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Florida info

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Status of Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) in Florida.

|  Info on Florida and Medical Cannabis  |

Florida does NOT have a MEDICAL MARIJUANA (cannabis) LAW. Yet.

[pic]People United for Medical Marijuana (PUFMM), A Political Comittee | is a policital committee based in the state of Florida dedicated to execute a ballot initiative allowing patients access to medical marijuana. We are collecting signatures to change Florida's constitution. We have collected 24,000 signatures and $7,000 in donations. Download and sign this petition to do your part. Register Now to get on our email list and receive automatic updates. Donate online with a credit card by clicking here. Become a member, find out about getting a t-shirt and stickers by visiting our membership page.

We are looking for 700 people around the state that can commit to 40 volunteer hours over the next 6 months. They are known as the PUFMM Elite and will get special privilages throughout the campaign. These people will collect 1,000 signatures each and $420 in donations before February 1, 2010. This will provide us with exactly what we need to get medical marijuana on the 2010 ballot. We do not have to wait until 2012 if YOU join this group today! We are the political action committee collecting signatures on a ballot initiative to get medical marijuana legal in Florida. Our main goal is to get it on the 2010 ballot. If that does not happen, we will certainly make the 2012 ballot. We need help from all over the country on this one! Thanks so much for everything you do! Contact info: People United for Medical Marijuana * * 407-405-0110

[pic] | The first thing to understand is that when the PEOPLE (you and me), want to legalize medical marijuana in Florida, is that Tallahassee (those currently in charge) have enacted several rules that must be followed exactly. The current Florida State government system makes it difficult for the common folks like you and me to directly change our Florida State Constitution. However; legalized medical marijuana laws have now been changed and adopted in several states. Since 1996, thirteen states have now made marijuana legal by prescription: California, Alaska, Montana, Michigan, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. If they could do it in those states surely we Floridians can make our great state of Florida number fourteen. visit -


ACTION; Get involved in the movement for safe and legal access to medical cannabis today. Our power comes from our collective action. Whether it's calling Congress, attending rallies, organizing a local activity or chapter, signing an online petition, or supporting federal defendants, take action today!   There are a number of medical cannabis (marijuana) bills in play in states across the US.   Here we network on Ways and Means anyone can help with the effort to make each a medical marijuana state. We need to get the word out and people contacting reps and officials and get this legislation into law. Also, lets not forget efforts at the Federal level.

[pic]NETWORK and Spread The Word, both On-Line and Off (!)   ON-LINE, You can tell everybody in cyber-space by e-mailing a link to this website to them and/or (OFF-LINE> printing off the info and handing out where possible / necessary. Also phone call and read off and/or visit and hand deliver the info. You can take literature with you and approach businesses, organizations and even people on the street while you're out and about. Wear your pot-leaf shirt and register voters, as feasible. Gather signatures for any related petitions that are happening at the time as well.

This is a chain e-mail you can't refuse. Unlike most, this will actually help you - and a whole buncha others - just by passing it on. Cannabis consumer or not - from the folks just trying to take care of themselves or a loved one to those who simply see the expensive, immoral waste of making war on the sick and dying - everyone is affected by this issue.

To accomplish this you need to first click on the following links and send a message to all the reps and media you can on the issue. Then get everybody else to do the same. And follow up.

To do this you need to tell everybody you know. And can confide in. Then/or anonymously tell everybody you don't know - or can't confide in. Yet.

Tell everybody else by Letters-to-the-Editor, displaying signage at street corners and over-passes (wear trenchcoat, fedora and sunglasses if afraid of exposure), and/or anonymously leaving literature and posting on-line at places where people are likely to find it. Coffeeshops are good places to leave printed material and you can go to the websites of the local newspapers to post items as well. More ideas and supporting tools via the links below.

Inform, Educate, Activate

[pic]INFORM and EDUCATE. Distribute medical marijuana brochures and other literature to your friends, family, local leaders and elected officials in an effort to educate the public and garner support. Educate your community by Printing, posting and handing out Flyers and other Printables in a mall, coffee shop, laundromat, college campus, lamp post, telephone poll, business window (ask first), hospital, or anywhere people will see them. Contact these groups for some. If you or your Organization is doing the same, please Post It or give us Feed Back.

[pic]NORML / A Page Just For You / Medical Marijuana Patients | This section is to help you locate the information you need to become fully informed regarding medical marijuana -- as well as play an important role in changing America’s misguided marijuana laws. Printable materials and more ... visit:

[pic]Flyers and Printables by ASA | Educate your community. Print and post these flyers anywhere people will see them. ... visit:

[pic]You can also print and hand out MPP's medical marijuana brochures to your friends, family, local leaders and elected officials in an effort to educate the public and garner support.

[pic]OUTREACH and Gather TESTIMONY. Ask your doctor, clergy member, local leader, or organization you are a member of to sign a statement of principle. One way to get that done is to download MPPs medical marijuana statement of principle, print it out, and ask your doctor or other individual to sign it the next time you have the opportunity. Then send it to MPP at P.O. Box 77492, Washington, D.C. 20013.

[pic]And TESTIFY. If you are a patient or caregiver that could benefit from such a law and would like to help advance legislation by sharing your story with others. Call in to radio, TV and other media; write LTEs and contact you legislators. These groups are helping with this activity:

[pic]The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) | contact them at P.O. Box 77492, Washington, DC 20013, or visit

[pic]NORML | Contact Your Elected Representatives And Urge Them to 'Stop Arresting Marijuana Smokers', visit -

[pic]ASA Online Action Center | Take action online to make your voice heard! Identify your representative and send a free message using our online action center. When your elected officials hear from you – and often – they are more likely to support our calls for safe and legal access to medical cannabis!

[pic]Meet with Your Elected Official | Meeting with our elected officials is very simple and very important. As citizens, they are here to serve us. Start building a relationship with your elected officials using this brief overview to help you get started.

[pic]Petition Your Senators to Support Research | ASA has created a petition that you can print out and circulate at your work, school, home, church, and in your larger community. Download and print out this petition calling on your U.S. Senators to support access to materials for FDA-approved medical cannabis research.

If you or your Organization is doing anything similar, please Post It or give us Feed Back.

[pic]Just GOTV (Get Out The Vote). Register Voters, Publicize current legislation (and what folks can do in support!) -or- how "they" voted in the last effort. Gather signatures for any and all cannabis law reform initiatives while Informing and Educating the public. Not one going in your state? Start one yourself!

More Legislative Tips and Tools > here < and we're sure you'll come up with more.

[pic]LETTER The EDITOR (LTE). Write a letter to the editor in support of medical marijuana. Writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper can be a great way to foster discussion about marijuana policy reform.

[pic]MAPinc Tips, Tools and Tricks ... for Old Dogs and New! | Letter to the Editor Writing Resources, Media Contact Resources; How To Get Drug Policy On the Air in Your Community, How to write a Press Release, Media Contact On Demand!, Drug Policy Writers Group. plus, Additional Resources; Activist Tools, Community Audits and Initiatives Project, MAP Virtual Conference Center (Our Voice/Text Chat Server) and more! ... visit -

[pic]How To LTE by ASA | Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper calling for safe access to medical cannabis. You never know who might be reading – a judge, policeman, or elected official! Use ASA's LTE action site to find information for your local paper and submit your LTE online, using talking points we've developed. Visit -

[pic]The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) also has provided a list of talking points and encourages you to write a letter and get others to do so also. Feel free to contact them if you'd like help with your letter, and let them know if it gets published.

[pic]BROADCAST and PUBLICIZE. Help get the word out by downloading and sharing MPP's public service announcements with radio stations in your area. If you're a talk radio listener, call in and express support for medical marijuana laws. Even if the subject being discussed isn't explicitly about marijuana, many related issues can be a springboard for urging reform. For example, if the issue is health care, you can point out that treatment decisions are better off being left to patients and physicians than police and prosecutors.

[pic]Contact Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) for more.

[pic]Also - Circulate NORML's Public Service Announcements; Visit -

[pic]ACTIVATE. Facilitate Meetings and Meet-Ups in order to accomplish all the above as well as Gather Contact Info and Get people involved. These groups have sign-up sheets for e-mail addresses:

[pic]Meetings and Meet-Ups > Medical Cannabis Meetup Groups - Medical Cannabis Meetups around the world | Find a Medical Cannabis Meetup Group near you ... grouped by City and Country ... find the ones with the most people interested in Medical Cannabis Meetups in Florida ... international, national, provincial, municipal levels   ...   Visit - .

[pic]Join ASA Email Lists | Communication is the key to organizing. Use ASA's listserves to keep up with breaking news on medical marijuana, to plug into your local community activism, and to effectively communicate with your peers. Visit -

[pic]Download NORML's eZine Signup Form | Visit - and send to - NORML: 1600 K Street NW, Suite 501, Washington DC, 20006-2832 -or- Visit - to sign-up on-line

[pic]Also, using MPP's sign-up sheets, collect as many valid e-mail addresses as you can and send them to MPP. You can scan and e-mail the information you collect to Nathan@ or mail it to MPP legislative analyst Nathan Miller at P.O. Box 77492, Washington, DC 20013.

[pic]ORGANIZE -and- EVENT. Organize an event or action item to attract people in order to further Inform, Educate and Activate. Don't forget to alert the media!

[pic]Form / Join an independent group like a Patients Union | Patients across the country are forming Medical Cannabis Patients' Unions based on their shared diagnosis, needs or region. The Unions are a support network for patients and caregivers to fight for safe access to cannabis as medicine! ASA has info here > Visit -

[pic]So you want to have a marijuana rally? by NORML | For a rally to be truly successful, organizers and participants have the responsibility to ensure that more is achieved than mass euphoria. Find out all you need to know. here > Visit -

[pic]Resources for Organizers by ASA | Everything you need to be an effective activist: handbooks, outreach materials, graphics and more. Visit -

[pic]FILMFEST. Set up a free screening of the award-winning medical marijuana documentary "Waiting to Inhale" or other film. If you are interested in hosting a screening of "Waiting to Inhale", please contact Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) letting them know.

[pic]HEMPFEST. Set up a music, art or other -oriented event. Contact the folks at the Seattle Hempfest, they'll be happy to share how they do theirs.

[pic]VOLUNTEER and AFFILIATE. For example, ASA chapters and affiliates represent the core of ASA's grassroots activism. If there is no chapter or affiliate in your region, please consider starting one today. It's easy, and ASA staff will guide you through the process. Visit -

[pic]Help Spread The Good Word About NORML's Important Work by: - Printing and Distributing NORML-related info; Visit -

[pic]2.) Join and Support Your Local NORML Chapter; Visit -

[pic]2a.) Start Your Own NORML Chapter - Visit -


Protest, Rally and Demonstrate

Court and Prison Support

[pic]Write to Medical Cannabis Prisoners | Show solidarity and support for incarcerated medical cannabis patients and providers by writing to people on our list of medical cannabis prisoners. Visit -

[pic]More Legal Resources here, and Legislative and Action Tips and Tools > here < and we're sure you'll come up with more. If you or your Organization has any action items or ideas - for this region or in general, please Post It or give us Feed Back.

|  local Organizations, CONTACTs and other Resources   |

[pic]Florida NORML | Contact info: 1515 E. Livingston St. Orlando, FL 32789 Voice (407) 894-0052

[pic]Florida State University NORML | Officers: Brad Crocker (Executive Director), Matthew Zimmerman (Executive Director) Contact info: A305 Oglesby Union Tallahassee, FL 32306 * ... or Visit -

[pic]JAX NORML | Officers: Ford Banister (Executive Director), Jim Cullipher (Director) Contact info: P.O. Box 550944 Jacksonville, FL 32255-0944 * Voice (678) 697-4845 * ... or Visit - jax-

[pic]NORML at University of Central Florida | Officers: Tyler Smith (Executive Director), Axel Bilbaeo Contact info: Student Union 208 PO Box 163245 Orlando, FL 32817 * Voice (727) 642-9511 * ... or Visit -

[pic]NORML of South Florida | Contact info: West Park, FL 33023 * Voice (954) 303-9254 * ... or e-mail - normlsfla@

[pic]University of Florida NORML | Contact info: 300-40 J. Wayne Reitz Union, P.O. Box 118505, Gainesville, FL * ... or Visit -

[pic]Other Locals? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below. In the meantime ... visit: for the latest.

[pic]Florida Cannabis Action Network | Florida Cannabis Action Network is an nonprofit organization devoted to the reform of all laws associated with marijuana. They provide legal referral, public education, activist training, first amendment support, press contacts, expert speakers, and motivation to the movement to change Florida and the Nation's marijuana laws. Contact info: call (321) 253-3673, write to - 2613 Larry Ct, Melbourne, FL 32935 ... or Visit -

[pic]Benefits of Marijuana | This book – a one of a kind tribute to the Divinity within The Marijuana Plant – is a brilliant scientific treatise aimed at the average reader, demonstrating the far-reaching benefits for body, mind and spirit to be derived from this ancient therapeutic herb. Features: Publications, Merchandise ... or Visit -

[pic]Drug Policy Forum Florida | DPF Florida members believe that drug related problems threaten our children's future and weaken our entire nation. They promote scientific and truthful evaluation of current and proposed policies aimed at controlling traffic in all types of drugs. This web site has been provided by DrugSense and is used in conjunction with the DPFFL email list. Features: Membership, Mailing List(s), News Contact info: phone - (727) 712-0614 ... or Visit -

[pic]... Also | DrugSense / MAPinc > Drug Policy Organizations, Links and other Resources. Find a Resource near you -or- Enter yours! ... Visit:

[pic]Organizations Supporting Access to Therapeutic Cannabis As Compiled by Patients Out of Time | Florida Governor's Red Ribbon Panel on AIDS - 1993. Florida Medical Association - 1997 ... Medical Cannabis Research Foundation (UK) – 2000 ... and more. visit -

And, here are some national / international Resources - > here, and you can Read more > News < by clicking here. And bookmark this page to Stay tuned for information on how to change the law.

[pic]Push to Legalize Medicinal Marijuana in Florida By Rich Jones, News Director @ March 31, 2009 | There's a push by students at Florida State University to legalize marijuana. Students are gathering petitions for a constitutional amendment. They'll need almost 700,000 to get it on the ballot next year. Kim Russell is one of the organizers and says it could help her father with Parkinson's disease avoid surgery. "It's a pain reducer. It's a neuro-protector, meaning it protects the brain. It has anti-oxidant properties. There's many medicinal purposes for it". Thirteen other states have already taken some steps to legalize medical uses of marijuana. Nine others, including Florida, could vote on the measure in 2010. visit -

[pic]All Topics > Criminal Law > The Treatment of Pain and Medical Marijuana > The Treatment of Pain and Medical Marijuana Florida | Over the past fifty years, pharmaceutical companies have spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to develop a “non-addictive” pain medication that could also provide relief from acute and chronic pain, but without the risk of serious side effects. Over the past fifty years, pharmaceutical companies have spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to develop a “non-addictive” pain medication that could also provide relief from acute and chronic pain, but without the risk of serious side effects. The failure to develop such a drug is one reason why so many people have considered alternative remedies to treat their pain, including the use of medical marijuana.

The medical community has recognized the benefits of medical marijuana for many years. In fact, major pharmaceutical companies actually sold THC (acting ingredient in marijuana) in their drug products for decades until the federal government enacted legislation prohibiting the sale of marijuana back in 1937. visit -

[pic]The Third National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics | Legal Cannabis Patients - Irvin Rosenfeld & Elvy Musikka ... Receiving Medical Marijuana grown by U.S. Government on Investigational New Drugs Program, two Federal IND patients speak to 2004 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference. Irvin Rosenfeld, a stockbroker from Florida, has a rare bone disease that causes painful tumors and receives 300 marijuana cigarettes per month. Elvy Musikka has glaucoma and has smoked Federal Cannabis for 31 years. visit -

[pic]Florida's Marijuana Boom: House-Grown, and Potent By Carmen Gentile / Miami Thursday, Jul. 30, 2009 | California may be the center of the marijuana trade and the controversies over its legalization. But Florida has surpassed it in one important category: the Sunshine State is now the country's leader in indoor marijuana cultivation. It is a potent distinction because most of the marijuana grown this way is cultured hydroponically — that is, mostly without soil and with a carefully calibrated cocktail of chemicals and lighting — to create some of the highest level of highs on the market. In 2006, Florida law enforcement here discovered 480 homes growing marijuana indoors. Last year, 1,022 grow houses were busted. "This isn't your grandma's marijuana," quipped a Miami-Dade narcotics officer at one bust as he tossed garbage bags stuffed with confiscated marijuana into an unmarked police truck. Levels of THC — the agent in marijuana that produces feelings of euphoria, and in some users mild hallucinations and paranoia — have risen dramatically because of indoor techniques. Thirty years ago, most marijuana contained about 7% THC. Today, indoor growers boast THC levels of 25% or higher thanks to the additional care that indoor plants receive. Medical Marijuana Home Delivery, The Great American Pot Smoke-Out; More Related ... Is Marijuana the Answer to California’s Budget Woes?, It’s High Time, Why I Would Vote No On Pot ... visit -

you can Read more > News < by clicking here.

|  The Law, LEGAL Resources   |

[pic]The Laws concerning marijuana in Florida.  By NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Visit: index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4530 for more.

[pic]Florida (FL) MJ LEGAL Resources, by NORML.  NORML Legal Committee members, and more for Florida, by NORML - the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.   ...   Visit - .

[pic]Florida Marijuana Charge? Free Legal Defense Case Evaluation on Florida Marijuana Possession Charges | Florida marijuana possession laws are among the toughest in the county, and the penalties the most severe. With many states passing medical marijuana laws, there is a nationwide trended to decriminalize possession of pot. Unfortunately Florida has not caught up to this trend to lay off the harmless pot smokers. Simple possession of marijuana is still a seriously prosecuted misdemeanor criminal offense. If you were convicted of possession of marijuana it is possible to be sentenced to jail time, even for small amounts. Thought there is not a big risk of jail time likely for small amounts of pot, a joint or a blunt, any risk of jail time is enough to make most people very nervous. It is at a time like this that you need a defense attorney you can trust, to help you figure out what you are facing, and what you can do about it. Our lawyers know how the Florida criminal courts treat marijuana offenses and can help you get the best possible results in court. Whether you were caught with a small personal amount or busted with plants or a large amount, we can help. visit - For a Free Criminal Defense Consultation, call Musca Law at (877) 394-6959

[pic] - Worldwide Marijuana travel Guide with information about Marijuana prices all over the world ! Check out WBH's stoners' guide to the world! | Fort Lauderdale, State: Florida (FL); Country: United States (US), Time Zone: UTC/GMT -4 hours, Dialing codes: + 1 (USA) Area codes: 754 / 954. Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4 Legislation: Possession of 20 grams or less of marijuana is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. Possession of greater than 20 grams of marijuana is a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.

Law Enforcement: City of Fort Lauderdale police are usually too busy chasing murderers to worry about average consumer level potheads, but don't smoke in too public of a place or a crowded area. Stay away from the main strip along Ft. Lauderdale beach. Smaller municipal local city cops may be bored and looking for some stoned kids to mess with, such as in the areas of Hollywood , Tamarac, Cooper City, Weston, and especially Pembroke Pines (fuckers!). But most of the county is patrolled by the Broward Sheriffs Office, which is an underpaid, under funded, lazy and corrupt work force. I wouldn’t worry too much about them, but stay out of slummy and ghetto areas where they like to pull white people over and search their car (i.e. Systrunk). Use your head and you should be alright.

Where to buy marijuana in Fort Lauderdale, FL: Some of the clubs and bars such as the elbow room on the beach will have some locals hanging out looking to deal to some out-of-towners, but those guys will most likely rip you off with some South American crap. Downtown, Las Olas, and Riverfront are good areas to be social and meet some fellow stoners that will hook you up. Most in the Biz people are stoners so ask restaurant and bar employees where to hook up. Also, if you are willing to venture 2 or 3 miles, Dania Beach and Hollywood are infamous for breeding super stoners that can smoke you to the ground, probably because there isn't shit else to do in there towns but sit back and toke up.

Check out the Dania Beach pier area (although it’s also a secret late night gay hang out, watch out where you bend over) and the Hollywood OceanWalk area, OceansEleven beach bar, BU's, etc. Watch out for pesky French Canadians complaining about the quality of american herb (if you don't like it, go back to Montreal). Hollywood Beach is a colony of Quebec. Stoners tend to hang out in front of Haagen Dazs on the beach there, just look for surfer beach bum types, don't be too direct or they'll think you're cops! Marijuana Prices in Fort Lauderdale, Florida: Regs: Crypie 1.5 g = $10 1 g = $25 1/8 oz. = $15-20 1.5 g = $25 1/4 oz. = $25-30 1/8 oz. = $50-60 (depending on quality) 1 oz. = $60-90 1/4 oz. = $100 1 oz. = $300-400

Fort Lauderdale, Florida marijuana Brands: Figuring that Port Everglades is the largest cruise ship port in the world and goes all over the Carribean and South America, you can imagine that we have quite the selection. Most popular is Columbia and Mexican regs, compressed, and you'll be pickin some seeds, but usually decent, compared to what the rest of the country is smoking. Fort Lauderdale also has various homegrown hydro from local producers. Common strains are Hash Plant, Blueberry, Haze, and some krypie hybrids. If your lucky, you'll run into some awesome purple stuff from time to time.

City tale: Fort Lauderdale has been called Fort Liquordale for good reason, it is as much a drinking town as it is a smoking town, but watch out for pesky US-1 D.U.I. check points. Fort Lauderdale is also a fishing town and supposed to be the billfishing capital of the world with its annual competitions and boat shows and expos, so if you like stoned fishing or boating this is the place to be. Fort Lauderdales has also been called the Venice of America because of its many connecting canals and intracoastal waterways, it is almost as easy to get around by boat is it is by car. Best time to go is in the Winter, because the summer is rainy season and well know for its hurricanes and fiercy thunderstorms. There seems to be a annual weed drought around the end of September to middle October, although local suppliers can fill that gap that smugglers tend to open up, but stock up in late August just in case! visit -

[pic]Marijuana Legal in Florida? | Florida Marijuana Laws. Marijuana: What is it and is it legal in the state of Florida. Marijuana is illegal in the state of Florida and is heavily prosecuted in the central Florida areas of Orlando, Winter Park, Windermere, Kissimmee, Longwood, Altamonte Springs, Tuscawilla, and in Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Brevard and Lake County. Hiring a lawyer is a good idea if you are arrested or charged with possession of marijuana as it can be a felony if you are caught possessing more than 20 grams of the plant.

What should you do if you get arrested for Marijuana in the State of Florida? If you are arrested in Orlando, or any other neighboring communities, call a drug charges defense attorney who is experienced in marijuana, cannabis or hash cases. Hiring an experienced Orlando attorney may be critical to the outcome of the case as you or your loved one may face driver's license suspension, probation or in some cases jail or prison time. If you have been charged or arrested for possession of marijuana or cannabis in Orlando, Windermere, Winter Park, Baldwin Park, Avalon Park, Longwood, Altamonte Springs, Celebration, Kissimmee, or in Orange, Lake, Seminole or Osceola county, call us at 407-228-3838 or contact us via email today. Let our former prosecutors help you today!! Criminal Defense Overview Misdemeanors & Felonies Criminal Consequences First Time Offenders Tourist Defense Sealing Records/Expungment Probation ... Juvenile Defense The Juvenile Criminal System ... Florida Commercial Driver's License Statute Florida Drug Trafficking Statute Florida Racing & Reckless Driving Statute ... visit -

Also, here are some national / international Resources -

[pic]LegalJoint: Florida Marijuana Law. A general overview of marijuana law in the state of Florida including legal implications for anyone cultivating, using, selling or in possession of marijuana or paraphernalia. ... New! Medical Marijuana Brief Bank ... Visit:

[pic]Medicinal Marijuana - State-by-State American Laws | U.S. State Laws on Medical Marijuana Source: CNN Interactive .... Highlights: A licensed pharmacist may dispense cannabis type drugs to a person receiving ... click > here < for more.

[pic]U.S. Marijuana Laws, Medical Marijuana Facts, Cannabis, Hemp | Provides U.S. Marijuana Laws, Facts About Marijuana, Marijuana Drug Testing, Drug Detection Times, Medical Marijuana, and Information About Your Rights ... North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon... visit -

[pic]Erowid Cannabis Vault : Legal Status, U.S. LAW | Both Cannabis and Tetrahydrocannabinols, the active chemicals contained in Cannabis plants, are Schedule I in the United States. This means they are federally illegal to cultivate, buy, possess, or distribute (sell, trade or give) in all forms (cannabis plants, extracts, hash, hash oil, thc, etc) except synthetic THC (Marinol) which is Schedule III. The federal scheduling of Cannabis was disputed in 1988 by Judge Francis Young, an administrative law judge for the DEA, who recommended that marijuana be reclassified as schedule II on the grounds that if a respectable minority of doctors endorse it, then it has a "currently accepted medical use". Visit:


See Contacts section, below, for Organizations and other Resources for Legal Help.

|  International Law, LEGAL Resources   |

[pic]Legal and medical status of cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Cannabis is in Schedule IV of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, making it subject to special restrictions. Article 2 provides for the following, in reference to Schedule IV drugs:

A Party shall, if in its opinion the prevailing conditions in its country render it the most appropriate means of protecting the public health and welfare, prohibit the production, manufacture, export and import of, trade in, possession or use of any such drug except for amounts which may be necessary for medical and scientific research only, including clinical trials therewith to be conducted under or subject to the direct supervision and control of the Party.

This provision, while apparently providing for the limitation of cannabis to research purposes only, also seems to allow some latitude for nations to make their own judgments. The official Commentary on the Single Convention indicates that Parties are expected to make that judgment in good faith. Click > here < for more.

|  LEGISLATION, Action Items and related Resources   |

[pic]Drug Policy Alliance: Reform in Florida | State legislatures are traditionally at the forefront of policy change, serving as "laboratories" for new ideas and solutions. Drug policy reform is no exception: on issues of drug sentencing, medical marijuana, overdose prevention, and expansion of effective drug treatment services, many states are working for better ways to reduce the harms associated both with drugs and current drug policies. ... visit:

[pic]NORML / A Page Just For You / Medical Marijuana Patients | This section is to help you locate the information you need to become fully informed regarding medical marijuana -- as well as play an important role in changing America’s misguided marijuana laws. Select One, All States and Canada, Mexico, Europe, Other ... visit:

[pic]DrugInfo - Medical Cannabis: USA > In Search of a Viable Distribution System for Oklahoma's Medical Marijuana Program ... Medicinal Cannabis: USA Federal: Legislation, Court Decisions and Commentaries States: Legislation and Programs. Click here for more.

[pic]Others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. You can also check the Events and News sections to see if there are any Items posted there. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

|  National and International ORGz Section  |

[pic]ASA : Florida | Medical cannabis (medical marijuana) resources in Florida ... Find info here on the therapeutic uses of and research on medical cannabis. ... visit -

[pic]American Medical Marijuana Association ... Medical Marijuana Farmacy | Florida. State registration program, Dept of Health and Social Services 907-465-5423. Colorado. State registration program (303) 692-2184 medical.marijuana ... visit:

[pic]LegalJoint: Medical and Other Marijuana Links. A selection links to HIGH quality canabis web sites, related to medical or recreational mmj use. of Columbia FEDERAL Florida Florida Guam Florida Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Florida ... Willie Wortel Workshop. Florida Medical Marijuana Institute and Cannabis Club ... visit:

[pic]NORML Home / Medical Use by State. All States and Canada Mexico Europe Other ... See Map: index.cfm?Group_ID=3376 for more.

[pic]Patients Out of Time is a patient advocacy organization with a universal constituency. They support the rights of patients to have a legal and safe access to the therapeutic use of cannabis. The mission of their organization, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, is the education of health care professionals and the public about the therapeutic use of cannabis. Their leadership is composed of medical and nursing professionals with expertise in the clinical applications of cannabis and five of the seven patients (two wish to remain anonymous) who receive their medical cannabis from the US government. Patients Out of Time is the only national non-profit in the United States that focuses only on therapeutic cannabis issues. Visit -

[pic]Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). Join the Marijuana Policy Project! State officials confirm Supreme Court decision does not impact state medical marijuana laws. Medical Marijuana Briefing Paper - 2005. Until 1937, marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) was legal in the United States ... Hawaii enacted a medical marijuana law via its state legislature in 2000 and ... Visit: medicine.html

[pic]DrugSense: Drug Law Reform ... of Justice Statistics, State Court Organization, 1998 (Washington, DC ... Cannabis in Medical Practice: A Legal, Historical and Pharmacological... Visit:

[pic]OCBC's Links Page. Organizations Supporting Medical-cannabis Reform. Americans for Safe Access(ASA) coordinates "...a nation-wide day of action to push back DEA attempts to re-criminalize medical cannabis! ... Washington Citizens for Medical Rights, sponsored a successful medical cannabis ballot measure in November 1998. "As a result, this Initiative is now State ... Visit: links.html

[pic]Excellent medical info on cannabis, Washington State's I-692 Medical Marijuana Law ... Greencross. Washington State based buyer's cooperative based in Seattle. Trailblazer in state ... Visit: links.php < for more.

[pic]Marijuana links. Popular Searches: Medical Marijuana Links. Marijuana Research Links. ... about marijuana, The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A RCW This is ... an activist for medical marijuana. Chronic Cannabis Use A report on ... Click > here < for more.

[pic]Open Directory - Society: Issues: Health: Drugs: Illegal: Pro-Legalization: Marijuana: Medical Purposes ... to providing medical cannabis to those in need. Initiative 692 - Medical Marijuana - WCMR of Washington State ... use of medical cannabis in the state of Colorado. Medical Marijuana ... click > here < for more.

[pic]Others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

[pic]Cannabis Freedom Activist Network | Cannabis Freedom Activist Network's Guide To Cannabis Research is a service of Freedom Activist Network. Browse to view the complete guide to Freedom Activist Network.

|  FORUMs Section  |

[pic]MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN FLORIDA | Download petition online here: Link This petition is sponsored by People United For Medical Marijuana. A recommendation from a licensed Florida medical physician will be required. Medical doctors being restricted from recommending any remedy to patients that’s been proven safe and effective should outrage everyone. Such a restriction should only be allowed in the case of extreme danger to citizens or society. This certainly is not the case with marijuana.

In all of recorded history there has never been a single death from the ingredients in marijuana. In 1988, after reviewing all evidence brought forth in a lawsuit against the government's prohibition of medical marijuana, the DEA's own administrative law judge (Judge Francis Young) wrote: "The evidence in this record clearly shows that marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people, and doing so with safety under medical supervision. It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for the Drug Enforcement Administration to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance in light of the evidence". visit -

[pic]FloridaMedicalMarijuana (Blog) * MySpace Profile - FLORIDA FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA, ... SAINT PETERSBURG, Florida, US ... visit -

[pic]Florida (FL) - Forums Message Boards - Medical Marijuana ... | Florida (FL) - State of Florida, United States ... Contact Us - Medical Marijuana, California Cannabis, Cannabis Clubs, Co-Op, ... Visit -

Also, here are some national / international Forums -

[pic]Ganja Grocer | We are your Medical Marijuana Resource Center. Learn How to Become a Legal Medical Marijuana Patient. If you live in a state with Medical Marijuana Laws, Come visit our forums today! Visit - < for more.

[pic] - is based in california and focused on providing the best possible resources for future and current medical marijuana patients, activists, and supporters. MessageBoard Forum. Cannabis FAQs. Image & Picture Gallery. Medical Marijuana. Vaporizer FAQ. Advertising Information ... Visit:

[pic]Cannabis Community Coalition. Forum for Medical Marijuana & Medicinal Cannabis Patients. ... visit: cannabiscom. < for more.

[pic]The Compassionate Coalition's mission: To defend the rights of medical marijuana patients and care providers through education and community participation. A nonprofit grassroots organization that helps build and support local chapters nation-wide, linking them with other medical marijuana reform organizations and resources. Contact Information - Mailing Address: The Compassionate Coalition * 1500 Oliver Road, Ste-K * P.M.B. #248 * Fairfield, CA 94533-3473 * (NOTE: When sending mail to this address, please be sure to write "The Compassionate Coalition" in the address line. Thanks!) * Fax: (916)266-7455 * or Visit: forum

[pic]The Amsterdam THC Ministry, First Universal Church of Kantheism, is based on ancient wisdom, modern science and the enlightening and healing properties of the cannabis sacrament. Their mission includes liberating the sacred cannabis hemp plant and the minds and spirits of those who do and of those who do not revere it. May we all enjoy the rich, abundant, joyful and awakened life that is part of our natural inheritance. Visit: forum

[pic]Ya-Hooka; Health_and_Medicinal/Buyers_Clubs Organizations and Compassion Clubs providing access to medical marijuana  ... Co-op ~ The Alternative Relief Co-op is a patient-oriented medical cannabis dispensary located in San Francisco ... It Report Broken Link. Arizona Medical Marijuana Co-Op ~ Click here for more.

[pic]Welcome to the Cannabis Classifieds Want Ads. To buy cannabis for medical purposes is legal in some areas. Here you will find hundreds of medical doctors, professional growers, and prescription patients in need who want to buy cannabis legally but can't find each other. Visit: cannabiswant.html

|  EVENTs, Calendars and related Resources   |

[pic]Calendar | Medical Marijuana Benefit Concert at Tobacco Road - UPDATED INFO Presented by Ploppy Palace Productions 6TH ANNUAL MEDICAL MARIJUANA BENEFIT CONCERT AT TOBACCO ROAD HOSTED BY PLOPPY PALACE PRODUCTIONS On Saturday, January 24, 2004 Ploppy Palace Productions and Tobacco Road will be hosting a concert to raise funds for FL NORML’s (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) and FL C.A.N.’s (Cannabis Action Network) medical marijuana campaign and the protection of patients’ rights. As part of this four stage extravaganza, some of South Florida's top bands, spoken word artists and community activists will join together for patients’ and physicians’ right to use medical cannabis. As a testament to the diversity of supporters for this cause, there will be a broad variety of musical styles including jazz, rock, reggae, folk, vocal harmonies, Peruvian, hip-hop, Latin, funk, experimental, heavy metal, tribal rhythms, world beat fusion, psychedelic grooves and various interactive jams. visit -

[pic]ASA: Events | 3rd Annual Candlelight Vigil for Medical Cannabis Patients Saturday, April 22nd 2006 8 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania PhillyNORML will host it's 3rd annual ... visit - calendar.php?calid=315

[pic]HempFests | Street Fairs, Festivals and Farmers Markets - Music, Food and Stuff for Sale or Barter - any opportunity for activists to booth, people to gather and businesses to vend ... like any local versions of the Seattle Hempfest ... will be listed here as we find out about them.

[pic]Marches | Demonstrations, Rallies and similar Action Items any situation where activists are trying to educate or draw attention to - yet another - victim and people are congregating ... like the Million Marijuana Marches ... will be listed here as we find out about them.

[pic]Other Types? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Got an Idea? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

|  BIZ, and related Commercial Resources   |

[pic]Others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

|  NEWs and related Resources   |

[pic]A Medical Marijuana Face-Off - Anna Scott - April 6, 2009 | Sarasota Herald Tribune - Marijuana is the only drug Cathy Jordan says helps her fight Lou Gehrig's disease. The 59-year-old mother smokes two joints every night to relieve depression and muscle spasms, and to boost her appetite. "It's keeping me alive," said Jordan in an interview at her home in Parrish. "Anti-depressants made me a zombie and other drugs had bad side effects. The crime is that people like me can't get it legally."

Floridians could vote for the first time next year to allow marijuana for medical use. A petition drive, started last week by an Orlando woman whose father has Parkinson's disease, would make the drug legal for any condition as prescribed by a doctor. The last time such an organized effort to legalize marijuana occurred in Florida was 1997, just one year after California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana. But in Florida the petitioners fell hundreds of thousands of signatures short of getting to a state referendum.

This time the movement faces some of the same roadblocks, such as opposition from law enforcement and a lack of support by the majority of the medical community. But the climate has become more favorable in ways that could shift the balance. A dozen other states have approved medical marijuana since Florida last tried to get it on the ballot, and four state legislatures are currently considering proposals. visit -

[pic]Florida state considers medical marijuana. | — Anna Scott April 6, 2009 Sarasota Herald Tribune -- Marijuana is the only drug Cathy Jordan says helps her fight Lou Gehrig's disease. The 59-year-old mother smokes two joints every night to relieve depression and muscle spasms, and to boost her appetite. Related by Keyword; When Athletes Need to Let Go of Need to Win, Dude, Chill: No Need For Panic Over Medical Marijuana, 51% of Americans Say Alcohol More Dangerous Than Marijuana ... and more. Visit -

[pic]Marijuana Goes Upstate, Florida moves into the number two spot when it comes to grow houses - By Francisco Alvarado - Published on November 07, 2007 | View a slideshow from several busted grow houses around South Florida. On October 18 at 10:22 p.m., Betty was watching television in the living room of her pleasant three-bedroom home in Lehigh Acres, a rural community of 90,000 that's about 12 miles east of Fort Myers. Her four-year-old daughter Nina was sound asleep in her room. Suddenly the 27-year-old single mom heard the unmistakable pop of gunfire. It was close, too close. Peeking through the curtain of her front window, she saw muzzle flashes and human silhouettes moving across the front yard of a house one block from her one-acre lot. She picked up the phone and dialed 911. visit -

[pic]Landmark bill targeting marijuana grow houses becomes law - MyFox Gulf Coast | TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Attorney General Bill McCollum announced Tuesday that the Marijuana Grow House Eradication Act has been signed into law, giving Florida’s prosecutors and law enforcement essential tools to combat for-profit growers of marijuana. The new law, sponsored by Senator Steve Oelrich (R-Gainesville) and Representative Nick Thompson (R-Ft. Myers), passed as House Bill 173 during the 2008 Legislative Session and was signed into law by Governor Charlie Crist Tuesday. The bill was developed because of the increasing number of grow houses operating in the state and violent crime which tend to be associated with these operations. The new law makes it a second-degree felony to grow 25 or more plants, targeting for-profit growers who exploit Florida’s previous threshold of 300 plants. The law will also make it a third-degree felony to own a house for the purpose of cultivating, packaging and distributing marijuana and a first-degree felony to grow 25 or more plants in a home with children present. visit -

[pic]Home > Drug Laws > Florida's New Marijuana Grow House Law Florida's New Marijuana Grow House Law Posted on August 14, 2008 by Ron Chapman | During the last few years, I have represented several clients in both State and Federal Court who have been charged with growing marijuana plants in their homes. Therefore, I was particularly interested to learn that on July 1, 2008 a new law went into effect in Florida called the Marijuana Grow House Eradication Act. The following is a news article about that Act: TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Attorney General Bill McCollum announced Tuesday that the Marijuana Grow House Eradication Act has been signed into law, giving Florida’s prosecutors and law enforcement essential tools to combat for-profit growers of marijuana. The New Law.

The new law, sponsored by Senator Steve Oelrich (R-Gainesville) and Representative Nick Thompson (R-Ft. Myers), passed as House Bill 173 during the 2008 Legislative Session and was signed into law by Governor Charlie Crist Tuesday. The bill was developed because of the increasing number of grow houses operating in the state and violent crime which tend to be associated with these operations. “Grow houses are not only furthering this dangerous drug trade within our state, they are bringing violent crime into our neighborhoods,” said Attorney General McCollum. “This new law will help protect our families and communities.” visit -

[pic]New Florida Marijuana Boom House Grown Super Potent Pot | — Hydroponically cultivated pot is more potent than outdoor weed and the Sunshine State is leading the nation in producing the illegal crop. California may be the center of the marijuana trade and controversies over its legalization. But Florida has passed it in one important category... Related by Keyword; Marijuana’s tipping point, Fundraising jump for marijuana group after Obama snub, Vermont legislators move to soften harsh marijuana laws ... visit -

[pic]Florida Bill Would Create Penalties Targeting Marijuana Grow Houses October 03, 2007 by Micah Colvin | Marijuana grow houses are becoming increasingly common in the suburbs of Florida, and new cultivation techniques are making it 15 times as potent as marijuana available 20 years ago. The Florida State Attorney General Bill McCollum has teamed with state legislators in creating a bill that would stiffen penalties for home marijuana growers. Among other provisions in the Marijuana Grow House Eradication Act are enhanced penalties for having a child present in a grow house and having illegal drugs present in close proximity to children younger than three.

"As Florida's Attorney General, my priority is protecting our children and our communities from the devastation of illegal drugs," said Attorney General McCollum. "This legislation targets those who grow marijuana for profit." Florida is second only to California in the number of grow houses discovered last year. Almost two-thirds of Florida's counties, 41 out of 67, had at least one grow house in their boundaries. One pound of marijuana cultivated with these techniques has a street value equivalent to a pound of cocaine.

Growing 25 or more marijuana plants will earn a new, tougher penalty under the Act. Florida's current definition of trafficking has a minimum of 300 plants, while the federal government considers a for-profit grower a trafficker with only 100 plants. For-profit growers have taken advantage of those limits in the past. Owning a house specifically for the cultivation of marijuana will result in increased penalties as well. The bill also makes a provision for seized grow house equipment, which is currently housed for preservation of evidence, to be destroyed by law enforcement without any civil liberty after photographs or video recording of the evidence is taken. Visit -

The Medical Cannabis and Florida - News Feeds > [pic]< Click here to build yours!

|  Medical Cannabis NEWs Feed   |

|[pic][pic]CN AB: PUB LTE: Drug-Driving Law Unfairly Targets |Cochrane Eagle |21 Oct |

|Marijuana | |2009 |

|US IL: PUB LTE: Medical Marijuana |Chicago Tribune |25 Oct |

| | |2009 |

|US HI: PUB LTE: New Policy a Step in Right Direction |Honolulu Advertiser |22 Oct |

| | |2009 |

|US DC: PUB LTE: Backing Off on Medical Marijuana |Washington Post |25 Oct |

| | |2009 |

|US CO: Summit County Sheriff's Office Wastes Its Resources On |Summit Daily News |26 Oct |

|Medical | |2009 |

|US CO: Vote Yes On 2F In Breckenridge |Summit Daily News |26 Oct |

| | |2009 |

|US CO: PUB LTE: Misguided On Pot Smoke |Summit Daily News |26 Oct |

| | |2009 |

|US GA: Column: 'America's Best Idea' Meets One Of Worst |Athens Banner-Herald |25 Oct |

| | |2009 |

|US DC: Editorial: Questions About Pot |Washington Post |26 Oct |

| | |2009 |

|US ME: Medicinal Pot Dispensaries on Ballot |Times Argus |26 Oct |

| | |2009 |

|  Drug War in Florida in general NEWs Feed   |

|[pic][pic]US FL: Column: It's High Time |Miami Herald |25 Oct |

| | |2009 |

|US FL: Editorial: Drug-Use Teacher Failed School, Students |St. Petersburg Times |18 Oct |

| | |2009 |

|US FL: Hernando Teacher Who Smoked Pot Will Likely Remain With |St. Petersburg Times |21 Oct |

|District | |2009 |

|US FL: New Manatee Teachers May Face Drug Testing |Sarasota Herald-Tribune |10 Sep |

| | |2009 |

|US FL: OPED: Legalize It |Tampa Tribune |23 Aug |

| | |2009 |

|US FL: Editorial: Uproar Over U.S. 'Bases' In Colombia Is Phony |Miami Herald |12 Aug |

| | |2009 |

|US FL: PUB LTE: This Is Unfair To Kids |Naples Daily News |08 Aug |

| | |2009 |

|US FL: PUB LTE: Why Testing Flunks |Naples Daily News |08 Aug |

| | |2009 |

|US FL: PUB LTE: Alcohol vs. Marijuana |Florida Times-Union |02 Aug |

| | |2009 |

|US FL: Editorial: Student Driver Drug Testing ... Noble Notion, |Naples Daily News |01 Aug |

|Bad Proposal | |2009 |

See more at The Media Awareness Project > Drugnews Archive ... visit -


[pic]Florida legislators too busy making Florida's marijuana laws tougher that federal law to worry about sick and dying patients this year - Last update: November 7, 2008 | 2008 session ends with new trafficking law. Gov. Charlie Crist (R) recently signed into law HB173/SB390, which carelessly lumps real drug dealers and small time offenders into the same category by creating the ridiculous judicial presumption that as few as 25 marijuana plants — one-fourth the amount the federal government considers a trafficking threshold — makes one a "drug trafficker." Florida already had the dubious honor of having the nation's harshest marijuana possession laws — less than 20 grams can land you in jail for a year and cost you $1,000. Even worse, possession of more than 20 grams is a felony. This new law puts Florida even further ahead of the draconian pack as the Sunshine State can now claim a trafficking standard 4 times as tough as the federal government's!

Court established defense. Despite the fact that a medical necessity defense has been established by Florida case law, patients remain at risk of being arrested and jailed because legislators have yet to enact a medical marijuana law. To review a 1991 case that outlines Florida's medical necessity defense,   Visit -

[pic]Florida (FL) MJ News Feed, by NORML.  Latest news and more for Florida, by NORML - the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.   ... and more.   Visit - index.cfm?Group_ID=4530&wtm_view=news.

[pic]ASA News: Group Pushes Medical Marijuana in Florida * by Troy Kinsey, WCJB TV 20 News (October 18th, 2005) “The head of the national group advocating state regulation of marijuana use for medical reasons visited Gainesville on Tuesday as part of a college tour central to the group's strategy. Marijuana Policy Project Executive Director Rob Kampia spoke to a gathering of University of Florida students, making special note of the Supreme Court's recent ruling upholding the right of federal authorities to arrest users of medicinal marijuana in the ten states that allow it.” ... visit -

[pic]Jaxfest: hunted in Florida (Article) by Christopher Largen (05 Jan, 2004) * Pepper spray and police harassment at Florida's hemp-friendly Jaxfest. “I sit on a beachside bench next to my friend George McMahon, one of five US citizens granted the right to smoke federal marijuana. He uses it to provide relief from pain, spasms, and nausea. McMahon and I have just driven from Texas to Jacksonville, Florida. We've passed through plains and swamps, but we haven't left Bush country.” ... visit -

[pic]: Florida MMJ Smoker Seeks To Influence Court * November 29, 2004 - By Sean Salai, Boca Raton News. “A sickly South Florida man who has smoked over 3,000 ounces of marijuana on the federal payroll for 22 years said Monday he hoped his experiences with the drug would influence the U.S. Supreme Court to legalize it. Irvin Rosenfeld, a Fort Lauderdale stockbroker with accounts in Boca Raton and a rare bone disorder, said he hoped his amicus brief in Ashcroft v. Raich would influence the Supreme Court to legalize cannabis for medical purposes. ‘Eighty percent of the American people favor medical cannabis,’ Rosenfeld told the Boca Raton News. ‘It is time the politicians realized this is a medical issue, not a legal issue. Stop fighting the war on drugs against sick people. It’s that simple.’ ” ... visit -

[pic]“Florida's Journey for Justice” (Article) * by Pete Brady (19 Jun, 2000) Med-pot patients march on prisons to protest pot oppression. “Across Florida the medical marijuana patients marched: past swamps, rusting railroad tracks, shotgun shacks and hog farms, dodging dogs in small towns booming with income from new prisons. In wheelchairs, cars, recreational vehicles, even a scale model jail cell towed on a donated trailer, the Journey for Justice med-pot caravan sojourned two hundred miles in seven days of northern Florida springtime. Thousands of bemused but friendly Floridians, in rural towns, or driving by on two lane roads, saw activist Kay Lee, wearing a striped prisoner's uniform, walking miles for justice. They saw Eddie Smith, a cancer and AIDS survivor, wheeling down the grassy roadside in sheets of blinding rain.” ... visit -

[pic]NORML News Feed.  Visit -

[pic], Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth ... Medical Marijuana Co-operative Writes About Value Of Cannabis For MS Patients. Photo-ID Cards For Washington State Medical ... Visit: medical_cannabis.htm

[pic](Medical) Marijuana Info - Information. Candidates running for the House of Representatives to the question: "Should smoked marijuana be a medical option now?" ... 10/28/02. Oklahoma House Race - District 1 ... Visit: house3.htm

[pic]The American Alliance For Medical Cannabis (AAMC) | Dedicated to bringing patients, caregivers and volunteers the facts they need to make informed decisions about whether Cannabis is the right medicine for them, the laws surrounding Medicinal Marijuana in your area, political activism and even handy recipes and guides to growing your own nontoxic medicine. visit:

[pic]Cannabis Times. Alternative News Service for Cannabis and Hemp ... Montana Woman on Hunger Strike for Medical Cannabis. Visit Robin's Site * E-Mail the ... The science of medical cannabis continued its climb in estimation of medical professionals and ... visit:

[pic]Common Sense for Drug Policy: Medical Marijuana Facts & News. Tuesday, July 12, 2005. Search using CSDP's own search tool or use. WWW Common Sense. More CSDP News Pages ... card program for medical marijuana patients. The suspension has ... consequences of issuing medical marijuana ID cards that could affect medical marijuana users, their families ... news/news/medmar.htm

[pic], by DrugSense | a News feed page. Visit:

[pic]Stop the Drug War (DRCNet) is an international organization working for an end to drug prohibition worldwide and for interim policy reform in US drug laws and criminal justice system. visit - news

|  some HISTORY   |

[pic]The Marijuana Situation in Florida (2002) | In 1978, Rep. H. Lee Moffit spearheaded the swift passage of the “Controlled Substances Therapeutic Act,” a legacy of compassion in Florida’s legislative history. With nary a nay in either camber, Florida statutes 486.XX, was enacted under newly elected Governor Bob Graham. Floridians with glaucoma or cancer had legal protection from criminal prosecution. The bill was repealed after five years when legislative funding for a patient qualification review board was requested. The process of collecting the petitions throughout the state has produced two district benefits. Signatures are power. Piles of signed petitions by registered voters, one per page, are tools used to convince candidates that their constituents support candidates who support medical marijuana. The second advantage of collecting the petitions is the opportunity to interact with the public and educate them on the issue.

The third prong of the original plan is to lobby the legislature. FL CAN’s If Not You, Who, If Not Now, When? Project has been created to combine the power of our grass roots support with a dedicated campaign. The campaign was launched March 21st timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Shafer Commission Report. If you would like to join the If Not You, Who, If Not Now, When? campaign and would like to collect petitions see the Guide to Collecting Valid Petitions, if you would like to simply sign a copy of the petition then get the petition. visit -

[pic]THE REEFER MADNESS ERA, REEFER MADNESS BOOKS (Info, History) By definition, it would be a contradiction in terms to list or classify a Reefer Madness book as a work of "Non-Fiction." Thus both genres are group together here simply as "Hard Cover" books; if only to distinguish them from the "Pulp Fiction" or "Dime Store novels" discussed elsewhere. However where appropriate the terms [Fiction] and [Non-Fiction] are used. Please take note - This Index consists solely of those books that the museum has been able to locate and is in no way shape or form complete. It should be thought of only as a starting point. Visit:

[pic]Pharmacutical Museum Cannabis medical manufacturer | [Made post-1937 medical Cannabis products]. Burrough Brothers Mfg Co. - 123 Market Place, Baltimore, ... Korn Pop Remedy Co. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ... visit - uncler/MfgIndex.htm

[pic]Cannabis Quack Medicines | ... contained it as an ingredient, Medical Cannabis was as common as aspirin is ... the Hazeltine Corp., of Warren Pennsylvania, was founded in 1869, and soon ... visit - chap15/Quack.htm

[pic]NORML News Archive.  Visit -

[pic]Dr Tod | California doctor braves political pressure to prescribe marijuana for those in need. ... German mother in a small Pennsylvania town during the Depression and ... California Cannabis Resear... Click > here < for more.

[pic]Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization |... Youth," was, in fact, Cannabis Hemp, the most traded commodity in the world ... visit - hemp2.html

|  Cannabis as Medicine   |

[pic]Chris Conrad, Author / Activist | Consults with government agencies and physicians including some of the world’s foremost authorities on cannabis and patients as to their knowledge and experiences regarding cannabis. Court-qualified expert witness in cannabis cultivation, sex, genetics, cloning, crop yields, preparation, smell, medical use, personal use, dosage, consumption, sales, and commercial intent. Visit:

[pic]LESSON PLAN:MEDICAL MARIJUANA - LEGITIMATE USE OR LEGALIZED ABUSE? By Lisa Prososki, a former middle school and high school social studies, English, reading and technology teacher. Estimated Time: Approximately 45 minutes/1 class period Lesson Objectives: (1) Students will use cooperative learning activities to discuss opinions about medical marijuana use and see both sides of the issue, (2) Students will use decision making skills and strategies to render their own decision about the U.S. Supreme Court case related to medical marijuana use. Click > here < for more.

[pic]Medical Marijuana Pro/Con * Pros & cons on medical marijuana. Science, risks, policies, & laws. Should marijuana be a medical option? This site presents in a simple, nonpartisan pro-con format, responses to the core question "Should marijuana be a medical option?" Divided questions about the topic into the issues and sub-issues listed below. All individuals and organizations quoted on our site are ranked based upon our unique credibility scale. [Note: Although physicians and attorneys are listed on this site, they do not recommend or refer either.] visit:

[pic]Medical Cannabis (marijuana) News, Information, Organizations, Links.  Resources and more. visit -

[pic]Factbook: Medical Marijuana

1. Since 1996, twelve states have legalized medical marijuana use: AK, CA, CO, HI, ME, MT, NV, NM, OR, RI, VT, and WA. Eight of the twelve did so through the initiative process. Hawaii's law was enacted by the legislature and signed by the governor in 2000, Vermont's was enacted by the legislature and passed into law without the governor's signature in May 2004, Rhode Island's was passed into law over the governor's veto in January 2006, and New Mexico's legislation was signed into law by Governor Bill Richardson on April 2, 2007.

2. The Institute of Medicine's 1999 report on medical marijuana stated, "The accumulated data indicate a potential therapeutic value for cannabinoid drugs, particularly for symptoms such as pain relief, control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation." And more. Visit - medicalm.htm

[pic]NORML / Medical Use / Introduction | Introduction. Select One Send All States Canada Mexico Europe Other Alabama Alaska Am. ... District of Columbia FEDERAL Florida Georgia Guam Oklahoma Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana of individual patients to use medical cannabis under state law, or the ... visit:

[pic]Medical Marijuana Handbook | This a draft by Todd. H. Mikuriya MD, a long-time advocate of medical cannabis, respected author and one of the medical staff at the San Francisco Buyers Club. Its patchy, and uncomplete, and acts only as a framework for Dr Todd to store snippets of info on various aspects of medical cannabis. Marijuana as Medicine - A Plea for Reconsideration, is a commentary article written by Lester Grinspoon and James Bakalar, which appeared in the June 21st 1995 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Medical cannabis web resources. Medical Marijuana Handbook This a draft by Todd. H. Mikuriya MD, a long-time advocate of medical cannabis, respected author and one of the medical staff at ... visit:

[pic]Medical Marijuana Info Online Resource for Medical Marijuana Information. Partners. Events. Legalization. Doctors. Federal Law(s) Lawyers. Medical/Medicinal. AIDS/HIV. History. Magazines ... Ohio Marijuana Party. Montana. Montana NORML ... Visit:

[pic]Medical Marijuana - Master Reference | Note: This page was prepared for the November, 1996 election. Some of the external links may be out of date. ... Cannabis Research Library - A collection ... visit - schaffer/medical_mj.htm

[pic]Cannabis Yields and Dosage | the authoritative study of the science and legalities of calculating medical marijuana. The booklet is available as a PDF by ... visit - yieldsdosage.htm

[pic]Medical Marijuana ... to Washington's New Medical Marijuana Law" was adopted to ... The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A ... list of professional medical associations. Marijuana as medicine ... Visit:

[pic], Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth ... Court Decision On Medical Cannabis Expected This Week ... Medical Marijuana Co-operative Writes About Value Of Cannabis For MS Patients. Photo-ID Cards For Washington State Medical ... Visit: medical_cannabis.htm

[pic]CCRMG - California Cannabis Research Medical Group - | Autumn 2004. O'Shaughnessy's. Journal of the California Cannabis Research Medical Group ... medical effects of cannabis. It is unl... visit - journal/04aut/mikuriya.html

[pic]Medical cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A catalog page offering Cannabis sativa extract. Medical cannabis refers to the use of Cannabis as a physician recommended herbal th... visit:

[pic]Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Medical Professionals by . | Cannabis's accepted medical use in the United States is increasingly recognized by health care professionals and the medical community. visit: amu/amu_medprof.htm

[pic]Proven : Cannabis is Safe Medicine by Ian Williams Goddard | In reaction to medical cannabis access referendums on the ballots in Arizona and California, former presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George Bush signed a letter stating that they "categorically oppose'' access to cannabis for its many proven therapeutic uses such as the prevention of blindness and epileptic seizures. Their chief concern was that legal medical access would send the message that cannabis is safe. The presidents can, however, lay their safety concerns to rest because the scientific literature overwhelmingly confirms that cannabis is both an effective and safe medicine. The Cannabis Safety Profile. The journal PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS reports that decades of research prove that, "Compared with legal drugs...marijuana does not pose greater risks." Yet based upon mortality statistics, we can safely conclude that cannabis is one of the safest medical drugs known, for, while prescription drugs, defined as safe by the FDA, kill up to 27,000 and aspirin up to 1,000 Americans per year, cannabis kills 0 per year. Click here for more.

[pic]Medicinal Cannabis Cannabis Facts, Cannabis Law, Hemp, Peyote Info, Salvia Divinorum Info   ... therapeutic uses for medical cannabis has been entertained in ... 1990's, medical cannabis ballot initiatives have received a majority of votes in Arizona, Arizona, California, Colorado ... visit: .

[pic]Medical Cannabis Strains - Geoffrey Guy, MD (GW Pharmaceuticals, U.K) | Founder and President of G.W. Pharmaceuticals in Russia, Dr. Geoffrey Guy's observations about the mammalian Cannabinoid system (with more receptors throughout the body than any other system) are presented to the Second Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, held in Portland, OR in May, 2002. First discussing CB1 and CB@ receptors; the modulatory effect on dopamine, GABA and glutamate; and cross-talk with other receptors, Dr. Guy then examines Phyto-Cannabinoids (plant based)THC, CBD and others, with GW's success in producing whole extracts from 3 tonnes/year of dried marijuana and years of genetic breeding to feature both high THC and high CBD strains. ... Visit:

[pic]Cannabis Headquarters - Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) Strains ... articles about specific medical conditoins and how cannabis ... ever heard of PURPLE Nepal ? ...   ...   Visit - .

[pic]Medical Cannabis Menu - Safe 420 Deliver... Purple Russia. Indoor, Indica, very exotic-rare. Purple Nepal.jpg ? SEO by Artio. Medical Cannabis Delivered! 949-334-3065. info@ ...   ...   Visit - .

|  BOOKs on Medical Cannabis (marijuana) and related  |

[pic]Is Marijuana the Right Medicine for You? | A Factual Guide to Medical Uses of Marijuana by Bill Zimmerman, PhD with Rick Bayer, MD and Nancy Crumpacker, MD, ISBN#0-87983-906-6 (Keats 1998). Chapter 3: Why All the Controversy? What Does The Research Actually Show? is online at:

[pic]Examine the pros, cons, and controversies of marijuana as medicine! | Cannabis is still sending “signals of misunderstanding.”1-3 The result is an exaggeration of beneficial or deleterious effects as well as occasional intermixture of medical science with other moral categories. This book deals with health aspects of the cannabis plant and the cannabinoids while mainly factoring out societal aspects. Some authors refer to social topics that require discussion even within the bounds of a narrow handling of medicinal aspects. “Cannabis and Cannabinoids; Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential”. Edited by Franjo Grotenhermen, MD; Nova-Institut GmBH, Hürth, Germany and Ethan Russo, MD; Montana Neurobehavioral Specialists, Missoula, Montana. Hard Cover (ISBN-13: 978-0-7890-1507-7, ISBN-10: 0-7890-1507-2) $79.95

[pic]Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for Medicinal Pot (Book) by Robert Randall & Alice O'Leary * This is a story of government betrayal -- a betrayal that continues today. But it is also a story of human courage and perseverance. Please take the time to read this book. Afterall, none of us are immune from the illnesses that marijuana can treat -- glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis and more. Some day you might need medical access to marijuana. We pray that it will be as simple as a doctor's prescription. Full text articles, news summaries, supporting organizations and states, additional resources, and information on medical marijuana. Visit: marijuana-as-

[pic]Medical Marijuana Your search on medical marijuana has brought you to Questia, the world's largest online academic library. The Questia online library offers reliable books, journals, and articles that you can trust on medical marijuana.  With Questia you can quickly research, cite, and quote with complete confidence. Save substantial time without sacrificing research quality. Research Medical Marijuana Find quality info at the world's online library. 435,000 books, articles. Search or read full text, highlight, cite and auto-create bibliographies and get a personal bookshelf. Click here for more.

[pic]Laboratory, grade A cannabis specially imported from America ... the California Cannabis Research Medical Group, Summer 2003 ... the California Cannabis Research Medical Group, Summer 2003 ... Visit:

|  misc Related LINKs, Web Rings, and such   |

[pic]LegalJoint: Medical and Other Marijuana Links. A selection links to HIGH quality canabis web sites, related to medical or recreational mmj use. ... Visit:

[pic]Marijuana links. Popular Searches: Medical Marijuana Links. Marijuana Research Links. ... about marijuana, The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A RCW This is ... an activist for medical marijuana. Chronic Cannabis Use A report on ... Click > here < for more.

[pic]Cannabis - Medical Wonder Drug or Worldwide Anathema? Cannabis - you'll hear it called wacky backy, marijuana, weed, puff, smoke, pot, ... countries such as Morocco , Lebanon , Pakistan , Nepal , Afghanistan and India ... Major producer countries such as Morocco , Lebanon , Pakistan , Nepal , Afghanistan and India compete in a bouyant market, with around 40% of the weed coming from the "cannabis farms" in Morocco . Significant amounts are also starting to be produced in North America and Europe .   ...   Visit - .

[pic]Medical 101 (Links, “Web-Ring”) * A potential starting point for Medical Cannabis info. Find what you're looking for! Visit:

[pic]Marijuana Drug Slang Dictionary | Drug Slang Dictionary - Marijuana. Click here for more.

[pic]Our Rights and Freedoms | The U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights bestow our rights and freedoms as Americans. Court interpretations and decisions, like the Supreme Court's Miranda rights ruling define the sco... Click > here < for more.

[pic]Whats yours?   Have an item? Post it on the Bulletin Board, at -

This document was researched, prepared and presented as public service by

MERCY – the Medical Cannabis Resource Center

P.O. Box 1111, Cornelius, OR   97113 * 503.363-4588 *



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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