[Pages:4]International Journal of Educational Science and Research (IJESR) ISSN(P): 2249-6947; ISSN(E): 2249-8052 Vol. 4, Issue 6, Dec 2014, 23-26 ? TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.


ZH. ZH. ESENALIEVA1, SMAGULOVA A. S2 & ISMAGULOVA B. KH3 1Doctor of Philological Science, Professor Kazakhstan, Almaty

2Dean of the Faculty Internatioanl Relations, Professor, Kazakhstan, Almaty 3Professor, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Central-Asian University, Almaty


The biggest achievement of the twentieth century - is the relationship between the different branches of science and the emergence of related subjects. Humanitarian - interdisciplinary synthesis, as a phenomenon that is widely seen in the study of Cultural Studies.

To date, the main issue is to study the relationship of the "language and culture", "human language" as the cognitive approach. Anthropocentric paradigm is the main catalyst in the study of cognitive linguistics. If cognitive linguistics is connected with the mentality and with the knowledge of the person, the linguistic cultural studies focuses more on the relationship of language to culture.

KEYWORDS: Cultural Linguistics, Modern Linguistics


Cultural linguistics to examine the relationship of culture and language. Its main goal is to discover the culture through the language of the people and their peculiarities characteristic of thinking. Feature of language is - world nations, traditions and national culture of spiritual life, as linguaculture - undistillable part of the language and culture, its spiritual nature.

With the help of the study of language can understand the mentality of the people, their view of the world, to society, to themselves. Life of the people, their view of the world preserved in proverbs, in proverbs, in phraseologisms in metaphors and symbols. Oni - most valuable source of information about the culture and mentality of the people. Linguaculture over the age define the role of phraseology in language, metaphors and symbols in the culture, because idioms are an indication of people's view of life, the ideology of the social era, it is the culture of the people depicted in the phraseologisms in metaphors and symbols. Language - the face of the national culture. Because language - spiritual and material culture of the people, a mirror of her nature. The founder of the symbolic theory of language knowledge W.von Humboldt said: "person is a person only through language, which are the creative purposely man, his deep capabilities. Language is a single spiritual energy of the people. "Traditionally, semantic, system - structural paradigms have not been rejected, and terminological processes were examined from a new perspective. Cognitive linguistics has expanded the science industry, will integrate with items such as philosophy, psychology, logic, sociology, going beyond general linguistics. Surrounding this peaceful relationship between man and his environment, as a sign of world - result of research information on the relationship of man with his environment. Sign world - "unstable, impermanent phenomenon." To date, the linguistic image of the world considered in the works E.S.Kubryakovoy, V.I.Postovalovoy, Yu.M.Karaulova, V.N.Teliya, A.A.Ufimtsevoy. In various languages, the concept, the meaning of the world considered in different ways,



Zh. Zh. Esenalieva, Smagulova A. S & Ismagulova B. Kh

but there is one image in the language of the world and in a logical picture of the world in the human mind. The similarity between the phenomena affects lexemes that creates a category of knowledge. If this value is the basis of language, thanks to the worldwide phenomenon, it is possible to understand the difference of nations from the language of the image.

Table 1: Analysis of the Kazakh Word "Shanyrak"

Lexical Unit



Large circle, which combines rail. You can Felt at home.

Part felted house of the Kazakh people. It was a convenient type

of the house of the past generation's life

The word gives "shanyrak" meaning to the words, as the

birthplace, his home, and fatherland. It is closer to the meaning of people's role in community and also people respect with the home of the

eldest in the family

It is assumed that the conceptual image of the world, the richest, rather than its linguistic image. Be the scientific image of the world, you can use different types of thinking, including non-verbal. VV Sparrows proposed the following concept of the difference between scientific and linguistic images of the world:

? Cognitive structure is universal, the difference its generality and scope depends on the level of civilization of the people. Character lexical structure nationals are the difference between the data structures relating to different languages, primarily due to internal dividing portion.

? Functional differences: if cognitive structure is aimed at the process of learning and labor action, lexical - to communicate.

? Genetically 3, compared with the lexical, cognitive structure and the nature of the primary structure of this has a progressive growth and more rapid development than lexical structure, which is considered conservative.

? Cognitive structure of content more deeper and richer compared to the common language and lexical systems. Lexical structure is considered as part of the cognitive system.

? Using the cognitive structure of a person perceive the world; thanks to the lexical structure- can express their thoughts, views. In order to determine a sustainable national model of the world, we must try to understand the relationship between the national vital elements.

The subject of cognitive linguistics are not only part of the cognitive, but also mastery of 1, 2 Correction, 3 Using linguistic and non-linguistic structures of human knowledge.

SG Vorkachev stated the following opinion on the issue of language and thought: "The relations between language and thought, language and concept directly depend on the role of vital human needs." Linguistic and scientific image of the world is different in each ethnic group because of the difference of knowledge and experience. As the experience of the peoples is different, it is clear that the linguistic and scientific image will not be the same.

In this case, the terms, as the image of the world, linguistic image of the world, the scientific image of the world, the concept, the concept is very important. According to many researchers, there is a difference between the concept and the concept: Contest- knowledge unit cohesion, the content of the concept, the meaning of a name (symbol).

Impact Factor (JCC): 3.9678

Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

Communication of Cognitive Linguistics to Cultural Linguistics



The meaning is the result of consciousness that reveals the most important and universal signs of one object. A concept can combine important features of shape mixed with unimportant. Therefore consider terminological units with traditional linguistic point are not enough, because of its complicated shape. Meaning of the terms includes linguistic and nonlinguistic knowledge systems, as has a relationship with extra linguistic factors. Terms of one nation united, experience people and society. Following the above, the terms, as part of developing human-centered direction, should be investigated.


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