World War II

World War II Study Guide

Neutrality Direct Involvement

|Key Question: How did the United States change from neutrality to direct involvement? |

|1. Isolation: The United States was focused on managing the Great Depression and there were many who did not want a repeat of the |

|events (legacy) of WWI. |

|2. Lend Lease: The United States provided economic aid to the Allies (war supplies and old naval warships) in return for the use of|

|military bases in Bermuda and the Caribbean |

|3. Direct involvement: The United States joined the war after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor |

At the Beginning of the War, which Side Was Winning?

|Key Question: How was the war going initially? |

|At the beginning of the war, the Axis was winning, but the Allies persevered and won. |

War in the Pacific

|Key Question: Why did war begin in the Pacific? |

|Tensions rose between Japan and the United States due to Japanese aggression in East Asia |

|On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor without warning |

|United States declared war on Japan |

Major Events of WWII

|Key Question: What were the major events and turning points of the war? |

|Germany invaded Poland, setting off war in Europe. The Soviet Union invaded Poland from the west along with the Baltic |

|nations. |

|Germany invaded France, capturing Paris. |

|Germany bombed London. This was named the Battle of Britain. |

|Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, so the United States declared war on Japan |

|Germany declared war on the United States, so the United States declared war on Germany. |

|United States was victorious over Japan in the Battle of Midway: turning point of the war in the Pacific |

|Germany invaded the Soviet Union, but the Soviets defeated Germany at Stalingrad: turning point of the war in Eastern Europe. |

|D-Day: American and Allied troops land at Normandy, France to begin the liberation of Western Europe |

|Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in 1945. The United States forced Japan to surrender, ending WWII |


|Key Question: What was the Holocaust? |

|Systematic attempt (laws were created) to rid Europe of all Jewish people |

|Anti-Semitism is a type of extreme prejudice and discrimination toward Jewish people. Tactics included: |

|boycotting Jewish-owned stores |

|segregation into ghettos |

|imprisonment and killing Jewish people in concentration camps and death camps |

|Aryan supremacy: the Nazi belief that most Germans were a master (superior) race |

|Liberation: Jewish people who survived were liberated by the Allied forces |


World War II: Home Front

|Key Question: How were Americans affected by the war in the United States? |

|WWII brought an end to the Great Depression because so many workers were needed to produce war materiel |

|Rosie the Riveter: Nickname for women who took jobs in defense plants |

|Rationing and conserving resources: Americans were asked to make sacrifices because some items were scarce. |

|Racial barriers were broken down (there was a need for workers) but discrimination against African Americans continued |

|Internment camps: Locations where Japanese Americans on the west coast were forced to live because of distrust and prejudice. |

|Many Japanese Americans served honorably in the armed forces. |




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