Index of British trials of Japanese War Criminals ...
Index of British trials of Japanese War Criminals Conducted in Singapore
Copyright 2005 U.C. Berkeley War Crimes Studies Center
|Case # |Name of Case |Accused |Victims |Crime scene |Summary of Charge(s) |
|235/813 |Sadaichi |10 Japanese (Imperial|Indian POWs |Babelthuap Palau |1) failed to provide food, |
| | |Japanese Army) | | |clothing and medical |
| | | | | |attention, beatings and |
| | | | | |maltreatment |
| | | | | |2) Executing Indian POW Mohd |
| | | | | |Shafi |
| | | | | |3) Maltreatment and beatings |
|235/815 |1st Tarmugli |5 Japanese (I.J.A.) |Burmese |Tarmugli Island |Ill-treatment and killing of |
| |Island |on Andaman Islands |Civilians | |18 men, 9 women and 34 |
| | | | | |children |
|235/816 |2nd Tarmugli |1 Japanese (I.J.A.) |Burmese |Tarmugli Island |Ill-treatment and killing of |
| |Island |on Andaman Islands |Civilians | |152 civilians, including women|
| | | | | |and children |
|235/817 |Aoki |1 Japanese (I.J.A.) |British PsOW |Sonkurai Camp |Forcing 300 British PsOW to |
| | | | | |enter a train of insufficient |
| | | | | |condition and allowing them to|
| | | | | |be beaten |
|235/818 |Harada et al. |6 Japanese (I.J.A) |Burmese |Andaman Islands |Killing of 9 Burmese civilians|
| | | |Civilians | | |
|235/819 |Terada et al. |5 Japanese (I.J.A) |Singapore |Kempei Tai HQ, |4 charges involving beating, |
| | |Kempei Tai members |Civilians |Singapore |torture, maltreatment of |
| | | | | |Singapore civilians, 2 of |
| | | | | |which died after |
|235/820 |Okamura |1 Japanese (I.J.A) |Indian PsOW |Yamatomura Camp on |1) Ordered, permitted and was |
| | |Orders came from | |Babelthuap Palau |otherwise concerned with the |
| | |Kempei Tai | | |execution of Indian POW |
| | | | | |Ghafoor |
| | | | | |2) Failed to provide food, |
| | | | | |clothing and medical |
| | | | | |attention, beatings and |
| | | | | |maltreatment |
|235/840 |Komaba |1 Japanese (I.J.A) |Civilian |Port Blair, Andaman |1) Beating, torture, |
| | | |residents of |Islands |maltreatment of Baj Nath |
| | | |Port Blair | |2) Beating, torture, |
| | | | | |maltreatment of Lalta and his |
| | | | | |wife Kaiser |
|235/825 |Fukuei |1 Japanese (I.J.A) |British PsOW |Changi, Singapore |1) Compelling POWs to sign |
| | | | | |documents which bound them |
| | | | | |from escape attempts |
| | | | | |2) Killing of 4 British PsOW |
|235/886 |Anami et al |13 Japanese (I.J.A) |British and |On voyage, Horoekoe |7 charges: all involving |
| | | |Dutch PsOW |Island, Ambon Island, |maltreatment of PsOW at |
| | | | |Ceram Island, Java |different places, in some |
| | | | | |cases resulting in suffering |
| | | | | |and death. |
| | | | | |Except 4th charge: killing of |
| | | | | |Trooper Champion a POW. |
|Case # |Name of Case |Accused |Victims |Crime scene |Summary of Charge(s) |
|235/841 |Yoshikawa |1 Japanese (I.J.A) |British, Dutch &|Kranji POW camp, |Maltreatment leading to |
| | | |Australian POWs |Singapore |suffering and in some cases |
| | | | | |death. |
|235/842 |Yamanie |1 Japanese (Imperial |Civilian |Dundae Point, Port |Ill-treatment thereby causing |
| | |Japanese Forces) |resident of Port|Blair |the death of the victim |
| | | |Blair | | |
|235/843 |Yamaguchi |5 Japanese (I.J.A) |3 Singapore |Oxley Rise, Singapore |Beating, torture, maltreatment|
| | |Kempei Tai members |Chinese | |leading to death in 2 out of 3|
| | | |civilians | |of the victims |
|234/844 |Nagaosa |8 Japanese (Japanese |Civilian |Port Blair, Andaman |Beating, torture, maltreatment|
| | |Forces) |residents of |Islands |leading to suffering and in |
| | | |Port Blair | |some cases death |
|234/847 |Nakano |1 Japanese (Imperial |Ovran, Civilian |Port Blair, Andaman |Beating, torture, maltreatment|
| | |Japanese Navy) |resident of Port|Islands |in consequence the victim |
| | | |Blair | |Ovran died |
|234/848 |Tagawa et al. |4 Japanese (Civilian |3 civilian |Port Blair, Andaman |Beating, torture, maltreatment|
| | |nationals) |residents of |Islands |in consequence 1 out of the 3 |
| | | |Port Blair | |victims died |
|234/849 |Orimo |2 Japanese (I.J.A.) |British POWs |Normanton POW camp, |Ill-treatment of the Brit. |
| | | | |Singapore |POWs, resulting in particular |
| | | | | |6 deaths and deaths and |
| | | | | |sufferings of other POWs |
|234/850 |Sugihara |2 Japanese (Imperial |Civilian |Port Blair, Andaman |Beating, torture, maltreatment|
| | |Japanese Forces) |residents of |Islands |leading to suffering and in |
| | | |Port Blair | |some cases death |
|234/917 |Shimojo |1 Japanese (I.J.A.) |British POWs |Kanburi Aerodrome |Ill-treatment of British POWs |
| | | | |Camp, Siam |causing physical suffering, in|
| | | | | |particular to POW Capt. Taylor|
|234/925 |Sakano |1 Japanese (I.J.A.) |British POWs |Chungkai POW Camp, |Ill-treatment of British POWs |
| | | | |Siam |causing physical suffering (in|
| | | | | |particular Demery, Moore and |
| | | | | |Baldwin) |
|234/928 |Yoshino |1 Japanese (I.J.A.) |Civilian |Telipong, British |Killing of civilian resident |
| | | |resident of |Borneo |of British Borneo Paul Lee On.|
| | | |British Borneo | | |
|234/889 |Suzuki, et al. |5 Japanese (1 Capt, 4|British, |No. 1 Civilian |Ill-treatment of British, |
| | |in Japanese Military |Australian, |Internment Camp, |Australian, Dutch, Canadian |
| | |Employment) |Dutch, Canadian |Singapore |and American civilians |
| | | |and American | |resulting in the death of |
| | | |civilians | |British civilian Parker and |
| | | | | |the physical suffering of the |
| | | | | |rest. |
|Case # |Name of Case |Accused |Victims |Crime scene |Summary of Charge(s) |
|234/897 |Komasawa |8 Japanese |British, Australian,|Siam and Burma |Ill-treatment of POWs causing |
| | |(I.J.A.) |Dutch POWs | |bodily suffering and injury to|
| | | | | |their health |
|234/911 |Mizutani |1 Japanese |British, American, |Siam and Burma |1) Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | |(I.J.A.) |Australian and Dutch| |employed in construction of |
| | | |Prisoners of War, | |the Burma-Siam Railway |
| | | |Burmese civilian and| |resulting in death and |
| | | |a British POW | |physical suffering |
| | | | | |2) Ill-treatment of a Burmese |
| | | | | |civilian causing physical |
| | | | | |suffering |
| | | | | |3) Killing of a British POW |
|234/913 |Kokubo |3 Japanese |British, Australian,|Various POW camps in |1) Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | |(I.J.A.) |American and Dutch |Siam |resulting in death and |
| | | |Prisoners of War | |physical suffering |
| | | | | |2) Ill-treatment of British |
| | | | | |POW resulting in his death |
| | | | | |3) & 4) Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | | | | |causing bodily suffering to |
| | | | | |them |
|234/916 |Daimon |2 Japanese |British and |On route in Siam, and |1) Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | |(I.J.A.) |Australian POWs |a POW camp in Siam |resulting in death of some and|
| | | | | |physical suffering to others |
| | | | | |2) Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | | | | |causing physical suffering |
|234/918 |Usuki |10 Japanese |British, Australian |Various POW camps in |1) Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | |(I.J.A.) |and Allied PsOW |Siam |2) & 3) Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | | | | |resulting in death and |
| | | | | |physical suffering |
| | | | | |4)-8) Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | | | | |resulting in physical |
| | | | | |suffering |
|234/919 |Okada |1 Japanese |British and |Various POW camps in |Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | |(I.J.A.) |Australian PsOW |Siam |resulting in physical |
| | | | | |suffering |
|234/941 |Kasai |10 Japanese |Civilian residents |Miri, Sarawak |Killing of 28 civilian |
| | |(I.J.A) & |of Miri | |residents |
| | |Kempeitai | | | |
|234/960 |Takahashi |2 Japanese |Indian POWs |Tanoura, New Britain |Ill-treatment including |
| | |(I.J.A.) | | |assault and forcing unfit men |
| | | | | |to work |
|Case # |Name of Case |Accused |Victims |Crime scene |Summary of Charge(s) |
|235/943 |Kudo |12 Japanese |Civilian |Burma and Siam |1) Ill-treatment of Civilian |
| | |(I.J.A.) |inhabitants, | |inhabitants causing physical |
| | | |British and Dutch | |suffering and death |
| | | |POWs | |2) Willful killing of civilian|
| | | | | |inhabitants. |
| | | | | |3) Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | | | | |causing physical suffering. |
|235/952 |Hachisuka |24 Japanese |POWs interned at the|Sumatra, mostly in |9 charges involving |
| | |(I.J.A.) |POW camps in Sumatra|Palembang |ill-treatment of POWs in some |
| | | | | |cases resulting or |
| | | | | |contributing to deaths and in |
| | | | | |some cases resulting in injury|
| | | | | |and physical suffering |
|235/963 |Ishida |5 Japanese |British, Australian |Burma and Siam |8 charges involving |
| | |(I.J.A.) |and Dutch POWs | |ill-treatment of POWs on the |
| | | | | |Burma-Siam railway with |
| | | | | |regards to using them for |
| | | | | |military purposes, in bad |
| | | | | |conditions, exposure to aerial|
| | | | | |bombardment and the killing of|
| | | | | |certain POWs. |
|235/964 |Sugasawa |1 Japanese |British, Australian |Siam |1) Employment of POWs in work |
| | |(I.J.A) |and Dutch POWs, | |having connection with the |
| | | |Indian POWs | |operation of the War |
| | | | | |2) Ill-treatment of Indian |
| | | | | |POWs |
| | | | | |3) Ill-treatment of Brit, Aus.|
| | | | | |and Dutch POWs causing |
| | | | | |physical suffering |
|235/965 |Osato & Ozawa |2 Japanese |British and Dutch |Chungkai POW camp, |Ill-treatment of POWs causing |
| | |(I.J.A.) |POWs |Siam |bodily suffering to many of |
| | | | | |them and in particular to one |
| | | | | |Captain BIGGS a British POW. |
|235/967 |Hyodo |3 Japanese |Civilian Residents |Singapore |Ill-treatment of 3 civilian |
| | |(I.J.A.) (members| | |residents, in particular |
| | |of Kempeitai) | | |causing death in one of them. |
|235/972 |Wakayama |2 Japanese, in |Civilian Residents |Singapore |Ill-treatment of Civilian |
| | |service of | | |residents, resulting in |
| | |Occupying Power | | |physical suffering |
|235/974 |Takashima |2 Japanese |Indian POWs |Sankakuyama, |Ill-treatment of Indian POWs |
| | |(I.J.A.) | |New Britain |resulting in deaths of 2 of |
| | | | | |them |
|Case # |Name of Case |Accused |Victims |Crime scene |Summary of Charge(s) |
|235/1051 |Shimada |5 Japanese |Civilian residents |Bangkok, Siam |5 charges involving |
| | |(I.J.A.) |of Bangkok | |ill-treatment of the civilian |
| | | | | |residents of Bangkok. |
|235/975 |Otsuka |43 Japanese |British, Dutch, |Singapore |Ill-treatment and neglect |
| | |(I.J.A.) |American POWs and | |causing deaths of 13 Brit. |
| | | |civilians | |POWs, 4 Dutch POWs and 4 |
| | | | | |civilians, and physical |
| | | | | |suffering to others |
|235/981 |Watari |9 Japanese |British, Australian |Siam and Burma |Ill-treatment of POWs |
| | |(I.J.A.) |and Dutch POWs | |resulting in deaths and |
| | | | | |suffering |
|235/994 |Otsu |2 Japanese |Allied POWs |On board vessel |Ill-treatment of the POWs |
| | |(Imperial | |“Tofuku Maru” from |resulting in 27 deaths and |
| | |Japanese Forces) | |Singapore to Japan |suffering to the others |
|235/1113 |Nishiuchi |1 Japanese |Civilian inhabitants|Singapore |Ill-treatment of 5 named |
| | |(Civilian in |of Singapore | |civilian inhabitants of |
| | |service of | | |Singapore, resulting in |
| | |Occupying Power) | | |physical suffering |
|235/1102 |Fukudome |6 Japanese |Allied POWs |Singapore |2 charges concerning in the |
| | |(I.J.A.) |(American Airmen) | |execution of the Allied POWs. |
|235/1109 |Sasa |1 Japanese |British POWs |Siam |Killing of 4 named British |
| | |(I.J.A.) | | |POWs |
| | | | | | | |
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