Tashi Namgyal Academy

Write a program to take a value of centigrade as an input and convert into Fahrenheit.[hint: c=(f-32) *5/9]Write a program to take a principle, rate and time as an input and find the simple interest.Take a basic salary as an input and calculate the gross, monthly net salary and annual net salary of an employee. The formula for the gross, monthly net salary and annual net salary is given below .da=10% of basichra=15% of basicfa=12.55% of basicpf=8.75% of basicgross=da + hra + basic + fanet= gross – pfanet = net X 12Taking a value of force and acceleration as an input and calculate the mass.Take two numbers as an input and print which is the largest and thesmallest number.Take the age of a person and check whether he/she is eligible to vote or not.[Hint: if a person age is greater than or equal to 18 then he/she is allowed to vote else not allowed to vote.Write a program in java to take a number as an input and find the absolute value of the number.e.g input :-99output: 99[hint: the absolute value of a number is the same number but in terms of positive] Write a program in java to take marks of five subjects as an input and find the total and percentage obtained by the students.Write a program in java to take a number as an input and check whether the number is buzz number or not.[hint: a buzz number is a number which is divisible by 7 and when divided by 10 leaves a remainder 7.]e.g. 77The present population of a town is prep and it increases by 6% every year. The population is po after ‘n’ number of years and is given by the formula:Po= prep(1.06)n Using if-else statement in java, write a program to calculate the grade according to the given criteria:Percentage marksGradeFrom 75% to 100%Passed with starFrom 60% to 74%1st DivisionFrom 40% to 59%2nd divisionLess than 40%FailTake the marks of 5 subjects as input and find the percentage and also display the grade. Write a program in java to take sale as an input and find the commission as per the given criteria.SalesCommissionMore than 10000025%From 80000 to less than 10000022.5%From 60000 to less than 8000020%From 40000 to less than 6000015%Less than 4000012.5%Write a program in java to design a calculator which is able to perform simple calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.Write a program to calculate the monthly electricity bill of a consumer according to units consumed. The tariff is given below:Units consumedRateUp to 100 units0.80 paisa per unitFor next 100 units Re 1 per unitFor more than 200 unitsRs. 1.25 per unitEvery consumer has to pay 50/ as meter charge.Write a program in java to calculate the income tax paid by Mr Kuldeep Singh to the Govt. of India on his annual income as per the slab given below:SlabIncome taxUp to Rs.50000No TaxRs.50001 to Rs. 60000 10% of income exceeding Rs. 50000/-Rs. 60001 to Rs.150000Rs.1000 + 20% of income exceeding Rs. 60000/-Above Rs. 150000Rs 19000 + 30% of the amount exceeding Rs 150000/-Take annual salary as an input and display the income tax to be paid by him.Write a program in java to convert from one unit to another unit as per the user’s choice using Switch case.Choice NoConversionKB TO BYTESMETER TO INCHGALLON TO LITERHINT:1 KB =1024 BYTES1 METER = 39.34 INCH1 GALLON = 20/9 LITERSA medical representatives of a company gets monthly commission on the basis of the sale according to the tariff given below:SaleCommissionUp to 50005% of sale>5000 &&<=10000 10%>10000 &&<=2000020%>2000030%Write a program to calculate the commission for a medical representatives of the company by taking sale as input.BSNL charges for using telephones from their consumer according to the calls made (per month) as per the tariff given below:Number of callsChargeUp to 50 callsNo charge (free)For next 100 calls Re.1 per callFor next 200 calls0.90 paisa per callMore than 350 calls0.80 paisa per callHowever, monthly rental charge is 180/ - per month for all the consumer for using telephones. Write a program in java to calculate monthly telephone bill indicating no. of calls, monthly rental & total amount to be paid. Take number of calls as an input.A librarian charges fine for the books issued from the library and not returned on time at the following rates:No of daysRateFor the first 7 days0.20 paisa per day.For more than 7 days & up to 14 days 0.30 paisa per dayFor more than 14 days & up to 21 days0.40 paisa per dayFor more than 21 days0.50 paisa per dayWrite a program in java to calculate the fine assuming that a book is returned n days late.Take a number as an input between 1 to 7 and print which day will the number fall.e.g. input5FridayInput1MondayInput8Invalid InputWrite a program in java to print all odd numbers till user input.Write a program in java to print all even numbers till user input.Write a program in java to print the sum of even numbers till n.Write a program in java to print the sum of odd numbers till n.Write a program in java to take a number as an input and check whether the number is prime number or not.[hint: a prime number is a number that has only two factors.]Write a program in java to take a number as an input and check whether the number if perfect number or not. [Hint: a prime number is a number that has only two factors.]Write a program in java to take a number as an input and find the sum of digits of a number.Input:12345Output15Write a program in java to take a number as an input and obtain the reverse of a number.Write a program in java to take a number as an input and check whether the number is palindrome number or not.[Reverse number should be equal to original number]Write a program in java to take a number as an input and check whether the number is Armstrong number or not.[Sum of cube of a remainder should be equal to the number.]Input:153Output:Armstrong13 + 53 + 33153Write a program in java to a number as an input and find the factorial of a number.[hint: the product from 1 to the number itself is factorial value of a number:]Input = 5Output = 1201 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 = 120Write a program in java to take a number as input and print the table of a number.Input:99X1=99X2=18……………………………………..……………………………………….9X10=90 Write a program to take a number as an input and print the Fibonacci numbers n times.Input:n=50-1-1-2-3Write a program to take a number as an input and print Fibonacci series less than n.Input n=100-1-1-2-3-5-8Write a program in java to take a number as an input and print even Fibonacci number less then input number.Input n=100-2-8 Write a program in java to find the HCF (highest common factor) and LCM (lowest common factor) by taking two inputs.Write a program to find the sum of series1 + ? + 1/3 + ? + 1/5 + 1/6 + 1/7 + ………………………….1/nWrite a program to find the sum of seriesx/1+ x/2 + x/3+ x/4 + x/5 + x/6 + ………………………….x/nWrite a program to find the sum of seriesx + x2/2+ x3/3 + x4/4+ x5/5 + x6/6 + x7/7 + ………………………….xn/n Write a program to find the sum of series2 + 3/2+ 4/3 + 5/4+ 6/5 + 7/6 + 8/7 + ………………………….(n + 1)/nPrint the below patternXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPrint the below pattern XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Print the below patternXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPrint the below patternXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPrint the below pattern0369120369036030 Print the below pattern03691215182124273033363940 Print the below pattern123451234123121Print the below pattern123456789101112131415Print the below pattern122333444455555Print the below pattern555554444333221Print the below pattern111112222333445 Write a program in java to take any 10 numbers as an input in the array and find the sum of the array.Print the below pattern1111122222333334444455555 Take any 10 numbers as an input in the array and also take a search number as an input now check whether the search number is present in the array or not. [use linear searching]Take any 10 numbers as an input in the array in sorted order and also take a search number as an input now check whether the search number is present in the array or not. [use binary searching]Print the below pattern122333444455555 Take any 10 no’s as an input and find the largest and smallest number. Take any 10 no’s as an input in the array now sort the array in ascending order using selection sort.Take any 10 no’s as an input in the array now sort the array in ascending order using bubble sort.Take a string as an input and count the number of vowels present in the string.Take a string as an input and count the number of consonants letters present in the string.Take a string as an input and check whether the string is palindrome string or not.Take a string as an input and convert the string into pig Latin form.[Word should start with a vowel and ends with ay]Input :troubleOutput:oubletray Take two strings as an input and print the string which has longest length. Take a cost price and selling price of a computer as an input and find the net profit.Create a string array to store five names, now take the names as an input and display only the names which starts with vowels.Take a binary number as an input and convert it into decimal form.Input:binary no:1110Output: decimal no:14Take a decimal number as an input and convert it into octal form.Input:decimal no:59Output: octal no:73 Design a program in java to with the following description,ClassFestivalsData Members/ Instance variables:int amount:to store the amount of purchase.String name:to store a name.String add:to store a address.long phno:to store phone no.double dis:to store a discount.double net:to store a net amount.Member function/ Methods:void input( ):to take input of amount, name, add, phno.Void calc( ):to calculate the discount and the net amount using below table.amountdisUp to 50005% of amount>5000 &&<=10000 10% of amount>10000 &&<=2000020% of amount>2000030% of amountNet = amount – dis.Void display( ):to display the details in the below format.Nameaddressphone_noAmountDiscountNet__________________________________Take a decimal number as an input and convert it into binary form.Input:decimal no:15Output: binary no:1111Take a toggle string as an input and change each uppercase letters into lowercase and vice versa.Input:RuNNeROutput:rUnnEr Take two no’s as an input and interchange their values.Input A=10B=20OutputA=20B=10 73.Write a Program in Java to input a number and check whether it is a?Harshad Number?or?Niven Number?or not.Harshad Number:?In recreational mathematics, a Harshad number (or Niven number), is an integer (in base 10) that is divisible by the sum of its digits.Let’s understand the concept of Harshad Number through the following example:The number 18 is a Harshad number in base 10, because the sum of the digits 1 and 8 is 9 (1 + 8 = 9), and 18 is divisible by 9 (since 18 % 9 = 0)The number 1729 is a Harshad number in base 10, because the sum of the digits 1 ,7, 2 and 9 is 19 (1 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 19), and 1729 is divisible by 19 (1729 = 19 * 91)The number 19 is not a Harshad number in base 10, because the sum of the digits 1 and 9 is 10 (1 + 9 = 10), and 19 is not divisible by 10 (since 19 % 10 = 9).74. Class:TAXABLEData Member/Instance variable:int income:to store an annual income.double tax:to store a tax.double net:to store a net salary.String name:to store a name of an employee.String add:to store a address of an employee.Member Function/ Method:void input( ):to take input of income, name and add.void calc( ): to calculate the income tax and store in tax.The tax is calculated using below slab.IncomeTax<=350000Nil(0.0)350001 to 50000010% of income exceeding 350000.500001 to 10000001000 + 20% of income exceeding 500000.Above 10000005000 + 30% of income exceeding = income – tax.Void display ( ):to display the details in the below format.NAMEADDRESSINCOMETAXNET INCOME_____________________________________INSTRUCTION FOR PROJECT:Use Blue J software to compile and code.Print the code and the output.Use A4 size Plain Paper for printing.No other form of printing mode is accepted other the Java (Any editor like BLUE J, eclipse can be used).Project should be submitted with Spiral binding.Date of submission of project 9th of oct 2019. ................

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