A Feudalism WebQuest: Japan and Europe

|A Feudalism WebQuest: |

|Japan and Europe |

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Welcome! You are about to travel back in time and across the continents to examine two distinctively different cultures with a similar social structure. This will not be an easy assignment, and at the end you must judge which system had greater negative consequences upon the people, culture, and future development of the region. So grab a snack, ignore Facebook. Twitter, and Instagram, and get ready for some history!



With the fall of the Roman Empire in Europe and the weakening of the Emperor in Japan, two similar societies developed. For the next hour you will examine information available on the World Wide Web regarding feudalistic Japan with the idea that you will add the European perspective later. Based upon this information, you will be asked to answer questions and come to conclusions that are supported by the given documents. Good Luck!


• In order to make the needed comparisons, you will need to identify what information can be found where, so you may need a pen and paper to take notes

• Open your internet browser and examine the provided websites before beginning the activity.

• Open up the answer document and put it in the background. This assignment must be typed.

• Make sure you use your BACK button to return to this page.

• Read the questions to insure you know what information you need to be looking for during your WebQuest.

• Type the answers into the Answer document. Single space the answer.

• Begin!



Answer the following questions on your answer document based upon the information available in the provided websites. Remember: you are only doing the Japan half now, the European side will be due later.

1. Give a general definition of feudalism that fits BOTH Japanese and European examples.

2. How did Japan's isolation affect its feudal system? Did it prolong or shorten it? Why?

3. What does "bushido" mean? What is the bushido philosophy?

4. List the class structure of Japan during feudalism. Explain the duties of each class.

5. Describe the relationship between the warrior class and the ruling class in Japan. Tell how they would relate and interact with each other.

6. Describe the religion(s) in Japan. What role did religion play in Japanese society? Be specific especially as it relates to the warrior. How did their beliefs affect them?


To be completed following the study of European feudalism at the end of the Unit.

3b. How is chivalry similar to Bushido philosophy?

4b. List the class structure of European feudalism. Explain the duties of each class.

5b. Describe the relationship between the warrior class and the ruling class in Europe. Tell how they would relate and interact with each other.

6b. Describe the religion in Europe. What role did religion play in European society? Be specific especially as it relates to the warrior. How did their beliefs affect them? Where do the Crusades fit in?

7. Now that you have a good overview of feudalism in both cultures, you need to evaluate them. Which one had a greater negative effect on the culture? Why? Write this in a full paragraph.




Feudal times in Japan --

Major events in Japanese history --

Bushido, the warriors way --

Brief history of the samurai –

What is bushido --

Bushido traditions –

The Edo period --

Class structure --

The rise of feudalism --

History of feudalism --

Feudal oaths of fidelity --

Feudal obligations --

Feudal European social structure --

Feudal Europe --

Feudal Europe religion


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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