World History 1st Semester Study Guide

World History 2nd Semester Study Guide - ANSWERS

1. What is mercantilism?(p.413)

a set of economic principles that dominated economic thought in the 17th century

2. What was the name of the journey of slaves from Africa to America? (p. 416)

middle passage

3. What did the English Bill of Rights lay the foundation for? (p. 439)

a constitutional monarchy

4. What is absolutism? (p. 441)

a system of government in which a ruler holds total power

5. In 1776 The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith promoted laissez faire which meant? (p. 521)

the state should not regulate the economy

6. John Locke’s beliefs that individuals should be given the right to life, liberty and property are found in what American documents? (p. 451)

American Declaration of Independence and Constitution

7. What was the Glorious Revolution? (p. 439)

the invasion of England by William of Orange, which overthrew James II with almost no blood loss

8. The Tennis Court Oath resulted in the French National Assembly trying to get what accomplished? (p. 550)

a vow to continue to meet until they had produced a French constitution

9. What were the two main causes of the collapse of Napoleon’s Grand Empire? (p. 568-569)

the survival of GB and the force of nationalism

10. The Declaration of the Rights of Man excluded what group from political rights? (p. 550)


11. Who was the head of the Committee of Public safety during its Reign of Terror? (p. 557)


12. In the early days of the Industrial Revolution, which product was changed from cottage industry to mass production? (p. 582)

cotton cloth

13. How did the factory system of work differ from rural work? (p. 583)

it created a new labor system where workers had to work regular hours and do the same work over and over

14. What was crucial to Britain’s Industrial Revolution? (P. 583)

steam engine

15. The Industrial Revolution created a social change by the emergence of a middle class and working class. T or F? (p. 586) True

16. What gave rise to the socialism movement in Great Britain? (p. 588)

pitiful conditions created by the Industrial Revolution

17. John Locke’s philosophy of natural rights asserts that all people have certain basic right from birth that are called what type of rights?

unalienable rights

18. What were some of the thing the American economy had to do during World War II? (p. 831) mandatory rationing of scarce consumer goods, greater government control of the production and delivery of goods and more women in industrial jobs

19. World War I occurred between which years? (Ch. 23)


20. What was the Columbian Exchange? (p. 412)

pattern of cultural diffusion whereby sugarcane, bananas, wheat, rice, horses and chickens came from the Old World to the New World and corn, potatoes, squash, peppers, turkeys and lamas came to the Old World from the New World.

21. Describe the Nazis rise to power. (p. 768-769)

use of threats and intimidation, call for revenge of the Treaty of Versailles, promise of more jobs and food and use of Jews as political scapegoats

22. The sinking of the Lusitania by Germany increased or decreased American support to enter WWI? (p. 725)

increased support

23. Name the Axis powers of World War II.

Italy, Japan and Germany

24. WWII began in Europe when Germany invaded who?


25. What was the Luftwaffe? (p. 815)

German air force

26. Why did the U.S. enter WWII? (p. 818)

Japan’s invasion of Pearl Harbor

27. What was Hitler’s “final solution”? (p. 825)

murder of all Jews

28. How many Jews were killed during the Holocaust? (p. 827)

about 6 million

29. What factors contributed to World War I?

assassination of a political leader, humiliation by the shifting of European alliances, and the glorification of militarism in Europe

30. What was the Schlieffen plan?

Germany’s plan for a two front war where they would invade France with great speed

31. In WWI what caused Great Britain to declare war on Germany?

when the Germans invaded neutral Belgium

32. What was the main reason the Treaty of Versailles failed to maintain peace? (p. 751)

the harshness of the terms affecting Germany

33. What type of fighting was characterized by WWI?

trench warfare

34. What is the Bill of Rights and what rights does it include?

The first ten amendments of the US Constitution protecting individual freedoms and rights

35. What is the purpose of checks and balances?

prevent one branch of the federal government from becoming too powerful

36. What is federalism?

the division of powers between the national and state governments

37. What is popular sovereignty?

belief that people hold the final authority in government

38. In what year was the Declaration of Independence signed?


39. What is separation of powers?

each branch of government should have its own powers separate and apart from any other branches (executive, legislative and judicial branches)

40. What was the name of the group that conspired to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Black Hand

41. What was the Treaty of Versailles?

the peace treaty signed with Germany following WWI that Germans felt was too harsh

42. What happened on December 7, 1941?

the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the US at Pearl Harbor

43. What was the chief purpose for which African slaves were brought to the Americas?

to supply labor

44. What was the scientific method and who developed it?

a systematic procedure based on collecting and analyzing evidence crucial to the evolution of science developed by the mathematician Francis Bacon

45. What were philosophes?

Philosophers, writers, economists and social reformers during the Enlightenment

46. What is laissez-faire?

to let the people do what they want

47. What is deism?

idea that God lets the universe run by its own laws

48. What were the interests of Adam Smith and the Physiocrats?

natural economic laws

49. What is Social Darwinism?

belief that Charles Darwin’s theories such as “survival of the fittest,” apply to human groups and races

50. What were salons and what purpose did they serve during the Enlightenment?

they were places where philosophes met and helped spread the ideas of the Enlightenment.

51. Why did Louis XVI accept the National Assembly’s decrees?

thousands of armed Parisian women descended on the palace and capture him and his family

52. Who did Napoleon’s coup d’etat overthrow?


53. What were the French estates and which ones were exempt from the taille?

the third estate (commoners)

54. How did the Russians defeat Napoleon’s superior Grand Army?

retreating hundreds of miles and burning their own villages and countryside

55. Who finally defeated Napoleon and at what battle?

The Duke of Wellington at Waterloo in Belgium

56. Under Marxist theory, what was the name of the working class that was oppressed by the middle class?


57. What was the name of the legislative assembly created by Czar Nicholas II?


58. What was the Triple Entente?

alliance between GB, Russia and France

59. In 1914, what was considered an act of war?

mobilization of a nation’s army

60. Who were the Central Powers?

Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany and Ottoman Empire (Turkey)

61. What was France’s motive in the peace negotiations at Versailles?

a desire for national security

62. What is the name for a war that involves complete mobilization of resources and people?

total war

63. What caused the U.S. to join the Allies in fighting WWI?

the German’s use of unrestricted submarine warfare

64. Who led the Bolsheviks to becoming a party dedicated to violent revolution?

V. I. Lenin

65. What did Lenin do in an attempt to end Russia’s involvement in WWI?

Signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany, which gave up much Russian territory

66. Why was Germany especially unhappy with Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles?

it forced Germany to give up the territories of Alsace and Lorraine

67. How did Benito Mussolini gain the support of the Catholic Church?

He gave the church money and official recognition

68. What was the purpose of Stalin’s Five Year Plan?

transform the USSR from an agricultural to an industrial economy

69. What did Hitler’s Enabling Act do?

gave the government power to ignore the constitution for four years

70. What was Kristallnacht?

a destructive Nazi rampage against the Jews

71. What was the Dawes plan?

an international plan to deal with Germany’s inflation by reducing Germany’s war debt

72. What is an economic depression?

A period of low economic activity and rising unemployment

73. What is fascism?

a strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler

74. What led many Germans to accept Hitler and the Nazis?

The belief that Hitler had ended Germany’s economic depression

75. What were the “Nuremberg laws”?

laws that exclude Jews from German citizenship and forbade marriages between Jews and Germans

76. What area in northwestern Czechoslovakia did Hitler demand and was given?


77. When did Britain and France declare war on Germany (WWII)?

Two days after Hitler’s invasion of Poland

78. What was Hitler’s blitzkrieg?

“lightning war” that used tank divisions supported by air attacks

79. What was the turning point of the war in the Pacific?

the Battle of Midway

80. What was Great Britain’s policy toward Germany that was based on the belief that the satisfaction of reasonable demands would maintain peace in Europe?


81. What did Neville Chamberlain boast that the Munich Conference meant?

“peace for our time”

82. Why was the battle of Stalingrad a crushing defeat for Germany?

the entire German Sixth Army, considered the best of the German troops was lost

83. What was a reason for Japanese aggression in the Pacific?

they were in need of resources; especially oil

84. What was the site of the Japanese bombing that led to American entry into WW II?

Pearl Harbor

85. What was the site of the American victory that ended the threat of a Japanese invasion of Hawaii?


86. The Allied strategy of attacking an island and skipping some, then attacking another to get within bombing range of Japan

Island Hopping

87. The code name for the development of a nuclear weapon in the United States

Manhattan Project

88. What was the name of the global peace keeping organization established as a result of WWII

United Nations

89. Suicide attacks by Japanese war planes against Allied warships


90. Why did the Japanese attack the United States?

the U.S. was thought to be the only country to stop the Japanese in the Pacific


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