Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension

1. การอ่านอย่างคร่าวๆ (Preview Reading)

2. การเดาความหมายศัพท์ (Guessing word meaning)

3. การหาหัวเรื่องและใจความสำคัญ (Finding the topic and the main idea)

4. การเข้าใจรายละเอียด (Understanding the details)

5. การใช้คำอ้างอิง (Using reference words)

6. การอ่านแบบ Scanning

1. การอ่านอย่างคร่าวๆ (Previewing)

หมายถึง การที่ผู้อ่าน ดู หรือสำรวจส่วนต่างๆ ของสิ่งที่อ่านก่อนอ่านจริง (look before you read) จะช่วยทำให้เข้าใจเรื่องที่อ่านสามารถเข้าใจเรื่อง ที่อ่านได้ดียิ่งขึ้น

Preview ข้อความต่อไปนี้ โดยอ่านเฉพาะข้อความที่ขีดเส้นใต้ และอย่าลืมอ่าน ตามขั้นตอนวิธีการ Previewing ดังกล่าวข้างต้น

Choose the best answer. Don’t look back at the passage.

1. The camel can go without...............for a long time.

a. food b. water c. heat d. fat

2. It stores a hump.

a. heat b. hair c. water d. food

3. The ..........................camel has one hump.

a. Arabian b. Bactrian c. desert d. Central Asian

4. Arabic has about 150 words to describe a camel because.............................

a. winter are cold there b. the camel lives in a hot desert

c. the camel is very important to them d. there are many kinds of camels

หลังจากตอบคำถามแล้ว ให้ย้อนอ่านข้อความทั้งหมดอีกครั้งหนึ่ง ผู้อ่านจะสามารถเรียนรู้ค่อนข้างมากเกี่ยวกับข้อความ

2. การเดาความหมายศัพท์ (Guessing word meanings)

การอ่านในชีวิตประจำวันของคนเรานั้น ไม่มีใครที่จะรู้ความหมายของคำทุกคำที่อ่านในข้อความได้ มีโอกาสบ่อยครั้งที่ต้องเดาศัพท์หรือคำที่ไม่รู้ความหมายจากเนื้อเรื่องที่แวดล้อมอยู่ หรือบอกได้ว่าคำที่หายไปนั้นเป็นคำชนิดใด


A. Read the following passage. Then go back and guess a word to put in each space.

B. Read this passage. Some words are missing. After you read the passge, fill in the blanks with the words given.

planting spring exercise hammers places

sky their season means can

3. การหาหัวเรื่อง และใจความสำคัญ (finding the topic and main idea)

ในการอ่านควรถามตนเองว่า กำลังอ่านเกี่ยวกับเรื่องอะไร (What am I reading about?) หรือหัวเรื่องใด (What is the topic?) หัวเรื่องนั้นจะเป็นสิ่งที่ให้ความคิดอย่างกว้างๆในเรื่องนั้นๆ และทำให้ผู้อ่านเข้าใจภาพรวมของเรื่องที่อ่านทั้งหมดว่าเกี่ยวกับเรื่องใด และในขณะเดียวกัน เมื่อบอกได้ว่ากำลังอ่านเรื่องอะไรผู้อ่านก็ต้องรู้สาระสำคัญหรือใจความสำคัญ (Main idea) ของเรื่องนั้นๆด้วย

3.1 หัวเรื่อง (Topic)

A. Topic of lists (หัวเรื่องของเรื่องของรายการต่างๆ)

หัวเรื่องของรายการต่างๆ สามารถหาได้โดยพิจารณาจากรายการนั้นๆ ว่า กล่าวโดยรวมถึงเรื่องอะไร หัวเรื่องจะกว้างและครอบคลุมเรื่องย่อยๆทั้งหมด

EX. 1:

Topic of lists:...............................................

EX. 2:

Topic of lists: ..............................................

EX. 3:

Topic of lists: ................................................

EX. 4:

Topic of lists: ................................................

In each group of words, circle the topic. Try not to use the dictionary.

1. father, mother, cousin, brother, sister, grandmother, family, uncle, aunt

2. tennis, football, sports, swimming, baseball, skiing, volleyball

3. sixteen, number, seventy, eighteen, nine, ten, fifty-one

4. party, singing, food, music, people, dancing, laughing, games

5. Bangkok, Sydney, New York, Los Angeles, Moscow, City, Paris, Tokyo, London

6. airplane, jet, subway, ship, train, boat, bus, travel, metro

7. pens, books, class, pencil, blackboard, notebooks, desks, students, teacher

8. labs, medicine, nurse, beds, hospital, doctor, rooms, X-rays, patients

9. English, Chinese, Japanese, French, Latin, Greek, Arabic, Thai, German, Language

10. joy, fear, anger, sadness, homesickness, happiness, pride, feeling, envy, regret

B. Topics of Conversation (หัวเรื่องของการสนทนา)

หากผู้พูดและผู้ฟังจับประเด็นเรื่องราว หรือหัวข้อของการสนทนาได้ บุคคลเหล่านั้นย่อมเข้าใจเรื่องราวที่สนทนากันเป็นอย่างดี เช่น

What is the topic of the conversation? (The patient’s broken leg)

Where are they? (At the hospital / At the Clinic)

What are the words that helped you guess? (happen / fell down / Can you move it / Can you walk on it)

Read the conversation and answer the questions that follow.

Conversation 1:

What is the topic of the conversation? ..........................................................................................................

Where are they? .............................................................................................................................................

What are the words that helped you guess? ..................................................................................................

Conversation 2:

What is the topic of the conversation? ...........................................................................................................

Where are they? .............................................................................................................................................

What are the words that helped you guess? ...................................................................................................

Conversation 3:

What is the topic of the conversation? ..........................................................................................................

Where are they? .............................................................................................................................................

What are the words that helped you guess? ..................................................................................................

Conversation 4:

What are these people talking about? .............................................................................................................

Where are they? ..............................................................................................................................................

What are the words that helped you guess? .....................................................................................................

Conversation 5:

What are these people talking about? ............................................................................................................

Where are they? ............................................................................................................................................

What are the words that helped you guess?...................................................................................................

C. Topics of Paragraphs (หัวเรื่องของข้อความ)

การอ่านข้อความแต่ละย่อหน้า จำเป็นต้องเข้าใจถึงหัวเรื่องของข้อความ หรือข้อความนั้นเกี่ยวกับเรื่องอะไร หัวเรื่องควรมีความหมายครอบคลุมเรื่องราวทั้งหมดของข้อความและ ไม่ควรจะกว้างหรือแคบจนเกินไป เช่น

หัวเรื่อง (Topic) เกี่ยวกับ Mexico City ซึ่งจะครอบคลุมข้อความทั้งหมด ถ้าเป็น Mexican food จะแคบเกินไป เพราะกล่าวไว้ประโยคสุดท้ายเท่านั้น ถ้าเป็น Mexico ก็กว้างเกินไป

Choose the best topic for each paragraph.


a. Air pollution b. Factories in Bangkok

c. Bangkok’s air pollution d. How cars cause air pollution


a. A strange bird b. New Zealand

c. The kiwi, like a chicken d. The kiwi, a strange New Zealand bird


a. Shopping malls b. Supermarkets

c. Department stores d. Photography and record shops


a. Sports teams b. University nicknames

c. The Big Red and the Green Wave d. The Hurricanes and the Cyclones


a. A patient’s life b. A doctor’s decision

c. A doctor’s job d. A doctor and his patients


a. Dangerous storms b. Hurricane winds

c. The eye of the hurricane d. Hurricanes, dangerous storm


a. Cirrus clouds b. Cumulus clouds

c. Stratus clouds d. Kinds of clouds

3.2 ใจความสำคัญ (Main Idea)

เป็นการสรุปความคิดหลักที่ผู้เขียนต้องการบอกแก่ผู้อ่าน และให้ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับหัวเรื่องนั้นๆ ระวังอย่าสรุปให้กว้างหรือแคบเกินไป ใจความที่ดีนั้นควรครอบคลุมหรือกล่าวถึงองค์ประกอบทุกส่วนของข้อความ ตัวอย่าง เช่น

Topic: Cats and Dogs

Main idea: Cats are nicer than dogs in some ways.

Topic: Cats and Dogs เพราะพูดถึงสัตว์สองชนิด และ ผู้เขียนได้บอกถึงแง่มุมที่ว่า Cats are nicer than dogs in some ways.

Topic sentence โดยปกติมักจะอยู่ตอนต้นของข้อความ เช่นเรื่อง Cats and Dogs และ Topic sentence ได้แก่ but cats are nicer pets in some ways. เป็นต้น แต่ก็มีปรากฏเช่นเดียวกันว่า Topic sentence อยู่ตอนกลางหรือตอนท้ายของเรื่อง ดังนั้นควรฝึกหา Topic sentence ด้วย เพราะผู้เขียนมุ่งหวังให้ผู้อ่านสรุปสาระสำคัญเอง

Read each paragraph and choose the best main idea sentence.


a. Bicycles are cheap to buy. b. Bicycles are better than cars.

c. Bicycles do not cause pollution. d. Bicycles are popular for many reasons.


a. There is a way to help remember people’s names.

b. When you meet someone new, think of them.

c. If you meet a Ms. Brown, try to remember her.

d. A Mr.Long will help you remember other people’s names.


a. Won has the same sound as the word one.

b. Write has the same sound as the word right.

c. Some English words have the same sound but different meaning.

d. Some English words have both the same sound and meaning.


a. About 841 of the U.S. television stations are commercial stations.

b. There are two kinds of television stations in the United States.

c. The commercial television stations show ads to make money.

d. The public television station get some money from the government.


a. India is a popular place for tourists. b. Thousands of people visit India.

c. The buildings in India are beautiful. d. The Indian food is delicious.


a. Forests are a place for a vacation.

b. How the treesin the forest help clean the air.

c. Forests give us wood for building and heating.

d. Why forests are important in many ways.


a. Factories pour poisonous, unwanted things into water.

b. Destruction of living space can be found everywhere.

c. Burning garbage turns the air unclean.

d. Junkyard can be found throughout the countryside.


a. Scientists know a lot about the earth.

b. Scientists are not sure about how the earth was made.

c. Scientists still have many questions about the earth.

d. Scientists know when a volcano will send hot rock into the air.

4. การเข้าใจรายละเอียด (Understanding the details)

การเข้าใจความหมายของแต่ละข้อความนั้นนอกจากจะต้องรู้เกี่ยวกับใจความสำคัญแล้ว ผู้อ่านต้องสามารถเขียนรายละเอียดต่างๆ (details) กับใจความสำคัญของเรื่องได้ด้วย

จุดประสงค์ในการให้รายละเอียดของข้อความมีอยู่ 3 ประการ คือ

1. ทำให้ใจความสำคัญถูกต้องและแน่ชัดยิ่งขึ้น

2. ช่วยบรรยายหรือขยายความคิดหลักให้กว้างออกไป

3. ให้ความกระจ่างหรืออธิบายใจความสำคัญอย่างชัดเจน

การเชื่อมโยงรายละเอียดของข้อความกับใจความสำคัญ มีวิธีการดังนี้

1. อ่านประโยคแรกของย่อหน้าซึ่งส่วนใหญ่จะเป็นTopic sentenceที่บรรจุใจความสำคัญของเรื่องไว้

2. ตั้งคำถามเกี่ยวกับใจความสำคัญของเรื่อง โดยเริ่มต้นคำถามด้วย what, who, when, why หรือ how

3. อ่านประโยคที่เหลือในย่อหน้า และหารายละเอียดต่างๆ ที่ตอบคำถามใน ข้อ 2

4. อ่านข้อความทั้งหมดอีกครั้งหนึ่ง ทบทวนเกี่ยวกับใจความสำคัญและ รายละเอียดที่สนับสนุน


Main idea: Men had many idea for telling time.

Question: What ideas did men have for telling time?

Details: The details are : to use the rope, candles and hourglass for telling the time.

Read this passage and then fill in each blank with the best answer.

1. The passage is about...............................

a. air pollution b. a big problem

c. smoke from burning fuel d. diseases of the heart and lungs

2. Air pollution..........................

a. is not a problem b. hurts only people

c. make air clean d. comes from poison gases and dust

3. Burning fuel comes from.........................

a. cough b. colds c. buses d. dust

4. Paragraph two is about ...........................

a. air pollution is interesting b. people cause air pollution

c. animals cause a big problem d. air pollution comes from dirty building

5. Dirty air is bad for ..............................

a. head and knees b. heart and lungs

c. arms and legs d. hands and feet

4. การใช้คำอ้างอิง (Using reference words)

โดยปกติในข้อความต่างๆมักไม่นิยมใช้คำเดียวซ้ำหลายครั้ง แต่จะใช้คำอื่นๆ ซึ่งมีความหมายเดียวกันหรือใกล้เคียงกัน

Pronouns (สรรพนาม)

เป็นคำที่ใช้แทนคำนามที่กล่าวถึง ซึ่งมีความสำคัญต่อการอ่าน โดยจะทำให้ผู้อ่านเข้าใจมากยิ่งขึ้นเช่น I, we, he, she, it, they, them, him, her, this, that, these, those



Exercise I: In these sentences, the pronouns are underlined. Circle the referent.

1. Rosebud is a small town in New Jersy. It looks like many other towns in the United States.

2. John Wayne died but he did not leave us. America and the world lost a film giant when he died, but his

spirit and his film contributions will remain for years to come.

3. Dr. Diamond is married to Susan Diamond. She is a scientist with a Ph.D. in Chemistry. She works in

laboratory in New York City.

4. Most people in the United States speak only one language, English. They do not learn to speak a second


5. Circus clowns are trained in special schools. There they learn how to apply makeup for sad or happy


Exercise 2: In this passage, the pronouns are underlined. Write the pronouns and referents on the lines below.


Pronouns Referents

1. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

2. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

3. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

4. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

5. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

6. ...................... .............................................................................................................................


Pronouns Referents

1. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

2. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

3. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

4. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

5. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

6. ...................... .............................................................................................................................


Pronouns Referents

1. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

2. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

3. ...................... .............................................................................................................................


Pronouns Referents

1. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

2. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

3. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

4. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

5. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

6. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

7. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

8. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

9. ...................... .............................................................................................................................


Pronouns Referents

1. ...................... .............................................................................................................................

6. การอ่านแบบ Scanning

Scanning เป็นเทคนิคที่ใช้ในการพัฒนาการอ่านเร็วเพื่อหาคำตอบให้กับคำถามที่ต้องการรู้เท่านั้น เราใช้ทักษะนี้ในการหาหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ ด้วยการมองที่อักษรแรกของชื่อแล้วกวาดสายตาไปตามรายชื่อนั้นอย่างรวดเร็วจนกระทั่งพบหมายเลขที่ต้องการ นอกจากนี้ยังใช้ในการหา ดรรชนีของหนังสือ, รายชื่อภาพยนตร์และรายการโฆษณาหรือข่าวจากหนังสือพิมพ์ รวมทั้งการหาคำ สถานที่ หรือ ชื่อ (จากพจนานุกรม, แผนที่ และรายการ) เวลาหรือวันที่ (จากตารางกำหนดเวลา และปฏิทิน) หรือสถิติ(จากตาราง, แผนภาพ และแผนภูมิ)

Scanning ไม่ใช่ทักษะการอ่านเพื่อหาใจความสำคัญของเรื่อง แต่เป็นวิธีการหารายละเอียด (Details) ของข้อความโดยมุ่งที่จะตอบคำถามที่ต้องการรู้เท่านั้น ดังนั้น หากผู้อ่านได้ฝึกทักษะ Scanning จนเกิดความชำนาญจะมีประโยชน์อย่างมากในการทำข้อสอบรวมทั้งการอ่านข้อความที่พบในชีวิตประจำวันต่างๆ หรือแม้แต่การอ่านคำถามของข้อความก่อนแล้วหาคำตอบในเนื้อเรื่องที่ยาวขึ้น ก็จะทำให้จับใจความหรือหาคำตอบได้อย่างรวดเร็ว

Read the following information texts and answer the questions that follow them.


1. The ad is about...........................

a. jobs b. services c. industries d. sales

2. Which position is offered for only a woman?

a. Sales representative b. Secretary

c. Garment export officer d. Accountant

3. Which position is offered for a man of 30?

a. Sales representative b. Sedretary

c. Garment export officer d. Accountant

4. Which of the four ads wants a person who has good knowledge of computer?





5. What will you do if you want to apply for a job?

a. Preparing for an interview.

b. Reading for information in the newspaper.

c. Sending an application with resume and recent photo.

d. Work experience in both electronics and business.


6. What time can you watch the morning news?

a. 5.30 b. 6.00 c. 7.00 d. 8.00

7. How many programmes are there in the morning?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

8. When can children watch cartoon?

a. In the morning b. In the afternoon c. At night d. All day

9. How long does the programme Sara Bantoeng last?

a. 20 minutes b. half an hour c. 45 minutes d. an hour

10. What are the most parts of Channel 11 programmes about?

a. Education b. Entertainment c. Agriculture d. News


11. Which restaurant will not open on Sunday?



12. Whic restaurant will you go to if you want to have German food?



13. What can you order when you go to TOTO?

a. Italian food b. British food c. German food d. French food

14. Where can you have drinks?


C. LE BANYAN d. Both a and b

15. Where can you listen to music?




16. Which number would you can call to talk to a doctor?

a. 0-2573-0315 b. 0-2573-4532 c. 0-2573-6898 d. 0-2573-5447

17. Which number would you call for help?

a. 0-2573-4532 b. 0-2573-6898 c. 0-2573-5839 d. 0-2573-1081

18. Which of the following list would you find if you want to know a telephone number not listed in the directory?



19. Which of the following pages would contain a story about boxing?

a. 8-10 b. 11-14 c. 15-20 d. 21-24

20. Which of the pages would you find where to have lunch?

a. 8-10 b. 11-14 c. 21-24 d. 6-7



In each group of words, circle the topic. Try not to use the dictionary.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.


Read the conversation and answer the questions.


What are these people talking about? ..............................................................................................................


What is the topic of this conversation? ...........................................................................................................


What are these people talking about? ..............................................................................................................

Where are they? ...............................................................................................................................................


What are these people talking about? .............................................................................................................

Where are they? ..............................................................................................................................................


What are these people talking about? .............................................................................................................

Where are they? ..............................................................................................................................................


What are these people talking about? .............................................................................................................

Where are they? ..............................................................................................................................................


What are these people talking about? .............................................................................................................

Where are they? ..............................................................................................................................................


What are these people talking about? .............................................................................................................


What are these people talking about? .............................................................................................................


What are these people talking about? .............................................................................................................


Choose the best topic of each paragraph from the choices given.

1. It is easy to make a good cup of tea. Just follow these steps. First, boil some water. Next put some hot water in the tea pot to warm it. Pour the water out of the pot and put in some tea leaves. You will need one teaspoon of tea leaves for each cup of tea you want. Then pour the boiling water into the tea pot. Cover the pot and wait for a few minutes. Now the tea is ready to drink.

a. How to make good tea. b. How much tea to use.

c. How to boil water. d. A good cup of tea.

2. Large forests are important to us, in many ways. They give us wood for building and heating. They are a home for many kinds of plants and animals. And for many city people, forests are a place to go for a vacation. People can learn about nature there. Thay can breathe fresh air and sleep in a Quiet place.

But there is one more reason why forests are important for everyone. The leaves on the trees in a forest help clean the air. Dirty air is a problem in many parts of the world. Without our forests this problem might be much worse.

a. Large forests. b. The importance of forests.

c. Taking vacations in forests. d. Kinds of plants and animals in forest.

3. The first real bicycle was made in Scotland. It was built in 1839 by a man named Macmillan. His bicycle had two wheels like a modern bicycle. But it was much more difficult to ride. It was heavier because it was made of wood and iron. It did not have rubber tires like a modern bicycle. Instead, it had wooden wheels. This made it very uncomfortable on bumpy road. But Macmillan was lucky about one thing; he could not get a flat tire!

a. Bicycles b. Bicycle wheels

c. The first bicycle d. Bicycles in Scotland

4. Last year I started preparing for Christmas in July. I began shopping in the summer. I could not bear the Christmas rush. At Christmas there are too many lines, too many people pushing and shoving, and too many crowded stores. In July there is no snow, no Santa, and no cold weather, but otherwise, everything is perfect for starting my Christmas shopping.

a. Crowded stores b. Christmas shopping

c. Preparing for shopping d. Early Christmas shopping

5. In the United States orange juice is one of the most popular cold drinks. Most of the oranges for juice grow in Florida. In many homes around the country, orange juice is always served at breakfast time. It is also a favorite snack at any time of the day. When there is bad weather in Florida the whole country knows about it. Bad weather in Florida means fewer oranges. And that means more expensive orange juice!

a. Cold drinks in the United States. b. Orange juice in the United States.

c. Bad Weather in Florida. d. Bottled orange juice.

6. Some of the largest trees in the world are in California. These are called redwood trees. Redwood National Park is a large forest of redwood trees. Visitors in the park can walk and drive through the forest to look at the trees. Some redwoods are hundreds of years old. These old trees are very tall. They are also very wide at the bottom. One tree has a large hole in the bottom. The hole is so big that you can drive a car through it.

a. Parks in California. b. The age of redwoods.

c. Largest trees in the world. d. Redwood trees in California.

7. A month ago I wrote to a computerized dating service. I wanted to find the perfect mate, and I decided to give the computer a chance to help me. I filled out a five-page questionnaire about my social, educational, physical, and religious background. Within two weeks the dating service sent three names to me. Each one of these people was supposed to be a match for me. Can you guess what happened when I met my first date?

a. Going out on dates. b. Finding a perfect mate.

c. Filling out a questionnaire. d. Using a computerized dating service.

8. Have you ever seen children in costumes and masks ringing doorbells and crying out, “Trick or Treat?” This is a very common sight every year on October 31. The children are celebrating Halloween. On this holiday children dress up as witches, ghosts, goblins, and other characters. They ring doorbells and ask for a piece of candy or some bubble gum or even a few pennies. It they do not receive a treat. They may play a trick on the person or on the house.

a. Ringing doorbells. b. Celebrating Halloween.

c. Witches, ghosts and goblins d. An annual holiday on October 31st.

9. Galileo was one of the first modern scientists. He was born in Pisa, Italy, in 1564. At first he studied philosophy. But later he studied mathematics and astronomy. He was very interested in the way the earth and other planets move around the sun. He found out several important facts about our world. He also started a new of working in science. Before Galileo, scientists did not do experiments. They just guessed about how something happened. But Galileo was different. He did not just make guesses. He did experiments and watched to see what happened.

a. Why Galileo was an important scientist. b. Important facts about our world.

c. A new way of working in science. d. How planets move around the sun.

10. It is very important to use water carefully. Here are some ways you can use less water. First, you should be sure you turn off the faucet tightly. They should not drip in the bathroom or kitchen sink. Second, you should not keep the water on for a long time. You should turn off while you are doing something else. It should be off while you are shaving or brushing your teeth. It should also be off while you are washing the dishes. Finally, in the summer you should water your garden in the evening. That way you will not lose a lot of water. During the day the sun dries up the earth too quickly.

a. How to turn off the faucets. b. Ways to wash the dishes.

c. Ways to use less water. d. How to shave and brush your teeth.


Read the paragraph and choose the best main idea sentence.


a. Factories pour poisonous, unwanted things into water.

b. Destruction of living space can be found everywhere.

c. Burning garbage turns the air unclean.

d. Junkyards can be found throughout the countryside.


a. There is a way to help remember people’s names.

b. When you meet someone new, think of them.

c. If you meet a Ms. Brown, try to remember her.

d. A Mr. Long will help you remember other people’s names.


a. Lavoisier was a scientist. b. Lavoisier used science to improve farming.

c. Lavoisier was a great man in many ways. d. Lavoisier helped change the taxes and

money in France.


a. Clothes of the 1800s were beautiful.

b. Clothes are made of man-made cloth.

c. Today women wear dresses with long skirts.

d. Clothes today are different from the clothes of 1800s.


a. Cities began to have money problems.

b. The rich people did not pay city taxes.

c. Cities had less money for schools and housing.

d. People did not take good care of their streets and parks.


a. Medicinal drugs taken before driving may be dangerous.

b. A poor driver might cause an accident.

c. Many drugs cause you to think more slowly.

d. Take medicines only as directed.


a. People put on warmer clothing in cold weather.

b. People can turn on the heaters in their vehicles.

c. Wild animals find ways to survive in cold weather.

d. Animals store food in advance, to prepare for winter.


a. Cats and dogs are popular pets.

b. Cats are nicer than dogs in some ways.

c. Cats do not make a lot of noise.

d. Dogs sometimes bite people.


a. Parents enjoy country fairs.

b. Country fairs are purely American events.

c. The entire family enjoy themselves on the midway.

d. People of all ages have fun at country fairs.


a. Teenagers who love dance spend hours there.

b. People in 20’s & 30’s find discos the place to be.

c. Everyone likes “up” atmosphere.

d. Lively disco attract many people.


Read the following passage and answer the questions given.

1. What has made Tom unhappy all the week?

a. A letter b. The police c. The bicycle d. The station

2. What was Tom asked to do last Tuesday?

a. To go to school b. To call at the railway station

c. To go to the police station d. To call at the hospital

3. Did Tom do what he was asked to?

a. No, he didn’t. b. Yes, he did.

c. He was not sure. d. None is correct.

4. What was Tom told about?

a. His school. b. His friend. c. His trip. d. His friend.

5. How far is the small village?

a. Fifty miles b. Fifty kilometers. c. Fifteen miles. d. Fifteen kilometers

6. What surprised Tom?

a. The policeman wanted to see him. b. He received a letter from the police.

c. His parents wanted to meet him. d. His bicycle was found.


วิธีการ Previewing ข้อความสั้นๆ

1. อ่านชื่อเรื่อง

2. ดูรูปภาพประกอบ (ถ้ามี)

3. อ่าน 2-3 ประโยคแรกของย่อหน้าที่หนึ่ง

4. อ่านบรรทัดแรกของย่อหน้าถัดๆไป

5. อ่านประโยคสุดท้ายของย่อหน้าสุดท้าย

6. สังเกต ชื่อ, วันที่ และจำนวนเลขต่างๆ


The camel goes without water for a long time. Some people think it stores water in its hump. This is not true, it stores food in its hump. The camel’s body changes the food into fat. Then it stores the fat in its hump. It cannot store the fat all over its body. Fat all over an animal’s body keeps the animal warm.

The Arabian camel has one hump. The Bactrian camel of Central Asia has two humps. It also has long hair because the winters are cold in Central Asia.

There is a lot of sand in the desert. The camel has long eyelashes. The sand cannot go into the camel’s eyes

Arabic has about 150 words to describe a camel. Arabs need all these words because the camel is very important to them.

Peter had a wonderful birthday. His girl .........................bought him a new watch. His brother................ sister gave him a party. Peter’s mother .................... a special chocolate birthday cake, and all of his good .......................... came to his party. They danced all night. Peter really .............................. his birthday.

Spring is the season that stirs people’s hearts, minds, and bodies. Poets say (1).................... is a season of love. Athletes, both professional and amateur, like spring because they can (2)................... outdoors. Spring also brings the start of baseball (3).............................. . Astronomers like spring because the (4).................................. lights up with stars and planets. In April, stargazers (5)................. see Venus, Mercury, Mars and Saturn.

In spring, gardeners keep (6)................................ sights closer to the ground. To them, spring (7)................................ crocuses, tulips, and hyacinths. It also means getting the garden ready for (8)............................. vegetables. When spring comes, homeowners get out the (9)..............................., saws, paintbrushes, and cleaning supplies for the yearly ritual of spring cleaning. People who live in (10).................................. where the seasons do not change very much don’t know what they are missing!

New York Washington

California States

New Mexico Florida

practicing yoga jogging

swimming jumping rope


Chevrolet Mazda

Ford Peugeot

Volvo Honda cars

Christmas American Holidays

Easter Thanksgiving

Halloween July fourth

A: When did this happen?

B: Yesterday. I was playing tennis and I fell down.

A: Can you move it at all?

B: Only a little.

A: Can you walk on it?

B: No, it hurts too much.

A: I think you’ll have to take an X-ray.

A: The American Embassy, please. I have to be there by 10.15.

B: I can’t promise, but I’ll do my best.

A: You’re just in time, $5.30 please.

B: Thanks a lot. Here’s $6. You can keep the change.

A: Does this bus go to the Victory Monument?

B: No, you’ll have to get off at the bank, and take a 201.

A: Can you tell me where to get off?

B: It’s the next stop.

A: How many?

B: Three.

A: Do you have a reservation?

B: No.

A: Well, you’re lucky. I think we have some tables. Right this way.

A: I’d like to book a flight to Sydney to morrow?

B: I’ll have a look in the timetable for you.

A: I need an economy class, please.

B: BA Flight BA 9 M leaves at 8.00

A: When am I supposed to check in?

B: You must be at the airport before 7.00.

A: How shall I cut it, sir?

B: Very short all over, please.

A: Shall I put some oil on?

B: No, I don’t think so, thanks.

Mexico City is a popular place for tourists. Every year thousands of people go to Mexico City. They visit the old and beautiful buildings in this city. In the museums they learn about the history of Mexico. And in the restaurants they enjoy the spicy and delicious Mexican food.

All around the world large cities have the same problem. That problem is air pollution. Bangkok has very bad air. The air there is dirty and very unhealthy. Cars are one reason for dirty air. Many Thais now own their own cars and drive in the city.

The factories in the area also cause air pollution. These factories put a lot of smoke into the air. It is not easy to clean up the air in a large city. The government has to make new laws and everyone has to help.

The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a very strange bird because it cannot fly. The kiwi is the is the same size as a chicken. It has no wings or tail. It does not have any feathers like other birds. It has hair on its body. Each foot has four toes. Its mouth is very long.

Now, millions of people shop in malls all over the country. These malls contain supermarkets and large department stores. Small clothing stores cater to almost every poosible taste. Gift shops sell a wide variety of merchandise, ranging from inexpensive items to costly ones. Art and photography shops are found in great numbers. Record shops are around every corner.

Almost all universities have nicknames. Usually these nicknames are linked to sports teams. Some of the names are of colors. Two of these are Big Red and the Green Wave. Other nicknames are of natural disasters. Examples are the Hurricanes and the Cyclones. The animal kingdom, however, has provided the most nicknames.

The job of a young doctor is not easy. Doctors often spend many hours with a patient. There are usually more patients waiting. So doctors do not have much free time during the day. They often have to work all night in hospital too. Or they may have to go somewhere suddenly when someone is ill. A doctor’s decision may mean life or death for the patient. Even when doctors are very tired they have to think very carefully.

Hurricanes are dangerous storms. It is quite common for them to hit areas that extend hundreds of miles. Their powerful wind are called gales. Gales cause dreadful damage to property. Many people have lost their lives during these wild storms. It is wise to seek shelter when such a storm comes near. One should keep in mind that while the eye of the storm is calm, this does not mean all is well. The other side of the storm will soon pass the same area as the eye, at a speed up to 150 miles an hour.

All clouds are made of many little drops of water. But not all clouds are alike. There are three kinds of clouds. Cirrus clouds are one kind. These are made of ice drops. They look very soft and light. Another kind of cloud is called a cumulus cloud. They are very large and deep and flat on the bottom. We usually see cumulus clouds on warm summer days and finally there are stratus clouds, which cover the whole sky. These clouds make the sky gray and the sun does not shine at all.

Cats and dogs are both popular pets. But cats are nicer pets in some ways. First cats are cleaner. They stay very clean and they do not make the house dirty. Cats are also quieter than dogs. They usually do not make a lot of noise. Cats are safer, too. Dogs sometimes bite people, but cats almost never do. And finally, cats are easier to take care of . You do not have to spend much time with a cat. In fact, many cats prefer to be alone.

Bicycles are very popular today in many countries. Many people use bicycles for exercise. But exercise is only one of the reasons why bicycles are popular. Another reason is money. Bicycle are not expensive to buy. They do not need gas to make them go. In cities, many people like bicycles better than cars. With a bicycle, they never have to wait in traffic. They also do not have to find a place to park. And finally, bicycles do not cause any pollution!

There is way to help you remember people’s names. When you meet someone new, think of something about them that will help you remember. For example, if you meet a Ms. Brown, say to yourself, “Ms. Brown has brown hair.” Or if you meet a Mr. Long, say to yourself, Mr. Long likes singing a song. Many people find that this helps them remember other people’s names.

Some words in English have the same sound, but you write them differently, and they mean different things. Take the word won, for example. Won has the same sound as the word one, but it means some thing different and is written differently. Another example is the word write. It has the same sound as the word right.

There are two kinds of television stations in the United States. One kind is commercial. About 841 of the U.S. televisions are commercial stations. These stations are businesses. They show ads to make money. The other kind of television station is public. These stations do not show any ads. They get some money from the government. They also get money from the people who watch public stations.

India is a popular place for tourists. Every year thousands of people go there. They visit the old and beautiful buildings in this country. In the museums they learn about the history of India. And in the restaurant they enjoy the spicy and delicious Indian food.

Large forests are important to us in many ways. They give us wood for building and heating. They are a home for many kinds of plants and animals. And for many city people, forests are a place to go for a vacation. They can breathe fresh air and sleep in a quiet place. But there is one more reason why forests are important for everyone. The leaves on the trees in a forest help clean the air. Dirty air is a problem in many parts of the world.

Some big factories pour poisonous, unwanted things into water, killing fish and endangering the water for drinking. Careless people who drop litter make public parks into dirty places. Burning garbage turns the air unclean for miles around. Junkyards, full of used, useless cars, can be found in large numbers throughout the countryside. Yes, signs of destruction of living space can be found everywhere.

Scientists know about the earth. For example, they under stand how mountians are made and what a volcano is. But they do not know when a volcano will send hot rock into the air. They may know about the outside of the earth. But they still are not sure about the inside. They are not sure about how the earth was made. There are still many difficult questions for scientists who study the earth.

Men had many ideas for telling time. One idea was to use rope made from plants. Knots were put in the rope at certain places. The rope was burned from knot to knot. The distance between knots was a certain amount of time. Another idea was to burn candles which melted from mark to mark. Usually the mark showed a half-an-hour or an hour. And finally, the hourglass was popular for telling time. Sand in the hourglass passed through a small opening from an upper glass to a glass below. The changing level of the sand marked the passing of time.

What is air pollution? It is dirt in the air. This is a big problem in some parts of the world.

What causes air pollution? People cause it by burning fuel in buses, cars, factories, homes, schools, and trains. The smoke from burning fuel has poison gases and dust. These enter the air and make it dirty.

Why is air pollution bad? The dirty air hurts people. It helps to cause more colds, coughs and diseases of the heart and lungs. It also hurts plants and animals and makes clothig and buildings dirty.

Ann lives in Sydney. She has an apartment near the park. Ann jogs in the park. She thinks that jogging is good for her. So she jogs everyday.

Jogging is good for your health for a few reasons. It is good for your heart. If you do it a few days a week, your heart will be stronger. It is also good for your legs. And many people believe it is good for your mind.

Elephants are kind animals. When one of them has hurt itself and cannot pull itself on to its feet, the other elephents lift it up and help it to walk.

Some people say that elephants have very good memories. They say that they always remember people who are kind or cruel to them.

All big town have parks. These are big gardens with a lot of paths. People go there to walk, to look at the flowers and to breathe the clean air. When people want a quiet walk, they know where to go. But young people like to do more exciting things. They like to climb trees and cliffs. They like to make model aeroplanes and fly them. They like to have races on roller-skates.

What is the sky? Where is it? What is above the sky? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? People have been asking these questions for thousanda of years. They have been asking them since the beginning of the world.

Every year, in the middle of April, thousands of people go to Boston. They go to run the Boston Marathon. This one of the oldest road races in the United States. It began in 1897.

Each year, more runners join the Boston Marathon. They came from every part of the world.

The Boston race is 26.2 miles, or 42 kilometers. The runners go through thirteen towns during the race. It ends in the center of Boston. Crowds of people watch them as they go through the towns. They clap their hands and cheer for them.

The park police officer often meets dangerous people. Some people go to the park to steal. Other people are there to sell drugs. And sometimes serious gun fights start in the park. The park police officer may meet any of these in the park.



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- Commercial or university graduated

- Good command of written and spoken English

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- Good command of English

- Knowing French is an advantage

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Interested person please contact:


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English FM 88 MHZ

30. Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Programme

06.00 Sawasdee Wanmai Early Morning News

07.00 Ramkhamhaeng University Programme

08.00 Education Ministry Programme

16.30 Cartoon

16.40 Science Programme

17.00 Education Ministry Programme

19.30 Local & International News

21.00 Moonlighting Series

21.05 TAT Programme

22.00 Sara Bantoeng

23.00 Documentary

23.15 Ramkhamhaeng University Programme

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striking out


hitting a foul

playing base ball

hitting a ball

pitching a fastball












can openers
























lounge chair




cuff link
















A: Was it a girl or a boy?

B: A girl. She’s eight pounds and very healthy!

A: When will they come home from the hospital?

B: I’m going to bring them home tomorrow.

A: You’ll have to come for a visit. What a nice change for the neighborhood!

Husband: We want to rent a house.

Realtor: Do you have children?

Wife: Yes, we do. We have four children.

Realtor: How much space do you need?

Husband: We need three bedrooms.

Realtor: I have a house for you. It’s near a school. Do you want to see it?

Wife: Yes, we do.

A: Do you think Mom and Dad will be late?

B: No. Air India is always on time.

A: But it’s raining so hard and the weather is even worse in New York.

B: Don’t worry. The airline agent will tell us if they’re going to be late.

A: You’re right. Let’s go to have a cup of coffee while we wait.

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I want to mail a package.

A: Where are you sending it?

B: I’m sending it to New York City. How much is it?

A: It’s two dollars and fifty-seven cents.

A: Did you understand everything today?

B: No. I’m so confused!

A: So am I.

B: This test is going to be difficult.

A: Maybe we should go to the language lab this afternoon.

B: Good idea. I need more practice.

A: Well, what do you think?

B: The color is perfect on you.

A: What about the style?

B: It’s a very popular style.

A: How does it look on me?

B: It looks great on you. It looks great on everybody.

A: You don’t think I look funny on it?

B: Not at all. You look very nice.

A: Look at the long line! Do you think we’ll get in?

B: I think so. Some of these people already have tickets.

A: How much are the tickets?

B: Only $2.50 for the first show. I’ll pay.

A: Thanks I’ll buy some popcorn.

A: We received a note from Ann’s teacher today.

B: What did she say?

A: She wanted to talk to us. Ann’s having problems in reading.

B: Hmm. That’s an important subject. We need to cooperate with the teacher.

A: I think so, too. I called the school. I make an appointment for Monday


B: Good.

Wife: These bills are too high. We need to set up a budget.

Husband: Why? How much did we spend last month?

Wife: I don’t know. That’s the problem!

Husband Well, this is the end of the month. It’s a good time to make a budget.

Wife: I agree. Let’s do it tonight.

A: When will you go to the bank?

B: I’ll go to the bank on Monday morning.

A: Why?

B: I’m out of cash. I’ll need some money for the week.

A: O.K. I’ll cash a check for you. How much will you need?

B: I’ll need $50.

A: All right. I’ll try to remember.

Some big factories pour poisonous, unwanted things into water, killing fish and endangering the water for drinking. Careless people who drop litter make public parks into dirty places. Burning garbage turns the air unclean for mile around. Junkyards full of used, useless cars, can be found in large numbers throughout the countryside. Yes, signs of destruction of living space can be found everywhere.

There is a way to help you remember people’s names. When you meet someone new, think of something about them that will help you remember. For example, if you meet a Ms. Brown, say to yourself, “Ms. Brown has brown hair”. Or if meet a Mr. Long, say to yourself, Mr. Long likes singing a song. Many people find that this helps them remember other people’s names.

Lavoisier is best known as a chemist. He learned some very important fact about chemistry. And he gave names to many chemicals. These are the same names we use today. Some of Lavoisier’s other ideas were important, too. He used science to improve farming. He also worked on a way improve France’s banks and government. He helped to make the taxes and money the same all over France. Lavoisier was a great man in many ways.

Clothes today are very different from the clothes of the 1800s. One difference is the way they look. For example, in the 1800s all women wore dresses. The dresses all had long skirts. But today women do not always wear dresses with long skirts. Sometimes they wear short skirts. Sometimes they wear pants. Another difference between 1800s and today is the cloth. In the 1800s, clothes were made only from natural kinds of cloth. They were made from cotton, wool, silk or linen. But today, there are many new kinds of man-made cloth. A lot of clothes are new made from nylon, rayon, or polyester.

Cities began to have many serious problems. The rich people and the businesses did not pay city taxes, anymore. The poor people could not pay much money in taxes. So cities had less money for schools and housing. Sometimes they could not pay their police officers or firefighters. And they could not take good care of their streets and parks.

Medicinal drugs may cause you to be a poor driver. You might even cause an accident. Some drugs may make a sick person think he or she can drive. But many drugs cause you to think more slowly and some even harm your vision. So remember that drugs can affect your driving. Be careful! Drive only when you are sure that drugs aren’t affecting you. Take medicines only as directed. Good drivers may become poor ones when they use drugs or other forms of medication.

In cold weather people put on warmer clothing and stay indoors. They can turn on the heaters in their cars or other vehicles. Wild animals, however, find a variety of ways to survive in cold weather. Some leave for a warmer climate. Others crawl into caves or other shelters and sleep until spring. Others store food in advance, to prepare for winter. Many grow heavier coats of fur. Animals seem well-equipped to survive even under conditions of extreme cold.

Cats and dogs are both popular pets. But cats are nicer pets in some ways. First, cats are cleaner. They stay very clean and they do not make the house dirty. Cats are also quieter than dogs. They usually do not make a lot of noise. Cats are safer, too. Dogs sometimes bite people, but cats almost never do. And finally, cats are easier to take care of. You do not have to spend much time with a cat. In fact, many cats prefer to be alone.

Country fairs appeal to the entire family. Children are attracted by the ferries wheels and merry-go-rounds. Dad and Grandpa are interested in seeing the livestock exhibits, while Mom and Grandma want to find out if there preserved fruits and vegetables have won a blue ribbon. Later, the entire family will enjoy themselves on the midway, testing their sharp-shooting skills or pitching pennies in the games of chance.

Teenagers who love to dance spend hours there. People in their twenties and thirties, who enjoy the music and who like to dance, find disco the place to be. Everyone likes the disco’s up atmosphere. Lively disco attract many people.

Tom has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Tom wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station and now he is worried any more. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle has been found. Ten days ago, the policeman told him that the bicycle was picked up in a small village fifty kilometers away. Tom was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen five years ago when Tom was a boy of fifteen!


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