-12, Orders 1-13, 15 and 16 Equipment operators (construction and logging) Equipment rentals (except vehicles, see Order 9) * Estimators Express and parcel delivery

5 4 12 8, 13, or 14 16 1 4 4 4 16 7 4 9

-- F --

Fallers (logging)


* Named and related occupations are covered by occupational order only when they are not covered by an industry order. The type of business determines the industry code.

Exempt occupations must meet the criteria stated in Section 1, Applicability and/or Section 2, Definitions, of the applicable IWC Order. Also see Notes following Order 8 (page 20), Order 13 (page 25), and Order 14 (page 25)



The Complete Solution For Your Compliance Needs

Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders Guide

For more information, call 1-800-745-9970

Farm labor camps (with board or lodging) Farm labor contractor (if employer of farm workers) Farm labor contractor, office and support personnel Feed mills, commercial Ferry boats Field mechanic (construction and drilling) Film, developing and printing, motion picture industry Film, libraries, motion picture industry Film processing (except motion picture industry) Film production television and motion pictures Films, advertising, production of Finance companies Fish: freezing, canning Fish hatcheries Fishing boats (charter) Fishing boats (commercial), office and support personnel Fishing boats (commercial), on-site activities Fishing boats (charter, commercial passenger, party, recreational fishing lakes) Flag person (traffic control - construction) Flea markets Floor hand ? motorman (drilling) Floor hand (roughneck - drilling) Florists, retail/wholesale Flume maker (mining) Food manufacturing (secondary processing) Food processing

Baby formulas (except canned fruits, etc., see Order 3) Bakeries (non-retail) Bottling (soft drinks) Breweries Candy Cane sugar refining (of purchased raw sugar or syrup) Citrus by-products Cotton seed oil Dehydrated soups and mixes Ice cream (beyond first processing) Margarine Meat Pet foods, dry Pizza manufacturing Potato and corn chip manufacturing Preparing fruit and vegetables for restaurants, bakeries, etc. Salad oil Soft drinks, bottling Tortilla manufacturing Yeast Food products, manufacturing Forester (logging) Framer (construction) Fraternity houses Fresh vegetables and fruit packing

5 14 4 8 9 16 12 12 1 12 12 4 3 14 10 4 10 and 14 10 16 7 16 16 7 16 1 1

1 16 16 5 8 or 13

* Named and related occupations are covered by occupational order only when they are not covered by an industry order. The type of business determines the industry code.

Exempt occupations must meet the criteria stated in Section 1, Applicability and/or Section 2, Definitions, of the applicable IWC Order. Also see Notes following Order 8 (page 20), Order 13 (page 25), and Order 14 (page 25)



The Complete Solution For Your Compliance Needs

Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders Guide

For more information, call 1-800-745-9970

Freezing: fish, fruit, meat, poultry, rabbit, vegetables Fruit and vegetables, preparing for restaurant, bakeries, etc. Fruit drying Fruit (fresh) packing Fruit: freezing, canning Fruit jellies and preserves Funeral parlors

3 1 8 or 13 8 or 13 3 3 2

-- G --



Game rooms


Garages, repair (except when operated by vehicle dealer or gas stations [Order 7])


Garages, storage


Garbage collectors


Garment manufacturing


Gas stations (with or without car washes or garages)


Geophysical exploration


Glazier (construction)


Golf courses


Golf, tennis, boating, etc., clubs (also see Order 5)


Grain and tomato harvesting machines


* Graphic art technicians


Grout gun operator (mining)


Grout mix operator (mining)


Grout pump operator (mining)


* Guards


Guest or dude ranch


* Guides


Gymnasium, body building


Gymnasium, spectator or participatory sports


-- H -Harvesting machines, tomato and grain Hash, canned Hatcheries, commercial Hatcheries, fish Hazardous material "HAZMAT" cleanup and handling (if no contractor's license required), or Order 16 if on construction site (contractor's license required). Health clubs Hives, bee Hod carrier (construction) Homes for the aged or infirm Honey Hospitals, including convalescent * Hosts, hostesses Hotels

14 3 14 14 4 or 16

2 14 16 5 8 or 13 5 4 5

-- I -Ice cream (beyond first processing) Ice cream (made from whole milk as first processing) Ice cream stores (no tables for patrons' use)

1 8 or 13


* Named and related occupations are covered by occupational order only when they are not covered by an industry order. The type of business determines the industry code.

Exempt occupations must meet the criteria stated in Section 1, Applicability and/or Section 2, Definitions, of the applicable IWC Order. Also see Notes following Order 8 (page 20), Order 13 (page 25), and Order 14 (page 25)



The Complete Solution For Your Compliance Needs

Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders Guide

For more information, call 1-800-745-9970

Ice cream stores (with tables for patrons' use) Ice skating rinks Import/export, retail/wholesale Inside salespersons - exempt from Subsections 3(A), 3(B) and 3(C) of Orders 4 and 7 if wages equal more than 1 ? times the minimum wage and if more than ? of employee's compensation represents commissions * Inspectors * Installers, if no license required (if license required, see Order 16) * Instructors Insurance companies Internet service provider (ISP) * Interviewers * Investigators Investment houses Iron worker (construction) Irrigation districts Irrigation systems (sales) Irrigators - exempt from Subsection 3(A) if more than ? of week spent as irrigator

5 10 7 4 or 7

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 14 7 14

-- J --

Jackleg Miner (mining)


Janitorial service


Juice concentrates


Jumbo person (mining)


-- K --

Kemper (mining)


-- L --

Laboratories, dental and optical


Laboratories (independent research, development and testing, etc.)


* Laboratories workers


Labor contractors (for farm labor, see Order 14, for construction, see Order 16)


Labor unions


Laborer (construction)


Landscape installer (initial and construction sites)


Landscaping (except initial earth moving and cement work, see Order 16)




Laundries, including self-service




Lawyers - exempt from Sections 3-12, Orders 1-13, 15 and 16


Legal firms


* Librarians




Libraries, film, motion picture industry


Limousine service


Linen supply (if laundering included)


Linen supply (no laundering included)


Loan offices


Locker clubs


Loft or office buildings


* Named and related occupations are covered by occupational order only when they are not covered by an industry order. The type of business determines the industry code.

Exempt occupations must meet the criteria stated in Section 1, Applicability and/or Section 2, Definitions, of the applicable IWC Order. Also see Notes following Order 8 (page 20), Order 13 (page 25), and Order 14 (page 25)



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