JAVA & J2EE Syllabus

JAVA & J2EE Syllabus


1. Getting Started with Java SE

o What is Java?  

o Installing Java: 

o The jdk Directory Structure: 

o Sdk structures

o OOPS Concept: 

o Java Language:

o Java Virtual Machine: 

o World Wide Web and Java: 

o Java Platforms:

2. First Java Programs:

o Writing your first Java program "Hello, World", your first small step towards learning Java 

o Program Structure:

o Output in Java:

o Variables and Expressions: 

3. Datatypes and Variables

o Primitive Datatypes:

o Variable Names:

o Numeric Literals:

o Character Literals:

o String:

o String Literals:

o Arrays: 


4. Introduction to Objects: 

o Object Models:

o Classes and Objects:

o Abstract methods and Classes:

o Input in Java:

o InputWrapper Class:

o Packages: 


5. Data Types and Operators:

o Strong Typing

o Integer Data Types

o Floating Point

o Conversions Between Types:

o Arithmetic Operators:

o Doing Math in Java:

o Precedence

o Errors in Integer Arithmetic


6. Control Flow:  


7. Booleans and Enumerations:    


8. Loops and Program Flow:

9. Object-Oriented Programming 

o Classes and Objects:

o Fields and Methods:

o Encapsulation

o Access Control

o Inheritance:

o Polymorphism

o Interface: 

o Best Practices


10. Methods:

o Methods

o Calling Methods

o Defining Methods

o Method Parameters

o Method Overriding

o Method Overloading


11. Characters and Strings:

o Char Data Type

o Character Codes

o ASCII and Unicode

o String Class:

o String Input and Output

o String Methods:   


12. Modular Programming 

o Monolithic Programs

o Static Variables and Methods: 

o Functional Modularity

o Object Modularity

o Top-Down and Bottom-Up Development

o Pass-By-Value and Pass-By-Reference

o Nested Classes

13. Exception Handling and More Flow Control:

o Exceptions Overview:

o Exceptions:

o Declaring Exceptions

o Defining and Throwing Exceptions:

o Errors and Runtime Exceptions

o Catching Exceptions:

o The finally Block:

o Exception Methods

o I/O Exceptions vs. Runtime Exceptions  

14. Input/Output Streams

o Overview of Streams

o Bytes vs. Characters

o Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams

o File Object

o Binary Input and Output

o Print Writer Class

o Reading and Writing Objects

o Basic and Filtered Streams


15. Core Collection Classes

o The Collections Framework:

o The Set Interface:

o Set Implementation Classes:

o The List Interface: 

o List Implementation Classes :

o The Queue Interface : 

o Queue Implementation Classes :

o Implementing a Stack:

o The Map Interface:

o Map Implementation Classes: 


16. Collection Sorting and Tuning:

o New Features in JSE 6:

o Changing in I/O(JSE 6):

o Using Java 6.0 Features with Collections:

o Sorting with Comparable

o Sorting with Comparator

o Sorting Lists and Arrays: 

o Collections Utility Methods

o Tuning Array List

o Navigable Map and Navigable Set:

o Tuning Hash Map and Hash Set:  


17. Inner Classes

o Inner Classes

o Member Classes

o Local Classes

o Anonymous Classes

o Instance Initializes

o Static Nested Classes


18. Introduction to Threads:

o Overview of thread:

o Life Cycle of thread:

o Creating Threads:

o Multithreading:

o Deadlock:

o Inter-Thread Communication:

o Thread States

o Runnable Threads

o Coordinating Threads

o Interrupting Threads

o Runnable Interface

o Thread Groups


19. Packages:

o Packages:

o The import Statement

o Static Imports

o CLASSPATH and Import

o Defining Packages

o Package Scope


20. Advanced Java Features 

o Reusable Software Components

o Abstraction

o Inheritance:

o Inheritance Hierarchies:

o Polymorphism

o Abstract Classes:

o Interfaces:

o Collections: 

o Iterators:

o Auto-Boxing


21. Introduction to JDBC: 

o Features of JDBC 3.0:

o Features of JDBC 4.0: 

o New Features in JDBC 4.0: 

o Difference between JDBC 3.0 and JDBC 4.0:

o The JDBC Connectivity Model: 

o Database Programming:

o Connecting to the Database: 

o Creating a SQL Query:

o Getting the Results:

o Updating Database Data:     


22. JDBC SQL Programming: 

o Error Checking and the SQLException Class

o The SQLWarning Class

o JDBC Driver Types:

o ResultSetMetaData: 

o Using a Prepared Statement:

o Parameterized Statements

o Stored Procedures: 

o Transaction Management

J2EE Syllabus

Advance JDBC Programming:

Overview of Database Driver Architecture(

Introduction to JDBC Standard Extension API (javax.sql)(

Connection Pooling(

JDBC Programming with ORACLE, MYSQL, etc.(

Batch Processing(

Connecting to non-conventional databases(

Use of Excel API(

Database cashing (case study with HSDB,CSQL)(

Working with Multiple Databases(

Introduction to J2EE

J2EE Overview(

Why J2EE?(

J2EE Architecture(


J2EE Containers(

Java Server Technologies


Web Application Basics.(

Architecture and challenges of Web Application.(

Introduction to servlet(

Servlet life cycle(

Developing and Deploying Servlets(

Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml).(

Handling Request and Response(

Initializing a Servlet(

Accessing Database(

Servlet Chaining(

Session Tracking( & Management

Dealing with cookies(

Transferring Request(

Accessing Web Context(

Passing INIT and CONTEXT Parameter(

Sharing information using scope object(

Controlling concurrent access(

User Authentication(

Filtering Request and Response(

Programming Filter(

Filter Mapping(

Servlet Listeners(

Java Server Pages Technology (JSP)

Basic JSP Architecture(

Life Cycle of JSP (Translation, compilation)(

JSP Tags and Expressions(

Role of JSP in MVC-2(

JSP with Database(

JSP Implicit Objects(

Tag Libraries(

JSP Expression Language (EL)(

Using Custom Tag(

JSP Capabilities:

Exception Handling(

Session Management(


JSP with Java Bean(

RMI (Remote Method Invocation)

RMI overview

RMI architecture

Example demonstrating RMI

Enterprise JAVA Beans (EJB)

Enterprise Bean overview(

Types of enterprise beans(

Advantages of enterprise beans(

The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans(

Working with Session Beans(

Statefull vs. Stateless Session Beans(

Working with Entity Beans(

Message Driven Beans(

JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)

JNDI overview(


Context operations(

Using JNDI in J2EE applications(

Struts Framework:

What is Struts?(

Struts Architecture(

Struts classes - ActionForward, ActionForm,(

ActionServlet, Action classes

Understanding struts-config.xml(

Understanding Action Mappings(

Struts flow with an example application(

Struts Tiles Framework.(

Struts Validation Framework(

Internationalizing Struts Application(

Struts with Message Resources(

Awareness to Other J2EE Technologies:

Java Mail(


Web Services(






Spring Framework(

Design Pattern


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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