August 8, 2007 - Jackson County School District

Mrs. Popwell’s 1st Grade Syllabus

2017 - 2018


Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Andrea Popwell

Phone: (256) 776-2874


Planning: 2:40 PM – 3:15 PM

School Website:


Please refer to the Jackson County Student/Parent Information Guide.


School starts at 7:40 AM. If your child arrives to school after 7:40 AM, they will be marked tardy.

School ends at 2:40 PM.


ALL students at Woodville School will receive FREE breakfast and lunch!

If your child wants to go to breakfast, they will go straight to the lunchroom upon arriving at school. Breakfast is from 7:15 AM – 7:35 AM. Make sure your child arrives at school early enough to have time to eat. If they do not want to eat breakfast, they will go to the little gym.

Visitors are welcome to come and eat lunch with us anytime. However, I do ask that you give the children some time to adjust to their new routine. Visitors are welcome starting in September. If you are going to come have lunch with us, check in at the office and wait for us there.


Woodville School is a Peanut Free School. Please make sure you check all labels before sending items with your child. Make sure that it does not contain peanuts NOR is cross-contaminated with peanuts.


For snack, your child will need to bring a snack and drink daily.


Written notification is required if transportation changes are needed for your child from school. Otherwise your child will be sent home by their regular routine. It is very important that your child knows where they are to go in the afternoon and how they will get there. Any changes in their schedule should be discussed with your child before they come to school. The end of the day is extremely busy, and I want to ensure that your child is sent to the appropriate place. Please only call the school in case of emergency changes. I will NOT accept changes via Facebook and/or Remind. I do not check my Facebook or Remind throughout the school day.


Numerical grades will be given for all academic subjects. Progress reports will be issued every four and a half weeks, and report cards will be distributed every nine weeks. Students must maintain a 70% mastery of the grade level standards in reading, language, and mathematics to successfully promote from first grade.

Grades will be based on the following:

• Tests

• Classwork

• Homework

• Projects

• Class Participation


I will send graded papers home once a week, usually on Monday or Tuesday. These papers will need to be signed and returned the following day.


Your child’s binder is an important communication tool between students, parents, and teachers. Please take the time to check your child’s binder nightly for homework and any information sent home to parents. Please check with your child before removing any items from the folder. It is their responsibility to keep the binder organized and up to date. Your child is responsible for delivering any notes or papers being returned to school.

In the front left side of the binder is what will need your attention and need to be sent back to school. This is where your child’s Behavior Calendar will be kept. I will only fill this out if your child moves a track for the day. I will circle which track your child is on and tell why they had to move a track. The behavior chart will only need to be signed if your child moves a track.

The money pouch will have your child’s lunch number on it. If you are sending money with your child please put it in their money pouch in a sealed envelope/baggie labeled with what the money is for and your child’s name. If it is lunch money, also include your child’s lunch number on the outside of the envelope/baggie.

Their binder also will include Star Tracks, Daily Schedule, Monthly Newsletter, Class List, Star Words, Story of the Week, Study Guide, and Breakfast and Lunch Menus.

In the back slot of the binder will be items that need to be kept at home.

On the back cover of the binder will be the monthly calendar for any important announcements.


Classroom Rules

1. Listen when someone is talking.

2. Follow directions the first time they are given.

3. Treat everyone with kindness and respect.

4. Take care of our school and classroom.

5. Work and play safely and quietly.


Star Track: Student had a great day!

Track 1: Student had a good day with two warnings of unacceptable behavior.

Track 2: Student had an okay day with three warnings of unacceptable behavior. Student will have silent snack time today.

Track 3: Student had a bad day with more than three warnings of unacceptable behavior. Student will get a “strike” from the office (3 strikes equals an office referral), silent snack time, and other behavior specific consequences.


Deadlines are VERY important and are set for a reason. Throughout the school year, please be conscious of the deadlines and turn in things in a timely manner.


• (State Standards)

• (Student Resources)

**Subject to Change**


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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