Samurai Internet Assignment

Samurai Internet Assignment

*Go to the following website and click on the Wisdom link. Answer the following questions in a complete sentence on a separate sheet of paper.

Regarding battle, the Samurai warrior Asakura Norikage said what?

St. Francis Xavier said the Japanese had a high opinion of whom? He said they looked down upon whom?

Regarding the Samurai quotes on learning: Which Samurai quote do you like the most? Why? Summarize the quote.

Takuan believed the true master of martial arts should not use what? Why?

Regarding parenting, Yamamoto Tsunetomo said a Samurai parent should encourage what?

If a child is scolded too severely, Yamamoto Tsunetomo believes what will happen?

*On the upper right hand side of the page, click on the link Death and scroll down to the Seppuku section

The first “notable acts” of seppuku were from what century?

What was believed to reside in the stomach?

There are three main reasons a Samurai would commit seppuku. In your own words, summarize the first one: Junshi.

In your own words, summarize Kanshi.

In your own words, summarize Sokotsu-shi.

Tsukahara Bokuden probably best summed up the Samurai philosophy of death when he said what?

*On the upper right side of the page, click on the link Names

During the course of his life, the samurai could expect what?

They received their adult name around what age?

The two characters of the name came from where?

Many Samurai adopted what type of religious name?

Some Samurai who were baptized as Christians received what?

*On the upper right side of the page, click on the link Clothing

The Kimono was what?

It was usually made of what? Why?

women of samurai families tended to wear what?

Samurai children dressed how?

Old Samurai dressed how?

Footwear consisted of what?

The Samurai sword was always worn where?

What was a topknot? They were worn by whom?

Why did Samurai shave the front of their head?

An eboshi was what? The size and shape depended on what?

*On the upper right side of the page, click on the link Food

To a large extent, one’s diet depended on what?

The staple food was what?

List 8 other foods/drinks common to the Japanese/Samurai.

*On the upper right side of the page, click on the link Tea

31. List five facts regarding the Tea Ceremony


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