Basic Flight Planner:

The Basic Flight Planner:

An Introductory Guide Test

Updated June 26, 2007


The Basic Flight Planner is available in JetPlan to provide a quick and efficient means of creating and recalculating flight plans. It is also available for those who cannot run Java™ on their computer. Some knowledge about the JetPlan syntax is required to use the Basic Flight Planner, but this syntax will not be covered in this guide. A guide on the JetPlan syntax can instead be found in the JetPlan User Manual, available at the top of the page under the link “JetPlan User Manual.” This guide will focus on accessing and using the Basic Flight Planner and creating/storing/using templates to generate flight plans.

Accessing the Basic Flight Planner

There are two ways in which you can access the Basic Flight Planner. The first and easiest way is to click the link to the Basic Flight Planner located on the home page of , as shown below:


This link will pop up a new window with the Basic Flight Planner. You will be able to create a completely new flight plan using this method.

If, instead, you would like to edit an existing flight plan using the Basic Flight Planner, you should start by clicking the “Dispatch” tab at the top of :


Under the “Dispatch” tab, you will have access to your previously generated flight plans. Each flight plan should provide you with some options available through the drop-down menu on the right side of the page.


From one of these drop-down boxes, select “Rerun Inputs” and finally press “Go.” The Basic Flight Planner window will then pop up

Using the Basic Flight Planner

The Basic Flight Planner should look very familiar if you have used the JetPlan line mode 20 questions interface before. The figure below shows the Basic Flight Planner, when you are creating a completely new flight plan:


Alternatively, if you chose to launch the Basic Flight Planner by editing an existing flight plan, the Basic Flight Planner will have a slightly different appearance, as shown below:


If you know how to use JetPlan line mode, there will be no new challenges in using the Basic Flight Planner. Simply enter in the inputs into the appropriate fields and generate the flight plan. However, the Basic Flight Planner differs from the JetPlan line mode in that it makes it easier to look up certain information. Certain fields come equipped with special icons which will allow you to access additional information. These special icons include:

[pic] - Provides a list of choices available for the field

[pic] - If an airport, in ICAO format, has been entered into the field, this button will generate a weather report for that airport

[pic] - If an airport, in ICAO format, has been entered into the field, this button will show the location of the airport in Google Earth™, if the Google Earth™ software is installed on the computer.

[pic] - Provides the available route options based on POA, POD, ETD, and Aircraft

Once you have edited the desired inputs, you may calculate a new flight plan by clicking the “Generate Flight Plan” button at the bottom of the screen.





Templates allow you to create and save a list of flight plan inputs so they may be quickly loaded into the Basic Flight Planner at a later time. You may create a template at any time in the Basic Flight Planner and these templates can be loaded at any time. If you are editing an existing flight plan, begin by pressing the “Load Templates” button on the left side of the screen, as shown below:


You should see a list of your currently saved templates on the left side of the window. Right now, you have no templates, so the list appears empty. To create a template, click the “Create New Template” link at the top of the list box.


Another window will appear which will allow you to enter the inputs to your flight plan. Name your template, fill in the appropriate fields, and click the “Save FP Template” button to save the template or the “Return to Flight Planning Form” link to discard the template.


If you chose to save the template, the new template can now be viewed in the previously empty template list box. For this example, I named the template “1234 abcd.”


The template comes with a variety of icon buttons which will perform different actions when clicked, as explained below:

[pic] - Loads the inputs of the template into the Basic Flight Planning Form. You can then choose to modify the inputs in the form and generate the flight plan.

[pic] - Runs the flight plan defined in the template automatically. A new window will pop up, displaying the calculated flight plan based on the inputs defined in the template.

[pic] - Allows the template to be modified. Clicking this will bring up the template modification window.

[pic] - Deletes the template from your account.

If you would like to create another template, click the “Create New Template” link again, and a new pop-up window will appear, which will allow you to enter new flight plan inputs. However, there are a maximum number of templates which may be stored in your account. The maximum number is defined at the top of the templates list box, as shown below:




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