Baxenden St John's

6726555144780Be an artist/designerCreate your own abstract art based on water!Research some abstract art by; Kandinsky, Mondrian and Jackson Pollock.Use their designs to inspire your own abstract art work based around water! It could be a waterfall, river or even the ocean. 00Be an artist/designerCreate your own abstract art based on water!Research some abstract art by; Kandinsky, Mondrian and Jackson Pollock.Use their designs to inspire your own abstract art work based around water! It could be a waterfall, river or even the ocean. 67392553521710Love Maths?Design a set of challenging sequences, based around the theme of water, for your classmates to solve!Use a measuring jug to find these amounts of water.250 ml, 2. 175 ml, 3. 380 ml, 4. 420 mlTake photos and send them to the class email address! Try to be as accurate as you can! Write some challenge questions, using measurements, for your classmates to solve! Try to include multiplication and division!00Love Maths?Design a set of challenging sequences, based around the theme of water, for your classmates to solve!Use a measuring jug to find these amounts of water.250 ml, 2. 175 ml, 3. 380 ml, 4. 420 mlTake photos and send them to the class email address! Try to be as accurate as you can! Write some challenge questions, using measurements, for your classmates to solve! Try to include multiplication and division!793752468880Write, Write, Write!Create a Haiku about water!A Haiku is a poem with a structure. Its structure is based on syllables and you are only allowed a certain number of syllables for each line!Line 1 has 5 syllablesLine 2 has 7 syllables Line 3 has 5 syllables An example would be:Lakes, ponds and rivers,Niagara and Angel,Rain and blue oceans.Or,Rushing blue-green tide,Slip smoothly through tinted waves,Underwater world.00Write, Write, Write!Create a Haiku about water!A Haiku is a poem with a structure. Its structure is based on syllables and you are only allowed a certain number of syllables for each line!Line 1 has 5 syllablesLine 2 has 7 syllables Line 3 has 5 syllables An example would be:Lakes, ponds and rivers,Niagara and Angel,Rain and blue oceans.Or,Rushing blue-green tide,Slip smoothly through tinted waves,Underwater world.5402354023Project!Create a project all about Rivers. You can include as much information as you wish, and it can be written or typed.Present your work as a booklet, in a folder, or a large poster.Include writing, diagrams and pictures.00Project!Create a project all about Rivers. You can include as much information as you wish, and it can be written or typed.Present your work as a booklet, in a folder, or a large poster.Include writing, diagrams and pictures.27978251798364What to do:Complete 2 of these tasks, take photos or put them into a file and email them to:yearfour@baxenden.lancs.sch.uk00What to do:Complete 2 of these tasks, take photos or put them into a file and email them to:yearfour@baxenden.lancs.sch.uk3380682304972Year 4Summer 1 Creative Curriculum Water, Water Everywhere!00Year 4Summer 1 Creative Curriculum Water, Water Everywhere!47344693772568Real Life events….Write a nonchronological report about a famous river. Try to find out where the river is in the world. Where does it start? Does it travel through more than one country?You could use Publisher, Word or Purple Mash.00Real Life events….Write a nonchronological report about a famous river. Try to find out where the river is in the world. Where does it start? Does it travel through more than one country?You could use Publisher, Word or Purple Mash.28937943772568Research!Research the Ancient Egyptians! Create a piece of work (written or a model) to show what you have learned:Who were the Ancient Egyptians?What was life like?MummiesTutankhamen Ancient Egyptian writingAncient Egyptian Gods00Research!Research the Ancient Egyptians! Create a piece of work (written or a model) to show what you have learned:Who were the Ancient Egyptians?What was life like?MummiesTutankhamen Ancient Egyptian writingAncient Egyptian Gods ................

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