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Mrs. Amara Murphy’s Pre-Calculus Syllabus

School Phone: 706-367-5003

Email: amurphy@jackson.k12.ga.us

Website: powersandmurphy.

Remind: text “@amurphypc” to 81010 or (706) 621-4348

Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30 – 4:00 or by appointment

Course Description

Pre-Calculus focuses on standards to prepare students for a more intense study of mathematics. The critical areas organized in seven units that delve deeper into content from previous courses. The study of circles and parabolas is extended to include other conics, such as ellipses and hyperbolas. Trigonometric functions are introduced and developed to include inverses, general triangles, and identities. Matrices provide an organizational structure in which to represent and solve complex problems. Students expand the concepts of complex numbers and the coordinate plane to represent and operate upon vectors. Probability rounds out the course using counting methods, including their use in making and evaluating decisions. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. Please see the class website for standards and unit descriptions.


Students need to come to class every day with a graphing composition notebook, pencil, glue stick or tape, and a scientific calculator. I recommend purchasing a TI-30XS Multi-view calculator. Please see me if you have trouble obtaining any of these materials.

Makeup Work

The attendance policy can be found in your student handbook. If you miss class, you will need to check the makeup work binder in my classroom and get any handouts or notes for that day. The class website is another place to find notes or handouts. YOU are responsible for getting makeup work and learning the material taught in class on the day you were absent. I am available for help after school.


It is encouraged that students keep all work and double check their grades. If there is a question about a grade that was given, the student must be able to present their work to overturn a teacher mistake. A detailed explanation of your final average calculation can be found on the Grading Policy Handout. Your final grade at the end of the school year will be calculated as follows:

Formative Topic Masteries – 15%

Formative Quizzes – 25%

Summative Tests – 50%

Midterm Exam – 10%

Final Exam – 20%

JCCHS Academic Honesty Policy

Academic dishonesty is inexcusable conduct and will not be tolerated. Students at Jackson County High School are expected to submit work for evaluation that has been completed solely by that student, unless group assignments have been so designated. Students are expected to maintain academic integrity at all times. A student who chooses to cheat will receive a zero for the assignment, the teacher will contact the parents, and the student will be referred to the administration. For first time offenders, teachers will work with the student to establish a timeline to make up/retake the assignment; however, the highest grade they will be able to receive will be a 70. For any subsequent cheating infractions, a zero will be received for the assignment without the option to re-submit. The JCCHS Academic Honesty Policy in its entirety is available in the student handbook.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

1. Enter the classroom on time with all materials and immediately begin working on the opening assignment on the board.

2. Participate in class discussions and group work.

3. Be respectful of yourself, the teacher, and your classmates.

4. Wait until I finish teaching to throw trash away, sharpen your pencil, ask to go to the restroom, etc.

5. Clean the area around your desk and make sure you put all materials in their proper place before leaving the room.

Discipline Policy

If you choose to disrupt the class, you will receive the following consequences. A severe disruption will result in an immediate administrative referral.

1st offense: Verbal Warning

2nd offense: Student/Teacher Conference after class

3rd offense: Parent Contact

4th offense: Parent/Teacher Conference

5th offense: Administrative Referral


You will be assigned work most days. Homework is marked off DAILY. It is your responsibility to have your homework marked off if you are absent on the day I check it off. Homework is PRACTICE, it is intended to help you learn and acquire the skills necessary to be successful. Homework is a benefit, not a punishment. You must practice something to be truly good at it.

Important Dates to Remember

Midterm Exam: December 14th-17th (more details to follow)

Final Exam: May 19th-24th (more details to follow)

Dear Parent(s) or Gaurdian(s),

I am very excited about working with your child in Pre-Calculus and helping her or him succeed this semester. Homework will be assigned most nights as practice; I would greatly appreciate any help in ensuring your child is utilizing the practice. If your child needs extra help, please contact me and I will make sure arrangements are made. Email is the best way to contact me, but you may also call the school and leave a message with the secretary. I will return your call during my planning period. Also, be sure to check our class website for weekly updates about our class and sign up with for updates as well. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about the class. I look forward to working with you and your child this semester!


Amara Murphy

Below is a checklist of things you can do to ensure your child’s success:

← Make sure your child comes to school every day with the necessary materials.

← Check your child’s homework each night for completion and understanding.

← Check our online grading system, Infinite Campus, weekly to make sure that your child is turning in work and doing well on tests and quizzes. (If you need an access code for Infinite Campus, please contact me.)

← Check our class website for dates of upcoming quizzes and tests, online math resources, and class notes.

← Sign up with for updates about our class.

← Communicate with me and your child regularly to ensure that every step is being taken for his or her mathematics success.

**This syllabus is subject to change without notice**


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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