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AP Human Geography Chapter 5: Languages Key Issue #1 – Where Are Languages Distributed?Compare language and literary tradition. Define official language Define language family. What language family is English in?Define language branch. What language branch is English in?Define language group. What language group is English in? Answer the following questions based on the language family tree (Figure 5-3) on page 144-145.What is the largest language spoken in the Indo-European family – what language branch and group does it belong to?What is the largest language spoken in the Sino-Tibetan family – what language branch does it belong to?What is the largest language spoken in the Niger-Congo family – what language branch does it belong to?What is the largest language spoken in the Austronesian family – what language branch does it belong to?What is the largest language spoken in the Driavidian family – what language branch does it belong to?Distribution of Language Families (page 146-149)Where is Indo-European spoken?Define logogramsGive an example language and where it is spoken for each of the following branches of the Sino-Tibetan language family.SiniticTai-KadaiTibeto-BurmanGive an example language and where it is spoken for the Austronesian language family.Give an example language and where it is spoken for the Austro-Asiatic language family.What is the difference between Japanese and Korean?Give an example language and where it is spoken for the following branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family.Semitic Give an example language and where it is spoken for the Altaic family. Give an example language and where it is spoken for the Uralic language family.Give an example language and where it is spoken for the Niger-Congo language family.How is Khoisan language family different from others?Key Issue #2 – Why is English Related to Other Languages?What is the difference between the High Germanic subgroup and the Low Germanic subgroup of the West Germanic group of the Germanic language branch of the Indo-European language family? High Germanic –Low Germanic-What are the two most widely spoken language groups of the Indo- Iranian branch of the Indo-European Language Family? What is the most widely spoken language in the Eastern group of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European Language Family and where is it spoken?What is the most widely spoken language in the Western group of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European Language Family and where is it spoken?Where is the most widely spoken language of the Baltic-Slavic Branch? Where is it spoken?What are the three languages of the East Slavic language branch?What are the three most spoken languages of the West Slavic language branch and where are they spoken? What is the most spoken language of the South Slavic language branch? What are some differences of this language based on ethnicity? What are the four most widely used languages of the Romance Branch of the Indo-European Language Family?Origin and Diffusion of Language FamiliesDescribe the origins of the English language.How has the Norman invasions impacted the English language?Describe the diffusion of English to North America.Where did the Romance languages originate?Explain the diffusion of the Romance languages.Where did the Indo-European language family originate?Explain the two theories of how the Indo-European language diffused.Kurgan theory (Nomadic warrior Hypothesis) Anatolian Theory (Sedentary Farmer Hypothesis)Key Issue #3 – Why Do Individual Languages Vary Among Places? Define dialect Define isogloss and provide an exampleWhat is the reason for different dialects within the United States? Provide one example.Provide an example of a pronunciation difference in the United States. Define standard language.Define Received Pronunciation (RP)Provide an example of how English from England differs from U.S. English in the following categories. VocabularySpelling Pronunciation How did Spanish and Portuguese originate and diffuse?SpanishPortuguese Define creole or creolized language.Key Issue #4- Why Do People Preserve Local Languages? Compare the problems faced in Belgium and Switzerland, two multi-lingual states. Explain how conflict can arise in Nigeria due to language diversity.Define isolated language and provide three examples of isolated languages and where they are spoken? Provide two examples of extinct languages. Explain two reasons why languages decline. List three places where English is the official language.Define the following terms and provide a reasoning for its importance or how it originated or where it is spoken. Lingua francaPidgin language EbonicsFranglaisSpanglishDenglish ................

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