CEPA La Manchuela | Centro Educación de Personas Adultas ...

TAREAS DEL ?MBITO DE LA COMUNICACI?N. INGL?S. M?DULO II. CURSO 2020-2021 Nombre:______________________________________________________________________ Localidad a la que asiste: ___________________________________________________ *Estas tareas deben entregarse a bolígrafo como fecha límite el 22 de Diciembre de 2020 para conseguir el 20% de la calificación final de cada bloque.1. Completa las oraciones con los ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS apropiados según el contexto.They’ve got four different kinds of pets. These are ………. pets.She is really sociable. …… name is Carla and she lives in Prague.My cat loves food. ………. cookies are in the sitting-room.We have a brand-new personal computer. That’s ………. computer.This is a really entertaining movie. ………. scenes are full of action.He doesn’t live with ………. wife any more. They are separated.Why do you hate …………. roommates that much?I don’t have any new stamps, honestly. These aren’t ………. stamps.Jay likes rugby. It’s …..favorite sport.I know Mrs. Anderson but I don’t know ………. son.2. Traduce al inglés estos sintagmas nominales que contienen un Genitivo Sajón: La nariz de María →Los perros de mi vecino →c) El bolso de mamá →d) Los brazos del luchador →e) La hija de mis vecinos →3. Completa estas frases con la forma correcta de THERE IS / THERE ARE[Escribe las frases que tengan (+) en afirmativa, (X) en negativa y (?) en interrogativa.…………………………….………. just one pear in the fridge. (X)……………………………………. an orange motorbike in our garage. (+)……………………………………. any obstacles along the corridor. (X)……………………………………. some apples in the pantry. (+)……………………………….……. a picture in my bedroom. (+)………………………………..…. a woman outside? g) Yes, _______________________h)………………. any love novels in the virtual library? i) No, _______________________j) ……………..………………. some crazy people in the line wanting free tickets. (+)4. Escribe las siguientes HORAS en inglés (0,5).Son las tres en punto …………………………………………..Son las nueve y media ………………………………………………….Es la una y cuarto ………………………………………..Son las cinco menos cuarto ………………………………………..Son las dos y veinte ………………………………………………..Son las seis menos diez ……………………………………………….Son las doce menos veinticinco ………………………………..Son las diez y diez ……………………………………………………...Son las ocho y cinco ………………………………………………….Son las siete menos cinco …………………………………………5. Completa las oraciones con las preposiciones de tiempo IN / ON / AT (0,5).We are ………. 2017. This is a year full of natural catastrophes.………. April, they often go to the zoo.………. breakfast, Josh drinks some decaf coffee.I like going to the park ………. autumn.My kids cook some fresh vegetables ………. the weekend.He usually goes to the gym ………. six o’clock.………. Christmas day, families get together for lunch.………. Monday we attend the same meeting week after week.The release of their new album is ………. January 20th.You can enjoy the best view from the top ……….. night.6. Completa las frases con CAN / CAN’T para que éstas tengan sentido lógico (0,5).James ………. do any martial arts. He’s really bad at sports.They ………. speak Catalonian very well but they ………. write. They are still illiterate.Everybody thinks he…………… break the record but I’m sure he…………. He?s a true champion.7. Completa las frases con la forma adecuada de PRESENTE SIMPLE.[Escribe las frases que tengan (+) en afirmativa, (X) en negativa y (?) en interrogativa en cada caso] (1).Her husband __________ (not seem) like an aggressive person but he is. (X)The CEO of the company ____________ (fly) to Barcelona twice a week. (+)_______ Sheila _______ (read) any novels? No, she ________.Your friend _______________ (not take) the bus in the morning. (X)My neighbor _______________ (prefer) bonsais to cacti. (+)Caroline usually _______________ (miss) her boyfriend, who is abroad. (+)_______ Bill _______ (go) home after lunch? I) Yes, he ________.The candidates _______________ (not fight) (X) 8. Completa las frases con la forma correcta de PRESENTE CONTINUO [Escribe las frases que tengan (+) en afirmativa, (X) en negativa y (?) en interrogativa en cada caso] (1).We _________________ (listen) to one of the best Mozart’s symphonies. (+)She _________________(not travel) to Istanbul right now. (X)What? The children _________________ (not do) the dishes. Look! (X)Tracy and John _________________ (swim) in the spa. (+)_____ Margaret _________ (wear) a blue sweater? 6. Yes, she _______ .Joe _________________ (not climb) the mount today. (X)My students _________________ (have) fun now. (+)________ you _________ (get) ready? 10. No, I _______ .Not yet.9. Observa detenidamente la siguiente imagen y responde a las preguntas utilizando las preposiciones de lugar se?aladas. (0,5) Where is the blonde little doll?Where are the pencils?Where is the teddy bear?Where is the piggy bank?Where are the old notes and pieces of paper?10. Lee este texto y responde TRUE (verdadero) o F (false) a las preguntas. (1,5)-225425185420Lewis is a bit strange man. Do you know why? Please, read carefully.He always supports Real Madrid but today he’s supporting Bar?a at their Champions League football match. His friends are really amazed. What’s wrong with him?He always has coffee because apparently he dislikes tea but today he’s having a lot of cups of tea. Nobody can understand him either. What’s wrong with him?He always walks to work and he loves doing exercise but today he’s driving to work for the first time. His home is very close, just 200 metres away! Everybody wonders what’s wrong with him. Is he a bit crazy now?In addition, he always calls his wife sweet heart but today she’s calling her filthy names. Is Lewis losing his mind? What’s wrong with him?After all this evidence, you, reader, can probably come to a conclusion. Can’t you?00Lewis is a bit strange man. Do you know why? Please, read carefully.He always supports Real Madrid but today he’s supporting Bar?a at their Champions League football match. His friends are really amazed. What’s wrong with him?He always has coffee because apparently he dislikes tea but today he’s having a lot of cups of tea. Nobody can understand him either. What’s wrong with him?He always walks to work and he loves doing exercise but today he’s driving to work for the first time. His home is very close, just 200 metres away! Everybody wonders what’s wrong with him. Is he a bit crazy now?In addition, he always calls his wife sweet heart but today she’s calling her filthy names. Is Lewis losing his mind? What’s wrong with him?After all this evidence, you, reader, can probably come to a conclusion. Can’t you?Lewis seems very sensible and coherent →Lewis profoundly hates all kinds of sports→Lewis has tea every day→Lewis generally loves his wife→Lewis hasn’t got a car.11. 1] En una extensión no superior a las 50 palabras, escribe sobre la posible rutina de un personaje famoso de tu elección. (0,75)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11. 2] En una extensión no superior a las 50 palabras, escribe sobre el tiempo atmosférico y la comida de la zona de Espa?a que prefieras.(0,75)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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