Java 8 tutorial pdf


Java 8 tutorial pdf

The Java Tutorials have been written for JDK 8. Examples and practices described in this page don't take advantage of improvements introduced in later releases and might use technology no longer available. See Java Language Changes for a summary of updated language features in Java SE 9 and subsequent releases. See JDK Release Notes for information about new features, enhancements, and removed or deprecated options for all JDK releases. The Java Tutorials are practical guides for programmers who want to use the Java programming language to create applications. They include hundreds of complete, working examples, and dozens of lessons. Groups of related lessons are organized into "trails". Trails Covering the Basics These trails are available in book form as The Java Tutorial, Sixth Edition. To buy this book, refer to the box to the right. Getting Started -- An introduction to Java technology and lessons on installing Java development software and using it to create a simple program. Learning the Java Language -- Lessons describing the essential concepts and features of the Java Programming Language. Essential Java Classes -- Lessons on exceptions, basic input/output, concurrency, regular expressions, and the platform environment. Collections -- Lessons on using and extending the Java Collections Framework. Date-Time APIs -- How to use the java.time pages to write date and time code. Deployment -- How to package applications and applets using JAR files, and deploy them using Java Web Start and Java Plug-in. Preparation for Java Programming Language Certification -- List of available training and tutorial resources. Creating Graphical User Interfaces Specialized Trails and Lessons These trails and lessons are only available as web pages. Custom Networking -- An introduction to the Java platform's powerful networking features. The Extension Mechanism -- How to make custom APIs available to all applications running on the Java platform. Full-Screen Exclusive Mode API -- How to write applications that more fully utilize the user's graphics hardware. Generics -- An enhancement to the type system that supports operations on objects of various types while providing compile-time type safety. Note that this lesson is for advanced users. The Java Language trail contains a Generics lesson that is suitable for beginners. Internationalization -- An introduction to designing software so that it can be easily adapted (localized) to various languages and regions. JavaBeans -- The Java platform's component technology. JAXB -- Introduces the Java architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) technology. JAXP -- Introduces the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) technology. JDBC Database Access -- Introduces an API for connectivity between the Java applications and a wide range of databases and data sources. JMX-- Java Management Extensions provides a standard way of managing resources such as applications, devices, and services. JNDI-- Java Naming and Directory Interface enables accessing the Naming and Directory Service such as DNS and LDAP. Reflection -- An API that represents ("reflects") the classes, interfaces, and objects in the current Java Virtual Machine. RMI -- The Remote Method Invocation API allows an object to invoke methods of an object running on another Java Virtual Machine. Security -- Java platform features that help protect applications from malicious software. Sockets Direct Protocol -- How to enable the Sockets Direct Protocol to take advantage of InfiniBand.Sound -- An API for playing sound data from applications. 2D Graphics -- How to display and print 2D graphics in applications. Page 2 This document is designed to be viewed using the frames feature. If you see this message, you are using a non-frame-capable web client. Link to Non-frame version. No matter what version of the JDK we are on, Java 8 is not going anywhere. Java 8 introduced a new era of Java. Everything from lambda expressions and functional programming to Streams and collections -- DZone was there to document it all. So whether you're migrating over to Java 9 or Java 11, or maybe even Java 13, Java 8 concepts and features are still very much alive in the JDK. And understanding these core concepts can help tremendously when it's time to move beyond Java 8. So without further ado, here are the top DZone articles and tutorials on all things Java 8. Enjoy! The Basics Magic [Java] 8-ball Java 8 (A Comprehensive Look) -- This article is a great starting point when looking at Java 8, with a special focus on functional programming. Java 8 Concepts: FP, Lambda Expressions, and Streams -- This technical overview of Java 8 covers major concepts, including translations to the imperative paradigms, and how streams and lambdas work. Java 8 Comparator: How to Sort a List -- This post help to sort a list in Java 8 using the Comparator method, demonstrating how to sort a list of strings by various classifications. A Guide to Java's SimpleDateFormat -- Java's SimpleDateFormat class comes with a variety of choices for formatting dates and times. This article covers all of your options, but beware, it's not thread-safe. Java 8: The Bad Parts -- Explore Java 8's Stream API, lambda expressions, and CompletableFuture to see what functionality they brought, but also how they could be improved. When Will Java 11 Replace Java 8 as the Default Java? -- tl;dr Java 8 isn't going anywhere. What Future Java Releases Will Mean for Legacy Desktop Apps -- Java 11 will mean the end of Java Web Start. Let's see what this means for legacy desktop apps and how developers can be ready for the change. Java 8 Optional: Handling Nulls Properly -- This tutorial teaches you how to handle null properties in Java 8 by using the Optional class to help reduce the number of errors in nulls. Using Java Enums -- Check out this post to learn more about ideal use cases and best practices for using enums in Java, including how to maintain type safety using enums. Random Number Generation in Java -- Need some randomness in your numbers? Check out a few different techniques you can avail yourself of to create random (or mostly random) numbers in Java. The Push Towards Functional Programming Java 8 Lambda Expressions Learn how to better code Java lambda expressions with the tutorials listed below. Lambda Expressions in Java 8 -- In this post, we learn what, exactly, lambda expressions are and how they fit into the whole Java ecosystem. More on Lambda Expressions in Java 8 --If you're ever having trouble grasping Java 8's lambda expressions, you aren't alone. This article will help you see how to get your lambda expressions up and running. How to Handle Check Exceptions With Lambda Expression -- This tutorial demonstrates how devs can handle checked exceptions in their projects using Java 8 and lambda expressions for cleaner, more concise code. Java Lambda: Method References -- In this post, we take a look at a crucial part of Java lambdas, the method reference, specifically looking at the static reference, instance methods, and more. Functional Interface and Lambda Expressions in Java 8 -- This post takes a look at using abstract methods in Java 8 with the functional interface and lambda expressions, specifically methods with different inputs. How to Use Java HashMap Effectively -- This post explores the best practices for implementing HashMaps in Java 8 and onwards, identifying values or keys, lambda expressions, and more. Don't Fear the Lambda -- This post teaches you when to use lambda expressions in Java and how to use them to refactor your code into neater, more readable snippets, accompanied with some examples, of course. Java Interfaces & Default Methods Java 8 Streams & Collections Java 8 Streams The Developer's Guide to Collections -- This series by Justin Albano covers the collection interface, associated methods to help with collections, and general implementation advice. Process Collections Easily With Stream in Java 8 -- This tutorial teaches us how to use Streams to easily process collections in Java 8, looking specifically at characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. Java 8 Map, Filter, and Collect Examples -- Learn how to use the map() function in Java 8 to transform an object to another and how to use the filter() to select an object-based upon condition. Java 8 Streaming Example With CSV File -- This example showcases the day-to-day use cases of an aggregate function through the Java 8 Streaming API. Understanding FlatMap With Java Streams -- This article introduces a crucial concept for functional programming in Java -- see how flatMaps work step by step, then examines what they bring to Streams and Optionals. Iteration Over Java Collections With High Performance -- This post looks at collections in Java, specifically the forEach loop and how it compares to C-style and Stream API, concluding that rewriting loops is most effective. A Guide to Java 8 Streams: In-Depth Tutorial With Examples -- Java 8's introduction of Streams can be overwhelming. This post dives into Streams and sees how best to use them in your code. The Java 8 API API Design With Java 8 -- Learn to be a better Java programmer by mastering Java 8 API design, exposing a well-designed API, making sure that client code can use lambdas, and more. Java 8 Date and Time API -- This post journies back to the not-too-distant past to see how Java 8 improved date and time APIs and how to put them to use. API Enhancements Missing Since Java 8 -- This post presents some API enhancements that could make Java API more user-friendly, without breaking backward compatibility. Readers shared mixed views. Give it a read and let us know your thoughts. 20 Examples of Using Java's CompletableFuture --For a better understanding of the CompletionStage API, let's look at 20 examples of CompletableFuture in action, both synchronously and asynchronously. Interface Enhancement in Java 8 -- Interfaces have seen massive improvements since they were first introduced. Combined with method definitions, you've got a lot of flexibility on your hands. Java String (With Examples) Want to learn more about Java 8 Strings?

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