Creating the .com

3.1.1. STRUTS WEB FRAMEWORKAim:To build a simple MVC application that displays a login page and returns a success page upon submitting data that passes validation.Procedure:Choose?File | New Project.Under?Categories, select?Web. Under?Projects, select?Web Application?and click?Next?On this page, under the?Project Name?section, type?login?and select the location of the project. Click?Next.In the next panel, you can choose the server that will host this application, the Java EE version and the context path. For this example, choose GlassFish v3 server, Java EE 6 Web and do not modify the default context path. Click?Next.In the?Frameworks?panel, select?Struts 1.3.8? This is a major step because you indicate to NetBeans your intention to use Struts. Click?FinishCreating the?Login.jsp?Page from?WelcomeStruts.jspRename the?welcomeStruts.jsp?page by right clicking on its name in the?Projects?tab (under the?Web Pages?folder) and chooseRename. Type the new name without an extension and press?OK.Go to?index.jsp?and modify the redirect to?login.jsp?like this:<jsp:forward page=""/>Open the?struts-config.xml?file and navigate to the?Global Forwards?section. Notice that you can navigate to any section from this descriptor by using the NetBeans?Navigator, which automatically appears by default in the lower-lefthand corner.Figure :?NetBeans IDE Navigator PanelModify the single global forward like this:<global-forwards> <forward name="login" path="/"/></global-forwards>Navigate to the Action Mappings section and modify the single action like this:<action-mappings> <action path="/Login" forward="/login.jsp"/> </action-mappings>Now that you have completed the renaming and fixed the navigation to your?login.jsp?page, it's time to add some real content to it. In this case, you will render a simple login form mapped in a simple HTML table (note that you can speed up the development of this table by using the NetBeans?Palette?if it is not clear that you can activate it from the?Window?menu).When you type in the?Source Editor, NetBeans provides you with code completion for Struts tags, as well as the Struts Javadoc. You can also invoke code completion manually by pressing Ctrl-Space. Figure 4 presents a simple capture of inserting a Struts form into your page.??Figure .?Sample of Struts Code Completion and JavadocNow, the?login.jsp?page code looks like this (typical Struts application code):<%@page contentType="text/html"%><%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %><html:html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Login page</title> </head> <body style="background-color: white"> <html:form action="/login"> <html:errors property="wrongemail" /> <html:errors property="wrongpass" /> <table border="1"> <thead> <tr> <th>Login to your site</th> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Email:</td> <td><html:text property="email" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><html:password property="pass" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <html:submit value="Login" /> </html:form> </body></html:html>Creating the?Success.jsp?PageWhen the user has successfully logged in, you must redirect the application flow to the requested page. In this case, you render a?success.jsp?page, which is a very simple confirmation of the login credentials. Follow these steps:Create a new JSP page. In the?Projects?tab, expand the?login?project and right-click on the?Web Pages?folder. Select the?New | JSP ...?option from the contextual menu and type "success" in the?File Name?section of the?New JSP File?wizard. Press?Finish.2.Modify the generated code like below (remember to explore the NetBeans Palette, code completion for Struts tags and Struts Javadoc):<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean" %><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"""><html> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Login Successfully</title></head><body><h1>Login Successfully Done</h1><p>Email: <bean:write name="LoginActionForm" property="email" />.</p><p>Password: <bean:write name="LoginActionForm" property="pass" />.</p></body></html>Creating the?Failure.jsp?PageWhen the provided credentials are wrong, you redirect the application flow to a page calledfailure.jsp. This is generated in the same manner as?success.jsp?and it looks like this:<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean" %><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"""><html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Login Failure</title> </head> <body> <h1>Login Failure</h1> <p>Email: <bean:write name="LoginActionForm" property="email" />.</p> <p>Password: <bean:write name="LoginActionForm" property="pass" />.</p> </body></html>Creating an ActionForm BeanA Struts?ActionForm?bean is perfect for storing the provided credentials between requests (or any data provided through a form). Since you need to store the email and the password, which are two strings, your bean will be pretty short and simple (note that in Struts parlance, "an?ActionForm?is a JavaBean optionally associated with one or more ActionMappings. Such a bean will have had its properties initialized from the corresponding request parameters before the corresponding?Action.executemethod is called."). Here are the steps for creating it:In the?Projects?tab, right-click on the?login?project and select?New | Other ...?from the contextual menu.In the?New File?wizard's?Categories?list, select the Struts category, and from the?File Typeslist, select the?Struts ActionForm Bean?type and press?Next?(see Figure 5).??Figure:.?Adding a Struts ActionForm BeanNow you have to type a name for the new action form. For example, type "LoginActionForm" in the?Class Name?section. Also, choose the?com.myapp.struts?package from the?Package?list (see Figure 6). Click?Finish.?Figure: ?Configure Struts ActionForm BeanWhen you press the Finish button, NetBeans will generate the new action form for you and display it in the?Source Editor. By default, this class provides it with a?String?called?name?and an?int?called?number, along with getter/setter methods for them called?delete all, because you need to add the email and the password! Also, if you check the?struts-config.xml, you can see the new form bean added under the?Form Beans?section:<form-bean name="LoginActionForm" type="com.myapp.struts.LoginActionForm"/>In the LoginActionForm, add two properties like this:private String email;private String pass;Add getter/setter methods for these two properties. Go below this code and right-click in an empty spot. From the contextual menu, select?Insert Code ...?and?Getter and Setter .... In the?Generate Getters and Setters?window, select the two properties and press?Generate. Now, you should see the corresponding methods in your code.For now, comment the validate method and read further. You will deal with this method in validation section.Implementing the Business Logic in Struts StyleNext task is to generate an?Action?class and implement the?executemethod. In Struts parlance: "when a request is received, the Controller invokes anAction?class. The?Action?class consults with the Model (or, preferably, a Facade representing your Model) to examine or update the application's state." Theexecute?method is the "brain" of your application, because here you tell the application what to do.In the?Projects?tab, right-click on the?login?project and select?New | Other ...?from the contextual menu.In the?New File?wizard's?Categories?list, select the Struts category and from the?File Typeslist, select?Struts Action?type and press?Next.Now you have to type a name for the new action. For example, type?LoginAction?in the?Class Name?section. Also, choose the?com.myapp.struts?package from the?Package.Type?/login?in the?Action Path?section. This value must be the same as the one provided in the?action?attribute of the?<html:form>?tag in?login.jsp. Click?Next.In this window, you have to associate the?Action?with an?ActionForm. By default, the IDE did that for you, but notice that this can be accomplished manually by selecting the correspondingActionForm?from the list?ActionForm Bean Name.In addition:Type?/login.jsp?for the?Input Resource?field, or use the?Browse?button.Set the?Scope?to?Request.Click?Finish.Now, you should see the generated code of your action in the?Source Editor. If you look in?struts-config.xml, you will notice the new added entry under?Action Mappings, like this:<action input="/login.jsp" name="LoginActionForm" path="/login" scope="request" type="com.myapp.struts.LoginAction"/> Going further, you must add a behavior to the?execute?method. You have a simple scenario: the login credentials should be an email address of "admin@" and a password of "admin123." If the provided credentials match these, then you forward the user tosuccess.jsp, if not to?failure.jsp. The code looks like this after you have used the generated code and added the needed lines:/* forward name="success" path="" */ private static final String SUCCESS = "success"; private static final String FAILURE = "failure"; /** * This is the action called from the Struts framework. * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance. * @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request. * @param request The HTTP Request you are processing. * @param response The HTTP Response you are processing. * @throws java.lang.Exception * @return */ @Override public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { LoginActionForm data = (LoginActionForm)form; String email = data.getEmail(); String pass = data.getPass(); if ((email.equals("admin@")) && (pass.equals("admin"))){ return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS); } else { return mapping.findForward(FAILURE); } }Configure the Forwards EntriesAs you can see, your action class contains two forwarding conditions,?SUCCESS?and?FAILURE. In this section, you configure these forwards in the?struts-config.xml?file as follows (Without these configurations, Struts will not know what JSP pages to associate to the forwarding conditions. You know that?SUCCESS?should be associated to?success.jsp?and?FAILURE?to?failure.jsp, and now Struts will also know that.):In?struts-config.xml, right-click anywhere in the action entry for?LoginActionForm?and choose?Struts | Add Forward?from the contextual menu (notice that in this contextual menu you have an entire set of Struts components that can be added through the IDE wizards).In the?Forward Name?section, type "success." In the?Resource File, type?/success.jsp?or use the?Browse?button to navigate to this page (see Figure 7). Click?Add.?Figure :?Add a Struts ForwardRepeat this process for?FAILURE, but select the?/failure.jsp?page and type "failure" in the?Forward Name?section. Now, in?struts-config.xml, you should have this:<action input="/login.jsp" name="LoginActionForm" path="/login" scope="request" type="com.myapp.struts.LoginAction"> <forward name="success" path="/success.jsp"/> <forward name="failure" path="/failure.jsp"/></action>Implementing the?Validate?Method of the LoginActionFormBottom of?LoginActionForm, you have a?validate?method generated by the IDE (you will find a comment there, which you have to uncomment first). This method allows you to put more reusable validation in?ActionForm?and return non-empty?ActionErrors?from?validate?to trigger redisplay of input data.Next, you add a basic validation over the provided login credentials:@Override public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); if (getEmail() == null || getEmail().length() < 6) { errors.add("wrongemail", new ActionMessage("", "This email")); } if (getPass() == null || getPass().length() < 5) { errors.add("wrongpass", new ActionMessage("errors.minlength", "Password", "6")); } return errors; }Output:?Figure:?Running the Login Application SampleResult:Thus the simple MVC application that displays a login page and returns a success page upon submitting data that passes validation executed successfully.2.1.1. HTTP REQUESTAim:To write a java socket program to demonstrate HTTP Request.Algorithm:Import all the necessary packagesCreate an URL to the server specifying the html pageGet the host and port details from the URLRequest the file from the server using GET method of HTTP RequestReceive the response from the serverDisplay the response on the consoleProgram:HTTP SERVER:(*;import .*;import java.lang.*;public class https{ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { ServerSocket ssoc=new ServerSocket(1111); System.out.println("Server waits for client:\n"); Socket so=ssoc.accept(); System.out.println("client connected to Server :\n"); BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(so.getInputStream())); PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(so.getOutputStream(),true); BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; int ch;do{ ch=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); String file; byte line[]=null; File f; switch(ch) { case 1: System.out.println("1.head"); file=br.readLine(); f=new File(file); int index=file.lastIndexOf("."); String type=file.substring(index+1); pw.println(type); long length=f.length(); pw.println(length); break; case 2: System.out.println(""); file=br.readLine(); System.out.println("message from client:\n");System.out.println(file);break;case 3: System.out.println("3.get"); file=br.readLine(); FileInputStream fs=new FileInputStream(file); while(fs.available()!=0) {if(fs.available()<1024) line=new byte[fs.available()];else line=new byte[1024];; file=new String(line); pw.println(file);}pw.println("***");fs.close();break; case 4: System.out.println("4.delete");file=br.readLine();f=new File(file);f.delete();break;default: System.out.println("5.exit");System.exit(0);}}while(ch<=4);so.close();ssoc.close();}}HTTP CLIENT: (*;import .*;import java.lang.*;public class httpc{ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Socket soc=new Socket("localhost",1111); BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(soc.getInputStream())); PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(soc.getOutputStream(),true); BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.println("server is connected:\n"); int ch; do { System.out.println("COMMANDS"); System.out.println("\n 1.head \n \n 3.get \n4.delete\n 5.exit");System.out.println("ENTER UR CHOICE:"); ch=Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); byte line[]=null; String file; switch(ch) { case 1:pw.println("1"); file=in.readLine();pw.println(file);String type=br.readLine();String length=br.readLine();System.out.println("FILE:"+file+"\nTYPE:"+type+"\nLEN GTH:"+length);break; case 2: pw.println("2"); System.out.println("enter text to post"); file=in.readLine(); pw.println(file); System.out.println("text is posted at server");break; case 3:pw.println("3"); System.out.println("enter file name to get"); file=in.readLine(); pw.println(file); System.out.println("enter file name to save:"); file=in.readLine(); FileOutputStream fs=new FileOutputStream(file); while(true) { String s=br.readLine(); if(s.equals("***")) break; int count=s.length(); if(count<1024) line=new byte[1024]; line=s.getBytes(); fs.write(line); } fs.close(); System.out.println("\n file successfully tranfered:"); break; case 4: pw.println("4"); System.out.println("enter the file to delete:"); file=in.readLine(); pw.println(file); System.out.println("given file deleted:"); break; default: pw.println("5"); System.exit(0);} } while(ch<=4); soc.close(); }}OUTPUT:HTTP SERVER:HTTP CLIENT:Result:Thus the java socket program to demonstrate HTTP Request has been executed successfully.2.1.2 FTP – FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOLAim:To write a java program to demonstrate a simple FTP operation.Algorithm:Procedure:FTP Client:Step 1: Establish a connection with the server at a particular portStep 2: Specify the name of the file to be readStep 3: Receive the contents of the file from the serverFTP Server:Step 1: Accept the connection with the clientStep 2: Listen to the port for the name of the file to be sentStep 3: Send the file character by characterStep 4: Terminate the connectionProgram:FTP SERVER:( .*;import*;public class ftpserver{public static void main(String args[]){Socket s;ServerSocket server;FileInputStream fis;BufferedReader br;PrintWriter pw;String filename;int c;try{server = new ServerSocket(1111);System.out.println("Server waitfor for connection:\n");s = server.accept();System.out.println("Connection established:\n");br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));pw = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream());filename = br.readLine();fis = new FileInputStream(filename);while ((!=-1){ pw.print((char)c);pw.flush();}System.out.println(filename + " copied to destnation");s.close();}catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}}}FTP CLIENT:( .*;import*;public class ftpclient{public static void main (String args[]){Socket s;BufferedReader in, br;PrintWriter pw;String spath,dpath;FileOutputStream fos;int c;try{s = new Socket ("localhost",1111);in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (s.getInputStream()));pw = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(), true);System.out.println("\nEnter Sourcepath to copy file : ");spath = in.readLine();System.out.println("\nEnter DestinationPath to transfer : ");dpath = in.readLine();fos = new FileOutputStream(dpath);pw.println (spath);while ((!=-1){fos.write((char)c);fos.flush();}System.out.println("File trasfer completed:\n");}catch (Exception e){System.out.println(e);}}}OUTPUT:Result:Thus the java program to demonstrate a simple FTP operation has been executed successfully. 2.1.3. SMTP-SIMPLE MAIL TRANSFER PROTOCOLAim:To write a java socket program to implement a simple SMTP client.Algorithm:Step 1: Import all necessary packagesStep 2: Establish a connection with the serverStep 3: Read the acceptance from the serverStep 4: Say HELO to the serverStep 5: Read the greeting from the serverStep 6: Send sender address to serverStep 7: Read the verification of sender from serverStep 8: Send recipient address to serverStep 9: Read the verification of recipient from serverStep 10: Send DATA command to the serverStep 11: Read the start indication from serverStep 12: Send the message to the serverStep 13: Read the acceptance of message from serverStep 14: Close the connectionProgram:/*import the packages needed for email and gui support*/import .*;import*;importjava.awt.*;importjava.awt.event.*;/*** This class defines methods that display the gui and handle the sending of*mails to the Mail server. */public class SMTP extends WindowAdapter implements ActionListener {private Button sendBut = new Button("Send Message");private Label fromLabel = new Label(" From : ");private Label toLabel = new Label(" To : ");private Label hostLabel = new Label("Host Name : ");private Label subLabel = new Label(" Subject : ");privateTextFieldfromTxt = new TextField(25);privateTextFieldtoTxt = new TextField(25);privateTextFieldsubTxt = new TextField(25);privateTextFieldhostTxt = new TextField(25);privateTextAreamsgTxt = new TextArea();private Frame clientFrame = new Frame("SMTP Client");/*** Constructor with takes no parameters.* this constructor displays the window for the user to assist in sending emails. */public SMTP() {clientFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1)); Panel p1 = new Panel();p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1)); Panel p11 = new Panel();p11.setLayout(new FlowLayout());p11.add(hostLabel);p11.add(hostTxt); Panel p12 = new Panel();p12.setLayout(new FlowLayout());p12.add(fromLabel);p12.add(fromTxt); Panel p13 = new Panel();p13.setLayout(new FlowLayout());p13.add(toLabel);p13.add(toTxt); Panel p14 = new Panel();p14.setLayout(new FlowLayout());p14.add(subLabel);p14.add(subTxt);p1.add(p11);p1.add(p12);p1.add(p13);p1.add(p14); Panel p2 = new Panel();p2.setLayout(new BorderLayout());p2.add(msgTxt,BorderLayout.CENTER); Panel p21 = new Panel();p21.setLayout(new FlowLayout());p21.add(sendBut);p2.add(p21,BorderLayout.SOUTH);clientFrame.add(p1);clientFrame.add(p2);clientFrame.setSize(400,500);clientFrame.setVisible(true);clientFrame.addWindowListener(this);sendBut.addActionListener(this); }/** * This method is triggered when the close button of a window * is closed. The method exits the application. */public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {clientFrame.setVisible(false);System.exit(1); } /** * This method is called in response to button clicks. * The method reads the message to be sent, packs it in * a Message object and sends it to the mail server. */public void actionPerformed(ActionEventae) {try { Socket s=new Socket(hostTxt.getText(),25);BufferedReaderbr=new BufferedReader(newInputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(),true);System.out.println("Connection is established");pw.println("HELLO");System.out.println(br.readLine());pw.println("MAIL From:"+fromTxt.getText());System.out.println(br.readLine());pw.println("RCPT To:"+toTxt.getText());System.out.println(br.readLine());pw.println("DATA");pw.println(msgTxt.getText()+"\n.\n");System.out.println(br.readLine());pw.println("QUIT");pw.flush();s.close();System.out.println("Mail has been sent...."); }catch(Exception e) { }System.out.println("Connection Terminated"); } /*** This is the main method . It instantiates an object of thisclass (SMTPClient) and adds listeners for the frame windowand the buttons used in the gui. */public static void main(String args[]) { SMTP client = new SMTP(); } }Result:Thus the Java socket program to implement a simple SMTP client has been executed successfully.2.1.4. POP3- Post Office ProtocolAim:To write a java socket program to implement a POP3 Client.Algorithm:Step 1: Get the host name, mailbox user name and password Step 2: Establish the connection with the serverStep 3: Get the number of messages Step 4: Retrieve a message whose number is specified by the user Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the user enters Q to quitProgram:import*;import .*;import java.applet.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.util.*;public class POPClient extends Frame implements ActionListener{TextField user,pass,host,msgno;TextArea msgta;Button signin,disp,prev,next,exit;int no_of_msg,n;String str;BufferedReader br1,br2;PrintWriter pw;Socket s=null;publicPOPClient(){super("POP");user=new TextField(20);pass=new TextField(20);host=new TextField(20);msgno=new TextField(20);msgta=new TextArea("",10,50);signin=new Button("LOGIN");disp=new Button("DISPLAY");next=new Button("NEXT");prev=new Button("PREVIOUS");exit=new Button("EXIT");no_of_msg=0;str=" "; n=0;Panel p1 = new Panel();Panel p2 = new Panel();Panel p3 = new Panel();Panel p4 = new Panel(); setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));setSize(400,400);p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1));Panel p11 = new Panel();p11.add(new Label("User Name : "));p11.add(user);Panel p12 = new Panel();p12.add(new Label("Password : "));p12.add(pass); Panel p13 = new Panel();p13.add(new Label("Host Name : "));p13.add(host);Panel p14 = new Panel();p14.add(signin); p1.add(p11);p1.add(p12);p1.add(p13);p1.add(p14);p3.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));p3.add(msgta);p4.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));Panel p41 = new Panel();p41.add(new Label("Enter message number :"));p41.add(msgno);Panel p42 = new Panel();p42.add(disp);p42.add(new Label(" "));p42.add(prev);Panel p43 = new Panel();p43.add(next);p43.add(new Label(" "));p43.add(exit);p4.add(p41);p4.add(p42);p4.add(p43);add(p1);add(p4);add(p3);setVisible(true);pass.setEchoChar('*');signin.addActionListener(this);disp.addActionListener(this);prev.addActionListener(this);next.addActionListener(this);exit.addActionListener(this);}public void actionPerformed(ActionEventae){try{if(ae.getSource()==signin){s=new Socket(host.getText(),110);br1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream())); pw=new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(),true);msgta.append(br1.readLine());System.out.println("1");pw.println("user "+user.getText());System.out.println("2");msgta.append("\n"+br1.readLine());pw.println("PASS "+pass.getText());System.out.println("3");msgta.append("\n"+br1.readLine());pw.println("list");str=br1.readLine();msgta.append("\n"+str);StringTokenizerst=new StringTokenizer(str);String tmpstr=st.nextToken();tmpstr=st.nextToken();no_of_msg=Integer.parseInt(tmpstr);while(!(br1.readLine().equals(".")));}if(ae.getSource()==disp){n=Integer.parseInt(msgno.getText());display();}if(ae.getSource()==next){n++;display();}if(ae.getSource()==prev){n--;display();}if(ae.getSource()==exit){if(s!=null)s.close();System.out.println("Connection terminated....");System.exit(1);}}catch(Exception c){System.out.println(c);}}void display() {msgta.setText("");msgno.setText(String.valueOf(n));if(n>0&&n<=no_of_msg) {System.out.println("N:"+n);pw.println("retr "+n);do {try {str=br1.readLine(); }catch (Exception e) {}System.out.println("msg"+str);msgta.append("\n"+str);}while(!str.equals(".")); }elsemsgta.setText("You have "+no_of_msg+" mails"); }public static void main(String args[]){POPClient p=new POPClient();}}Result:Thus the java socket program to implement a POP3 Client has been executed successfully.3.1.3. Web Application Using SpringAim:To Implement a simple program using Spring. Procedure:Creating a Spring Web MVC Skeleton ProjectStart by creating a new project for a web application using the Spring Framework.Choose New Project from the IDE's File menu. Select the Java Web category, then under Projects select Web Application. Click Next.In Project Name, type in?HelloSpring. Click Next.In Step 3: Server and Settings, deselect the Enable Contexts and Dependency Injection option. Confirm that the GlassFish server is selected in the Server drop-down list. Click Next.In Step 4, the Frameworks panel, select Spring Web MVC.Select?Spring Framework 3.x?in the Spring Library drop-down list.?Deselect JSTL option.Click the Configuration tab and note that the wizard enables you to specify the name and mapping of the Spring Dispatcher servlet.?Click Finish. Implementing a ServiceClick the New File (??) button in the IDE's toolbarSelect the?Java?category, then select?Java Class?and click Next.In the New Java Class wizard that displays, type in?HelloService?for Class Name, and enter?service?for Package Name to create a new package for the class.Click Finish. The IDE creates the new class and opens it in the editor.The?HelloService?class performs a very simple service. It takes a name as a parameter, and prepares and returns a?String?that includes the name. In the editor, create the following?sayHello()?method for the class (changes in?bold).public class HelloService { public static String sayHello(String name) { return "Hello " + name + "!"; }}Implementing the Controller and ModelOpen the New File wizard by pressing Ctrl-N. Under Categories select?Spring Framework; under File Types select?Simple Form Controller.??Click Next.Name the class?HelloController?and create a new package for it by typing?controller?in the Package text field. Click Finish. The IDE creates the new class and opens it in the editor.Specify controller properties by uncommenting the setter methods that display by default in the class template. To uncomment the code snippet, highlight the code as in the image below, then press Ctrl-/ .??Pressing Ctrl-/ toggles comments in the editor.Make changes as follows (shown in?bold).public HelloController() { setCommandClass(Name.class); setCommandName("name"); setSuccessView("helloView"); setFormView("nameView"); }Note that an error is flagged for?Name?in the?setCommandClass()?method:You now need to create the?Name?class as a simple bean to hold information for each request.In the Projects window, right-click on the project node and choose New > Java Class. The New Java Class wizard displays.Enter?Name?for the Class Name, and for Package select?controller?from the drop-down list.Click Finish. The?Name?class is created and opens in the editor.For the?Name?class, create a field named?value, then create accessor methods (i.e., getter and setter methods) for this field. Start by declaring the?value?field:public class Name { private String value; }In the editor, right-click on?value?and choose Insert Code. In the popup menu, choose Getter and Setter.?In the dialog that displays, select the?value : String?option, then click OK. The?getValue()?and?setValue()?methods are added to the?Name?class:public String getValue() { return value;}public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; }Choose?HelloController?to switch back to the?HelloController?class. Delete the?doSubmitAction()?method and uncomment the?HYPERLINK "" \l "setFormView(java.lang.String)"onSubmit()?method. The?onSubmit()?method enables you to create your own?ModelAndView, which is what is required here. Make the following changes:@Overrideprotected ModelAndView onSubmit( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) throws Exception { Name name = (Name) command; ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(getSuccessView()); mv.addObject("helloMessage", helloService.sayHello(name.getValue())); return mv;}Fix import errors by right-clicking in the editor and choosing Fix Imports.?Note.?Confirm that?org.springframework.validation.BindException?and?org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView?are selected in the Fix All Imports dialog box.Click OK. The following import statement is added to the top of the file:import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;Within?HelloController, declare a private field named?HelloService:private HelloService helloService;Then create a public setter method for the field:public void setHelloService(HelloService helloService) { this.helloService = helloService;}Finally, right-click in the editor and choose Fix Imports. The following statement is added to the top of the file:import service.HelloService;All errors should now be fixed.Register?HelloService?in?applicationContext.xml. Open?applicationContext.xml?in the editor and enter the following bean declaration:<bean name="helloService" class="service.HelloService" />Register?HelloController?in?dispatcher-servlet.xml. Open?dispatcher-servlet.xml?in the editor and enter the following bean declaration:<bean class="controller.HelloController" p:helloService-ref="helloService"/>Implementing the ViewsTo implement the view for this project, you need to create two JSP pages. The first, which you will call?nameView.jsp, serves as the welcome page and allows users to input a name. The other page,?helloView.jsp, displays a greeting message that includes the input name. Begin by creating?helloView.jsp.In the Projects window, right-click the WEB-INF >?jsp?node and choose New > JSP. The New JSP File wizard opens. Name the file?helloView.Click Finish. The new JSP page is created in the?jsp?folder and opens in the editor.In the editor, change the file's title to?Hello, and change the output message to retrieve the?helloMessage?of the?ModelandView?object that is created inHelloController.<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Hello</title></head><body> <h1>${helloMessage}</h1></body>Create another JSP page in the same manner?as above, but name it?nameView.In the editor, add the following Spring tag library declaration to?nameView.jsp.<%@taglib uri="" prefix="spring" %>This imports the?Spring tag library, which contains tags useful when implementing views as JSP pages.Change the contents of the?<title>?and?<h1>?tags to read:?Enter Your Name.Enter the following code beneath the?<h1>?tags:<spring:nestedPath path="name"> <form action="" method="post"> Name: <spring:bind path="value"> <input type="text" name="${status.expression}" value="${status.value}"> </spring:bind> <input type="submit" value="OK"> </form></spring:nestedPath>spring:bind?allows you to bind a bean property. The bind tag provides a bind status and value, which you use as the name and value of the input fieldspring:nestedPath?enables you to prepend a specified path to a bean. So, when used with?spring:bind?as shown above, the path to the bean becomes:name.value..In the Projects window, right-click the project node and choose Properties. The Project Properties dialog displays. Under Categories select Run. In the Relative URL field, type in?/hello.htm, then click OK.?At this moment you may wonder where the mapping of?hello.htm?to?HelloController?is located. You have not added a mapping to the?urlMapping?bean, as is the case for?index.htm, the skeleton project's welcome page. This is possible with a bit of Spring magic provided by the following bean definition in?dispatcher-servlet.xml:<bean class=""/>This bean is responsible for automatically creating an URL mapping for all controllers registered in the file. It takes the fully-qualified class name of the controller (in our case,?controller.HelloController) and strips the package name and?Controller?suffix, then uses the result as a URL mapping. Therefore, forHelloController?it creates a?hello.htm?mapping. This magic however does not work for controllers that are included in the Spring Framework, such asParameterizableViewController. They require an explicit mapping.In the Projects window right-click the project node and choose Run. This compiles, deploys and runs the project. Your default browser opens, displaying?hello.htm?as the project's?nameView:?Output:?Result:Thus a simple web?MVC?application using the?Spring Framework has been executed successfully. ................

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