Pre-AP Computer Science I

Pre-AP Computer Science SyllabusTeacher:Sherika Dumes Conference: 3rd PeriodEmail:sherika.dumes@ Room #: C-6 Class Page: Tutorial: Monday, 2:55p to 3:25p Course Description and Philosophy Computer Science provides foundational programming experiences in JAVA so that students will be able to use and advance their knowledge of Object Oriented programming. This class is a computer science class. As such, we will be covering only computer programming topics. This means that we will also explore hypertext markup (HTML) topics.JAVA is a fascinating, disciplined language. JAVA is a means of problem solving. Using the JAVA language, we will write programs that solve problems. While JAVA can be as stylistically individual as the people who write the code, I will train you in meeting the expectations of “good code.” This said, the way you go about solving problems with JAVA might differ slightly from your neighbor. This difference is not incorrect so long as it does not violate the principles of good programming style and efficiency. Scope and SequenceClass notes and lectures will follow the teacher notes and reference material. Students are expected to read the chapters and know the material. We will work on programming assignments, labs, quizzes and enrichment assignments during class time. Below is a breakdown of skills and the types of topics that will be covered in each computer science class. Our goal is to complete the list with a good grasp of the concepts and strategies of programming in JAVA. PRE-AP COMPUTER SCIENCE Grading PeriodsUnit NameEstimated Time FrameGrading Period 1Computer Hardware, Software and Ethics5 daysIntroduction to Programming20 daysOperations with Simple Data Types20 daysGrading Period 2Looping and Branching20 daysProgramming with Common Algorithms and Methods20 daysGrading Period 3Object Oriented Programming30 daysControl Structures and I/O25 daysGrading Period 4Advanced Control Structures20 daysGraphical User Interfaces25 days AP COMPUTER SCIENCE ARequired Materials1st – blue; 4th green; 5th – personal characters; 6th – black; 7th – redCollege-ruled paper, Spiral Notebook (warm-up) – One subject – 70 sheetsTwo-pocket?folder?with three?brads (no binders)Pen or pencil (black or blue only)College-ruled paper, Loose-leaf filler paper – 80 sheetsTab Insertable Tab Dividers, Paper, Assorted (5 < 8 tabs)Software We will use Adobe Dreamweaver/ Photoshop CC, and NetBeans IDE 8.2 and Java JDK 1.8.0 in this course – some are freeware and available for download and home uses. Directions for downloading the software are found on the class webpage. Grading PolicyTests / Projects50%Class Work / Daily Work50%Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Please feel free to ask questions throughout the semester if you are not sure where you stand in a certain area or if you are not sure what area a particular grade falls into. Extension: An assignment is available and challenging.Student Handbook & Code of Conduct Rules and Expectations: The majority of the work for this class takes place in the classroom. Program algorithm design and debugging are recommended tasks as homework. Homework is at a minimum but this means that attendance is critical. Class Expectations: Follow the 5 Classroom Rules, CHAMPS & Fundamental 5 models. Keep up to date with your work and turn-in assignments on time. Should not work on assignments from other classes during class discussion or note-taking time.Absolutely no food, drink or gum is allowed in the classroom. Students are to sit in assigned seats. Students are expected to behave with respect for their classmates ‘right to learn. Students are expected to protect our computers so that all students have a computer that works.This means using the equipment carefully, not adding or deleting any files or programs and not changing the preset configurations. Consequence of not adhering Digital Citizenship (AUP) rules will be removal from computer.Classroom Rules and Expectations, students are expected to follow the rules and procedures of this class at all times. Repetitively violation will be considered defiance. Academic Misconduct/Integrity: Students found to have turned-in assignment(s) which is not their own such forms of cheating: copying, plagiarizing, and fabrication which is intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized material/equipment resulting in falsification of any information or citation in an academic course (includes academic dishonesty to intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another student to commit an act of academically dishonest behavior) will receive a zero for that assignment(s) and a parent contact will be made. Further acts of this nature will result in a referral.Late Policy LATE WORK: Late work will be accepted according to campus guidelines. (Effective: January 26, 2015 - Enforce Hightower High School Late Policy): When determining grades for late work (daily and major) use the following chart:10 points for one school day late20 points for two school days late 30 points? for three school days late40 points for four school days late ?????????? Fifth school day & thereafter; grade will be a 50 at the highest This same policy applies to all online assignments.With prior administrative approval; exceptions to this policy may occur. Any assignment that does not follow this policy; must be indicated on the assignment rubric. Students must complete a late application (attached in front of the document); signed by parent.Make-Up Work: MAKE UP WORK The teacher is responsible for giving makeup work to a child with an absence.The student should be given, as a minimum, the same number of days as he/she was absent to complete the work. Students will make arrangements for make-up work on the day they return to school. The teacher and the student can then decide when the work is due.Tardy Policy: Enforce Hightower High School tardy policy. Does effect exemption.Teachers must have classroom doors closed and locked when the tardy bell rings.Students must enter classroom with tardy slip and sign tardy log.Students are considered absent after 20 minutes of beginning of class.Students are not allowed to leave the class during the first and last ten minutes of class. Students must have an authentic board pass to be in the hallway during class time. Tardy Consequences: 4th tardy and above – Consequence notified assigned by AP Homework: Will be assigned at various times throughout the semester. Pay close attention to the due dates. Each assignment may have a different value depending on the problems and complexity. Laboratory Assignments / Programs: Assignments given in class are meant to introduce or reinforce a topic. Lab assignments may include the coding of programs and/or classes, and testing programming code. You will be given time in class to complete lab assignments. Use your time wisely. Any assignment not completed in class will need to be completed on your own time. In order to do well on programming assignments, you will want to:Work on them as early as possible. Leaving them until the last minute will probably mean you cannot finish debugging them in time. Plan your program well with paper and pencil before even sitting down at a computer. Get as much of your program done before programming days in class, so that you can use class time to get help on your errors. Do your own work. While it is helpful to discuss problems with other students, viewing too much of their program might lead you to unconsciously copy their work. If students turn in very similar code, the program will be scored once, and then divided amongst all these students, each receiving a fraction of the grade. Exam: (Online (Skyward), written, or program-lab) Exams are given at the end of each unit and will be worth 100 points each. Both matching, short answers, multiple choice, and free-response question formats will be used. All students are expected to complete tests on the date announced for the test. If a conflict exists notify the teacher prior to the test date.AP Exams AP Computer Science A and Computer Science 3 are Advanced Placement (AP), college level courses. As such, students can gain college credit by successfully passing the AP test. Students in Computer Science III will be expected to take the Computer Science “A” level AP exam. Students in Computer Science AP Computer Science A and Computer Science 3 will be expected to take the Computer Science “A” level AP exam in May, 2017. Passing these tests will be the goal that we have in mind in everything we do throughout the year to help prepare for these difficult tests.ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES / DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP (pgs. 94 to 101 of Student/Parent Handbook)Acceptable Use Computer/Network/Internet access used with District provided devices and/or personally owned devices will be to enhance learning consistent with the District’s educational goals. The District requires legal, ethical and appropriate computer/network/Internet use by all students regardless if the use is for an academic class requirement and/or personal use.Electronic Devices and Dress CodeThe HHS student handbook policy/code of conduct on electronics will be followed. Students are allowed the use of electronic and telecommunication devices during the instructional setting under teacher supervision in the classroom. Cell phones and all other electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight during class time. Any student who violates this policy will have the phone or electronic device confiscated the device will be pickup in the office by a parent by end of day. The Student Code of Conduct (SCC) and the Dress Code are now included within the handbook. The SCC and the Dress Code, as approved by the Board of Trustees, establish the rules, guidelines and procedures that support a safe learning environment. The SCC provides comprehensive information regarding the following: The District’s behavior management plan Descriptions of prohibited conductDisciplinary options, methods and consequences for preventing and addressing student misconduct The District’s process for administering disciplinary consequences The District further believes the Student Dress Code shall model the attributes of the District’s Profile of a Graduate, which promotes respect for self and others, a safe learning environment and honors the diversity of the learning community. TUTORIALIf a student’s grade falls below 70%, I recommend attending an intervention or collaboration time with the teacher. This will occur on Monday, between 2:55 pm- 3:25 pm. Special times and days may be pre-arranged. Please contact me for any special considerations in the classroom/lab for your student. The following options are for the STEM Endorsement Computer Science Track: the AP track and the Fundamentals Track. AP track: PreAP Computer Science (1 year) AP Computer Science/Computer Science II (1 year) Computer Science 3 (1 year) Advanced Computer Science Elective (Game Programming and Design H (full year) (1 year), or Independent Study – Computer Science (pending a new course code – 1 year)) Fundamentals Track: Fundamentals of Computer Science (1 year) PreAP Computer Science (1 year) AP Computer Science/Computer Science II (1 year) Computer Science Elective (Computer Science III (1 year), Game Programming and Design H (full year), or Independent Study – Computer Science pending new course – 1 year) Sponsor Clubs: UIL Computer Science Team Robotics Team HHS Red Cross ................

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