Basic Facts and Procedures of GGP - Embassy of Japan in ...

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|2017/2018 Edition |

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  Basic Facts and Procedures of GGP ……….. 1

Project Selection Process ……….………….. 4

  GGP Application Form ……….……………. 5


General Informations and Procedures of GGP

What is GGP?

In 1989, the Government of Japan introduced Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) in order to respond to the diverse development needs in less developed countries. The GGP was designed to provide financial assistance to non-profit organizations in order to facilitate the implementation of development projects for the most deprived populations.

Potential Beneficiaries of the Grant / Eligible Applicants

Any non-profit organization capable of formulating a sustainable development project and possessing an in-depth knowledge of the socio-economic conditions of the target community is eligible.

For example:

- NGOs (Local & International)

- Community-Based Organizations (associations of women, youth, etc)

- Medical Institutions

- Educational Institutions (primary or secondary school, institutions of vocational training)

- Research Institutions

Organizations ineligible

- Individuals or private companies/groups

- An organization that is not registered by the relevant government agency

- An organization without a title deed or proof of ownership of land

GGP can finance

- Construction / Renovation of buildings or infrastructures

- Supply of Equipment / Furniture

- Non-material component including capacity buildings accompanying main components as an important and indivisible part.

Articles inacceptable for finance

- Staff Salaries and Costs related to the administrative operation of the project

- Consumables and Disposable Equipment

- Land purchase, Rent, School fees, Travel expenses

- Purchase of livestock, poultry and tree seedlings etc.

- General financial assistance

- Borehole drilling of water

- Projects intended to benefit individuals

The area of intervention- Primary Education and vocational training     

- Primary Health Care/HIV/AIDS

- Water

- Environmental Protection

- Poverty Reduction

- Agriculture/Forestry/Fishery

GGP projects are not limited to the above sectors. If the community’s priority need is in different sectors, GGP may consider the proposed project.

Special attention may be given to projects assisting the vulnerable groups for examples: street children, orphans, widows, and people with disabilities.

5. How much is the GGP Funding?

Basically the maximum amount of GGP Funding for one project is JPY 10,000,000- = in 2017-18, the amount is equivalent to USD 90,000

*The amount in local currency is subject to change due to the change in Exchange Rate.

*GGP fund is NOT MULTI-YEAR funding.

*There is NO TOP UP in case of a budget over-run. The applicants have to pay any additional cost not mentioned in the proposals.

6. How does the Embassy select Application? (Selection Criteria)

The Embassy will assess all the submitted applications based on;

(A) Credibility of the Organization

(B) Legal Status of the Organization (Registration Certificate needed)

(C) Financial Status of the Organization (Recent Bank Statement)

(D) Project Management Capacity of the Organization

(E) Community Participation and Contribution towards the Proposed Project

(F) Sustainability and Ownership by the Beneficial Community

(G) Project Impact to the Beneficial Community

(H) The Quality of the Proposal submitted in terms of Neatness, Focus, Verifying

documents attached ex. Photos, Bank Statements, Certificates

The Embassy will send a “Guide to Proposal Writing” only to successful applicants whose application was selected at the application screening. If you do not receive any correspondence within four months from the date of the submission of application, please consider your application unsuccessful.

*We reject application forms which are not filled by applicants themselves.

7. How to Apply GGP?

An applicant is requested to:

A. Read this application carefully to familiarize with GGP scheme and its selection process.

B. Fill necessary information requested in the application (failure to provide necessary information automatically disqualifies the application)

C. Submit an application form to the Embassy of Japan in Rwanda

Embassy of Japan (Attn: GGP Section)

P.O. Box 3072, Kigali, Rwanda

Phone: +250-(0)25-250-0884

Fax: +250-(0)25-250-0885

GGP application Form

(Please type or print clearly)

Application should be typed or written clearly, unreadable, ineligible and incomplete applications will not be considered.

Filling Date : / / .

1. Applicant Organization

1. Name:……………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Address:………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Telephone No.: …………………………………………………………………………

4. Fax No.: ………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Email Address: …………………………………………………………………………

2. Project Description

1. Title of the proposed project


- Is this a new project or expansion of existing project? ………………………………………

2. Project Site: (Province, County, District, Division, Location, Sub-location, Village)


3. Distance from the Nearest Town: ……..Km from …..……………………………………………….

4. Target Group ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Estimate No. of Beneficiaries…………………………………………………………………

    - If it is a school project, Current number of students? ………………

     No. of classrooms? ……………………….

6. Why do you need GGP funding? (Issue statement)




7. If this is an existing program, what is the state of current facility/equipments? (Attach pictures if possible).




8. What kind of effort has the beneficiary community made to solve the above problem?



9. Total Project Budget:

*Estimate budget is ok but it should be realistic

|Source of Funds |Project Activities / Items |Amount (KSH) |

|GGP |1. | |

|(Note: GGP does not fund for live stock, food, | | |

|medicines, seedlings, uniform, school fee, | | |

|drilling borehole, admin & operational cost) | | |

| |2. | |

| |3. | |

| |4. | |

| | Total of GGP fund | |

|Contribution from Applicant | | |

|Contribution from Community | | |

|Contribution from Other Donors (name them) | | |

|Total Cost of the Project | | |

10. Sustainability:

*After the project completion, who will be responsible for the management of facility/equipment in order to ensure the project sustainability (ex. Repair, maintenance and operation of the facility)?

And how will you sustain the project outcome financially? (ex. Collect fee from patients)?




3. Information of Organization

1. Basic Information

1) When was the organization established? ……………………..……………………

2) Select the type of organization CBO / NGO / School / Other (………………)

3) When was the organization registered with the government? ………………………..

4) Which ministry has the organization registered under? ……………………………………

2. Activities/Goals

1) What is the vision/mission of your organization?


2) What are the organization’s main activities?



3) What kind of project(s) has the organization implemented in the past 3 years?

|Year |Project Detail / Activity |Beneficiaries |Outcome / Impact |Self-evaluation |

| | |(No. / type) | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

4) Is the organization collaborating with other organization/donors? YES / NO

|Name / Contact |Type of Organization (Local |Type of Assistance |Relation |

|(ex. ABC org, X Ministry) |authority, Gov, NGO, donor etc) |(ex. moral support, financial |(ex. ongoing, end in |

| | |support,,etc) |2010) |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

3. Organizational Structure

1) Does the organizationon have a Management Committee? YES / NO

2) How many members does the organization have? ………………

3) How many staff (paid) does the organization have? …………………

4) How many volunteers (non-paid) does the organization have? ………………

5) Who are the decision-makers in the organization?

|Name |Title in Organization |Role |

|1. | | |

|2 | | |

|3. | | |

6) Who is responsible for the submission of this form?

*Name / Title / Contact (Tel. / email)



4. Financial Information

1) Does the organization have a bank account? YES / NO

*If YES, attach the copy of bank statement

2) What were the Income and Expenditure of last three years?

| |Previous year |Two years ago |Three years ago |

|Income | | | |

|Expenditure | | | |

|Balance | | | |

3) What is the main financial source?

|Purpose |Financial Source |Specify (ex. Ksh 100,000/year from Gvt, member fee|

|(ex. salary, admin cost) |(ex. donor, Gov, member fee) |Ksh200/month) |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

4) Has the organization received any financial aid from donors?

|Date |Name of Donor |Amount |Activities |Outcome |

|Funds received |(Ex. CDF…) |(ex. 1 mil Kshs) |(ex. water tank) |(ex. completed in July 08) |

|(ex. 01-2007) | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

5) Has the organization received any Non-Financial Aid from donors?

|Date given aid |Name of Donor |Type of Aid |Purpose |Comment/Current status |

|(ex. 2008) |(ex. AB…) |(ex. ambulance) |(ex. emergency) | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

**After all the information is filled, the application can be submitted to the Embassy of Japan via post or drop-off at the Embassy security desk.

**The application is normally screened within four months.

**Please note that the Embassy will not return unsuccessful applications.


GGP Scheme accepts application forms which are filled by applicant organization only. We strictly reject any proposals written by someone else, such as consultants, agents or brokers.




(1)Obtain GGP Application Form

Application form can be obtained at the Embassy of Japan or downloaded from the Embassy website

(2) Submit Application

Application can be submitted by Email, post or drop-off at the Embassy of Japan

(3) Application S[?]0Fd„†ŠŒŽ”–˜¨ª°²´ÖØÚöòåØÐÈÐ廩—Šx—ŠfåØ`XN@h)5Ò5?CJ\?nHo([pic]tHh)5ÒCJ8OJQJ


The Embassy screens all the submitted applications within four months of their receipts. The Embassy responds to the applicants whose applications are selected by sending the proposal guideline.

(4) Receive GGP Proposal Guideline

Once an organization received the proposal guideline, it is encouraged to submit the proposal within a few months.

(5) Submit Proposal

Proposal can be submitted by post or drop-off at the Embassy.

(6) Screening of Proposal

The screening for the proposal may take up to 1 year. GGP staff will contact the organization for interview or site visit.

(7) Site Visit or Interview

The Embassy/GGP staff will visit the potential project site and/or interview the applicant organization to verify the content of proposal.

(8) Proposal finalized for approval

Once proposal is selected, the Embassy/GGP will contact the applicant organization for the preparation of final approval.


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