|Purchasing Department: |Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission |

|Address: |27 Wormwood Street, Suite 600 |

| |Boston, MA 02210 |

|Telephone #: |617-204-3851 Voice |

|Fax #: |617-204-3877 Fax |

|Procurement Contact Person: |Ann Shor |

| |617-204-3602 Voice |

|E-Mail or Internet Address: | |

|RFR File Name/Title: |Assistive Technology-IL Services |

|RFR File Number: |MRC11-01 AT-IL |

|Procurement Management Group/Category (If Applicable):|Health and Human Services |

|Contract Period: | 12/31/2010 through 6/30/2015 |

|Contract Maximum Obligation: |$700,000-$800,000 annually based on funds availability |

|Response Due Date and Time: | Friday, November 5, 2010 2:00PM for contracts initiating December 31, 2010 |


Purpose of the Procurement:

The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission seeks to qualify service providers to provide Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services to individuals with significant disabilities seeking to become more independent in their families and communities.

This RFR will fund providers in 5 regions throughout the state to provide Assistive technology services. Each provider shall conduct consumer screening and intake, functional assessments, assistive technology evaluations, purchase/procurement of required AT devices, set-up of devices, orientation and training (individual or group) to the consumer (or his/her family or others providing support to the consumer), phone technical support and documentation and evaluation of services provided.

In addition, this RFR will include individuals with traumatic brain injuries who have been found eligible through MRC’S Statewide Head Injury Program (SHIP).


| |Outright purchase |

| |Fee for service |

|X |Cost reimbursement |

| |License |

| |Tax exempt lease purchase (TELP) |

| |Lease purchase |

| |Term lease |

| |Rental |

| |Other – RATE CONTRACT |


| |Single Contractor |

| |Multiple Contractors |

|X |Multiple Contractors selected through an Open Enrollment Procurement |

| |Single or Multiple Contractors, at MRC’s discretion, in order to provide best value in achieving this |

| |solicitation’s objectives |


| |Only Procuring Department May Contract Under RFR |

|X |Option to Allow Other Departments to Contract Under RFR |


| | |

|Total Potential Contract Duration: |12/31/10 through 6/30/20 |

| | |

|Initial Duration: |12/31/10 through 6/30/15 |

| |This is a rolling enrollment procurement. |

| | |

|Options to Renew: |One five year option to renew |

| | |


|X |Contract(s) will have a Maximum Obligation Amount |

| |Contract(s) will NOT have a Maximum Obligation Amount (Rate Contract) |

| |Subject to Quotes by Pre-Qualified List of Contractors |

Will Federal funds be used to fund this contract?

|X |No |

| |Yes (If YES, to what extent?) |

| |Not anticipated at this point in time but possible during the total RFR duration as additional Agency needs are |

| |identified |


I.A Program Narrative

This RFR will provide funding for a network of regionally based providers of AT services. Due to the present level of funding only one provider per region will be selected initially. As funding increases, it is our hope to add additional providers per region to afford individuals with consumer choice. This RFR is a “rolling enrollment” procurement. Bidders may submit responses at any time, as the RFR always remains open. The Department has the right to negotiate final prices or performance specifications defined in the RFR throughout the life of the contract.

An Assistive technology device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. An assistive technology service means any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive device. This term includes; 1) the evaluation of needs of an individual with a disability; 2) purchasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition of assistive technology devices by individuals with disabilities; 3) selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, maintaining, repairing, or replacing assistive technology devices; 4) coordinating and using other therapies, interventions, or services with assistive technology devices; 5) training or technical assistance for an individual with disabilities, or, where appropriate, the family of an individual with disabilities or others providing support to the individual; and 6) training and technical assistance for professionals or other individuals who provide services to or are otherwise substantially involved in the major life functions of individuals with disabilities.

Through this RFR MRC will purchase Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services which focus on assisting individuals with disabilities to maximize their ability to control their environment and achieve self determined goals. AT provided through this RFR may assist individuals to perform tasks such as check or letter writing, money management, shopping, controlling the home environment or communication.

The state is divided into five regions for the purpose of providing services under this contract. The specific towns included in each region are listed in Appendix D. The regions are:

Boston/Metro Central Mass.

Southeast/Cape/Islands Northeast Mass.

Western Mass.

In addition, this RFR will detail how individuals with traumatic brain injuries who have been found eligible through MRC’s Statewide Head Injury Program (SHIP) can receive services through SHIP resources on an individual basis.

MRC encourages collaborative proposals that demonstrate partnerships between AT provider organizations, disability organizations such as independent living centers and brain injury centers and university/college computer/engineering departments. Colleges and universities having departments in computer and engineering fields are generally on the “cutting edge” of hardware and software technology. Many departments have a capacity to use staff and students to conduct literature searches, evaluation of new technology and custom design. Disability organizations, such as independent living centers and brain injury centers, provide a wealth of disability-related knowledge and a pool of individuals with disabilities in need of such AT services. Local providers of AT services have the staff expertise to provide the evaluations and training for individuals with disabilities. Letters detailing collaboration or affiliation agreements should be included in the proposal. These should define the relationships, roles and responsibilities of the partners.

AT providers will be expected to maintain up-to-date knowledge and skills regarding the range of AT devices available and new developments in the field. MRC expects that providers will assist consumers in obtaining devices and/or services that maximize effectiveness, taking into consideration the limited funding available.

This program is funded by state dollars through cost reimbursement contracts. The Provider will submit a projected annualized budget.

As increased funds become available, additional contracts may be awarded, based on the recommendations of the review team, demonstrated need, and approval of MRC Commissioner.

I.B Service Components

Assistive Technology services to be provided through this RFR include:

1. Consumer intake and screening to determine if applicants meet program guidelines. Screening must include a review of whether the applicant is eligible to receive AT through another state agency or program. The provider must refer consumers eligible for services through SHIP to the regional SHIP program coordinator prior to intake and screening (See Appendix F for specific SHIP Guidelines).

2. Assistive technology evaluations, which assess the functional limitations of the applicant and recommend the nature of the AT devices, services and training required to achieve IL goals. The evaluation may include, but not be limited to, recommendations on service and/or product specifications and recommendations on cost efficient and effective options. The evaluation should also include an assessment of the consumer's ability and resources to maintain their AT devices. Written reports of evaluations should include the date of intake and assessment; type of disability and age of individual referred; limitations imposed by the individual’s disability; IL goals to be achieved by provision of assistive technology; type of hardware/software and adaptive devices to be provided; whether any technology will be in-kind or paid from contract funds; and type of training required. AT evaluations shall be done on a one-to-one basis by certified, licensed or qualified personnel. Evaluations shall take place where the applicant plans to utilize the devices and/or at a facility equipped to conduct necessary evaluations. Please refer to Appendix B for definitions of Qualified personnel.

3. Purchase and/or procurement of necessary AT devices. By establishing a relationship with suppliers up front and determining the volume of items to be purchased, providers may obtain a better value and facilitate speedy delivery and installation of AT devices. The provider must attempt to secure 3 bids and keep those bids on file for possible review by the agency. At least 20% of the program budget must be allocated for the purchase of AT devices or systems.

4. Designing, fitting, setting up, customizing, adapting, maintaining, repairing, or replacing assistive technology devices. When the AT provided includes a computer, the provider will burn an image of the hard drive before delivering the computer to the consumer. This can be used in case the computer later needs to be brought back to its original configuration;

5. Orientation and training in the use of AT devices or systems for an individual with disabilities, or, where appropriate, the family or others providing support to the individual with disabilities. When the AT provided includes a computer, this training will include basic routine maintenance and trouble-shooting skills.

6. Technical support to the individual with a disability or his/her family or others providing support to the individual via phone while they are in training or through the life of the contract. Hands on assistance must be provided when determined necessary or appropriate. This should include remote access by the vendor to a consumer's computer to facilitate remote trouble-shooting.

Other activities funded through this RFR include:

1. Documentation and evaluation of services provided.

2. Outreach and marketing of AT-IL services.

Consumers who meet eligibility criteria for MRC-SHIP (Statewide Head Injury Program) must be referred for the services described in this RFR through the SHIP Program Coordinator assigned to a particular region of the state in which the individual resides. SHIP qualified consumers must otherwise meet the eligibility criteria for this RFR (See Appendix C for specific guidelines for SHIP qualified consumers).

II Consumer Eligibility Criteria

A. To be eligible to receive an evaluation that determines assistive technology needs, or that recommends hardware, software, adaptations, or training the individual must:

1. Have a physical, mental or sensory disability(ies) that impairs one or more major life activities. Major life activities are defined as: seeing, hearing, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, speaking/communicating, learning, caring for oneself, or working.

2. Be able to benefit from AT services to reduce or eliminate the effects of his/her functional limitations.

3. Be ineligible to receive AT services from any other agency or program. This includes, but is not limited to:

• MRC or MCB VR, if the AT relates to a vocational or educational goal

• School departments, for students under age 22 and where the AT relates to an educational goal. An exception for those individuals under 22 years old can be made if there is documented evidence that the assistive technology is not related to services normally provided by the school system or the regulations guiding special education or 504 accommodations within the school setting.

• Other EOHHS agencies, such as DMH, DDS, MCB, MCDHH

B. To be eligible for the purchase of necessary equipment and training services, the individual must:

1. Meet eligibility criteria under A; and

2. Meet financial eligibility requirements

In determining whether a disability presents an impairment in one or more major life activities the environmental impact of the disability must be considered. For example, an individual who is paraplegic might request a computer and software so that she can conduct banking and on-line shopping. If the individual has a barrier free home and access to public or private transportation to travel in the community, then she does not have an impairment in a major life activity. However, if the same individual has an inaccessible home, or does not have access to affordable public or private transportation in the community, her impairment would be in a major activity.

Individuals who reside in institutional settings may be eligible for AT services, if such services will assist them in moving towards community living. The goal would be for AT services to assist the individual, wholly or in part, to move into the community.

The provider must ensure that individuals with significant disabilities who are otherwise eligible to receive services are selected without regard to race, color, national origin, age, gender, disability or sexual orientation.

III Performance Measures

The following performance measures will be used in assessing performance of AT-IL Providers:

Administrative Goals

1. Each Provider will negotiate the units of performance for the total contract. The Provider is expected to provide 100% of units negotiated annually. Modifications to projected units may be requested. For Intake & Screening, Evaluations, Orientation & Training and Technical Support, one unit of service is defined as one hour of direct contact with a consumer, their family, or others providing support to the individual. For purchase and procurement or designing or adapting AT, one unit of service is defined as one hour of direct activity. Administrative functions such as documentation or travel should not be counted as units of direct service.

2. The elapsed time from consumer evaluation to the delivery of equipment must not exceed 30 days.

3. The Provider will maintain case files and document all services. Upon request, these files will be made available to MRC IL Program staff for review.

4. The Provider will develop and maintain collaboration linkages with local organizations as described in their Response

5. The Provider will work closely with providers of community services to coordinate services when both are working with an individual. Joint or team meetings to define roles and responsibilities are encouraged.

6. The Provider will recruit and maintain adequate qualified staff and staffing patterns.

7. The Provider will submit monthly vouchers and quarterly contract reports in a timely fashion.

8. The Provider will ensure that staff understand and exercise their responsibilities under Chapter 19(c) regarding the reporting of suspected abuse or neglect of adults with disabilities, as well as their obligations regarding suspected abuse or neglect of elders or children under the age of 19;

9. Screen all staff in compliance with applicable Executive Office of Health and Human Services standards for Criminal Offense Record Information screening process and staff qualifications.

10. The death of any consumer, regardless of where and how it occurred, must be reported to the Disabled Persons Protection Commission as well as to MRC.

11. The Provider shall document the time elapsed between ordering equipment and the/delivery of equipment to the provider, as well as the elapsed time between receipt at the provider to set-up and installation in the individual’s chosen setting.

12. The Provider shall conduct consumer satisfaction surveys of all individuals receiving AT services and provide copies of the surveys in their quarterly reports, as well as aggregate responses for PBO reporting.


1. The Provider will submit clear and concise written documentation of all activities of the Program to MRC on a monthly and quarterly basis, no later than 15 days after the month ends. The monthly report shall include:

a. Number of individuals served under the Program during the month.

b. Types and numbers of units of service provided under the Program.

c. Demographics of those receiving services in terms of age, gender, race/ethnicity, and type of disabilities.

d. Description of the activities carried out under technical support or follow up, and whether these were provided in person or remotely (by phone, remote access)

Quarterly reports shall also include the information below:

a. Unduplicated count of number of individuals served during the quarter;

b. Problems encountered and actions taken or planned to correct such problems.

c. Length of time to receive AT devices from distributor to provider and from provider to individual for each individual served.

Fiscal Goals and Objectives

MRC will establish maximum obligation cost reimbursement contracts for AT services. For FY’11 the annualized allocation of funds per region is about $156,000. Reimbursement will require submission of an invoice at the close of the calendar month detailing the monthly expenses and a Service Delivery Report detailing consumers served and hours of service.

1. The Provider will maintain records of all expenditures and supporting documentation, to be reviewed upon notice by MRC IL Division staff.

2. The Provider will submit a Monthly Expenditure Report with monthly invoices, as well as a standard service delivery report. Billing must be submitted monthly, within 15 days of the end of the month. All billing is to be submitted through the Virtual Gateway, and final billing must be received 15 days prior to the close of the fiscal year.

3. The Provider will purchase at least 5% of its goods and services from minority business enterprises which are certified by the State Office of Women and Minority Business Assistance, as well as those beneficially owned and actively controlled by one or more individuals with a disability.

Only organizations qualified in accordance with this RFR will receive a contract to provide services identified in this RFR.


Interested providers must submit a proposal narrative addressing the following items:

1. Description of Bidder’s experience:

• conducting evaluations of the AT needs of individuals with a disability

• purchasing, leasing, or otherwise acquiring AT devices for individuals with disabilities;

• selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, maintaining, or repairing AT devices;

• coordinating and using other therapies, interventions, or services with AT devices, such as those associated with existing education and rehabilitation plans and programs;

• training or technical assistance for an individual with disabilities, or, where appropriate, the family of an individual with disabilities or others providing support to the individual.

2. Information on numbers of individuals previously served, the types of services provided and outcomes of service delivery.

3. How the agency will provide AT services in a manner that will maximize the individual’s ability to live independently, as well as promote consumer control and input.

4. Description of the Massachusetts geographical area covered by the bidder;

5. Documentation of the need for AT services in the targeted area.

6. The qualifications and experience of the services director and key staff who will be working on the project.

7. Description of location where services will be offered and whether the site/sites meet compliance with applicable codes or other regulator requirements, including ADA accessibility requirements.

8. The number of consumers, units of service and types of service you propose to offer under this program for FY’11 with the proposed level of funding.

9. Description of any collaboration linkages, affiliation agreements, or sub-contract arrangements necessary to provide services, including your current relationships with providers in the service area.

10. Description of in-kind or other contributions to this program for the acquisition of hardware.

11. Explanation and results of most recent consumer satisfaction survey

12. Indication of agency’s commitment to achieving the goals and objectives outlined in the RFR.

13. Description of how agency intends to monitor program outcomes and assess the program.

Interested Bidders are invited to submit a proposal package consisting of the following:

1. Proposal narrative addressing the elements listed above. (30 pts)

2. Resumes of staff providing direct AT services (10 pts)

3. Resumes of supervisory and management staff. (10 pts)

4. Job descriptions for program staff positions, including minimum qualifications (10 pts)

5. A projected budget (10 pts)

6. Budget Narrative (10 pts)

7. Letter summarizing bidder’s interest in and qualifications for this Contract (5 pts)

8. Affirmative Market Plan (mandatory) (10 pts)

9. All required forms (see list below) (5 pts)

Proposals containing all of the required components will be deemed “responsive”. Proposals received after the stated deadline and/or missing any components may be deemed “unresponsive” and excluded from further consideration

The narrative is not to exceed fifteen (15) single spaced typed pages in 12 point or greater font, exclusive of cover sheet and attachments. Do not bind proposals.

All responses must include the following:

• RFR written response


• W9

• Terms and Conditions for Human and Social Services

• Executive Order 504

• Required Specifications

• Affirmative Market Plan

• Notarized Signatory Authorization

• Massachusetts Department of Revenue Certificate of Good Standing ()

• EFT form (if not on EFT). As EFT is mandatory for all new contracts, if you refuse to use EFT you must have a letter explaining why you can not use EFT.

• Valid email address

• Business Reference Form

• Provider Information Sheet

• Pre-Qualification forms. Providers delivering services regulated by 808 CMR 1.00 must follow the pre-qualification procedures described in this regulation. Additional information is accessible through the links below:

o How to Contract with EOHHS

o Provider Qualification Guide


The narrative portion of the response must be submitted electronically as a Word attachment to an email to Bidders should deliver one (1) original and two (2) paper copies of the response to:

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission

Attn: Contracts Department

27 Wormwood St.

Boston, MA 02210-1616

Response Deadline

To be considered for a contract starting December 31, 2010, responses must be received by 2:00 pm on Friday November 5, 2010. This RFR, however, will remain in effect to receive responses throughout the life of the RFR.

Will a Bidders Conference be offered? NO


a) The Bidder(s) is responsible for any and all costs associated with the preparation of the RFR response.

b) All response submissions, regardless of whether a contract is ultimately awarded to a particular Bidder, become the property of the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.

c) The Agency may, during response review or at any time prior to selection, cancel a Request for Response or reject any or all responses if the Agency determines that such action is in the best interest of the Commonwealth.

d) The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts make no guarantee that any commodities or services will be purchased from any contract resulting from this RFR.

e) The MRC reserves the right to renegotiate and adjust rates, performance terms, and/or performance measures at any time during the life of the contract.

f) All materials developed by the selected Contractor(s) under this contract such as handouts, outlines, mailing lists, workshop agenda, publicity notices, and other materials will remain the property of the MRC.

g) The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission anticipates monitoring and evaluating the Contractor’s performance on an ongoing basis. Any contract resulting from this solicitation may be terminated at any time if the Contractor is unable to meet performance standards after given a reasonable opportunity to improve performance.

h) This Request for Response is developed in good faith based on needs known at the time of document preparation. Should additional information become available during the term of this contract suggesting the advisability of a different strategy and/or additional contract goals or performance benchmarks, the MRC reserves the right to modify the contract accordingly, including adjusting the contract term, dates of performance, and/or contract maximum obligation.

i) A Bidder unable to offer the exact commodity or service described in this RFR but believing a comparable one can be provided, is encouraged to respond and should fully explain why the substitute commodity or service meets the specifications set forth in this RFR.

10. RFR - Required Specifications

In general, most of the required contractual stipulations are referenced in the Standard Contract Form and Instructions and the Commonwealth Terms and Conditions (either version). However, the following RFR provisions must appear in all Commonwealth competitive procurements conducted under 801 CMR 21.00:

The terms of 801 CMR 21.00: Procurement of Commodities and Services (and 808 CMR 1.00: Compliance, Reporting and Auditing for Human and Social Services, if applicable) are incorporated by reference into this RFR. Words used in this RFR shall have the meanings defined in 801 CMR 21.00 (and 808 CMR 1.00, if applicable). Additional definitions may also be identified in this RFR. Unless otherwise specified in this RFR, all communications, responses, and documentation must be in English, all measurements must be provided in feet, inches, and pounds and all cost proposals or figures in U.S. currency. All responses must be submitted in accordance with the specific terms of this RFR.

Items with the text, "( Required for POS Only" specify a requirement for Purchase of Service (POS) human and social services procured under 801 CMR 21.00, Procurement of Commodities or Services, Including Human and Social Services and 808 CMR 1.00, Compliance, Reporting and Auditing for Human and Social Service.

Affirmative Market Program (AMP). Massachusetts Executive Order 390 established a policy to promote the award of state contracts in a manner that develops and strengthens Minority and Women Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) that resulted in the Affirmative Market Program in Public Contracting. M/WBEs are strongly encouraged to submit responses to this RFR, either as prime vendors, joint venture partners or other type of business partnerships. All bidders must follow the requirements set forth in the AMP section of the RFR, which will detail the specific requirements relating to the prime vendor’s inclusion of M/WBEs. Bidders are required to develop creative initiatives to help foster new business relationships with M/WBEs within the primary industries affected by this RFR. In order to satisfy the compliance of this section and encourage bidder’s participation of AMP objectives, the Affirmative Market Program (AMP) Plan for large procurements greater than $50,000 will be evaluated at 10% or more of the total evaluation. Once an AMP Plan is submitted, negotiated and approved, the agency will then monitor the contractor’s performance, and use actual expenditures with SOMWBA certified contractors to fulfill their own AMP expenditure benchmarks. M/WBE participation must be incorporated into and monitored for all types of procurements regardless of size, however, submission of an AMP Plan is mandated only for large procurements over $50,000.

This RFR will contain some or all of the following components as part of the Affirmative Market Program Plan submitted by bidders:

• Sub-contracting with certified M/WBE firms as defined within the scope of the RFR,

• Growth and Development activities to increase M/WBE capacity,

• Ancillary use of certified M/WBE firms,

• Past Performance or information of past expenditures with certified M/WBEs and

• Additional incentives for bidders to commit to at least one certified MBE and WBE in the submission of AMP plans.

A Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Woman Business Enterprise (WBE), M/Non-Profit, or W/Non-Profit, is defined as such by the State Office of Minority and Women Business Assistance (SOMWBA). All certified businesses that are included in the bidder’s AMP proposal are required to submit an up to date copy of their SOMWBA certification letter. The purpose for this certification is to participate in the Commonwealth’s Affirmative Market Program for public contracting. Minority- and Women-Owned firms that are not currently certified but would like to be considered as an M/WBE for the purpose of this RFR should submit their application at least two weeks prior to the RFR closing date and submit proof of documentation of application for consideration with their bid proposal. For further information on SOMWBA certification, contact their office at 1-617-973-8692 or via the Internet at somwba.

Affirmative Market Program Subcontracting Policies. Prior approval of the agency is required for any subcontracted service of the contract. Agencies may define required deliverables including, but not limited to, documentation necessary to verify subcontractor commitments and expenditures with Minority- or Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) for the purpose of monitoring and enforcing compliance of subcontracting commitments made in a bidder’s Affirmative Market Program (AMP) Plan. Contractors are responsible for the satisfactory performance and adequate oversight of its subcontractors.

Agricultural Products Preference (only applicable if this is a procurement for Agricultural Products) - Chapter 123 of the Acts of 2006 directs the State Purchasing Agent to grant a preference to products of agriculture grown or produced using locally grown products.  Such locally grown or produced products shall be purchased unless the price of the goods exceeds the price of products of agriculture from outside the Commonwealth by more than 10%.  For purposes of this preference, products of agriculture are defined to include any agricultural, aquacultural, floricultural or horticultural commodities, the growing and harvesting of forest products, the raising of livestock, including horses, raising of domesticated animals, bees, fur-bearing animals and any forestry or lumbering operations.

Best Value Selection and Negotiation. The Procurement Management Team (PMT) may select the response(s) which demonstrates the best value overall, including proposed alternatives that will achieve the procurement goals of the department. The PMT and a selected bidder, or a contractor, may negotiate a change in any element of contract performance or cost identified in the original RFR or the selected bidder’s or contractor’s response which results in lower costs or a more cost effective or better value than was presented in the selected bidder’s or contractor’s original response.

Bidder Communication. Bidders are prohibited from communicating directly with any employee of the procuring department or any member of the PMT regarding this RFR except as specified in this RFR, and no other individual Commonwealth employee or representative is authorized to provide any information or respond to any question or inquiry concerning this RFR. Bidders may contact the contact person for this RFR in the event this RFR is incomplete or the bidder is having trouble obtaining any required attachments electronically through Comm-PASS.

Comm-PASS. Comm-PASS is the official system of record for all procurement information which is publicly accessible at no charge at m-. Information contained in this document and in each tab of the Solicitation, including file attachments, and information contained in the related Bidders’ Forum(s), are all components of the Solicitation.

Bidders are solely responsible for obtaining all information distributed for this Solicitation via Comm-PASS, by using the free Browse and Search tools offered on each record-related tab on the main navigation bar (Solicitations and Forums). Forums support Bidder submission of written questions associated with a Solicitation and publication of official answers. All records on Comm-PASS are comprised of multiple tabs, or pages. For example, Solicitation records contain Summary, Rules, Issuer(s), Intent or Forms & Terms and Specifications, and Other Information tabs. Each tab contains data and/or file attachments provided by the Procurement Management Team. All are incorporated into the Solicitation.

It is each Bidder’s responsibility to check Comm-PASS for:

• Any addenda or modifications to this Solicitation, by monitoring the “Last Change” field on the Solicitation’s Summary tab, and

• Any Bidders’ Forum records related to this Solicitation (see Locating an Online Bidders’ Forum for information on locating these records.

The Commonwealth accepts no responsibility and will provide no accommodation to Bidders who submit a Response based on an out-of-date Solicitation or on information received from a source other than Comm-PASS.

1 Comm-PASS SmartBid Subscription. Bidders may elect to obtain an optional SmartBid subscription which provides value-added features, including automated email notification associated with postings and modifications to Comm-PASS records.  When properly configured and managed, SmartBid provides a subscriber with:

• A secure desktop within Comm-PASS for efficient record management

• A customizable profile reflecting the subscriber’s product/service areas of interest

• A customizable listing in the publicly accessible Business Directory, an online “yellow-pages” advertisement

• Full-cycle, automated email alert whenever any record of interest is posted or updated

• Access to Online Response Submission, when allowed by the Issuer, to support:

• paperless bid drafting and submission to an encrypted lock-box prior to close date

• electronic signature of OSD forms and terms; agreement to defer wet-ink signature until Contract award, if any

• withdrawal of submitted bids prior to close date

• online storage of submitted bids

Every public purchasing entity within the borders of Massachusetts may post records on Comm-PASS at no charge. Comm-PASS has the potential to become the sole site for all public entities in Massachusetts.  SmartBid fees are only based on and expended for costs to operate, maintain and develop the Comm-PASS system.

Contract Expansion. If additional funds become available during the contract duration period, the department reserves the right to increase the maximum obligation to some or all contracts executed as a result of this RFR or to execute contracts with contractors not funded in the initial selection process, subject to available funding, satisfactory contract performance and service or commodity need.

Costs. Costs which are not specifically identified in the bidder’s response, and accepted by a department as part of a contract, will not be compensated under any contract awarded pursuant to this RFR. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders responding to this RFR.

Debriefing. ( Required for POS Only. This is an optional specification for non-POS RFRs. Non-successful bidders may request a debriefing from the department. Department debriefing procedures may be found in the RFR. Non-successful POS bidders aggrieved by the decision of a department must participate in a debriefing as a prerequisite to an administrative appeal.

Debriefing/Appeals: Administrative Appeals to Departments. ( Required for POS Only. Not applicable to non-POS bidders. Non-successful bidders who participate in the debriefing process and remain aggrieved with the decision of the department may appeal that decision to the department head. Department appeal procedures may be found in the RFR.

Debriefing/Appeals: Administrative Appeals to OSD. ( Required for POS Only. Not applicable to non-POS bidders. Non-successful bidders who participate in the department appeal process and remain aggrieved by the selection decision of the department may appeal the department decision to the Operational Services Division. The basis for an appeal to OSD is limited to the following grounds:

1. The competitive procurement conducted by the department failed to comply with applicable regulations and guidelines. These would be limited to the requirements of 801 CMR 21.00 or any successor regulations, the policies in the OSD Procurement Information Center, subsequent policies and procedures issued by OSD and the specifications of the RFR; or

2. There was a fundamental unfairness in the procurement process. The allegation of unfairness or bias is one that is easier to allege than prove, consequently, the burden of proof rests with the bidder to provide sufficient and specific evidence in support of its claim. OSD will presume that departments conducted a fair procurement absent documentation to the contrary.

Requests for an appeal must be sent to the attention of the State Purchasing Agent at Room 1017, One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108 and be received within fourteen (14) calendar days of the postmark of the notice of the department head’s decision on appeal. Appeal requests must specify in sufficient detail the basis for the appeal. Sufficient detail requires a description of the published policy or procedure which was applied and forms the basis for the appeal and presentation of all information that supports the claim under paragraphs 1 or 2 above. OSD reserves the right to reject appeal requests based on grounds other than those stated above or those submitted without sufficient detail on the basis for the appeal.

The decision of the State Purchasing Agent shall be rendered, in writing, setting forth the grounds for the decision within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the appeal request. Pending appeals to the State Purchasing Agent shall not prohibit the department from proceeding with executing contracts.

Electronic Communication/Update of Bidder’s/Contractor’s Contact Information. It is the responsibility of the prospective bidder and awarded contractor to keep current the email address of the bidder’s contact person and prospective contract manager, if awarded a contract, and to monitor that email inbox for communications from the PMT, including requests for clarification. The PMT and the Commonwealth assume no responsibility if a prospective bidder’s/awarded contractor’s designated email address is not current, or if technical problems, including those with the prospective bidder’s/awarded contractor’s computer, network or internet service provider (ISP) cause email communications sent to/from the prospective bidder/awarded contractor and the PMT to be lost or rejected by any means including email or spam filtering.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). All bidders responding to this RFR must agree to participate in the Commonwealth Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) program for receiving payments, unless the bidder can provide compelling proof that it would be unduly burdensome. EFT is a benefit to both contractors and the Commonwealth because it ensures fast, safe and reliable payment directly to contractors and saves both parties the cost of processing checks. Contractors are able to track and verify payments made electronically through the Comptroller’s Vendor Web system. A link to the EFT application can be found on the OSD Forms page (osd). Additional information about EFT is available on the VendorWeb site (osc). Click on MASSfinance.

Successful bidders, upon notification of contract award, will be required to enroll in EFT as a contract requirement by completing and submitting the Authorization for Electronic Funds Payment Form to this department for review, approval and forwarding to the Office of the Comptroller. If the bidder is already enrolled in the program, it may so indicate in its response. Because the Authorization for Electronic Funds Payment Form contains banking information, this form, and all information contained on this form, shall not be considered a public record and shall not be subject to public disclosure through a public records request.

The requirement to use EFT may be waived by the PMT on a case-by-case basis if participation in the program would be unduly burdensome on the bidder. If a bidder is claiming that this requirement is a hardship or unduly burdensome, the specific reason must be documented in its response. The PMT will consider such requests on a case-by-case basis and communicate the findings with the bidder.

Environmental Response Submission Compliance. In an effort to promote greater use of recycled and environmentally preferable products and minimize waste, all responses submitted should comply with the following guidelines:

• All copies should be printed double sided.

• All submittals and copies should be printed on recycled paper with a minimum post-consumer content of 30% or on tree-free paper (i.e. paper made from raw materials other than trees, such as kenaf). To document the use of such paper, a photocopy of the ream cover/wrapper should be included with the response.

• Unless absolutely necessary, all responses and copies should minimize or eliminate use of non-recyclable or non re-usable materials such as plastic report covers, plastic dividers, vinyl sleeves and GBC binding. Three ringed binders, glued materials, paper clips and staples are acceptable.

• Bidders should submit materials in a format which allows for easy removal and recycling of paper materials.

• Bidders are encouraged to use other products which contain recycled content in their response documents. Such products may include, but are not limited to, folders, binders, paper clips, diskettes, envelopes, boxes, etc. Where appropriate, bidders should note which products in their responses are made with recycled materials.

• Unnecessary samples, attachments or documents not specifically asked for should not be submitted.

Filing Requirements. ( Required for POS Only. Not applicable to non-POS bidders. Successful bidders must have filed their Uniform Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report (UFR), as required for current contractors, with the Operational Services Division via the Internet using the UFR eFiling application for the most recently completed fiscal year before a contract can be executed and services may begin. Other contractor qualification/risk management reporting requirements and non-filing consequences promulgated by secretariats or departments pursuant to 808 CMR 1.04(3) may also apply. In the event immediate services are required by a department, a contract may be executed and services may begin with the approval of OSD and the appropriate secretariat. However, unless authorized by OSD and the appropriate secretariat, the contractor will not be paid for any such services rendered until the UFR has been filed.

HIPAA: Business Associate Contractual Obligations. Bidders are notified that any department meeting the definition of a Covered Entity under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) will include in the RFR and resulting contract sufficient language establishing the successful bidder’s contractual obligations, if any, that the department will require in order for the department to comply with HIPAA and the privacy and security regulations promulgated thereunder (45 CFR Parts 160, 162, and 164) (the Privacy and Security Rules). For example, if the department determines that the successful bidder is a business associate performing functions or activities involving protected health information, as such terms are used in the Privacy and Security Rules, then the department will include in the RFR and resulting contract a sufficient description of business associate’s contractual obligations regarding the privacy and security of the protected health information, as listed in 45 CFR 164.314 and 164.504 (e), including, but not limited to, the bidder's obligation to: implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the protected health information (in whatever form it is maintained or used, including verbal communications); provide individuals access to their records; and strictly limit use and disclosure of the protected health information for only those purposes approved by the department. Further, the department reserves the right to add any requirement during the course of the contract that it determines it must include in the contract in order for the department to comply with the Privacy and Security Rules. Please see other sections of the RFR for any further HIPAA details, if applicable.

Minimum Bid Duration. Bidders responses/bids made in response to this RFR must remain in effect for at least 90 days from the date of bid submission.

Pricing: Federal Government Services Administration (GSA) or Veteran’s Administration Supply. The Commonwealth reserves the right to request from the successful bidder(s) initial pricing schedules and periodic updates available under their GSA or other federal pricing contracts. In the absence of proprietary information being part of such contracts, compliance for submission of requested pricing information is expected within 30 days of any request. If the contractor receives a GSA or Veteran’s Administration Supply contract at any time during this contract period, it must notify the Commonwealth contract manager.

Pricing: Price Limitation: The bidder must agree that no other state or public entity customer within the United States of similar size and with similar terms and conditions shall receive a lower price for the same commodity and service during the contract period, unless this same lower price is immediately effective for the Commonwealth. If the Commonwealth believes that it is not receiving this lower price as required by this language, the bidder must agree to provide current or historical pricing offered or negotiated with other state or public entities at any time during the contract period in the absence of proprietary information being part of such contracts.

Prompt Payment Discounts (PPD). All bidders responding to this procurement must agree to offer discounts through participation in the Commonwealth Prompt Payment Discount (PPD) initiative for receiving early and/or on-time payments, unless the bidder can provide compelling proof that it would be unduly burdensome. PPD benefits both contractors and the Commonwealth. Contractors benefit by increased, usable cash flow as a result of fast and efficient payments for commodities or services rendered. Participation in the Electronic Funds Transfer initiative further maximizes the benefits with payments directed to designated accounts, thus eliminating the impact of check clearance policies and traditional mail lead time or delays. The Commonwealth benefits because contractors reduce the cost of products and services through the applied discount. Payments that are processed electronically can be tracked and verified through the Comptroller’s Vendor Web system. The PPD form can be found under the Forms and Terms tab of this solicitation.

Bidders must submit agreeable terms for Prompt Payment Discount using the PPD form within their proposal, unless otherwise specified by the PMT. The PMT will review, negotiate or reject the offering as deemed in the best interest of the Commonwealth.

The requirement to use PPD offerings may be waived by the PMT on a case-by-case basis if participation in the program would be unduly burdensome on the bidder. If a bidder is claiming that this requirement is a hardship or unduly burdensome, the specific reason must be documented in or attached to the PPD form.

Provider Data Management. ( Required for POS Only. Not applicable to non-POS bidders. The Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) has established a Provider Data Management (PDM) business service that is integrated into the Virtual Gateway. PDM is accessible by providers with current POS contracts. Departments may require that bidders with current POS contracts submit certain RFR-required documents through PDM. These documents have been specified in the RFR. When submitting documents via PDM, bidders are required to print and sign a PDM Documentation Summary. PDM users should verify that all information is accurate and current in PDM. Bidders are required to include the signed PDM Documentation Summary in their RFR response.

Public Records. All responses and information submitted in response to this RFR are subject to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, M.G.L., c. 66, s. 10, and to c. 4, s. 7, ss. 26. Any statements in submitted responses that are inconsistent with these statutes shall be disregarded.

Reasonable Accommodation. Bidders with disabilities or hardships that seek reasonable accommodation, which may include the receipt of RFR information in an alternative format, must communicate such requests in writing to the contact person. Requests for accommodation will be addressed on a case by case basis. A bidder requesting accommodation must submit a written statement which describes the bidder’s disability and the requested accommodation to the contact person for the RFR. The PMT reserves the right to reject unreasonable requests.

Restriction on the Use of the Commonwealth Seal. Bidders and contractors are not allowed to display the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Seal in their bid package or subsequent marketing materials if they are awarded a contract because use of the coat of arms and the Great Seal of the Commonwealth for advertising or commercial purposes is prohibited by law.

Subcontracting Policies. Prior approval of the department is required for any subcontracted service of the contract. Contractors are responsible for the satisfactory performance and adequate oversight of its subcontractors. Human and social service subcontractors are also required to meet the same state and federal financial and program reporting requirements and are held to the same reimbursable cost standards as contractors.



_______________________________ _________________ _________________

Applicant Reviewer Date


1. Proposal narrative addressing the elements listed above. (35 pts)

2. Resumes of staff providing direct AT services (10 pts)

3. Resumes of supervisory and management staff. (10 pts)

4. Job descriptions for program staff positions, including minimum qualifications (10 pts)

5. A projected budget. (10 pts)

6. Budget Narrative (10 pts)

7. Letter Summarizing Bidder’s interest in and qualifications for this Contract (5 pts)

8. Affirmative Market Plan (mandatory). (5 pts)

9. All required Forms (see list below) (5 pts)

Sub-total points (100 pts) ______

Total points _______



Recommended Funding? Yes____ No_____



Applicant Name: ________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

Provider Contact Name: ________________________________________________________

Provider Contact Phone: ________________________________________________________

Contact’s E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________

Federal Employer Identification Number: ____________________________________________

New Provider: _____ Yes

_____ No

Geographic Region(s) able to cover:

____Boston/Metro ____Central Mass ____Northeast Mass

____Southeast/Cape/Islands ____Western Mass

Identify PPA ______________________________

Provider Authorized Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________

Authorized Signatory Name (Please Print): __________________________________________




The provider shall identify the number of individuals that they project they will offer AT services and training to during this contract period. This number will be the actual number to be served and will be reported in the monthly and quarterly reports. They will also identify and report the number of individuals receiving each type of service if all services not offered each individual. For example, if an individual already has an evaluation and only needs purchase and installation of devices then that should be reported by service type.


During intake and evaluations individuals shall define the IL goal they wish to achieve with the provision of AT services. After receipt of the device and training, an assessment shall be made by the individual and the professionals working with the individual to determine if the goal has been achieved through the provision of AT services. At is anticipated that at least 85% will report achieving self identified goals.


Of all the individuals who receive AT services, 85% will report an overall satisfaction with services and training provided.



The MRC-IL Division recognizes that the provision of services to individuals with disabilities requires the expertise of professionals from diverse backgrounds. Given the technological needs of this population, the professionals providing services must have training that includes a demonstrated expertise in the field of technology. Likewise, a trained technologist must possess experience or clinical training that allows them to appreciate and understand the needs of an individual with a significant disability. It is anticipated through this RFR process that staff of the vendor agency providing AT services will possess either credentials and/or demonstrated experience that supports their expertise in providing these services.

The following qualifications are required for any individuals providing these services either individually, in a consultative or through a vendor agency.

• Bachelor’s degree in a related technological field and at least one year of demonstrated experience* providing adaptive technological assessment or training; or

• A bachelor’s degree in a related health or human service field with at least two years of demonstrated experience* providing adaptive technological assessment or training; or

• Three years of demonstrated experience* providing adaptive technological assessment or training.

*Demonstrated experience means the candidate directly assisted an individual(s) with a disability in the selection, acquisition and use of an assistive device.

The following are minimum requirements for individuals providing services through this RFR:

• Knowledge and experience in the evaluation of the needs of an individual with a disability, including functional evaluation of the individual in the individual’s customary environment.

• Knowledge and experience in the purchasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition of assistive technology devices by individuals with disabilities.

• Knowledge and/or experience in selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, maintaining, repairing, or replacing assistive technology devices.

• Knowledge and/or experience in coordinating and using other therapies, interventions, or services with assistive technology devices.

• Knowledge and/or experience in training or providing technical assistance for an individual with disabilities, or, when appropriate, the family of an individual with disabilities or others providing support to the individual.

• Knowledge and/or experience in training and/or providing technical assistance for professionals or other individuals whom provide services to or are otherwise substantially involved in the major life functions of individuals with disabilities.

During the life of this RFR, the MRC-IL Division reserves the right to modify the Required Qualifications based on experience with the RFR process and consumer need.




Individuals who are consumers of the Statewide Head Injury Program (SHIP) of the MRC-IL Division may participate in services offered through this RFR. Whenever a SHIP eligible consumer is to receive services under this contract the vendor must contact SHIP and ask to speak with the Regional Program Coordinator. The consumer’s technological needs are reviewed by the Regional Coordinator who will advise the vendor as to the process for providing services related to this contract.

The following internal guidelines will be followed by SHIP:

1) If the Regional Program Coordinator determines there is a referral for assistive technology services, the SHIP Program Coordinator assigned to the region in which the consumer resides will be responsible for making the consumer’s referral to the identified AT provider(s).

2) SHIP consumers are eligible for services and funding as defined in the AT services RFR so long as they meet eligibility criteria under this contract.

4) The AT Service provider is responsible for following reporting guidelines outlined under this contract and providing additional documentation if requested or required by SHIP.

5) Specific questions regarding AT services and SHIP eligible consumers should be directed to the Regional Program Coordinator responsible for the oversight of AT Services for the Statewide Head Injury Program (tel. 617-204-3852 or 1-800-223-3559).



|Town/Neighborhood |Town |Town |

|Allston |Boston |Charlestown |

|Brighton |Dorchester |Chelsea |

|Brookline |Roxbury |Winthrop |

|Jamaica Plain |Hyde Park |Revere |

|West Roxbury |Mattapan |Roslindale |

|Newton |Belmont |Cambridge |

|Somerville |Waltham |Watertown |

|Arlington |Chelsea |Winthrop |

| | | |


|Town |Town |Town |

|Ashburnham |Groton |Hardwick |

|Ashby |Harvard |Hubbardston |

|Ayer |Lancaster |Leominster |

|Barre |Lunenburg |New Braintree |

|Bolton |Oakham |Pepperell |

|Colton |Princeton |Rutland |

|Fitchburg |Shirley |Sterling |

|Gardner |Templeton |Townsend |

|Winchendon |Westminster |Worcester |

|Bellingham |Blackstone |Douglas |

|Franklin |Grafton |Hopedale |

|Medway |Mendon |Milford |

|Millbury |Northbridge |Sutton |

|Upton |Uxbridge |Whitinsville |

|Worcester |  |  |

|Ashland |Dover |Framingham |

|Holliston |Hopkinton |Hudson |

|Marlboro |Natick |Needham |

|Northboro |Sherborn |Southboro |

|Sudbury |Wayland |Wellesley |

|Westboro |Weston |  |

|Brimfield |Brookfield |Charlton |

|Dudley |E. Brimfield |E. Brookfield |

|Holland |N. Brookfield |Oxford |

|Southbridge |Spencer |Sturbridge |

|Wales |Warren |Webster |

|W. Brookfield |Auburn |Boylston |

|Holden |Leicester |Paxton |

|Shrewsbury |W. Boylston | |


|Town |Town |Town |

|Amesbury |Andover |Boxford |

|Byfield |Georgetown |Groveland |

|Haverhill |Lawrence |Merrimac |

|Methuen |Newbury |Newburyport |

|North Andover |W Rowley |Salisbury |

|West Newbury |  |  |

|Billerica |Chelmsford |Dracut |

|Dunstable |Lowell |Tewksbury |

|Westford |  |  |

|Beverly |Danvers |Essex |

|Gloucester |Hamilton |Ipswich |

|Lynn |Lynnfield |Manchester |

|Marblehead |Middleton |Nahant |

|Peabody |Rockport |Salem |

|Saugus |Swampscott |Topsfield |

|Wenham |  |  |

|Everett |Malden |Medford |

|Melrose |North Reading |Reading |

|Stoneham |Wakefield |  |

|Acton |Bedford |Boxboro |

|Burlington |Carlisle |Concord |

|Lexington |Lincoln |Littleton |

|Maynard |Stow |Wilmington |

|Winchester |Woburn |  |

| | | |


|Town |Town |Town |

|Abington |Avon |Bridgewater |

|Brockton |E. Bridgewater |Easton |

|Holbrook |Rockland |Stoughton |

|W. Bridgewater |Whitman |  |

|Fall River |Freetown |Somerset |

|Swansea |Westport | |

|Barnstable |Bourne |Brewster |

|Centerville |Chatham |Dennis |

|Eastham |Falmouth |Harwich |

|Marstons Mills |Martha’s Vineyard |Mashpee |

|Nantucket |Orleans |Provincetown |

|Sandwich |Truro |Wellfleet |

|Yarmouth | | |

|Dartmouth |Fairhaven |Marion |

|Mattapoisett |New Bedford |Rochester |

|Wareham |Acushnet | |

|Carver |Duxbury |Halifax |

|Hanover |Hanson |Kingston |

|Marshfield |Pembroke |Plymouth |

|Plympton |  |  |

|Braintree |Cohasset |Hingham |

|Hull |Milton |Norwell |

|Quincy |Randolph |Scituate |

|Weymouth |  |  |

|Attleboro |Berkley |Dighton |

|Lakeville |Mansfield |Middleboro |

|N. Attleboro |Norton |Raynham |

|Rehoboth |Seekonk |Taunton |

|Canton |Dedham |Foxboro |

|Medfield |Millis |Norfolk |

|Norwood |Plainville |Sharon |

|Walpole |Westwood |Wrentham |

| | | |


|Town |Town |Town |

|Amherst |Ashfield |Athol |

|Bernardston |Buckland |Charlemont |

|Colrain |Conway |Cummington |

|Deerfield |Erving |Gill |

|Goshen |Greenfield |Hadley |

|Hatfield |Hawley |Heath |

|Leverett |Leydon |Monroe |

|Montague |New Salem |Northfield |

|Orange |Pelham |Petersham |

|Philipston |Rowe |Royalston |

|Shelburn |Shutesbury |Sunderland |

|Warwick |Wendall |Whately |

|Williamsburg |Turners Falls |  |

|Belchertown |Chesterfield |Chicopee |

|Easthampton |Granby |Holyoke |

|Ludlow |Middlefield |Monson |

|Northampton |Palmer |South Hadley |

|Southampton |Ware |Westhampton |

|Worthington |  |  |

|Adams |Cheshire |Clarksburg |

|Florida |Hancock |Lanesboro |

|New Ashford |North Adams |Savoy |

|Williamstown |  |  |

|Alford |Becket |Dalton |

|Egremont |Great Barrington |Hinsdale |

|Lee |Lenox |Monterey |

|Mt. Washington |New Marlboro | Otis |

|Peru |Pittsfield |Richmond |

|Sandisfield |Sheffield |Stockbridge |

|Tyringham |Washington |W. Stockbridge |

|Windsor |  |  |

|Agawam |Blandford |Chester |

|E. Longmeadow |Granville |Hampden |

|Huntington |Longmeadow |Montgomery |

|Russell |Southwick |Springfield |

|Tolland |Westfield |W Springfield |

|Wilbraham |  |  |


MRC State-IL Assistive Technology Services

Financial Eligibility Criteria

A. Receipt of SSI, TAFDC or EAEDC.

B. Income limits below 100% Massachusetts’ median income:

HOUSEHOLD SIZE INCOME LEVEL (100% median income)

1 up to $53,315

2 $69,204

3 $82,297

4 $99,293

5 $106,793

6 $114,293

7 $121,793

8 $136,793



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